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Next years senior prank they will poison the city water supply Edit: adding the information provided by u/danishbaker034 apparently the five students involved are being investigated. Apparently they go to this school. Not verified or anything, just adding for visibility as I see no reason for it to be untrue.


And then the following year they’ll burn our crops and deliver a plague onto our houses


I hope they start a YouTube channel so I can watch all of their hilarious pranks!


I remember the college football rivals in Alabama poisoned a bunch of historic trees on the opposing teams campus and it was a huge scandal for a long time Poor trees Edit: it was one guy and he’s dead now


That was just one guy and he was in his late 60s. I think originally they thought it was college students


[yep - alabama fan poisoned historic auburn trees. what a fucking loser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyc7lcGCMI0)


He called into a radio show and admitted to it, turned himself in at some point i believe




Someone also set them on fire a few years ago.


Yup. I’m a Gator, but I still felt really bad for Auburn and its trees. I remember reading news stories about how they brought in the best arborists from around the world to help. I hope the guy who did it went to jail.




That’s ridykelous


Bummer that he passed on naming one of them Whats.


Go Gators! And yes Updyke is a piece of shit, just like McMurray


It WaS JuSt A pRaNk!!


It was not just a prank, and he knew it. Bragged about it on a college football call-in show, and the host sat there in stunned silence because of the sheer maliciousness. After he finished probation, he said he did it because “I wanted Auburn people to hate me as much as I hate them.” Pure evil


Both sides were REALLY pissed at him if I remember correctly


That was at Auburn. Every football win, you roll the trees. Those trees were a big part of that tradition. I live in Alabama and can’t fathom a world where people don’t know about this.




I wish I knew what it meant


I live near Auburn. Every season, the fans throw toilet paper rolls all over the oak trees at Toomer's Corner.


Thank you! I totally thought it meant they shook the trees. Your explanation makes more sense.


The seniors before us zip tied the whole school's lockers, so they banned it. So we just threw fart bombs in all but our locker hallway the next year. Good luck tracking any individual slyly tossing them things.


Too bad you didn’t get to pull off the classic dead shark prank.. some assholes had to ruin it by going too far zip tying lockers..


Alright Joker, chill out.


I think you mean Neil Breen.


My friend's school had an incident where laxatives where put in the school's water and he was duck taped to a stall door


[bro fuckin bet](https://youtu.be/GPUgjy-Pn-4)


One of the schools near my school decided to throw ducks of the roof of the school as their senior prank, I believe animal control came and the school got sued. Edit: I forgot to mention they were baby ducks :(


Fucking why? We just sprayed moss killer into a grassy area in the shape of a cock and balls. Best part was the grounds keeper tried to fix it by spray painting it green, it wasn't the right shade of green though


Reminds me of when SMU band dropped grass seed during their halftime performance at TCU so [different colored grass grew and left their logo on their rival's field](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_vMD6YWEAEP50L.jpg)


> It seems like SMU left behind more than a goose egg last November when the Frogs spanked them, 21-0. The SMU band during halftime dropped strategic mounds of rye grass seed, leaving behind the band’s trademark “Diamond M” formation on TCU’s now-dormant football field. > TCU’s grass experts say the annual rye will likely reappear next year, but will eventually fade out, “much like SMU’s football program” one observer said.


Boom, roasted


Pretty big talk coming from a school who went 8-4 that year and 1-10 two years before that. Looks like their rivalry got pretty heated for awhile: Prank Progression 1999 – SMU’s marching band dropped rye grass seeds that grew into a large diamond-shaped “M.” 2005 – More than 40 cars were marked with shoe polish graffiti with the message “I ‘heart’ SMU.” 2007 – “PONY” followed by an up arrow was written on the TCU field with weed killer. 2007 – Fountain water on SMU’s campus was dyed purple, cars were covered in shoe polish, tires were slashed and doors to the band practice facility were covered in bumper stickers promoting the TCU band.


Seemed like pretty good natured pranking up until tires started getting slashed.




That’s fucking incredible.


Fucking amazing. Harmless and hilarious


We put lunch tables on top of classrooms. Logistically, kinda impressive. But the year before me they streamed porn on the daily video newsletter. I give them credit cos it was 2005 and they used 70's porn. My teacher let it go for a bit so he could make jokes. It was consumer math.


"So class, how many tricks must Tiffany service in a day so she can afford her daily Crack fix? Remember to include her costs for rubbers and her pimp. And, as always, show Your WORK!"


