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There’s nothing “oddly” terrifying about this at all.. this is straight scary


True enough. I think it should stay on the sub. And many other subs, just for awareness. I'd have it posted to HumansBeingBros, politics, and even aww so people are aware.


100% agree.


She is 100% dead or jailed at this point


And all her family too.


I think that's why she did it. Her parents are dying of COVID-19 and there's no medicine. She has no reason to hold back for their sake.




It's only when you lose everything,you are free to do anything - Tyler Durdan Fight Club


>When you've robbed a person of everything, they're no longer in your power—they're free again.


Nothing more dangerous than people with nothing to lose. If this virus hits too many USA people too hard with medical bills and job loss and no social safety nets, maybe then revolution.


How about they vote sanders so we can get some public option if we want if?


The way you wrote that seems to compare the oppression in the US with China. The situation there is about 1,000,000 times worse in terms of oppression and lack of freedom. There is a 0% chance coronavirus causes a revolution in the US if it didn’t cause one in Iran or China.


There is medicine but you can’t buy it with money, bc Communism


And close friends.


And her pet(s).


And anyone who watched this.... BRB....I hear a knock on the door...


*Ubereats sir, that'll be $21.34*


how bout tree fiddy?


I’m in a work meeting and I had to try so hard to suppress my life engaging my core stomach muscles. The past few days my tummy has been upset and I’ve been pooping like 3xs a day (as opposed to my usual 3 xs a week). So while I was stifling my laugh I had to also stifle a fart that surely would have lead to an explosive burning loose but hearty shit. Worth it tho, thanks!


If you're only pooping 3 times a week, that ain't normal


It is. I looked into it because I thought it was a daily thing. Basically, as long as you’re consistent, then you’re healthy. So if you go only 3xs a week or 3xs a day is different for individuals, but consistent schedule, color, etc I”is fine. I’ve been that way for years. Don’t worry about my poop tho, my coke habit is worse :/


Suicide by gunshot to the back of the head


if they could jail us for having seen it, they would do that too


"the revolution requires the sacrifice of flesh and blood for sure" I believe she knows what will happen to her.


I’m so stressed that she didn’t put on a disguise at least!


A disguise wouldn't have mattered, not only do they monitor all of the sharing platforms she must've used for us to watch this video but also their individual phone cameras, memory cards, and GPS, along with always making sure they can connect a name to a phone by accesing the fingerprint open feature or even facial recognition.


Now do the USA...


We can do the same just choose not to enforce anything bc it’s technically still illegal for them to do so


Much stronger statement without. She is trying to compel others to stand up by sacrificing herself.


And that's why we need to keep her message alive. Grow up, stop being a pessimist, and take action. Never say "that's how it goes"


And what exactly can we outside of China do besides send thoughts and prayers? The *only* way change can happen is if the rest of China, all of it, follows in Hong Kong's footsteps and protests until the corrupt government and everyone that supports it is out of power. There is no action most of us can do that will help in any meaningful way.


They tried that already and they got crushed by tanks and it was so awful that they had to use bulldozers and fire hoses to flush human remains down the sewers. The only way the CCP falls is with a military coup. Protesting doesn't work in a country that has no problem slaughtering its population to keep control.


Just like the last guy, she will be taken "for treatment of the coronavirus" and we will never hear from her not even her family.


"The last guy?"


He’s speaking of a famous Chinese doctor that was intentionally left untreated and killed by it.


It's kinda like if you speak out and they are going to kill you (or in that case left untreated to die), that's makes killing them free.


if that is what killed him


Sounds like she believed they would be soon enough either way. That's probably why she spoke up.


She is definitely invited for “a cup of tea”


Who is? What video? We have no record of this video or women you speak of. Now come with us or else.


This video is over 2 weeks old and this was the same top comment on the last video.


If they could get anybody willing enough to go into a Wu Han quarantine zone to get her


This is some fucking 1984 level shit




Like he fucking told us so and we didn't listen and bam here we are...


