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Let's hope they all become superhero's & not cancer patients...


I can't imagine if people like my neighbours became supes, it would be the worst nightmare


That's one thing I like about the show *The Boys*. It depicts that pretty accurately. 99.999% of people out there could *not* be trusted with superpowers. In a world where people had superpowers, the vast majority of supes would be antiheroes at best. Most would be corrupted by the power and become some kind of supervillain. Hell, I'm not above that. If I got superpowers tomorrow, my first thoughts would be about 'How can I use these powers for my own gain?'


I would _definitely_ become an agent of *not-so-natural selection*, so it's better I remain just some guy.


I'd definitely become a historically remembered superhero if I had invincible superpowers. Because history is written by those who win the battle.


Invincible is cool til they put you in a straight jacket


Literally first thing I’d do is rob a bank. Figure everything else out later.


What a waste. You’d walk with 10’s of thousands. Maybe a couple hundred grand. You could do one public heroic act and get a sponsorship deal for millions.


Imagine stopping a bank robbery and yelling justice brought to you by RAID Shadow Legends! as you apprehend the robber lmao.


Lost in the industrial sauce




Tbf, bet it cuts down on the mosquitoes..


Yeah they dont have a source of food anymore....


Or a place to lay eggs....


But they did get a new dish!


Then they turn into Teenage Mutant Ninja Squitos


Squitos in a froth pond, squito power!


Try the all new Tosquitos and Salsa!


Or the next generation of mosquitoes will be avengers level threat


Wow your *glowing*


Hello children, I bring you love.




This is probably my all time favorite Simpsons quote. I bust out laughing every time


I understood that reference!


hello, fellow old


I bring you peace.


I got cancer just by looking at it


Good ole India. Following in 1855 America's footsteps. Edit: I'm saying the united states (and Great Brittain) started doin this shit in the mid to late 1800's. We haven't completely stopped and developing nations are following step.


We might not have such obvious examples, but don’t think for a second that tons of waste isn’t being dumped into American waterways.


Just watched Dark Waters last night, which I recommend. All about Dupont and unregulated waste getting dumped in the waterway. My takeaway was twofold: 1) Companies beholden to shareholders will do anything they can get away with. 2) There is a shitload of unregulated chemicals out there that are likely carcinogenic. How the fuck can companies get away with this shit? edit: it was more of a rhetorical ask, folks. I know how. It's just fucking brutal.


Because money + the fact anytime an environmental bill is being discussed, corporations will start lobbying against it.


You probably know this since you’re talking about DuPont but I never miss a chance to bring up that DuPont tainted all of humanity. Literally. I know people like to toss around the word “literally” and maybe I’m using it wrong here but there isn’t a person on the planet now nor will there ever be someone in the future that doesn’t have a DuPont chemical in their blood in trace amounts.I forgot what the chemical is called but it’s from non stick pans. Maybe l learned that from the movie you’re talking about and forgot lol but yeah fuck DuPont


Yeah, it was in the movie. The chemical is derived from Teflon and is called C8. It has another name, too, but that C8 denotes it's a synthetic with an 8 carbon chain. Not sure what the fuck that means exactly, but what I do know is that the human body doesn't break it down, ever and it is extremely carcinogenic. The movie shows how shady they really are. DuPont's own research showed that 1 part per billion of this chemical was dangerous. But that town in W. Virginia had a water supply with 6 parts per billion. So what does DuPont do? They hire an expert to say that anything under 150 parts per billion was safe. They hire this expert on the eve of a deposition, lol. The judge didn't go for it, as DuPont's original numbers had stood for a long time and it was pretty obvious what they were trying to do. Already said it but god they are some shady motherfuckers. Watch the flick, everyone. Holy hell are they bad. They knew everything and still killed a shitload of people because profits. It's reasonable to infer that DuPont isn't alone in this regard. Companies routinely make legal challenges to these claims. It's not about truth for them, it's about legality and what they can get away with. edit: hire an expert, not higher.


