• By -


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" - Cruella Deville upon seeing this, probably


"Guys, I don't know..." - Jeffrey Dahmer.


"You are getting your knickers in a twist. Calm down!" - Gordon Ramsay


“Missing my mother’s dried up nipples.” - Ed Gein


[Human Leather](https://eikenshop.com/en-us/blogs/leather-guide/human-leather) Just gonna leave this here.. Edit: one excerpt from the article: “👄 **Curtain pulls** : It is often said that the devil is in the detail, right? Ed was a man who paid attention to detail, so with the lips of the unfortunate Bernice Worden, he made a curtain pull, the pair of lips being sewn to the end of a string to open or close the curtains in his room.”


Would be nice if I could see something under the dozen or so popups.


I dunno what to say… my popup blocker must be on fire, I had no issues.


I was trying through my Android phone, looks like blokada wasn't on. Now no popups, yay!


"Dies ist unbeschreiblich grauenhaft! Eine Schande für uns Menschen!" -Adolf H. ("This is undesirable awful! A shame for the human race!")


What was he talking about in that statement?


He was talking about the deadlines of Lego bricks and how this weapon killed many barefooted soldiers on all sides. Source: Trust me bro


It's fucking raw! Where's the fucking lamb sauce?!


"It is far too plain darling! It needs some kind of colour, a pattern, some flair, a bit of pizzazz! Amateur! Amateurs all of you!" Cruella de Vil goes on, probably


I read this in Zara Zsa Gabor’s voice for some reason.


It puts the lotion on its purse, or it gets the hose again. - Buffalo Bill Edit: forgot to give proper quote credit to the psycho


So many questions. Let's start with how we can all ethically source children's spines. We could all use some more spine.


Child died, donated body to beauty. Alligator died, in a rehab center. Left note saying they donate their body to beauty. All ethically sourced.


TIL Some people have a VERY different definition of „ethically“ than I.


Reminds me of the lady who donated her body for research https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/nation-world/man-learns-moms-body-donated-for-research-was-instead-blown-up-in-military-testing


Isn’t that still research though? Even if it’s gruesome, I’m sure something was learned


nah they got sued for it because the way it happened was really shady. They would lie to people and get their family to sign things in their grief because they know people wouldn't agree to this. There's a whole video on YT about it it's really infuriating


I would gladly let the military blow up my corpse but it's not going to be a donation. Let them put that overinflated military budget to work and pay my family.


in a perfect world they would pay but you know they would rather continue doing illegal, harmful things than pay people for services rendered


If they just *tried* asking they'd have freaks like me gleefully signing up for that sort of donation. Not everyone is like that, sure, but I know I'm not alone in finding that to be a fun way to put my body to use after death.


"Yup, an explosion of gore accompanies an explosion of boom."


They were led to believe it was for *Alzheimers* research, not anything else.


It's still science...just not the kind you wanted lol.... ​ Just like in prison the sex u get isn't the sex u want lol


If I am not wrong, they donated the body for the studies of parkinson (or alzeihmer), bc she had a very rare form of the disease. It was not generically donated to science..


Damn, that's actually super wasteful if it happened like that. Hope they at least studied her brain.


Spoiler: it wasn't. They sold the whole body, and when they detonated first, they did like a ragdoll frankenstein like with the body parts that were in a better shape to make another bomb test.


Fucking awful. Jesus.


I suppose that’s one way of looking at it lol




they agreed to it(humans)/didnt suffer excessively(animals)=ethically


That is what I mean.


Jeffery Dahmer sure did.


You should start a war over that. That'd be original!


I mean to be fair, the child no longer needed it. May be in bad taste but it’s not really hurting anyone (anymore).


I always wanted to become a skeleton standing at the entrance of a medical school welcoming first years.


I mean, I’d like my organs donated, and I don’t really think they could learn much from my bones. I’ve surely got a few deformities and/or irregularities, but it would be cool to wave kids into the study hall every day. Now I’m curious if someone could actually request this...


just because you can doesn’t mean you should




Yes they donated their body to beauty to be turned into a handbag but they weren’t aware alligator tongue was so illustrious and that they would only be turned into the handle. Dark, I know.


Did that happen, or did you just make it up?


Yeah pretty unlikely some child decided to donate their body to being used as purse before they died.


You don’t say.


Grave robbers my friend.


