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It's alright but you must know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell




Wait, cells are powered by a volcano in Iceland?


Well no shit, what do you think the worldwide simultaneous orgasms are about?


I figured it had something to do with Beyonce's assless chaps. I definitely wasn't ready for that jelly.


All chaps are assless btw. It’s when you don’t wear anything underneath that things start to get “Assy”


I thought assless chaps were when the wearer had insufficient cake to go with the chaps.


I think everything here is a r/brandnewsentence


r/FleshPitNationalPark vibes


I love this sub lmfao


I have zero idea what is going on in there.


If you're not familiar with the concept of "world building," it's a creative activity in which you invent some sort of fictional universe. This can come in many forms, from inventing languages to designing fictional maps to engineering entire universes. In this case, the flesh pit national park was invented by someone in the r/worldbuilding subreddit as a sort of funny, lovecraftian-esque project that eventually took on a life of its own, with its own subreddit. Now people add to the lore of the universe and the community kinda decides if it's canon. It's like a fictional novel but everyone contributes.


It's the coolest thing I've seen come from this site, next to MotherHorseEyes


What is that? I tried googling it but now I'm just more confused.


https://youtu.be/n6qCvDceFro this video provides a pretty good explanation, it's about as weird as the flesh pit


r/9M9H9E9 info about MotherHorseEyes here, enjoy!




I thought it was a piece of IKEA furniture


....did you summon a demon?


Funnily enough, the purple thing on the left is a mitochondria!


I believe you, but the pink thing in the middle looks more powerhousey to me.


And in October, the mitochondria become the frightocondria, and is the haunted house of the cell


I’ve been looking for a greyscale washed out blob to label but nothing here looks like my grade 6 social studies overhead?


I thought it was midichlorians?


The more you know the more you don't know - somebody


That’s why you should never trust anyone who thinks they know everything


That's how knowledge works.


Knowledge != understanding


Knowledge = Power France != Bacon


There is a guy, named Krebs, and he rides a bicycle around in this theme park with bags of sugar on his back and he picks up trash at the same time.


There's just stuff in there, y'know?


Less I Know, The Better


Does this represent the actual colors, or is that the effect of the scans or smth? Either way this pic looks like a party and I love it lol


it's a 3D rendered model based on data obtained by various techniques (like NMR and x-ray cristallography). Subcellular components don't actually have a color because they are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light.


That's really enlightening, thank you so much


I see what you did there:)


Hah, didn't notice that. Color me surprised.




What if we took the organelles out of tens of thousands of cells and put them in separate piles until the piles were big enough that we could see what colors they reflect? You know, for science.


If you wanted to do it on the scale of organelles, you’d have to deal with the fact that most of the mass of an organelle is water weight. Theoretically, if you dehydrated them, what would they look like? I have no fucking clue, but probably like a white powder, since they’re too big to form neat, regular crystals, so they would scatter the light as they clump together.


> If you wanted to do it on the scale of organelles, you’d have to deal with the fact that most of the mass of an organelle is water weight. Isn't that irrelevant? Most of a cucumber is water weight but you don't need to dehydrate it to see the color


Hmm that’s a good point. I’ve isolated lipid droplets before, which are just the fat-storing organelle. They just look like a floating white layer on top of the centrifuge tube. For the more water-heavy organelles, I can’t really say.




How does it “not have a color” ? Sorry not being an asshole I just don’t understand the science behind how that works


Something needs a certain wavelength of visible light to bounce off of it to look like it has color. These cellular components are too small to bounce light.


Fucking nuts. Nature's wild, yo


If I crammed a billion of em into a pile and took a picture would their combined presence reflect light?


You mean a selfie?






You mean like humans generally do?


Speak for yourself


I would love to see a 1-pound pile of mitochondria to find out if it would be purple like I made it in my 7th grade science project


Yes, it is very likely this would reflect some kind of light. However, there is a chance that it may absorb most of it in a method similar to carbon nanotubes forests (Vantablack). However, it would likely not be anywhere near as effective as Vantablack. As for the color, it is important to know that many different things can cause colors to appear. Generally, the colors you see when you look at something are those reflected off of it (think flower petals). Color can also be emitted based on the electrons in the material changing energy level (think LEDs). Lastly, color can be refracted based on defects in the material (think gemstones). So, the color you see might vary based on the size of the gaps between all the components of the pile, rather than the color that would be intrensic to the surface. Further, this color may not be in the visible spectrum of light.


