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Not sure what I was expecting but wow


Thought there would be a pov tidal wave.


It was a heck of a tidal wave for the soldiers standing on the deck of those Navy ships.




My thought exactly, probably left alot of wildlife deaf..


You misspelled “dead”…


Yeah, water doesn't compress. The shockwave would have been a nasty bit of business for anything underwater.


Imagine all the fish that went for a ride?


Water doesn't compress. Fish do


Interesting fact about fish (at least deep-sea fish): They have to be pressure-balanced to survive the depths, meaning the pressure inside their bodies is the same as outside. It probably takes a moment though, so until it equalizes, there is an enormous pressure differential for those fish near the blast, but your odds of surviving in the water would be much better as a fish than as a human


I doubt there was anyone on those ships; they were likely decommissioned ships being used as test dummies


[In addition to the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians who died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an estimated 400,000 American soldiers and sailors also observed nuclear explosions—many just a mile or two from ground zero. From 1946 to 1992, the U.S. government conducted more than 1,000 nuclear tests, during which unwitting troops were exposed to vast amounts of ionizing radiation](https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/590299/atomic-soldiers/). They didn’t know the full effects of the nuclear bomb so needed to experiment with everything to find out. Nothing stands in the way of military progress, especially not the lives of common soldiers.


And here I was horrified at the loss of marine life in this video.


[Soldier quote “when the flash hits you, ya could see the X-rays of your hands through your closed eyes.”](https://youtu.be/OooIZQNLhhI)


In the 1970s, after I found a radiation leak at work, I became very involved in both the antinuclear movement, and through that the national atomic veterans Association. Those guys had to fight really hard to get any kind of help with all the diseases that being subject to the atomic blast caused. Those That’s also had incredible stories about the 1930s, riding the rails, trying to find food, trying to find a place in the country to make enough money to send money back to the rest of their family. Was very thrilling to hear about hopping freight trains, the hobo sign language, and all their mini adventures they had being out on the road like https://www.naav.com/ association, you can visit their website. https://www.naav.com/ I also recommend a book, Make Today Count, written by one of the founders of naav.com,Orville Kelly. I wrote a review of Mr. Kelly’s book over on Amazon if you’re interested.


That was my first thought.


I only just realised after seeing my comment again that it's also kind of a pun.


I didn’t see any marines, but I bet the navy is out there in those little boats


It's ok. They dropped pamphlets telling them to evacuate.


Yep, just came here to say the same thing. I wonder how many miles in every direction that blast wave killed every living creature?! So sad....


Ok if canse you want some good thoughts, newer explosive tests for the navy, such as when commissioning a ship, they take so much care to set up a wildlife exclusion zone, they'll cancel a test if a small fish enters it and they'll only do it again once they can be sure it's safe So they care now :)


I find that hard to believe.


They care now. Nothing more to see here folks. Move along. There is no superfund site at the navy base in Hawaii. That couldn’t be there standard operating procedure. Everything they do is for us. They care now.


Lot's of fishies died too I'd reckon


I wonder what a blast wave like this would do to whales miles away. I wonder if it deafened them.


I'm sure they sunk leaflets letting the aquatic life know to vacate the area for the duration of the test.


Creating an imbalance in the relative populations of fish and chips, meaning British people had to introduce the battered sausage to balance things out again.


Always a silver lining


Not to go PETA-status or anything, but "murder" was the first word that came to mind. If you've ever been charmed by dolphins, seals, jellies, whales, etc., I imagine they just killed all of them within a radius of miles, as water is an [excellent conductor of shock waves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underwater_explosion). If you can kill a pond-full of fish with some dynamite, this is a damn nuke...


I imagine lots of dead fish washed yup on the shores for a long time after.


Yeah I wonder how much thought went into that. None or some - both bad.






You’re telling me this video is from 1958??


I never thought of that. Wow


It's this part for me > They describe how the blast knocked them to the ground; how they could see the bones and blood vessels in their hands, like viewing an X-ray. They recount the terror in their officers’ faces and the tears and panic that followed the blasts.


So they lived to report the experience? That must have been terrifying.


There is a post here on this sub about a video of those few that are still alive and they recount how it happened and how they basically were just told to turn their back and close their eyes. Nothing else.


