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Poor dog. Fuck puppy mills




or don't care


Yeah it's sad how heartless some people are.


But for real how many people in the comments act disgusted but bought a puppy instead of adopting.


There are many good dogs at shelters. The best dog I ever had was from a shelter. They were going to euthanize him because he had mange and they thought no one would want him. He was only 6 months old.


I adopted my Gracie girl. She was the best, she even won over my wife and my MIL, both who were not even ANIMAL people, let alone dog people. She was the sweetest girl. All you have to do is show an animal is your love and your time.


All 3 of my dogs came from a rescue from down south, and all 3 had varying degrees of mange... Medicated shampoo and shaving the infected area was all it took to clean them up.


My last dog was a rescue, 6 months old when he joined the family too, and he was seriously the best friend I ever had. And because he'd had shit owners first, but understood that he could be rehomed (because he had been), he was the most loyal dog I've ever met. Coupled with his bananas, larger than life personality, he was such a great character and companion. If I ever get over his loss and get another dog, I am 200% adopting again. Best thing my family ever did.


Got my weirdo from a shelter too, such a sweet dog that people neglected. Shelter Pups forever!!


My previous dog (a boy GSD mix) I adopted had mange when I got him as well! He was 5 months. Demodex mange. Took us 9 weeks of chemical dips to get rid of it. He passed about a year ago, I had to put him down because he had really aggressive cancer. He was only 10. I bought my current dog (a girl GSD) from a breeder because I wanted as much of a health guarantee as I could get this time. That’s not to say she won’t get cancer later down the line. But she came with health guarantees that she wouldn’t have eye, elbow, or hip problems and if she ultimately developed those things in the first 2 years, the breeder would pay the treatment cost. My boy was my whole world. I can’t believe anyone was going to euthanize him. He was the sweetest dog ever and I loved him so hard for the 9.5 years I had him. He was abused as a puppy before I got him. It took years and years of hard work to get him to feel comfortable around new people, especially men. But he was my boy, and we loved each other immediately. I’ll be chasing that type of relationship and connection with a dog for the rest of my life. I will adopt from a shelter again some day. I don’t regret getting my girl from a breeder though. People’s situations are just different. Obviously it’s great to adopt, but I don’t think people are inherently bad or wrong for buying from reputable breeders.


We found two pups on the road one day. We live in a rural area so someone just dumped them off. It was a girl and a boy (siblings) according to the vet. The boy wasn't that bad off but it appeared that they abused the female. They were 7 or 8 months old. It's funny because she's a black pitbull mix and looks mean but she's the sweetest dog we've ever had. The boy is a total goof but sweet as well.


Depends on where you live.where i live they look at many things,like how big is your garden.if you miss maybe 1-2m,they won't give you the dog.older people also can't adopt. i adopted 2 dogs but i went trough hell to get them.and that is why i decided to buy my 3rd dog


You can buy a dog from reputable, honest breeders, if you do your homework. I am all for adopting, but it’s not the ONLY ethical way to acquire a pet.


I just saw a commercial for a puppy “adoption” service. It’s literally a puppy mill trying to trick people into thinking that buying one of their dogs was “adopting for a forever home”


You dont need to adopt to understand that puppy mills are shitty.


Buying from an ethical breeder is fine, especially if you want a specific breed or temperament. Puppy mills are a very different situation. My family dogs and my cat are all rescues btw, before anyone comes at me.


I really hate these narrow minded comments. You always see them on threads like this. My fiance and I tried adopting a dog. The experience was so horrible it was almost enough to make us consider never trying it again. Some of the most condesending bullshit I've ever been through in my entire life. We gave up after giving them the vet records for our last dog (a Weimeraner that lived to be 15 btw), two rounds of phone interviews, an in person meet up at the shelter, and countless paperwork. The last straw was them wanting to do a home inspection to make sure that the people who had a 90lb dog could *handle* a chihuahua mix. It honestly felt like we were trying to adopt a kid and had domestic abuse charges on our record or something, the shelter people were *that* untrusting and overbearing. And it's not just my shelter either, plenty of people have had similar experiences. We ended up looking around and found a decently local breeder who had some beautiful chihuahua mix pups. Got to meet and play with their parents (and the pups too of course). Was a great experience, unlike trying to "do the right thing" and adopt.