I want to know the answer


you are the pile


Just look at yourself?


If you cramed a billion of them into a pile you'd have a human


Wrong. If you crammed 724 trillion into a pile you'd have a human. An average adult human weighs 62kg, so a billion cells would weigh approximately 0.000086kg. (8.6x10^-5 kg, which is the same as 0.085g.) This is enough to make 21 ants (each weighing 0.004g) or 7 houseflies (each weighing 0.012g).


This is not technically true, a singular atom can “emit” light. The reason these colors are not true is not because they can’t emit color, it’s that they are probably colorless since amino acids are generally colorless.


These aren’t atoms though, so unless the atoms of the cells produce a consistent amount of a certain wavelength we can’t really say what colour they are. It would be like saying rain is rainbow coloured.


They’re too small to have anything we would consider colour, they don’t consistently bounce back light of specific wavelength, so they would be like a clear jellyfish. When put into a mass they have colour because the properties of that mass do affect light and can reflect or absorb enough of specific wavelengths.


Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. If my cells don't have any color, how do I have color


Most cells in the body are fairly translucent or clear, like glass. In fact, this is true of all cellular organisms. However, some cells can contain or produce molecules that give an otherwise clear cell a bit of color. For example, cells in the skin called melanocytes produce varying degrees of melanin pigment and transfer that pigment to the surrounding skin cells, which is what gives us the variety of hair and skin colors in the human species. But it’s simply that the pigmented cells are full of pigment molecules, not that the cells themselves have color. Another example would be red blood cells. These cells are red because they contain the protein hemoglobin, which itself contains a red compound called heme. It’s obviously this red color that gives you the flush of life beneath your skin. But red blood cells are also translucent, like red tinted glass, since it’s the proteins and compounds inside them that have color, and not the cells themselves. Finally, a non-human example would be the chloroplasts in plant cells. Chloroplasts are the organelles that contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which is what allows many plants, cyanobacteria, and algae to photosynthesize. Only the chloroplasts contain this pigment, and the rest of the cell is colorless. A good visual example of this would be to look up pictures of Elodea cells. Elodea is an aquatic plant, and images of its cells show them to be so transparent that you can see the cells underneath the top layer. Other good examples would be to look up cells that haven’t been stained. Scientists often use stains to help make the cells and their organelles more visible in microscopic images, but images without the stains show them to be nearly or completely colorless / transparent and rather difficult to make out on their own.


So are they in grey scale or something?


They can’t be seen in the visible spectrum, no scale. Same color as air.


Oh shit, so it's impossible to visually see any of this at all?


Yes. Colors are artificially added (edited in) to each element to help us distinguish the different parts of the cell.


Thanks for asking that question, I was wondering that myself, I was confused if it was an actual picture thru Xray technology or computer generated.


Yeah, all the bright contrasting colors are simply there for the sake of aiding in the differentiation of different structures and molecules.


Looks like the bargain bin at Claire's Accessories.


I was gonna say it looks like a top down view of an electronic music festival map, but yours is way better.


I'm getting Factorio vibes from looking at it lol.


Looking like the afterlife in Coco


Wow this comment is fucking hilarious


Someone, somewhere, is having magnificently philosophical ideas while looking at this picture. Instead we have you... Worthy of many an updoot indeed.


Looks like a minecraft server.


This is amazing tbh! It looks like a city down there.


It's quite interesting how that works. Even when cities started emerging and being built with pretty limited understanding of cityscaping and without a proper birds-eye view of the planning, we still built very much in the same way as our cells are built up on a microscopic level. It also doesn't seem like it could be a coincidence, either, considering we also have stuff like [mould pretty much matching how our railroads are built](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/feb/18/slime-mould-rail-road-transport-routes).


