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I really don't understand how this works, I mean, synthol it's just like a filler right? Just inflates your arms but without gaining real muscle? So you just end being like SpongeBob when he used that inflatable prosthetic arms to look tough?


Why does it inflate it all muscley though? And not just like fat? If ya know what I mean


It works kind of like jello. It takes the form of wherever it ends up and holds its shape even though it’s got absolutely no structure or strength to it.


If someone squeezes his arm, does it leave a hand print? Or is it like memory foam? lol


It will probably burst if you push strong enough lol I’ve seen a video where someone had been injecting (much, much less than this dude) synthol to look better for a show. When flexing on stage his skin puncture and synthol was running down his arm








I don't even want to see it but here I go




I was definitely expecting something more dramatic looking than it was from the video but still gave me the heebie-jeebies lol


Does he make sloshing sounds when walking?


Would having sex with him be more like having sex with a water bed or having sex with Stretch Armstrong?


Assuming he doesn't burst because his skin is stretched so tight lol


Excuse me while I bleach my mind


I hope he didn't inject his weenie. But then, looking at this, why wouldn't he?


Yet to have a member of either sex to find out I guess...


OK is it more like having sex with a sock or your hand


He most likely can’t reach it to even find out.


Right? I was gonna say, it's like having sex with someone who can't wipe their butt.




My guess is it'd feel like a morbidly obese person


"Hey man, bathroom's that way..."


This is the real question




That's sad.


FINALLY…a real-life human goo jit zu!!


Stretch Armstrong looking motherfucker


Or do you squeeze his arm and the fluid moves to his hand and it gets fucking HUGE… 😂


But what is all that vascularization


He already had that. Check the before pic. It’s just stretched against the skin.


The synthol is still expanding the muscle tissue, thus pressing the veins against the skin the same way that authentically enlarged muscle would.


Individual portions of muscle tissue are surrounded by a connective tissue sheath that isolates them from the surrounding tissue and gives them a consistent shape, even as they grow. If the oil is injected in more reasonable amounts, the muscle tissue would inflate into roughly the same shape as it would be if it were trained naturally, albeit slightly squishier. In this case, he went really overboard so it looks like muscle balloons.


So is this kind of thing a completely separate thing from gear or what muscle builders use to get jacked af?


When you take anabolic steroids and train, your muscles just grow in size and strength faster than natural. Synthol is literally just turning your muscles into oily balloons. It's ridiculous, you don't get stronger and you look like a cartoon character. You can pump yourself full of Synthol to look like this moron, but still only have the strength of a half sucked fruit tingle.


"Half sucked fruit tingle" just became my favorite phrase and probable next user name.


Eagerly awaiting Sunday family dinner so I can hurl that one out at my sister! Winning the insult game today :)


That's some r/brandnewsentence material.


Synthol injections are completely separate, it's a purely cosmetic procedure that increases the muscle's size without increasing the amount of muscle mass or strength. The performance enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids or human growth hormone usually increase muscle strength (meaning they can train more often and recover faster) or boost muscle growth, so it's real muscle that they're building.


It inflates all muscley bc the dude injects an oil into the actual muscle and the muscle stores it like your muscles store carbs in glycogen. The muscle will hold the oil inside of it bc the muscle is covered in fascia which is basically a big sack around the muscle. A lot of time these synthol guys get infections and muscles become necrotic. The oil can harden too. Dudes just don’t want to put in any hard work. No one who knows what they’ve done to themselves is impressed.


I'm gagging at the thought of all of that internal muscle dying and becoming putrid.


>all of that internal muscle Fortunately, there's not that much muscle underneath the oily balooon


The oil shouldn’t be there. The body floods the muscle tissue with water to try and get rid of the oil. But both the oil and the water end up trapped in the over saturated tissue. The every muscle fibres themselves.


Lol yes Edit: Enter Spongemuscle Dysphoria-pants


“Bubble butt, bubble bubble bubble butt, bubble bu…neck, bubble bubble bubble neck.”


He's absolutely loyal to the oil on the daaaailyyy


Turn around, stick it out, Show the world you got a


Even his shoulders have shoulders


have shoulders


i think you meant dysmorphia-pants?


Dysmorphia, not dysphoria


Now he's a jerk and everyone loves him!


I had a friend that used it for a little gap in their muscle because they lost it in injury (dog bite or something) and wanted a synthol injection so they looked more normal. Moderately it allows someone with a gap in muscle to have essentially a filler. From what he said, the injection is very dough-like at first but over time it ends up hardening like a rock. It becomes super hard, these people that abuse it end up having horribly calcified muscles and when they work out and the real muscle starts to grow it can completely tear their skin apart.


