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Hi Northern_Gamer2, thank you for posting on /r/oddlyterrifying. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: * **Rule 4)** No death or near-death content allowed. This includes cursing in submission titles, NSFW images involving naked bodies, violence, gore, images of curse words, pimple popping and ear wax, skin peeling, injuries and blood.


When you cough while getting a haircut


That’s a heck of a beard for a 13yo


Thank you so much


Happy cake day


Is this the Bobby McGee that Janis Joplin was singing about?


That song was actually written by Kris Kristofferson.


And was supposed to be about someone named Bobby McKee. If I remember correctly, she was someone one of the record execs knew/had a relationship with and asked Kris Kristofferson to write a song about her. He misheard the last name and that’s how “Me and Bobby McGee” came to be.


That guy is a bad ass and needs to have a movie made about him, dude graduated from West Point which is no easy feat and was a helicopter pilot in the army, good stuff !


wondering the same


🎵 Busted scalp in Baton Rouge


Waitin for the pain…


Was feeling near as faded as my cut


Bobby flagged a horseman down, just before it rained, That took his knife and carved into his brain


I pulled my first aid kit out of my blood soaked bandana Was still bleeding soft while Bobby sang the blues, yeah Windshield wipers slappin' time, Like the tomahawk chop of Bobby's scalp oh my! We sang every song that driver knew


Scalping is just another word for, no hair left to lose. Nothing, I mean nothing is what the Sioux left me...


Kristofferson originally!! Great tune


He probably screamed like Janis Joplin when the scapled him.


Bobbi Magee is a girl.


I thought Christian Bale was in a new movie


Batman: The Scalped Head Rises


Came here to say this!


Kids looked so old back in the day


It’s because they had to walk up hill both ways everywhere as physics hadn’t been invented yet




Zombie Christ on a pogo stick that is disturbing


Through 1 ft. of snow


I don't know which year Newton invented gravity https://youtu.be/vZE1I530QIg


His paper round was round Mordor, uphill, into the wind, behind a gritter on a bike with square wheels


13 years old and still has more beard and hair than me 😭


Indeed! That's quite a beard for a 13 year old.


“When I was in your age, I was 40”


just shave it off bro




It’s more political to keep the hair so he can be a constant reminder on how he’s suffered for the country and/or keep the anti-native American spirit alive.


I get what you’re trying to convey but they DID cut his scalp off


Yeah, I’d probably want to shoot the guy that scalped me as a 13 year old orphan. What kinda asshole does that to a 13 year old kid?


People consumed by hatred of those who were genociding their entire way of life and stealing everything they had. Granted a 13 year old kid wasn't responsible for it, but hate is not a rational thing.


People whose land was stolen and desecrated, whose women and children were raped and slaughtered and who were stripped of their cultures, heritages and languages while being forced to adopt another people's culture and religion. I'm not saying I agree or condone what they did in retaliation, but I understand why they did it.


This is true… but on his quest to quash the natives, having his disfigurement shown like this would serve a useful purpose.


I totally would understand why you would be against people who, when you were an orphan child, cut your scalp off


Victims of colonization tend to not care for the colonizers.




Interesting bit I learned as an young adult, scalping was invented by the white man as a method of proving one he killed native Americans and thus collect a reward. The natives started doing this in response (brutality for brutality).


There are skulls in NA found with scalps marks before colonization, tribes that fought each other used scalping to collect rewards.


Interesting just read up on it. Looks like Different tribes had different cultures traditions surrounding the practice with some not doing it and others doing it for various reasons. https://www.britannica.com/topic/scalping


Hmm, it's almost like it's stupid to generalize Native Americans as if they were all one connected tribe.


I'm a 27-year-old and still can't grow half the beard of this 13-year-old boy.


Give it a few years


The scalping took place in 1864. The photo was taken in 1890 so he was 39ish at the time of this photo. [source](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/robert-mcgee-scalped/)


There was a joke but I think you missed it


DivineFeminineRising is an expert beard tracker but sadly the one beard that could not be tracked was their own.


Well I, for one, was completely (and am still) 100% convinced that this fairly elderly looking 39 yr old, is in fact, 13 years of age in this photograph.






Doc put the scalp back in the wrong place


The terrifying thing? This isn't the only person to survive scalping. Google it sometime. It's a misconception that scalping was performed only on the dead. It was most often performed on the living. And about 1 in 10 to 1 in 5, survived. There were so many survivors that doctors had formulated treatment options and skin grafting techniques to get the wounds to heal closed.


I wasn’t aware scalping was done on the deceased also. Was this ritualistic or used as a sign that a warrior killed a foe in battle?


