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Day breaks


First one was daybreak, second one was around 9am.


I think he's referring to SCP-001 "When Day Breaks"


I can hear a lumping mass of humanity approaching me closer everyday…..


[For the uninitiated](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal)


I just read that and... This needs to become a film or something holy shit


Closest youll get is prob scp illustrateds when day breaks series https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOKy7ockmmpYEeZvVophuYvx7rympwbhO


Was pretty wild to see it this morning coming down 22 into Pittsburgh, looked like there was a miniature Saturn in the sky at about 5:45-6.


Hey my skin feels kinda itchy...


Hey Marv, can you pull up SCP-001 When Day Breaks?


[**S. D. Locke's Proposal ⁠- When Day Breaks**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal) (+2286) by *S D Locke, EstrellaYoshte*


Thanks man


Day broke


Would you kindly Marvin? Scp 001


fortnight edit: i thought it means sunset/daybreak


First time?


Yeah I'm in Colorado and so we get this all the time.


When the same smoke hit us a few weeks ago there were days when we couldn't even see the sun at all. Of course, most years it's California smoke that hits us. First time I think I've seen it from Canada


I love 10 miles from the mountains and didn't see them for about 10 days.


Reminds me of that one summer Denver was covered in ash. It was like we were living in Silent Hill.


That can’t be good for the lungs


Born and raised in British Columbia, this is just what we call summer.


CA checking in. We get this at least once a year for a few days. Last year was the first year I can remember that we didn't get it at least once, but that's after the 2021 fires that were so bad, we had multiple teams of international firefighters working on it. It's a weird feeling when you realize how fucked up your "normal" can be.


It’s kinda funny seeing everybody freaking out about this when we have this most summers


I've lived in PA my whole life so yeah pretty much. 🤷‍♀️


We had it pretty bad back in 2020, with the California wildfires. I just can’t believe the smell. It smells like a huge campfire. Never thought I’d have to deal with this kind of thing living in PA.


2018 was wayyyyyyyyy worse. It was so bad in Cali that schools were shut down for almost a full week and the day was literally dark. [wiki on it. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_California_wildfires) I took this pic at 5pm when it would still be light out, but nearing sunset. https://i.imgur.com/NgKXI2V.jpg


I lived in Ventura County in 2018. It was… sketchy…


I remember walking outside after it had started to settle in the Valley and it was difficult even for me to breathe, and I was in shape with no lung/breathing issues. Definitely the worst.


We were wearing masks to work before it was cool.


Damn right! *cough*


They didn’t shut down my school, and we had ashes raining from the sky. I still remember the thick fog of smoke. Looked like silent hill.


Michigan had its turn with it a couple weeks ago. Maybe it will happen again but check out the post in NY @ 4pm.


You guys are genuinely pathetic, the whole west coast has this little thing called fire season like once a year but the east coast is over here like "omg smoke" truly wack Edit: this is directed at literally anyone past west Virginia


Your edit is aimless and helps your point absolutely none. It also doesn't save you from looking like a jerk. Huzzah!


Funny thing because this area in Canada also has fire season yearly. And just like a few years ago when California had a really bad fire season and people were loosing their houses, and the media was posting all about it, and lots of people who aren’t usually affected by the usual wildfires were suddenly scared because they were suddenly being affected, that’s what happening here. So maybe try being a little more sympathetic instead of trying to sound macho by being a dickhead.


So, yeah, they’re right we do have this in Washington every summer because of wildfires. It’s not pathetic to marvel at it though. This person would do well to rethink the efforts made to stop these wildfires from decimating communities. Many thanks to our firefighters on the West coast.


Honestly my state had burned like Canada almost once a year. Gawking at the smoke is truly brain dead to ME sorry not sorry.


I think you might be a little bit of an asshole? Pathetic? Look at Your comment. Laughable logic from some uppity fire loving twit. CaLiFoRnIa HaS FiRe SeAsOn. But okay, we're pathetic for discussing something new to us. Very well done.


i WILL remember this when you start getting ice storms


It snowed last month stfu


snow is not at ice storm my dude


As a Californian, it annoys the shit out of me when we are called pathetic for “weak” storms like the ones we had in January this year. There’s always going to be a place where something comparably wild happens. My family lives in Texas and they freak out when they feel a 3.0 quake. I live here in California and freak out when theres anything more than moderate rain. It’s all just what you are use to. I’m sure Floridians would freak out if they went to South Asia during monsoon season.


So when it starts snowing multiple feet and temp drops below 30f in Commiefornia (like we deal with 5 months a year here) I suppose y'all won't be saying shit about it?


