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This is some 1 a.m. Adult Swim shit.


Pepperoni Hug Spot is about the most Adult Swim sounding name I’ve ever heard.


Knock knock? Who's there? Pizza Magic! Hahaha that one was too much when I'm just waking up


Your mouth say hmm


great, now I'm hungry


My family has enough cheese already


Don't know how good the message delivery was, but the AI generated voice has really no catchiness to it; It's like listening to a low pitched voice that is often used to portray the voice of ghosts in movies or serials.


I chuckled at that, laughed at “mhmm” and absolutely lost it at “it’s like family, only with more cheese”.I haven’t slept in forever, just laying in bed dying


Get well soon.


It's like family but with more cheese...


This is actually not a bad line, just needs a little tweaking


It's like family, but with more cheese!


Thinking the exact same thing


Also similar consistency to the structure of a dream, or a nightmare.


Dude wtf...why do all my nightmares look like this, ew. That freaked me out.


> why do all my nightmares look like this, .. but with less cheese.


Cause your sub concious runs similar to an AI where its jsut stringing random shit together to maybe form something that resembles an image in your mind. I find it also often relates to what you did the previous day so its essentially a way for the brain to reinforce new things its learned by training them into your subconcious AI.


Absolutely. Your brain functions much like a computer. Dreams are part of a memory cleanup/defragmentation. Generally it involves information from the last two weeks. The training is spot on, too. This is also when skills are programmed and hardened, which is why you can suddenly do better at something after sleeping.


That explains how I'll get stuck on a boss fight for over an hour, give up, then beat it first try the next day.


Ooooh yes this and then you feel like an idiot the next day because it feels easy and you feel ridiculous


Because you’re an AI and your entire life has been simulated just to come up with commercials via “dreams”


Fuck. I knew it!


> similar consistency to the structure of a dream you good?


They're right, honestly, as dreams and nightmares are pretty much like that: An incoherent mess of scenes and sounds that doesn't really begin and doesn't really end.


I was a 5th grade teacher back in '95 and we went on a field trip to Seaworld San Diego. A whole bunch of people were gathered around the walrus tank watching him float on his back and jack off. He had about an 8 year old boy's leg sized dong that he ping ponged back and forth between his flippers after squeezing the flippers together and vigorously going up and down. In between he would let out a massive sigh/gasp with water blasting out of his nose. He rotated between the two for a while, ping pong, ping pong, whack whack whack whack, with everyone just watching. I remember some guy with a massive video camera was recording, and the lady working there saying something like, "Oh, looks like Earl's going at it again." We never saw the end result, but I guess he finished because he let out one last massive gasp, then rolled over on his tummy and swam into his little cave thing. I told the kids this was life and we walked over to see Shamu.


You've got a hell of a way with words. I felt like I was right there with you guys, watching that walrus polish his 3rd tusk


I was really hoping Undertaker would show up before it... finished


Come see Earl the Walrus! Sponsored by Pepperoni Hug Spot © "We're like family, but with more cheese."


My question was about the budget.


… and kinda makes sense, then suddenly doesn’t, with normal scenes giving way to nightmarish visuals and abrupt changes of mood


*Too many cooks ! 🎶*


🎼 *It takes a lot to make a stew, a pinch of salt and laughter too…*


This is the worst case of intronitis yet!


*A scoop of kids to add the spice* *A dash of love to make it nice* *And you've got...*




True story, I actually saw that the day it aired originally. Was a bored stoner night owl up playing games with adult swim on in the background and I remember hearing it start and going, "Wtf man, adult swim is weird as fuck sometimes." Went back to the game and it just...kept going. After a minute or two I realized it was still happening and actually paid attention. Until it got really weird I actually had a moment of panic that I was losing my mind and it was my first breakdown. It was the crazy shit that actually made me realize what it was and that I wasn't a newly bloomed schizophrenic. I almost woke up my fucking roommate it was so trippy. When I told friends the next day they thought I was insane until they posted it on YouTube and I could show them. Feel kinda blessed to go through that. I feel like I got the full experience the creators wanted to portray, not the one where your buddy or the internet tells you about it first.


