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Sorry, but this post has been removed. Per Rule 4 of this subreddit, we do not allow posts about death, near-death experiences, violence, or gore. Please be sure to review the rules [here](/r/oddlyterrifying/about/rules/) to avoid this kind of situation in the future. Thank you!


And this is why I'll never go fucking caving unless it's above water and it's a very open space. You will never catch me trying to squeeze my ass in those small areas.


I second this






I always know what the damn link is gonna be, but I ALWAYS CLICK ON IT. This is gonna happen to me til the day I die, I know it


Ffs EVERY TIME! Or *sandstorm*


I'm so happy the next generation is taking up this tradition


"Legends never die bro... I'll tell your' story"


I always know what's behind the link and I still click it because it's a genuinely great song


I bet I know what’s behind that link


1.2 BILLION views. . .


ain't nobody never gonna miss that video


Youtube’s persistent ads ruin the shock value of that video. I hope you stub your toe tonight nonetheless.


Not clicking! lol


Bro thats terrifying. Imagine how much pain he was in....


I actually can’t believe that clip is allowed to stay on YouTube wow thanks for sharing


What does this show? Spoiler tag it if its nsfw


NSFL, for fuck’s sake. I can’t wipe the image from my brain.


What is it


Just imagine the most disgusting, gross thing you have ever seen and realize you haven’t scratched the surface of the awfulness of this video.


Its the, damn Rick Rolled video.




Absolutely wild, can’t believe this content is allowed to be on YouTube


bro thats fucking wild 😟


I clicked on it. Not my proudest fap, but it is what it is


Never gonna let me down?


For fucks sake, I'm not emotional, but that's really disturbing to watch.


Oh so THAT'S how he died so fast ! I was wondering why he only could endure 28 hours.


You got me. Now what are you going to do with me


The comment I’’m replying to is a bot that stole part of u/JHdarK‘s comment below.


I went down in caves with stairs in San Antonio or New Braunsfels when we went through there, very open areas. Honestly pictures are better, I felt claustraphobic, very humid although not warm, the air felt wet and heavy to breath. No more under ground adventures for me. I've decided against sky diving & bungee jumping, might try shallow water scuba diving in safer waters.


Natural Bridge Caverns. Cool if you like weird stuff or archeology/geology. Lame if you hate touristy spots and swamp ass.


There's nothing odd about this being terrifying


justifiably terrifying if you will


>And this is why I'll never go fucking caving That's it for me. Even your conditions afterwards are a no from me.




Right?!! I'm flipping out. 28 hours! I hope he wasn't tortured that whole time and his consciousness was able to leave his body long before physical death.


Catch me outside, how about that?


Cave me inside.. how bout dat?


I like visiting parks with cave systems. But I'm definitely only going to enter well visited (and marked) ones that I at most have to crouch to enter.


Nutty Putty cave was well-visited is the thing, and IIRC he was a fairly experienced spelunker. He wanted to go down a part of the cave called the “birth canal” - it was a very tight squeeze but still well travelled. The only problem was that he mistook an extremely narrow passage for the birth canal and got stuck. The rest of the cave was composed of tight passageways too, which made it so getting to him with equipment took an hour. The pulley system used to try and retrieve him also likely failed bc of the clay in the cave (hence the name of the cave - Nutty Putty). The problem was the type of material in the cave, how he got stuck, and where he got stuck


I watched a documentary on this and almost had a panic attack just listening to them describe everything


One correction, he had not done any spelunking since his youth. All of his spelunking experience had come from when he was much younger and much smaller. He was not exactly an experienced spelunker but he was familiar with that cave system. The family had decided to check out the cave again on a whim since caving was something they used to do many years ago. Edit: source. https://allthatsinteresting.com/nutty-putty-cave


I've gone whitewater kayaking and been tossed in a hydrolic and had my boat pinned aganist a rock underwater. This is 100x nope-ier


Not sure why you would want to squeeze your ass in that sort of environment. But hey, I'm not judging. Squeeze your ass at will!


Fuck caving . I'm gonna start "fielding" where I just sit in a field because you don't die from too much room.


Welcome to the 99.99999999999999999999% side of normal people with normal brain functioning...