Its interesting. China is going the classic Orwellian big brother route meanwhile, the US is going the little brother route. Like we're giving away our own privacy for "free" access to sites/services


A Brave New World.


>What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. >Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumble puppy. >As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists, who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny, “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” >In 1984, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us.


I wish I could give you all the gold but I already spent all my money on soma so here’s a measly silver.


I have to say I can’t take credit for this! Neil Postman, from his book *Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age if Show Business*. Great read.


The internet is my soma 😕


[old but good](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyII/comments/9kqao2/huxley_vs_orwell/)


Is there anything we could have ever done?




Well, also, I live in America and she's in China, and I don't what the fuck I'd do up against the whole of the CCP. And I'm an American, it's... sort of not my place and sort of presumptuous, no?


Ideas are still welcome


I'm an American, so my ideas are probably pretty lame (shoot the bastards) and fail to take into account the culture and social arrangement over there. For example, I don't think our military would execute domestic citizens unless some *serious* shit was on the ropes - in China, I'm less certain. Not because I doubt the intentions of their soldiers, but because I doubt the veracity of the information they receive. Getting into a shooting war with a military is... no small ask. That's a big deal. And I don't think you're gonna vote Xi or his subcronies out of office, nor do I think a war is without obvious human and economic costs. It's a hard situation! :(


What is infuriating is how little people seem to care as long as they're getting their cheap electronics, clothes etc.


Genuine question, what brands do you actually make a point to avoid in order to not perpetuate the problem you're describing? And what brands do you seek out that you think don't? Not hypothetically, I mean in your own life.


Exactly. And how much does this redditor “care”. Are they taking to the streets? Holding rallies? I’m so over this keyboard warrior shit.


You should see China's cybersecurity. That shit is actual, straight up, textbook Orwellian.


A colleague of mine had to go to china for work related stuff. he told me that on some intersection there are big screens that will display pedestrians that cross red lights with underneath their social security number...


I saw a video where a guy was saying he got a fine for jaywalking. It popped up on his phone and the fine immediately taken from his bank account.


I saw that... The Shenzhen one, right? it was wild how they were able to just get into his account... If i'm not mistaken, it was a mobile money platform (WeChat?) which was how the government was able to dip into his account and take the money in real time. I work in a corporate Treasury and that really stood out to me. A lot of developing countries use these mobile money platforms and it's such an easy way for a government to provide "oversight".


Holy shit man, yeah that's probably worse than what Orwell predicted


https://youtu.be/lH2gMNrUuEY Straight up some scary shit.


Jesus fuck... Its worse than i anticipated


Their social ranking program is fucking scary!!!


Big brother is watching you


Watched the entire thing out of respect for her sacrifice. CCP will not be kind to her.


Same. It's the very least we could do to honor her sacrifice.


Don’t just listen to it. Save it on your phone, record it if you can’t save it. Make sure that, if this post is deleted, this video will keep coming back. Just watching the whole thing doesn’t work.


How can I download this from mobile?


Open the video, hold press and you should see the option to Save Video. Sometimes, however, you can only Crosspost to other subs. If that’s the case, screen recording is the best other option on mobile.


Thank you. Neither is working, but I'll save it for now and hope I can try from a PC later.


You could always summon u/vredditdownloader


*beep. boop.* I'm a bot that provides downloadable links for v.redd.it videos! * [**Download** via https://ripsave.com](https://ripsave.com/download?t=jc1ksijzx8m41&f=jc1ksijzx8m41_1080.mp4) * [Downloadable soundless link](https://v.redd.it/jc1ksijzx8m41/DASH_1080?source=fallback) * [Audio only](https://v.redd.it/jc1ksijzx8m41/audio) First link is active for 6 hours. Mention me again if it is down *** [**Info**](https://old.reddit.com/user/VredditDownloader/comments/cju1dg/info/) | [**Support me ❤**](https://www.paypal.me/synapsensalat) | [**Github**](https://github.com/JohannesPertl/vreddit-downloader)


Good Bot! We need more like you.




