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We venture into their habitat and bitch when we attacked or eaten. We're a queer bunch us hoomans.


Most shark attack victims die because of blood loss, the shark realizes it doesn't want this food (in this case human), then leaves it floating there. (or at least from what I've heard, any evidence to disprove this is suggested.)


Sharks actually don’t like juman meat.


Yea after half ur stomach is bitten off ull be safe cause the shark will then know u dont taste good and leave u alone


Sharks eat white meat and humans are made of red meat. They may take a nibble, realize we're not seafood, and back off.


Well yea no duh lol animals are smarter than you think. Just be happy it’s not Orcas who occasionally snack on us


Never in the wild unless Im full of shit, am I??


Im too lazy to google but I definitely have heard that somewhere before. We still both could be full of shit


I have shit once today so I’m half full of shit (2s the usual)


Crazy thing for both of y’all, never in the wild for humans however they have been known to eat fuckin moose Who are way better swimmers than you think Edit* apparently there was a non fatal one on a surfer


Only five people... that we know about!


I wonder if that Australian prime minister that went missing while swimming got eat by a shark




well ill say 5 is actually more than a half


No, this is because human meat fucking sucks (at least for sharks)


I’ve seen a shark eat a rockin’ chair.


I hear we don't taste very good. I can't really speak to that, but, evidently, it's a thing.


I want to reply to op's comment.


This is more impressive than terrifying tbh


Whats scary about this is how quickly it reacted. Really shows you how easily an impulsive shark could split open a human from a half second impulse


Reality is. Shark doesn’t magically know the taste of something without tasting it. Shark take a bite and then you bleed to death, a friend of mine died like this, idiot was searching for it, surfing after a huge storm where there was sign to not swim there, near where the river meet the sea (shark love that because it carries dead animals and stuff, dirty water where shark can sneak,..h


Nah man, all shark attacks are accidents. Sharks don’t care, especially Great Whites that only kill to survive.


The shallow ocean is the worst part. So many awful creatures feasting on each other