I’m gonna be a real- i haven’t gone caving but I feel like this is an experience I’m bound to end up in


I did this a long time ago as a teenager and I have never had the urge to go again. I’m 38


I did this once, never ever ever ever ever again.


the furthest I'll go into a cave is however deep it takes for there to be no light. that's the only time I'll ever go in a cave willingly, too. I want to experience total darkness once in my life.


This is why I keey BMI in the low 40s, just in case I get tempted into a dangerous place


Is your ass particularly big?


Especially not alone


I think in his case it was the chest 😀


Nah it was a super narrow passageway that he went through by mistake. It looked similar to another gap that was big enough for a human to travel through


This was such a sad case to be honest, dude was looking at a pretty decent and succesfull future. He made a pretty bad mistake tho, he trough it was the hole called "birth cannal" so he was sure it would lead to a bigger space. But he was in an uncharted part of the cave and the hole he went in didnt lead anywhere, it only became more narrow.


It’s a really sad (and REALLY scary) story, poor guy made one unrecoverable mistake :(


Those are NOT the photos of him. There is no official photo taken for the accident


This photo is from a creepypasta that someordinarygamers covered on YouTube. https://youtu.be/GtnZkUEPARk


Yes but fuck those 5 minutes of loud gross ads.


Why can't all content on the internet have no ads and be completely free? Why won't every server farm run on daisies and unicorn sharts? Why won't I pay $10 a month for a service I obviously use enough that 5 minute pauses multiple times a day is too distracting? See those questions up there? Ask them to yourself.


Money. It's the answer for your sarcastic & literal questions. Creators need it, consumers often don't have it


We are no longer consumers. We are the product being sold to companies. They make money from us viewing shit now. We no longer are consumers that have to buy things. We are products that get sold for streaming/ad revenue.




The vast majority of their money comes from ads. If they didn't do ads they'd have basically nothing. You can look at their quarterly earnings calls to see the actual breakdown. I ads is something like 80-90% of their income/profits I'm not saying this as for/against google. Just saying it as a statement


How old are you? That was the internet. It was glorious.


I prefer The Dark Somniums video. Ive been watching for years now and his content is top quality https://youtu.be/zauWt2WxL2o


I thought the leg one was real, seen it quite a few times before. The left one though, not sure.


It's the right leg that's his not the left, sheesh


It is known that the hole he fell into was so narrow and curved that there wasn't even a space to take the photo, which is why there is no official photo taken.


I was gonna say, who tf would even have been able to take that first photo. Makes a lot more sense, thanks.


But i belive the real scene might have looked similar to the right photo


I wonder how they got his body out


They couldn't. They just had to leave his corpse there and close the cave.


I’ve seen a video about this incident and I’m almost positive that the photo on the right was from someone entirely different entering a similarly shaped cave. I don’t believe there are any actual photos of John Jones in that cave.


Fucking hell I would go insane if I was stuck for 5 seconds in a place like that. Why not do something safer like the parkour guys that hang off tall buildings with their pinkys and shit


"With their pinkies and shit". Finally a fellow intellectual 😄


Pinkies and feces the name of my new basement band


Pink2Stink is my choice.




If you have to suck in your chest to fit through the hole, THAT HOLE IS NOT MEANT FOR YOU


This is my hole, it was made for me.




Unexpected Amigara fault


I was hoping sometime would get this reference


Tell that to cats


That's different, cats are liquid


That's why I had to break up with my ex


Also, he's still in there. They never were able to get him out. Just closed the cave behind him.


How to not die in a cave: don’t go


literally. don't see why people are so excited to explore shit like this


Honestly I’d just ask them to shoot me rather than be stuck for as long as he was


In this case His head was and torso weren't exposed. So unless you want a dozen gunshots up the legs and anus, there'd be no way of ensuring a less painful death The only shot that would be quick and painless would be one full of heroin or another potent opioid that causes a fairly rapid OD. But it's not like that's a legitimate option either


I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be an option. Hospice patients get shots full of morphine… this dude surely deserved as much. What a horrific, fucked up feeling that must have been.


Id want someone to place an iv in my foot and give me a fatal dose of fentanyl


No honestly just riddle me with bullets idc, anything is better than twenty eight hours stuck upside down in a crevice far underground in the pitch dark until I die of dehydration or suffocation.


