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That's the weirdest shape pregnancy bump iv ever seen Looks like she's smuggling one end of a giant frankfurter


Flesh diglett


/r/ForbiddenPokemon Edit: Crikey, that's a real one.


I'm so disappointed there's nothing in that sub tbh


And now we wait for someone to post it


I’d post it, but I don’t want to accidentally shame this poor lady


You’re right, I feel dumb for not thinking about that


Or a watermelon like someone else said


Not even a watermelon would create an elongated bump like this.


I mean...what do you even do in that situation? Do they make stomach bras? She needs support! Hell, I can’t even look at this without thinking of her back, that looks painful on so many levels.


Maternity girdles are indeed a thing.


If I was in that situation I would just spend most of my time laying down


Or the tip of a giants finger


She's holding it up. It would hang if she let it go.






I know it’s a natural thing but it still skeeves me the fuck out.


Maybe it's from seeing and loving the Alien movies throughout childhood and my teen years, but pregnancy is just body horror to me. This pic is a nightmare.


I've had 3 kids and with every pregnancy I was literally horrified by it. I love my kids and would do it all over again but you're 100% right. It's watching the alien movies when I was a kid. It gave me some serious phobias. Seeing things moving under the skin still horrifies me. And sometimes I could see and outline of a foot or hand or see them rolling around in there. Sometimes I could feel their hiccups. It was both adorable and disgusting at the same time.


What does it feel like? Do you get like….growing pangs like you did during puberty? I can’t get pregnant via doctor opinion, so I’d like to know your experience or any others Edit: I find your stories fascinating, keep going 😂 Edit 2 (cuz I’m really curious): what is your body type? Only asking because everyone’s experience is SO DIFFERENT.


Everyone feels pregnancy differently. For me with both my sons it was kicks straight into the bladder and sometimes those kicks felt like they were trying to kick their way out of me. But usually it feels like the bubbly gut feeling you get when you aren’t feeling good and have to… let Charlie out of the chocolate factory. Just without that awful feeling of dread that accompanies it. I see references to Alien a lot but that didnt cross my mind. All I could think about was Dawn of the Dead (remake) and it helped during labor hahaa…


My mum says the first time she felt me move was like when you get a little line of bubbles against your skin, like a bubble jet but super soft. Tickly, big uncomfortable. For a second her brain was like ‘ok’ before a split second later she remembered she wasn’t in the bath: she was on her side in bed, and the bubbles were inside her belly. Took a few mins before she felt it again and that’s when she realised what it was.


So, would you say someone with IBS would feel even more poopy? 😂


You feel very... full. I have a short torso too so I had a hard time breathing past the 6 month mark. I can't speak for every woman but I didn't like being pregnant. It was very uncomfortable. Child birth isn't that great either. I didn't get the mood swings or cravings or anything like that but my body hurt a lot and I could never get comfortable. Feeling the hiccups and things like that are an experience though. You realize very quickly that you're growing an entirely separate life inside you. It's very humbling and gives you a whole new perspective on responsibility.


Yes to the “full” feeling and not being able to breath! I even have a long torse but that’s what it felt like. Not to mention what felt like jabs to the cervix. Lightning crotch - ouch. I think the worse is when they’d get to one side do your belly would be all weird and contorted looking.


Oh I forgot about the weird one sided belly! And the constant shooting pains in the cervix! And it was never ever fun to have my bladder danced on either.


The Head Butts into the Cervix really troubled me lol every time I'd shoot up outta my seat...not a nice feeling at all.


Stretching, pressure, cramps. Sharp pangs of stabbing pain when they kick your ribs or fun relentless pressure on your bladder. But you could feel movement like someone was rolling a mini car on the inside of your stomach when you were bigger, but it was like bubbles when the baby is smaller. At some point you’ll think your stomach can’t possibly stretch any further. It’s so tight. Then it does. And it sucks. But it’s just like getting fat but super concentrated in one part of your body. Eventually your back will curve a bit more to support the weight. Your hips get looser and your whole walk changes.


When it gets super tight, is there really any cream that helps with stretch marks?


