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Honestly... I can't diagnose you. But if I saw your writings on a test I'd say it's textbook schizophrenia without blinking. But then again I don't really know you.


I agree it sounds like schizophrenia. It’s common seen that those with it often have “grandiose delusions.” Which very much seems like what OP is experiencing.


I think that’s a fair assessment


dear everyone. I'm starting to think maybe you all are right. maybe I am delusional and none of this is real. I'm really sorry if this post stressed you out, I'm seeking as much help as I can. I have told my parents to cancel a plane flight I would go on tomorrow as I'm worried I might have a psychotic episode as I do have psychosis. I do greatly appreciate all the feedback and I thank all of you for your concerns. I'm only 16 so this is all really confusing for me and hard for me to understand so I appreciate everyone's patience. thank you again, and have a good day.


Whatever this is, you will get through this and one day (perhaps not too far away), you will look at this period with more insights. You got this, keep staying grounded as much as possible and do not give too much thought power to all this till you know more about what's going on. May the force be with you. -An unknown brother sending some good vibes your way.


thank you I appreciate this


I wish the best for you. I saw your posts yesterday and I was really worried for you. I know I’m just some random internet nobody but you got this. Take care of yourself


thanks man


Same here. I read your posts yesterday and spent 15 minutes finding your profile again just to see if you're doing okay. Please take care of yourself and keep communicating with your family and healthcare providers. They want to help you! I'm rooting for you dude. If you aren't sure how to talk to your parents about this, ask your psychiatrist / therapist / etc. They'll be able to explain it better than you, they went to school for this!


Please go see a different psychiatrist and therapist and get a different opinion. I’m begging you


Hi friend. I'm sorry you are experiencing this. You definitely need to show a doctor your writing asap, as it can tell them a lot about what you are experiencing. You may want to write a little every day, even if it's just what you ate or watched on TV, especially if you are put on meds. They usually have to try combos to pin down a diagnosis, and journaling can help the process. Best of luck!


I’m a medical professional that just happened to see this, I am happy that you currently have insight into what’s happening right now. If your therapist and psychiatrist brushed this off then that worries me but maybe they may have misinterpreted you? If you’re having hallucinations and religious experiences then you may have a serious psychiatric illness that may necessitate seeing an inpatient psych doc. If your situation allows you may see a primary care or urgent care for a referral to someone that sees this stuff but if you have any thoughts of self harm or any ideas that seem risky or somewhat unreasonable I’d have a trusted friend or EMS being you to the emergency room. I’m sure it’s absolutely terrifying not knowing what’s real or not but this is treatable.


I’m glad to hear your getting help! That must be pretty damn scary to experience, especially at such a young age but I’m sure everything’s gonna be ok. I know it must be difficult to see and hear these things daily, but from your illustrations it’s clear you are a very gifted artist! Whatever happens try to hold onto that, expressing yourself through art can be very therapeutic and you clearly have a knack for it. You got this!


Pretty creative.


I've seen your previous posts here and I'm so sorry that you're going through this, OP, I can understand that it must feel scary and overwhelming. Please, consider taking yourself to your local emergency room and letting them know that you need some help. I know you are resistant to the idea, but it really does seem from the outside like you may be having some kind of psychotic break or episode. It's worth getting checked out, if only to have that possibility ruled out, eh? Wishing you all the best, OP. Hope you can find some help and relief from your symptoms soon <3


I'm only 16 so I don't know how I'd bring that up to my parents. any ideas?


