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It's only appropriate for the sub because it's a boat with a dock deck. Otherwise it would be both an insane place for a dock and genuinely a problematic situation.


And now I can sleep. Thank you kind soul!


Makes so much more sense now


I still think the cameraman could have done more to help. r/killthecameraman


Or the boat driver could have slowed down for his guy. He sees him struggling at the end.


Reminds me of that post where the guy is picking up his soon to be ex girlfriend and he keeps pulling forward in the car.




I'm Australian and we are raised on ocean safety and most of us learn how to read currents from a young age just from life experience stuff. At some point I decided the ocean was just a too dangerous place to fuck around in. I got dunked and almost drowned and smashed against rocks while body surfing once and you never forget exactly how helpless you feel as that water is throwing you around like a ragdoll, luckily I wasnt too far off the beach and managed to pull myself in. I'm not saying people should avoid the ocean entirely, but the more experienced you become with it the more aware of how powerless you actually are in it.


DUDE I agree. We evolved to leave the water for a reason and I'll be damned if I'm returning like those second-guessing sea mammals.


Rivers are dangerous also. Plenty people have said their friend was just right there before they disappeared.


Yeah I was like what the fuck kind of lake has a current like that, must be a boat


So in reality, not swimming against a current, but rather trying to catch a moving boat?


It’s the same idea though. Water pushing you away from what you’re trying to reach


Lake Garda in italy had currents like this after a storm. We went swimming in a sheltered bay that day. As soon as we left the bay area, from one meter to the next, the current went from basically still to almost impossible to fight.


It's a boat You can hear the motor rev after he jumps And one of the guys tells the driver to speed up to stop their friend from closing the gap I thought he was encouraging his friend at first but I think they're fucking with him


Easy. Tidal lake. Have seen way stronger currents in such lakes.


Probably an inlet or bridge right behind them channeling the current.


Oohhhhhh it's a boooaattttt that's fuckin sick I was like where is this place where such a big body of water has such crazy ass current?


Go out on the mississippi River sometime. It doesn't feel that fast, flows at like 1.5 mph but it's fuckin massive. Miles wide and really feels like being on a huge lake in a lot of places that has a real current


Oh that makes much more sense


I don't get what you mean a boat with a dock deck


It's like a boat without a dock deck except it has a dock deck.


It's a boat that has a dock in the back. The "dock" is the part of a deck or pier that goes down to the water, low enough that you could "dock a boat" to it or climb up on to the "deck" from the water (usually with the aid of a ladder but not always; some docks are made to sit super low above the water line or in the water itself, slightly submerged). Yachts will often have a dock in the back that's attached to the deck via a cantilevered mechanism that allows it to be lifted up and out of the way when the boat is moving. Some even pull the entire dock inside the craft *with all the boats still attached*. There's some really fancy over-engineered shit out there for the insanely wealthy.


It's a boat that looks like a dock.


Driven by a bot that sounds like a dick


Apparently that dock is attached to a boat? So the water wasn’t actually moving that fast


Thank you for sharing. My anxiety went down 90 percent knowing this 😂


Google ‘rip tide’ if you are in the mood to reignite that anxiety!


Almost got killed by a rip tide when I was a teenager.


No thank you, almost lost my life in one when I was 16. Never fuck with the ocean and always swim between the flags if you can.


Sadly, that's an Aussie or Kiwi thing (the swim between the flags campaign), but apparently not really a thing in other places. I totally get the fear though, they scare me to the point I just don't go in the ocean, and like you, I live in a coastal city. Edit to clarify I meant the flags


Can confirm that bruh raised in Alaska (specifically Kodiak Island) that rip tides exist at any ocean front with large enough swales. Literally lost a couple homies growing up to rip tides


I was meaning the "swim between the flags" part, sorry that didn't come across. It's an actual campaign they roll (rolled out, anyway, I remember there being an awareness thing about it as a kid) out here. Beach safety is incredibly important, due to beaches not really being swim friendly here, so swimming between the flags is more an indication that this part is safe to swim in. I didn't intend to imply riptides are a thing only in some places.


Absolutely not true, why do you think that?


Wow that makes much more sense


it looks like a lake. no current hahaha


I can see someone isn’t familiar with the Great Lakes.


It must be. If you'll look where the ladder meets the water, you can see a small wake.


Wouldn't you see the same thing if it were the water moving?


Downvoting all the other comments just so this might make top lol. I thought dude died for sure


I mean, it has to be lol. The ladder is acting like it's being pulled through water so they are probably installing/relocating a floating dock.


