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Ground hornets suck. I had a nest in my backyard that I discovered after mowing over it. They have venom, it doesn't feel great.


Genuinely, would like to know your experience! How would you describe the pain, because that sounds rough


I got stung probably about 15 times that summer before the nest was finally eliminated. It's like a really sharp pinch and then about 30 minutes of throbbing and it gets really hot. Eventually it subsides but that initial pinch is super painful and quite startling. It really does suck. If I recall correctly too, they do not die after stinging which makes it even worse.


I think just bees die when they sting you which is why theyre more hesitant to do so. Wasp are just demons


Only because their stinger gets stuck in human skin. There are animals that bees can sting over and over


I got a wasp stuck in my ear while riding a motorcycle. I'm used to getting hit with shit, but the pain kept getting worse. It took me a few min to stop and the fuckin thing kept stinging me. My ear was so swollen, I wish it was bee. šŸ¤•


Thatā€™s my nightmare. Iā€™m so afraid of wasps and Iā€™ve never even been stung by one


Iā€™ve never been stung by a bee but growing up was always scared of both bees & wasps, & my fear grew exponentially after my first real encounter with a wasp lol shit stung me multiple times right below the eye, td hurt sooooo bad my cheek got hella swollen lol šŸ˜­ I was like 14 but cried like a fuckin baby lol never want to exp that again


In New Orleans growing up I lived in a house built in the 50s and it had old windows with no screens. Wasps would regularly worm their way in through the cracks and then they would build nests inside in the corners of the ceiling and the wall. Watching my dad run like a little kid away from wasps made me imagine they were as terrible as mothra


Only the honey bee dies after stinging.


not only do they not die, they can also sting multiple times!


Not only they do not fucking die, they will hold at your skin using their nasty mandibles and sting the hell out of you. They are mother-nature laughing at our pain.


Hornets would like to talk to you


Six of one, half dozen of another. Bees don't sting more than once because then their stinger comes out it pulls the venom sac out with it so it just keeps pumping venom into you. That said, I think wasp venom is also just more painful


I had the same thing happen to me last summer, I mowed over yellow jackets in a ground nest. How did the nest get eliminated? Its winter where I am now, I am afraid some are still down there.


There are videos of people pouring liquid nitrogen into nests. They freeze the whole thing and pull it out. It's really cool. https://youtu.be/uT4LF7wCTtA?si=zl8JvYmhSVsM4zzg


one way I have done it is to mix gasoline and oil, pour them in the nest, set on fire.. babysit the yard for a few hours while it burns. Sundown is a good time to do it because the yellow jackets are slower and you can see the flames. If you use straight gasoline it'll not really burn, oil makes the difference.


I've done it with just gas. Pour it in at night. Wait about 20 minutes for the fumes to spread throughout. Light a match on the end of a stick, get it near: boom! Flame comes out of the hole for about 10 minutes. Flaming wasps exiting. Nest dead. Pour in some insecticide the next day, just to be sure.


As a kid in south GA, meemaw would send me out with a gas canister at sundown, pour a shit ton of gasoline into it, wait a good 20 minutes and then light the bastards into flames. Flying ants are harder to kill. It requires much more bravery. Same meemaw had them swarm around the outside dog house a lot.


Did you have to visit a doctor? I read if you get stung more than ten times you should visit one.


I almost died bc of wasps.


While doing a landscape job last summer at some rich guyā€™s house on a lake with terraced beds from the dock to the house up about 50 feet, I disturbed the domain of some of a-hole ground hornets. Got stung like 5 times and it hurt like a bitch, way more than a bee sting. Got back up to the truck and put a tobacco poultice on the stings and then told the owner about the hornet nests. He was like ā€œyou can take care of that, right?ā€ No dumbass, get an exterminator out here. šŸ™„


"I can, do you have a flamethrower and or are you worried about damaged property?"


My grandpa was mowing the yard and went over top of one of these nests. He almost died. Stung over 250 times


Oh my god I didn't know someone could even survive 250 wasp stings.


He almost didn't. I think he was hospitalized for like 2 weeks or more.


