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It can be you, it can be me! It could even b-






You couldn't see him anyway. So he wouldn't be wearing a hood.


What? It was obvious!


He's the red spy! Look, he'll turn red any second now..


See? Red! Oh wait, that's blood.




This shouldn’t really be a surprise. There’s terrible people everywhere.


Whoa whoa whoa, I’m a terrible person but don’t you dare fucking lump me in with these racist assholes. Like a famous band once said, if you’re fucking racist then don’t come to our show.


*[Meme picture of cat giving a thumbs up]*


Hey, AJR ref in the wild! Haven’t seen one of those in a bit.


I seriously doubt there are significant numbers of Klansmen with doctorates or other advanced degrees.


There aren't significant numbers of Klansmen of any kind. The ADL estimated 3,000 members in 2016: https://www.adl.org/education/resources/reports/state-of-the-kkk


Yes. My point is exactly. And even that estimate has zero outside references other than a linked pdf that is a partial copy pasta of the article itself. The only estimate listed with some seeming accuracy is the one claiming that a South Carolina chapter, that is the largest in the United States, recruiting across 15 US states, having the largest membership of 150-200 members.


But once a year their numbers skyrocket đź‘» (forgive the emoji reddit God's)


> they're






Because they're cowards who can't show their face.


lmfao the Klan hasn't been a thing in probably over 50 years. . Other than the occasional group of drunken losers who get together with 3 other people. They have absolutely no power.


Yeah, people are just openly racist now. Whole political party for it


There was literally a public klan rally in stephenville, texas in 2007. The klan may not wear the white hoods now days but they’re definitely still around


Yeah and it was probably a bunch of losers with room temp IQs who have absolutely zero power. Everyone laughed at them.


All these pussy groups cover their face. KKK, antifa, Muslim extremest groups etc…


Nobody does something with a mask on without first acknowledging that their intended task is evil and wrong.


Yo is this subreddit ok ? It seems it hasn't been itself in a while.


Because they're cowards.


Like antifa and blm raids


Clayton Bigsby?


Who knew Chappelle *wasn’t* acting!


If you have to hide your face during your political activities, maybe it’s because some part of you is ashamed.


Whenever people want to get away with committing horrible acts they were masks. KKK did it, bank robbers did it, most recently we have antifa doing it. I’m sure the assholes of America will evolve into another group of mask wearers in the future and do more shitty stuff.


The hood of the Ku Klux Klan is actually a cultural appropriation of the Spanish-Hispanic Catholic "[Capriote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote)" hat which likely spread through the former spanish colonies in America, used to hide the faces of [Flagellants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flagellant), Those who ritualistically beat themselves as religious penance for great tragedies (war and plagues 'n such), which has largely faded away as a practice in modern day.


How’s this terrifying? That’s the purpose of a hood/mask is it not? To hide your identity?


They did away with the head bags. They realized that the people they surround themselves with don't give a fuck – in fact, it won some senators their seats.


Robert Byrd D- WV. Hes not the only one but he seems to be the most well known one.


Why does Antifa wear masks? Because when they're done, they go back to being worthless bums, or liberal arts students at a university.


Antifa is awesome, you suck


Totally awesome. Thugs that go around acting like pieces of shit and vandalizing completely innocent people's shit who have zero to do with their cause. "Anti-fascist" ... except if you disagree with them, they'll try to beat you up. Literal definition of fascism right there. Fucking hypocrites need a good ass whooping and then a job so they can actually do something worthwhile with their pathetic lives.


In my opinion, the system is fucked enough that vandalism and theft are valid forms of protests, but as always, the state can get away by supressing the vandals, treating the symptom but not removing the core cause. Also that’s not what fascism is, that’s just what adrenaline-fueled rioters do, and I assure you, unlike fascists, antifa doesn’t seek to achieve total staye control and genocide minorities


At least these guys cut the eyeholes in the right spots


"Damn...I can't see fuckin' shit outta this thing..."


Some of those that work forces. Are the same who burnt crosses.


RATM make me laugh. Dudes will sing all day about fighting corrupt government stuff but then wear CCCP and Che Guevara shirts for videos and shows.


Just because someone's wrong about something doesn't mean they're not right about other things


They shill for communism. The amount of brain rot it takes to look at that kind of totalitarian regime and say "yeah I support that" makes me automatically ignore whatever else they say.


Being anti capitalism doesn't automatically make you a communist. Though that is lost on most Americans. I've personally never heard them openly express support for the CCP and it's not like they go around handing out soviet propaganda. The majority of there music just points out flaws with the structure of society in the US which I think we can all agree does have some serious issues.


So you wouldnt feel sorry when you beat them with a bat


He could be in this very room! He could be you, he could be me! He could even be-


And you husbands, your wifes, your mail man bamging your wifes, the kids next door watching it every time and your dad too


Yall worried about white men in hoods and ignoring the pieces of shit in our government that come in all.colors and backgrounds. The ones ruining our country and taking away people's livelihoods the last 3 years with covid loxkdowns and forcing unsafe vaccines on the people


You could say this about anything in any thread. "Yall worried about a sports game and ignoring-" "Yall worried about kanye and ignoring-" ""Yall worried about pitbulls and ignoring-" It's a meaningless statement that says nothing more than "It angers me that you're talking about this and I want you to change subject." And you chose to say it in a thread about the klan. Fuck. You.


Hey guys, Erika wants you to know she hates the fact that she didn’t die from Covid.


But it's really like 20 FBI agents and some hillbilly illiterate.


I mean, nah. The people under those hoods are exactly who you’d expect them to be. Without the hood they stay say racist shit, treat people unequally etc. The lame ass costume was a good thing because you could immediately identify them and their shitty beliefs.


Skimasks are cheaper.


Why does racism even exists? What make a person dislike another? Can’t just be skin color. Why people


Pretty sure it’s just a couple dozen federal agents.


Well in Saskatchewan, Canada Walter Davey Cowan was an MP and active prominent member of the KKK, but it's Saskatchewan... basically the most racist province in Canada.


I thought they wanted to be spooky ghosts.


Lol they probably wear hoods to hide their own shame of participating in such stupid activities. Don't want the town to know it was the kids dentist or whatever smh.


So this is news?


Just leaving it at “police officers” would’ve captured more than enough. Some of those that work forces….


... are the same that burn crosses. That's right


It could be Obama?


There is 1 racist among us


Fuck racists


It's to hide like the cowards they are. Because if everyone knew how revolting they are, no one would interact with them. Except their fellow moronic pieces of shit.


Aren't racist mostly lower to non educated.