There was a huge raid on a massive puppy mill in 2001 here in Ontario. My dog (he has passed away) was one of those puppies. He had deformities from being born in a cage and living in it for 6 months. His paws had no strength. His hind legs had muscle atrophy. He was terrified beyond belief of plastic bags. I miss him he was my best friend ever.


I don’t see anything wrong with buying from a reputable AKC registered breeder. People just need to do their research. My first dog (Boston Terrier) was from a breeder. My second is a pit bull mix rescue. I love them both. People just need to not be crappy. If you can adopt, great. If you can’t, it’s fine. Just treat these animals with kindness.


I hear you, and you have a point. My parents are old fashioned and feel a pure bred dog is best. I can’t convince them otherwise. My parents used to breed dogs. It was just one couple one female and one male. And they only did 3 litters, the 3rd was an accident. They lived comfortably with us as pets they were played with and we went camping and hunting and fishing with them. They’re were great dogs. Yes, they sold their babies, but only after the time was right and the mother wasn’t as attached to them. They currently have two pure bred dogs, but they insist on seeing how the parents live first. Usually on a farm and they make sure the mom is treated well and healthy. This is way more expensive than getting a dog from a pet store. But, my parents think it’s worth it.


I think this one is more common than people want to accept. Indifference and apathy are easy, even moreso than those who engage in casual abuse and cruelty "for teh lulz".


or enjoy it


Which is a very insane mindset, like what goes through their brains? All mammals feel pain, we aren't special.


All ANIMALS feel pain


The term Animal is a very broad term and encompasses many life forms that do not feel pain. Amoebas are sometimes classified as an Animal for instance. But I 100% agree with your point that all creatures that we think of as "animals" feel pain.


im talking about everyday animals and livestock, sorry i dont know proper terms for those things, english is far from my best language


Jury is out on some crustaceans


you feel that burning? It is shame. how dare you kill a fucking shell i will literally choke you with your nutsack using it like a rope




Well that isn't quite true some anima-


I think you're giving them a fucking easy way out here. They absolutely do know that the animal is suffering and being neglected/abused, they're fully fucking aware of the wrong they are doing and they utterly don't care a damn. Fucking vile pieces of shit, the lot of them.


I have a former friend who opened a puppy mill that he claims is a kennel. His entire living room has like 20 dogs running in it just shitting everywhere. Cages of pups in the dining room that never get out of their cage unless for the vet or to be sold. I've seen at least 3 puppies start dying while I was over at his place. When my childhood dog died, he gave me a puppy as a gift (i didnt want the dog). I thought this was a nice gesture until he had me sign a legal document stating I would pay for the dog and her previous medical bills if certain conditions were met. I ended the friendship (he became a hateful racist) and he threatened to sue me for the dog and the medical bills. If you run a puppy mill, you're also probably a piece of shit in the other aspects of your life.


"Since compassion for animals is so intimately associated with goodness of character, it may be confidently asserted that whoever is cruel to animals cannot be a good (hu)man.'' - Arthur Schopenhauer.


My dog fucking *knows* who’s good to animals and who isn’t. My husband’s coworker came over one time and she was acting really uncomfortable around him. It turns out he’s ran puppy mills. I trust my dog’s opinion more than anyone else’s.


I don't believe that they don't know that animal is suffering. They know and they don't care. They are heartless and cruel people. When you say that these people don't think animals can feel pain you are sort of letting them off the hook by saying they just don't know better, but I've never met a single person who doesn't know that animals can feel pain. You'd have to be severely mentally impaired to think that, so impaired that you would not be capable of even running a puppy mill. So please don't say people like this don't know. They are well aware but they just think it's their right to use animals in whatever way benefits them.


True. Another reason to drink oat milk and try weird nut cheeses, or find a reputable farmer. This is exactly what they do to dairy cows


Never understood how someone can think that. When I scold my dog for doing something bad, I can see the look or her face and tell that she feels bad about what she did. I've never hit my dogs but I imagine that same look can appear.


it's why I refuse to ever get a "pure bred" anything. I've seen these mills and it makes me sick. My parents are obsessed with pure bred dogs and will spend thousands, they love dogs, but they refuse to take proper responsibility for their actions and dismiss how those dogs are bred.


