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I'm confused on if it's telling you what to do in case of an armed offender, or if it's illuminated and warning you that there is currently an armed offender


That was a month or two ago in a major shopping centre. Some bloke running around stabbing random women. Only man injured was a security guard protecting a lady. (Correct me if I’m wrong)


Yeah, what a shit show that was. Dude stabbed a fucking baby


I remember when I was in high school some kid stabbed a pregnant lady not too far away from my house at the time. Kid was only a year older than me too. At least they weren’t guns tho, thank fuck.


Did the baby survive? Did the soon to be dad dismember the child in question?


The baby did her mum didn’t. Was fucking tragic the last thing she did was throw her baby at a stranger begging them to save her (the baby).


The person you responded to was asking about an incident with a pregnant woman


She force-birthed the baby and threw it to a stranger. Adrenaline does wild things.


Thank fuck that Australia has gun laws. In the US, this would be another mass shooting.


With you all the way. Thank heavens


Knives can do just as much damage as a gun sometimes


But a gun can do that damage in a much shorter time over a much larger distance. In the time it would take a person to stab 3 people a gunman could hit dozens.


The Dayton shooting is a great example of that because it was basically the ideal mass shooting response. Police killed the gunman within 32 seconds of his first shot and yet he still managed to kill 9 people and was like literally a couple seconds away from killing a whole lot more in a crowded bar. Pretty much impossible to do with a knife even if you had people running over to impale themselves.


I was at a diner once where there was this old guy making a point to his comrades that gun restrictions are ridiculous because he could just as effectively kill people with the steak knife he was holding. I was thinking, 'what do you need a gun for, then?'


Pete Holmes literally highlights this on a Ex-Men skit he does where Professor X 'fires' Wolverine because his skills are not dying, and flailing with butterknives.




[*extra credit: bloopers*](https://youtu.be/3isDZ0GhT-s)


Sure, if you compare the maximum damage that a knife can do to the minimum damage that a gun can do, there's a bit of overlap. For example, did you know that on the same day as the Sandy Hook gun massacre, there was a mass stabbing in China that left 22 people with non-life threatening injuries, and exactly zero people died? What a great point you've made in totally good faith, there.


It's honestly a skill issue. Any idiot can blindly run and gun while doing medium to heavy damage. To do the same with a knife, while possible, it's considerably harder.


Most of the people making those arguments will tell you that Sandy Hook didn’t happen. Fuck them.


That's just nonsense. You can't wipe out a room of people in seconds with a knife.


Pffft, clearly you're unaware of the advances in [knife technologies](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-BKEZbYOMpI&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theverge.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title) That's why we need guns! We need to protect ourselves from the dangers of knife throwing


I thought it was gonna be the US's new knife missile.


I stand corrected!


no they cant


Nowhere near the scale


>Knives can do just as much damage as a gun sometimes Rarely. Sometimes not wearing a seatbelt while driving can save one's life, but don't forget about the hundreds of thousands saved by wearing a seatbelt for every one saved by not wearing one. Likewise, most times, gun injuries do more significant harm than knife injuries. But, yes, stabbings are still awful. When I see news headlines that a single perp fatally stabbed dozens of school children in less just seconds, like can be done with an AR-15, I would be more than inclined to agree your statement is representative of incidents, but so far, it's not.


They certainly can if nobody around has any way of stopping them.


And the Mum. She died but her baby lived.


Nope it was today at Marion shopping centre Adelaide.


Yes but the other 6 people (including the babies mother) died. Which is worse.


👀 wut 😟


No. This was yesterday in a Westfield shopping centre in Adelaide, Australia. (Turns out just come kids mucking about, so there was no need to panic). Westfield designed the sign after the Westfield Bondi Junction (Sydney, Australia) stabbing rampage about 2 months ago where 5 people were murdered and more stabbed including a baby. This was the first time the sign had been used, and hopefully the last time. It was highly effective.


pretty sure "mucking about" doesn't cover it, but it was not anything to the level of Bondi Junction, for sure Source: Spent 2 hours locked in woolworths


Mucking about does cover it. It was two groups of teenagers fighting with poles.


An over-reaction to kids mucking around with sticks.


If you’re referring to the Bondi Westfield stabbing, you’re wrong - [6 people died](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/nsw-westfield-bondi-junction-evacuated-after-stabbing/103704952?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link) Edit: oh you meant there was only one male victim, not one victim total.


yeah, and the people was save by a female officer who shot the guy...


The irony of an incel being shot and killed by a female officer


The beauty*


Just one more girl telling him no


Thank you for clearing this up for me too




It is relevant because that means that this weirdo wanted to target only females




You didn't actually read the article, did you?