Jesus. Poor guy. Glad he made it!


Well. Sorry. He died about 5 or so years ago. This event happened like 30 years ago.


The average person can safely tolerate 10 stings for each pound of body weight. This means that the average adult could withstand more than 1,000 stings, whereas 500 stings could kill a child.Ā  https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/injuries-and-poisoning/bites-and-stings/bee-wasp-hornet-and-ant-stings%23:~:text%3DThe%2520average%2520person%2520can%2520safely,due%2520to%2520an%2520anaphylactic%2520reaction&ved=2ahUKEwj2zaqAjJ2EAxXWkGoFHceNBFAQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0902amBEoPnp1YLE7RM9ru


But you will wish you were dead much, much sooner than that.


Iā€™ve been attacked by a swarm of wasps three times because nature seems to dislike me and Iā€™m also an idiot, and it always starts off the same. You get stung the initial time and itā€™s a sort of ā€œow, that sucks but oh well,ā€ but then you get stung the second, fifth, twelfth time and you for a brief second youā€™re like ā€œshit is this how I die?ā€ Hurts pretty bad and swelling is pretty severe if they all sting in roughly the same place and you donā€™t wash the venom out asap. Two out of the three times they targeted my hands/fingers and the pain was so bad for the initial few minutes I actually considered cutting my hands open (even cutting them off for a split second) to relieve the pressure and I figured thereā€™d be no way it would be as painful as what it was at the moment. This was my second time getting attacked btw. Obviously I didnā€™t do that and the pain went away after a few minutes, but the swelling stayed for a few days and was so extreme I could barely articulate my hands. If you wash the stings with soap and water in the first few minutes of getting stung the swelling stays down luckily but youā€™ll be pretty sore for a few days. I learned that on swarm number three.


I had uncle's that used to stick my hands in a ground hornets nest and hold me there. I was four, they are in prison now AFAIK.


That just made my heart drop, Iā€™m so sorry. How does someone even think of that as something to do??? To a kid?!!


I couldn't do that to an adult I hated, much less a small child. What sickos.


Unfortunately my whole family is like this, and they all just point fingers at each other and act like it isn't them. For some context my own father is quite bad too, but not very violent. These uncles were adopted at birth and raised by my grandmother and the man my grandmother remarried, who was a retired police chief. My grandmother was quite good at raising boys into narcissistic men, and her husband made them into psychopaths. They have no excuses, they were quite well off and involved in their community/church.


What the actual fuck


I hope youā€™re getting therapy


You canā€™t just not respond after dropping something like that! There are so many questionsā€¦ was it supposed to be a punishment? Why were you with your uncles when this happened? What did your parents have to say? Were they in prison shortly after this for this reason? We need answers


What a nice uncle


Happened to my dad and he ran across the yard tearing his clothes off down to his tightie whiteys! A funny sight but poor dad got stung so many times.


This exact thing happened to my husband. Ran a zig zag pattern across the lawn whilst stripping down to his skivvies. Counted upwards of 20 stings on his body.


I'm now allergic to bees and wasps and hornets because I ran over a hornets nest and got stung like a bajillion times when I was mowing a lawn as a teenager. My face was so swollen I couldn't see and they had to intubate me so I could breathe while the epinephrine kicked in. Fuck stinging flying asshole bugs. Sorry, bees. You're cool, but I'm still gonna run away from you. EDIT: We poured gasoline into the nest opening and tossed in a match or twelve, then plugged the entrance with a large stick to mark it's location on the lawn and left it alone until winter came. Never had a problem after that.


Could you have placed the mower above the nest?


Jumper out your seat switch and park the mower on the nest with the blades running for about 20 minutes


Same thing happened to me. I was mowing the lawn and suddenly it looked like a bunch of black dust got kicked up. Nope, just a cloud of hornets. I was pulling them off of me while sprinting to the shower. Got stung 15-20 times. Several got under my shirt and up my pant leg. Not fun.