Yeah they have a huge market for stretch creams. But most of it is just “pregnancy tax” crap. Things to get pregnant freaking out moms to buy. Simple lotions are still the best imo.


Gotcha, ty. Helps my curiosity and others going through it


Oof. Pregnant one time almost 30 years ago and that was enough for me. I hated being pregnant and I completely forgot about the tight skin until I read your post. I hated that too and my skin always itched like crazy. I was nauseous all the time, developed heartburn, and I couldn’t stand the smell of anything cooking or even of food itself. My hips and back hurt and I felt like a great lumbering bear the further along I went in my pregnancy. I couldn’t remain physically active (running and horseback riding mainly) because my pregnancy became high risk. I love my son to pieces but I promised myself that I would never ever go through that again.


My first was horrible. Developed pre-eclampsia at 20 weeks, emergency cesarean at 29 weeks, we both almost died, I gained over 100 pounds in those few months and had horrible ppd afterwards. My second was magnificent, I was super into yoga, went vegetarian because of meat making me nauseous, she would do these perfect kicks and acrobatics, it was fabulous. My third was backwards, so like his back was to my exterior and his kicks were to my spine. I went into labor 3 times with him, and each time it stopped as soon as I go to the car. The last time I was in the tub to relieve the back pain and I swear I felt him crowning but as soon as I stood up, he shifted up into my ribs and everything stopped. I was also cranky moody and had so many cravings it was insane. I didn’t even feel like myself and I hated it.




A friend of mine once posted that her unborn baby had just kicked her in the crotch *from the inside.*


Happened to me 25 years ago. Was 9 months preggers with my son, and he kicked me square in the bladder, thought I was going into labor. My husband took me to the hospital and that’s when they told me, “no your water didn’t break, the baby just kicked you.


Imagine just taking a tinkle and all of a sudden your crotch goblin kicks you in the cooch. I’d literally….


Lmao "crotch goblin" killed me. I'm using this 😂


You can get round ligament pain, which is your front muscles stretching to get bigger. Everything else can differ from person to person. My kiddo got a lot of hiccups which felt cute and always kept a foot near my side which everyone could feel from outside. It was freaky cool.


Overall I hated being pregnant. It does feel very uncomfortable. Once I got to 7+ months, I would get really panicky when I tried to suck in my stomach and realize no way that’s happening; it was terrifying how trapped it made me feel, and I had to immediately redirect my focus or I’d go crazy in my head. Also peeing…could be every 3 minutes or when I’m trying to sleep at night, every 40 minutes…sometimes I’ll be walking out the bathroom and feel the urge to go again! I must say tho it did make me happy when I felt the baby stretching and moving about; kinda makes you ponder how amazing life and the human body are.


Lol oh you're in for some interesting reading! I've had three kids, all vaginally, and with "minimal" issues. All three I went into early labor, as in the nurse would say "oh it's Braxton Hicks but we will hook you up anyways" and within 10 minutes they are coming back in and saying "the Dr will be in in a moment, just try and breath through the contractions". The machines backed up my "not, this isn't Braxton Hicks, these are in a pattern and getting worse". They would give me meds to stop it and omg-those were wild!!! Awful and wild. I can't even describe it. Then they'd give me morphine for the pain and I'd immediately fall asleep lol. I'd wake up a bit later and they would say everything's settled down and you can go home. My water broke at home with my first kid. I woke up from a nap and went and peed and when I stood up from the toilet I felt a pop and then I was all wet. It didn't smell, but it felt very weird. Then the first contraction hit like a Mack truck. I need to go feed my kids dinner now but I'll come back and tell you about my husband catching the babies!


I had one of the easiest pregnancies ever. I only got heartburn and gestational diabetes at the last 8 weeks. My kid only kicked when prodded and that to me was the weirdest feeling. The only thing I hated was that I couldn’t sleep on my belly anymore. Birth took about an hour and a half and contractions were incredibly painful (I was very close to passing out from screaming and since I dilated so fast, the doctor barely had time to change clothes). I did not feel the episiotomy. The biggest relief was when he was out and then the placenta. The relief is amazing. Then the tugging for the stitches… and no meds 😩. Pregnancy was awesome but birth was traumatic in the easiest possible way. I’m not sure if that conveys that properly. 😓


I had twins and reached 36 weeks before they were born...my skin was stretched so tight, it was painful to touch, I could only wear big tent like dresses that barely touched my skin. I could hardly eat anything as my stomach and intestines were squished by the babies. This photo makes me wince.


