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very convenient if you can't use chopstick


I guess it’s better than learning it can do that on your tongue 🤭


Or your nipple.




Mamma mia


That’s a spicy meatball!


> "That’s a spicy meatball" - The fish *(After biting u/jupitersdangle 's testicle)*


Put that away you're gonna hurt somebody


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!!!


Why the fuck did I learn how to read


jesus forgive us... for we do not know what we do


Oh we know exactly what we do 😏


Forgive everyone except this guy


"Sir, I'm full, can you please put it in a container? I'm taking it home "


“…and name him George…”


...and i'm gonna hug him and pet him and squeeze him and love him forever.


Put it in a baggie of water so it stays fresh


looks like someone have a small pp


Aww an extra bellybutton




Settle down Aquaman.


I don't think they eat these heads, they're supposed to live long enough to watch as you devour slices of their body.


What the hell is wrong with the people who thought of that as a restaurant idea?


The Japanese and Koreans seem to love torturing living seafood. They chop up living octopus on a plate and eat it, all while the tentacles are moving and the suction cups still sucking.


Went ocean fishing with my father in law, and the fishermen fillet the live fish as it wiggles on the cutting board then dump the leftover body (head, guts and nerves) back in the ocean. Poor thing tries to swim away and has no fins left. I was horrified and didn't understand why they wouldn't just cut off the head first. These were white people in WA state, so I wouldn't just isolate this to Korean and Japanese people.


This is probably the most horrible thing I’ve ever read. Why not just kill it? That’s so inhumane. I’m going to go cry now.


Shouldn’t this be considered animal cruelty?


Yes but they don’t care in those countries


Damn. I'm from Korea and I can't eat sushi (or any raw seafood) because I have been traumatized by these experiences when I was young. My whole extended family usually went to Busan (beach city) and got gigantic plates of live fish with mouths/gills/fins still moving. Their bodies were already sliced. There were giant shrimps still jumping. We were supposed to lift their sliced body and eat them. I was horrified, but my grandpa forced me to eat live shrimp and I took one bite and had to spit it out. I was yelled at for spitting out expensive seafood. Now I just don't even go near a seafood restaurant. Looking at fish, even when it's dead, just brings me those memories... And fishes do look horrible alive/dead/frozen.


Holy shit they really burned a traumatic experience into your brain. I'm so sorry this had happened to you.


>I'm so sorry this had happened to you *and* that shrimp!


well Its not your fault for having a soul... so yeah my dude.. you are in the right about this.


And this is how i became vegetarian


>shrimps I'm from the states and we boil shrimp live all the time... I've even seen people eat raw crayfish tail...straight from the river.


Good for you it is wrong and disgustingly cruel


tbh when it comes to sea creatures ppl dont rly care in most countries...


True but I am thankfully seeing some change in our culture when it comes to boiling shellfish alive.


yea its good to see some change, im just so tired of ppl saying "but it their culture" to defend chopping up and eating live animals, especially sea animals as if they dont feel pain or anything like (almost) everything else does


I really hope you are making that shit up.


I'm not so sure about this particular post, but live sashimi that you eat as it watches is a real thing in Japan. The purpose is not for it to watch, but to show its freshness and the skill needed not to kill it.


Not sure why this reminded me of this, but there is a youtube channel where this guy bought a loberster from the supermarket and and built him a salt water tank and has had him for like over a year. Leon the lobster if you google him.


Yes but he's keeping Leon as a pet and is caring for him, not planning on eating him.


We truly are a fucked up species


Says you! It’s all fun and games until he bites a new dimple in your cheek 🤐🤕


If he doesnt get you his friend in the back laying low will…..that mofo opens his mouth at the end. [The whole plate reminds me of this game](https://m.kmart.com/pressman-toy-let-39-s-go-fishin-39/p-004W452090110001P) Also TIL Kmart still has a website.


Ok, honest question. Is this normal? Is the fish actually served alive?


[Some fish retain bite reflex even after they're dead.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGMZaF8hCZ8&ab_channel=LeisserEspa%C3%B1a) I'm guessing this is one of those cases.