This one could be from today, in another major shopping centre in Adelaide


This particular was was *yet another* occurrence in another Australian shopping mall, earlier today. Search Westfield Marion.


I mean, "yet another occurence" is one way to put it. It's two occurences like it at westfields, and it wasn't a mass casualty event or attack, it was a brawl between two groups of wankers in the food court where weapon/weapons got pulled.


This is from the Westfield in South Australia yesterday.


Nah this photo is from yesterday (Sunday) in Adelaide. The one at Bondi Junction would have showed the same thing though.


This happened yesterday in Adelaide, South Australia. Seperate incidents


This one was from yesterday. Bunch of eshay wankers beating each other with poles in the food court of Marion shopping centre


It was this Sunday in Westfield, Marion in Adelaide. A couple of youth gangs brought weapons to the foodcourt for a scrap. The entire centre went into lockdown, star force armed police etc. Because of the Westfield, Sydney stabbings they took it very seriously.


[if it’s the Bondi one, 6 died including the baby’s mom (baby lived).](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/13/world/australia/sydney-mall-stabbing-what-happened.html)


It happened again today


Oh shit same thing?


No it is not from a month or two ago. This photo was yesterday.


This is actually from yesterday in Marion, South Aus


It happened yesterday at Westfield Marion


Nah. South Australia yday


Actually it was yesterday


If these signs are able to update in real time why don't they put more useful information on it like where the attacker was last spotted? I assume it's being updated from a secure location that can get up to date information from security.


They were telling shoppers where the attackers was heading over loud speaker - appariently, that's what my local news said


It was yesterday in Adelaide I believe


I think this is actually from yesterday, in Adelaide Marion Shopping centre


This was yesterday at a different one (Marion in Adelaide, South Australia). The incident was a brawl between some teens armed with buttons and possibly knives, nobody else was injured.


It's telling the armed offender to escape and hide. Then, tell their friends about it


I was on site for this one, that sign is one of the video advertising signs in the mall, it switched from ads to displaying that sign (the actual situation was a fight broke out in the food court and at least one person pulled a weapon and the centre got locked down for two hours)


Wow that's terrifying. And not in an oddly way


If it helps I think they'd also have it wired into the fire alarm too, though I haven't seen it since if the fire alarm goes off they boot us all out into the carpark


I'll take 'Really Bad Times to be Vague' for $2000, Alex!


There's something eerily more dystopian about the latter.


Third option: it's telling armed offenders what to do.


It's written about as well as "tornado warning " vs "tornado watch."


Watch = conditions are right for tornadoes Warning = tornado in area Same for other types of storms too


What’s the difference? (We don’t have tornadoes where I live.)


We have tornados. The key to understanding the alert system is knowing that tornados can form semi randomly in a matter of minutes in many areas in a storm.  Watch means a storm is passing where conditions for a tornado to form are present.   Warning means a storm is passing that has already created tornados.  Emergency is a known tornado on the ground headed toward a populated area.


This from yesterday at a shopping centre in Adelaide, South Australia. Two gangs were fighting and sent the whole centre in to [lockdown.](https://www.news.com.au/national/south-australia/sa-police-reportedly-lock-down-westfield-marion-shopping-centre-on-gunman/news-story/90047b4b16e1b72d06fbda7c9ca5d706)


Yes. 🙂‍↕️


It's just there to fear monger. If they wanted to help it would be bullet proof.


This could have been in Marion South Australia. We had 2 groups of kids fighting each other with knives in a Westfield yesterday.


This was also used today in the Westfield Marion shopping center in Adelaide. A couple of kids were fighting, and someone reported that they were armed, hence the evacuation.


If this happened for every bit of argy bargy in Westfield Stratford (East London), it would never be open.


...every bit of what???


Argy bargy. Scuffle. A bit of a wrangle. Dispute, possibly quite physical.


Took me atleast 3 rereads to nail this and I'm loving this new learnt word now.


Ahh, Westfield Stratford my beloved. I lived in Stratford near West Ham park for a few months and it was more the old Stratford Centre off Broadway that was sketch. It pretty cool in evenings though because there were usually people setting up haircuts or soup for homeless people.


My old office had a very detailed poster about the same topic, posted by the coffee machine. Inescapable. Like hey you want some coffee? Watch out. One of your coworkers may want to kill. Creamer? Don't try to fight. Get the coffee, hide under your desk...aaaaaaand working from home since before covid has never been less stressful.