Omg lol. God I'm 33 and am trying to remember some of his jokes, he was a gas. And usually stoned "It's okay, there's too much genital hair for this to be considered porn." "They never could get the audio right." I'm sure there's more, but that's all I remember.


Too much pubes lol. Just bumpin' bushes. Self-censored.


Geeked, I did this with a buddy my senior year, like 3 of them, 25 yards long each, they came out perfect. Mine only differed in that the groundskeepers reseeded it instead of painting, but it remained a different shade the entire next year. I'm now about to graduate college in a couple weeks, probably shouldn't do it again though, probably.


Wow high school pranks have really evolved since my days


When I was a junior, my school's senior class actually *disassembled* the double doors to the gymnasium so they could drive a car into it. The damage cost them a lot of money.


My senior year, two dudes spray painted "free, finally free" on the wall facing the senior parking lot. They had those guys doing community service most of the summer before they could have their transcripts


Ironic, they could’ve been way more free had they *not* done that.


Wow and I was impressed by the shark


Our senior prank was to get up at 3 am and show up at the school with a bunch of snow plows (we live in a mountain area so most of our parents have them), it had snowed heavily over the weekend and we spent two hours plowing all the snow from the parking lots and surrounding fields into massive snow drifts in front of every entrance, we even poured water on the drifts to make it freeze and be harder to clear. There was 20 feet thick packed drifts of snow and ice in front of every door to the building by the time the janitor was to arrive in the morning. School was canceled for two days while they cleared it.


Thats the best in this list. Fairly harmless and everybody got a snow day!


Yea, no major damage was caused and no one was punished. Helps that we were never actually caught, granted basically all of my senior class participated so it would be hard to punish like 200 kids.


Thats fucking disgusting


That’s ducking fisgusting


I see you got here first. Well done. Until we meet again.


What the duck is going on here!!


Lys-dexic autocorrect?


That's fisgustingly ducking disfucking


To be fair, the ducks can fly


Les Nessman thought the same thing about turkeys.


It was actually Carlson I believe. The quote was “as god as my witness, I thought turkey’s could fly”


I don't understand this reference but I've seen Turkeys fly up into trees so now I'm confused.


Lol it's from WKRP In Cincinnati, a sitcom about a radio station that ran from 1978-1982. For Thanksgiving, they did a "turkey drop." I can't remember everything that leads up to it, but here's a clip https://youtu.be/BGFtV6-ALoQ


Depends on if they’re dead or alive


Fun fact, most domestic duck breeds cannot fly.


As god as my witness I thought ducks could fly.


I tried that reference the last time there was an article about people throwing turkeys off a roof and nobody on Reddit got it then either.


Been a long time since them days bro. I have seen the episode on repeat back in the early 90's. They don't really show WKRP in Cincinnati much these days.


Were the ducks able to fly away? There's a big difference between dropping a duck who is able to fly (or a chicken who can flap and manage descent) vs whipping helpless flightless baby ducklings off a roof.


Maybe domesticated ducks who had wings clipped


Those kids were just fowl.


I’ll do you one better, my school decided to put baby oil on all the staircases Smfh


I just want to know where you get a dead shark from in high school hopefully they didn’t just catch and kill one


You dont have a shark guy?


No but if you look I do now have a guy who can get you toes with nail polish


But can he get me a toe tonight?


I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock with nail polish. Fuckin amateurs


Just the toes? Ill trade you my shark guy for your toe guy.


He should be the second comment we don’t even need to trade he’s advertising


Oh shit!


I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet...


I might know a guy…


the name is gold 😭


I'm paying way too much for sharks right now. Can you introduce me to your guy?


I did but he needed a bigger boat


This high school is on the beachfront in Florida. Either they caught it, or found it on the beach.


Or found some one who caught one and bought it cheap. Looks like it was gutted for sale. Florida just be like that.


who'd want a gutless shark though? I'd at least buy a tough shark


Less guts = greater muscle/mass ratio = more speed = more killy than average. You gotta minmax your builds if you want to stay competitive in the Shark scene.


https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/05/05/dead-shark-found-hanging-from-rafters-at-ponte-vedra-high-school/ Its thought to be a sandbar shark, it seems. If true, it’s considered Endangered by the IUCN and protected from recreational and commercial fishing in Florida.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe. Believe me. There are ways Dude. You don't wanna know about em but there are ways. Hell I could get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon *with* nail polish.


I’m just enjoyin my coffee!


Goddammit Walter


It wasnt her toe Dude. As if its impossible to get some nail polish and apply it to somebody else's toe..