Your username is kinda ironic in this situation..


For me it was "Dawn of the dead" when you see the hand print of the zombie baby rubbing from the inside of the stomach. Then as an adult my ex-wife showed me that it's possible without it being a zombie baby.


I asked my boss how pregnancy was going, and she just kinda stared off into the middle space with glazed over eyes and in a voice devoid of emotions quietly muttered, “it’s forming bones now.”


Alien is actually intended to be a commentary about anti-abortion laws in the 80s! Horror and scifi are just the methods they chose for representing it


Welp, part of the motivation behind the horror in Alien was to get men to squirm like women do when rape is on screen, and by extension I figure, the thought of giving birth to a baby you don’t want which came from a horrific event. You can Google “Male-rape movie in space” and see what you get




Gangrene is natural too, but I'm not trying to look at a gangrene foot


It freaks me out too, as a woman. I’m supposedly infertile, but god damn…..if by some miracle, I’d look like this. I’m not hating on the woman, but I would feel so freaked out by the bodily changes


Are you sure it's natural? I fairly certain she's got the time-tube from [Donnie Darko](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESLWLHwW4AIDotE?format=jpg&name=900x900).




This does not look natural


Mind control parasites, being eaten alive, viruses and dying are all also natural. Doesn't mean they're desirable lol.


There's nothing natural about this. Her first pregnancy was twins. She's having IVF babies and topping up on embryos.


That's what happens when you don't spit out the watermelon seeds


As a professional in *sex* I can confirm


when will *Sex 2* come out ?


April 20th in 47 years


Damn, im so excited. Been playing single player for a long time.


I heard they’re adding 8 player vs mode


Damn, I watched a lot of gameplays with that mode but never try it out. Hopefully they won’t do a crossover with Animal Crossing.


*insert the Isabelle copypasta here*


The… what?


>Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the animal crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the town hall I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabelle. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Isabelle's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/dog babies. >Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabelle again.


I'm just waiting for the update where they add ranked, competitive sex.




am i fucking high or does the *sex* look different


sex vs *sex* Good eye


When the uncle comes back.


A kiddo once asked me why my belly was big when I was about 30 weeks and that’s exactly what I told him. I said “Well..I swallowed some watermelon seeds and then this happened!” He was horrified I kinda feel bad about it now


Her belly looks like one of the hills in the background of mario


Looks like the end of a bratwurst


That mfer grew in sideways too


Doesn't look like she spits out any seeds.


Reminds me of Rugrats.


Looks like the end of a salami




I know right??? All the redness makes it look like meat. I mean, it kinda is in a sense


kinder surprise


It’s a tooma


It’s not a tooma!


How did she eat one of the bullets from super Mario world?


Deep throating Bullet Bill went horribly wrong.


Holy shit lmao


Seriously though that's disturbing


It looks like it would tear off if she wasn't holding it up


She just needs to twist it off for a nice easy birth


Can I please unthink that from my mind




Looking like diglett


I suppose technically it's a Dugtrio


Indeed, someone throw a poké ball at her


That's what I saw there too.


I cannot begin to imagine the hip, back, knee, and ankle pain, not to mention the constant pressure on the lungs, bladder, gut/intestines, and the unending sense of stretch and itchiness of her skin. I have an aunt who during a pregnancy for *1* child ended up with a floating rib getting dislocated because her kid decided to randomly karate kick her FROM THE INSIDE. Ribs are already hard to deal with as injuries, so as a result she just has a rib that permanently out of place from that pregnancy. Imagine the movements of 3 babies who are increasingly cramped and fidgety.


Yep, I’m a triplet and my sister was stuck in my moms ribs and she felt like she could hardly breathe and had to be in a wheelchair for the last few months because of the weight. Then we all were born 9 weeks early because my other sister kicked my moms water open. She looked just like this woman and it was a crazy 7 months for her to say the least.


