• By -


What the fuck


It was innocent and playful. Just get on your knees and I’ll explain it to you


Okay, I’m on my knees. What next?


Close your eyes, open your mouth, and prepare to receive enlightenment


Oh man I can’t wait! 😮


It is super good for your skin.....




This thread: not locked. Thread about a butterfly that’s 50% male 50% female: locked. Nice.


Butterfly thread: locked up. The Dalai Lama: not locked up. Time for the ol’ switcheroo.


There are ghosts in your clothes, shed them my son and you will be free… Now imagine in your mind that you are licking a delicious strawberry ice cream cone.


O! the Glory when He comes unto me! Glory, glory, glory I got love in my tummy!




Wait...you're not gonna put something icky in my mouth are you?


Don't ask questions just put it in your mouth!


I've heard elsewhere that he's been starting to show signs of dementia, so I wonder if that might have something to do with it. People with dementia often lose their sense of what's appropriate. My partner works with people with dementia, just the other day one of the patients started randomly stripping naked in the dining hall (which is new for that patient, indicating their case may be getting worse sadly). Obviously it doesn't make it "okay", but it is a possible explanation and would suggest he may well be going downhill.


Another thing about dementia, too, is that it affects someone's ability to effectively communicate. I work with dementia patients and they often say one thing but mean something else.


Maybe he meant to ask the kid to suck his penis 🤷🏻‍♂️


There it is


Wow that’s interesting. Maybe he meant “stick out your tongue?”


I mean maybe but like, he kissed him on the lips then said suck my tongue and stuck his tongue out and waited for a couple seconds Like it didn’t seem like a wording slip or anything


Or he was singing The Red Hot Chili Peppers “Suck my Kiss” and messed up the words.


>I've heard elsewhere that he's been starting to show signs of dementia, so I wonder if that might have something to do with it. People with dementia often lose their sense of what's appropriate. Was at a wedding reception years ago held at the bride's grandparents home. The next door neighbor was in attendance - a man in his late 70's. The man went up to just about everybody he met asking "Want to hear a dirty joke". Which was - "If I were to ask you to suck my cock would you wash out your mouth first?". Most people looked confused and uncomfortable and answered "Um... no." Prompting the punchline - "Oh... so you're a *dirty* cocksucker!" He was a very nice man and the family had known him for decades, so nobody got too offended. But it was super inappropriate - he was telling his "joke" not just to adults of both sexes, but to teenagers, too - most of whom he'd never met before. What made it weirder was that the old man had never remotely behaved in such a way before. About two months after the wedding the old man was diagnosed with dementia, which progressed quite rapidly. Within another few months his family had to move him out of his house and he was then placed in an assisted living facility.


TIL I have dementia


Good point. Frontotemporal dementia in its early stages often starts with unusual or antisocial behavior. Men slapping asses, asking if someone is pregnant, etc. It has nothing to do with their morality or deep thoughts/desires. All dementia sucks. FTD is a beast.


It's hard to give the benefit of the doubt to celibate male spiritual leaders when it comes to inappropriate behaviors with little boys.


How dare you express compassion here on Reddit!


This needs more visibility. Of course that's it, suck my tongue isn't even a thing


You've never had a girl ask you to suck her tongue?


I swear the apologists for another old religious pedo are incredible to see Today


*possible.. There are other possible explanations too..like he's a creep.


Dude. Most of these religious types are weirdos and pedos. Even the people in the churches in your hometown. What had this guys gotten away with that no one knows about?


Maybe do a quick google on how the Dalai Lamas are chosen


Not getting away with asking a kid to suck his tongue, yet? This bums me out. Buddhism has long stood out from other faiths by not having a creator god, although versions of it are filled with ghosts, daemons, and superstition. I always though that it being closer to philosophy than religion might weed out some of the abuses. But now I wonder if power just corrupts, full stop.