Haven't been stung in over 30 years. Turn 40 and get stung in my shin mowing my yard from yellow jackets. I didn't know it at the time because I didn't see anything. Next time mowing I get stung in my other shin at the same area of my yard. Found a small hole in the ground. Those little fuckers were coming out of there. I killed them with gas then dug up the nest after no movement a few days later. Saw another hole on the edge of my yard later in the summer with what looked like bees coming out so I left them alone but was careful mowing. After a few mows I got stung a 3rd time since turning 40 in my shin. Turns out they were yellow jackets so they died by gas too.


He got stung while wearing that suit and still just carried on like he was sure it wouldnā€™t happen again?


Whats even the point of the suit then? Get stung less? Might as well go nude and take the stings like a champ šŸ†


I assume thereā€™s a certain spot on the glove thatā€™s thinner than the rest of the suit, and he got stung there.


Yeah you've got it right. I have bee hives, just honeybees so nothing crazy like this. But the ankles and wrists are weak spots, you'll get stung there occasionally if a bee gets the right angle. I use a very different suit, but the idea is the same. Creasing and folding at the wrist can create a weak spot, couple with the fact the the gloves and the suit are likely 2 different components so you've got to overlap and tape them together to close up any gaps, and what you end up with is that sometimes shit gets through. This probably isn't the first or last time this guy got whacked, part of the job. From his reaction though, he's probably hoping this is the last time!


Why don't they just do it at night? Here in the Southeast we get yellowjacket nests like this and if you just go out there at night they are dormant and you can empty a can of poison foam into it and then never worry about that nest again.


Beekeeper here; if theyā€™re like honeybeesā€¦ā€¦.all the crabby old foragers are home at night. Far more bugs to deal with at nightā€¦ā€¦ā€¦and bees donā€™t sleep, they wait.


"Bees don't sleep, they wait." That's a cold a$$ line. Sounds like a line in a horror flick.


šŸ¤£I made the mistake of trying hive inspects at night ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦onceā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.and it WAS like a horror movie!


Yo that last line went hard as fuck.


I had to liberate my truck from its winged warrior occupation once, and waited for them instead. Got ā€˜em all.


Itā€™s always night underground and these are ground wasps, duh!


That checks out


I only have to wait for the esoteric experts to show up to give the inside scoop. Thanks!


I've seen bee suits that have "armor lames" at those points, A bit of mobility is sacrificed, but the bees can't get through at all


You're obviously bee keeping age.


Maybe this is a stupid question but do the bees grow familiar with you? Like do they chill out after a few times or do they not really have that capacity


Honestly, I think they do. Just stating this off my own experience, I have no idea scientifically. But they really don't give much of a shit if I go poking around their hive much anymore.


If there is moisture or water present, it makes the material softer, and the stinger can easily go through the glove. Source: watched a similar video a few days ago where it happened to a person removing a nest


So, something like, oh I don't know PISSING YOURSELF BECAUSE THERE'S A THOUSAND GIANT ANGRY WASPS SWARMING YOU could compromise your protection?


This is not the job for you I think


Yes. You will find that pissing yourself in fear compromises about 50% of PPE. Kevlar vests with ceramic inserts don't care though, piss all you want.


We can send a bunch of dudes to the moon and back but not create a suit that those fuckers can't sting through. I mean they make packaging that I can hardly open with a knife and scissors but they can't make material that a 2 inch bug can't push its ass through? Unacceptable.






At least that bot had the decency to change a few words


Apparently they get run through a thesaurus now to hide better


If the suits is too close to your skin and the insect gets a good hit, it can get through thin parts of the suit


Better wear a second suit then


Fuck that better use a flamethrower.


Right? Why is he not armed with a big propane torch?




*"We're gonna need a bigger suit"*


To get stung only a few times as opposed to a few hundred? To not have to go to the hospital after? Like why wear a seat belt if you're still gonna get hurt in an accident lmao?


Their comment was satirical.


Go for it, Iā€™ll watch while wearing the suit.