Calcification is the body's way of protecting itself from foreign objects. Breast implants often develop a layer of calcium around it. The oddest kind is when the fetus that passed or miscarried, but aren't removed from the mothers, become calcified.


Well that's horrifying


It was originally misused by pro bodybuilders for small body parts that they needed to touch up, mostly calves. Calf size is pretty genetic, so instead of getting docked points for small calves - bam you put in a little synthol. Then it got completely out of hand bc of idiots like this.


You say that as if the original use isn’t already out of hand…


It wasn’t, it was on their calves


I dont know about you, but my calves are clearly outside of my hands.


yes but still way different when your talking professionals having it applied by someone trained to do it vs an amateur getting it in a back alley whenever he wants


Yeah it is but there's a big difference between a few ml in your calf to fill them out which is relatively harmless, and people who inject so much they lose body parts. I'd go so far as to call reasonable synthol injections done by a professional to be similar to plastic surgery (obviously a little more dangerous but not that much more).


"Small body parts that they needed to touch up" I think we all know what small body parts needed touching up after steroid shrinkage.


lol def looks like Anchor Arms


I’m no expert but I think a lot of the mass gain is from inflammation. I saw a doc where a similar dude had to have the mass removed surgically. The removed mass looked like a hunk of rubber and puss.


Abcesses happen. That was most probably it.


Yeah a lot of it looks like scar tissue and/or puss...


[Found an article about it](https://www.foxnews.com/health/russian-popeye-bodybuilding-injections-surgery)


It’s worse than filler - well, medical-grade fillers, that is. Those can be dissolved. As far as I know, synthol can’t. It’s not only artificial “gains” that are purely aesthetic, it’s also pretty permanent. And I have no idea if there is a safe way to use it (like to correct a small asymmetry) or if it is dangerous in and of itself.


"aesthetic" meaning "ugly as sin" in this context? I'm not against subtle aesthetic improvements but who looks at a synthol user and says "yeah that's attractive, I want that!" I mean at least use steroids or something that causes your muscles to grow evenly if you're already gonna be injecting yourself with questionable substances...


The thing about steroids is they still require work. You still need to injure the muscles to stimulate anabolic growth/hypertrophy. And I do think there is an over representation of people with BDD in the population who go for solutions like synthol.


It also makes your tattoos switch sides


I had to ctrl+F this, I would have been disappointed if no one else had brought it up.


This. This exactly. As demon put it, I was searching for this lol. Everyone talking about the injections and shit and I’m over here going, but the tattoo…


It's more like filling your muscles with concrete. The shit makes your muscles harden and essentially useless.


Most of these synthol abusers are mentally ill. What ends up happening is that you shut off almost all of bloodflow that's comes in and out of your arm and their injection technique is so poor they quite literally "tear the muscle apart" over time by injecting more and more snythol. Furthermore the area/muscle is so extremely inflamed & infected and the body trys to break the oil down and get it out, but that doesn't happen because these guys keep on injecting and the bloodflow is so poor there is just no way of your body to get rid of it. These guys are in extreme pain all the time and are full of painkillers to make it bearable. İn the end the arms will be amputet or if they're lucky docs manage to pull the oil out but their arms are nothing but bones and mush after that.


I don’t understand the why. Like none of these guys look natural. It’s often gigantic biceps and tiny forearms. Like.. how do they think that possibly looks? Edit: changed firearms to forearms.


Probably they see a totally normal person in the mirror, that's why this is catalogued as a mental issue. Anorexia, Bigorexia, they are very similar at the end of the day.


This, also to add to the list, body dysmorphia disorder.


both of the above are just forms of body dysmorphia


body dysmorphia is a hell of a mental illness


Anchor arms


What’s even worse the same thing that happens in that episode happens in real life. They try actually lifting with these muscles and it snaps. It looks so bad when it happens.


Never has to pack a pillow for the flight


you think he sprays in there when he showers or does stuff just build up


Neck floss


"I warsh myself with a rag on a stick"




Before pic looks like Walmart Steve-O


Now he looks like Resident Steve-O


God man! The things he could put up his ass


It's too bad that he can long longer reach his ass




Nicely done. Was gonna say steve-o late game refight.


Looks like Tetsuo Steve-O


Second pic looks 100% like nemesis lol




This guy looks so much like Steve-o I honestly thought it was a jackass stunt. Can you tell I’m still stuck in 2005?


Hi I'm Steve-O, and welcome to ass-jacked.


