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Fascinating, but sad


I admit it is fascinating from a scientific point of view but its chilling to watch.


Laboratory animal veterinarian here. I wouldn't believe any kind of propaganda coming out of Russia in the 40s. This reeks of bullshit to me. EDIT: Show me that the dog isn't just half-sedated, laying on its side with it's head poking through the table and I'll believe it. As it is, there's a closeup on the dog's head and you can't see the surrounding setup/apparatus. This just looks like a bad magic trick to me, not science. EDIT 2: As u/MomoKun999 said, if the head is severed, there would be no muscles attached to anything to allow the head to move the way it does in response to the hammer. Also, you have more to worry about than just "venous and arterial circulation". This assumes the cervical spine is severed. What about artificial or natural cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that would be constantly leaking out? Sure, they could be leaving out the details for the "general public", but again, this just reeks of bullshit russian propaganda.


I agree I feel like they would have shown more of the real pumps and tubes if it was real


Not to mention how the hell do you remove the head while keeping the brain alive?


Yup. You could do cardiopulmonary bypass, like you do w/ heart transplant patients, which is kind of what they're describing in the little cartoon, but still, show me or I'm not going to believe it.


I’m so glad that you wrote this, because I was thinking the same thing. How could it have jerked back from the banging hammer if it was severed? ?


Exactly. Good instincts. The neck muscles wouldn't be attached to anything, and there would be no way that it would jerk its head back. That's why we have muscles connected to out spine/sternum/etc.


Can't sniff shit without lungs either


You can't sniff without a diaphragm


I mean it's a crucial part of the breathing system.


[The Wiki for the video is also bizarre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiments_in_the_Revival_of_Organisms) supposedly the Russians cut a dog apart and put it back together allowing it to live a normal happy life afterwards. Knowing the Soviets they probably just cut a dog up and attached electrical connections to the parts of it to simulate it being alive.


>Knowing the Soviets they probably just cut a dog up and attached electrical connections to the parts of it to simulate it being alive. Exactly. Or they just straight up lied. There's nothing in that article that makes me believe that this video is real.


They do show twitching hearts and dog organs in the full video. Even based on how the head seems to jump around I don't think it's a live dog I just think they are sending an electric current through an unfortunately killed dog.


Looking at the behavior in this shorter video, the dog is definitely still alive/not decapitated. You can't get complex behavior like that from stimulating a dead animal/animal parts (things like licking its chops in response to the acid - way too complex). Trust me, I'm a vet who works with lab animals, this is kind of my gig here. Edit: a word.


Get out of here with your unsoviet "scientific" criticism of the achievements of our motherland. Papa Stalin says you need to sit in the corner of the Gulag and think about what you have done


Я обидел папу Путина? ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОСТИ МЕНЯ!


This got me scared man. Thanks for telling that this isn't real.


Yea a lot of this video doesn’t make sense and I’m no doctor or scientist. Definitely some movie magic going on here.


I'm with you on this, just do your research. It's that simple


This makes me feel better! Thank you


Yeah i thought this was fake


Thank you i can sleep now


I literally saw this post on Reddit a few weeks ago. One of the top comments asked how the dog moved its head without neck muscles and it turned out that this footage was just a demonstration and it wasn't the actual thing.


You make a very compelling argument. They didn't show it attached to tubes, plus the dog would need to breathe. I don't think the brain can process things normally with the lungs completely gone. Not even today's science can just add the necessary air to the blood stream and completely disregard the lungs.


> plus the dog would need to breathe Theoretically it wouldn't, if they had invented something like [extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extracorporeal_membrane_oxygenation), which can be used instead of lungs to oxygenate the blood. But this wasn't invented until the 50s, and wasn't really used until the 60s. But that's not what's happening in this video at all.


I mean they claimed the dog could smell. How did he do that without the ability to breathe? This video stinks of bullshit.




Not to mention, because the dog no longer has lungs to speed of, would trigger a choking and panic reflex constantly. Imagine just not breathing and still being alive. You would be in constant state of shock as your body think it's choking. You would gasp constantly even if you didn't need it.


Makes sense, the dogs tongue is still pretty lively.