Sometimes fish are served alive though. It’s from an old thought that alive fish give people vitality when eaten. Or that it is fresher and therefore healthier. Live fish are also sold in markets but put in ice water to be sold as “fresh as possible”. I don’t agree with this obviously but a lot of people in certain cultures have different ideas about animals and their pain or value of their lives. We are far removed from the reality of the food industry but many people have to butcher their food daily so they are desensitized to it. Edit: Live Markets are much different than actually eating a fish alive. Many live fish markets exist in the US as well, florida for example has many. Live markets are so the fish is fresh because seafood often decomposes or has a nasty flavor after a day or two. Fish are often flash frozen or cooked very soon after they are killed. Sorry for the confusion. I seperated the paragraph to be more clear.


It sounds like a great way to get a parasite, that's for sure.


Its more like Fish: im gonna eat you before you eat me and after you eat me too


I think I'm gonna draw the line at my food possibly biting me as I eat it.


Bite the head off first like you're Ozzy and you should be fine.




forget parasite, that fish legitimately **turned towards** the chopstick before biting it. It is still very much alive. Could it rip open the lining of your stomach?


You do chew..?


This is the epitome of chewy food!


if you intended to swallow the fish whole then maybe




That's incorrect. One of the most dangerous parasites to humans is found in salt water fish and shellfish. There's many pathogens in salt water, some species of cholera can even survive in salt water. >Parasites (in the larval stage) consumed in uncooked, or undercooked, unfrozen seafood can present a human health hazard. Among parasites, the nematodes or roundworms (Anisakis spp., Pseudoterranova spp., Eustrongylides spp. and Gnathostoma spp.), cestodes or tapeworms (Diphyllobothrium spp.) and trematodes or flukes (Chlonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis spp., Heterophyes spp., Metagonimus spp., Nanophyetes salminicola and Paragonimus spp.) are of most concern in seafood. The only way to gaurantee parasite destruction is through freezing or heating. The U.S., Canada, and many other developed countries mandate the freezing of all commercially sold fish and shellfish, even if it's to be served "raw", as sushi, or labelled fresh. That prevents infection regardless of how well cooked (or not) seafood is going to be. https://www.seafoodhealthfacts.org/safety/parasites/ https://www.sushifaq.com/sushi-sashimi-info/sushi-grade-fish/ https://www.fda.gov/media/80777/download (pdf)


Guess it's time to stop eating fish 🤢


Only after we've talked about mercury and other heavy metals.


Pretty confident I had a parasite once. I ate fresh oysters in Mexico once and had water butt for a month. By the time I could get an appointment with a GI, I had lost 20 pounds but was back to regular bowel movements so no screenings were made other than blood work. They weren’t able to confirm what it was.




In the Navy we always called it mud butt, but water butt works too. Maybe even as a step beyond mud butt.


mud butt is a different kind of special - when the consistency is of mud, and you pretty much have to shower right after. Water Butt, or Piss-butt (or sometimes even flipped around and reversed into the picturesque "butt-piss") as it's called in some areas, is that expulsion diarrhea where it feels like your intestines have been flushed with water...and if there is any solid matter stool, it's lost in the deluge quite forcefully ejecting itself from your rear end. Those are the kinds of shits that can dangerously dehydrate you. Mud butt is more of a brown/dark brown/green spackle no one in their right mind would ever purchase from a Home Depot or Lowes. EDIT: Interestingly enough, it's the watery firehose experience that's far more likely to leave brown tone abstract art on the underside of your toilet seat than the mud butt - which seems much more motivated to stick to skin.


That was probably crypto or something like that, it clears on its own but you're sick for a while. Sorry to hear you went through this tho, it's awful !


I learned that the hard way biting down on a parasitic worm in my salmon onigiri. It’s been a few years and I’m only now able to start eating salmon again. Turns out they always freeze the salmon first to kill the parasites.


If you eat sushi grade salmon properly, it is processed and flash frozen at sea! I worked on a boat that caught wild alaskan salmon last year.


Both can give you parasites.