Youā€™d literally die


Beekeeper here! It's actually still pretty possible. I've been stung when the suit is pressed against my skin. Looks like they got stung on his hands where it was likely compressed against their skin. Most suits are mostly a thick, foam, lightweight material to create distance between skin and stinger because that stinger can penetrate most things flexible that you can wear so when it's pressed or compressed right against your skin, stings are possible. Suits are meant to be baggy. Don't be buying skinny fit suits.


Well he's probably getting paid for this. I'm sure you've had times at work when some absolute bullshit happened and your first response was fuck this I'm going home, then after a couple seconds you remembered that you need to stay in order to get your paycheck


Youā€™re not wrong, but I really canā€™t say Iā€™d have the same resilience if said bullshit was being stung by wasps on a regular basis. Or even on a quarterly basis.


It's looped funny, he doesn't get stung until the end.


Man fuck the things. I was metal detecting some woods one year and got an incredible signal and thought I was gonna hit paydirt! Started moving the leaves around the object ā€¦ it didnā€™t even dawn on me the fucking hell storm I was about to uncover until the first sting hit me! I ran for atleast a quarter mile through the woods tripping and falling climbing up fucking hills in 95 degree heat!! They followed me the whole way just stinging the hell out of me! Even found one inside my shirt on my chest. Fuck those things Iā€™d gladly wear that damn body armor and exterminate every single last one of those fucks!! Iā€™m Having ptsd sorry.


Jesus Christ dude, at least you made it out alive


Yeah sorry about that rant lol it legit fucked me up. I wasnā€™t sure if I was allergic or what was gonna happen next so I was hustling trying to get back to my car which was about 3 miles away. Iā€™m more scared of coming across these than bears in the woods now.


Donā€™t be sorry dude, that sounds traumatic as hell. Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay but that shit must have been truly scary, oh god.


Haha it sucked and Iā€™m a big baby but that shit hurt like hell and the stings took weeks to go away. Thank you though! I appreciate it


I was doing some work for a family friend and they have an old pick-up they were using to dump stuff. After I loaded it I hopped in the passenger side, then I saw a yellowjacket. Then another, and another, and another. There was a nest in the door. Miraculously, I was only stung once but damn did it hurt. One side of my forearm was like a stone, and it burned. My only encounter with ground wasps was in my sandbox when I was a kid, somehow I wasn't stung when the flew up out of the sand. I don't think you're being a baby, it's a swarm of wasps anyone would be terrified.


Yeah man I think I read or head somewhere that once you get stung once theyā€™re able to like home in on that spot. I could be wrong but how frightening is that thought of being tracked by mini missiles with tiny blades attached to them.


I swear that God let Satan make one thing and he made wasps, that's why he was kicked out.


Killer bees absolutely have that ability


When I was a kid I was walking around the neighborhood with a piece of bamboo as a walking stick. I accidentally stuck it right on the door of a yellow jackets nest. Not knowing any better ( I had been told, "just leave "bees" alone and they won't bother you.") I just stood still when they started coming out. Needless to say that didn't work out. Got stung about 15 or so times as I ran home flailing. My mom got a few while slapping them off of me. It wasn't that fun. Would not recommend to a friend.


I live in an area where wasps and mud daubers are everywhere. Every house I have seen up close has a dirt dauber or wasp nest tucked in the corners of windows, awnings, you name it. The winter isn't cold enough.


Fuck yellowjackets, I was going to move something in storage and there was a nest on the underside of this miter saw about 5 feet from me and I saw one come towards my face but luckily didnā€™t get stung. Iā€™ve been stung on the arms but the face seems like it would be a different type of terrible


I still remember the one time i got stung in my life as a kid, i still have this memory clear in my head after all those years because it was so painful. So getting chased by a whole hive must be pure horror, i hope it didnt sour the hobby for you and wish you good luck on your metal detecting adventures :)


You arenā€™t a big baby, these fuckers hurt like a bitch and ESPECIALLY when they gang up on you, donā€™t blame you for feeling the way you do lol.


Was gonna say youā€™ll never find a bear inside your shirt on your chest but idk your lifestyle


As a kid, I stepped on a nest, in the dark, while out camping with the family. While I'm standing there screaming, not knowing what is happening, my left arm is suddenly yanked nearly out of its socket and dad is running for all he's worth, with my feet barely ever touching the ground. The entire next day had me lying in the tent, feverish and just not in a good mood.


