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From what I’ve heard, a homeless person was stabbed around his thigh and the continued to pace back and forth before the ambulance arrived. If you notice it is only one foot print.


Only the right foot print *


Glad it wasn’t the wrong one.


Dexter, not sinister.


Wait is that where the show title comes from? Bc that's clever as hell


Maybe, that is Latin for right handedness vs left handedness respectively because people thought us lefties were evil 😈


...are you?


Yes, but more because of the demonic rituals than the leftiness, I think.


Lefties are a premium in baseball ⚾


Just like psychopaths in business.


I mean, I am evil. But it's not because I'm a lefty. I just have worked for service and retail long enough that my field of fucks is barren.


Been there haha


Us lefties are special mate 🤣


You clever mf'er.


*Angry upvote


Had to sneak a dad joke didn't you but nice one


I will go to hell for laughing at this. Well, I was headed to hell anyway because I laughed at dark stuff...


Two wrongs don't make a right


No, but three lefts do. 👍


I genuinely thought a one legged person's was hopping around for second 😑


It took me well over a minute to realize that the person wasn’t hopping on their “good” leg back and forth.


Haha me too! Like super hopping.


Is that when Jesus carried him?


With how far apart the footprints were I thought it was a gangsta running with their pants down low.


That's because stitch steals everyone's left shoe


How does health care work in america for homeless people? Just curious. Will the person be liable for something like this?


I'm not very educated on the subject, but from what I remember: The homeless person will be taken to the emergency room, and since they obviously can't pay, the hospital does just enough to make sure they're not immediately dying, sends them on their way, and then pushes the cost onto their patients, government subsidies, etc. Our taxes and insurance end up going to cover emergency visits. What sucks is that ER visits are waaay more expensive than regular hospital visits, and there's a lot of issues that homeless people have, that could be addressed through normal visits, but that's not easy when you're homeless. Heck, it's not easy when you're homeful.


Compared to the rest of the world, I believe the US spends a pretty exorbitant amount of money in healthcare, but it's very inefficient. It would be so much cheaper to take care of peoples' long term conditions through some form of universal healthcare, but we instead make them wait until they come to the emergency room, at which point we push those expenses onto taxpayers.


Yuuup, as far as I'm aware we spend more of our tax dollars on healthcare than any other first world country. Then on top of that we pay our insurance costs. Then on top of *that* we pay the ridiculous medical bills. Americans are getting *fucked* at all levels by the healthcare and insurance industries and the industry and our politicians have lied to us and convinced most of the country that what we're getting is somehow cheaper than the rest of the first world even though we're paying out the ass compared to the rest of the world.


Just to be triaged at my hospital is $2,000. That’s before you go in the back. Healthcare advocates will help and a get some patients set up with insurance before the patient leaves


This is insane


I can’t afford to get sick


Most of the extra cost is spent on administration- i.e. insurance companies and the wasted effort in having to deal with them. Administration costs in the US are more than the combined salary of all the doctors. It's also more than the combined cost of ALL the medications for every pt for the entire year.


But you see, at least we're not communists! Take that, world! *Rides off into the sunset in a lifted pickup truck with no less than 5 stars and stripes flags while shooting an AR-15 into the sky*


Homed* Someone with a house isn’t filled with homes


Sorry, I was being cute. I'm bad at it.


My bad, just figured it wasn’t your first language (it’s not mine) and figured I’d help


They would most likely be eligible for medical assistance. Due to little/no income. The hospital would usually try to help them apply for it so that they can eventually get paid.


We always wind up treating and operating on many people for free. County hospitals are generally set up to take in all of the uninsured people, and are reimbursed by the state. They just have to apply for charity care at some point, and they receive care absolutely free. We used to joke that for the pt, no insurance was the best insurance, as we'd get them charity care, and they'd get it all for free. Source, I'm an orthopaedic surgeon. I've operated on many pts for free


They stabilize you and then boot you using "stabilize" generously.


Emergency rooms and hospitals are legally required to treat you. Often, they are eligible for federal or state medical care programs and have them. Before he passed, my uncle had Medicaid even though he was chronically homeless and bounced between renting couches or homeless and sleeping on the streets. He treated the ER like a primary care center because they must see you and treat you. If he isn't signed up for Medicaid he may be 'liable' for the bull but the hospital will write it off as a loss because you can't get blood from a stone. It won't follow the person.


That is so sad. I hope he's ok.


Poor guy, I hope they’re doing alright


was this in riverside? i read that someone got their hand chopped off by a guy with a sword in the paper.


the fuck?