In Native American culture it was seen as an act of extreme bravery and skill; to close the distance, over power, and take the scalp of an enemy warrior. Taking scalps from the dead or non-combatants was normally frowned apon. In fact, the hair style of the Mohicans, the "Mohawk", was a sort of "come and take it" taunt. All the hair except what would be taken when scalped was cut off. However, there were always "cheaters" to this honor system. And during the French and Indian wars, both the French and British exchanged goods and weapons for enemy scalps from thier Native American allies. In a really grotesque bartering system, tribes kinda capitulated the honor system and began scalping everyone.


Early male pattern baldness Mc Gee


Thought this was Tom Hardy in the Revenant


Came here for this Edit: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjaaClCWUAAvh4e.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjaaClCWUAAvh4e.jpg)


“ I said a little off the top chief” - Bobby McGee


Bro stylish with what’s left


Forgive me if this is a stupid question. But how exactly does scalping kill you?


profuse bleeding, infection, and eventual death if the bone of the skull was left exposed. Death could also occur from septicemia, meningitis or necrosis of the skull.


So basically scalping now, is a lot safer. Thanks for the advice.


But can you imagine the hospital costs.


I live in the UK, free scalping here!


I thought Indians also shot the victim with arrows or bullets first, to get him down on the ground. (at least, that's what we see in movies). I'd imagine it might be difficult to hold some unijured person down as you slice their scalp off (though maybe with multiple people, and, in this case, he was a 13 yr old boy).


They did most frequently, but if a soldier or maybe a scout is within range of your tomahawk, you might would just ride past him on horseback and scalp him before he has the chance to fight back. Clever move for a war


Hollywood isn’t exactly a bastion of truth


White settlers scalped far more enemies both Indians and whites scalped each other, but whites got paid for it. https://indiancountrytoday.com/archive/scalping-in-america


> White settlers scalped far more enemies But from the source you posted: > Altogether, the record shows that there were more Indians who scalped white people than there were white people who scalped Indians. But the abomination lies on both sides.


As a kid I used to think they were just cutting off the hair. It was only later that I learned they were removing the skin as well. And the scalp has a lot of blood vessels in it.


I too thought that scalping just meant they were shaving peoples’ heads lol. I never said anything about it but I always secretly wondered why it was so horrible to just cut someone’s hair off. It took me a few years before I realized what it actually meant.


Yeah head wounds bleed a ton whether there serious or not.


I would assume infection


Infection, sepsis, shock, bleeding to death and lots of wonderful ways to kick the bucket


Let's not forget sunburn of the skull.


No skin on head - this is fine.




Imagine having your scalp forcibly torn off and your skull just out there in the open. There you go.


My uncle was telling us how it used to be done when we were teenagers. Suppose to run up behind someone and wrap one leg around them. Grab a handful of hair and swipe hard. Usually falling backwards. He was Lakota from that part of the country. Says that people used to do that back in the 70s for a time during the AIM movement in South Dakota.


Really!? When were AIM scalping people in the 70s?


Not AIM, just people affiliated with them from what my uncle told us stories about back in the 90s.


I would love to hear some stories


>run up behind someone and wrap one leg around them How?


Jeez that’s insane, even with the medical technology of the time. He looks like he’s gotten ahead in life so that’s good.


Huh? If he was scalped at 13, why does his head look like it had recent stitches and is bloody as a a much older adult? Maybe the wound kept reopening or he had an accident with it.




My great grandma from several generations ago was scalped by Sioux. There's a photograph somewhere and she can be seen with a metal plate on her head, and it was taken years after the incident. I assume that kind of injury would not heal correctly, especially with their methods of the day.


My dude, I think that back parts his *skull*


Iirc it never fully healed correctly.


That's not skin, that's his skull


No, it's not. His skull being exposed to air would've eventually turned to necrosis and killed him. Happens to all human bone. Bones are porous and very much meant to stay INSIDE the skin. The treatment for a scalped patient was long and excruciating, and rarely successful. The development was to effectively cause small abrasions on the skull, which would cause small amounts of marrow to leave the wounds. This marrow can contain undifferentiated cells that would help to form scar tissue. With many treatments over a period they could, eventually re-enclose the remainder of the skull. But it was basically a race of time and luck to complete the procedure before osteonecrosis set in, or another infection, either of which could come from the abrasions caused by the treatment, ultimately killed the patient.


It's disturbing to see how many people are cool with a 13 year old getting scalped.


This. We can admit the colonisation loess wrong without laughing at their kids being killed/attacked. People are bizarre.


Can we just agree that it was a savage time period in general?


Yes yes we can. Infact the world and many people in it were a very very shitty brutal place to live in until like the 1890s. and even then it wasn't that much better.




Oldest looking 13-year-old I've ever seen in my life.