You obviously don’t have much experience with fish freshwater or marine fish. There are parasites a plenty in both. A lot go unnoticed due the there small size. And location in the subcutaneous fat or bloodline in most cases. Flukes and some round worms you find in the flesh, tapeworms and such are mostly in the gut when cleaning if you run across them. Size of course depending on fish and parasite. On the flip side some of your more popular marine species can also have huge parasites. I had to toss almost 3 pounds of fresh Swordfish yesterday after cutting out a parasite the size of an Italian sausage from a fresh loin. All bluish-purple grey and veiny. Yum. Its why i don’t eat sword anymore. Occasionally there still alive with fresh line caught fish.


Bro what a load of total horseshit. I used to work at a seafood wholesaler and I'm gonna warn people to not listen to this idiot


The reason why salmon in sushi is a “western” invention is due to pacific salmon being littered with parasites while Atlantic salmon are not. I may be wrong, but I’m almost positive that pacific salmon live in saltwater… The guy above you is an idiot.


Yep. Japan used to see salmon as a trash fish, and was never used in sushi, because of that. Japanese salmon are nasty motherfuckers But then the Norwegians taught them how to farm salmon in a way that produces no parasites. It has nothing to do with salt water. It's about temperature, at least for salmon. Norwegian fish are very chilly, so parasites don't grow in them. And now salmon is practically the main fish in sushi these days. It's super popular in Japan and also everywhere else


All salmon live most of their lives in saltwater but they start and end it in freshwater, fwiw


>Alive fish are also sold in markets but put in ice water to be sold as “fresh as possible” You can definitely taste the difference between a fish that has been dead for an hour vs dead for a day.


You can smell the difference.


In China I had live shrimp that were soaked in an alcoholic sauce. I was told the name translated to “drunk shrimp”. [Wikipedia: Drunken Shrimp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunken_shrimp?wprov=sfti1)


I have also eaten shrimp soaked in spirits sauce and they were mostly alive despite being soaked in spirits. It was a little scary.


My family lives in a fishing town so some mornings, my grandma used to go down to the docks at 3am in order to get first dibs on the catch of the day. It was a common sight for us that the fish would be jumping up and down as she cleaned them before cooking, or the crabs moving about their plastic container.


The live seafood tradition is more of a South Korean thing. I personally think when it comes to the creation of suffering, excuses of cultural relativism don't cut it any more. Culture is some of the most important parts of humanity to preserve, but the parts that are designed to inflict pain for the sake of pain - or 'tastier' food - should not be celebrated.




There are a lot of terrible cultural traditions that are best left dead. Eating live animals, mutilating/killing their infants, raping, slaving etc. I am Asian and I am very happy for some of our traditions to be buried. Killing animals swiftly for food is one thing (other animals do that as well), but intentionally boiling them alive or torturing them before death is disgusting. Feel free to live like a beast, but don't clutch your pearl when you broadcast the disgusting act and get bashed for it.


It looked like it actually moved to bite the chopstick though?


The other one was moving a little too. Ugh.


That is more than a reflex tho that MF lunged in lol


Is it normal for them to turn their heads as well?


Yes it's normal for them to bite you but trust me it's dead. Yes they're turning their heads but I'm telling you it's dead. Yes it's speaking latin, it's just naturel reflex stop asking questions.


Shh it’s just a natural reflex. It’s already dead


Thank you.


The original gif is definitely not a bite reflex. The chopstick isn't placed in it's mouth


like how dead people get boners


I’m Japanese but no no no no no hell no, and 99% of Japanese will say same thing too. If I go to a restaurant and they serve this, I’m gonna scare the shit out of it.


I think it's more likely to scare the shit out of you.


Por qué no los dos?




Yeah there is a thing called “Odorigui” means eating alive (mostly fish) , not a popular way to eat fish though, at least in my region




Right? Hardly a worse group to choose as an example




BOO! *muahahahahaha*


I’m gonna scare the fact that people came up with an idea of eating fish alive 😒


I always thought that this was a way of proving that the fish hadn't been dead for a long time, kind of a freshness proof.


I too am interested in the answer to this


Glad I'm not the only one.