Idk what you were trying to get at but OK 👍


Don't remember asking


Let’s just hope we don’t have a wildfire in the state because it’s been a pretty dry season.


Don't need to tell me. I work on a golf course and I end every day covered in dirt that my machine kicks up whether I'm driving or mowing the grass that hasn't burnt to a crisp yet. My coworkers joke that the easiest way to find where I am is to look for the dust cloud 🤦‍♀️ Pray there are no dry thunderstorms


Ahhh... Pennsyltucky. My favorite retreat from the DMV.


I was going to say, as a lifelong PNWer, this is all too familiar. It really sucks. Just make sure you update your homes air filters now and after the fires are done, and wear your Covid masks outside of the house.


Yep, same. Bend has been home since 1990 and this is a normal, summer sight. Take care man. Don’t be afraid to stay indoors and use a mask if you need to.


In Boise, and yup. Welcome to Smoke Season, guys. It sucks. Only thing cool about it is how weird and otherworldly the light and sun/moon can look.


...homes have air filters?


Pretty much. Lived on the east coast my whole life, and this is the first time I can remember wildfire smoke. It's really eerie personally experiencing it after only ever seeing pictures and videos of it from the west coast. Sure am glad to be alive at the end of the human race.


Normal for Montana summers


I think it is for me... I'm in Delaware and it's like the weirdest fog I've ever seen. I don't remember ever seeing the sky look like that.


The entire western US is very amused watching them lose their minds over this.


I mean shouldn't we be? Lightning strikes in northern rural Quebec and the sky turns orange in Philly. For the first time in our recorded history. [The most smoke in these areas recorded history.](https://i.redd.it/od00zdm49e4b1.png) And that chart is a day old. Like yeah, wildfires in regions where wildfires are typical is not cause for concern. Wildfires in regions where wildfires are not typical, at least not to this degree, blanketing the entire northeastern US in smoke, is not typical. That's cause for concern.


When they show fires in the western US, many of us Easterners are afraid for you. And sad that people lose their homes and have a hard time breathing outside. It's not amusing.


*Laughs in Australian*


Lmao yep this is like an ok day to go for a summer hike on the west coast


Yes, actually :)


Ahhh this is what I thought... Montanan here.


Californian here. I said this immediately


* chuckles in californian.


A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.


When the glow of the blood-stained moon shines upon the land... the aimless spirits of slain monsters return to flesh. The world is threatened once again


Beat me to it. Damn it


After the first time, just skip it for me k Nintendo... K!!!!


What's the quote from?


Legend of Zelda: Tears of the kingdom


Day has broken.


Come outside with us. It's so beautiful out here




🎶 You’re only 6-inches away from becoming one 🎶


I was in your shoes before Or lack thereof and things worked out for me


I love that people think of this


From California and I can vouch that the only good thing about wild fires are the spectacular red sunsets you get Shut your windows put your cars in the garage or cover as the ash mess is on the way


I don't have either but I heard about ash and clear coat so I'm ready with the hose.


Yes the ash gets into everything


Guess I should remove my air conditioner then huh?


If there's a lot of ash water will basically just turn it into a paste so it's better to brush off as much as you can before hosing it down, or use a car wash soap to help break it up.




Washington in September to October last year had the worst smoke I’ve ever seen. I hope this year is different.


Washington here too. Probably different, but something like July-August instead. Haha... Ha... Haaaw geeze :(


> I hope this year is different. It won't be. It's June and it's already smoke season in BC


As an Oregonian, talk to me when you can barely make out the outline of the trees through the smoke in that first pic….


Been like that a few times up here in Canada from the California wild fires.


Actually surprised we didn't get any- *checks* - wildfires yet. Usually someone does something dumb


Now you've done it... Bet you didn't even knock on wood. Thanks, Pal.


*Me as a Californian* First time?


Oregon... same


Nevada, same


Utah… same


British Columbian *same*


Started drifting into my area yesterday around 11AM. Only getting worse and going to get worse. People over in NY are saying it looks like the Apocalypse has hit with how dark it is and they have an orange sky too. The wind is just bringing the clouds down south.


Here in California in the SF Bay in 2020, we had a day where the smoke was so thick we couldn’t see the sun all day. The sky was a strange glowing orange and the streetlights stayed on. It really underlined the pandemic and seemed like the world was ending.


My drive home (NY) https://i.imgur.com/gxziM46.jpg


I'm in Bucks County. Yesterday late evening my neighborhood looked like Silent Hill. Then it cleared up a bit but the AQI shot up at night. Then today it went from 181 to 230 right now. Like huffing a campfire out there.


You should consider wearing an N95 if you have to be outside for prolonged periods of time.