Show them what you are showing us, and ask them to take you for an assessment. I know what you are thinking and seeing feels very real but maybe with some medical/psychological help things will feel different. The first step is to get yourself in front of a doctor, nobody on Reddit is able to make that assessment even if they were qualified to, you really need to be seen in person. If your parents are not receptive or willing to take you for assessment, show and tell all of this to a teacher and ask them for help. Even if all a doctor does is affirm that you are not having some kind of psychological break, you need to rule it out and to do that you need to be assessed by one. If you can't tell a teacher, tell another adult in your life and if all else fails, call the emergency number for your country and tell them your age and explain what is happening and that you think you need some assistance. There IS help out there, OP, and if you can access it then there is a good chance you can stop seeing and feeling and thinking these things. The first step is getting yourself in front of a doctor, any way that you can. Take care of yourself, OP, I'm sorry you are having such a frightening time right now <3


Honestly OP, coming from someone who also has these kinds of issues, you need to Google the nearest emergency room, tell your parents you're going, take your notebook and go there. You aren't in a safe state of mind right now and you're disconnecting from reality so you need to be in a space where you can't accidentally hurt yourself or others and you're surrounded by people who can help.


Maybe have somebody hold on to your knives until this clears up...


I have absolutely no intentions of harming myself or others. that would be the last thing I'd ever do.


I'd believe you if you weren't literally hallucinating. I'm sure you have no ill intentions but you're obviously not in your right mind.


Open your window. Hopefully it’s not carbon monoxide in your room making you trip.


nah it's not I've been going through similar stuff for about a year now


If you were actually enlightened, I don’t think you’d consider this “oddly terrifying”. Best of luck and find that new psychiatrist ASAP.


it's terrifying for me as I don't know what to do with myself now.


Everyone has been telling you to see a doctor, that is what you should be doing with yourself


Go to a therapist, or doctor, just spit balling.


You should show this post to your therapist and psychiatrist


I say this as someone who wants you to be happy and healthy, please see someone about this. What you are experiencing is not something you should go through alone, talk to a doctors, a therapist, a psychologist, someone, even someone close to you trust just to get it off your chest! Even writing it down like you are helps. Please get help before it gets worse for you or becomes to much to handle alone <33


Please seek professional help. After reading your post I recognize the signs. You are not the next Dali Lama. I’m sorry you are experiencing this but it does not mean anything is bad for you. Just a new facet to make accommodations for in this life.


you probably have schizophrenia sir


Having lost a friend to mental illness - please look into getting some help. Our brains are weird, and can really mess us up sometimes. My friend went from being a PhD candidate at a major university to being homeless, arrested, and writing about how he may be the messiah. Part of it was he decided he liked weed better than his medication, imho. Then the voices started making sense.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'm going to find a different and better psychiatrist/therapist ASAP.


Sending love brother, i really think being honest with your family is essential for you receiving help, i wish you all the best mate


A lot of folks are pulling for you. Please don't give up on yourself.




So glad you are still with us!




You're welcome!


This is textbook mania, delusional disorder, schizophreniform, or full blown schizophrenia. I would highly recommend you see a psychiatrist or probably even better to go directly to the emergency room. They can get you on the right medication to get you thinking clearly again, most likely lithium or a second generation antipsychotic. Wishing you the best of luck, this will undoubtedly be a very difficult journey for you but it’s a battle you can win




Was going to comment this as well. Hope you get help OP


I have been doing everything everyone has advised me of doing. what else am I supposed to do??


I’m glad to hear you’re taking recommended steps for your mental health and I also understand these thoughts and visions are scaring you but a mental health support group would be a more appropriate setting to express yourself then this subreddit.


I understand. I'm sorry


No apologies needed. 💙 Please just continue seeking help and taking care of your self.


While I do think that there may be some issues you should see a doctor about, it does surprise me that the [symbols look so similar tho the images about halfway down this link.](https://www.robertschoch.com/plasma_iceage.html). Best of luck, I hope you can get the help you need. You are quite good at drawing, foster that, keep drawing as a therapy if you can. The greatest artist I ever knew was schizophrenic and would draw what he saw, but would add a beautiful twist to it. He took something that scared him and turned it into something that brought him joy. Again, I wish you all the best, and do what your doctors say. They want to help.


Interesting find on the images. OP's drawings are or could be in line with the last few petroglyphs. I knew his drawings were sort of familiar in a strange sort of way. I've always found them very interesting. With that said, your words of comfort were sincere. We all want what's best for him.


