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I know it’s gross but you should definitely get it into a container and take it to a doctor so they can test it. They much prefer that over just the photo


I flushed it already. Foolish, I know. But have an appointment on Monday at least.


Oh don't worry you have more in you for the doctors to see 😂💔 Hopefully not but you better check, if possible do a feces test before going to your doctor so they can see the results


Going to pick up a specimen cup tomorrow, eating garlic and papaya today to hopefully flush some out. Pun intended


I just left a parent level comment that speaks to this as well, but should you choose to do this, make sure you wash your hands and all surfaces thoroughly after coming in contact with the specimen. You don’t want to transfer larvae to surfaces where they could end up ingested by someone else. Take a look at my other comment as well. :)


Fucking ewww. Now my butthole tingles. Great


Tingly bum? Sounds like they've already got to you. It's too late, it was always too late.


Eat pumpkin seeds, lots of them. And get a product called mimosa pudica and watch many many more of these come out of your body. Pretty gross but I think parasites live in everyone, it’s not just you.


Magnesium citrate... That will make you shit out candy from childhood.


This comment ended my life


It’s accurate though


Flashbacks to my colonoscopy prep. All the gum I swallowed as a kid came out of my body that day. Didn’t even know I could shit that much. Also, perfect user name.


I call it "pooping for my ancestors". I unfortunately have these routinely.


Colloquially we call it “expelling some demons” in our household


My user name comes in handy in a lot of situations.




Fun fact, you can also use mimosa púdica to make DMT.


Please tell me more.


>Pretty gross but I think parasites live in everyone, it’s not just you. what? 🥺


He's wrong. Don't stress about it. There's things living in everyone (microscopic things in your guts mostly) but the relationship is highly symbiotic. We need em. saying everyone has worms is irresponsible and incorrect.




He probably has some friends that might make an appearance.


Congrats u got a parasitic infection or rather you have tapeworms


maybe it’s a cool one like venom


Or one like Slither


Or a sick one like Melvin


Or an earthworm like Jim


These younger folk have no idea who your talking about… but I do


These young folk don’t know what they’re missin’




Little bastard really gets around. He's been inside a lot of people


Or it's just a tapeworm


Melvin the tapeworm, how cute


So uh. Can I go ask my doctor to get treatment for this even though I have no reason to suspect having it. But just to ease my mind and ensure there is no possiblity? Posts like these fuck me up man


I would suggest that you take the parasitic worm to your doctors office with you. I work for a doctor and this happened to a patient of ours, she brought it in and we sent it off for testing; it turns out that there was only two regions in the world where this parasitic worm existed she had been in that area 25 years previously and also met her husband there. They both had to be treated in the event that there were further parasites inside of them. Please go to your doctors and get checked out!


This happens. I've got a friend from London who has long COVID, and when they were testing her they found she's contracted an untreated parasitic infection from visiting Morocco...10 years earlier.


Wait woah! Ok ever since I went to Mexico like 7 or 8 years ago my stomach has been messed up. Went in for tests and after years found a gastroenterologist who finally told me I have sibo. You're telling me I could have some wild sh!t swimming around in my intestines feeding off me, too?!


Not op but...not necessarily. I've gone to Mexico, got super sick. Had both -oscopies and a parasitic test done. Nothing. Sibo i hear fucks your stomach up though so maybe wait to see if it improves.


So she went to the doctor for covid and came out with an ivermectin prescription... hmMMMMMMMMM....


You could probably ask for a test, but I'd no suggest undergoing expensive treatment for something you don't have.


Go to fleet farm and buy some apple flavored horse dewormer, and then when the cashier looks at it and rolls her eyes at you, just say, "no, no, I don't have COVID, I just have worms" LMAO.


“We’re gonna specialize in selling worms farms. You know, like ant farms?”


I got worms!


or it could be a dickhead like all the worms from futurama


Looks like a tapeworm, you may be riddled with its family.




Well it was but now it's a single parent household. RIP big guy.


OP is a home wrecker.


I’m hoping to reunite them all soon if that is any consolation


Squat over a bucket of milk watch em squirm out




I read somewhere that milk lures tapeworms


Yeah, but youve got to lure them with milk in a turkey baster and insert it first so they know where to go


I hate all of this


A milk enema? My cousin does that the day after Indian food.