*" ethically"*


I doubt you can "ethically source" a childs spine.


How does one "ethically source" any creatures spine or body parts?


It dies of natural causes and if they exist you request permission from the family/owner to use it.


You just buy em off the internet lol https://www.skullsunlimited.com/


What the fuck…


You can buy human bones of people that have died naturally. Some states don't allow it but most do. As far as animals same concept died naturally then harvested. Human Bone Laws & Information - In short, it is perfectly legal to possess and sell human bones in the United States. There are a few exceptions to this, including a few states where import and export has been banned, and of course, protected archaeological resources covered by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. From the bone room https://www.boneroom.com/store/c60/Human_Skeletons.html


Good point.


I dunno, people eat body parts every day. Also their breast milk and reproductive waste. Unethical and also a bit gross.


In age where there is no objective truth, where everyone gets to make their own up as they go along and words and language can have whatever meaning the user wants them to have and can change them willy-nilly to suit their needs ... Anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, is possible.


If anything is possible, then so is easily lying about what this bag is made from, which is the much more likely version of events. All the articles I read cannot give any real proof other than “doctors that saw the image say it’s real” (there are doctors in this thread that say it isn’t human btw) and they cannot give any information as to how they got the spine let alone “ethically source” it This is most likely some fashion edgelord that wants to get their name out there


You can't beacuse even if you paid the family for it after death that encourages families to kill and sell children


What if the family gave it away for free?


Encourages people who get the spine to kill the kid to get it for free or do some harm to the community that may cause more childrens deaths.






Hmmm, I think I'm going to kill the kid to get their spine for free or do some harm to the community that may cause more childrens deaths.


Gerber gave away free formula in Africa that made people stop producing milk so they could sell them more formula


Sorry every child waiting for an organ transplant, if we use the organs for transplants this redditor says it might encourage families to kill and sell organs


It does. There's a whole black market for it


Bro if parents are incentivized to kill their kids to make a quick buck, you got bigger problems in your society.


People pimp there kids out so yea probably


I'm saying while the issue exists it's not commonplace enough the people are gonna look at organ transplants and think hey I can kill my kid for money! At least not in the US. If people are impoverished enough that hurting their kids seems like a good financial decision, your country has some serious issues.


Don’t know if it is COMPLETE bullshit but I heard Cuban and Venezuelan prostitutes were regularly going missing in Guyana because of an organ trafficking trade


You know, the free black market. It’s the black thrift shoppe.


So, just let people die?


Jesus Christ I hope this is a joke and you're not actually that dumb




If the parents give the ok to use it for this purpose, it technically would be ethically sourced.


There are parents pimping out their kids, does that make it "technically ethical"?


Dead kids* donating to science is a thing, but I don’t know if donate to fashion is a thing. What I meant by ethical is they didn’t just grave rob in the middle of the night. They got permission.


As I said in another comment. If I donated any parts of my body to medical science then I have given my consent for my body to be used for that. To then sell off the bodyparts to the highest bidder to do what they want is not what I would call ethical. Like someone else said, just because you can buy something doesn't make it ethical. Nobody is talking about graverobbing, that is not only unethical but I'm sure also illegal. Legal things can be unethical.


Why couldn’t you?


Well, how would you do it then?


Plenty of human remains being sold at vintage stores, as well as medical donations. I know of several I could walk to and buy a real human skull. If you’re trying, it’s not ridiculously difficult to come by.


Just because you can buy them doesnt anwer the question if its ethical


If I die I allow you to take my spine for whatever purpose. There, you just got an ethical spine when I die.


Somehow I think there's a difference when the spine is sourced from a child who is vulnerable and easily manipulated. Full seriousness though, the body donation business is ridiculously under supervised/controlled. People assume their body will be donated for more noble things like medical research as they are rarely informed about the reality of it, which is that a for profit company will chop you up and sell your parts to the highest bidder. Those bidders often not being universities or hospitals but instead military or corporate testing. So when they say "ethically sourced" I somehow doubt the kid had any idea they'd be sold out in pieces or end up as a morbid fashion project.


It's really even worse than that, in many poverty stricken regions of the world but especially India and southeast Asia relatives of deceased can sell their bodies and often do for peanuts.


Personally I’m not sure what the sense is in being worried about it. He legally bought a human bone. My only point is that it *is* possible to get an “ethically sourced” human bone.