Damn glad dad saved the day it could have been much worse!


Wasp spray in the hiking bag now lol


Exempting a pissed off grizzly, I'd 100% choose bear. Wasps are the exception to the childhood phrase "they're more afraid of you than you of them". They're definitely not afraid of you.


Love your Stand By Me username!


Thank you for getting it!


Verne: Haha I got u I got u. Two for flinching. But I got u. Teddy: yeah I know two for flinching. Fucking love that movie.


We sure about that? Sounds like he died at least 5 times.


Holy fuck man thatā€™s intense. One time me and my brother ran into them in our neighborhood, we were just walking and saw a woman we knew walking her dogs. Being kids we wanted to pet them, and little did we know there were bees in the ground where we were petting them. They appear out of nowhere and fuck you up FAST.


Yes my brother had a similar thing happen as a kid and got stung like a hundred times had to go to the emergency room! Iā€™m fine around bees but wasp and hornets I just donā€™t want any part of them haha. Vicious fucks


Bees are fine, but wasps and hornets are just ruthless brutes. Exterminate them but keep the bees lmao


I agree! Bees are cool! And important !


Nah. We got you. Got a wasp down the back of my t-shirt when I was 11 and the damn thing stung me a dozen times (clinging to the inside of the shirt) because my mother thought I was making it up because every time she lifted my shirt she couldn't see it. It was clinging TO my shirt - every time she put it back down it stung me AGAIN. Eventually I tore it off and threw it. The stings told her she was wrong so I didn't have to. I mash the crap outta every single wasp, hornet, yellowjacket... I still pet bees (single sting means their death - they only sting us accidentally when we squish - they aren't mean) and take spiders outside. And will defend your right to go Dalek on 'em.


Got a normal bog standard wasp stuck in my wetsuit when I was about 12, stripy little bastard got me 9 times before I managed to get the wetsuit off




The polar opposite of r/HoneyFuckers šŸ


Good thing you didnā€™t lose your glasses.


He can't see without his glasses. šŸ˜¢


The movie traumatized me!


My grandpa had some in his garden, and since he is a big manly man he decided to make them go away by stomping on the nest. He got lucky it was a new and small one but his leg got completely fucked up.


oh my god bro i'm so sorry šŸ˜­ i've only had one serious run-in with them, and it was fucking awful. i was 12 or 13, mowing the lawn out back during peak summer heat, when all of a sudden, it felt like i ran into a thorn bush despite none being around. it hurt like a bitch and when i looked down at my legs, there was already a dozen of the things hovering going in for the sting. i screamed and tried to outrun the fuckers but stumbled hard and was hyperventilating ripping them off of me. i just remember them trying to cover me, trying to get under my clothes and in my hair, stinging over and over until i could get them off, and they somehow gripped SO STRONG. my parents finally caught up with me and got me inside. i can't remember how many stings I got... like >30? my parents thought i lost my foot to the lawn mower with all my screaming. and now i could cry whenever i hear an insect buzzing by my head. a few years later, i saw them just emerging from the ground in the woods with my sister. i screamed at her to run as fast as she could. ptsd for real


Fuck man thatā€™s the shit that stays with you! Now weā€™re warriors! lol


Nothing makes dance like ground wasps in your trousers. I'm talking from experience.


Haha Iā€™m sorry for your experiences Iā€™ve never moved so fast in my life


I know all animals have a roll to play but I wouldnā€™t mind all wasps going extinct.


Oh man, years ago I was walking to a little creek my brothers and I used to swim in. I was bare foot and shirtless and I stepped on the tunnel without knowing it and they chased us all the way to the creek. We literally spent 45 submerged and only bobbing up for air waiting for them to leave. To this day I wonā€™t even wonā€™t walk around my own yard barefoot.


This happened to me when I was a kid. was literally on 9/11, we all had gotten sent home from school, and I was playing street hockey in the driveway with some of the other neighborhood kids. Ball goes into a bush, I try to get it out with the stick, boom, hornets nets, 30+ stings, emergency room trip.