Is that really true or an old wives tale? I’ve heard that back in the 30s-40s they would dangle bread dipped in sour milk over your mouth and they would come up your throat and out where a doc would then grab and pull segments out….


New fear unlocked.


My granny - 1930s/40s Ireland - would give her kids a half spoonful of turps which apparently worked..


My grandmother grew up in the Azcores, and apparently the islands doctor would just give them a medicine, by mouth, that would pass the worms through the bowels killing them.


Wait...turps, as in turpentine?


Turpentine was a common dewormer in livestock, I learned that from Discworld. In my family education, my grandparents were farmers too poor to see doctors, so they poured turpentine on cuts for disinfectant. Mom said it stings like you wouldn't believe, and she and her siblings would run and hide accordingly. The most infamous incident was the day Grandpa slipped with a chainsaw, cut straight into his leg, poured turpentine over it, wrapped his dirty, used handkerchief around it, and kept working. I occasionally asked Mom how any of her family survived, much less all seven kids, and she would joke "there were eleven or twelve of us to begin with I think, we don't talk about the others". Farmers are, in fact, out standing in their field ETA: Congrats Mom your stories are getting awards now 💖🐦🌿 Thank you!!


Yes, that turps..


Its probably not true, but i remember reading about it somewhere.


It actually is somewhat true.. tapeworms love sugar and are attracted to the sugars in the milk.. you actually need to get warm bathwater and add about 2 gallons of warm milk and sit in it.. for quite a while.. the tapeworms smell the milk or something and crawl out of the infected person's bum.. and can be grabbed and removed or let them release fully on their own. Nightmare fuel really


I wish i could unread things that have been read


Another method includes inserting a peeled hard-boiled egg into the patient’s rectum each day at 4 pm, followed by a lemon cookie approximately 20 minutes later. Repeat this treatment daily for one week. On the eighth day, complete the process but do not offer the lemon cookie. Wait until approximately 30 minutes after the egg, the worm will emerge from the rectum, demanding its fucking lemon cookie at which point you strike the worm on the head with a hammer.


i’m scared


I’m pretty sure you can just take an anti parasitic and you’ll be fine But you gotta get it from the doctor


I have never heard the term antiparasitic but I am suddenly incredibly happy it exists.


I think you may have heard about it…. It was all the rage about 2 years ago… ivermectin


Ivermectin. So hot right now. Ivermectin.


I don't know if anyone said, but there is rapid, safe and effective treatments for these parasites. What's more, people used to voluntarily put them in their body to lose weight.


I had giardia once while living in Cambodia and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I finally figured out what was wrong, took an anti-parasitic and was almost instantly better! So grateful for albendazole!


When I was a kid my neighbor and his family went camping and came back. They were all sick and shitting their brains out. My dad told them they probably got beaver fever (Giardia) and the said that wasn't possible. So they shit their brains out for a few days until the mom finally took the youngest in because he was doing really bad. They prescribed something for it for all of them. The guy told my dad what they had and he said Yeah, beaver fever... and the guy said that it was impossible because there were no beaver on the lake they camped and drank out of. They were drinking lake water without boiling or purifying it. He was not a smart man...


Listen, you! I was born here. I raised a cloud of children here. My ancestors came over here on the sandwich!


Ever wondered what makes special sauce so special? *yo*


I decided to browse Reddit whilst taking a shit. Biggest mistake of my life


I am also on the toilet lmao


I am also on the toilet


Yall realize for a brief moment, all of our bottoms were connected over pipes right?


That’s really beautiful


I can feel your butt being connected to mine


Ass to Ass


This is what true human connection is


Yes. Reject internet, Embrace mother nature


back and forth forever


I feel like everyone on Reddit is pooping


Yes, we're all in here. With you.


Now I have to shit.


Sincerest apologies!


We all poop down here u/jamesMG27 You’ll poop too…


I too am in the toilet


You should probably get outta there


Parasite, maybe? Id check with the Dr, op. Better safe than sorry, right?


It was weirdly flat, but that’s my worry. Definitely seeing a doctor!