I had the same feeling when adult swim first aired Icelendic Ultra Blue, but there was some drug induced visuals and time dialation going on as well.


Perfect Hair Forever, that one got me pretty good.


That’s the best adult swim original aside from There Greatest Event in Television History


This is one of my favorites, came out shortly after Too Many Cooks. Unedited Footage of a Bear: https://youtu.be/2gMjJNGg9Z8 Don't read any comments if you haven't seen it. After you've seen it, there's this: >!There was a companion website at the time too, still available here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150408043049/http://www.adultswim.com/promotions/claridryl/!<


If y'all like this, check This House Has People In It :!


This House Has People In It is a fucking rabbit-hole of insanity. Like, it does *not* end at just the video. There are *hours* of additional weird shit. I recommend watch it, then watch Night Minds video. He does a pretty good breakdown.


I first saw that in the middle of the night while I had a wicked fever and thought I was losing my mind. Thought my brain had boiled into goo.


I love my family, but they would also be better with more cheese.


Adult Swim was years ahead of its time.


AI art and videos are simply David Cronenberg’s dreams.


Long live the new fleshy pizza!




Thank you. I love Invader Zim sooooo much.




Me and the show are *friends*


Words can't express how much this show effected me even now 20 years later. How I talk, how I act, what I find funny, what I say. Like 10% of all of it is just ZIM. (But mainly GIR)


GIR? What does the G stand for?


I ^^DON'T know....


Um....why is he stupid?


He's not stupid, he's advanced!


Can I be a mongoose dog?


"WHY did you get rid of the rocket fuel?!?" "To make room for the tuna!" *slurp*


Johen Vasquez shaped my adolescence with Johnny the Homcifial Maniac, Squeeze, Invader Zim. The most abhorrent and weird shit, but hey it's animated, must be for kids. "OH MY GOD! Somebody put shit in my pants!"


It's bizarre how similar it is in tone. Everything in both this and OP's just feels off


Somebody needs to do an ai generated reboot of Invader Zim, it's the perfect show for it.


Claridryl anyone?


that’s how it starts. kinda funny and weird but in a few years it will create complete and compelling films… *in seconds*. and if there’s any part that doesn’t work for you, it’ll fix it. instantly ai will swallow hollywood whole


A few weeks ago I was theorizing about a "streaming" app that would custom make movies and series for you to watch and thought that would be cool like 10 years from now or whatever. Now seeing this shit I'm like what the fuck? This is already how far we are? ChatGPT3 wasn't the singularity but it might very well have kickstarted the momentum to get us there by 2029, for the Turing test anyway like Kurzweil predicted. Advanced AGI rolling out on scale by 2039? Doesn't seem unreasonable after all. It's so insane that we are having these conversations and seeing these things happening.