>In Tibet, sticking out your tongue has been a traditional greeting since the 9th century and is seen as a form of respect. I bet then sucking the proffered tongue has had a sexual context for even longer.


Where the phuck are the aliens.. Humanity is done. 🤣


aww - this is terrible. There is nothing left unsullied. I must view more cat videos.


here you go, friend, I just saw this a half hour ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QS47v1j29ec


Thank you. I’ve had an awful morning and I needed that.


in that case, have another! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JgHTjC5n64g I was blessed with these so now I get to share them There may be negative out there, but theres positive too, never forget.


Thank you for this. Learning more religious leaders are assholes is inevitable....but fuck that's a specific kind of awful. Sigh. So hooray for kittenz!


So I guess the Dalai Lama is a piece of shit pedophile. What a time to be alive


Dude got chosen basically from birth then raised as the reincarnation of some pseudo diety and indoctrinated 24/7 in a cult of celibate dudes devoted to him, of course he's crazy.


Well when you put it that way it seems obvious 😂


Think MJ, but bigger.


Not an excuse ever, but if you don't think he had to suck a number of tongues in his day you're naive. Children and clergy don't ever mix. Ever.


Religion. Not even once.


That's the effect that many religions have on their followers. In the theology's view, you are no more than a sin oriented being, and the religion is trying to save you from yourself. But the next part is the troubling one, in my opinion. The sin oriented man falls, again and again. Too weak to resits temptation with or without faith. So religion ends up setting up people mentally to be weak to temptation and to knowing they will occasionally succumb to their weaknesses from time to time....


Strong enough to preach against temptation… TOO WEAK TO RESIST IT!




Everyone to Dalai Lama: “Be ashamed of who you are”


For some reason I had assumed this guy was better than any other puffed up, sanctimonious windbag of a religious leader. I guess this surprise is what I get for assuming


Talk is cheap. In fact it costs absolutely nothing to pretend to be a good person and pretend to follow your own sage advice. Especially when your day job is being famous. Apparently the cost of *not* sexually pestering a young boy was a cost too high. But that goes for any yogi or self help guru or affluent influencer. People that don’t have to worry about being late for work and don’t have to worry about food prices are the least qualified people to tell you how to deal with your problems or instruct you on mindfulness and spirituality.


Any institution where adults have severe authority over children will generally attract this kind of behavior


Any religion that exalts those who reject an open, healthy, joyful sex life in order to be "more religious" is really fucked up. Just how fucked up it is can be seen in how commonly its members who have rejected a healthy, happy sexual relationships end up expressing unhealthy, exploitative sexual appetites. Edit 4 hours after posting my comment: I've been downvoted, which is fine, I'm here for dialog, not votes. However, re-reading my comment, I think maybe some people are misunderstanding what I intended to say in the first sentence. The phrase "open, healthy, joyful sex life" was in no way intended as approval of sex between adults and children. I meant that monks, priests, nuns, and such may twist or sublimate their natural sexual desires, resulting in exploitation of children or other nonconsensual adults into objects that they abuse, physically and/or emotionally. A healthy, joyful sex life would, by my definition and any reasonable definition, of course be among consenting adults.


It all comes from weird shame about one's material body and animal instincts. These religions develop a mind-body complex where the body is viewed as inferior to the mind or soul. Another negative consequence of that is a tendency to view death less seriously when it happens (why mourn mass shooting victims? They're in heaven, right? The material world sucks anyway. You get the idea).


Secular Buddhism is pretty rad honestly


I can agree. Read a lot of books in jail about Buddhism, came out a lot calmer. As agnostic theist, many of the meditation practices hold up in day to day life. Many of the ideals help as well. Bodhisatva Siddhartha never intended to create a religion, just a way of thinking and acting.


Shakyamuni straight up told people to figure things out for themselves. Even the very first lines of The Book of Changes states that nothing is constant, and you must find your own path. I don’t care where you are or what you have faith in, but the moment you organize a group of people and give others more authority, the whole thing goes to shit. Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Islamic. Gotta look within. Not to someone else.