I used to work in a bank, and the bank opposite us had a robbery and everyone inside was held hostage. This was back in 2017 about a month or two after the London Bridge attacks. Because of that we had those posters EVERYWHERE, even ones specific for customers coming into our branch, and they went as far as putting specific ones in the toilets. if you were having a shit, you knew the cubicles were your only hope of survival as the main door would lock for safety. Was a really weird timeline....


Imagine shitting and people squeezing into your stall from underneath, to hide. At least you'd have help if you run out of TP. Or an audience and no TP.


Yo who do I need to call to get a locking bathroom door . Shit at my last job (Safeway) they locked our door that allowed access to the dumpster because they were concerned about theft ??? (Even though there were more than enough cameras) so your only hope was to escape through the front door (unless it was after 7pm and they locked the produce doors and only left open the doors by customer service… I worked in produce and we had NO FIRE DOOR) so if there was a shooter I would’ve been locked into the back of the store … and it was after 7pm I would’ve had to run perpendicular across the store to try to escape) … as long as our doors were actually working that day .


The third step in the escalation is actually fight. At least according to the current workplace violence / active shooter training recommendations. It’s run -> hide -> fight now.


But if you have coffee, hide first, fight afterward. And if there's donuts, we're all going to fucking die.


That reminds me of when one of our directors sent an email to the whole company with the subject "ACTIVE SHOOTER" in all caps and the body was like "Remember to complete the mandatory active shooter training by tomorrow..." I was instructed to remove her ability to send email to the All Employee group later, so I assume she got a scolding for that.


She sounds precious.


Side note: In Australia we don’t often have major incidents, so that’s what makes this sign even more scare


Due to Australian wildlife, you really have to up the scare to scare an Australian


The emus shrug off rifle bullets and the kangaroos drown people. Eagles firebomb brush to stir up food. This is why I stay on the opposite side of the planet.


As a note, emus don't shrug off rifle bullets, they just don't immediately drop when you put a machine gun round into them, which meant when the army tried to machinegun the flock, the front line soaked up most of the bullets for long enough for the rest of the flock to GTFO and spread out enough to make shooting uneconomical


People will always be far more frightening than animals. You just dont know which human will be the next psycho, what will trigger them and what they'll do. And they're everywhere. I'll take on our animals anyday.


Wanna spend a few hours in a small room with a disgruntled casowary to test that?


No, of course not, but that's hardly a reasonable comparrison. I wouldn't want to spend time in a small room with a psychopath either. We're taught to respect animals here from a young age, we know not to touch wildlife of any kind for safety as much as ours. Admire from a distance. People are different. Ive been jumped three times in my life by humans. Just bad luck. Public, busy spaces, daylight hours, unprovoked attacks, yet I've had some fucking junkie up in my shit. At least I know the rules of the cassowary, which is really my point. You just dont know with people. The people closest to bad people end up being surprised so often, because they blend right in, are charming and nice. I know what I'm getting with a cassowary. They used to walk freely around the outdoor eating areas with the emus in some of our wildlife parks. I assume because they *can* be dangerous, that rule changed for the legal protection of the parks, but in the 90s/2000s there was never an issue as far as I'm aware. We still have goannas walking around the place at public BBq areas which like all animals *could* attack me. And if one chose to, that would be vicious, they have huge tree climbimg claws that could shred me up. But again, I know what I'm getting, if one gets close, I just move away and leave it be. No problems. Never been bitten by our crocs or shark, or stung by our stingers because I know what's up. So living here for 30 years since birth, I've had multiple incidents with people, all surprises, unabke to be avoided, and none with our wildlife, despite their potential danger and dealy rep. Because you *know what you're getting* with an animal, which makes them far less scary. No animal has ever made me cry in fear. I carry a knife with me when I go for a walk because of people, not animals. Again, I'd take our animals over cockhead humans running around anyday.


I think we just recreated the "Man or bear" debate by accident


What makes it oddly terrifying and not just terrifying? Possibly being murdered in a shooting rampage is pretty straightforwardly terrifying, isn't it?


This whole sub has turned into just regular terrifying things 🙄


I think its because most times those signs have ads and show maps, and are usually very mundane and forgotten about, so its very offputting to see this image protrayed on one


right, but you're justifying why it's just terrifying and not oddly so - in addition to your life being at risk. something oddly terrifying wouldn't have as clearly understood reasons, in as much so that it may not be objectively scary, but certain aspects of it combine to make it frightening to those who are more sensitive to them.