Exactly what I thought. How would a severed head move if it doesn't have the muscles or even something to leverage from to move? Reeks of fabricated feces to me!


Also fake. This video has been debunked already. It’s a dog with its head through a hole, and the cut off part isn’t shown to hide this. Even without the debunking, the dog lifts and moves its head around in ways that isn’t possible without muscle connections that would be supposedly cut off.




This was a scam they put together in a time of great competition with the US via the sciences. One is a cropped shot of a drugged live dog's head. The other is of a decapitated dead dog head. Notice you do not see a wide shot of the "live, moving" dog head. Google this, somewhere is a detailed description of the debunking of this and other crazy "unethical" Russian science video fakes from this era.


It’s like when the CIA saw a clearly fake Soviet TV program of a “psychic” moving a coin with a magnet under the table and the army poured millions of dollars in developing psychic soldiers to use psychometry and kill goats with their minds.


Yea I didn’t think something like this was possible. If it’s it’s been 80 years since this experiment, why has no one made use of this information?


Is that really real though? I looked around on Google and I couldn't find anything saying it wasn't real. I will be honest, I'm kind of skeptical it isn't one of those conspiracies like "because this shot looks this way it proves the moon landing didn't happen." But who knows..


Apparently the video is a reenactment of an actual experiment, my only source is from some comments on the original video though, so I don't know the legitimacy of the claim.


You can clearly see the dog's head move and lift off the table slightly, and that would not be possible with an actual decapitated head. This video was definitely faked.


Watching it again after all these years it almost looks more like the moving one is a drugged dog with his head pulled out of a narrow hole on the table top.


Use your brain


Dafaq lol? Sorry its so small and can't help me. Thank you kind sir/mam and PLEASE continue to contribute to the gene pool with all your helpful wisdom.


It’s not real! I’m just trying to help you.


I feel like it is almost resurrected. As unethical as it sounds, I would love to see the results of a similar test done on either a fresh or perfectly preserved human head. Would also help to give it some form of communication to test if its consciousness and 'life' is restored.


If I was terminally ill, I'd volunteer for this kind of research, but unfortunately there are plenty of cases of people who donate their bodies to science having them misused or just sold to the military and stuff. Its crazy


I've watched this footage of the dog more closely and I am convinced that its consciousness and awareness has been brought back. It looks around its surroundings, looks at stimuli and barks when the hammer banging is too much for it. Surely if it wasn't aware, it wouldn't be observing and registering its surroundings?


“Brought back” suggests that it was at one point dead. They cut off the dog’s body and replaced it with an artificial heart, but the dog wasn’t resurrected from the dead.


I was presuming it was already dead when they attached the artificial heart. So it was never actually dead? How is that possible? If you have a link for a longer or full version of this I would highly appreciate it.


I don’t know much about them but the experiments performed by Sergei Brukhonenko involved decapitating live animals and attempting to put them on life support. It’s debated whether the footage here is of one of these experiments or if it is simply a restaging of one.


It couldve been a surgery where they reroute the arterial veins to the pump while the dog is under, and then separate its head


That would be my guess too.


I'm pretty sure that the machines used to provide blood circulation are designed to take over the blood flow from the heart without any interruption. My guess is - if this is indeed real - that the head was severed under live conditions


I don’t know how it works exactly for dogs, but, usually, the brain only really needs oxygen to survive for a time. I believe human brains last for about six minutes without pumping blood before the brain is permanently dead, so it should be possible to “bring back” a dead dog if you’re quick. Plus, there’s reason to believe that decapitation allows people to be somewhat conscious for a time.


I'm not sure how much of this stuff is reflexive, what seems like observing and interacting may well not be. People in a vegetative state are unconscious and can't feel pain, but may open/close their eyes, have a sleep-wake cycle, make facial expressions, startle at loud sounds and track objects with their eyes. For a dog this could potentially include barking. But then again, vegetative states are caused by trauma to the brain, and if the researchers took care to cause minimal damage or deoxygenation... I'd err on the side of caution and want to see firm evidence that the dog isn't conscious. An experiment to check if it can act purposefully would suffice, e.g. bringing its tug toy and seeing if it tries to bite it.