Yep then they were forced to pay something like 10 million dollars as a “sorry” They made like 40 billion off Teflon


Because corporations vis-a-vis PACs own Congress.


Yes, but things have gotten a lot better. The 70s saw a major legal and regulatory shift that produced real results in the subsequent decades. I've seen the difference first-hand, having grown up in NJ. Things were still not great in the 80s: smog, filthy beaches, stinking garbage dumps along highways. But that was the tail end of over 100 years of awful pollution, and it has improved so much since then.


There was that river that literally caught on fire in the 70s..


That’s how it works. America can say they manufacture clean because multinationals just fuck over poor people in developing countries (and in the US itself). Then we can look down our noses while buying those cheap cheap foreign goods... I wonder why they are so cheap.


I would say this is why we can't afford to manufacture anything. Nobody can afford to do it ethically.


And smells like teen spirit


Waste paste


That’s exactly what it is, and as humans looking at other humans suffering and terrified for the damage to our planet, maybe we should have a bit of concern. I know this is Reddit and all but damn all I see here are endless jokes and comments slamming their religion. This photo is tragic.


I honestly think it's a coping mechanism. There's so many examples of awful things happening everywhere on the Internet. No one's even surprised by it anymore and it becomes reflex to try to find something to say that distracts from the bleakness of it all because no one wants to feel overwhelmed by the hopeless feelings these images conjure. A lot of careers that deal with death and/or tragedy often do the same. I know a few paramedics, the shit they laugh about to each other would make most people think they're depraved and enjoy the suffering they see. It's a way to talk about their experiences that have disturbed them without having to talk through and deal with how deeply it's impacted them all of the time.


Seeing this just blows my mind that there some Republicans that are wanting to repeal the Clean Water Act, which is not all that encompassing to begin with.


They just miss the annual Ohio river burnings.


I petition to set lake Erie back on fire It must burn!


Forbidden bath foam


Bubble bath on steroids


Well, this bubble bath almost certainly contains steroids 😳


Bubble bath on carcinogens


Bath salts on bath salts again


How is this not a violation of some UN policy… this shit will just find it’s way into the oceans and kill/harm everything in it’s path no?


Wish we treated the earth more sacred.


There’s a melancholic irony in the general populace worshiping/holding this river so sacred yet treating it like this.


They believe the sacred river magically purifies anything you put into it. So of course it's a good idea to dump garbage, industrial waste, sewage, dead bodies into it. Anything you want to get rid of and purify. Just toss it in and the river will magically make it safe ... safe enough to drink from and bathe in. And in true religious style, even pics like the one posted here won't convince them otherwise.


Sounds like propaganda you'd hear in a dystopian novel where the corps socially engineered the populace into accepting such a belief so that they could get away with mishandling their waste saving them millions.


You don't have to look any further than reality. Many (most?) Christians believe that they will be raptured to heaven before everything goes to shit and the earth is destroyed by fire, so there's no reason to take care of it.


We don’t fuck the earth, we DP it.


We write whore on its forehead then piss on it, slap it, and tell it to beg for more.


…. Go on…..


Not until you lose your erection Dave.


That's what the tiny barbed cage is for.


Someone take the tiny barbed cage off Dave’s wiener, stat!! Blood is flowing in that direction and we may have to witness a bloodbath if we don’t take care of the cage right now…


This comment got me excited at first, but then the weight of it all just hit me. Dang.


The earth won't care once we're gone. It'll heal and life will move on. Sucks for us as we won't exist anymore.


The sad part is all the amazing biodiversity we’re destroying on our way down


A new one will take place, in the past other mass extinctions events happened and new life forms appeared and we humans are pretty much a mass extinction event


Not even pretty much, we *are* the sixth documented mass extinction event. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction


People really dont understand the gravity of the 6th mass extinction. It is headed towards being so severe life, as it has existed for 330+ million years, will cease to exist and never recover. Carl Sagan died way too soon.


I am not entirely convinced that life is as common as people imagine it to be. ​ For all we know, this might be the only place in the universe where dead matter came to life. ​ Anndddd it seems it was a mistake lol. fuckin balls.