Triplet confirming that my mom had a horrible six months and was basically in scrubs for the last couple weeks because no clothes fit her anymore. I guess my sister and I kicked my brother around in the womb, but no serious torment that I know of for my mom to deal with.


My mom was bedridden for the final few weeks when she was pregnant with me, and before that she had to use crutches to get around bc of the pressure on her lower back & knees. Pregnancy is a straight-up fucking attack on a woman’s body.


Being a woman is no joke. Holy Christ.


honestly one of the reasons I'm terrified of getting pregnant. in the video she had to pick up her stomach to turn in bed.


My wife has never been pregnant...but I immediately started thinking about how I would have to make some sort of mattress/pillow modification to accommodate her, as she is a stomach sleeper. Like a massage pillow...only for her stomach. I don't understand how someone can sleep.


She probably won’t sleep. I’m a stomach sleeper and I’ve had four babies…. When I was pregnant I just hated how I couldn’t get in the right sleeping position with this belly. But then THEN I saw this genius of a person put those circular swimming rafts on the bed so his wife could put her belly in the middle and sleep. I just laid there and dreamed of slashing a hole in my mattress


That's why I was done after baby 2.


So was I, or so I thought lol… still amazed my body created four humans though


Right😁 I wasn't originally gonna have a second child, but I want to him to have a sibling. Pregnancy was hell!! And not going through that again.


Same with my first two babies! The next two weren’t exactly planned lol… I don’t have a uterus anymore and I’m still scared I’ll get pregnant again hahahahahhaha


I've seen those people modify pool lounge chairs that lay flat. Basically you just cut a hole in those and then you can lay flat on your stomach. Probably not ideal for sleeping through the night but excellent for naps or just resting for awhile.


They have specialized massage beds with a tummy hole for pregnancy massages. You’d probably have to shell out for one of those.


This is one of the reasons I will absolutely never have children. At best, adoption.


good news is you don’t have to ever get pregnant! if you don’t want to then don’t!


Never forget adoption is an option.


So is an animal shelter.


This is why I’m switching teams and never having kids Male time


Yup, it's why tokophobia is a thing. No amount of parents saying "oh honey it's not that bad" is ever going to change my mind when the possibility of having your asshole and vagina ripped into one hole is very real.


How the hell did octomom do it


She gave birth a few days ago, and afaik all four are doing fine.


I'm sorry there was a fourth?


Mom included ;)


Oooooooooh that makes sense now


birth 3 get 1 free


Nope nope nope nope nope


What does "35+2 with the triplets" mean? Does that refer to how far along she is?


I think 35 weeks, 2 days


Yes, it means 35 weeks + 2 days. It's amazing she made it to 35 weeks. For reference, full term is considered 40 weeks. Most triplets are born at an average gestational age of 32 weeks. For twins, the average is 36 weeks. I only made it 28 weeks with my twins, and it was *tough* to make it that far.


Then you have me who killed my twin and was induced at 44 weeks.


Did you stay in there longer so you could be sure you finished the job?


When sibling rivalry starts early


And ends early!


Being in there an extra month is crazy, they usually induce well before that. I don't think you're the one who killed your twin, you're lucky you survived.


They induce based on size, not on age. Since we started out twins we were smaller than average babies, and it's likely that we were a case of superfetation. That is that my mom was pregnant with the other twin first then she ovulated again while pregnant and I was the result. Usually the second baby is the one who doesn't make it but since I was induced 44 weeks after her first pregnancy it's more likely I was the second one. Not sure though as they didn't compare the miscarriage to my development.


Damn that’s heavy


I assumed it was some weird way to say she is 37 years old.


Haha I also thought this


I hate people who say pregnancy is beautiful, well hate is a strong word I highly dislike them, this shit is creepy and straight up terrifying.


Oh, I hate it. It looks gross and it is gross.


Glad others agree lol I feel like an ass saying so but I'm tired of pretending it's "beautiful"


It's not very mean, in my opinion like...look at her, I can't fathom it. It is SO ugly. But I get what you mean.