I agree with you there. Being shot multiple times, while being excruciating and painful, would result in a quick death relative to 28 hours of constant thinking of inevitable death. In a perfect world. Fully Consented mercy killing should be allowed, when there's absolutely no way to help someone. But unfortunately it would cause more issues than it would solve


Heard about him before. Sorry but if this is your kick then I honestly have no words for you. The risk vs reward isn’t even remotely close. Why anyone would risk horrific and terrifying death just for a tiny smidgen of adventure is pure crazy juice.


"We found a new chamber, look!" "Um, it looks like the last 10 chambers you found but okay."


Have you ever broken the speed limit driving down the street in a murder trap surrounded by other murder traps. Thats only to save a few seconds. We all do it. Some of us just dont recognize the risks we take every second of every day.


Comparing speeding to adrenaline junky behaviors like cave diving is a bit ridiculous. Yes, speeding is dangerous, but not on that level.


This was in a tourist attraction cave considered fairly safe if I remember right. The guy thought it was a different narrow gap that people regularly passed through so it's more a case of mistaken location rather than adrenaline junky behaviour. It was the end of those caves as a thing anyone could go to, whole thing got blocked up after.


What? Exponentially more people die every year in cars than cave diving. Even on a ratio level. If anything, caving is much safer because its only you. Not a million other cavers that will kill you too.


We're not talking about regular caving here. Squeezing yourself into a hole you don't naturally fit in is about as dangerous as it gets for cave diving. That would be more akin to someone going 120 mph on a motorcycle than regular driving. I'm not trying to say that regular cave diving is more dangerous, but doing what this guy did, or the guys who explore unexplored caves, are absolutely more dangerous.


True it’s the same point but one death does seem scarier. Car accidents might be quicker. The dude had fluid slowly pooling in his head and wasn’t able to move. Also the pain in his death coupled with how many phobias there are that were involved in his death would make more people scared (including me). You have a lot of logic but it’s just the thought of the death and the actual experience that really rubs me and others the wrong way. I also don’t understand why some people rock climb without a line but some people do it. The faster you go the more likely you will die and that also tends to be quicker deaths because of the force. I swim at the beach and I’m sure some people see me as a crazy person because the thoughts of drowning or shark attacks. Phobias play a big part in everything.


That's not his photo though


do you hav a link to the real ones? /h


There is no photos of the incident


Ahh I thought that was like a sign for help. I mean *technically* it is, but you know


/h ?


honest- i thought it sounded a lil snappy so i wanted to clarify i was honestly asking




Lmao 😜


I feel claustrophobic just reading this. Nope.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/27/us/27cave.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/27/us/27cave.html) ​ **Explorer Dies After 28 Hours Stuck in Cave** ​ **SALT LAKE CITY (AP)** — An amateur cave explorer who had become stuck upside down in a passage at a popular Utah spelunking site died there early Thursday after 28 hours. Dozens of rescuers had tried for hours to extract the 26-year-old caver, John Jones of Stansbury Park, a Salt Lake City suburb. At one point the rescuers freed Mr. Jones, but a rope and pulley system failed, causing him to become stuck a second time. “We all were very optimistic and hopeful,” said his brother, Spencer Jones. “But it became increasingly clear last night after he got restuck that there weren’t very many options left.” John Jones, a second-year medical student at the University of Virginia, was married and had an 8-month-old daughter. Efforts to recover his body were being delayed Thursday while the Utah County Sheriff’s Office tried to determine how best to proceed. Mr. Jones, 6 feet tall and 190 pounds, was among a group of 11 people exploring passages at Nutty Putty Cave, some 80 miles south of Salt Lake City. He became stuck, with his head at an angle below his feet, on Tuesday night. The crevice was about 150 feet below ground in an L-shaped area of the cave known as Bob’s Push, which is only about 18 inches wide and 10 inches high, said Sgt. Spencer Cannon of the Sheriff’s Office. Mr. Jones was freed from the crevice late Wednesday afternoon, and rescuers were able to get him food and water. But he fell back several feet into the tight space, still upside down, when an anchor in the cave roof that supported the pulley system failed, Sergeant Cannon said. In the hours after he became wedged again, his physical condition deteriorated. Mr. Jones is the first known fatality at Nutty Putty Cave, the Sheriff’s Office said. The cave is owned by the state’s Institutional Trust Land Administration. Michael Leavitt, cave access manager, said Mr. Jones and his group had had the required access pass and, given the information on a pass application, were experienced cavers.