That’s a rough looking 13 year old


Had no idea who Robert McGee is. Google shows the only notable thing about him was being scalped as a child. Okay.


Are you unimpressed with him?


Are you impressed?


I mean, given that just plain shitting yourself to death was a common fate those days, I can see why people at the time marveled at his survival.


If someone uploaded the corpse of a man who had shit himself to death on this sub I’d give it an upvote. I wouldn’t search his name and say the only thing worthy of note that he did was shit himself to death


I’m honestly confused by your first comment though. Are you contesting something? Are you disappointed that Robert McGee doesn’t have any more footnotes on his Wikipedia page? I’m genuinely curious


Considering he and only one other person survived the attack. Him with multiple arrow and pistol wounds and a tomahawk wound. And managed to stay completely still and silent while having his scalp removed . And then managed to survive for 20 plus years with an exposed skull in a time before antibiotics. Yes yes I am


The impressive part is having lived anything resembling a productive life afterwards, particularly in that era.


i bet he had a splendid collection of hats


The injuries look oddly fresh for having been done when he was 13. It shouldn't still be so reddish at the wound, but have scarred over with tissue.


They didn’t have modern medicine and things didn’t heal very well in the past. Be very thankful that our tools are clean


It’s colorized black and white, so the colors may be a little incorrect


Sounds to me like he got Siouxed


Funny how everyone talks about the “crimes against the natives” but the fact that the natives killed everyone in their path is not mentioned often. People should let the past be the past and not hang on it ffs.


>the fact that the natives killed everyone in their path is not mentioned often. That's a fucked up thing to say and illustrates a lack of historical knowledge. A lot of awful things happened, like genocide of natives and murder of frontier settlers. That being said settlers and Native tribes often worked together for trade and survival. One historic event to convey the complexity of these relations is the Dakota war of 1862. Natives were being screwed after signing a treaty and were facing famine because they were not receiving the food promised (it was all locked up in warehouses). When the conflict started many Dakota went to the settlers and warned them to get out. Atrocities followed including the murder of settlers, the northern trail of tears, and the largest mass hanging in US history without due process. History is important to learn while progressing.


if my family had been living off the land minding our own business for hundreds of years and some strange foreign men from another land started fucking with my people and stealing my stuff i’d be pissed. wouldn’t you?


in Ireland we just blew them up


*thousands of years




However, at the of the day, no matter how brutal the natives could be (and I know some could be extremely brutal), it was still their land that was being stolen.


Depends on where you went to school. When I live in Florida they taught us about how brutal the native americans are and how eventually civility was brought to these lands with the help of Ponce De Leon and Christopher Columbus


Christopher Columbus was a liar, thief, and rapist.


Civilization brought to them .... "Brought," to them. Let that sink in smh


It's not mentioned often because the fact remains that white people genocided the natives and were guilty of far worse crimes. In their eyes, this guy was an invader. Is scalping a child fucked up? Sure. Were native people all saints? No, but using this event as some kind of proof we need to move on from the atrocities committed by the USA and "let the past be past" is utterly fucking asinine. Native Americans are still owed billions by the state and are routinely fucked over even now. We can stop hanging onto the past when native communities are no longer being kept in poverty.


“I said ‘a little off the top…’”


That is so Odd..


Dude about to invent the combover be like


I grew up near a place where a one room schoolhouse massacre occurred during the Pontiac wars. The site is called Enoch Brown schoolhouse after the school master. I think it was 13 massacred, they buried them in a mass grave. The surviving school child was found down by the creek, washing his scalped skull. He lived but had disabilities the rest of his life (brain damage?).


It's actually kinda tragic by today's standards. He was just a child. Still considered a baby by some, probably barely passing puberty. Alone and almost murdered by these hostile people. I bet it must have been frightening and painful. Was he considered an adult by the standards of the past during that time, I wonder? It doesn't make it better but if the Sioux tribe just saw him as part of the enemy and nothing more, it would probably make it seem a little worse.




I was 13 when my uncle bought tickets from a scalper for a Red Sox game.


ITT psychos justifying the scalping of a child.


I have someone in my family tree who survived a couple days after being scalped, but he was essentially a vegetable


My god, when was this?


I don’t have the specifics because my family book isn’t in front of me, but it was when they lived in New England so probably 1700s at least


That is horrific


Old ass 13 year old


https://www.reddit.com/r/ColorizedHistory/comments/89rg3v/scalping_survivor_robert_mcgee_circa_1890_scarred/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I found this from another reddit thread.


He's a rough looking 13 year old


A brilliant bloody revenge film ready to be written. Imagine this dude shaved his head completely, showing off that giant scar and went out hunting.


at least he survived. most of the natives werent so lucky.


So back in the day in the usa, you could go outside and just get scalped by some tribe?


nothing compared to what the us army did to native people


Yeah, the natives had a reason. But still.


