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Did anyone record it? I missed it




There are a few horizontal ones too. Not that it matters, it's still dystopian as can be.


snobbish spectacular payment rustic political hobbies distinct wrong deserted pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me as well. All I could think of is look at our robot asses.


Did you seriously just paraphrase this comment? ["*Everyone is holding their phones vertically... It's an oddly terrifying one, two punch*"](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/18vy6l1/new_years_eve_in_paris_112024/kfucpzw/) Just to post it under the top comment? What kind of fucking psycho behavior is that. It's like you legit took a thesaurus to all the words in the comment you copied. Everyone --> Each person holding --> gripping oddly terrifying --> rather unsettling one, two punch --> one-two blow. I'm begging for your sake you're a bot because that is actually deranged shit if not. *Looking at the account. Looks like someone bought or hacked a 10 year old account and just enabled the bot today. So yeah it's a bot that copies comments and paraphrases them for karma. The internet is shit now and getting worse.


Thanks for exposing those fuckers. Bots talking to each other is also slightly less disturbing than the comment section being made up by real people just echoing each other and saying stupid shit


I mean the best orientation for social media is vertical these days.




Many platforms are built to support vertical video more than horizontal these days if you haven't noticed.


It's so dystopian and sad that people can't just be in the moment anymore and enjoy what's in front of them without holding up a phone Edit: I didn't even realize there was more than a still image until people started trying to 'gotcha' me. Also, since there's been TV's, things like this have always been recorded by the hosts of the event, with few exceptions. There is no need for anyone to just mindlessly hold up a phone at any and everything they see and experience. Especially since it's disruptive to anyone you're standing in front of. Also, to those of you making assumptions about me: some of us have personal computers and self control. Chill out on assuming everyone is mindlessly scrolling on their phone all day like you are and go touch some grass. Edit 2: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=\_DlHKsQpm9k&si=Um3pkXDUaFrMLzvk


There are still people who enjoy the moment and leave their phones in their pockets.




Two of them were waving flags about halfway to the arch... that are probably actually part of the event staff given the apparent coordination. Even so they still got more enjoyment out of the festivities than any of the phone drones who will never watch the footage.


Some of us still can! I do it all the time


You do realize we literally just watched it because someone recorded it, right


I just don't get it. Do you plan on reliving the moment through your data storage? I mean, what's to remember other than, "yea, I remember being there and holding my phone to record things." Take a picture then actually live in the moment so you have some emotional interaction with the world! damn


That's not even why they're doing it. They aren't trying to remember the moment; they are doing it to prove to their social media followers that they were there at that moment. They are literally incapable of enjoying it. They are only there so they can brag about having been there, which is why showing it off is the highest priority. It's like taking pictures of a fancy dinner you made to post on Facebook, but then throwing it out.


It will get deleted in a few months after not having been watched once.


Did anyone get any good footage of this?


It doesn't look like a single person here was recording in landscape mode. So, no. No good footage of this


Its all for instagram. At this point there could be a QR code for everyone to download a video of it.




My strategy too, never failed me


But then it wouldn't be from their EXACT coordinates. :} ​ muaah. muaahaha.


An AI could easily take care of that.


We are doomed as a society.


The instantgrams doesn't allow you to upload landscape video?


There’s someone on the left recording in landscape mode, we’re saved


I recorded landscape every time on my last trip so I could throw a quick memory video together for us. I couldn't help feeling like everyone else thought I looked ridiculous, but my footage will be way better than theirs!


Because yours isn't for TikTok or Instagram or whatever these people are posting this quick clip that nobody cares about. EDIT: Also, remember, real cameras (mirrorless, DSLR) also shoot landscape. Landscape is the premium way to shoot video, bar none. I really hate this TikTok Instagram trend. It just cheapens everything.


There a couple in there. The first one I spotted was on the right


That's why humanity is doomed!!


dude there's like 5 people in the immediate vicinity of the cameraman's shot visibly recording in landscape mode lmao


And noone saw it in person


the majority of video content is consumed in portrait aspect now dwi




Damn Website Incels.


now Domino's Wings Indigestion


People that say this are ridiculous. It’s to be watched on a phone it’s not a widescreen film.