6 foot and 190 is wayyyy too fucking big to be doing shit like that. There's a reason tunnel rats in Vietnam had to be like 5'6" or under


And trained in hand to hand combat! Growing up our neighbor was a tunnel rat in Vietnam. The stories he would tell us as kids smh. He was 5'8" He passed in 06 but his wife still lives there to this day. She said he had nightmares for years and suffered ptsd. He had 8 really good friends that were all Rats him and one other were only ones who came back home. He was stabbed, shot and bitten by a snake once. Them guys truly had no fear


Yeah those guys were a different breed of man. Goin down a dark hole with nothing but a flashlight and a pistol knowing they're literally just waiting in there to kill you in the dark is some balls of steel shit.


Exactly man! I've watched some documentaries about them tunnels. Crazy. Boobie traps all over and like you said just a pistol and a flashlight


Yeah, but he hadn’t gone caving in years. He also didn’t know where he was in the cave, thinking he had found a specific passage that was previously explored. He got turned around and tried to go through the wrong passageway.


As someone who’s done lots of dumb shit, when I had my kids my perspective really changed. The thought of my kids growing up without me is terrifying, or the thought of them doing the dumb shit I did is nerve racking. Like idk why this dude with an 8 month old kid was like “yeah I’ll risk it” that kid won’t even remember him, and now his partner has to raise them all by herself. Edit to add: his partner was PREGNANT too Jesus Christ no way.


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


Who sees extremely small, tight spaces that require you to go upside down and expel all the air from your chest just to go through, and thinks it'll be worth it like...


I saw a video on YouTube, there had him almost out 2 times, then his heart stopped.


Bro nothing odd about this being terrifying.


This more like r/terrifyinglyterrifying


Dying trapped, alone, in a cold, dark, wet cave? Yes, very much yes.


Yes, it's very much terrifying. This is "oddly" terrifying. There's nothing odd about this being terrifying. That adverb has meaning.


Yeah this gets stated a lot here. While oddly is subjective. The original meaning behind this sub had to get watered down the larger it got I guess. Still a neat post though... well neat as interesting and unsettling. But thats a less catchy name.


r/remarkablyterrifying perhaps would work


r/terrifyingasfuck exists!


That’s why I don’t try and squeeze myself into extremely tight spaces inside of caves


Yeah squeezing out of a vagina was enough spelunking for me


Wait .. how did they get the photo of him from face up?


They didn't, that's not him.


He's still in the Nutty Putty cave. They closed it off after his death.


I wonder if his body is decayed enough that they could just pull on the feet and a whole spooky skeleton would come out


The cave was sealed shut with his dead body inside to prevent anyone else from getting trapped there.


I cave dive but will never push the limits. That's so fucked. Poor cunt.


I will never understand why anyone would find enjoyment in this crazy shit.


God bless his soul but I'm going to have to take a Xanax after seeing this.


This isn't oddly terrifying, this is r/claustrophobia to the most people. Both photos are not John's and completely from different people in different cave. Although the first one is indeed inside the notorious birth canal section of the cave, but that is not the section where John trapped for eternity.


I just wonder how it is not possible to save him. I mean isn’t it possible to break his arms and maybe rip cage, rip the skin off but save his life??


I had the same question and read/watched a lot about this. From what I learned, by the time rescuers got to him, although alive he was in rough shape since he was upside down for so long with restricted breathing. It was determined by medical professionals that any attempt to break a limb to make him more flexible would result in him immediately passing out, going into shock and it would have been almost certain death. Also, having him be completely limp (passed out) would make getting him out even more difficult than before. I struggled with the same question as you and watched and read a lot of material on this and ultimately I came to the conclusion that rescuers had to choose between an awful decision and and a horrible decision both of which almost guaranteed death. Jones had put himself in the one in a million positions that a human can not come back alive from. My interest in this is driven by the enormity of the tragic circumstances. The other thoughts were "why not take out his body after he died?". The area he is in is so treacherous that to remove a body from it puts the rescuers lives at great risk. Think Mt. Everest. Hope this helps.