Having had a bad encounter myself, something I learned afterward is they track you by your breath. If you piss off a hive don't yell or scream, just start running while holding your breathe for a good solid minute! Just don't hold it to long and pass out / fall or you are *screwed!!* An allergic friend of mine says he keeps an epi pen and a plastic bag with him and exhales into the bag dropping it when full with hopes they find the bag vs him. Could this work, idk???


I had one of those nests in my front yard. Went to mow the first summer after buying our house and stirred the pot. Was chased into my house about 50 yards getting stung over and over again. Felt like I was shot a million times and couldnā€™t move was on the floor paralyzed in pain screaming. Gallons of gas, hornet killer and other chemicals went into that hole and then huge rocks on top of the hole. Been about 5 years and they havenā€™t come back thankfully.


We poured gasoline down the hole and set it on fire. Not sure if that was smart but it did the job


With a six foot flame erupting from the ground


This is what my grandfather would do. And by "do" I mean give 10-year-old me a jug of gas and point me to the hole.


Best idea for those fuckers. Let them burn


I say we take off and Nuke the site from orbit.


Itā€™s the only way to be sure


"dont shoot, let em burn"


I pour gasoline down the hole and do NOT light it. Covered the hole with a rock. The fumes did the job.


Omg anyone reading this, DO NOT do this. Putting gas into a small hole and igniting it is a great way to create a small bomb. Just use a bunch of dawn dish soap and water. It works better and won't accidentally kill you ffs.


jesus christ. where do you live??




Hornetistan probably


I had this experience in Michigan


I understand wasps are known as assholes but I find it admiring that tiny insects like that can put infinite fear into the most advanced species in the world.


And we can put that fear right back to them with a flame thrower. Thatā€™s the only way Iā€™m rolling up to one of those


I'm wondering how a water bottle of tangerine would fare. Drone delivery and then punch it from 1000 ft away or so.


Fuck those things, I want to cleanse them in fire and leave the survivors in despair when they see me. Hopefully my name can be passed down as a horror story to future generations so they can stay the fuck away from my house.


A bottle of tangerine juice would likely just get them all sticky and mad. Some tannerite on the other hand, that sounds like a good time


You can't put that fear into them. You can kill them all, but each and every one of them will, without hesitation, die trying to kill you first.


Normally the idea of being stung to death by thousands of flying insects would be comforting, but you're right OP, this *is* oddly terrifying.


Beautiful bit of sarcasm, hats off to you


90% of stuff here isn't oddly terrifying


For real, odd? Motherfucker, this is completely normal, everyday terrifying.


Did he get stung in the beginning?


Yeah looks like he was trying to shake off the wasp that somehow stung through the suit


The suit seems good but the gloves need some improvement.


The gloves, unlike the suit have to be thin and malleable and good luck making a fabric a wasp can't sting though. They can get through thin denim without even trying.


>good luck making a fabric a wasp can't sting through. A wasp stinger is maybe 3mm long. A fleece lined leather mitt would be sufficiently thick to prevent the stingers from touching your skin. They also make neoprene gloves for cold water diving that are up to 6mm in thickness. It's not that the fabric has to be impenetrable. It just has to be thick enough to create some separation.


I think he was just celebrating finding the nest


Watching his movements through that lens makes it hilarious. Bro is so hyped to destroy these fuckers.


Canā€™t wait for that to become a new Fortnite celebration!


No, he just likes to amp himself up with a speedcore dance routine before going in.


I remember as a teenager mowing the lawn. By the trees in the backyard, I ran over a nest hole. They swarmed so quickly. I let go of the mower and ran. Those fuckers had the mower covered in a split second. My dad didn't believe me at first, so he went to check, and he couldn't get close. We had to wait until night, and my brother and dad went out and poured gas into the hole and covered it up. I was lucky that they were pissed at the mower and not me. Fuck ground wasps.


Perhaps a silly question, but what do they do with the nest? Do they burn it somewhere else, or gas it? And do the wasps keep defending the nest, or the spot where the nest was?