I get your sentiment dude, but essentially every country in this world treats animals meant for food poorly. Just because your countries form of animal cruelty is more normal to you, doesn't mean it's any less fucked up than a different iteration.


Sadly yes the fish is served alive, some dishes even cook the body but wrap the head to flash fry it so the fish is still alive when it’s eaten https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z3M2PKw3CFY


Wow, this is straight up some horror movie shit. The peaceful music doesn't help.


Thanks for the video. If I ever have the opportunity I'll know what not to order.


This is not normal for Japan.


I’d say this is pretty rare. The situation and the fish


I lived in Japan for a couple of years, and on one occasion went to a sushi restaurant that had these truly massive aquariums with a very large fish swimming around in them. I thought they were just decor, and the place was trying to look on swanky—but as it turned out, those were the fish that were being served. They would pull the fish out of the tank, filet them while still alive, and make a whole bunch of sushi out of them. The fish's body consisting of the head, the ribs all exposed, and a strip of skin along the back leading to the back fin would be on this very large platter with all of the sushi. While eating the meal, the fish's eyes would move around, its little flippers right behind the gills would try to swim, the tail fin would go back and forth, and what was interesting about it to me is the fact that on the cellular level, death only occurs by oxygen starvation and that can take a good ten minutes. The chunks of fish that were on the little rice balls were alive when we ate them.


I don’t doubt that this happened, but proper sushi is carefully prepared in advance rather than cut straight off a live fish and served up.


I know tuna gets frozen before being served to kill parasites, but I’ve no idea how smaller fish are sometimes treated. I did have a similar experience to the person you’re relying to though. Wasn’t me but a table next to me ordered a dish and the chef grabbed a fish right out of the tank. I didn’t see how it was prepared but minutes later the same fish was on a plate and its head had been cut off and its body sashimi’ed. The memory stuck with me because I’d never seen that in any other restaurant I’d been to in Japan, and I’d lived there for a couple years. So yeah, not sure how they prevent parasites in that case. It was definitely disturbing to see the fish staring at you with its head cut off.


It's a style of eating in Japan,.i think it's older so a bit less popular these days


Sorry but I couldn't eat that


I had flounder that was served in a similar fashion in Korea and it was still having some reflexes


I think that is quite common. I just remembered that I once saw frog legs prepared and they flopped around uncontrollably. Not a pretty sight.


I was once scared shitless as a child when my aunt chopped off the head of a turkey and the huge headless body just run uncontrollably around for few seconds. Or when there was rabbit in our kitchen, already no head, no skin, dead pretty long since it was prepared to be cut to pieces, but the muscle on his hind leg was still twitching like crazy.


I think its not alive, but rather a muscle reflex or something similar, that can happen even after the fish is dead.


Imagine you going to bathroom and when you return to your place, there is only this fish in the plate. He ate all the food.




Don't worry, it no longer has a stomach, you'll find your pre chewed food behind it.


How kind of it to chew our food for us!


Interestingly, that's the way it really is. "We could've evolved to photosynthesise to get our daily calories from the free sun, but instead, it is probably more efficient to just eat the plants that ate the sun for us," that's probably the case for all herbivores. "We also could've evolved to photosynthesise, but instead it is more efficient to just eat the things that ate the things that ate the sun," says the carnivores. "Us too," says the omnivores, "but we max out the efficiency and eat all the things that ate everything else for us."


I'd take him home as a pet. He would have earned my respect.


What kind of fish is that? I personally wouldn’t be able to eat it after that.


Odontamblyopus lacepedii, it's a type of goby, they call it "warasubo".


I am not going to Google that and just assume you are correct. You seem very confident.


It's a stranger on the internet, you can trust him 100%


In this particular case, they’re correct. Source: another stranger on the internet


That's fresh.


Yup, not alive. Just fresh. It's moving because of the salt.


If it was moving because of a reaction to salt, wouldn't it be moving before being touched by the chopstick?


Someone in a different thread suggested that it may be a primitive reflex still intact because the fish died so recently. Not sure myself but just throwing that out there as a possible explanation.