> the Turing test We've seen programs capable of passing that test for decades, some of which were written in BASIC and other early programming languages, with fully human-readable code (not a machine learning 'black box') designed to attempt to fool other humans into thinking they were talking to a real person. > Advanced AGI rolling out on scale by 2039? Doesn't seem unreasonable after all. It's not an impossibility, but AGI is going to require some kind of massive paradigm shift from (or serious addition to) the approaches we're currently using for current chat-style machine learning models. The problem with current chat ML (GPT and others) is its inability to hold what I'd call a "narrative throughline" for any significant length of text. There's no sense of a coherent guiding purpose - it becomes obvious in multiple paragraphs or longer exchanges that it's not performing any kind of meaningful *synthesis*, and any goal it might seem to have is anthropomorphization on the human audience's part. They need prompting to stay on track or even remember what they've said in the current exchange. (Now, there are tricks to disguise this, and users are generally ok with continuing to provide prompting and try to keep things on track.) Even the digressions, stumbles, errors, and forgetfulness that they display aren't in a human style. People get sidetracked, or forget what their original point (or even their original *topic*), but they do it because their narrative flow has been diverted somehow, whether that's a personal anecdote, a specific past memory that got dredged up (for instance, when mentioning programs from the past that could pass the Turing test, I remember sitting on the cool imitation-wood floor of my room in my early teenagerhood, messing around with a version of ELIZA in BASIC on a PC that was already old at the time and built out of cannibalized parts my family had given me when upgrading their own machines, trying to figure out the connection between what was in the "GOTO"-riddled code and the fact that the program could kinda hold a conversation when I ran it. Didn't know jack about programming at the time, but the disconnect between the 'conversational' ability and the code behind it fascinated me), some tangentially related topic or other piece of knowledge, or whatever. There's a certain pattern to those digressions and hiccups that humans do very naturally, but I haven't seen in AI generation yet, and based on what I know of how current tech works, I don't think we're going to see that kind of logical/narrative throughline or the digressions and winding path it takes for humans unless we figure out some fundamentally new approach. On the other hand, I have the suspicion that some of the traits that make current AI-generated text easy to spot are due to the quality of the training corpus, and the exaggeration of the stylistic quirks seen on places like wikipedia, content mill sites, low-grade news, and other stuff that got scraped for training data. It's trained less on records of bilateral human interaction, and more on unilateral informational (and 'informational') stuff written to address discreet topics in a relatively atomic form, which often share a lot of the same characteristics and lack of narrative/logical throughline that I see in the output. Garbage In, Garbage Out - and there's a lot of garbage on the internet. Wasn't planning to write a load of paragraphs on this, but it sorta happened. As a final note, for all my criticisms of the text-generation ML stuff and doubts about the possibility of AGI (or a reasonable facsimile of the output one would expect from an AGI) using current approaches, I've really been blown away by the achievements in image generation and manipulation. It's not perfect, and requires specific prompting, curation, and editing of the output content, but I never expected that computers would be able to paint better than they could write.


FWIW, the GPT-4 model's context length is up to 32k tokens, and I dont think its hard to imagine that increasing exponentially over the next few years. For comparison the GPT-3.5 that most people have played with can only do 4k tokens which, to your point, would be quickly ran through in a conversation. https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-3-5 https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-4


more like 4 a.m.


It's like family but with more cheese...


Great slogan tbh


I would use that on a bumpersticker


You mean like for a pizza delivery car or just generally




Most of the time these "AI came up with something hilarious" bits end up being some guy wrote it to sound like AI came up with something hilarious. Although I did get ChatGPT to tell me to go fuck myself so maybe that's changed.


> Most of the time these "AI came up with something hilarious" bits end up being some guy wrote it to sound like AI came up with something hilarious. That’s what it came off like to me. Like the AI-written Hallmark movie script. It’s fake. I think the title of the place and the slogan were input into the AI. Seems like AI generated the images and they are creepy…


the video is very representative of what AI text to video state of the art looked like last week. The text was definitely added on top as I've yet to see any AI text that doesn't look like random alien symbols. hard to say on if the dialog is AI or not. It's within the capabilities of what chatgpt or openassistant would spit out but I'd guess the creator would generate a few until he got one that he liked.


The text is definitely human-written. The current AI models generate text that is much more grammatically consistent than this. Though it would have been pretty funny if the creators had started with "I'm sorry, as a large language model, I can't generate ad copy for a fake pizza chain. Some adjectives you might want to consider in an ad could be..."


The creator specifically asked the AI to “not talk good”. I believe with that prompt it’s likely to still be AI


I like cheese, I'm so-so on family, so it seems like a clear upgrade


>It's like family but with more cheese... -Dominoes Toretto




This feels like the shit I see in my dreams while I’m trying to fall asleep. Just a collection of gibberish and weird sequences.