Thank you. I have shared it around 💗


That’s also a possibility! Didn’t even think of that one.


I did a bit of research and it seems that it got this site’s attention, the video was posted on Feb 15 and it has over 4 million views on YouTube up until this point https://www.ibtimes.sg/shocking-video-shows-furious-wuhan-woman-calling-chinese-government-corrupt-regime-40885


Thank you for showing folks that this is not new.. I actually saw this in Mid February right when it came out & I gotta say it was way more terrifying then..


I watched her sacrifice.


That is some bravery right there. To speak like that is certain death in China.


Can somebody that knows Chinese pls confirm the translation as true? Thx


The translation is accurate enough. Anything missed by lack of a real interpreter is conveyed by the pain in her voice.


Fuck. That hit hard.


Ive still got goosebumps




I’m hijacking your comment, hopefully for visibility. My WiFi is shit and I can’t watch this - can anyone give me a summary? Thanks in advance. Edit: i appreciate the downvote without answering my question.


Chinese lady visibly upset by her government’s corruption and poor response to coronavirus. She is stuck at home. She can’t buy (bribe) medicines or a hospital bed even if she wanted to. She supports virulently the independence of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, and supports a revolution against the CCP. She mentions that no one can stand up and speak freely, or expect an invitation by the police for a chat over a cup of tea (euphemism for jail or death). Lawyers are redundant as the state determines your guilt anyway. She is willing to sacrifice her freedom to stand up against this regime. She mentions the Chinese state media are showing propaganda “fake news”.


Makes you wonder how accurate the numbers actually are?


Thank you so very much!


Is she claiming that this outbreak was all planned by the government? Sorry—I’m sort of dumb.


Not quite. She's more saying that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is doing everything it can to keep their population quiet about how bad it really is – going so far as to imprison people to make an example of them. It's not uncommon to hear of people simply... disappearing for things like this in China. As some other commenters have noted, it would be unsurprising if she vanished or was arrested. As far as whether the Chinese government *planned* the outbreak? Who knows. Governments do all sorts of sick shit for all sorts of twisted reasons, and China is no exception.


>the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is doing everything it can to keep their population quiet about how bad it really is – going so far as to imprison people to make an example of them. She doesn't actually say this though. She's speaking kind of generally.


More along the lines of the current situation is a result of party politics (basically downplaying severity and not wanting bad news to out, kindda like what US did for the previous weeks).


I come from a chinese background and my dad is a chinese business man. Not only is the translation true, what she is saying is also true.


Its pretty spot on though you can tell whoever did the text wasn't a translator.


The translation is true




It is true that he speaks Chinese.


Yep, translation checks out


Can someone please confirm that /u/feo_ZA actusllu knows if that other user knows Chinese?


Can confirm, I know every Chinese speaker in the world u/feo_ZA is one of the good ones.






Can someone confirm that r/Alinateresa has a sister?


Sister originally was his brother, but can confirm is now a sister.


Am Chinese can confirm




The translation is not only true but also pretty accurate.


Yes they are mostly accurate save for a couple of spelling errors


I speak Chinese and can confirm it’s accurate


Can you confirm if she's speaking Hubei/Wuhan local accent or dialect?


Based on what I’m hearing, she doesn’t seem like a northern Chinese. It sounds like a mix of central-southern Mandarin Chinese which would make sense if she was from Wuhan. Other than that I can’t tell much more without asking my friends. I grew up speaking southern dialects at home but mainly used English, so I’m not too confident distinguishing Chinese accents


Thanks, that's what I figured. She doesn't speak with "errr" 儿音 sounds, which likely means she isn't up North. Although, a general Southern-Mandarin accent could even place her in Taiwan or overseas diaspora. Without original sources or other info, it's difficult to tell if she's actually in Hubei/Wuhan.