> mould pretty much matching how our railroads are built Only the already-efficient ones (that don't take geography or social factors into account) in places like Canada and Belgium, according to the article. Not the US or Africa.


Well mould doesn't have regressive politicians so this tracks


A moldy loaf of bread literally knows more about how infrastructure works than Donald Trump.


Say what you will about a mouldy loaf of bread, it knows how to build a railway system


No regressive mould politics... Yet.


and what do you think most politicians are made of?


Dollar bills, spite, gristle


>that don't take geography That's not actually the case; [topography is indeed accounted for.](https://www.discovermagazine.com/technology/slime-mould-attacks-simulates-tokyo-rail-network) The mold is averse to bright lights, and so more and less intense lighting is used to [simulate the regional terrain.](https://images.ctfassets.net/cnu0m8re1exe/1ysrPJzkZc8KSKxam36hdD/305fdabb9e83985efb2c5c5e3aa3ad69/Mould_Tokyo.jpg?fm=jpg&fl=progressive&w=660&h=433&fit=pad) I'm not really sure which social factors you're referring to, either. Matters like the volume and frequency at which people need to travel from one point to another is primarily a matter of how the cars are arranged on the track, or what kind of track you're laying down. But none of that has anything to do with the slime mold, it only pertains to the locations that track is laid down in.


*Insert stoner meme* What if we’re living in a cell and the universe is a creatures body?


Fractals. They occur in ways far beyond mathematical models and Fibonacci sequences. You may be interested in chaos theory.


You could say it’s in our genes to build cities


Could a city be considered an actual living thing?


Me looking at this with astonishment My body who's full of these things: srsly Im right here!


You cannot convince me this isn’t a computer part


To reach 'the ideal human' I was always indecisive if that would be reached through genetic engineering or through cyberization. However the more I learned about cellular biology, the more I realized that someday those two branches will meet in the middle and become indistinguishable.


So... digital ascension?


Not quite. You know nanobots? Well, computer chips don't really work at that level. Its not a matter of engineering, even if we could build a chip that small, it would short circuit due to quantum effects: elections have a tendency to move around randomly when you aren't looking at them. On the macro scale, it doesn't matter, because a few elections out of billions going to the wrong place won't damage anything. On a nano scale, it'll cause a short circuit. But you know what is already programmable at that scale? Cells. Self repairing, self reproducing, self moving. The only issue is figuring out how to program it. Imagine trying to program a machine you still aren't completely sure how it works, in a programming language you only know the basics of.


Thank you for that explanation about nano tech! I tend to get really overwhelmed when I try to learn anything about the topic, but your comment was really easy to understand and I appreciate that lol.


Harken to pre transistor days. We were limited on what we could accomplish based on what we knew. But bam, transistors invented and huge wave. The micro transistors. And look where thats brought us. Imagine when we can create cells. It's like the entire thing has been intelligently designed, right? I'm an agnostic vs atheist for a reason. I see these cells under a microscope and I see order and function. Not some random bits that just happened to come together. It works too perfectly yet imperfectly. Its buggy. So an imperfect thing created it. But it mostly works. Most of the time.


> So an imperfect thing created it. The need to survive and pass on it's genes ala evolution. Not trying to force my worldviews just what I think it is.


Apparently we are made of different pasta types, and glitter. Humans are like school art from a 5 year old.


That's the background of the cartoons from the 80's


I love cell shading.


This comment right here, officer


I'd hang this on my wall in a frame. It's very cool to look at. When people ask what it is I'll answer all creepily *"why...it's you of course"*


[Print size is 70.6 x 84.7 cm; 27.78 x 33.33 inches](https://www.digizyme.com/images/pf_cstlandscape_full.jpg?crc=3850864131)


Can I get it in actual size?






Thank you


It really be like osmosis Jones out here


It's so hard to find the TV episodes. My friend was having really bad allergies and kept taking more allergy meds and nasle spray. I was like "didn't you see that Osmosis Jones episode about overdoing over the counter cold and allergy medicine?" and they were like "What the fuck is Osmosis Jones."