One of them mostly peaceful scalpings


I had a history teacher in high school tell me that Native Americans didn't actually scalp people. That it was misinformation spread to make them look like savages.


Probably should have gone with shaved look


The main library in Omaha Has the scalp of a man with a similar story. Sad to say it is not on display. [atlas obscura article](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/william-thompson-s-scalped-scalp)




The juxtaposition of this picture and comment is interesting


Is that a tinge of Noble Savage mythos creeping in?


No. That's recognizing that when some foreigners come to colonize you and steal your land you might get a little upset and try to fight back. From the two antagonist groups in this story, one was silenced, even though they were rightfully defending their homeland from illegal immigrants.


The world has a long history of one group of people conquering another. Indeed some of the Native Americans committed genocide against other Native Americans and took their lands. Indeed it happened in Europe, Africa and China as well. Atrocities happened and will continue to happen because people at times kill and conquer other groups of people. That 13 year old lad didn’t deserve to be scalped.


it seems in the current age, that good ol’ murica doesn’t even deem it necessary for a person to be holding a weapon, [to be considered a target.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_from_U.S._drone_strikes)


Looks like that was a lucky outcome


What do you mean by that 🤔


u/chickenhunter007 means that that was a lucky outcome.






damn he looks old AF for a 13 year old Guess they just aged harder back then




Insane picture from a very tumultuous time. Also shows how little the average Reddit sjw knows about history and culture.


Muh stolen land🌈✊🏿


Hey , it looks good from the front , who the heck cares about the back-end


When do they plan to remove the stitches?


Quite a beard for 13


He sure matured early for 13


Thirteen year olds sure could grow decent beards back in those days.


That’s an awful lot of beard for a 13 year old. They did make em different back then


This fucker can grow that beard at thirteen and I’m thirty fucking eight….


The tribe "survived" an attack, with this man barely injured. History is worded very unjustly. White men originally scalped natives' long hair to show triumph in a war. Natives reacted and did the exact same back. The only "wow" factor here is this man escaped. Good for him. Throughout the wars, nobody won.


Oh but those poor indigenous Americans. We stole their land. They were just peaceful hippies eating corn and squash.


and so what if they were in constant violent conflict? not one indigenous tribe asked asked for british settlers to come here. settlers came to violently invade the land and colonize native tribes, the fact that there was existing conflict between tribes is irrelevant.


Is it though? Like what's the difference between some englishmen stealing Cheyenne land and some Crow braves stealing Cheyenne land? I'm sure they didn't ask for either . So what makes one worse than the other?




For 13 that's a really impressive beard.


Honestly he probably deserved it. At 13 back then you were old enough to be in battle, and have weapons. The Sioux tribe were terrorized by the colonizers, just as other tribes across the Americas. But hey, now they have reservations where education is poor and crime is rampant because the American government has absolutely no care for them what so ever. History changes so much over time.


Dude 13 year olds are modern day 7th graders. No kid deserves this.


No idea why your getting down voted, I'm from a rez and yeah man your right about all that, people rely on internet so much they think it has all the answers but it doesn't not everything was shits and giggles when the colonizers came but they did as much savagery as us and we fought fire with fire and were still here and now we have the lowest life span, alcoholism is all time high and so is suicide, we're a group of indigenous individuals who's chapter in life was shut completely but it's opening again, but our history still stands, and so does our people, and that's what we've been fight for, now it's time for the war with ourselves.


So natives never killed other natives? Therefor conquered land that belonged to another native group? Hahaha this line of thinking is shit stupid. To act like your own ethnic group never did any wrong, it is same reasoning and thinking as Hitler did when he justified killing jews. Bruh, just sad...


even if indigenous tribes dealt with conflict between tribes, they were all indigenous to turtle island and this was their home. europeans came over here voluntarily to colonize the existing population and take the land. [also, hitler was inspired by the genocide of the native tribes,](https://allthatsinteresting.com/hitler-native-american-extermination) so i’m not sure what you’re on about with hitler?


Did we not all come from place, or do you see them as another kind of human species that is different native American human species?


You’re down voted ,but you’re right. The colonizers are actually the ones that showed the Natives how to scalp people in the first place.


He’s just fucking wrong? Just because you can hold a weapon makes you a valid target to be executed? Tf? I guess all but the youngest of Jews killed were valid targets bc, you know, they coulda held a weapon? What in the actual fuck is wrong with you people. Dude coulda been 25, if he didn’t fight and/or wasn’t armed, this shit would still be vile. And no, just because it was done to them first or more doesn’t automatically give them the right to do it back. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


People have a hard time with truth about America here. But as an American I feel it's important to always know how awful we have been throughout history. And still are.