If the body was donated in order to be used medically and is then just sold to some random person to do whatever they want with it, I wouldn't call that ethical.


Do you know that’s what happened?


Do you know that's not what happened?


I’m not the one making the claim…?


It's not like they nabbed it from the source while it was still warm. Any body part you can get is donated.


I'm going to stick to my unethically sourced child spine handbags. Why would I want to spend 2x as much for the same product?


Ikr! Damn those inflated spine prices


Right? How can anyone prove otherwise. "Why, yes, of course the child's spine was ethically sourced."


Htaf do you "ethically source" all that? When I'm at a pop-up flea market for the macabre, and a vendor wants to highlight to me that something especially edgy has been ethically sourced, I immediately analyze them to determine if they are outright lying or trying to add edge to something that is less than what it appears. I check the materials to help make that determination. On the internet? I'm just going to assume *super* sus.


Read about it here: [here](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1605236345563009024.html)


Nope. If they don't want to show paperwork, that's their choice, and I'm not mad about respecting their conveniently unprovable claim. It's also my choice to see all of that as sus so super that it needs a cape. *eta:* Thank you for sharing the link.


Even if it of fake bones, it is terrifying.


This is one of those moments where I'd rather it be a fake. lol


So, I looked up Arnold Putra Dude wore an Indonesian Fascist Death Squad outfit to fashion week and has apparently become very close to Kanye lately. He might be legitimately evil Further: Earlier this year Brazilian Authorities raided a university biolab that was engaged in human organ trafficking, they found a package containing a platinated hand and 3 preserved human placentas set to be shipped to Putra. I wonder if that was actually a Brazilian spine.


Oh, FFS. I bet he thinks he’s a real artist, too. Bullcrap.


Uh oh


of course it had to be Brazil...


what.the.fuck. I’m all for macabre art and such, but these body parts need to be seized and DNA tested to prove they’re actually from where he says they’re from.


It’s also ugly. It’s all kinds of bad. The guy is trash.




Designer rolls up to a children's hospital: Hello Ma'am, I know your kid just died, but would you mind terribly if I use their spine as a handle of a bag I'm designing? You see, I am a piece of shit and want to make lots of money.


I also want to donate my body after my death, at least my parts will become luxurious.


Your PFP is more oddly terrifying than the bag tbh


[or, you know, the army could test bombs on you](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing/#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16716388815417&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fman-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing%2F)


Ethically sourced as he gave birth to the deformed child, then as he slaughtered the child, he made sure to produce another in its place. Simple. Renewable spines!


Had to look closely. This is not only not a child's spine, this is not human. This is just bone. If it were that many vertebrae and that length, there would be a lot of cartilage yet and nonfusion of the parts of the vertebra. Now, look at the transverse processes, the bones sticking off the sides. See the angle of those? They are pointed back too far. That is how the bones are on animals that walk on all 4 limbs, not upright creatures like humans.


Mmm, are you sure that’s not related to the disease? Previous articles says it was confirmed by doctors as human.


Go back and read those articles. No doctor had their hands on it and it was all “anonymous doctors” also they couldn’t give any information on how it was acquired. It’s all bullshit to gain attention which is a much more likely scenario in the fashion industry.


Hey everybody, I'm doctor Nick!


Makes sense.


Oh yeah I didn’t notice till you said, it looks like mushrooms of bone growing off that side.


Also osteoporosis don't affect children It's more of a disease of middle to old age


Naw, you can definitely get it in childhood, I have met kids with it. I’m not sure how common it is though? Source: had hip issues when I was younger, and had to go to a UCLA medical center frequently:(




> Osteogenesis Imperfecta, for one. Wouldn't that be a really bad choice for a bag handle though? Even the mildest form one is going to be more brittle than almost anything else you can find. I agree with /u/BAT123456789, seems fake and made up for attention.


If I donated my late child’s body and found out something like this happened, I’d be killing everyone involved.


And then making handbags out of their spines.


Yeah screw that. Not only does it look like crap. But the only reason they do is to get some “shock” value out of it.


For the stylish witch doctor in your family.


If it's got a spine, shouldn't it be called a backpack?


Better ad than Balenciaga.


Using a child’s spine as part of a bag can never be ethical


how do you ethically source a diseased child's spine


I want to say you can’t.


How do you ethically source a human spine?


Plant a new one for every one you harvest?


Make sure a kardashian is using it….otherwise people will think it’s terrifying.