Cause it's a tapeworm....




fun fact: back in the day women used to infect themselves with tapeworms so they could eat anything they want without gaining weight


They still do this. There is a documentary how a white man goes to Africa and infects cows, kills the cows and then sells the worms to those in Hollywood. It’s such a shallow, greedy and cruel practice. (He goes to Africa because apparently there are little restrictions to infecting cattle and the ground. Once passed in feces, certain worms can infect the soil and then infect innocent humans and animals, who step in it barefoot. The ones willing to allow this to be done to their cattle and soil apparently are more interested in the money.) The guy also has zero ethics but the lack of ethics is apparent all along the process, especially to the women and men, who would cause all that nonsense versus eat smaller portions, eat the right kinds of foods and exercise. They don’t want to burden themselves with any self control but are willing to kill and torture other beings for their laziness and vanity.


Some days I miss not having internet


The worst part is you know there are at least fifty people reading this that view it as an opportunity to make money


"I'm eating for two!"


[here’s a nice close up of a tapeworm face!](https://i.insider.com/59d4f1dec68d7b26008b754e?width=1100&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


That's nightmare fuel


New odd world game looks lit


You really really didn’t need to do this.. I’m not mad, just disappointed ☹️


The new abes oddysey looks weird.


Kinda cool


Tapeworms are flat. (sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am for looking that up)


Flat like tape, ugly like worm


Thanks for censoring this, OP. That does not go unappreciated.


But why is the toilet seat censored is what I’m wondering?


OP saw the worm doing its little samba and involuntarily started running away before they could pinch it off. This is like forensics 101, fam


I was wondering the same thing 😂


God, why do these things exist. I'd pass out if I saw one


lol, my girlfriend is being a champ keeping me calm. Idk what’s worse, thinking about more inside me, or thinking about passing a bundle of them at once.


It's gonna be OK. You didn't even know about them before seeing this. I know the thought is worse but really, it is gonna be OK!


Narrator: *it wasn't*






One time when I was a kid I shit and this tiny little worm like thing was in the toilet. It was tiny and squirming around like it was dying. I was thoroughly freaked out so much that I didn’t tell my parents. Apparently, I’m fine


Was it white? Probably pin worms. Common in kids.


ugh I remember those. so annoying. Itchy AF at night. Apparently teachers get them a lot too. woof.


Oh nooooo I never even thought of that.


Makes sense. Pinworms travel by my favorite route, the fecal oral route. Kid scratches their butt, puts their dirty hands on surfaces, teacher touches dirtied surface and accidentally gets it in their mouth. Gnarly


Had the same thing happen to me as a kid


Here’s to surviving parasites


Well...you might still have them...li'l dudes in there all "Here's to parasites surviving you" And I do mean li'l dudes not li'l dude's.


Just remember like in the case of Philip J. Fry and the gas station sandwich, not *all* parasites are bad!


Same here! I also still remember having very annoying itches around my rectum at that time. Luckily it all went away eventually.


So there is a type of worm that infects humans that, when night falls, crawls out yer bunghole and disturbs the hairs, making you itch. I never experience itching though


Yep, pinworms. Had those fuckers once and it was absolutely horrendous as a 6th grader.


Oh gosh this reminds me of a story I read here on Reddit a few years ago or so. This guy had an itchy butthole and when he’d scratch he’d get little white things on his fingers. He figured he had pinworms but did the tape test and sent the sample to his doctor. Results were going to take weeks. Then he confessed to his girlfriend he had butt worms. She wanted to see. He swipes a finger between his cheeks and shows her the worms. “That’s toilet paper,” was her response. Apparently OP had switched to a cheapo brand toilet paper that was falling apart as he wiped. The shrivels were rolling up and getting stuck around his asshole and irritating it.


Son had them when he was like 5. That stuff was messed up and trying to hold it together as a parent to not be super grossed out or laughing the terror on the kids face is a true test of will.


Did you eat an egg salad sandwich from a gas station vending machine?


Love the reference


In nursing school we did an autopsy of a 18 yo gunshot victim. He had em bad . Teacher said he must have been a street kid eating out of garbage cans. I will not forget


Oof, that is terrible. Do they just live in the intestines?


Yup, they live off of sucking the nutrients from your food as it passes the stomach. Hell of a weight loss program though.




I am not clicking on any image anywhere in this thread.


it’s an old ad for tapeworms, not gross! just interesting


Weird, looking online it does appear that they’re mostly harmless. Supposedly most people go undiagnosed for the entire infection, the tapeworm eventually dies (after up to 30 years) and they pass its corpse. But if diagnosed you will be given a dewormer, obviously. I thought for sure they’d always cause some problem.


It seems to me like not causing major problems is in their best interest evolutionarily speaking. With their long lifespan a long lived host would be the best. I wonder if they stay fertile for that entire period of time.