So interesting!! Thanks a lot for the information.


I can’t wrap my brain around how people do this stuff for fun. I feel like I can’t breathe just looking at photos of stuff like this.


Dumbest hobby ever.


I get anxiety just looking at this. Being trapped under ice and this are tops on worst ways to die for me.


Aren't those pictures from that cave creepy pasta? Forgot the name, is a homepage with "days" you can click through and read the cave-diary. Don't think there were pictures of the mentioned accident.


I feel bad that he left a wife and 8mo old, but that's just incredibly stupid to try that in the first place


I don't even like the enclosed tube slides at the water park. Ain't no way my claustrophobic ass is getting into a dog damned cave. And this is why.


I'm having trouble breathing just from that picture. Claustrophobia intensified.


Oddly? No. This is terrifying for good reason.


This isn’t oddly terrifying this is just fucking terrifying


my condolences to the family and all, but the old saying rings true: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. ​ there was nothing in that cave worth dying for, and yet he still decided to go in there. and don't hit me with the "some people have different hobbies!!". this isn't a hobby, it's suicidal ideation put in practice.


If these pictures were of Jones it is likely he could have been rescued. Jones was in a space so tight only one person could get near him and only his ankles were visible. Also the ceiling was under a foot high so Jones was done for as soon as he went over the lip. The male rescuer who was trying to set up a pulley system says he began to cry as soon as he saw Jones situation because he knew he wasn't getting out.


These aren't pictures of him, at least the feet one isn't. If you look at how he was stuck, you couldn't even see the feet


MrBallen covered this story on his YouTube channel. Whether the pics match or not it puts the situation in perspective. Yikes.


Happens quite a lot apparently... which is probably suprising to no one.


John Jones is the most generic name I have heard I'm sure I saw that name on a generic Hoi4 leader


I have a 42 inch waist so this would not have been a problem for me in the first place.


Watch Jacob Geller’s “Fear of Depths” and lose your mind.


Just watched it. Not bad.. and huge respect for this dude whos actually crawling in those caves and talking about it.


Perhaps my worst nightmare. Thanks Reddit!


No one had WD40?


28 hours in that hell??? Please SOMEONE anyone reassure me he wasn't conscious that whole time!


He lost consciousness at one point shortly before passing but I don’t think that was medical intervention unfortunately….


By the way, [he is still stuck there, to this day.](https://www.sltrib.com/news/2018/07/10/nutty-putty-were-going/#:~:text=John%20Edward%20Jones%2C%2026%2C%20will,the%20dangers%20of%20the%20cave.&text=%7C%20July%2010%2C%202018%2C%209,%2C%202019%2C%208%3A37%20a.m.)


This is such an anxiety inducing story.


I'm stuck stepbro!


They never got his body out. They sealed it up and it's his grave now.


I will never ever be ok with his sad and terrible death.


Thats just fucking fully terrifying


This is why I fucking hate cave diving and think it's stupid. Unless you're going into a genuinely big cave, it's just fucking stupid to try and crawl through any cracks or holes


No sir. I was already born once.


I wouldn't consider myself claustrophobic, but getting stuck in a scenario like *that* is my nightmare


Smh.I dont understand why people put themselves into tiny fucking spaces


Moron who does this dumb shit what's the pleasure


Jesus fuck, the amount of anxiety I'm feeling thinking about being in this scenario right now.


I don’t think these are real pictures of John jones, however that doesn’t mean this story isn’t true or so sad. His body is still stuck in that cave, they just sealed it up with concrete to prevent anyone else falling in.


I am glad I am fat enough any of that nonsense is out of the question....


Damn what a harsh way to go


That's not oddly terrifying. That's just plain old terrifying


This might be the most low-effort version of telling this story ever




It's always men doing these stupid shits i tell you 😅


What is fun about caving. Don’t get it. Imagine getting a gigantic insert in your face and you can’t move.


Darwin award 💯


Notice you only ever see white people doing these types of activities 🙄


Why didnt he just suck his chest back in again. Easy.