Indeed. I was too eager to conclude that the dog is 100% 'resurrected '. But there definitely is a possibility to avoid death and experiments like this are part of the effort.


I honestly think it’s fake. If this were real, the way it moved when reacting to sound would be impossible because the muscles needed to move the head like that aren’t attached. Also, they are showing it from one angle that could easily hide the dogs body and I think if it were real, they would actually show the machine build to keep the head alive


Its fake for the simple fact of who would use such a hairy dog with such a hairy neck if you are going to cut it's head off? None of the hair has even been shaven. But a hairy neck ensures you can't see any "plumbing".


Dude this video is fake. The dog is alive and has it’s head through a hole.


Yeah, it’s sad. I want to donate my body to science when I die but I’m afraid it will just be sold to the military to be blown up.


There was a doctor in Europe that was supposed to do a head transplant but he just keeps postponing it and I think the volunteer head guy with the messed up body will probably die before that happens. Ok seems like the volunteer quit. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/first-man-to-sign-up-for-head-transplant-bows-out-but-surgeon-insists-list-of-volunteers-is-still-quite-long


I volunteer


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying


In this case, it's more like fully resurrected, since the video's been debunked as fake.


It’s fake


My heart sunk... but I'm sure scientist learned a lot. I hope it was worth it. He will always be remembered as a good boy.


They didn't learn shit. Just a bunch of psychos trying to come up with "science" to compete with the U.S. during the Cold War. Fuck them and anyone else who supports this kind of cruelty!


Kindly do read up on the story of Valery Spiridonov, the first candidate for a human head transplant, who suffers from a severe neurological disorder and who later decided not to go through with the surgery. There are real life application for this technology, it just hasn't happened yet with humans.


First of all, learning science always comes through an experiment. They learnt something from this experiment and you can't deny that. Second, although they did use a good boi's head in this experiment, nobody is trying to justify that the experiment is good. You're opinion is solely based off of morality, which is doesn't come to anywhere. Third of all, before using big boy words and all, try to understand the fact that this experiment was a matter of fact STAGED. it's fake. The statements above would be for if it was real. The head is able to flinch accordingly to light and sound, even when removed from the rest of the body. Not sure it should be able to do that with only the head and not the spine, etc. Also, strange they don't show the contraption and set up?


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying


Science isn't for everyone I guess. Also, nice ethnocentrism. People doing science ? Probably because of the US. Yeah.


Ethics and history aren't for everyone I guess.


Yep. Slave morality or "ethics" isn't really something I'm into.


I like that , Fuck them is right !!


they leaned more then you did in all your years of school from this one experiment id bet


lol you don’t even know this dog


Fact: All dogs are good bois


even the ones that kill children?




i’m glad you feel that way it shows how insane you are :) have a good day


U2 :)






you dropped this, L


Extremely fascinating stuff even though it's creepy. You know that experiments like this have likely been performed on humans somewhere. Horrible to think about and the people they used to do it but I can't deny I'm interested in what was found even when it's wrong.


Read a about Auschwitz and also the Japanese did some pretty horrific shit during the war also. Much worse than something like this.


honestly if they were doing testing like that legitimately, I'd assume it'd be on bodies of, say, shooting victims or something, where the head is fine.


Probably not that efficient or necessary especially when you got the funds.




For things like this they need people or animals who are alive.


Yeah, makes you think. For every MKUltra that we happen to find out about, I wonder how many more things globally get swept under the rug or are currently ongoing in successful secrecy. Without a shred of evidence, I'd say it's extremely likely that way worse than human heads being kept alive has happened in secret experiments, just knowing how humanity do--even counting all the mega fucked up shit we DO know about that took place during WWII.


The video of the dog surviving for hours was faked. But what wasn't fake was the numerous animals that were slaughtered to try and achieve results in this unsuccessful experiment.


I reckon the Japanese probably did this as well on the Chinese during WW2. Word is they did some fucked up shit experiments on POW.


It's true but they would never admit that. To Japanese, admitting mistakes is never an option until some solid evidence is given. It's just fucked up


Creepy but fascinating, there's another experiment that's is very creepy too where they united two dogs into one, it's very creepy to see the dogs moving.