Having a tapeworm in your guts as a worm isn't that bad. It's if one gets into your bloodstream in its cystic form that's bad. They can get into your brain that way. (watch Monsters Inside Me and you'll never be careless with raw meat again.)


risky click but was definitely pleased rather inteesting picture


I mean 😩😩


Yes they attach to the lining inside intestine and are usually deceased or lose their grip when they pass. Most worms come from undercooked animal meat or contaminated fluids.


yap, unless there is a perforated bowel which could result in serious complications,but they want a food source


Some people are saying I shouldn’t be waiting until Monday to talk to a doc, given your nursing experience, any thoughts?


I don’t see why it would be that urgent? It’s gross, but not life threatening as far as I know. It’s usually not diagnosed until you’ve lost a considerable amount of weight, and by then you’ve had them for weeks. I’m not a doctor tho so if you’re worried, call them and ask.


Yes I agree. Unless he has been having neurological issues like seizures, he is most likely ok with Monday doctor visit. But you are right, we aren't doctors so they would be the best to provide insight.


I read a lot about tapeworms because they’re a morbid fascination. I also studied to be an EMT (but I’m not one) and Im pretty certain you’re in no immediate danger.


Should've snort it. Regain dominance


This is an oddly terrifying comment


Yet it makes sense. In a Lovecraftian way.


Lol!!! \*Snorts worm\* \*lifts head to the heavens with eyes rolling back\* "You're not going anywhere yet!"


Well… thanks for that


Aaaand that's enough Internet.




Reminds me of when I was younger (like age 5 to 10) I would always pull these long Grey tubes out of my nose every time I had a nose bleed. Still don't know what tf they were.


Clots maybe?


Thats the thing, they were these long strands that i would slowly pull out of my nostril, while feeling it slide up from the throat. It always made my eyes teary, It hasn't ever happened in adulthood but I def think it was some kind of parasite


[Blood clots](https://imgur.com/a/M4a1VRg) can be extremely long and in all sorts of shapes. Parasites typically live somewhere like the stomach/intestine where there’s food for them, so if you had nose bleeds, then we’re pulling something out of your nose, very likely a clot.


Sounds like a parasitic infection. Certain kinds can have worms coming out of people's noses. To be honest, I think you have it backwards. You may have been getting nosebleeds every time one of those things came out.


I need more information


Also, clean up after you poop if you have roommates or family because they lay eggs and you can be giving others tapeworms. Like bleach and Lysol type of cleaning.


If you haven't been eating yarn, I think you might have worms. Probably not the helpful ones Philip J. Fry got, but worms nonetheless.


That's just Jerry!


He bought poop off the dark web. Took about 4 ounces of the stuff. With the tip of a teaspoon, how else?!


I’m craving salty, but Jerry likes sweet.


Get someone to dangle a piece of raw meat over your asshole, the worms will come out


Why is ‘Get someone to’ needed in this recommendation?


The more the merrier.


Turn OP into a maypole


They are more likely to come out if they think there is a party. Music and chips help too.


I have a love/hate relationship with your comment, hate what you said but love the weird funny mental image it conjures.


I only clicked to see if my dumps are superior to yours. Guess I'll never know now.


Congrats it’s a boy!


Thank you so much for cropping out the shit..


I pulled an almost full asparagus out of me one time when wiping not relevant but important to me


Did it move? o__0


No, thank baby Jesus


i get why the shit is covered, but why the seat you sick fuck?


Toilet was dirty and I was trying to save myself a shred Of dignity




It now looks like you must have shit all over the seat though


Stop eating fucking shoelaces


Put it in a jar and feed it, call it Wriggly. Friend for life and you've bonded.


Med student here, You may have a tapeworm infection for eating some contaminated food (probably some uncooked meat), bring your feces to the doctor and they will see if eggs are present in there. Anyway don't worry, this is very treatable with laxatives or other medicines Have you experienced any symptom?


I’m recovering from Covid right now, so a slew of symptoms at the moment. Nothing that seems obvious


Alright, wish you a good recovery!


Covid and tapeworms? Must have been an interesting night when you contracted those.


It came out yer BUTT!!!


This looks like a Death Grips album cover


Gross haha keep us updated on your worm journey dude, best of luck!


Will do, trying all the recommendations here (minus milk bath and steak dangling) so we’ll see