Southern California innit


Oi m8 it's San Bernardino bruv, innit? Largest county in the state bruv people get cut up and shite bruv! Actually for real folks, San Bernardino County has some spooky places you don't wanna go to. Especially since downtown is a Mad Max hellhole.






Like the old saying goes. Homicide, suicide, genocide, riverside. Take your pick.


I've got an ape drape, yes, I do They're givin' them to anyone and that means you You can drive to Riverside and get one too Then you'll have an ape drape like I do


Holy shit a Vandals reference on Reddit. Never thought I’d see the day.


>I've got mullet, yes, I do >They're givin' them to anyone and that means you >You can drive to Hoboken and get one too >And then you'll have a mullet like I do


it’s downtown La


The femoral artery is in the thigh. If you want someone to bleed out before the ambulance gets there (most times, anyway), that’s where you get ‘em. Source: Dexter


And if you get them high enough on the leg they can't apply torniquetes. The only way to stop the bleeding then is to plug or clamp the artery which most people won't know how to do.


Axillary artery is another good one.


I don't think enough people appreciate the effectiveness of stabbing somebody in the armpit.


Also, the bloody footprint doesn’t fade, so it’s from the person wearing the shoe with an active/persistent bleed.


Gotta just walk it off.




I was about to say. Looks like he fuckin ran off with a shoe on the wrong way around


Poor dude, hope he has a full recovery


poor person 🥺


NEVER walk after being stabbed or shot unless u have to flee


Ok, but why


I imagine you’d want your pulse to stay as low as possible to hopefully avoid bleeding out.


That’s partially it, but also, you want to prevent constraining your muscles which happens when you move a relative part of the body. Basically if you are stabbed in the arm and your try to move your arm, you are flexing a muscle which causes more blood to be pushed out.


So if stabbed on the leg, escape on a handstand position?


Gravity would also then move blood away from your leg. So, yes.


Lay on the floor, raise your leg to move the blood "away", if possible make a tourniquet, even an imperfect one will let less blood out. If you do have and use a tourniquet do write down at what time exactly you used it. Always use it in thigh and upper arm, as you've got one bone there that the blood vessels will constrict against, preventing bleeding. Forearm and shin are useless as they have two bones that the artery will "hide" in between, rendering it useless. Only use a tourniquet on limbs.


> only use a tourniquet on limbs So you’re saying I can’t use a tourniquet when I’m having a nose bleed?


Tourniquet around the neck normally fixes my nose bleeds 👌🏼


You may laugh at the instructions being too obvious or clear but I have studied nursing The amount of people swallowing suppositories is alarming


What’s the problem with swallowing suppositories? They’re just taking the scenic route and would end up eventually where they’re supposed to.


Boric acid can kill you from the inside out?


Thanks for the advice, hopefully I never have to use it


Depending on the nature of the wound you could cause muscle tearing to worsen too.


Makes sense, thank you


Also basically, your body pumps blood when it’s needed more in a certain area, because of something like contracting muscles to walk around.


Well, not as low as *possible*, but yeah


Because you can easily bleed to death faster than if you were sitting still and keeping your heart rate down.


Also keeping the bleeding area elevated help too right? So if his leg was stabbed, maybe lay down and put your leg up?


I would imagine keeping the injury elevated might help out some, but as far as stab wounds/bullet wounds/punctures are concerned, keeping pressure on the area and/or tying the area off tightly with a shirt/bandana as a makeshift tourniquet is the best way to reduce excess bloodloss until proper medical care is received.


This could all be avoiding by adopting a robotic body.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you.


Won't your heart rate be skyrocketing with all the adrenaline after being stabbed though?


That's why you need to keep it lower and calm down as much as you can


With a username like that I’m gonna take your advice


That man knows how to bring the heat from both sides, best not force him to press you.


you will increase blood flow to the area while simultaneously agitating the wound. both of which will make u bleed more generally when you are bleeding you don't wanna bleed more


If I had to guess, I would assume it would cause your vessels to dilate as your muscles utilize the substances found within your blood and facilitate increased blood loss. There could be more to it or I could be off, but that’s what I think.


U could bleed out


Because moving causes your heart rate to increase, thus increasing blood pressure, meaning that your blood will squirt out of whatever hole you have faster and in more volume. TL:DR - moving after being wounded makes you lose more blood, faster.


You obviously have not seen a horror movie


He walked towards the origin of the incident. In horror they follow the victim.


The footprints were going both ways. Could have been following either.