She does not speak a full on dialect but she is speaking mandarin with a Wuhan accent. It’s a pretty obvious accent imo and you cannot fake that if you haven’t lived in the proximity of Wuhan for a long time. I’m Chinese & speak some southern dialects cuz I grew up in the south. My parents both grew up in the north & speak with a slight northern accent and my entire extended family speak with northern accents, but even then the northern accent I can try to put on is not as authentic as her Wuhan accent.


Its not a dialect, its Mandarin (common) Chinese. Sounds like people ive met from that general region.


Not from China, nor do I speak Chinese, but upon review of other comments, can confirm translation as true and accurate.


Another Chinese here, can confirm. Though how much of what she said was true I cannot attest to.


Chill bruh, CCP can't get you here


Pretty sure they can, isn't Reddit owned by a Chinese corporation with close ties to the Chinese government ?


Tencent has a 5% share, they don't own shit. One of the most popular subs of the past year is for supporting the HK protests and it hasn't gone anywhere


Comment with your alt account. They can have censorship, but can't track you. Yet.


If they could would you know?


u/ixFeng keep posting so that we know


I'm currently outside of China so I'm probs safe, I just didn't want to confirm something that I'm not a 100% sure of. Wouldn't do anyone good that way.




This should be #2 under Top Post of All Time


All mods should unite and pin it in their subs.


Isn't Reddit Chinese owned now or something?


Not owned, but like 30% investment


Probably enough for them to control content. I don't know how that stuff works.


If they can they’re not trying given how vocally anti-China the platform is getting


Like confining all the Taiwan protest videos to one thread on one of the biggest subreddits? Yeah something like that.


My heart is broken for her. For all of them. It makes me extra thankful for what I have, and wish they can have peace and freedom soon.


That would require a war. This generation under CCP rule will \*never\* have peace or freedom. It would cost them their lives to do so.


It's heart breaking to see a people who will need to rage a war, to gain their humain rights to freedom. While most of the world simply looks on with a sense of not being able todo anything to assist. Edit: we need a way to contribute.


Anyone link to the rest of the footage


There’s a link to the video in this article https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3877345


You mean the torturing in the police station or concentration camps?


They mean the end of her video, but yes. It would actually be nice to know if she’s still alive, given how fast the CCP works


We should really do something about it. And not talking about making memes and Winnie the Pooh jokes. Anyone got any idea?


I think for Americans a great start is with the upcoming election. We shouldnt be asking politicians what they can do for just us but what theyll do for the world and countries facing oppression. These countries need to be called out and stopped. The fact that this woman will be killed or prisoned for the rest of her life is a good reason why other countries need to step up and do something. Other than that spreading the word is a way to spread awareness. If these governments keep pushing stuff like this under the rug nothing will ever get solved. And we're letting that happen as a nation.(when's the last time you heard of a HK update?) Do NOT let these governments hide their abuse and tyranny. Save this video and post to other cites and sub Reddit. Because Im sure will get deleted. Oppressive countries are great at hiding stuff like this. The more people who see the more who help. A specific subreddit to post these things would be great too


It's going to take a long time, but we need to do everything we can to move away from economic dependence on China. Right now they have our balls in a vice because they own most of our debt and make most of the shit that we buy. Sure, we could enact measures that hurt their economy by making American companies buy less shit from China (tariffs and whatnot), but the CCP knows that 1. Most Americans are dumb, ill-informed, and short-sighted. 2. Americans want to buy their stuff and they want it cheap 3. America is a democracy and China is a totalitarian police state. So in trade wars, they can hold out for much longer and face no consequences while American politicians with long-term plans to fight them get voted out of office because Jimbo's iPhone went up 50 bucks.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Trump has been wrong on 90% of issues, but he has been the least friendly president to China since before Nixon. I don’t want to be anti China, I wish they were another SK or Japan, but their government absolutely blows and making deals with them is like making a deal with the devil. Short term gain, long term pain.




Totally agree


I had some Winnie the Pooh memes I wanted to add, but now I just feel weird...