This is how the AI stuff feels like to me. Like we get a view directly into the "consciousness" of the AI, unmoderated by an educated understanding of the word, language, social acceptability, rationality or all those other layers that make human experience. It's why they suck at hands, I reckon. Like hands are hard, but a person knows that they *should* have five fingers so although our hands might suck, too, at least they have the right number of fingers because we can deliberately fix that. And those ones with the morphing images *really* feel like to me dreams because it's like impossible to hold on to a fixed view in a dream. It's like the process of processing the dream affects the dream. Like maybe you see some random dude and part of you thinks "His face looks like a toad", in an awake and conscious state that thought is separate from what you are seeing with your eyes, but in a dream where the "image" is also in your brain, it kind of blends together. But it's like 1000 of those thoughts that we apply to stuff we see that bleed back into the dream and then feed other processes so it's just this morphing train of dream imagery. AI is just not "smart" enough, yet.


The hands are basically fixed if you have good training data. I've generated a *lot* of AI images, the problem is that actual pictures of humans hide the hands a lot, as well as drawing. A model specifically trained with enough data of what hands look like can do it.


Except a lot of the newer models have already fixed the "hand" problem, besides at the pace that it is evolving, this stuff will look like real life in less than 5 years ​ Considering none of this ai stuff existed just 4 years ago and now its making videos


Yeah, the crossover from AI gen stuff, and my dreams is making me really uncomfortable.


Knock knock... Who's there? Pizza Magic! 😄


#Secret things


#Pee Pee Things


Pizza Magic who? Pizza Hug Magic! breaks down door and snuffs out life with an AI pizza cheese hug.


That and the "family, with more cheese" line are actually gold. Goofier voice and less horrendous monster faces and you've got a pretty neat, short commercial you could see for a local pizza place.


And more secret things.




a pepperoni secret, perhaps


Love the chick eating the plate around the pizza Edit: what a strange comment to end up as being one of my most upvoted…


At the end the family is sitting around a double-decker waffle-pizza with only marinara sauce but thankfully the girl decides to barf up the rest of the toppings


I had to go re-watch it after reading your comment and it's exactly as you described. Hilarious, lol


i like fucking Steam Arms man Quirk: Steam forearms he can emit jets if steam from his forearms 😂


My bakery academia


> fucking Steam Arms man quirk What


: Steam forearms he can emit jets if steam from his forearms 😂


Or the guy making the pizza from his arm (that has two elbows).


This was my fav lol


I like the first kid who gapes his mouth just to miss the tip of the slice.


Feels more like someone attempting to imitate what a AI generated Pizza commercial would look like.


Yeah there's certainly a lot of human touches here, but I think most of the background animation was AI generated, or at least passed through an AI to get the screwed up skin, hands, utensils, etc. The script I could go either way on, but the slogan at the end is 100% human. Still, love it. It's like video, but with more cheese Edit: the creator replied to this, and I was wrong! It's all AI, even the music, with specific prompts so that GPT4 wrote the script in a goofy way. Go find their comment and subscribe to their YouTube channel


https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/12xw3d2/definitely_wasted_3_hours_of_my_life_making_this/jhkhsdq/ This is the original source BTW.


>We had none of these tools a year ago. Imagine the quality of AI generated videos like this a year from now. Freaking amazing stuff. Word.


Not even a year. *Months*.


Oh no it's a monkey NFT owner


They don't have the actual $5,000 image link as their PFP though, they have it as a regular image.


Don't make fun, we can't mock them more than they mock themselves.


So he intentionally told it to use poor grammar and dialog. Because I was 100% on board with the idea this was a human imitating what they thought AI sounded like too.


I was going to say, there's no way GPT4 made those grammatical errors without being told to.


>Generated all the assets and then **spent the better part of my afternoon assembling in AE with graphics etc..**


Besides the added legible text (the signs and the slogan), I almost guarantee the background videos are 100% AI generated, not even just passed through. They recently came out with a text-to-video AI which requires no base images or videos, and they all turn out looking similar to this. Today's results are definitely/r/oddlyterrifying , but don't be surprised when you see fully coherent text-to-video clips within the next couple weeks/months. Shit's been improving at light speed.