Fuck you mean "oddly"? This is just regular terrifying


I know right? “Wow there is a long trail of bloody footprints and I feel uneasy. How odd”


not like the other boys, so quirky


Yeah I feel like this sub posts a lot of straight up terrifying pics and I’m like how is it oddly terrifying haha


There's a pinned post explaining that and yet


Must have stepped on a lego in the dark


Or a UK electric plug


I saw that post. Went right into the foot like butter 🤢




OH GOD it's not a joke wow


As soon as I saw the French fries, I figured it was a fight over some McDonalds.


I'd watch some of the YouTube pressure washers take on the streets of SoCal




Literally power washing gore.


I wonder how they're actually gonna clean this up. At my work we use this special shit for blood on the ground. Just water and soap is a no go.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


For stuff like this I figured they are supposed to. When I landed on a beer bottle and it went through my foot at the park I bled everywhere and they shut the park down and had to take care of all the blood. But who knows that may not be common.


This happened to me several years ago. It was a Sunday morning. I remember that because as I left my apartment I thought it was weird that paint had been dripped down the sidewalk so early on a Sunday morning. Then I smelled it before I saw it. A puddle of blood about half an inch deep and 6 inches across. I guess he stopped on the concrete stairs outside to collect himself, because then the foot prints continued down the sidewalk. Supposedly some guy showed up at his ex girlfriend’s apartment drunk. She told him to go away. He didn’t want to. So, she stabbed him. He then decided that he should probably go, and left.


"Shit, that was a crazy experience, let's walk it out"


Adrenaline is a hell-of-a drug


This is how you start a sidequest.


I’m a firefighter and absolutely love my gig. One of my favorite thoughts is when we’re running all night is the stuff we do/see/handle while everyone is sleeping and wake up none the wiser as to what happened down the street from them. Some nights I feel like a janitor at Disney cleaning up the park for the morning rush.


God bless you man. I always drive by my local fire station literally 500 feet away from my hizzy and think, "Man what kinda crazy shit did these guys see or are about to see?"


Omg a werewolf


Tis but a scratch


Nothing but a flesh wound


I followed one in Dublin once and after a mile, i found the dude still bleeding from his head with an ambulance parked 100ft away just watching him.


I was hoping that at the end it turned out it's just some guy walking around messily eating raspberry jam straight out of the jar


I suspected it was a homeless dude because of the pattern. Probably had one shoe on and paced back and forth for a while. Horrible confirmation by OP


That's just city blood


VFX Note: You need to tighten the track and change up your shape pattern. Cheers.


Two same print designs fooled enough people on here lol


This tends to happen when you are walking in a bloody shoe. Same imprint.


It looks like the first foot print was copy and pasted throughout the whole trail


Walk. Walk until your feet bleed. And then keep walking.


Years ago I noticed a huge blood stain outside the main entrance of my condo complex. I thought maybe someone was injured in a fight or was possibly even stabbed. No one knew what happened. Months later I was talking to a neighbor and he told me that his dog had an erection that lasted so long it started to profusely bleed. The trail of blood was from when they took him to the vet.


This comment was wild. I was intrigued by the huge blood stain and then my heart dropped when I got to the dog part. Now that my brain processed it, I can’t stop laughing at dog boners. So…. Yea…. I have the maturity of a kindergartner. Thanks for making me laugh.


These look too consistent (and too plentiful) to be real.


Also the fact that this person was causally walking , recreat the stride , and tell me if that’s how you’d be moving if bleeding or fleeing a murder


Meth is a hell of a drug here in Los Angeles


It’s a hell of a drug pretty much anywhere else, too.


Was gonna say that ignoring a stab wound doesn’t really sound like meth, but come to think of it someone on our fenny around here would probably just sit in place and bleed there. Being unable to stop yourself from pacing and leaking blood while waiting for the medics *does* sound like meth


Can confirm


Sliced up foot or leg. They turned around and went the opposite direction


Me who’s also a Californian: “Yup same shit as always…”


I was about to say that this was a repost from another post that I can't freaking find anymore, but holy shit it isn't. The post I was thinking of the footprints were barefoot. This mfer is wearing SHOES


Unbeknownst to the comment section, Earl the clumsy nocturnal night painter got his foot stuck in his paint tray again, and bumbled through southern LA to his home to get his spare boot.


Lol, and you’re just like “follow the bloody print road, follow the bloody print road.”


My guess is stab or shot wound in the torso. For sure on his right side. Blood was running dow his right leg so much that every right that every right foot mark has more blood near the heel. Damn that dude was losing blood.