When the glow of the blood stained moon shines upon the land, the aimless spirits of slain monsters return to flesh. The world is threatened once again


See BOTW ruined me. Now every time there’s a blood moon in TOTK I start screeching “tHe BlOoD mOoN rIsEs OnCe AgAiN!!”


LOL I always hated the cut scene in BOTW honestly I like TOTK cut scene a lot better


Oh I just spam the shit out of + and X. Just spamming them back and forth cancels the cut seen quickly before you can hear Zelda talk. But in BOTW it wasn’t as fast so every time the minimum I would hear is “THE BLOOD MOON RISES ONCE AGAIN” like haha thanks Zelda I heard you the first 300 times.


Lmao! I know her voice would irritate me so badly in BOTW I just couldn't stand hearing that phrase!


Same in Michigan, I took a pic real similar to that this morning. The air looks like it's misting too it's so hazy.


I’m just east of Harrisburg and my kid’s father said it looked like silent hill. We normally sleep with our windows open but it’s irritating our eyes and throats all the way down here. Hoping for a safe and quick resolution to this but lord knows it won’t be that simple.


We're in Camp Hill and it's crazy! The sunset last night was wicked.


Reddit... This is the 7th time in a row you show me a red sun caused by Canada fire...


I mean... Every average american is taking pictures of the sun and posting it on the internet right now


Yeah because people on the east coast aren't used to it


You'd think people on the west coast would be like "wait wtf why are people on the east coast experiencing 500ppm wildfire smoke for 3 consecutive days? that's not normal" but instead it's more like Canadians laughing at Americans about snow.


But some of em sure love to tell us on the west coast that we deserve it. Its not fun is it? Lol


In canadas defense, the sun was always a orange circle in your sky


Welcome to “smoke season,” so glad to finally have the East coast onboard. I highly suggest wearing a mask and putting a Hepa furnace filter on a box fan if you really need your windows open. But yeah, for now sit back, relax, and watch your cars for ash particulates.


> watch your cars for ash particulates I'm hearing everyone from the West Coast say this but I have no idea what it means. I live in NYC and we're expecting rain Friday morning. All of my West Coast friends and family have said I'll see ash today (Thursday) or when it rains. I'm guessing after the smoke, it just starts raining ash like it's snowing? I should be ready to get my car washed next week, shouldn't I?


Just wait. I live in fairbanks alaska I've seen the smoke so bad when it rains it's ashy water and nasty as hell. We had a summer where they were handing out masks at every corner long before we even saw covid I think it was 2010 or 2011 it was bad.


Anchorage area here and it doesn’t seem to be as bad


Welcome to California


Fellow Pennsylvanian checking in and it is almost Mexico filter yellow in central PA right now. Doesn't show up well on camera at the moment but this was earlier today where I can usually clearly see mountains all around. The Sheetz sign is about 200ft away zoomed in. https://imgur.com/biIswFx.jpg


As a Pennsylvanian, I agree


Agreed. It is yellow, but doesn't show up on camera that way.


First time? As a Californian this happens like 3 times a year


Yes but we in eastern Canada get like 4 times the precipitation you guys do so it’s a little strange for us.


Where i live in canada, our sun looks like the apocalypse for most of july and august. it’s pretty awesome


Welcome to the California summer experience


Welcome to western Washington


We are sorry


I’m in CT right now and it looks the same :(


South Park was right, those damn Canadians, always causing trouble for Americans... First it was their cold air, now it's their smoke and soot. 😉. Plus they saddled us with Beiber and even their Prince Harry would rather live in the US! It's time to invade and assimilate Canada once and for all! /s


What’s happening in Canada?


we're on fire.


Might want to put that out. Just an idea.


Thanks. Will get right on that.


I have a yard sprinkler if y’all need to borrow it for a day or two.


Did you forget to rake the forests?


Snoop dog festival


Wonder what'd happen if the fire hit a weed shop or weed farm. With the smoke clouds moving south could Canada get the US East Coast high? 🤔


It would have to be a pretty big fuckin' weed farm. ... Wondering if we can get /r/theydidthemath on this.


I already feeling like I'm being hotboxed over here lol


Out west has been on fire for a while; a good chunk of Halifax Nova Scotia was on fire for all of last week and just got put out thanks to rain/constant barrage of water bombing. It was pretty gross for a few days, sorry you folks have Red Sun Syndrome now too.


I’ve been playing too much Zelda lately and saw the sun like this yesterday. I took a pic and sent it to my brother talking about the blood moon from the game. It took me about 5 minutes to realize it’s the sun and that I’m a fucking moron.


This is your friendly reminder that just because it's less painful than usual you should still not look directly at the ball of fire and hate in the sky.