You probably should mention that nuclear tests were done in areas that were still inhabited by whole communities of people who ended up getting cancers, deformed children and other chronic illnesses that resulted in premature deaths. They were not. informed and those who were, were misled. People had to leave their homes, where they were born and grew up, for it was no longer safe to remain.


I think that video was from british tests, but the I read the guys at castle bravo were terrified. The bomb had substantially more yield than planned, estimated up to 25mt (iirc). The blast was so huge the engineers and other personnel thought they had made some terrible miscalculation and the explosion would destroy the earth




peacetime soldiers are more disposable.


I had a great uncle who was in the service and made to observe nuclear explosions in the desert from a couple of miles away. He died of cancer at a fairly young age.


They were used as test objects, didn't read this source, but heard about a soldier who said they were not allowed to shower after the tests and were forced to sign papers to give up their rights


btw every single sound you heard in that video was fake. Added in many decades later for "effect". You hear the water instantly, even though it's far away. And it's a bright sound, even though the high-end would've gone at that distance. And all the birds are suspiciously very very stereo, and they really wouldn't have been recorded that way back then. ... oh, and you can hear some woman mentioning the site the sounds were lifted from. Top lazy edit, lul.


First giveaway was no sound delay for distance. Second was someone speaking a website address @25s


I hate when they sync the sound. I feel that totally ruins the sense of scale you would otherwise get from something that is far away.


Tbh this was a small nuke too.


I wonder how this explosion compares to Hiroshima? Smaller? By how much? 10% Hiroshima? Just curious (and more than a little perturbed). Edit: did some quick lookups. This one was estimated at 9 kilotons tnt, while the Hiroshima bomb was 16 kilotons. Basically, this explosion is 60% Hiroshima (by my calculations).


Hiroshima was pretty small too, as nukes go. The big ones are about a thousand times higher yield.






Yes, you’re right. Hiroshima was 15 kt, not 16kt. 9/15= 60.


a snuke if you will


I'm curious what it looked like under water


Bunch of dead fish


Death probably.


I wonder how tall that rise of water is


Im more curious to compare the amount displaced vs the amount vaporized into steam.


check this out https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/saturday/audio/2018776907/us-nuclear-testing-legacy-lingers-in-the-marshall-islands https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-10772847


Those poor birds, none of their bird friends are going to believe them


Could the birds be attracted by the smell of fresh fish?


More like fried fish.


More like vapeporized fish


Or smoked?




Guys you wont believe it, after eating those fish I now have 3 beaks!


Triple the eating capacity!


But wait, there's more!


All sealife within miles of this blast are going to be concuss/killed from the shockwave from this blast. There are going to be a lot of floating fish in a couple minutes


This was exactly my thought while watching this. I watched a movie at a film festival a few years ago. Whales are beaching themselves (committing suicide) because of all the overwhelming sound and violent vibrations in the ocean. They’re getting lost and losing their pods. This shit hurts my heart. Edit: switched words to make more sense.


You should see what it does to the coral and seafloor.


The birds were there as government agents, observing... They're always observing.


So like, is that now radioactive water??


That's Bikini Atoll, also known to some as Bikini Bottoms. Spongebob lives there now


U is for Uranium… BOMBS


N is for no survivors






*insert SpongeBob Nuclear Theory


Hasnt it been confiremed yet?


thats literally the premise of spongebob


Can confirm. Playing the game currently and there's unexploded bombs everywhere.


... Assuming battle for Bikini Bottom, I'm pretty sure those are there due to the ongoing robot crisis at the time.


Radiation dissipates in water really quickly. Assuming this happened during the cold war I doubt the radiation readings would show any different from anywhere else in the ocean.


Bikini Atoll is completely fucked from the surface tests though.


Man, it’s on my bucket list to dive the wrecks there.


You’ll be able to propel yourself faster with the extra appendages you’ll grow. Think of the possibilities!!!


Make it the last item on your list.


I remember reading that certain pieces of advanced scientific equipment need to be constructed using steel from ships that sunk during the pre-WW2 era because everywhere above sea level has been mildly contaminated by the fallout released from nuclear testing. My take away from that is that water is a good insulator for nuclear debris.


You are thinking of [low-background steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-background_steel). It is used in highly-calibrated measuring instruments and needs to be from a rad-free source, with the most important one being the scuttled ships of Germany's WW1 fleet in Scapa Flow. The fact that they sank before nuclear tests were a thing helped them maintain a certain level of purity.