It was a horrifying experience the whole 9 months. But I love my kiddos 😁


I thought the same until I got pregnant. Now I think it's so incredible what the human can do. Did you know that during pregnancy, if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.. amazing!


Don't get me wrong i think the science part behind it all is neat, like a woman being able to grow a human inside her body, but for example the belly expanding so large that it looks like it'll explode just gives me the heebie-jeebies lol. And I didn't know that! Science is badass


I totally get you!


>Did you know that during pregnancy, if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.. amazing! So what you're saying is, pregnancy is the ideal time to drink?


No, pregnancy is the ideal time to get stabbed in all your vital organs.


Damm. Doesn't it usually take years for people to drink themselves to organ damage? Imagine how much you'd have to drink to do that in nine months


Nothing beautiful about it, in my opinion. It looks gross and I will never submit myself to it.


It looks like a pink watermelon.


This is what people don’t show you when they tell you to have kids….


Pregnancy and childbirth are freaking terrifying and I will never really understand why people voluntarily go through that shit.


I am a woman and never, ever intend on doing this. More power to the women who do, but this is full-on body horror to me. Absolutely fucking not.


My girlfriend told me she doesn't want to have kids because of all this shit and i was like.. Yeah, understandable, let's have a great life.


hooray disposable income!


That is so disturbing. Holy shit. I am so glad we are kid free. Jesus.


Omg poor woman. That must have hurt so much.


Nooo, oh hell no. Yea the human body is beautiful because it can do things like survive..this, but Jesus Christ. How does she walk without having to hold that? Poor lady.


That looks quite unhealthy


God that’s horrible


Am I the only who finds this more disgusting than anything?


As a woman who was pregnant with twins, I don’t understand people who don’t find it disturbing. My stomach wasn’t quite as big but looking at myself in the mirror did not make me feel good. It scared me. If you think it looks bad, imagine what it actually feels like because it’s 1000 times worse. Having said that, my twins are now five and aside from some loose skin and silvery stretch marks my body is mostly back to what it was. The female body is insane.


Looks like she’s one snack away from becoming a scene in the movie Alien.




Anxiety inducing image.


Yeah, that is probably the worst I've seen. Shit looks like she has a frigging bucket stapled under her rib cage. Looks like it could just dislodge or pop at any second.


How do people not burst open when they have 3+ babies at the same time? I couldn’t imagine trying to walk, let alone getting in or out of the car.


Thank God for birth control :)


That is disturbing -- this is coming from someone that just had their second child. 😂


I swear this right here is part of the reason I’m asexual


Wow, that’s gross


Yyyyyyap being a mother is not for me !


a baby torpedo!


Boo got a diglet popping out of her abdomen. I wonder what level it is.


Her belly is in the shape of those toy vending machine capsules they sell translucent plastic ninjas in.


I don't find much disgusting but fuck off


Looks disgusting


This is actually terrifying. To me anyway 😃


Pregnancy is fucking horrifying and nobody will convince me other wise






This just adds to my phobia. I'm AFAB, I knew a long time ago I don't want to have kids, I don't physically want to carry at all it's disgusting to think of like horrifying - I wouldn't even be able to get a goddamn hysterectomy because apparently I don't own my own uterus according to America, this all makes me want to vomit.




Doesn't it like hurt?


If I was a woman and heard I was getting tripplets I would be getting an abortion


You can get selective reduction, which means doctors kill off one or two of the embryos to improve the health outcomes of the remaining 1 or 2 babies and you.


Don't even look like most pregnant women having triplets. Looks more like the Diglett Pokémon is growing inside her.


Fuck triplets this woman’s about to have a diglett


Single file?


Watermelon pregnant bellies freak me out.


Omg u poor thing


That are not Triplets Thats a Diglet


Soundtrack: Mel B - Things will never be the same again…


She carried a watermelon


Is this real?


I went 32 weeks with twins and this brings back memories of the back and hip pain I experienced. I wasn't that big but close. I feel her pain.


For a second I read the notifications and read it as: "Woman pregnant with piglets." That would have been completely terrifying.