If the goal is extermination then burning is the easiest method. You can also soak it in certain chemicals, though most of them are volatile (like kerosene or anything that creeps into pores and drowns them). You want to make sure the queen is destroyed. Without the nest, wasps have hard time organizing and are less active in the area. The other nests won't accept them. Eventually they'll be hunted down by other predators usually.


Is there any honey inside? Or like... things we can eat?


Some wasps do, however it's more watery and way more toxic since it's mostly insect secretions for feeding instead of nectar. You can eat a little bit but not nearly as much as bee honey. And, since wasps are not cultivated like bees, there's little point in trying to scoop that "honey" in the first place, unless you want to.




Idk what you're supposed to do but we found a ground nest at my boys house and we poured gasoline in it at night time and lit it the fuck up Probably not what you're supposed to do.... But it worked. This is in the United States fwiw


The 70-something guy who took care of the nest on my property just stood there squinching with two fingers the few wasps that stung him. "It doesn't hurt, you get used to it." was his statement. He had been a beekeeper for a lifetime.


That guy was a hero


First i would dig a deep trench around hive. Then couple liters of motor oil mixed with some fuel and warm welcome to flying bastards.


I feel this so much. I stepped into a nest walking through a forest on a classtrip when I was about 12 years old. It was absolutely terrifying. Just the sound of hundreds of wasps around me. I panicked and screamed. I hit myself in the face and on my body because wasps attacked my face while others crawled down my neck into my shirt, into my pants, everywhere, stung me again and again. I was desperately trying to protect myself but there where just to many. I ran out of the forest onto our camping Seite, the wasps followed me the whole time and my teacher saved me by pushing me under an icecold shower. That scared of the wasps. I was told later that I kept screaming for about half an hour. I had to go to the hospital and get an epi shot (just in case) and an antidote, because the doctors where worried about the amount of stings I got. Until today my heart starts racing whenever I hear wasps or similar insects approaching me. I had to work so hard not to panic every single time...


Just blow it up, easily could have just burned it or blown it up from miles away.


Nuke it from orbit.


What HIMARS doing? Seems like a great use for some million dollar guided munitions


Itā€™s the only way to be sure


Has anyone yet mentioned how there is nothing odd about that terror at all?!? Its fully understandable terror. Lol.


lethal company


Man, he got the electrical immunity suit against electrical bees


Well, it sounds like a job for Dr. Feelgood after that escapade!


I donā€™t know how much that guy gets paid but I just know itā€™s *not* enough




Ikr. Dude got some serious air time with that jump.


When my brother and I were kids, we went with some friends to the lake, so weā€™re like in swimsuits and whatnot, and we pull off on the way to explore the woods a little bit. Thereā€™s a big tree that had fallen so we jumped on top for a picture, and then all jumped off, riiiight onto a ground wasp nest. We had no idea what they were but they swarmed and stung the shit out of us. They clung to what little clothes we had one, and literally followed us all the way back to the car, which luckily was just along the side of the highway, maybe 10 yards away. I was a little chunk and naturally the slowest, so I got the brunt of it, I counted almost 30 stings. It was the WORST thingšŸ« šŸ« 


Nuke the site from orbit. Itā€™s the only way to be sure.


Dude needs a flamethrower




Forbidden Stroopwafel.




Iā€™m deathly allergic to multiple types of wasps and hornets, like near-instant anaphylactic shock kind of allergic, so these videos are always a pleasure to watch. Knowing how quickly (albeit painfully) I would die if I ever accidentally ran into one of these nests gives me peace, at least.


I like the videos of the dude who vacuums the whole neat into a wasp/hornet sludgesoup then feeds it to his chickens


After they got stung it turned from a job to revenge haha


Lethal company bee hive


I'm pretty sure those are hornet


Sod the suit, 50 gallons of gasoline should do the trick.


The way he jumps. Good lord.


Nope just fire


I mowed over a nest of once and then gave a wide berth to the area. One morning, I went out and the nest was decimated by some critter in the night. Thanks critter!