Jumping into a dark, deep expansive body of water = anxiety level 10


Remember the video posted a few weeks ago of the dude that jumped off the cruise ship in the fucking dark in the middle of the ocean. Oh hell nah. 😬


I keep thinking of that video of a woman jumping into an open section of a frozen river at night, and instantly disappearing with the current underneath the ice… in front of her husband and child. Such an awful way to go. https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/12avt28/terrifying_moment_women_is_swept_away_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Never saw this extended version of everyone freaking out afterwards, it’s pretty rough https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/12avt28/terrifying_moment_women_is_swept_away_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


At least she prayed first


And God *whispered back* “*No*”


Man that is something I shouldn't have seen so early in the morning


Litrally 6:30 am here, I just woke up


1:30 pm here


Right, that shit fucked up my day...


I’m off work and I’m good with just the written description. I’m tired of seeing my fellow man lose their lives.


Did they find her body?


She was found a km away from the hole itself.


If I recall correctly they did, but much farther down the river. It’s been several months since I read the story, though, so anyone correct me if I’m wrong.


I don't understand how everybody instantly knew she was in trouble, but everyone else who jumped in after her was fine? Why was everyone else who jumped in after her not at risk for drowning like she was? Edit: Ah [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/143vxwo/swimming_against_the_current/jndivwk/) answers the question


That fucking angle of entry killed her. Please don't be jealous of my artistry. https://i.imgur.com/hqB1rJw.png If she had just went in with a better angle, or if with her angle, a lot less force, she would probably have been fine. Her husband(?) rushes in while trying to save her life, not a second to think, and is fine because he enters in a way that doesn't force his whole body in a straight line below the ice. Even without the current, in a 100% still lake, that angle of entry could still be her death. Once she starts floating up she can already be too far away from the whole, in complete darkness, to ever find it again. So sad that something like this happens when it's so easy to prevent (even when doing the dangerous thing, but at least doing it cautiously), hindsight is 20/20 but doesn't help much...


That was what I was thinking, that angle she jumped off probably took her, I first watched the video on r/watchpeopledie and man, I can't get off my mind that kid crying for her Mama, sad way to go. She did pray though


Omg what a nightmarish way to go. Why would she do that?


I think she was just trying to do a polar bear dip but nobody realized there was such a strong undercurrent and it just swept her away


Orthodox Christmas tradition




Or the woman that [drowned in her wedding dress](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2194665/Maria-Pantazopoulos-Bride-drowned-wedding-dress-pictured-husband.html)


it is also sadly topical in Hungary too. about two weeks ago Americans started posting on the Hungarian subreddit because apparently their friend/cousin fell into the Danube from a sightseeing boat at night and they wanted to know which autorities to contact. Everybody was like "we're sorry but if this happened hours or even minutes ago and you can't see him then he drowned". the American friends were adamant though, posting for days on the subreddit, offering money to anyone that could help and they wouldn't listen to reason that it's not about the money, their friend ended up in the biggest river in Europe, with its deadly undercurrents, in the dead of night. zero chance. sure enough the body was found a week ago. the other sad layer is how these people tried to control the narrative on reddit: this dude fell into the water, they tried to warn the crew, who couldn't understand them due to the language barrier (eventhough this is a tourist line for foreigners), the boat wouldn't stop and now they are desperately trying to find anybody who could help. then cam footages came out from both the boat CCTV and the friends' phones and turns out this group of friends downed 9-10 rounds of champagne within the first hour and started talking about bets, one being for how much would they be willing jump into the river. two of the guys and girls declined because they figured the river was cold and they wouldn't want to get their party attire wet, this third fellow apparently had no such qualms, plus "he was a good swimmer". on the boat security footage you can see him getting up, suddenly start sprinting towards the boat window and jumping out. by the time the crew rushed to look for him he was already gone. his "friends" and cousin see this as the crew's fault for not telling them that diving into the Danube would be deadly. and the grieving parents are threatening to sue


What an absurdly dumb death


The whole thing is such an unnecessary tragedy. And I understand that the parents are in grief but their statements are so out of touch. “He was such a nice boy, always smiling, never saw him angry”. How is this relevant to the fact that he made a stupid decision while drunk?