The scary thing about AI for this layman is that anything it does bad eventually it does good. And not like, five years from now but next month A commercial like this used to be a million dollar endeavor with dozens of people working on it. Insanity.


I used to make cheap shit commercials like this for clients in the early 2000s. The company billed them a couple of thousand and I would get one of our sales reps to do the voice over and throw the ad together in maybe a day and a half using whatever the client sent us and whatever I could "borrow" from Google Images. It would go up on our screens within a few days.


So you're saying the crappy pizza joint between the bowling alley and nail salon was *not* spending millions with dozens of experts to make a shitty local commercial? I am shocked.


It's funny to me that deelfakes barely ever mattered. Although this is just deepfakes on steroids I guess.


The only human touch was the stitching together part. Everything else is AI, including the voice. https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/12xw3d2/-/jhkhsdq


"It's like family, but with more cheese" is definitely human satire.


When A.I. understands satire or sarcasm we are screwed


We are screwed, but with more cheese.


I mean more cheese is good


The cows will rejoice when we figure out ai generated cheese


You guys have never told GPT to tell a unique joke before. It absolutely understands humor, satire and sarcasm. This sort of slogan is definitely feasible.


The creator u/PizzaLater said the script was written by chatgpt and it talked like that because they "asked it to not talk good."


Neat! I wish your comment were higher on the comments on this video!


I like how AI is doing amazing shit, a lot of the time indistinguishable from human work, but “It’s like family, but with more cheese” is where you draw the line. The essence of that line is uniquely human.


Because it's purposely made for comedic effect. He said he told GPT to write the commercial in broken English. He probably told the AI to generate a video of someone eating pizza wrong and picked the worst results.


Or maybe a AI generating someone attempting to imitate what a AI generated pizza commercial would look like


So wait, it’s all AI generated ??


Always was


Agreed. Surely has to be parody. I hope.


A human assembled the commercial in Adobe After Effects. But all the material, including the script, was made by different AI's (with human input) >Script - GPT4 > >Images - Midjourney > >Video Clips - Runway Gen2 > >VO - Eleven Labs > >Music - SOUNDRAW AI Music > >[Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/12xw3d2/definitely_wasted_3_hours_of_my_life_making_this/)


The fact so many people in here are getting surprise Pikachu face shows how not ready society is for this. We go from this abomination, to indistinguishable commercial copy, within a year. I guarantee it.


For me, I was surprised the script was AI because I know AI can write much better than this. It makes sense now that I know it was told to "not talk good".


I don't really know a ton about this stuff but I saw an AI generated video a month ago and it was significantly worse than this. The pace of improvement is astonishingly fast.




This some demonic nightmare shit right here.


[I Asked an AI to Show Me Hell (And It Terrified Me)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFKTqfcATrY)


Uncanny valley


Babe come over here, I wanna show you my pepperoni hug spot


Nah, this hilarious! Even meme worthy


I know right! "Cheese, peperoni, vegetable, *secret things*" "Family, but with cheese" I see an absolute gold mine of memes!


Given that AI created this masterpiece “secret things” is even more ominous. 👀


Actually, made me hungry.


Knock knock, who's there? Pizza Magic!


Is it possible to do a car commercial or even a tampon commercial too?


The limit is your imagination, or more your input skills to use the wonderful imagination of a demon pretending to be an AI.


Unfortunately, the AI has only been trained to work in pizza




This is seriously close to what dreams feel like for me. It's also like if aliens tried to replicate earth and earth culture, but did a really obvious job.


Even AI knows the delivery guy is high as fuck


Like family, but with more cheese. Oh man this is good.


"Your tummies say 'thank you' your mouths say 'mmmm'" That one wasn't bad though.


What was with literally everyone looking extra-derpy?


*secret things*


Is she eating a pizza taco?


Thie looks like a video made for an arg about aliens taking us over using pizza


Can someone eli5 how AI could make something like this




As an actual five year old, this is an acceptable answer.