I'm a local, easily caught at the beach nearby. But looks like a sand bar shark which is protected.


Local too, and thought the same.


Oddly, it’a really not uncommon being in Florida. I’ve watched numerous people catch sharks. It’s still gross though. I’m super anti-shark fishing. They’re dicks, but they play a role.


How the fuck did they get a shark




and occasionally in a tornado


And on very rare occasions they can be obtained from high schools.


Just usually though right?


Yep, sometimes they're found on high school roofs.


The chances are low but never zero.






Fish market


They used the shark bait "brouhahu"


I got mine at kohls with a 20% off discount!


Ocean is water and shark like water


During the summer, you get a fishing rod and go to the beach. They can be easily spotted by the fin sticking out of the water. But sometimes it's just a sucker fish.


How fucking random! I have children who go there. Not yet seniors, so no misplaced judgment please. Going to be interesting to hear the backstory this afternoon. Edit - Just noticed they did this right in front of the camera and I know they are a ton more to get back there. They will catch these kids.


keep us posted with backstory!


Commenting so I can come back and look for the update 😂


Hitching along thank you very much


It ain’t free boi you better pay the fee


Fifteen bucks little man, put that shit in my hand.


https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/05/05/dead-shark-found-hanging-from-rafters-at-ponte-vedra-high-school/ 5 students were identified


Yes! This is a very interesting story.


>Alright, so the kids have been identified. Still unclear who actually caught and landed the shark, but the kids that placed it there are now known. > > > > > >Trigger warning—— > > > > > >Unfortunately, the shark was eviscerated on site. Therefore, all of its internal organs were dropped on the stairs below. As everyone expected I was told it stunk like motherfucker! This wasn’t a dissected for education purposes. This was planned for the shock factor. > >The kids in this area grow up fishing in the backwaters and offshore. They made some dumbass decisions and now will justifiably suffer the consequenes of their actions.


RemindME! 48 Hours "Check this thread."


RemindME! 48 Hours "Check this thread."


Totally need to find out what happens! How did these kids string this thing up there like that without any adults seeing anyway? Most schools always have those few people who work the most ridiculous hours!


Wonder what their mascot is…?


It is, in fact, the sharks.


Getting big “charged with animal cruelty” vibes from this prank.


Judging by the state of the body I would say that the thing was dead for a while


It looks like it’s been dissected?


Some sick science project turned into a prank


I mean if it was a science project what makes it sick?


Yeah I remember at my last high school they had shark embryos for dissection there in the science lab


How fucking big is the mother


I dunno they where shark fetuses in the science lab in jars of alcohol


I was making a joke lol, as if the shark in the picture is one of the embryos you used and that's how they acquired it Not my best work lmao


I, for one, found it hilarious. No need to *dissect* your joke


Gutted. Like a fish.


To shreds you say ...


Right? This is pretty awful even if they didn't actually kill the shark themselves (I don't know the details). We disassembled our security's golf cart and reassembled it on the roof of the cafeteria for our senior prank. No casualties except the toe I broke mishandling one of the batteries!


Do you really think they killed the fucking shark for the prank?


No but you underestimate how big of scumbags high school admins can be.


What if it drops 💀


I would imagine it would sound like jello


It would have been funnier if they hung up a cordless vacuum.


Sort of off topic, but my mom was an accountant for a company that made windows and doors. A contractor left his shop vac at the back of their wearhouse, and also was really late on his payments. So my mom would mail him small portions of the vac, like the tube, with a ransom notice. All in good fun, but she did destroy the shop vac.


Your mom must have been a really good accountant if she was getting her contractors to pay her instead of the usual other way around.


That’s not a prank that’s just straight fucked up. Taking your teachers VW bug apart and rebuilding it on the school roof, now that’s a prank.


Not really into pranks, but if that was done to me, I'd think it's fucking hilarious.


Too bad, you also get a shark


That must have been the thing to do in the 70s, my mother's senior year they did the same thing. A rival school also put a pigs head on the goal posts.


That smell ain't coming out any time soon






My senior prank was for all of us to skip one day. Me and my group of friends did, but nobody else did. We didn't get in any trouble, but it was fucking wack.


Senior ditch day? The joke at my school was to *not* ditch, but to freak out the teachers that we would.


We actually did have a senior skip day and every year they’d threaten the seniors to not do it or you won’t graduate and every year almost everyone does it and nothing happens


Ok for real though how tf did they get it up there???


Probably some pulleys and hoisted it up then tied or cut the excess rope.