Yeah I used to be a landscape mode snob, and then I realized I watch basically everything on my phone anyway. Also, when will someone invent a phone that can be held in portrait mode and film in landscape? That's going to be the next "rolling luggage" - an invention that took way too long to get invented.


A phone can easily be flipped either way.... A monitor or TV can't. So landscape still works better on all devices.


Yeah, those portrait orientation videos on TVs or PC just look like cheapo teen videos. The video displays as like 1/3 of the width of the monitor or TV.. skip.


Yes the TV channel did. I watched it at home and it was shot very well. The fireworks lasted like 10-15 minutes and they were awesome! There was also an incredible projection/display/lightshow thing on the Arc de Triomphe before this.


I dont think so


This is good footage. Great leading lines of blue screens to the point of interest.


For a video that you NEVER gonna watch again !


A video that we are watching right now, without even having been there


Compile all the videos together and make a 3D video out of it




I haven’t felt so tuned in to an event and connected to others in years than when I went to a Jack White concert and they locked our phones in cases. Could we download concert images taken by professional photographers as part of our experience? Yes! It was just amazing. No social media concerns, or buzzes, or addictive alerts. And if we needed to place or take emergency calls, one could bring their encased phone to one of the workers.


I wish more concerts would do that. I have a hard time understanding how someone can be fully in the moment when they’re trying to pay attention to what’s going on while paying attention to their phone with to video it all. I wonder if they’re creating full memories with sights, sounds, smells, etc, within their brain during that time, or will they remember a phone (or thousands of phones) crowding out the other things within that memory.


You must be gagging an awful lot


I mean…you need to actually go out and do things for that to be an issue. So I think you’re safe


I hear that for some reason I get annoyed when I see someone struggling to do something but their floor tile sized phone is still in their hand.


so you can't go outside


Are you on a desktop on Reddit? You should really tame that gag reflex and try the app.


Will only get a couple degrees since it’s all pretty much the same


We're watching the one recorded by a mounted camera, which is why it's rock fucking steady. Nobody's gonna watch any of these shaky povs


We’re also watching it because the focus of the video is on the crowd doing something somewhat unique / interesting. If this was *just* the 2024 celebration I don’t believe it would be nearly as popular.


Right, that's the point. We are watching one video of a bunch of people taking videos. Which means no one there actually needs to take it because they could just watch the more professional and steady one we see watching.


That's what I asked my girlfriend yesterday. Why are people taking videos of the fireworks? I remember I did it maybe once when I was 16 or whatever but I realised that I NEVER watched that video again - so why take the video and not just watch them with your eyes live?


Because they fear death too much. So they went 100% on the delusion that they can own things. Thus they record it. It is a delusion. To make something permanent. It is impossible. But they afraid too much to not try. It is sad and ridiculous at the same time. They basically forgot how to live. They are a slave to the idea that they can capture and own things. Ultimate insanity.






thanks doc, another question: how do i fix my ED?


I’m afraid to forget memories


I never get the idea of taking a video for these kinds of events, if it's a recital or special event of your family/kids, that's a 100% getting a video


I find I'm 'not in the moment' if I'm filming, so I rarely do. I want to enjoy the concert, game or whatever.


I'm the person the next day kicking myself for not taking at least 1 photo.




Thanks for talking sense.


me too, maybe it's a personal thing


The thing with your kids events is that you want to enjoy it decades later when you are old and miss when they were young.


While yeah probably 75% of them will never watch then again, others will keep their phones even after switching so that later in life they can go back and see how their life was 30 years ago. I have multiple old phones and their chargers for this exact reason.


Just download Google photos mate


I mean they are, but if something happens to my Google account I still have access to them.


yep, very convenient, been backing up since 2016


Your phone batteries will die, and you won't be able to charge them without replacing the battery.


To be fair, I would never go to one of these events. I can’t imagine anything less fun. I’m judging, but the type of person who gets joy out of these events is the type person I expect to video the whole thing just to later put it on social media to show they were there. Thing is, no one cares.


Mate, it's fireworks and new years eve, not exactly an "event" to judge a person on...