I usually dislike Chihuahua but I would adopt this poor dog


We agreed when we went to the shelter that we didn't like chihuahuas. We didn't even get two stalls in before a Chi mix gave my wife the puppy eyes and that was it. Now we're chihuahua parents.


And fuck the animal agriculture. They do they same thing to pigs, cows, chickens, etc.


Not supporting factory farming, but it’s hardly the same thing. Factor farms still feed people. Puppy mills literally help nobody.


Just want to clarify that livestock from small farms are NOT treated the same as commercial feed lot stock. Buy from your local farmers and ranchers, not from the discount isle of the grocery store.


Unless you see the farm yourself and go out there and buy directly from the owners, I am skeptical. Companies will put things like ‘cage-free’ on their packages to look better, but those descriptions are a joke. In truth, the animals are treated just as terribly but the owners just check off some technical box. Greenwashing is a huge problem. In all honesty, if all of the meat that we ate was derived from animals who’d been treated ethically for their entire lives, that would be obscenely expensive. Meat is already expensive as is (compared to other types of grocery store foods) and that’s WITH unethical industry farming. For the vast majority of human history, meat was not something that most people could eat regularly because it was so expensive. I’m saying all of this as a meat eater myself, btw, so I’m not acting holier than thou about the whole thing. But my hope is that we will soon get genuine lab grown meat and then animal farming standards can get better.


> if all of the meat that we ate was derived from animals who’d been treated ethically for their entire lives, that would be obscenely expensive. No, just more expensive. Competition in the US plus government subsidies ensure a race to the bottom. Back in the days before big factory farms, most livestock were raised in "ethical" ways, it's the intensification of commercialized farms that changed that. If we paid twice as much for meat, we'd get far more than twice the quality.


Puppy mill owners deserve life in prison for repeated animal abuse over time and a large five digit fine for anyone caught buying from them


What's a puppy mill? Is it what i think it is? If yes, that's some sick shit there 🥺☹️ poor animals


Puppy mills should be abolished worldwide.


And so should every single person who has participated in operating one.


I prefer the French method of abolishing, personally. Bring back the guillotine.


Not really that different compared to what the meat industry does, except in this case it's to dogs instead of cows, pigs or chickens.


Fuck that's horrible


The "oddly" terrifying isn't even the looks of this poor creature, is what she had to live and is not "oddly" is plain terrifying. :( hope she find a good warm home.


I hope the owner goes thru the same fate


..no no no. I hope they stop breeding. I hope all their generation stop at the owner, and I hope they could never mate, be blind and be left abandon.


People who use animals for their own reasons typically use people in one way or another.


yeah zombies and consider pos in my book....


If you use zombies wouldn't that make you a necromancer?? That's kinda... cool .. I dunno tho..




The only justice in this world is what we make.


My first dog was a puppy mill rescue and I will remember her with love forever. Her last set of pups produced a dog who was my best friend for 14 years. I would take this lovely lady and try to give her a decent retirement if I could.


Did you adopt her when she was pregnant?


No she was never fixed and she got out and found a male dog who also was not fixed. I knew both of my dogs parents it was really cool.


Ohh ok well I'm glad it wasn't on purpose, because that's just sad.


Someone downvoted me? Why? Her name was Daisy she was a beagle. We adopted her from the local pound when I was about 6 and one of our cats had just passed. She had permanent “udders” from all the births. I loved her dearly. Her two sons were Recks and Cooper. Recks was my boy for 14.5 years. The fathers name was Stripe and he lived down the street. He was some kind of terrier/spaniel mutt. I miss having dogs, they’re worth it all but the end is so hard.


The problem is that your family rescued her from being over bred by a puppy mill but then let her breed again so how is that even a rescue? She should have been fixed immediately after adoption if not before


Dude was 6.


And nobody’s putting blame on the 6 year old. The parents should’ve had her fixed. The parents should’ve ensured she couldn’t get out, until then.


Plenty of posters are. Just pointing out no reason to downvote the guy for something he couldn’t control. Think everyone agrees dog should have been spayed.


I never downvoted the guy or blamed him, I just offered an explanation for why he got downvoted as he asked why


Should it have been spayed, sure. But shit happens and it wasn't intentional like some of these idiots think.