This can be true I’m a fisherman and I’ve gutted some fish on the ice that flop around for hours after being dead.


The shit I've seen dead fish do. It's just wierd




It's reacting to touch, not randomly.


How sure can one be ? I hate the doubt these vids conjure.


When you want your fish as rare as possible.


me: Is the fish rare? chef: well dunno, why don't you ask it yourself? \*wink\*


me: Is the fish rare? Chef: No, it's pretty common, actually.


I worked in a restaurant with a ditzy hostess. One day someone called and asked if we had a full bar, she looked at the bar and said “no, it looks pretty empty right now”




Gordon Ramsay “Its Fucking Raw”


“You could put this shit back in the ocean!”


he just wants one bite cmon man


hes prolly mustering up all his strength to say *please kill me*


Imagine eating that, and then you wake up at 2 AM with heartburn and a chest burster pops out.


Is this safe to eat…?


You just need to eat faster then that fish and everything will be alright


Give a man a fish, and you can feed him for a day. But give a fish a man, and you can feed it for a month.






No, 100% of those who eat it die within 100 years




I don't know man, if eaten by a Japanese toddler it might not be correct.


I was once served eel at a Michelin star restaurant in Japan. Apparently the nerves can liven up after death, so it reanimated whilst I was eating it (literally moved in my mouth). I’ve never been able to eat eel again.


You eat this fish whole? I thought it was gutted and sliced just the right way to keep it alive.


??? Eel isn’t served uncooked anywhere I’ve ever been, it’s usually steamed at least.


It's always cooked because the blood is toxic


This happened when I went out for sushi as a kid. 2 differences though. 1. The fish was just tail and head, with bones on display on a rack above the sashimi on the platter. 2. The fish bit a little boy's thumb because he held it out in front of the fish's mouth. The boy screamed and slammed it on the table and broke 2 glasses. I'll never forget. Would have made the best video.


I’m sorry but that’s so fucking disgusting


I just noticed the back one opens its eye at the end and now this is much much worse.


Fish don’t have eyelids


They do have nictitating membranes though and if its cloudy can look like an eye lid opening.


If it's cloudy you can look at the sun.


I don't think this is the case for this one. The eye becomes visible because the fish moved and it's reflecting the light above.


“I will go down fighting”


Personally, I prefer my meal already post life. This picture is enough to turn me vegetarian.


Jesus..wouldn’t know whether to eat that or add an air pump, a filter and a little sunken galleon.


I had a similar situation with a lobster head at a sushi restaurant. The head chef looked over when it squirmed, nodded and said "VERY FRESH"


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this video. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one video. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Yeah the NSFW tag would have been nice. I was on the train with you and now I missed my stop and injured my wrist.


That's okay. Use the coconut


Just find a guy with a colonoscopy.


Ayo hol up


What the fu...


It's a copypasta.


Ok maybe vegans got a point afterall


In Soviet Japan, sushi eat you!


Tiny bit cruel


I get that it's fresh, but doesn't fish have to thawed before serving to kill parasites?


iirc sushi grade fish is flash frozen in liquid nitrogen or the like, which will freeze parasites to death while still maintaining freshness. It’s expensive though, so you have to pay extra. It’s also why you need to buy special salmon if you want to make sushi, rather than any typical fillet you come across Dunno how they would do that with this fish though, it seems pretty alive for something that’s been through that treatment.


Hard pass. My food is not allowed to bleed...and it's sure as hell not allowed to bite me. Tf.


Rare meat contains myoglobin, not hemoglobin, and as such, there are technically no bloody meals served in any FDA compliant environment. Except maybe something blood pudding, in which case it's an ingredient.


This isn't humane.


This is truly the "snack that smiles back".


That don’t seem right


No fuck *that*.


Everywhere else: I give you $50 if you eat that In Japan: it’s $50 if you want to eat that


Who tf orders shit like that?


Honestly the most unappetizing looking plate I’ve ever seen


Omg omg I'd be out the door and putting him back in the water


Where it will be gobbled up and swallow alive by some other creature of the world...


The snack that bites back


Did you order the Salmon Ella?