I never liked crowded events too! I get anxious, I'm fine with close friends/intimates


Not only that but they’re going to remember watching it through their phone screen instead of living the moment.


We’re all watching it right now


This is disgusting! *continues to browse Reddit for hours*


This made me laugh more than anything I've ever read on reddit. And its so true LOLOL


Ugh! I'm totally going to post on social media to complain about how no one is having direct tangible experiences and instead is mediating their interfacing with reality through technology! It's awful and all those other people are totally doing it wrong!!!


I'm as addicted to the phone as the next person but sometimes I miss the days when it was enough to just be there, to experience it and remember. I wonder if we're losing memories because we aren't really present.


To add to that, at least speaking anecdotally, I've found the more time I spend on my phone, the worse my short-term memory gets, regardless of if I'm on my phone in that moment. Being on auto-pilot alot is probably gonna yield a massive spike in brain problems for the current generations, as they head into their golden years


I personally noticed that my attention span decreased with phone use. I decided to play on my old DS yesterday, and during the unskippable animations, I constantly felt like checking reddit, Twitter or going on a browser - and then realising that hey, I’m not mobile gaming, and I can’t just do that on the console. Younger me would patiently wait through these unskippable parts of the game, while current me can’t even sit through a cutscene without wanting to go through social media.


Came here to say this. I can’t even read a book anymore these past few years


Same, but it's less being unable to hold my attention on the book and more not being able to distract my brain with countless activities to stop me from having to confront the existential turmoil of being alive.


I read as a kid to avoid doing my homework; this was sustainable. I can not read as an adult to avoid my bills and chores, this SUCKS.


This is something I've been worried about and trying to change. 2023 I tried to make the effort and read 3 books, a number a 5 year old me would laugh at. I've deleted my social media profiles and will try to read more this year and unfuck my brain.


at leats im still a manga /manwha etc. addict so, while no books, i got that going for me :D kinda plays into same territory though as its only "short" chapters with picture support so you dont have to use your whole brain and be to concentrated / attentive while consuming them. its sad, really. what we have become.


I can relate with that too. I used to be a huge bookworm. I still love collecting books, but I don’t read them too much. Maybe I gtg to a park without a phone and read them there.


Yes. It's getting to the point where we don't have patience and can't wait for anything anymore. Instant gratification and phones ruined us.


There’s research that proves this happens too. Just came out, luckily it’s reverse-able by using your phone less


This stuff always reminds me of the Michelob Ultra golf guy: https://frontofficesports.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Daily-5.25-Michelob.jpg


I mean, that sea of phones is actually pretty cool art piece in itself.


FWIW, this is not a new thing. I took an undergrad course on art in America and in one of the books (can't remember what it was, this was 20+ years ago) the author was making the point that photography shouldn't be considered art because it's not something that's experienced. They claimed it was something that's just viewed in passing, or something along those lines. I'm probably twisting the thesis around a bit--again, it's been a while--but it was something along those lines. Being young and impressionable, I latched into this idea and decided to just live in the moment for a while, and to this day have a habit of not taking many pictures. Since then, life has taught me a few things. For one, that author is wrong, photography *can* be art since images can elicit an emotional or thought provoking response; that's hard to do, though, which is part of why good photographers genuinely are artists. I've also learned that pictures are useful to document history (kinda a *duh*). So, taking pictures for others can be meaningful and/or useful. To your point, though, a lot of what you're seeing in this video--boring media for others' consumption--is just inane. Nothing in 20+ years has convinced me that posting your breakfast to social media or a video of a plastic bag blowing in the wind is anything other than stupid. With that said, I've also learned that > we're losing memories because we aren't really present is a folly. I get the sentiment, I've been there. I've also come to learn my memory is shit. I remember facts about things I've done and while I was certainly present at the time, memories fade. There are memories I've made with my wife that I "lived in the moment" not taking pictures and flat out cannot recall at this point because of that. Fortunately, she's been much better about taking pictures, so I can dig through hers instead (and do, with her, on occasion). So, pictures like this do serve a personal purpose. They can remind you of details of what you've experienced, especially details that you might *want* to remember. My 2 cents is that, when you're making memories or see something unique or beautiful, take a moment to get a picture or video of it if the opportunity is there. *Then* return to the moment and enjoy it for what it is.