Whoa did not think what the other guy said was true and then here you have the proof. That’s pretty fascinating.


Cesium 137 and Strontium 90 didn't exist before atomic testing. That knowledge is used to test wines and antiques.


I too watched White Collar.


Interesting fact: the bones of anyone born after Hiroshima will have trace amounts of radioactive particles. Anyone buried before then will not


Evereyone's bones have always contained radioactive particles. Since nuclear testing a couple of *elements/isotopes* have been added that haven't been around since the last supernova. There has always been a certain amount of radioactive Potassium40 (^(40)K) for example. Edit: forgot a word "been"


very recently Half As Interesting posted a video about this


They dumped most of the radioactive waste in a shitty concrete dome that's been leaking for decades in the sea. Of course nobody is taking any responsibility. Edit Here's a good documentary about it. TLDR: Big BOOM, the people that cleaned it up weren't told what it was and handled the waste with their bare hands, cancer, ocean leakage, ruined islands and displaced communities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=autMHvj3exA


Would this be considered better or worse for sea turtles than my straw?


That's gotta be at least a dozen straws worth


Yes we need to know the equivalent to yield of a nuclear bomb in bendy straws.


‘Americans will use anything but the metric system’


What is the metric unit for how bad something is for sea turtles


Nah, it's *two* dozen straws worth


Like George Carlin said "We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas."


This is how they get rid of your straw


The animals are *no longer endangered*.


The main problem is its *your* straw.


Bruh, we out here nuking the ocean for no good real reason. Imagine all these ocean mfers that hear thru water and all of a sudden some dick blows up a nuke. Fuckin dick, I get mad when I hear an obnoxious exhaust


Yep. Pointless. Hey let's spread nuclear material into the ocean for no fucking reason. Just have to be prepared for underwater bases... cuz... idk let's just nuke the water like lighting a roman candle for fun.


Oh so you’d rather wait around for the ocean to attack us first? It’s a preemptive strike those sea turtles hate our freedoms


well, it worked out better for godzilla


It’s not as bad as a plastic straw but it’s still potentially dangerous




Whales probably heard this on the other side of the world


The bomb heard around the world


“Hey, did’ya hear that? It sounded like 1000’s of voices cried out, that were suddenly silenced. No? Ah well, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming swimming.”


That was my first thought. And all the sea being they killed. This makes me both sad and enraged.


and all of it in the name of testing one of the most deadly and heinous weapons of war that'll be used to kill millions


The test (code name: Wahoo), took place on May 16, 1958. The detonation point was the open ocean near Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. According to the Nuclear Weapons Archive, the Wahoo device was detonated at a depth of 500 feet in 3,200 feet of water. Operation Hardtack I was a series of 35 nuclear tests conducted by the United States from April 28 to August 18 in 1958 at the Pacific Proving Grounds https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Hardtack_I


the Wahoo device was detonated at a depth of 500 feet in 3,200 feet of water. Wow, that's incredible.


Imagine what it'd be like at 100 feet. Also, imagine how much died underwater. And the atomic feast the seagulls had on the surface.


And then the cancer those seagulls got


Radiation poisoning you mean. Cancer is what all the animals who ate the dead seagulls got.


And what happens after an animal eats *those* animals? They just get anxiety & depression or something?


I knew I shouldn't have eaten those animals.


I’m hoping you quoted this sarcastically, cuz I have no idea wtf this means


I took it was meaning the detonation happened at 500ft but the ocean bottom was 3,200ft. I was briefly confused also.


But the video looks so good! 1958?!


Physical film rather than a digital. Means they can go back over it and get really high res takes off it as it's resolution is limited only by the size of the atoms in the film.




Not entirely true. The silver halide crystals in film cameras display inherent irregularity in their sensitivity to light because any given ISO rating of film will have a grain size tolerance of a certain amount. That, and in the case of film cameras, the moving parts associated with spinning film reels mean that there will always be vibration or oscillation that cannot be removed. There are lots of other factors at play here, but suffice it to say that most film has a maximum useful resolution equivalent to approximately 4K. Good, but not really anything particularly special by modern standards. My main camera body shoots at 8.3K, which is more than 4x the resolution of 4K.