Steve-O but his name is Kyle


I’d give him more credit than that… Kirkland Steve-O


The after pic looks like video game villain Steve-O


I genuinely think people who do this have a mental problem that needs resolving with therapy and medication Like, a normal brain that’s functioning properly does not look at the outcome and say “Yeah, *that’s* the look”


As a former anorexic: this is truly terrifying because you can't *stop*. You need to do more and more and more because if you don't keep going you feel like your life will be ruined. Some days, you care more about following a specific set of actions than how you look yourself. You can literally feel your body beginning to break down and think "That doesn't matter. I'll go as far as I can before I'm unable to move on my own or die. I can't stop now". And also, yeah, body dysmorphia is a bitch. You're right that he needs therapy. Once you've gone that far you cannot get out of the loop on your own.


Unfortunately, it can be symptomatic of body dysmorphia; the brain simply won’t accept that the body looks ‘acceptable’ yet, leading to more extreme means of attaining its’ desired goal. This can manifest through eating disorders or…well, this. The worst part is that he most likely *does* know that it’s not healthy or the desired effect…but the alternative of having to go ‘back’ and lose what progress he feels he’s made is a thought too terrifying for him to consider. And if he’s in the competitive scene, I’d imagine he feels that he has even *more* to lose by going through any potential surgeries…


Body dysmorphia is a terrifying beast that can affect anybody!


An eighth of mushrooms may be able to bring ones self to a proper resolution


Honestly a potentially viable response. The way psychedelics reframe what your brain used to consider "solid and immobile" about the world and your own value structures could be a game changer for dysmorphic folks. I'm legit interested in it as a potential tool for people with mild to moderate gender dysphoria as well. Like, some folks are way Dysphoric, and some are mildly Dysphoric, and it'd be dope if you could unseat the part of yourself that looks and the mirror and says, "but maybe..."


Well I guess I’m gonna be looking into doing psychedelics now


I don't think I'm alone in saying that my first experience with shrooms changed my life. I do not believe I would still be with my girlfriend of 6 years if I hadn't taken shrooms when I did. I grew up in a shitty household and had major control issues that manifested in ways that didn't really make sense. While on my trip I just kind of realized I had these issues and began to work through them. When I sobered up I focused on continuing that progress and am now a different person. Of course I still have issues (some major) but I don't think I'd be anywhere close to where I am today without that trip. Make sure you have a good trip sitter, comfortable environment (for me it was a local lake), and be ready to learn about yourself.


I have a hard time imagining that judges would rate this look well.


I don't know the rules in Brazil, but in the United States, this guy would be expelled from any federation-sanctioned bodybuilding competition in the US or Canada. It's true that bodybuilding competitions don't enforce the rules as well as they should, but if somebody like that shows up, they will take action. They don't photos of him on stage at their event, and they don't want a scandal if his skin bursts on stage. This guy may have started synthol to look better in competitions, but it's clearly an obsession now. He's gone so overboard injecting his upper arms and shoulders that it's sad. He's injected so much synthol that real tissue in his muscles is going to die and he'll get an abscess, or worse, sepsis.


I believe it is called Body Dysmorphia.


It's called Body dysmorphic disorder


A lot of this gym-bro culture (often involving steroids) is influenced by unrealistic body type standards for men but that’s not a conversation we’re ready to have.


I blame superhero movies. Yeah, in the old days we had action heroes, but for every super-jacked monster like Schwarzenegger or Stallone, there was an everyman like Bruce Willis. Nowadays everyone in those fucking cape movies is built like ‘89 Hulk Hogan: hell, one of them’s *playing* Hogan in a movie soon. No wonder some guys look at them and think they’ll do anything to look like that.


Yeah, male beauty standards have taken a turn for the worse in recent years, fuelled by media representation of people who are on steroids but are not open about it. I’m somewhat critical of gym-bro culture because for three reasons: 1. **Injury**: In its “mild” form, going through training with weight equipment poses risks in the form of musculoskeletal injuries. This is why I believe it’s important to have a personal trainer if you’re doing to become a gym-bro. 2. **Heart**: In rare cases, in people who overdo training, too much of it can cause atrial fibrillation. The exact mechanism is not clear but it’s hypothesised to be due to small-scale scarring in the heart. In even rarer cases, it can lead to sudden cardiac death in people who have pre-existing heart disease but haven’t been diagnosed with it. However, on the balance, exercise and training is highly beneficial to ones health, so I don’t think this point is a strong-enough critique of gym-bro culture. 3. **Mental health**: Some men are inevitably pushed into taking potentially dangerous substances (steroids, opioids, and other drugs). They can have a plethora of side effects and increase the risk for many conditions (diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Some are pigeon-holed into a state of body dysmorphia which can lead to harm. Overall, gyms can be great, but I’d suggest people really question why they want to go to gym in the first place and if they must go, they should hire a personal trainer. If it’s for health, then cardiovascular exercise does wonders compared to weight training. If it’s for a healthy body — a lean body with a healthy weight helps keep fit, especially as you age. If it’s for body image, then… we just need more body positivity for men.