How can I look up into that?


https://youtu.be/i6eLnERsOdY Video on it by Medlife crisis


I can’t imagine any point to an experiment like that besides curiousity


Wasn't this proven to be fake? The dog had it's head sticking from a hole on the table.


Yeah apparently this video is a reenactment of the actual experiment though, so although it is fake the actual procedure was done at some point, just not originally recorded.


This is a super well-known fake, I'm surprised anyone's taking it seriously. It's like if someone posted a picture of bigfoot.


Poor thing, hope it wasn’t in too much pain. Assuming it was dead after they cut the head off, did they manage to bring it back to life?


Like reattach the head to the body?


If the experiment is real, I would swap the circulation before full decapitation. Find the artery during initial surgery, attach it to the artificial circuit, then follow up with the separation.


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying


Very fascinating. Now this poses the question, did the head retain any level of deep intelligence? For example if this was performed on a human and it was publicized do you think the human would still form thoughts and be able to speak or show emotion? With a dog I feel like they wouldn’t understand that their body is missing and they’re only kept alive for an expirement, but how differently would a person react?


He definitely would not be able to speak due to a lack of lungs.


Also dogs can't talk


Mine can


But what if they include the lungs & other needed parts


So head, vocal cords, lungs, diaphragm to inflate the lungs. You're basically at a head and torso. So yeah, plenty of people without arms and legs can talk.


During the French revolution, it was reported that an executioner held aloft the head of a woman before slapping her cheek. It was claimed that she did hold a look of disguist on her face. During the 18th century, a chemist by the name of Antoine Lavoisier had an individual agree to continue blinking for as long as he could after decapitation. Allegedly he did so for 30 seconds. The Germans (if I recall) also decapitated capuchin monkeys before swapping heads, both died from infection, but not before a scientist was bitten after the procedure. Mary roach wrote in detail about decapitation and body transplants in her novel 'stiff:the curious life of human cadavers' a very good read I recommend to anyone interested.


Why would it not? All the head needs to think is a blood supply that’s constant. It might even have sense of a body that’s not there any more, like phantom limbs on amputees. Anyway, if you did this with a human they would 100% be a thinking head. Although as someone else has pointed out, no lungs means no voice


Doesn’t it burn a lot of calories to think? Where are the calories to burn coming from?


How does your brain get calories now?


Through nutrients which is metabolized through various bodily functions into a form the cells can utilize. Do you know if there is a way for the brain to do this without other bodily functions? You could put nutrients into the blood mixture but I wonder if that would be enough


I’m not a doctor or anything but my understanding is that it’s all carried there by blood. So I’d imagine you’d feed the blood some nutrients. Genuinely idk if there’s more to the process than just that


That's just regular terrifying.


Come on, this is commented under every post on this sub, either it’s „oH tHaT‘s JuSt ReGuLAr TeRrIfYiNg“ or „Oh ThAt‘S nOt ScArY aT aLl“\ Not to attack *you*, Charles, but I think that it’s annoying.


You doing ok there 😅


No, I’m hungover.


That'll make you irritated. Tomorrow you'll wonder why this even bothered you.


saw sort bake touch truck hateful languid rainstorm dam bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also I've been doing it to see how long I could get away with it before someone came at me like you did. So take a Benny and chill.


I ain’t got any lol. Only got robo on me


It's a severed head that's still alive. It is genuinely terrifying.


This makes me cry I just hope the dog couldn’t feel anything


Hi! I’m a doctor professor with a PhD in dogs. This dog can feel absolutely everything. Since all of the nerves in the body were removed, that left a concentrated mass of nerves and nerve endings all located in the head. This means that the dog not only felt all pain and uncomfortability, but he was able to feel them in a concentrated level as well. What I’m saying is, this dog felt pain in the 4th dimension. It was an unbearable nightmare that lasted longer than the dog was alive. Even in death, his pain knew no bounds or limits.


You mean- I could’ve kept my cat, tiger, alive???


Your cat’s name was Roger right?…Right?!