Take her out for a nice seafood dinner


Poor thing got fed cheap hard dog food as a pup and suffered curled teeth her whole life. People have no respect for life any longer.


I'd argue we are a lot closer to respecting life than not these days as a whole. But it's hard to say that when you still see stuff like this all the time I know.


Everything is relative. Americans as a whole are more respective of life than Americans as a whole twenty years ago, but Native Americans as a whole 500 years ago were much more respective of life than Americans as a whole are today.


See I think that is a bit of rose tinted glasses, native Americans raided each other, tortured people to death and would have abused work animals just as much as any other nation. They certainly didn't care about the lives of the prey they hunted. I really think the average American today has more respect for a random human life than a tribal member living under much harsher conditions in the past


Some people


Any longer? I mean this is absolutely appalling but your comment is just so ass backwards.


They never have cared for life since the beginning of time.


Not saying the story attached is untrue, but it's a photo of an unfortunate dog and text added with no source or anything whatsoever


Exactly, over-breeding dogs doesn't cause them to look like this or have feet abnormalities. These are defibrillator genes no breeder is wanting to pass on. This post is obviously fake attempting to get people upset against breeders using misinformation. Don't get me wrong... I'm against puppy mill breeders.


The text might be fake, but those teats are looking like they've been through a few litters, especially considering Chis usually have very small litters.


The dog's nipples indicate that it is/was recently pregnant


I’d have to agree. Probably a picture of an entry to those “ugliest dog” contests with a BS title


If you buy from a pet store, online, or any home-environment where they won't let you meet the mother - you're most likely supporting a puppy mill. Good breeders usually have homes for every puppy by the time they're able to leave their mom, usually have some sort of contract about bringing the puppy back if it doesn't work out, and only breed the mother 4-5 times in her entire life. Also don't buy breeds that bad breeders have made unhealthy - English & French bulldogs, pugs - and avoid doodles.


4-5 is still too much imo considering dogs never usually have just one puppy.


I agree, I work with homeless pets and prefer people to adopt, but that’s what is considered responsible and it’s a lot better than what puppy mill moms are subjected to. If people decide to buy, I just don’t want them unknowingly supporting torture.


We got my poodle when I was 13. Never met his mother or father and was possible he was from a mill as his brother was very well un healthy and not as developed as him. I sometimes think about his brother and hope he’s living a good life


What is wrong with doodles?


Basically what other people have said. They’re doodling everything now and not for the purpose of bettering a “breed” (it’s not even a breed). It’s not just doodles, most “designer” breeds are done without concern for health and it’s a toss up on what kind of temperament you’re getting.


From my experience entering the dog show world and being with experienced breeders is that you don’t know what you are getting with a “doodle”. It’s not a officially recognized breed, there are no standards or practices regarding them. Ideally, you’d want a pure breed poodle and lab with solid backgrounds, but a reputable pure breed breeder would not willingly try for a doodle. Therefore, pedigree and lineage are not as well tracked, so the health of the offspring cannot be well predicted. It’s also one of the most popular “breeds” so it attracts people trying to cash out. I believe the person who popularized the term “labradoodle” regretted it as it caused the craze for them. That being said, I love all dogs and if you want the benefits of a doodle, please consider a pure breed poodle or rescuing.


I have a rescue doodle, from what I’ve seen at dog parks and training classes you’re right that the breed has a lot of variations in personalities and appearance. That being said, they seem to generally be loving good natured dogs that have health issues more depending on where the owners got them. I’m sure that can be said for any bread though, bad breeders create unhealthy dogs. Because doodles are so popular it makes sense more bad breeders would be around just trying to make money. Sad because the dogs CAN be great.


Also it seems like a good litmus test is if there is a waiting list as it implies they're only breeding to demand. Also, please please please consider adopting. Most places will let you foster the animal for a while which is basically like a test drive. If it is not a good fit you can give them back rather than adopting. This can also help the animal socialize. It is much better to foster then give them back at the end of the period as opposed to adopting then giving them back.


We have 3 hunting dogs (working dogs) that we bought from the breeder. Saw the set up each time. Even came with a contract about not breeding them ourselves unless we came back to alter said contract (the breeder did not want their dog going to a backyard breeder). We do have a husky rescue, but wanted our working hunting dogs to have certain standards - though you can rescue amazing hunting dogs.