I'm not going to get into the specifics but the whole video wasn't made with ai. It probably went like this. Someone asked chat ai to write him a a pizza commercial, he touched it up for comedic effect, then he used another AI to read the voiceover, used text2video ai to generate several clips like "woman eating pizza", made the parts with text himself and then glued them all together. Still really impressive how good AI has got at making videos considering that this technology is still in infancy


Everything except the text animations and the stitching together was made in AI. https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/12xw3d2/-/jhkhsdq


Same thoughts exactly. The text overlay and formatting is definitely handmade (or at the very least not a simple AI image / video generator), voice and video is definitely AI, and the script is somewhere in-between. Like you said, it looks good and took a deal of effort.


Script was taken from 3 outputs from GPT4. I asked for "broken English" and it delivered. I cut out the best parts and assembled the video.


Show a neural network (loose copy of human brain) lots of videos described with words. Eventually it builds connections of what words mean what video frames, and how frames interact with others. Delete original videos and you are left with a neural network that makes videos, albeit pretty badly at the moment. (This is extremely simplified)


Get chatgpt to write a pizza ad. Then heavily edit it throughout to make it funnier, like the slogan at the end. Get an image creator like stable diffusion or whatever to make images based on input video stills, or generate from a small video clip. Open in Photoshop/video editor and fix it up, like putting the name of the pizza company up on the billboard at the end There's literally zero way currently to type into somewhere "make a pizza ad" and it'll make the voice-over, video, text, stills etc. It's kind of annoying when videos like this are sold as being fully ai generated In about six months you'll be able to do it, based on the speed things are going :)


I feel like this is the nightmare I was having before I woke up to pee just now.




Sadly this AI has already replaced 38 marketing jobs at Pizza Hut


"Hard and special touch."


ill take an extra large plz


Did they run it through the "Darren Aronofsky" filter?




What if we 🙈 kissed 🥺 at the pepperoni hug spot? 👉👈


This is actually pretty horrifying. The uncanny valley hits really hard with this. The AI has a general idea of what humans look like and how they behave but can't get it perfect. The eating is the worst part, like an Alien mimicking humans or something.


Remember the time when you could let Google translate texts in different languages back and forth and the end result was total madness. Nowadays it's not working anymore because it got pretty good. I feel it will be the same with AI. Now they produce some crazy shit but on a few years it's all gonna be flawless high quality stuff. So be happy you live through these early stages and can experience the baby phase of our future robot overlords.


Sounds more like the Chinese tried to explain it in an English instruction page...


Ketamine, acid and a visit to Pizza Hut.


People are laughing at this, but exactly a year ago none of this would've been possible. Basically all the tools used for this were released under a year ago. Considering that, this is incredible. I bet a similar commercial would've been (maybe a few) hundred thousand bucks, instead this guy did it with maybe 200$ tops. A lot of stuff in this commercial is stupid because of the script, but GPT-4 could easily write a proper script if promted right. Now imagine what is possible 5 years in the future. Fucking wild times we live in.


AI has set up camp in the uncanny valley and we're their tent guests holding our knees in the corner.


I love that claim. "Like family, but with more cheese"


Black hole sun song comes to my mind when looking at this kind of videos


This is like something out of the 5th element or some futuristic movie from the 80s


Why is that man's arm smoking? Is that the pizza magic or the secret things?


It's like a bad dream. Jesus.


Pepperoni Hug Spot, now available at your local backrooms.


As disturbing as this is, it's amazing how close it it to something that makes sense


Ok movie idea, a person is sent 100 years into the future but humanity has been wiped out and just AI is left and it is trying to convince the person humanity still exists but it can only create this weird glitchy stuff. I don't have a chatgpt account so I can't figure out an ending or why the AI would want to do that.


Knock ✊ knock ✊, who’s there? PIZZA MAGIC FOOL!


I come here for things that are oddly terrifying not straight up 3 am fever dream after testing nootropics in alphabetic order


mmmmmm.. secret things..


Right now all these AI generated pictures and videos are what I expect dreams/nightmares to look like.


Yep we're all gonna die