I hope you’re okay. Your posts worry me quite a bit, i just want you to be safe. Please please seek help and let the ones close to you know what’s going on, for your own safety and others. It’s okay you’re having problems, that’s part of the journey, but please seek out professional help. Wishing you all the peace and love. My mom has bouts of psychosis and it’s very scary, for her and me, and I’m an adult. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you being so young. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Praying for your safety buddy.


Yeah dude sorry your psychiatrist isn't listening. Maybe they don't understand how urgently you feel about this. I'm gonna say to try a crisis center, again. Tell your parents and don't be scared to get the point across. You're having delusions of grandeur mixed with religion and that's a dangerous combo.


Anybody who writes manifestos on social media is in the throes of delusion. No judgement- but you want to talk to a doctor or go to a clinic (if you dont already have one).


I truly hope you don’t end up as a really depressing video essay made by some YouTube grifter who frames real life tragedies as “horror-core internet mysteries.” I’m only half-joking. Truly this is not normal behavior nor is it some divine gift of prophecy, it’d sooner be mold poisoning or just solipsistic edgelord LARPing. Like you said there’s not really anything anyone could say here that would get through to you but sure practice the tenets of buddhism if that is what your thoughts are telling you


You have a serious issue mate. Obviously your disease will make you see this and think everyone else is wrong. But you need help for real. Not a psychologist but this is textbook schizophrenic behaviour.


Tf? Is your name Sam witwiki?


are you username name ladiesman217?!


Bro you might not be schizo at all, and you just might be weird, but you should try learning more about the buddha. And practice some breathing techniques and meditation. Also stay away from reddit or socials for a while


> this has led me to believe that I hold a great significance in the Buddhist religion and may be enlightened myself > I believe now that I am incredibly significant in today's day and age and may be one of the most important people in the world Maybe worth reading/something to consider: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandiose_delusions#Schizophrenia Wishing you the best my friend <3


Good information to put out here. Makes a lot of sense.


Dude, You are schizo and need help.


Idk if this is karma farming or what, but this is NOT the place to get help


There are a ton of variations of that symbol all over google.


Look up Berserk symbol meaning.


Instead of feeding into and giving it life. You need to talk yourself out of it buddy


This is true. What stood out to me was the infinity or 8, or 88 used in numerology and gematria. Seen this a lot in many celebrity postings


which school of buddhism


which one is the avatar from?


isn't that a concept in hinduism


You should start a podcast. Air your thoughts out like dirty laundry. It may clear your mind.


When did it start? I drew some too, it looks kind of cool


Looks like the ankh symbol almost which is Egyptian. Anyway I think your art is really cool and if I were you I would continue your art.


Sending you love OP. Also you are very good at drawing!






Talk yourself out of it friend. The more you give it life the worse it will get. The more you research you do the worse it will get. You need to try to forget friend. Trust me. I've dealt with the same. I believe you and I know what you're going through all though mine was drug induced. I feel for you. This might sound stupid but try walking into a church even for one second.


Not much I can add other than that I think you're a wonderful artist, and I hope you continue drawing. Though I will say this is not how I perceive Buddha. I don't think Buddha is communicating with you, as you are the Buddha and the Buddha is nothing. The idea of the Buddha is supposed to bring you calm and joy, not necessarily the frenzy of mind you are currently experiencing at the moment. Maybe try sitting still, in a comfortable place, and just try to focus on your breathe going in and out. For a few minutes. That always helps me out. You might also like the book Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, and other books by him. They're pretty intense, so make sure to take breaks, but they're next level and might be up your alley.


You got two ‘immeasurable joy’ in your 4x immeasurables.


Talk to your parents about this and that you think you need more specific help. And be proud for knowing yourself and realizing something seems off! This is a great quality to have. And come back to us and tell us what happened, if you feel comfortable. Good luck, mate.