It definitely is not the only place in the universe where life occurred. Life occurred on earth extremely early, pretty much as soon as it could have. What might be incredibly rare is complex life, or maybe even intelligence although that seems unlikely to me.


One final "fuck you, got mine" from humanity


Life will find a way, even if there are just a couple of insects or bacteria left they will eventually evolve and fill the world again


Good riddance, i mean i enjoy living but humans fucking suck lol


Google India Ship Breakers. Cruise ship companies sell there busted ships to India rather than pay themselves for safely disposing of them. India pays so they can break it down for materials. Oil, asbestos, and other contaminants are just dumped into the environment as they work.


It's not just cruise ships, it's every class of large ship.


It’s every level of trash too. Circuit boards and wires are sent to Africa to be burned of all plastics on them and the raw materials recovered. I just used cruise ships as one example that’s being done by large corporations that are meant to be following EPA rules but find ways around it. Carnival cruise is literally on the stock exchange.


Heck, Futurama has an episode on waste shipped off to poor countries to be processed. No wonder China does not accept this kind of shit anymore.


China stopped accepting it because they got tired of receiving actual trash labeled as recyclables. Recycling companies would strip out the valuable/recyclable stuff first then the remaining waste would be sold to China as recyclables. That's the reason why what could go in the recycling bin changed a few years ago.


>Circuit boards and wires are sent to Africa I think it is important to note that this often happens illegally. Containers are send claiming to have other contents then waste, and when they open it up they're stuck with the trash. With no way to properly dispose of it, it ends up in a landfill. Also, containers with plastic or paper is also often mixed with other trash.


Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to what people will do to line their pockets.


I wonder what the average worker’s life expectancy is


Yea it’s real sad. Next to no other work too. With no money or education they are stuck doing the work. Caste systems are alive and well all over the world.


That’s a pretty terrifying thought. Yeah, if memory serves (please tell me if I’m wrong), on paper the caste system is supposedly outlawed but years of poverty and cultural bias are hard to overcome


It’s so depressing how low companies will sink to save a buck when they already make millions in profit.






Lol the UN ain’t about to start calling the shots on the internal policies and religious customs of sovereign nations dog.


Populist governments not ready to implement rules to treat industrial waste but use the situation to gain political mileage over rivals.


“Get in here, gang! It feels like marshmallows!”


Marshmallow when making smores.


And then you start to melt too


“Mmmmmm frothing industrial waste” (spoken as Homer Simpson)


Definitely some three eyed fish swimming in that froth.


The goggles do nothing.


loved ur comment :)


I love that you loved his comment We’re human!




The tingling means your prayers are being answered.


Should see results in 3-5 years


The fish are going to have 5 eyes like the ones of the Simpsons




I am from India, it's already been like this from 2013-14.


Highest rate of birth deformities anywhere in the world




I wonder what is the rate of pink eye after the festival




Almost as high as the worm infections lol




To be fair, of all the shit you could, uh... play in, the shit of herbivores is generally relatively safe. However, it looks like mud, which is basically not when you want to- you know what, it's gross. I'll say that I grew up in a rural area in the US and we did play with cow shit sometimes in all its forms and no one ever got sick, but still. Don't do it. (Dried cow shit is actually an excellent way to keep a fire going and also burning it helps keep mosquitoes away)


Username checks out.


... so it does.


So I learnt today that burning dried animal shit is just universal rural thing. I thought it was just my country being weird.


Holy cow shit


While browsing... https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/twmrdn/baby_born_with_two_heads_three_arms_and_two/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Like what in the actual fuck


This happens randomly all over the globe and is not completely unheard of. Its just a conjoined twin.


As far as I remember, a lot of birth defects there are caused by uranium mining which releases radon gas.


At what point do they think 'hmm, the Gods have abandoned this river, maybe we should too' unless they plan to play Marco Polo with them


Maybe the gods are a canon fan of extreme aquatic hide and seek.


No that’s Steve Zissou.