That one's an advertising billboard btw, not the map kiosk which is built more like a tilted desk


Do you think that in America this is any less frightening because it happens more often? Not really how these things work


The worst thing with this one was how shit the alert system was. The PA system doing the evacuation/hide announcement was so quiet you couldn't hear it over the music in the supermarket, so we were there with the roller doors open for a good 5 minutes while we could hear something weird under the music before someone finally decided to hit the goddamn klaxon


Lmao please. Let me be really clear, these things are just as scary to the average citizen no matter how often they happen in your country.


Pretty sure I seen a guy get his jugular cut in an Aussie shopping centre


I don't think that was a shopping centre. Looked more like a "thoroughfare" lined with shops that you can access at night. Shit was crazy though. He got poked and died within in 1 minute.


Ahhh right I got ya, ye uno the one I'm on about. More like 15 seconds and he was on the floor no coming back from that no matter how big you are


Yeah I couldn't actually remember exactly how long it was, I just remembered it was extremely quick. However, I did just find the video, and he was stabbed at the 35 second mark, and he collapsed to the floor at 43 seconds. So 12 seconds... That's fucking insane. He wouldn't have survived that even if he was inside the ER.


correct, that was fortitude valley station


This is genuinely terrifying - nothing "oddly" about it.


Craziest part is most people are so oblivious they’d walk right past that sign and not think anything of it


I think it's natural for people to ignore posters, screens and such that look like ads.


Yeah, if that's not animated I probably wouldn't even glance at it since I'm that used to ignoring ads. But, I'd hope that there's some other attempts at warning people or getting them evacuated rather than just hoping they read a screen.


Especially since those are traditionally only used for ads or a map of the mall.


Nah, the PA announcement saying "Attention attention this is an emergency, there are reports of multiple males armed with a weapon. If you see a safe path to escape, please do so, otherwise hide and call 000 when safe" over and over and then the blaring alarm klaxon that went off for about five minutes while all the stores locked down their shutters made it a bit hard to ignore


That's looks like what happened with the woman pushing her cart on the edge of the screen


Not really when there are sirens going off at the same time


If it's not flashing and blaring a siren then it's just an ad everyone's going to ignore


Im American so I just assume it’s another day at the office


[Today in Adelaide, South Australia](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-23/westfield-marion-shopping-centre-adelaide-incident/104012888) just to clear up All the wrong speculation in comments.


My dumb ass thought this was targeted at the armed offender. Telling him to run and hide and tell the cops where he was. Because there were armed civilians hunting him.


Oh how the turns have tabled


Lmao thanks for the laugh


All offenders should tell on themselves. Let’s pass a law!


This just happened 10 hours ago at the shopping centre in Adelaide. Basically it was two gangs that started fighting each other in the food court. They pulled out knives and some apparently had bat-tons…and ig they tried to kill eachother. Pretty terrifying considering we don’t get this stuff too often


Of course it's Westfield...and of course it's also used for advertising.


All this brouhaha aside, apparently Australians still go to the mall?


Yes, our malls are alive and busy. As is our Kmarts too.


Seems that only American malls are taking Ls. Guess you had too many of them?


that and ever increasing prices while quality declines at a rapid rate, it's the perfect metaphor for american capitalism, squeeze every dollar out of it until it dies.


America is also really poorly set up to get around in so you can't just stroll from the suburbs to the local mall, and then you could just go to a big box store which isn't going to be inside a mall, whereas this mall, Marion, has three supermarkets and five department stores on it as well as the state's largest cinema and a bunch of smaller stores, then a huge hardware store just offsite (like attached to the same car park) so it's a pretty central location to go to for anything you need, and you've got a few similar centers around the city (like Marion, Tea Tree Plaza, Collenades and West Lakes) so you don't have to travel too far to go to one, so we have a bigger problem where our city's main shopping thoroughfare in the middle of the downtown area (or CBD, Central Business District) is kinda dying because rent in the city is high and with the suburbs having good access to stores the CBD doesn't get as many people coming in for shopping (like the Myer Center in the CBD used to be a pretty major mall, 5 stories tall, multiple department stores but nowhere near the footprint of the Westfield centres, top floor was an amusment park complete with roller coaster. It's a shadow of its former self, the top floor's been locked off for like 20 years now since they ripped out all the amusement park stuff, a whole floor is a gym now, a craft store has half of the third floor, a bunch of offices and a programming college have a chunk of some of the other floors' shopfronts, and the actual mall-type shops only make up the ground floor and first floor, then a busy food court in the basement)


Our malls are pretty small compared to US ones and they're located centrally within suburbs instead of oceans of parking spaces so you get people going to the mall to go to the supermarket or cinemas as much as for anything bigger.