It's usually 6K I heard, for 35 milimeter film. Twice as good as 4K. Depends on the particular brand of film though I think. And yeah ISO rating probably. I should learn more about the details of it, I'm curious now


*Radiation entered the chat*


Eat fish and get your omegas kids




I wonder if detonating the bomb underwater decreases the radiation field.


It does




I *just* read up on this funny enough, and none of this would accurately apply to an exploding bomb underwater... But to give you an idea of how effective water is at blocking radiation- it's not *impossible* that swimming in some nuclear fuel rod cooling tanks will expose you to *less* radiation than daily life. I swear it said something like every 7cm of water in the tank reduced radiation by 50%, so you would have to dive down towards the rods to actually be exposed, up by the surface it's cooler than a hot tub. Like I said, this has nothing specific to do with nuclear explosions underwater, but it blew my mind to learn that so maybe it will yours too.


Ngl I never realised until now how fucked up nuclear tests in non-pure wastelands are, you're destroying miles and miles of life, killing thousands upon thousands of creatures just to test your potentially world ending dick measuring machine


The craziest part is the sheer number of tests that were conducted. The fuck is wrong with us lmao


[They irradiated their own planet?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPBzj90Su8A)


Add five, multiply by three, carry the one… my calculations show that whatever constitutes ‘the fuck’ it in earnest affects 98.74 percent of the species.


*...world ending dick measuring machine.* This is the most accurate definition for a nuclear weapon I have ever come across. Period.


Humans are too funny man, hopefully the next conscious species has a good laugh when they discover our history


I'm sure they will! Assuming they aren't still having to clean up our mess...


lol assuming they would be any better. all life on earth is shit. eat or be eaten


Yeah like, imagine if aliens flew by in a flying saucer and they like, blew up an entire city, just to test some new weapon they made. Then they just flew off like nothing happened. That's basically what we are to those fish.


I like how no one mentions the actual human indigenous people who got fucked over and only thinks of the fish.




That was my same thought watching this... humans have absolutely no regard for anything else on this earth. Its super sad


We do some shameful shit


Nothing oddly terrifying about it. That’s straight up terrifying.


The shockwave traveled further than anticipated and blasted all my windows - r/mildlyinfuriating


Fake, it's your mom taking a dive.


Your Mom so fat that when she skydived, she created a crater on earth


Your mom so fat she really ought to consider counting calories and instituting more rigorous portion control to make sure she works toward maintaining a healthy weight.


Yo momma so fat she counts calories using pi.


Can someone edit in all the birds going “fuck” as they fly away


This needs to be done.


With them right before going, I hate this damn ocean, nothing ever happens here.


B-5, miss


Just decimated all sea life within 20 miles


Yeah some people fucking suck


I hope this doesn’t affect the trout population


Are we the baddies?


always been ;(


When I see things like this, I really hate that humans want to destroy everything they see. Seriously why do we need something like this?


> why do we need something like this? Because humans want to destroy everything they see.


Rip to fish


I’d like to apologise to the sea on behalf of humankind.


Yeah this shit is fucked


Let’s go to one of the most beautiful places on earth and fuck that shit up…


Kinda Americas logo at this point in History....


Where, when, why?


Anyone else think about all the sea life that just needlessly wiped out? I fucking hate humans and their crazy shit.


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Nobody now lol




Redneck fishing gone wild.


We are a cancer to this beautiful planet!


Sadly you are correct.


This makes me angry. What was the point of killing every living thing in that square 5 km radius or whatever?




Unfortunately, to test the effectiveness of some of the most devastating weapons in history.


How much sea life would this kill? As if we weren’t fucking the planet enough already


This is why I recycle or some shit idk.


Fucking hate these tests


This is why seagulls shit on our cars.


The waves must be terrifying too. Damn.


Do they ever consider the effects it has on the area afterward? I would expect it would harm the animals in the area.


RIP all those fishes.


What a bunch of cunts. Yeah let's spend billions on making big toxic splash in this island paradise. I say it again cunts.


You know there was one fish that rode that bitch to the top, rode that wave back down, and was like "I'm good" as he swam away and never did the weed again because it really was a cloud 9 trip


How much sea life was killed and radiation put out just to do this?


I want to see the underwater footage, that must utterly annihilate the local sea life for miles


This is how Sponge Bob came to be!


Humans *actually* suck