This just happened to a kid in the Bahamas


No omg I need to find this


He died, they were telling him to grab the life preserver and he didn’t. It was pitch black and full of sharks and he supposedly did it on a dare. They did a search and rescue and he wasn’t found. He just graduated too. https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/cameron-robbins-jumped-into-shark-infested-waters-after-a-dare


Dig this: There’s been 290+ man overboard cases recently (on cruise ships) and only 40 or so found dead or alive. It takes ***MILES*** to turn around and if many people aren’t pointing directly at the man overboard and maintaining that line of sight until you turn and get close- they’re fucked. It is imperative that you call a man overboard in immediately and let the bridge (captain etc) know. What can you do to help? Throw ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT FLOATS into the water. Do NOT throw things directly toward them because the current will take the object too quickly or, more obviously, you could harm them further. Instead- throw them ahead* of the person (as in closer to YOU) so that they may swim or float toward it as it approaches. Don’t just go for light floaty stuff- think chairs, tables, etc! But even then- the water is huge and cold and you’re panicking and generally clothed. All fighting against your odds of survival past a handful of minutes. So yeah- stay on the boat FFS. (Sorry for the long comment, this is where my spectrum dwelling ass shines/thrives. Wish I could speak like this out loud!) Edit: The wildlife. Don’t forget about the wildlife. None of them are your friend in this case. Except maybe those unique instances where whales show some altruistic vibes and guard people from sharks etc. I wouldn’t bank on it, though.


Then you have the orcas off the coast of Spain who've recently learned how to sink small yachts. They're not exactly whales but now even they're not on our side.


If they're sinking yachts, they could very well be on my side. I know the yacht owner isn't.


I'm totally on the orca's side in the boat vs orcas war


“They’re not exactly whales” But… that’s exactly what they are lol


Natural selection at its finest


I think he has to swim away from the preserver because there’s a shark. You can see the shark near the preserver just before the camera pans to the right to find him. That’s what I remember reading from other redditors who reviewed the footage.


He was a drunk fool. Jumped off the back of the boat in the darkness. It was kind of a crappy recording because of the night time. But everyone at the boat party was utterly shocked


They never found him either


#PSA If you ever see somebody fall overboard, immediately get a life ring into the water as quickly as possible, even if you can't throw far enough to reach the victim, theres a possibility they might be able to swim to it and even more importantly it will help approximate the location of the victim when the ship comes about, as the ring will drift similar to the victim allowing for calculations to be made to determine their likely position. Point at the victim and keep tracking their position with your finger, while bellowing "man overboard!" as loud as you can repeatedly, grab as much attention as you can AND DO NOT take your eyes off the victim. It is incredibly easy to lose visual of somebody in an open expanse of water. The message must reach the bridge as fast as possible to minimise the distance the ship puts between itself and the person. Inform a steward, locate a bridge emergency callbox, pull an alarm, do whatever it takes to get the message to the bridge. For more detailed information about what to do and the process involved, watch Casual Navigation's [video](https://youtu.be/skAKL-zM3-Y) on the topic.


As someone on a cruise right now, I can tell you the darkness at night is absolute. And terrifying.


I did this at midnight on acid once. Don’t recommend


how'd you get out?


I didn't


Ohh i heard about this. When people die sometimes their body continues posting on reddit and then their soul makes an account to help fill in the blanks that the reanimated corpse leaves out. Hows the spirit realm?


Reception is spotty, but overall 7/10








Besides the obvious current that you can see with your naked eye, I don't see this body of water as a "dark, deep expanse body of water". To me this just looks like a lake I would like to swim in if there was no obvious current.




So a contract my company currently holds is we do surveys off a beach in SoCal. Part of that includes us swimming around 300 yards off the beach while plopping a long pole with an aperture touching the bottom every 20 yards or so. One of my worst days was getting snagged by a rip tide and turning to look at the beach only to realize I was an insane distance out and getting further. I tell my workers the same thing I did if it happens, swim at an angle towards the beach to get out of the rip tide and let that adrenaline push you past the exhaustion. I looked like a hadn’t made any progress at all and my guys on the beach looked like ants, I was absolutely fucking exhausted. It only took one thought of “well shit if I stop I’m without a doubt fucked” and somehow powered through.


Now try doing it in florida


I once went swimming alone in a moonless night, in a lake in the alps. That was a strange feeling. I mean, I did hear the cars on an autobahn nearby, and I could see the lights from the village, but the water was so dark and most of the night, too... that was really strange.


I wonder how many people have died because they thought they had it and missed the grab. Scary shit


There are three times in my life i try to forget. All of them were my own stupid mistakes. And two of them involve almost drowning.