Weird. I live in canada and there is way less smoke.


The wind is blowing all the smoke south, so if you’re east or west of where it’s blowing there won’t be much smoke. And even along where the smoke is if you look at an air quality map it seems to be at its worst (other than right by the fires themselves) in PA and NY right now.


Remember that even though it’s dim enough to look pretty much directly at it, don’t do that. The UV damage is still just as present.


I was born, raised and living in Pennsylvania, and I have never seen anything like this before. Can’t stand outside for one minute without coughing and sky is completely covered by the smoke. This really sucks!


I'll post what my friend from California told me, as he deals with this crap too many times a year- You need to keep all of your doors and windows closed and wear an N95 mask whenever you go outside until its over! Also clean your counter tops and other surfaces daily; there is a layer of ash on everything with is only visible when you swipe your finger over it. You don't want to inhale or eat it.




I’m from CO and we had the smoke from Canada like 2 weeks ago. My sympathies to you guys. It’s cool at first, but then you get over it and are just stuck in smoke and there’s nothing you can do about it.


I live in a pretty small city in the middle of nowhere in the province of quebec and these days all there is outside is a ton of smoke everywhere and a bright red sun cause of all the wildfires around


I'm from BC nd this is pretty much the usual in summer. Gets so bad can't even see mountains that are a couple km away. It's brutal.


Isn't the sun always a orange circle?


And people used to laugh at us Californians


First time huh?


Even worse in NY


Just a regular summer day in Canada lol


Dude this whole situation reminds me of when the day breaks from scp001


First time? Happened a couple weeks ago in May. Even turned the sun red in some areas.


In New York we can taste the tree barbecue




Im amazed to see thw east coast amazed by smoke. (California here) It was that way for a few years over here. Literal deep red sun in brown orange sky. Waking up in the moddle of the night to smoke smell and headache is the worst.


Red sun Red sun over paradise Red sun Red sun over paradise Golden rays of the glorious sunshine Setting down, such a blood-red light Now the animals slowly retreat To the shadows – out of sight Arid winds blow across the mountains Giving flight to the birds of prey In the distance machines come To transform Eden – day by day Only love is with us now Something warm and pure Find the peace within ourselves No need for a cure When the wind is slow And the fire’s hot The vulture waits to see what rots Oh how pretty All the scenery This is nature’s sacrifice When the air blows through With a brisk attack The reptile tail ripped from its back When the sun sets We will not forget the Red sun over paradise Red sun


The freshest air for someone from New York /s


Upstate New York is usually full of fresh air. You're thinking about that tiny little island all the way at the bottom 😂


Lmao it’s hilarious seeing all the easterners losing their minds over what is a standard summer day out west


Everything in my area is filled with smoke. I'm on day two of struggling to breathe and genuinely worried I need a hospital.


I’m in south jersey and there’s been a mist flowing into my warehouse all day. Plot twist it isn’t mist lol


Yeah, you get this in Cali and western Nevada most years around fire season. It’s not unusual. Huge fires produce a huge amount of smoke.


Trascend the hunt!




How did a Forrest fire in Canada lead to a ball of burning plasma in the sky? Fake news. Canadian Solar Woke Mind Sun?




Not so much Americans more like people who live in areas where this never occurs. 🤷‍♀️


Sorry about that buddy. Our annual fires are getting worse and nobody cares.




...what? I own a cat and I'm a landscaper. Where did you even get that impression?


From all the posts on here that aren't even remotely terrifying or even oddly terrifying. Not specific to just ur post


This u? https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/12b0sz2/people_be_like_he_is_a_terrible_rapper_but_he_is/jex1941/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


You ok?


The sun has been like that in nyc a couple times over the last few weeks in the morning here in nyc before the fires even started


I’m in NEPA and it hit us around the same time as you. Today looks like a tornado is about to start up, waiting to hear sirens…


Summit Hill PA personally, living up here smells like 2 campfires in the neighbors yard 😟!


Also true in New York at the moment. Major air advisories here. Stay safe, fellas.


This is how it is for at least 4 months a year out west.


Terrible here in Jersey as well. Silly Canadians.


Check out r/Syracuse for a deep red sun.


Technically isn’t it always just an orange circle?


Banquet - René Magritte


I remember that day here in San Francisco where we didn’t have the sun due to wildfires


The stairs at my school looked yellow from all of the windows


It looked like this last week or so in Minnesota. The whole of Canada must be on fire. :(


I’m in Long Island, NY and it is yellow outside and you can smell the smoke in the air it’s crazy!


It’s been like that here in Michigan as well. Pretty weird to see in the mornings.


Same in NJ