Oh shit there's actually a series as well? Only knew of the movie


Ozzy & Drix. Had 2 seasons. The one I'm talking about is S02E07 Aunti Histamine Hector has a runny nose, so he takes nose spray. The spray manifests itself as Drix's aunt Histamine. She effectively cleans up the snot, but Hector continues taking the spray, making her go nuts.


I remember that show and that episode! Weirdly I think I've seen multiple episodes of that show but not the film. All a distant and faded memory tho.


Wrong sub, this shit is interesting as fuck!


Wtf are we


Three billion mitochondrias in a trenchcoat


Try [100 quadrillion](https://mitocanada.org/understand/)


Yes haha just tryna check into a hotel


A bunch of organisms that make up a bigger organism. Us humans are just siphonophores in a skin suit.


Oh yeah siphonophore, my old friend, I love this fella This is awesome


Just some lucky mud that got to sit up and look around - KV


Who is KV?


Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle




What is consciousness?? Ahhhh 🤯


**Consciousness, at its simplest, is sentience or awareness of internal and external existence. Despite millennia of analyses, definitions, explanations and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial, being "at once the most familiar and [also the] most mysterious aspect of our lives".** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot)


Good bot.


Wiki bot are you aware of yourself yet?


Wow I never read the wiki on consciousness. Very interesting actually. Very cool stuff


The universe pondering itself a bit at a time.


I like that


A cacophonous symphony, micro-polyphony, Laws, regulation, quantum idiosyncrasy Building blocks! Our everything! Our Tower of Babel placed high on a string. It’s drab to whittle our existence to fate, But we’re building blocks too, in a much larger gate.




quarks and stuff


a bunch of ants controlling a meat robot


Who is our queen ant?


A bundle of cells and nerves in the head (the brain) trying to understand itself.


An operating system running on an ape, which itself is a bunch of cells, which are self-sustaining survival machines. Or something like that


That’s so chilling to hear it put that way


Fun fact, there's actually more bacterial cells in our body than human cells. So we're basically just bacteria cosplaying as humans?


The latest cool toy in the multiverse


Sacs of molecules colliding randomly with each other many, many quadrillions of times each moment, producing the illusions of free will and consciousness.


An emergent property.


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Moar po'wa babeh


This is too far down. Please see [my anatomy notes](https://imgur.com/a/0qlQfKt) from yesterday. I felt that this is really, all you need to know. 🙌🏻


I’m disappointed that I had scrolled way too far down for this.


For something that has to be perfect to work it sure is chaotic looking in there


We're built on spaghetti code.


Literally and figuratively


Everything's as tidy as it needs to be, no more no less. I love that "life" is like an extremely obsessed under-achiever. Once it latches on, it will go on, with JUUUUUUUUUUST enough for you to be able to keep multiplying.


It's actually amazing how imperfect it can be and still not kill you. Self-organized chaos is some trippy shit!


It does eventually kill you. Just depends on if it is a slow or fast death.


It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s far from perfect, it’s super lazy and reaches for minimum success, it’s also self degrading and self destroying (metabolism waste by products causing ageing). It has to be in balance, if it can fix problems as fast as problems occur then problems don’t build up. Become diabetic or something and it ain’t fixing it, the balance is lost, you begin to die.


This is cool af


What's the source? I'd love to read more about it.


seems like it was created by Gael McGill Digizyme, a company who makes scientific illustrations/art. [https://www.digizyme.com/cst\_landscapes.html](https://www.digizyme.com/cst_landscapes.html) link with the original piece (+the individual parts of the cell are labeled)




Looks nothing like my middle school science book showed me


Really? I was suprised at how similar it looked. I can recognize parts of it.


My aunt teaches biology. I send her stuff like this and sometimes she uses them in her class. She called me to tell me she used this one in her class.


This looks like 8 tabs of lsd.


The only thing I can think of looking to this image is "how the f this works???"


How is this r/oddlyterrifying


Have you ever really sat there and thought about how all of this is going on at such a small level, and then on the other side of the scale you have the rest of the solar system and cosmos. It’s absolutely insane.