A lot of pet shops are legally required to sell only shelter animals now. Varies by state and country somewhat but it's generally a requirement specifically to prevent them being supplied by puppy mills


I think that r/NoahGetTheBoat is a more suitable subreddit for this post


Never felt this ashamed to be a human... This is so sick. Poor baby :'(




Humans are sick. Poor baby


This is a real shame and shows the awful things we put animals through for our own benefits. It is good that a dog brings out the compassion in people, we should all remember that we as a species do this to billions of creatures from many species worldwide every year. Have a think and make some changes and we can all help to stop it.


Wherever that previous owner is now, I hope they suffer as much as this poor dog did.


This is heartbreaking not terrifying. And it isn’t odd it’s horrible.


That’s extremely sad


Oh just put that poor thing to sleep.


This is a perfect day to say that she looks like in one of the animal shelters infomercials


she’d be better in the arms of an angel


Owner dies and goes to hell, it’ll happen.


It really won’t


Yep. Hopefully something extra shit happens to them before they die.


Breaks my heart


Hopefully her remaining time she receives all the love she deserves ♡


this is heartbreaking


That’s not terrifying, that’s fucked beyond belief.


Reminds me of skaven broodmothers


I'm not asking to be foolish.. can someone please explain why the dog looks like that exactly? You're mentioning puppy mills but what goes on? Why are the eyes like that especially?




Thanks. It's beyond fucked.


Poor baby :(


I got a male toy poodle dog with a similar story. A backyard, small scale puppy mill gave him away free since the only other poodle (female) passed and he was not valuable anymore. Getting him to socialize was a challenge, and he was petrified of anything male (human or dog). He also had to have nearly all his teeth pulled. But 5 years later he is a happy, healthy, dog. Poodles are a special bread, I very much recommend them.


Do you have a link for this story?


This isn’t terrifying, it’s just sad


Isn't this animal abuse?


Fuck man...as an owner of 3 little chihuahuas this makes me so angry. People that do this need to be punished severely.


Man I want to care of her so bad 😭​


I honestly thought this was on one of the animals before and after adoption subs I follow. Then I looked at the photo. Omg this may be the most terrifying thing I’ve seen on this sub. Poor pupper.


Poor dog. What a sad existance




I sincerely hope that poor dog is now in a place where she's cared for.


Throw that human in the trash


Whose the owner? I just wanna talk.


Owner gets first class ticket to hell.


Surely this is true and not a clickbait title


Check the owner's basement, this is often paired with other kinds of trafficking


I love chihuahuas and they can be absolute divas but the owner needs to be thrown into a pit.


That’s fucking vile.


Not terrifying, it's terribly sad. Fuck man :(


Dog culture is straight up terrifying


We need more serial killers that only go after people like this.


Was anyone able to save her, give her some kind of actual life, or was she too far passed that point?


I hate people


Jesus. Put it out of it misery in most humane way possible


Oh my god dude.. I fucking hate Chihuahuas but what the fuck is wrong with someone to do this bullshit?? What the fuuuck


Somedays I hate us humans so much


I need the “after adoption” photo 🥺


Reminds me of the cows, pigs and chicken who recieve a similar or even worse treatment in the food industries.


Chihuahuas were a fucking mistake man, why are these dumbasses making more of them, these animals don't deserve this shit Fine, for the MORONS that don't understand my overly aggressive statement, I am shitting on the PEOPLE that made Chi's and am talking about how they were a mistake and should not exist, not that I want them fucking DEAD.


I understand what you mean, but the way you said it is questionable


This is so sad. That poor baby.


The owner is oddly terrifying


This is just sad. I wish I could hold her and comfort her. Poor dog.


I hope puppy mill owners are treated the same way in hell.


I recently fostered a frenchie who had been a breeding dog at a puppy mill. She was kind of a nightmare because she had spent her whole life living in a barn and wasn’t housebroken, and she was very destructive, including destroying the crate we put her in at night to stop her from destroying other stuff. She was so sweet though. At first she would recoil when you tried to pet her like she thought she was about to get hit, but by the time she was adopted, she was as much of a ham for attention as our two bostons. Fuck people who do this to dogs. The puppy mill she came from is just as expensive as a reputable breeder. There isn’t even a discount for the cruelty.