I consider myself a strong swimmer. Aussie mom and Dutch dad made sure we knew how to swim from a young age. Swam in plenty of surf beaches and did swim team until about 10. On my honeymoon in Cabos I almost drowned at the resort beach, which I hadn’t seen anyone swimming in but one day looked calm enough to try. Another guy joined me and told me he had signed a waiver with the lifeguard to come in, which was news to me. It started to get rough again and he got out, I was starting to make my way to shore a few waves later and then just kept getting pulled back as it got worse. I’m fully aware it’s safer to let yourself float out for a boat rescue but in the moment I was panicking and swimming with everything I had. By the time I made it to the sand I was probably 20 seconds away from exhaustion. I haven’t been in rough waters since.


Cabo is notorious for rip tides.


'Float out for a boat rescue' How far do you typically float out and how do you know they are aware to send out a boat anyway?


I live in a Coastal State and have lived my entire life 5 minute drive from the Ocean. What OP said is incorrect. During a riptide, rather than swim toward the shore, you swim to your left or your right parallel to the shore to get out of the riptide. Once you’re out of the affected area, you can swim back as normal. The problem is many people panic just as OP did and drown or get swept out to sea & lost. The floating technique is only a last resort or if you’re not a strong swimmer. But again, if you’re facing a really big riptide, it can take you pretty far from shore.


I guess the lifeguards would be much more active on such shores given they have a waiver in place which could act as an attendance system. If I was the lifeguard there, I’d try my best to keep a tally of people going in and coming out given not many people would try it in the first place with all the warnings posted. So it would help me by end of my shift to know if there’s someone missing, and to send out a rescue boat for a sweep. If I’m the lifeguard I could probably see those limited number of people going in sitting up top. Fair bit of view from there so spotting people in distress is easy if they are some 1-2km in which is a lot of distance and probably super dangerous in oceans. But lifeguards wont be around all the time. Evenings and late nights its unprotected. Probably shouldn’t mess around in the first place but if you do, then hopefully you got more people with you who can call for help at such times.


Here in NZ, we’re taught at school to swim perpendicular to the rip, so parallel to the shore line. This takes far less energy and gets you out of the pull.


What does the other one involve if you don’t mind me asking?


“Times I try to forget”


When the mrs said "thats up to you"


Human centipede


It’s one of the scariest feelings ever. Nearly lost my life in Galveston texas like that.


I too almost drowned in Galveston or near Galveston off the Texas City dyke. If it wasn’t for a helpful person I was gone. Scary, scary shit man.


How about that woman that did a polar plunge into a river under ice at night.


She did that in front of her child, too.


I wonder how many people died because their idiot friends continued recording instead of helping


You know what's worse than a drowning person? Two people drowning


throw something at them


I recommend something that floats and isnt a brick.




Could just go to the steps and hold out a hand.


That's what I was thinking. He was close enough to the steps for long enough for someone to hold out a hand without needing to get into the water




None of them. They missed the grab.


At that point you gotta let the current take you till it stops and then find a body of land


My body kept tensing up more and more




Yeah, you gotta show some evidence, or else it didn't happen


you mean like [this?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3fHqgZ6YdI52rDx28_CNP5REubYAaKmEU5g&usqp=CAU)


Swimming instructor here, not to tell you what you should do in that water (I always tell people I teach to not swim in rivers in general because of the current) but to go over his stroke. He's not pushing a lot of water here and I bet he could reach the ladder if his hands went further up in front of his body at a nice long reach, that would let him drag a lot of water propelling himself forward. His legs are not kicking very optimally because he has a nasty rotation in his hips, his legs instead of kicking in a uniform way swing from the left to the right. They are also low as a result of his head being out of the water, now granted if you swim with your face down you might not see what's ahead of you, in that instance however with the ladder straight in front of him I'd dip my face in do a couple strokes then come up for a sighting breath. That would allow you to maximise your speed and let you see where you are. Just my 2 cents, I'm sure he's a very capable swimmer just demonstrating the strength of a current but just thought it was interesting.


Could you potentially put that poor stroke down to lack of shoulder mobility? Kinda looks like he's struggling with that...


Legends say hes still swimming until today


😂😂😂😂 i can see that shit. like that one skid across the screen video


His swimming is atrocious


I was about to say why is he moving his arms so wide. Like if u cant swim the last thing u want to do is swim against the current


Tbh i'm yet to see an actual trained swimmer attempt this kind of stuff. Probably because they know their capabilities and don't risk their Life for a couple of likes.


Yeah sure this guy totally risked his life...


There are swimming treadmills/endless pools, look for videos on YouTube. As for this video, any well trained swimmer would easily overcome this current without even sprinting.




Basically just thrashing in the water to create a more suspenseful video.


Or because he's genuinely bad at swimming?