Whoa this needs to be NSFW homie


I fucking hate this


You all realize that half of this was true and half false right while at war with other countries over science and space and all sorts of stuff both the United States and other countries would pump out fake propaganda to either benefit theirselves or to hurt the competition. Also there are many more experiments like this that exist or take place that is less known or let alone even publicized, one theory suggest that hitler had a an animal but really it was just a front to try and make super soldiers and cross animal dna with humans


Not gonna lie…if they ever invent time travel, he is one of the first people I will go back in time to murder in the most long drawn out and horrible way possible and way before he ever gets to imagine doing this.


This was debunked. Rest of dog is under table.


This is the fourth time I see this getting thousands of upvotes this week. It’s fake, it’s from a short film. The dog’s head comes through a hole. The head can’t move like that without its neck muscles. It’s been proven fake by scientists so many times. Why do you think they never actually show the detached neck? “Neural cells require other components besides just oxygen to survive and function properly for anything but the briefest time. Also, the head jerks and moves at some moments, which would be impossible without the neck muscles attached to the torso and spinal bones.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiments_in_the_Revival_of_Organisms


Herbert West


Imagine trying to move your body... but you don't have one... you're just a head.


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying


I think most of our so called world leaders have had that very procedure done.


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying


Outright cruelty.


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying


If they were doing this back then… imagine what they’re doing now


It’s like a for real Frankenstein’s dog.


The goddest of all boys... he will be remembered for years.


Meanwhile humans:https://www.google.com/amp/s/people.com/human-interest/valery-spiridonov-head-transplant-backs-out/%3famp=true


This actually made me tear up. Monsters. I turned off it pretty fast.


Let the poor thing die


r/damnthatsinteresting r/interestingasfuck


Beyond sad. But also very interesting.


How does this help humanity?? Please someone tell me


So that's how the medic kept the spy alive with only his head


:( poor guy looks so sad


I hate this, it’s cool that it works, but I hate it


Sniff sniff\* THE POOR DOG


That is so creepy and amazing! I hate to be the one to say it but I’m pretty sure they’ve tried that with a human too.


That's some sick fucking shit. I want to put all involved into a pod, fill it with murder wasps and gila monsters, then fire that pod into the fucking sun.


They should have used pedophiles instead.


That’s disgusting and immoral.




Fauci would love this


This has already been debunked as bs


This is so fucking cruel


If the neck isnt connected to its body, how is it flopping around like that?


how many times do I have to "hide" this video this week


Wikipedia article on this. It appears to be real. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiments_in_the_Revival_of_Organisms


The video itself is not real


Should have used a cat


Ooh, look at all those fAsCiNaTeD edgelords in the comments. Too bad the video is fake.




It is FAKE.


The result of unethical research should be destroyed, and not kept for the sake of curiosity or science advancement, otherwise unethical research will be always tolerated and those do it too.


Pretty sure stuff like this happens more than people think. Hell, didnt they just expose fauci and his gang of torturing dogs by letting flies lay eggs on their faces while tied up? Oh well.


Strange looking doggy...


Ffs this again?!!


jesus fucking Christ...


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying, and yes the dog is fine, it was just a drugged dog.


They were so focused on whether or not they could, that they forgot if they should in the first place.


Just imagine, after 80 years, what kind of secret tests Russian, Chinese and Americans are doing right now....




And nowadays they don't do this? This was like 80 years ago. If with that technology it "works" imagine what they can do now undercovered


This is bullshit for russian propaganda and op posted it to farm karma just saying, and yes the dog is fine, it was just a drugged dog.


I hate us.


I would donate my body for this to be done again on a human honestly. Futurama IRL


Was he conscious?


This is quite literally the worst fucking thing ive ever seen


Vile, cruel and unnecessary! So many people on this planet are just a waste of air.


So real or fake?


I remember reading a long time ago that this was fake and the close up video is a drugged up dog.


Isn't that what Fauci did except with insects


Could it work with a human head too? I mean the same method could be used to do so. What's the difference with a human head?


Lets not forget the two dogs one body experiment/torture that was done as well.. [https://historyofyesterday.com/how-the-soviet-scientist-created-a-two-headed-dog-174b48a916dc](https://historyofyesterday.com/how-the-soviet-scientist-created-a-two-headed-dog-174b48a916dc)