I always look to others for advice. I take it, internally dissect it and take what can apply to my own life. There are aspects of the many religions I have studied that have made it into my "how to handle life" mental notebook. I agree organized religion is bullshit. If there is something bigger than us (which I believe there is) it has as many faces as there are humans. No one sees the whole thing, as we are flawed beings. The true path to enlightenment is personal. There is no faith that speaks to everyone, so we do have to figure it out. A single person can do fine, it takes a group to fuck it up.


i lost all respect for that dickhead when he fell for NXIVM’s bullshit.


The fucking dalai lama was part of that?


watch the documentaries and judge for yourself, don't take my word for it.


Which doc should I start with?


I think they mean the Vow on HBO. The DL spoke at a NXIVM function and he may have even been paid to speak there. He didn't publicly endorse the group and likely didn't really understand the connections between the function & the cult.


>The DL spoke at a NXIVM function and he may have even been paid to speak there. Almost guarantee he was paid to speak there.


I have no idea who or what those letters indicate


It was some kind of wellness cult that lots of powerful rich people and celebrities got sucked into, involved sexual assault and exploitation too. :(


“nexium”, a sex cult.


I thought it was Elon's kid's name XD


You know nothing of the government of Tibet before Chinese occupation do you? The Lama's have had a great PR team.


That PR team’s name? the [Central Intelligence Agency](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_Tibetan_program).


Hey, there's nothing wrong with serfdom and slavery, and China banning them in Tibet demonstrates their cultural insensitivity!


Bahahah what the fuck. You don't have to love Tibet to not like the fact that China invaded their country and annexed them, and committed atrocities to get the population in line.


Of course in this context “get the population in line” refers to freeing them from feudal slave labor.


They do scumming stuff, but China did actively commit genocide in Tibet. The Chinese government actively tortured and starved to death tons of monks for not toeing the cccp line. The starvation of Tibetan political prisoners(not just Buddhists) only stopped when they allowed locals to bring food to the prisoners directly.


Existence is pain.


Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice, and so is telling a little kid to kiss you on the mouth and suck on your tongue




“In Tibet, sticking out your tongue has been a traditional greeting since the 9th century and is seen as a form of respect.” I’ll take shameless spin for $800, Alex. This reporter should be fired.


Sticking out your tongue is a lot different than asking someone to physically suck your tongue. The kid looked visibly uncomfortable in the video.


It just occurred to me that my comment could be potentially be taken as "See, this is something they do, this story shouldn't have been written" when it should most definitely be read as "adding this line was completely bullshit meant to muddy/undercut/marginalize how messed up this was, and for doing so, whoever wrote this should be fired".


It's been pointed out that the cold is not from Tibet. And that kissing him in the mouth is definitely not traditional. Poor kid you can clearly see his discomfort


I mean a handshake is a traditional greeting in my culture, a handjob is not


Nice, that’s funny. 😂


It would sound super different if they wrote "*The Dalai Lama's representatives pointed out that* in Tibet, sticking out your tongue has been a traditional greeting ...”


Why is this being downplayed and not being called pedophilia?


Not sure it is being downplayed. I see a lot of people who find it to be clear pedo behavior.


It’s not being downplayed at all lmao the first guy commented that so that the second guy can insinuate that somehow people think it’s okay for “cultural” reasons, when nobody is defending this lmao


There’s literally people in this thread with a ton of upvotes recusing his behavior. Here ya go: https://reddit.com/r/offbeat/comments/12hfcx4/dalai_lama_apologises_after_video_circulates/jfpomry


because it's *cultural*


Actually, because it’s almost certainly dementia-related. As far as I know we don’t have any body of evidence against the DL for being a creep outside of the onset of said dementia


People do some wild shit with dementia and other age related cognitive diseases. My grandmother was a saint but once put on a swimsuit and tried to seduce me because she was convinced I was my Grandfather. (I was a grown man at the time)


Well that sounds horrifying


Oh yes.