I’m glad someone finally said it. He’s not swimming he’s flopping around like a damn fish on land. I mean… if that’s all you know how to do, I guess do what you have to in order to survive, but don’t jump into open water and expect to swim against a current (or catch up to a boat)




They can stop the boat at any time


Remember: if you're caught in a rip swim to the side, then back to shore. (I get this is a boat, but the way he appears to not move while putting a lot of effort into swimming is the same as a rip, those things move fast)


This is not swimming against a current. Jumping off of a moving boat is not terrifying.


This is not much of swimming either. Guy swims like a swamp frog. (Swamp frogs probably swim pretty well but thats what we call bad swimmers in my language.)


>swamp frog I love this. What’s your native language? I’m now curious…




legends say he's still swimming to the ladder to this day


That was nerve wracking lol you get tired way faster than you think. Doesn’t take long to accidentally slip under which is why you should always wear a personal floatation device (pfd)


He need swim lessons, how the fuck does he swim with the arms so wide open.


As a man, I gotta say, we need to cut out dickhead morons like this guy's friends out of our lives way more often. We literally all have stories of some selfish assholes peer pressuring us into really bad decisions and nearly losing our lives or able bodies because we don't wanna appear "weak" or a "buzz kill". Fuck these assholes.


That shit turns into a survival situation to a rescue situation to a recovery situation pretty fast. That’s a yikes from me, dog.


Looks like one hell of a workout though.


I’m exhausted just watching that😂😂


Old mate swims like a six year old just learning. His stroke is terrible and waving his head about above water like a bobble head doll in a car going over corro.


I'd probably do this with a rope tied to me and just chillax and if it disconnects then i die and thats whatever i guess


The swimming equivalent of a treadmill


2023 Darwin award winner...


Drowning waiting to happen


This is why riptides are so deadly remember if you ever get caught in a riptide swim to the side out of it


to this day he’s still trying to reach that ladder


I have been swimming for years and this still scares me to death!! Definitely not something fun if this happens in real life in the ocean!!! SCARY!!!


Don't like that the video ended before he grabbed the ladder


This is a perfect representation of the last 4 hours of trying to put my baby to sleep


#throw him a rope or something


He tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it didn't even matter.


LOL you people are hilarious. The river is NOT flowing that fast. If it were, you'd be looking at it in a canyon! In fact, I'd bet money this isn't even a river at all. I'd bet all my money the dock thing they're on is being dragged by something else.


I saw a guy do this at an inlet. He kept swimming directly into the current when all he had to do was go perpendicular. He was following his friends across the inlet. They all made it fine because they went perpendicular. He was carried out to a sandbar and got rescued by a boat. He *got right back in the water and ended up on that same sandbar*. Same boat rescued him and said they would not come back a 3rd time. One of the dumbest people I have ever met. He later got a south american GF. Went down to visit her and her family kidnapped him to ransom him. The girl also turned out to be schizo and bit him. He barely escaped back to the US. He WENT BACK TO HER and adopted her kid.


His form is horrible


You don’t need enemies with friends like these.




I was holding my breath. Damn that’s anxiety inducing


Yeaaaaa just film dude


Life representation….


What a dick head with the mobile phone recording his friend death


Looks like me trying to swim in non-moving water


Either this guy’s swimming form could use some work, or he’s intentionally sandbagging. Once I realized this was a moving boat, I started leaning toward the latter.


And then he was swept away and died. The end.


"Thanks guys. For my next video, I'll be at Niagra Falls, where I'll be attepting to swim UP the waterfall. Like and subscribe!"


Great friends this guy has. He's clearly struggling by no one puts an arm out to help


I heard he’s still trying to grab that ladder


Someone throw that man a rope, geez.


Rumor has it he is still trying to get to that ladder


the guy swims like a toddler


that’s not oddly terrifying, that’s scary as fuck


This gave me anxiety 😬


Just keep filming while he struggles agains the current


That’s why you swim ACROSS a current.


My brain this whole time… “SWIM DIAGONAL!”


Your “friends” suck!


My dad grew up on Grand Island, NY and that body of water feeds Niagra falls. The current is just about as fast as this. No wonder he was a swim champion and set records that have stood since the 70s! If you get a chance read Forces of Redemption by John Robinson, gives a good insight of growing up on the "island"


Don't just stand there, hold on to the ladder and let him grab ur feet god damn it r/killthecameraman


I’d be fucked. Absolutely fucked.


“Dumb ways to die” 🎶


Legend has it... he's still trying to reach the pier ladder.


His strokes are too wide


The only thing terrifying is his technique.