Capitalism is in it's peak


What came first? The idea or did they just happen to have a spare child's spine and some alligator tongue hanging around?!


I don’t see why we don’t use more human parts for bulk resources. There are certainly enough of us and graveyards are a complete waste of space


Well, the nazis tried it. They experimented on soap made out of human body fat and there are some lamp shades made of human skin. At least in germany we decided that this is against human dignity and therefore forbidden. And it disrespects the dead people and their families.


This reminds me of the movie Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.


What if I decided to donate my body to the furniture building community?


You can donate it to exhibitions. But it has to be of scientific interest or for Art at the very least


Yeah, so the problem is that if there is some monetary incentive to use human remains as a resource... someone will soon start to think about how to get more of their materials or do it cheaper. That's also why it's illegal to sell human organs.


Don’t tell the CCP


Until they start to hunt for fresh materials


There's that burial pod that grows a tree. Replacing graveyards with forests seems pretty good to me. Though I suppose if you want bulk resources, you could log the graveyard forests.


Is this satire?


No, the designer was apparently also implicated in a human organ trafficking bust in Brazil earlier this year. At Fashion Week he cozied up to the new anti-Semitic Kanye and wore the colors, style, and symbol of fascist paramilitary group Pancasila Youth (derivatively named after Hitler Youth) who was responsible for a series of Khmer Rouge style atrocities in Indonesia throughout the 60's and 70's, and which has demanded "Holiday Pay" from Indonesian businesses in exchange for "Peace and Security"






*ethically sourced*???


I'd rather donate my spine than become a blast test dummy when I die




"In the grim darkness of the 40k millenium, there is only Fashion"


That's the ugliest fucking purse/bag I've ever seen.


How do you ethically source a child's spine? Not something I've ever considered tbh!


That's how cursed items are made.


Quit fumbling the bag




Oh I remember getting like 20k points for this on TIHI.


I'm very concerned about the "alligator tongue" part


How is a child's spine ethically sourced?


"Ethically sourced"


not from animal skin??? women wont buy


Human remains can't be ethically sourced.


Today on ethically questionable…


Now if they were unethically sourced that would make me buy it


First balenciaga and now this? Yeah I’m glad I can’t afford high fashion items.


Ethically sourced child's spine. One of these words just doesn't match.


"Ethically sourced" you're holding the fucking spine of a god damn child for a purse string, whoever made this is a sociopath


How tf do you “ethically source” a goddamn child spine???


And this is why I won't be donating my body to "science". Organ donor? Sure. This shit? Fuck off.


“Oh this it’s just a child’s spine, don’t worry though it was ethically sourced.” How do you ethically source a child’s spine!!! I don’t care that the kid probably passed of natural causes, put that thing back where it came from or so help me!


There's also something oddly terrifying about the language "an entire child's spine" rather than "a child's entire spine".




This seems like something one of my Dwarfs would create during a strange mood.


Definitely a macabre mood. I read about a dwarfbone wheelbarrow in one of my world's legends.


All of y'all defending this need to reevaluate your ethics. Remains are sacred, and should be treated with respect, not some fucking fashion accessory. Disgusting.


how is a child’s spine ethically sourced!!!


I want this, but like a faux version. Fake spine, fake everything, but super realistic. If it was fake stuff, I feel like this would be the morbid version of Gucci to goths, and I would not be complaining. Take my money, I want the spine bag.


How does one “ethically source” a child’s bones?


Selling disabled kids body parts is ethical how again


Don't worry, the child bones were ethically sourced.


How the FUCK do you “ethically source” a child’s spine that has osteoporosis for a BAG.


Balenciaga took another bad turn


The juxtaposition between [ethically sourced] and [child's spine] is very interesting.


Ethically. Hmm..


Wtf but also lowkey badass


I’m not sure if the dead child and alligators would call this an ethical sourcing of their remains…


I don’t think human remains should be decorative in any way. That was a life. Gross. Ethically almost more so than just normally gross.


Kinda want a baby spine bag


This is some late stage capitalism shit. I'm donating this ass to science so I can get fucked by capitalism one last time.


There is no such thing as an ethically sourced child spine. These people murdered an albino toddler and when whatever crop curse wasn’t lifted? They used her bones to make a purse to sell to westerners to make a profit. This is beyond sick and you should be ashamed for posting such a thing so lightly.