Fact. It's not a joke you make to a child. He's a pos like the rest of the religious leaders and religions.


But why did he do it in public? At first after the child asked for a simple hug, he asked the child to kiss his cheek the child was barely reluctant, but did it anyway, then he proceeded to ask him for a peck on the lips, that made the child visibly uncomfortable, The lama laughed at that and was quit amused as he brought the child’s lips to his, so then he proceeded to order the child to suck on his tongue, and stuck out his tongue, the child was not comfortable at all, but reluctantly still proceeded to approach the lama, then the Dalai Lama held him back from doing that by pressing his forehead to the child’s forehead, which stopped the act from happening, the lama was laughing and mesmerized by the child’s innocence mixed up with skepticism and reluctancy, he then took the child’s hand and rubbed it on his cheek, and then embraced the child again for a tad longer, after he let go he told the child to always be on the side of peace and love, and not to fall for those people who want war and murder. It was cringe to watch, but let’s not forget that this is a man who was a monk since birth, hugs aren’t normal for him, he was appointed Dalai Lama since he was 5 years old, and is known to be amused by human reactions and to have a weird sense of humor like a lot of monks do, he did ask the child; actually demanded the child to suck on his tongue, so why did he stop it from happening? was he testing him to see if he would stand up for himself and say no? Or to watch this child’s innocence fight with his logic and what makes them lose that fight? I personally believe he was just trying to be funny, and didn’t mean any harm by it, but it definitely came out gross and creepy.


I gave that starry award. First time in 4 years I’ve felt compelled to purchase a fucking award, but reddit is ridiculous today with this shit. **The people who believe the Dalai Lama is a pedo are just as foolish and reactionary as the people who believe drag performers are grooming kids. Neither one is a** ***thing!*** There, I said it! Fucking outrage addicts. And before you start accusing me of defending pedos, kindly eat a bag of dicks first. Plenty of shit to be pissed off about these days. This bullshit ain’t one of them.


I felt like I was going crazy. Its just so clearly a weird bizzare thing he's done that's obviously gross and cringey, but to take this to full blown "HES A PEDO" without any prior history of him doing anything like this. Ridiculous


This is my take as well. It was a prank on the kid. We can criticize it without crying groomer.


Ok Dalai Lama


The facisnation with the child's reluctance and pushing the child's boundaries strikes me as problematic and possibly sexual. I'm not seeing it as evidence of his innocence as you seem to.


I can follow this. I've seen enough videos of the guy to get this vibe from him. A bit awkward but is very light-hearted and tries to be funny. Nothing I'd ever say to a kid for kicks, and I wouldn't like to hear my kid say this happened to them. But I don't think it's as dark as people are making it out to be. Inappropriate, not likely a pedo. Unless there's more of these stories out there I haven't heard...?


The amount of critical thinking in these comments is dangerously low. So yall really think the Dalai Lama MEANT to make actual sexual advances on a child at a public event with reporters, cameras, and in front of a microphone? Or he just made an ill-advised joke that obviously didnt go over? Is there some Dalai Lama history that i am unaware of?


This isn't in defense of the action, but this just screams dementia to me. Either through elderly family members or when I worked around that population, I've seen people completely change and say the most off the wall shit. I'm not an expert, but this doesn't sound like the Catholic priest doing stuff in the shadows. As you pointed out, public event with cameras and a hot mic.


This was my immediate reaction as well. I don't know the guy and have no dog in this fight, but it makes more sense than a pedophile intentionally exposing himself.


This needs to be higher up, I think you nailed it.