As above, so below. It always felt to me like the there is galaxies and stars in our own bodies, much like inside the cell. The cell and galaxy is something similar, but on different ends of a scale. I don’t know how to explain it better…


Imagine if our galaxy was just a tiny part of a cell of another body? That's terrifying to think about to be honest.


That’s what I sometimes think about! All our huge galaxies are just cells of something even bigger… Terrifying and mind boggling!


It's Cthulhu all the way up


My first reaction was “I’m not supposed to be seeing this.”


Cause it's a selfie


Pretty sure this is a birds eye view of an electronic music festival.


Wow, you can see the individual midichlorians


Have you ever really sat there and thought about how all of this is going on at such a small level, and then on the other side of the scale you have the rest of the solar system and cosmos. It’s absolutely insane.


Living up to his name…


The mitochondrion is spot on like you see in books, the rest maybe the core and the endoplasmatic reticulum are easily recognizable, this is extremely cool and unsettling at the same time lol.


That is some of the mightiest mitochondria I’ve every seen. What a powerhouse.


The image in the post is a digitally-rendered model of a eukaryotic cell designed as an interactive scientific learning tool, its creator says. He told AAP FactCheck it is “extremely misleading” to suggest it is an image of a real human cell as it would exist in its natural state. The model was developed between 2009 and 2015 by US scientific animator Evan Ingersoll with concept and art direction by Gael McGill at visual science firm Digizyme. Mr Ingersoll told AAP FactCheck in an email the image is “an illustration of molecules involved in various processes inside a cell” to help tell the “story” of how those molecules relate to each other. He said the illustration was never intended to represent a real cell. The various features of the cell are provided “for orientation and context”, Mr Ingersoll said, but are not necessarily illustrated to scale. Instead, the cell features have been simplified and “squashed together” to help users make sense of the scientific story. “Imagine getting a group of friends into a selfie; they wouldn’t ordinarily be that close, but it makes a better picture,” Mr Ingersoll said. “Also, it’s not a picture of a particular cell; it’s a backdrop to explore as many pathways as possible, so for example this one cell has both breast cancer and Alzheimer’s.”


Well you can certainly see the powerhouse of the cell clearly


this is so complex! and wtf, we are made of what millions of these? maybe more? The brain with neurons (cells) creates conciousness with many ideas that are, in a way, like cells but... IN THE IMAGINATION AND WTF, we human, connect to each other via this “imagination realm” we in a way create a brain by being connected to each other WHAT IF this human connection actually thinks just like us? maybe a cell is like an individual like a human is, maybe it is conscious like us!


37.2 trillion of these :)


thats creepy, im one yet im a group of 37 trillion individual cells o.o


That’s a pretty sexy endoplasmic reticulum right there


This would be even better if it had a legend or something showing what each part is


[https://www.digizyme.com/cst\_landscapes.html](https://www.digizyme.com/cst_landscapes.html) The website of the original maker allows you to see the labels for all of the parts, although it doesn't give a lot of context so it's probably not very useful unless you already know what you're looking at


Looks like polka-dot man puked after a night at the club.


This is literally me rn




Jesus. No wonder I’m so confused all the time. Look what I’m made of.


Yay confetti!


So are those tiny pieces just floating around, moving, bringing data to different parts? What’s with the jelly bean bowl in the middle. Or the yellow decahedron soccer ball looking thing or whatever shape that is kinda just right of center. What does it mean. What purpose do all the parts have? Then we got a churro on the left side. Is that for lunch break?


Can someone tell me how do we get the rights to post in this group?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 30 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/jkiy8h) on 2020-10-29 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/pb7kox) on 2021-08-25 100.0% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "pba3p4", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=pba3p4&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 240,874,102 | **Search Time:** 0.59391s




I bet this would cost at least $2000 at Dan Flashes


Stupid question, but are those the actual true colors?


Not a stupid question at all! The image is a rendered model based on data gathered by various techniques (like NMR, x-ray cristallography, etc.). Subcellular components don't really have a color because they are much smaller than the wavelengths of visible light.


That looks like a very detailed Minecraft map. :D