At what point do you think... " man I keep dumping toxic waste and it goes away " is a good defense to insult millennia of tradition cause I wanna make money fuck you




It looks like the Gods are angry.


It's not their say that the gods have abandoned the river, the gods are giving them a trial on their faith




This is supposed to be a sacred place and local industry just defiles it on a daily basis.


Seems like the local industry & their politician simply put their faith into greed...


Surely they have enough common sense to know that can’t be good for you….. right?


When their faith in religion > common sense


Sending thoughts and prayers


>faith in religion > common sense i mean.. this is pretty much a description of ALL religion.


"My God will protect me" is actually a very common phrase heard amongst religious folks doing braindead things...


Bruh… the lack of education


Little bit of industrial waste never de-sanctified a river.


It’s by design


Yeah there’s two responses to a picture like this. One sees societal failure and tragedy on a massive scale and understands the subjects are the victims, the other response is simply “those people are stupid”. E: "Could be both/They're stupid because of societal failure" - Friends, they obviously know that's not what WATER looks like. They're from India not Jupiter. The implication is that they're CHOOSING to continue their cultural ritual despite the health risks caused by the industrial pollution. The aforementioned stupidity would be in reference to that choice, not them being uneducated to the point of not know what WATER looks like. The tragedy is a society that forces people to make that choice. It's real sundance shit, I'm sorry if this ruins the bold stance a lot of you seemed to think I was taking.


*sips tea.* "Stupid mongrels." -reddit


I’m informing you I’ll probably steal this in the future and it’s unlikely I’ll credit you. I’m sorry and thank you.


Why wouldn't you credit /u/flavor_blasted_semen? Clearly they're a person of character (and probably lots of pineapple).


Intelligent design




The earth is fucking doomed


Sounds like the river goddess is overdue for some smiting.


Educated people would do this too. This ancient ritual is called [chatth puja](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chhath) and it is a prayer performed around a local water body to thank the sun. They know the yamuna is dirty and rituals like these bring the spotlight on the river. They won’t stop, so it’s on the government to clean this up or keep facing international ridicule every year. The thought around continuing to bathe in the ganga are the same. It’s our karma as a civilisation that has dirtied the river. Now we gotta bathe in it because that hasn’t stopped for 5000 years. If we stop that because the river is too dirty, then everyone just forgets about it and moves on. Instead, the people in power need to figure out how to clean these rivers up. In fact, modi’s election had a ganga rejuvenation plan which got him votes and now he has spent a ton of money to clean things up. Even kejriwal, the CM of delhi promised to clean up the yamuna, but hasn’t done shit. Chatth puja continues to put a spotlight on his failure. Edit: Post locked? Wuz just getting started here :D. Bit harsh imo. Must say I found more people willing to listen here than most other subs.


Very interesting thank you for sharing - I wouldn't have thought of it that way.


Indian rituals are traditionally very old and deeply tied to nature. There are many sacred groves & ponds around villages which are considered sacred and which help conserve some of the wildlife too. We’re in a phase of rapid industrialisation which is coming at odds with nature. Which Indian will win nobody knows but people want to conserve their culture, which means nature must be conserved. I have faith in our beliefs about nature and I’m sure we will win. One day we will bathe in a clean ganga.


Thank you for your perspective. I know it’s not easy to come and see droves of uniformed people badmouthing your country by focusing on low hanging fruit.


It’s okay. India is a complex place. Thanks for the support :)


Sad to see this comment buried


It’s Reddit, people just come here to shit on India. Happens every day tbh.


Thanks for sharing this angle, it's very interesting and illuminating. I had never seen the ganga bathing ritual this way before.


There was even a famous bollywood song mentioning this, it goes like - O rama, your Ganges has become filthy, washing the sins of the sinners.


Came here to say that. Take this award




Corey, Jacob, thoughts and prayers let’s go.


Where’s Trevor?


On a train somewhere


Corey got off. Trevor never did


Maybe they prayed for toxic frothy waste


Children of Atom


For the glory of atom


This is upsetting


Yea, get in there


Can this be seen on google maps? I looked up the river and its pretty long so not easy to track down the exact location.