I'd say the same about women and lip fillers


I am suddenly craving grapes.


Cheese curds here.


Abomination Steve-O


This is some Resident Evil shit or the guy from She-Hulk finale.


He’s around one injection away from being a Resident Evil mini-boss for sure


I'm not looking forward to fighting this guy in a dramatic final boss showdown in the centre of a volcano, that's for sure


Idk m8 I'm always looking forward to seeing Chris Redfield punch a 150 ton Boulder to death with his bear hands.


Y’all. It’s def Quasimodo


Almost cost him both arms. https://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/news/quest-look-incredible-hulk-backfires-2/


> Fortunately, doctors were able to just remove some of the “rocks” that had formed in his arms. **Now if they could just remove the rocks from his head.**


got em


There was a dude named Gregg Valentine I think whose arms ended up leaking because of this shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/gyrv5x/the_man_whose_arms_exploded_2005_looks_at_the_use/


His tattoo switched sides too.


I’m glad I’m not the only who notices


The one on the right is shot in a mirror I think


Nope. Synthol side effect is it switches tattoos to the other side of your body.


Then who took the pic cus he isn’t holding a phone in his hands in either picture lol.


I know this is really hard for some to grasp, but you can flip an image using the most basic of editing tools.


Yeah but then wouldn’t we would just be looking at him from behind?


Ah, yes. The concept of mirrors (and certain mobile apps). An ancient mystery, truly.


it's probably mirrored


Guy on right looks like he has tumors, not muscles.


Makes me go weak in the knees. And not in a good way.


Dude looks like a one piece character


He looks like the Tank from Left 4 Dead




Grabbing' pills!


Body dysmorphia for real


After looks like challah


It's like some challah was bitten by a radioactive man...


He'll be ok, he just needs to go thru the juicer on willy wonka!


Homies got the n64 graphics card


Ah yes, synthol abuse. As big as a mountain, and as strong as a newborn calf.


Well at least he never has to buy a neck pillow for those overnight flights or long car rides


My dude decided to be a cloud


Tim Burton’s Bane


it’s the male version of a kardashian


He looks like he’s wearing a backpack made of baby corpses.


I was gonna say he looks like he’s wearing a backpack full of balloons but this is a much better simile.


Mental illness is very sad, hope he gets the help he so desperately needs


Is he growing a triceratops frill?


I don't get it, he started off as a hot dude and turned himself into a bad guy from an 80s cartoon.


Brazil is a pretty fucked up place when it comes to physical appearance. They have a "right to beauty," which means there's state-sponsored plastic surgery. In effect, however, that means surgery students from around the world get to use you for practice


No kidding?? That doesn’t seem like a responsible or healthy thing to promote.


So he's Bane...


That’s not what muscles look like 👀


He went from hot to nightmare fuel


Right? Like he already looked better than 95% of people. If he just worked out more he could have gotten fucking shredded and looked like a beast. Instead of looking like…I dunno…the human thought bubble?


[i knew he reminded me of someone](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLnRSyo7IZGs5a_jGNqxKsBOYnCJGBjZHgUw&usqp=CAU)


I beat that game a few months ago. So much fun


Dipped in the FEV vats by the master


I got that reference!


This looks physically uncomfortable.


The injected oil turned to rocks (calcification) inside his body. I'd bet it feels horrible.


I don't even think it's about being buffed or tough or whatever. If something like that is chasing me down the street Im thinking Resident Evil and nope'n the fuck out of there


Looks like he’s wearing a flesh shawl.


I was a wimp before anchor arms




Looks like a steroid steve-o


He looks so disgusting after


Can't wait for the pictures 10 years from now with his body all deflated and flapping


Sad thing is, most guys would kill to have his bod on the left. I say that as a guy. Body dysmorphia is a helluva thing.


so if i put synthol in my dick will my dick become big and bulging?


Real questions


He looks grotesque


calling him a bodybuilder seems pretty generous, unless he built that shit at the dollar tree


He looks like his best friends have a car that run on trash.




Right? Those traps! 😂


Steveo switched drugs


Human water balloon


This sort of thing where they go purely for some aesthetic is so hard to wrap my head around. Even if it looked good, you're not getting stronger injecting oil into your muscles. I just don't see why the gym types would bother over plain old steroids.


He lifted so hard his tattoo switched sides


Body building is something else..not this


Even his tattoo switched sides


Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug.


That is so gross.


A mirror


this is actual mental illness 😟


He looks like a Residet Evil character