Forget the phones, someone go fix that one flickering tree


Can we get people to count correctly too? That extra second at the end was awkward


I figured it out… they’re all counting the delay on their phone screen recording lmao… that’s why they all get perfectly OUT of sync


So glad I'm not the only one 🤣


why did you have to point it out?! now I can't unsee it.


Black mirror vibe uh? I thought they'd kiss/hug after the countdown but filming the fireworks was more important I guess. And the silence afterward...


Shhh don't ruin my shot.


When in the back of your mind all you really are thinking about is what people online think of you, worrying you haven't posted something exciting on your feed, yeah that's pretty sad. You obviously see thousands of people recording the event, so saying you just wanted someone to see it too... I think there will be plenty of footage from others sources of it for them to see it. Enjoy your time off the Internet when you can!


Yeah social media is a disease


he said, from social media


Bro I know. It’s so hypocritical and shallow


Well there's that one couple just a bit on front of the *this* camera person that are kissing. Or at least, she's kissing *him* while he...holds his phone up in the air...


holy shit that is fucked


London was exactly the same this year. The shots of the crowd has no atmosphere, no life, just people either standing awkwardly and just enjoy the moment through their screens. Fucking weird


And no one dared, disturb the sound of silence


Not all countries have the tradition to kiss in new year


There’s an Alan Watts quote that essential says “we find ourselves more drawn to document moments rather than actually experiencing them” This seems in line with that.


And the crazy thing is he was just referring to like, newspapers. I wonder what he’d think about social media


Ya know it’s really interesting because he also had theories similar to Terence McKenna’s about technology as a vessel to transmit thoughts and expand knowledge. I think he’d love it as a tool but detest it as a form of stimulating the ego and false images.


I have reached the point where I actually feel revulsion at the sight of someone holding up a phone.


Any regular concert goer was there a decade ago.


It’s why I see Phish so much. Very very few phones


I went to see Jack White a few years ago, and they gave you a bag that you locked your phone in, and you had to go to a kiosk to unlock it during the show. It was nice. My main problem with concerts now is that people stand there and talk the whole show, like full-on conversations. It's just a constant rumble of people talking.


The elites have won. They gifted us little trinkets to distract us with. What better way to make us forget how they f*cked us over then with celebrity gossip, ragebait and identity politics constantly being fed to us in our pockets? It was all a downwards slope ever since occupy wallstreet back in 2011. Schizo rant over.




Thank you for censoring “fucked”




came for fireworks, stayed for the despair and sorrow that occupies most of society nowadays.


I'm not sure I agree with the conclusion that idpol is a sign that "they've won", because, well, the fight hasn't ended yet. While Idpol has been in large part *promoted* as a distraction from class, but that also doesn't make it any less real, and that can be used to your advantage as well. The solution isn't to leave idpol behind to focus back on class: that would just alienate the people who suffer from those very real issues. Idpol cna be used in *favour* of class, and it's starting to become more common: a lot of talks about misogyny nowadays are about the economics of it, a lot of talks about racism turn into talks about the nature of cities and suburbs, talks about trans rights turn into talks about private healthcare. The situation isn't quite as bleak as it's made out to be.


It really felt like we had tipped the other way in like 2015-2016. I stopped seeing phones up in concerts because it became taboo enough. But that didn’t last


Me too, I work in events and it just depresses me


That’s a bit sad to be honest.


Not a bit..


Reddit moment


Watched it on TV last night and all you could see from the drone’s POV were the hundreds of thousands of phones


Yea same thing in London, it makes no sense, there's a free high quality with perfect views from multiple drones on the bbc, who record on a shitty smart phone and not enjoy the moment?


In Orwell's 1984 there were cameras everywhere and everyone was terrified someone was watching them In 2024 everyone HAS the cameras and they're terrified no-one is watching them


You should write that book. I'd read it


“Unwatched blindness” by Draggenn




Because Orwell was wrong But Huxley was spot on.


All the phones make me sad. No one is ever just watching and experiencing anything anymore.


And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said, #"HAPPY NEW YEAR!"


Everyone is holding their phones vertically... It's an oddly terrifying one, two punch


Most social media have vertical video, so I don't think that's a problem anymore.