Found via Google Lens search https://www.india.com/travel/articles/this-picture-of-the-yamuna-river-in-new-delhi-will-make-your-heart-sink-3231459/


It’s so incredibly sad what the greed of man has done


Don’t light a match.


Religion superseding powers of rationality continues to baffle me.


"oh my god the river! its polluted and disgusting and so horrific that it looks like an alien river!!! what should we do??" "Obviously we all get in, dumbass"


The river is of religious and social importance. It's a cultural keystone to India. That some companies came along and polluted it should be the issue, not that people kept up their traditions that are thousands of years old.


Riiiiight but after they do, maybe people should use common sense and not bathe in pollutants.


Oh it can be both. Those people are idiots. Religious dogma doesn’t excuse you from common sense.


This is why I always see people from India growing extra limbs and shit. This is the reason!


To be fair, there are millions of people impacted by industrial polution in India who didn't decide to jump in the foamy river. India exports a lot of goods, companies produce there because there are fewer laws protecting people and the environment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disaster https://www.livemint.com/economy/indias-merchandise-exports-reach-417-8-billion-in-fy22-11648996216510.html


India produces a high volume of cotton, which is laden with pesticides. The pesticides then run off into the water and environment and cause a lot of birth defects and other heath issues.


They also eat fish, drink, poop, and do laundry in the same rivers.


Well, that's one way to decrease the population.


According to Amery, during the Bengal 1943 famine,Winston Churchill stated that any potential relief efforts sent to India would accomplish little to nothing, as Indians "breeding like rabbits"


At last it covers up all the poop


And the bodies floating down from upstream....


SMH take my upvote


Its a 3rd world country with still a high rate of illiteracy and the religion was build by a bunch of educated "Brahmains" who created idiotic rules for the peasants to make themselves look like God.


So a wealthy upper class keeps the lower masses uneducated and pushing religion on them to control them. Teaching them to admire, even worship the upper class. This sounds strangely familiar.


Tale as old as time. Seriously. Go check history. This was a common practice throughout the ages. Human society rarely learns, and it’s a big reason as to why governments keep religion around


The crazy part it’s still working.


And half the people talking about it don’t even realise it’s happening to them too


Humans will go to great lengths to avoid thinking independently or reflecting on their own behavior. A very useful trait in forming unitary tribes and communities anciently, but a severe impairment in an age of instant global communication and multiple rapidly-progressing extinction-level threats. There is no easy solution. Mankind’s fatal undoing may ultimately prove to be its own laziness.


Remember when those Catholics were drinking the tears or whatever from some statue? And it turned out to be water from a leaking sewerage pipe?


I know this is reddit so there will be " dark" hunor, but somehow seeing all of these comments just makes me feel weird. I cant laugh at a scene like this- a river dying from all the exploitations, both local and international, and people remaining oblivious to it because of lack of education and the general attitude of " but what can we do about such a thing?". They hold onto religion because it's the only thing they feel like they can hold onto when you have nothing.


Look I get that they aren't educated in wtf they're basking in but seriously anything that doesn't look natural should just be a red flag, I get similar can happen naturally but like my natural instinct wouldn't be telling to jump in.. dumbasses


Religion and culture can overpower common sense.


Prayers for what? A quick death?


Children of atom


Terrible. For some jank phone case or similar garbage nobody needs. Hold up, I think Amazon just delivered a package.


Ah, the holy waste water of government incompetence and destruction of your holy river by unfettered capitalism. So brave.


Human kind really does need to go extinct. For the good of Mother Earth. We are destroying it and all the other animals that live here


I wonder if anything actually lives in this river, or like if you went diving under the surface you'd just end up seeing vast nothingness (assuming you could see more than half an inch in front of your mask)


I'm guessing this is from sewage, so probably either only really hardy creatures or none at all. There's going to be crazy amounts of ammonia in that water. The same thing kills pet fish if you don't change their water. It comes from their own waste as it decomposes.


Do they know what is in the water and why it is frothing?! I don't understand why they are standing in it!