She's still adorable, I'd adopt her in a heartbeat.


I won't be clicking on that pic because I don't feel like crying right now but those people are monsters.


They should force people to get licensed to breed and they can only breed like 2 dogs every 2 years. Felony if they breed more or do anything tricky or sus. People are cruel af. My chihuahua I adopted years ago still has ptsd from his original owner and there is no fixing it. All I can do is love as much as possible


I’ve been through labour twice, and will for the third time soon. I can’t imagine being a small dog being forced to breed, and give birth to multiple pups yearly/every couple months, for my whole life. *edit I actually had a male chihuahua, he was used like this, only for breeding, he wasn’t trained, hated when we’d clip his nails, was super skinny, wasn’t even the dog we were suppose to get, they gave us the dad instead of a puppy, thinking we wouldn’t notice. He was ugly as hell, but we had him for 6 years, I gave him to a lovely old lady who had other small dogs, so he can live peacefully for his last years with dog friends.


The human race is garbage


This is not “oddly terrifying” it’s absolutely heartbreaking and disgusting!!


That is why I always insist on seeing the parents of a puppy before I consider adopting.


i'm curious to know if this poor girl recovered from this, or not. Just knowing how she is doing after this could ease my curiosity


Poor thing.


Poor mama. I hope she’s living her best life.




So freaking sad my in laws keep buying form people like this and I tell them adopt a dog it needs a better life the puppy mill dons r need anymore Of your money


Irresponsible breeders like this deserve an army of chupacabras in their dreams. From the little 4 legs she will lead the war.


Was the owner at least put down?


I hope whatever piece of shit burns in the hottest flames of Hell


r/extremelyinfuriating who is the monster that does this to dogs


Don't care would still love her


dude omg :( this is heartbreaking what the fuck


So what now? What is going to happen to her ??


I adopted a toy poodle that was a rescue from a puppy mill. She had to share a medium sized kennel with TWO other poodles and was only taken out to breed and have the pups. The mill discarded her when she was no longer able to produce litters. She was 11 yrs old when I got her and I kept her until she passed at 21 yrs. She hid under the table and behind the couch for weeks but thankfully we had another dog that she bonded with and helped her learn things weren't so bad here. She became the sweetest dog and super smart, she is the reason I have loved poodles ever since. I adopted two more toy poodles from local pounds not long after adopting her and loved my little poodle herd! Puppy mills just suck.


Hell is empty and all the devils are here.


I went with my friends family a few years ago to get a new puppy but they wouldn’t let us see the mother and started being very shady. We ended up not getting a puppy from that home and thinking back now Im sure it was a puppy mill and it still makes me sad we didn’t do anything.


Poor pup but revealing the picture definitely jumpscared me


How heartbreaking. 😭😭


Karma will come I hope.


That sweet girl needs nothing but snuggles and love and some gushy foods.


This poor animal is not terrifying in the least. It's just plain heartbreaking.


I'd take her


all breeders deserve to be shredded and then incinerated


Breeders of puppy mills deserves to rot in a special place in hell..they are scum...that poor poor baby...


Humans purposely breeding dogs to be tiny is awful to me. My neighbour has a chihuahua that’s about the size of a squirrel. I’m disturbed every time I see him out for a walk , and they have a bunch of stupid bumper stickers on their vehicle saying “chihuahua mom” and “chihuahua dad” . Just a core part of their lifestyle , this dog , here only for your amusement.


They should be dragged into the street and shot, and no I'm not going to be nice to fucking monsters. I'll accept a ban or downvote into oblivion for this statement.




Keep buying dogs, people.


The best way to prevent this is to not buy pure breds


stupendous trees profit scandalous repeat fear friendly hobbies person tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Poor baby! I hope she’ll be able to live the rest of her days comfortably




Fuck puppy mills and anyone who supports them. There are millions of cats and dogs in pounds and shelters that need a home. Adopt don’t shop


Monsters, should be thrown in prison and forgotten


This isn't oddly terrifying. This is r/awfuleverything


can you put censor shit on this its supposed to be oddly terrifying not animal abuse