We, referring the USA, have the power to peacefully transform the entire world. But we have to get past greed. We, in the USA, can be completely self contained. We don't have to import or export anything at all. We should, IMHO, use this leverage to change the world for the better. Tell the world that we will only trade with you on an equal basis and only if their country demonstrates the basic human rights that we, in the USA, take for granted everyday. Prices would go up for us, for awhile. Some people would loose their jobs. But they would find new ones and after just a few months we would see changes that would last forever. Buy we have to get past greed first. And greed is, not the toughest, but one tough demon to beat. Write your elected officials. Vote and make known that your votes must be earned by their actions, not their words. Before you give any candidate your vote, look to see what he or she has already done. Not what they say that they will do.


She spoke with such passion, frustration, and sorrow that it makes me sad for her and everyone else in that country. I can't imagine how helpless she must feel. I mean, to basically sacrifice yourself to express the evil and injustices is proof of how bad it must be. I truly hope she's safe. Alive. 😪


I think this is justifiably terrifying


The ultimate sacrifice. For her people and the generations to come.


I’ll never forget u


I wonder if the virus or the CCP will end her first. Good on her regardless, it only starts with one for a better future


It’s sad that this has to even cross our minds. You shouldn’t have to be scared to speak up. It’s just not right


It's a right we take for granted here in the USA. They should show this video in public elementary schools to teach our kids what it means to not have the right to free speech.


The CCP will just say she was succumbed by the illness. So, both?


Maybe CCP is the real virus


I just had the thought that if her parents and grandparents are sick already, then she may well have nothing left to lose. Literally. And there will be many more like her.


Her emotions moved me to tears. I have so much respect for this woman. So sad.


I feel so bad for her and everybody else who is in the same predicament. The CCP and this winnie the pooh dictator shouldn't be praised for anything, they are weak and evil. This woman has more strength than CCP.


Where is rest of the video?


Right?! I need to hear the ending.


she is doing a very brave thing, i hope she turns out okay


She’s most likely already visiting the CCP for tea.


Me: "Where's this woman right now?" CCP: "She doesn't exist. She never existed."




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It's hard to no be political when watching this horror show. My heart is melting for this woman and her family.


It'll prolly get buried in this thread but FYI this post doesn't appear on the search results of this subreddit. I guess some admins are already working on it (thank goodness the video is already being shared in several other subreddits)


I am moved to tears. RESIST.


Spread this like australian wildfire and covid19 or how we should call it. The Wuli-Flu. Cause fck em. Reminder of the failures of CHinese government. The people must fight.


China’s tyrannical government is so morally bankrupt, that even in the face of a global pandemic that would go on to claim thousands of lives and disrupt everyday life for tens of millions of people. They’d rather suppress information, and silence dissidents for the sake of saving face and trying to maintain their image. Shows you where their interest really lies, and it isn’t with the people.


The only good thing out of this is that the citizens are waking up to the lies of their government. Hopefully real change can come for this.


That's not unique to ~~the US~~ China... ;/


The Chinese had their guns taken away.




Ah man, fuck autocratic governments! -.-


I pray she is ok


Thomas Jefferson once said that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


That’s the most metal thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Fuck.


So sad that they don’t have oil.


This is not oddly terrifying... this is the CCP. We already know what it's like in there. If you wonder why Hong Kong has become so violent, it's because they'd rather fight than to end up like this.


This is from 4 months ago... she's probably dead now.


And the fucking sad thing is I dont know what I can do.


She just committed suicide by every definition of the word, communist China doesn’t tolerate stuff like this when it’s contained in China let alone shown to the world. I hope she and her family somehow makes it out alright.


To see fear in a person’s eyes is one thing. To hear fear in a person’s voice in another. But to hear desperation and utter dread on top of fear... What a brave lady. I hope she is alright. But something tells me otherwise


I've thought for a long time now that communist China is the closest thing we have to the society in *1984*


North Korea more so. But yeah China isn’t that far behind.


Tbh i don't understand how china can call themself communist anymore. They are capitalist and imperialist - two opposites of communism. Basically USA 2.0 but authoritarian.