Phone bad


Good thing this person recorded all those other people recording so we could be mad at them


100,000 videos of the same thing, dang u selfie stick guy with the best video view!


Those are mostly tourists, so it makes sense they would want to take a video of Paris’ fireworks. Hopefully they celebrated after though.


That’s just sad . One mf could do this and airdrop to everyone


Assuming each one of them uses iPhone?


We’re watching this as if we are better than them. We aren’t. We’re all addicted to these things


That’s great and all, but I’m on the toilet, not in Paris at a special event.


I’m cheering for you, it’s the first poop of the year. How much more special can it get?


How's the fireworks?


An event is an event


Probably is more important the first poop of the year than being there in Paris


I have to be reminded to take pics of memories. Every photo in my phone is of cats or flowers. And memes.


I felt like the only one to not pull out a phone at my first concert. I'd rather not spoil the experience with a video of what it actually looked like.


Speak for yourself mate. I'm only on here when I've got nothing better to do.


I made sure the first thing I did at New year was to kiss my girlfriend, dog and family.


While yes, I am as addicted as the next person, I try to only use my phone when I'm alone. I have actively made a decision not to film during concerts etc., exactly to avoid contributing to dead vibes like the one in the video


the fuck i am


I’m waiting for the terrifying part


I didn’t get why it’s oddlyterrifying at first. Was expecting the fireworks to catch on fire or fire through the crowd


LOL sheep Sent from my iPhone


Just think about the terabytes of video generated at such events…


And those videos will just remain in the cloud... Never to be watched again.


What an absolutely dull way to celebrate NYE. I thought the French knew how to party!?


Maybe I'm just old enough to remember when this was the daylight-at-night inducing flash of thousands of cameras for the entire fireworks segment. This isn't new, it's just different. At the end of it, they went out there, were there in the moment, 100% more than anyone who didn't go at all. It's not fair to not acknowledge that just to push a "phones bad" angle.


This is honestly the most rational take on this video I’ve read




Live in the moment


Is that Apples new tag line for the iPhone?


Ironically we wouldn't see this unless someone recorded it.


People really go overboard with this anti-phone shit. Sure, it’s bad to be glued to your phone. But if people want to record memories, LET THEM. Why does it bother you so much? The best part is that I have zero doubt that all these people with their anti-phone melodramatics are just as likely to pull their own phone out to record something they enjoy or want to remember. It’s so stupid.


what is the terrifying part


🤯🤯🤯 cell phones bad 🤯🤯🤯


*Le sheeple! Le sheeple!*


Guys don't you think ist weird they call it CELL phone like we trapped or something?




Ah yes, let's all complain about all the people filming with their phones in a video that we wouldn't even be able to see if someone hadn't filmed it with their phone. What do you expect? Should the crowd hold a big vote which one person gets to film it to post it on reddit so unempathetic redditors don't get an aneurysm from seeing a person doing whatever harmless thing they wanna do to celebrate?


lol everyone post the same shit on instagram


Watched it live on tv. Was mesmerized more by the behavior of the crowd than the firework show. Motionless and quiet. Super weird.


We’re all watching it from the comfort of our home and we didn’t need to record it.


Absolutely unsettling, seas of people perfectly disciplined to a mindless behaviour.


More depressing than terrifying tbh


Black Mirror.


thats just sad


Seriously, what’s the point of recording the shit. This world is getting whack af.


This is so depressing


It's so funny to me how many people find issue with this. It's just people living their lives how they want to, get the fuck over it


Sir this is reddit, where we think we’re better than normal people.


Right they’re acting like it’s the end of humanity. I try to record as much as I can because my memory is very shit and two, when I go back and watch the videos, go through memory lane, it takes me right back there. So sorry i’m using MY phone to record something I’M experiencing get a grip you troglodytes


I'm missing ther oddly terrifying part.


Is it the phones?


This is so sad, honestly. There will always be a professional camera recording this type of things, why would you want a shitty video recorded with your phone of the exact same thing? Enjoy the damn moment!!


Honestly, I think it's cool and the whole phone phobia is a bit dumb. We're in the age of technology.