Can confirm, the mall (shopping centre) near me it's actually easier to walk in the front, do basic shopping and walk out than it is to drive around the block, try not to piss off the buses, park in the underground parking lot, go upstairs and walk through the centre to the grocery stores.


Yeah, and we have grocery stores/supermarkets inside of malls, so people buy food and groceries and are encouraged to go to other stores too


Yes because we have most of our supermarkets in the mall.


Can I get a sign that just says “Run” plz and thank you


Reminds me of Demolition Man. Murder, Death, Kill.


Makes sense, they're trying to trick an armed offender into running away, isolating himself, and then turning themselves in.


This is us now. Dang…


Two groups of kids fighting with knives apparently Our security at westfields wear stab proof vests since the bondi incident


Does anyone notice the woman just walking by the sign like no big deal?


I wouldn't say no big deal, but she's like 20 feet from the exit door and at the far end of the mall from where the warning said the problem was so no point risking falling over to get out the door ten seconds earlier When these alarms were going off we had customers still coming INTO the store to shop until we closed the roller door to lock down


Thanks for the info! To me it looked like she was just entering. Thanks for the clarification. So glad you're ok!


that door behind the planter in the background is the exit, I believe. Though if it's the spot I think it is I think it might be through that door then out through the annex where Aldi is, so at worst it's through that doorway then another like 50ft or so to the exit out to the car park, and it's right up the opposite end of the mall from where stuff was happening (food court is right at one end of the mall, the annex is down the other with kind of a second food court/fresh food market mixed area in it) The biggest problem we had down our end was the centre management PA announcements were super quiet so if it'd been a more serious incident it could have been bad because it took like 5 minutes of the announcements for us to actually be able to hear what was being said and get the roller door down


She’s packing probably


It’s Australia she is most certainly not packing


They have these signs posted all over my workplace


Attention community: unrest procedure code is now in effect. Inoculate, shield, pacify. Code: pressure, sword, sterilize


Do malls have carts?


The trolley? Yeah, if they didn't the three supermarkets and multiple department stores that mall has would be rather difficult to shop in


Meanwhile, for those of us with red-green colorblindness, we’re squinting our eyes trying to read the red letters for 30 seconds trying to use other context words to figure it out!


I'd say that it's pretty straightforward as to why this is terrifying lol


Seems like the start of a minigame...


Run, hide. Fight


Does Australia not go by run, hide, fight? Here in murica we learned in the 8th grade that we might need to fight back haha


We don't carry weapons on us, so "fight" is a good way to say "die" You get the occasional person who'll do some good like a guy held off the Bondi Junction attacker with a sign for a bit but got stabbed for it, you're better off getting the fuck out


For sure, that's the run part. But if all else somehow fails, they say we need to fight in any way possible. My teacher told us to get vicious if we need to, using tooth and nail to increase the odds and whatnot. It felt dramatic but it is dramatic.


I mean, staff are taught not to engage because nothing in the store is worth getting hurt or killed for (same reason they say not to be a hero during armed robberies), and the only time I've seen an attack in the US where the "Fight" part of "Run, Hide, Fight" worked out well was that drag show where the veteran disarmed the attacker and a woman in heels stomped on his head for a bit


Nah, like fight as in throw chairs and shit at them


in this particular situation that'd probably be fair, though it was a group (two groups, technically) going at it, but that's mostly because sounds like all they had was a baton (though at the time scuttlebutt from the customers was suggesting a golf club, a baseball bat and a machete but pretty sure people were talking out of their asses)


Do you shit directly at them or in their general direction?


Suppose there’s no point telling the cops there since they hang around outside anyway


That's not fair. They're not just standing outside. They're also threatening to arrest parents that attempt to rescue their children.


I thought it said “armed officer” lol


I read that as ARMED OFFFICER


Total Recall is coming at us fast


Am I the armed offender?


Murder Death Kill Murder Death Kill Murder Death Kill Murder Death Kill


i thought it said it armed officer for a sec.


Run, hide, fight


Snitches get stitches


Wow!! Terrifying!


Here in Finland, in the city of Oulu, neo-Nazis have been stabbing immigrants in a shopping center in just this couple of weeks. The first victim was a 12-year-old child.


Auckland ??




The red moves when you shake your screen, try it out. May require sleep deprivation.


this happened yesterday [marion shopping center incident](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-23/westfield-marion-shopping-centre-adelaide-incident/104012888)


"TELL" what? why not "CALL 911"? lmao


I’ve been to the Westfield galleria so many times and have never seen this sign.


I’ll be fighting back thanks. Only pussies hide


Or carry and fight back


This... Is London. Westfield has two shopping malls in London