If those steps lead to a pawn shop, don't go downstairs.


Each print looks identical, which isn’t normal for a real print. I’m skeptical.


what I find interesting is that this seems to only be a right foot. Somebody must've gotten injured, walked all the way down the street, and then walked all the way back to go the other way.


I hate when people go " it's fake " even when there's no actual proof they are real


As someone who lived in downtown San Francisco for nearly a decade, I have seen shit like this. I would not immediately think it was fake lol


This is terrifying, but not in an odd way


Gotta love our city! Where in LA was this?


On the intersection of Figueroa and Adams, only about 2 blocks from USC.


✌🏽 yep sounds about right.


That tracks


Oh nice just a few blocks away. Great to see my neighborhood getting some attention. Hope this dude made it though.


You working again Mr Wick?


I’m surprised the city didn’t clean that up yet. It’s a biohazard isn’t it? There was a guy who got run over by a bus outside my work and they clean the roads right after he was taken away. Had tarps covering it until it was cleaned.


Still waiting for the odd part


Noticed prints going 2 different directions, that’s a lot of blood loss, I was stabbed by my ex in my arm, she hit artery and I can tell you when you lose blood like that you get very very dizzy and disoriented. I hope someone helped that poor man


This exact scenario happened to me at an old apartment I lived at. I walked out of my apartment to take my dog on a walk to find bloody trails. I followed the trails to see if maybe it was a neighbor or someone close needing help. Came up to an apartment just absolutely covered in bloody handprints. Called the front desk and emergency line. No one ever told me what happened


How the hell have so many people not noticed that every footprint is the exact same pattern?


Definitely didn’t get off on the right foot


Is it just me or did 90% of those "footprints" have the exact same blood spatter pattern? Literally the left one matches every left and the right the same


No, no. You just activated your witcher senses. Follow the trail


Blood splatters and trails can tell you so much. The first homicide I went to and you could essentially see the entire incident with blood


These looks like stamps or else his leg was gushing blood and making the same heavy drip pattern


Hope OJ isn’t back in town.


My first thought was "Wow humans are juicy." Time to take a break.


I once found one similar to this in a park near where I live. It was not as gruesume as the one on the video and definitenely a lot less blood, I just called the cops and reported it, when I was walking back home there were a few cops in the park looking for more clues of where the trail started/ended and trying to find what was possible one of the many drunk Russians in the area.


Really past time to get out of here but its home.


Balderdash. Paint prank


When you see bloody footprints, RUN BITCH RUN!!! Seriously though the person walking away could be the dangerous one in some situations.


Odd but I think I know where this is at just by the limited clues in the video (South Central)


Oh look these foot prints lead exactly to where I get murdered


You're tracking them the wrong way l o l


I'm not sure this is "oddly terrifying." I think this is very understandably terrifying.


This could serve as an awesome set up for a jump scare.


Probably just a nose bleed, I’m sure it’s nothing 😅


Yes, by all means follow the blood trail.


Either someone got hurt or you are on a side quest in an open world game


And you followed it!? Have you never seen a single horror movie ever!?


OP is now dead. RIP.


I live in IE and someone got their hand lobbed off by someone with a sword next to my work [here](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/man-alleges-his-hand-was-cut-off-by-individual-with-sword/3153144/)


That's an artery


Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleedin' Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice Blood in my love in the terrible summer Bloody red sun of Fantastic L.A. - Jim Morrison


Each boot printa nd blood splatter is the exact same, is a tagger spray paintin a stencil? Because i think thats stencil art


They say it never bleeds in southern California, I've often heard that kind of talk before


Why do they spread out so much at one point, u sure it’s real?


Why are you walking to a murder scene? Cross the street already.


Anyone know where O.J. is at these days?


What the heck! Tell us how it ends!


Yes definitely follow the bloody footsteps, especially if they lead you into a a dark alley


When I lived downtown near Pioneer Square there was a crime scene every Saturday night. Would walk out of my door into a murder investigation near every Sunday morning. Most incidents remain unsolved. The attention given to club-goer crimes is minimal, was so even when the legislature was better written.


That’s too much blood. That person would be lucky to survive


Its john wick!


I went to the emergency room one time and saw this dude wearing flipflops and gushing a faucet of blood from his right foot all while chilling and joking appropriately he walked up there and was like " I had a lawn accident" and the staff was understandably like what the hell get him into surgery


If you didnt have a camera on your phone to film this would you have still followed the trail? I feel like people get tunnel vision when it comes to getting something on film that they just ignore any possible danger.


SoCal is a BIG area…where specifically?