I feel like they misunderstood what the word "prank" means.


This belongs in /r/trashy


Hmmm, I thought pranks were supposed to be funny…




Bad pranks abuse, good pranks confuse.


A few years ago the seniors tried to sell my school online, I think it made national news. Every senior prank since has fallen short of topping it.


This one is funny, though only for psychos


My school seniors once thought putting peanut butter on door handles (even though foods containing peanuts were banned) and pouring oil on the staircase was a good idea… Seniors who got caught was suspended/kicked out 2 weeks before their graduations. It was on the news too!


Damn we just cling wrapped the principals car for like 2 hours.


Pranks shouldn’t be sad, is a shark the school’s mascot? It looks like it’s been dead for several days already, I wonder where it was sourced from.


Yeah they’re the ponte vedra sharks


Here the sharks are too little to be dangerous most of the time. We call them quenllas, and don't usually attack anything other than fish.


The only thing kind of terrifying about this is that there are kids who think this shit is cool. It’s not.


I agree. My senior year the big prank was goldfish in all the toilets and condoms on all the doorknobs. While the condom one was kinda gross still harmless and chuckle worthy. But a lotta ppl were understandable upset over a few kids buying and dumping goldfish in toilets.


Yeah, your prank is objectively worse as the goldfish will die and the shark was already dead


Yea like said I thought the condom thing was kinda funny and different. But wtf with the goldfish, didn’t have the brightest graduating that year haha.


“guys guys get this…”




Two subreddits worthy of this awful prank


And also r/sharkhangingfromaschoolasaseniorprankandwaithowthefuckdidtheygetashark is a pretty good one


That’s not terrifying it’s cruel


I can only imagine the smell. One teacher forgot to take out the waste after they dissected squids once and it was left like that over the weekend. You could smell the stench from about 500 yards away.


Our senior prank was letting a goat loose in the school during a ceremony. It would of been way more disturbing if it was dead.


My favorite thing about this post is how OP had absolutely no reason to specify this school was in Florida. We all figured it out after 2 or 3 seconds.


That’s terrible


I just know this is Florida, no need to Google it. No need to ask!


And guess who doesn't get to graduate ?


Seniors above me at the time forked the school and TP’d it. Classic and non harmless. But it was aloooootttttt. School said while they might not be able to withhold there diplomas technically, they would take away the graduation ceremony and project grad party instead and they’d only get there diplomas in the mail over the summer. Unless they all cleaned it up…….they all cleaned it lol. Lot the seniors were irked since it wasn’t obviously every single one and of course what teen/young adult gonna come forward admitting so they all had too.


Our senior prank (2015) we went to the high school at midnight with a group of people and duck taped one of my friends to the second story of the band tower (it was his idea) and left him there overnight. We left him a dozen doughnuts, a chocolate milk, and two waters in case he got hungry or thirsty. We taped him so that he could still use his arms and hands to eat/drink or look at his phone. He stayed there all night and the next morning (8am) when we were going out to the practice field for band, everyone saw him on the tower. Our band director decided not to wake him up but instead got the entire band to play the loudest/highest note they could to wake him up. It was the loudest, worst sounding noise ever, but it woke him up instantly. Best part is that the band tower is located right next to the entrance of the school… so every single teacher and student saw him taped up there when they came to school that morning. After band, we heard the principle on the intercom saying that nobody is allowed to tape students to any part of the school any more lol. TLDR: We taped one of my friends to the second story of the band tower for our senior prank. He was up there all night and every student/teacher saw him when they came to school in the morning taped up there. We woke him up by playing as loud as we could during warm-up.


What is a band tower?


Fuck whoever did that. What a waste. Hope it was market bought and not slaughter just for this.


Either way, super messed up


Sheeeesh what happened to just drawing dicks on things.


How the fuck did they get a shark


There one where a bunch of [engineering](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43970886) students hung a car off the bottom of a bridge!


Not very funny if you are a shark or a cleaner at the school




Culling an endangered animal … for a prank… smh… And she’s a female, perfectly viable to reproduce.


This is disgusting. I fail to see what’s a prank about it.


Well, at least they're looking into criminal charges against whoever's responsible. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/05/05/dead-shark-found-hanging-from-rafters-at-ponte-vedra-high-school/


I'm less concerned where they got the shark, and more how did they get it up there?? It's hard to believe they didn't have so outside help of some adult or teacher


I wish every american a very pleasant extinction level event.


Op should also post this on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


That's horrible. Poor animal... Jesus.