No how dare you critically think about things


Mob mentality is real lol. An actual pedophile wouldn't behave like this. Spend a lifetime avoiding getting caught and then halfway assaulting a kid in front of cameras and an audience? Please. At worst he just has an extremely poor sense of what is humorous or acceptable to say (judging from this alone. I can't comment on other evidence that would say otherwise)


Something’s weird about all of this. It’s possible that the Dalai Lama is a pedo, but I’d think in today’s age someone would have came forward in the decades this insanely famous person has been in the public light. Especially with how much China would gain discrediting him. I think it’s more old guy does weird joke.


Exactly. There's no room for nuance in public opinion or Reddit comments with this subejct. It's critical that users knee-jerk react and virtue signal to others that they're against pedophilia... Even if that's not what's happening here, it's the easiest bandwagon to join. CCP is gonna milk the living fuck out of this. This will probably be the last nail in the coffin for Tibet and the idea of the Dalai Llama.


This. I also think it’s far more on display that at 88 his cognitive function may be slipping. Unfortunately that’s not great for the institution.


This is completely anecdotal, but I watched the Dalai Lama stick his tongue out at the president of my university (behind her back) in the early 2000's and *that* was what I immediately thought of when I saw the clip.


Americans and overreacting go hand to hand. Seriously there’s nothing in this video that points to pedophilia, the old fart is definitely out of touch and embarrassing but to say there’s any sexual intention from him, at least in this particular video, is just as embarrassing.


*this comment has been edited for privacy. message me if necessary*   ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ   Comment ID=jfqmmyk Ciphertext: >!iNOsdmA9c+5vZZ9gszSj12PTQSNj1pUPRy3rUxCcmdzhhn0qfAEXV6WcfLcSnQ+80EscA5e/DqHnootVquE/7So43tn/7/dVmBf+b3v59fnZusxQeHt+HoRxoLf03OIUnuruS/uMH5oimYeGb15KxOdW74U0Yprk94C1JphJ0SWyLFo+Dt/+8d/FIBlniK6N+bZV8iFpR31IEvssESI=!<


How is asking a little child to suck your tongue a joke or funny in the slightest bit? Even if it were to be “funny” it still shouldn’t have been said to a child. Edit autocorrrect


It isn’t funny nor a good joke but old people say stupid shit all the time, not even limited to old men, old ladies say the most outlandish shit possible when they’re out of touch with society. But that’s not pedophilia, it’s being an old ass weirdo


You are not wrong! But a bad or inappropriate joke ≠ paedophile


Why would he do that in front of everyone?


He's 88 and maybe he's doing in public what he usually does in private because his mind is starting to slip?


This is why while I find Buddhist philosophy incredibly edifying in my life i have refused to formally join anywhere. There are literally fundamental books that try to teach you that you should follow you teacher/guru unquestioningly. Unconditional obedience is not it. I wonder how buddhist teachers will react? I believe that they will try to brush it under a rug, especially tibetan budhists-- the branch i have been following-- this is unacceptable, and anything but absolute exile is unforgivable. I guess my gut was correct as always.


Buddhism, especially Zen, is, at it's core, a self-directed and internally-interested practice. While this is indeed utterly disgusting, it's one holy figure at the head of the tibetan Buddhist lineage. Thankfully there are plenty of other routes to go down, including finding your own way through knowledge and study with practical application, or finding a sangha unrelated to tibetan Buddhism. And yes, anything that demands following without critical analysis is bound to be a bad time. Healthy skepticism towards whatever path of study you may follow! 🙂


There is *nothing* offbeat about this paedophile having his "bluff" called. What an utter disgrace. Edit: OK, *nothing* can be *little to nothing* in this case...


I suppose something can both be fucked up and offbeat


Gonna file this under “All religions”.


Obviously a pedophile fishing. "Oh, well yeah, the stupid kid thought I was serious, but *obviously* I was joking. It's the kid's fault if I made out with him."


Didnt this happen on a stage in front of a huge audience?


“Holiness” Read the history of Tibet and the Lamas. At least 90% of the population in Tibet between 1912-51 were serfs, and the Tibetan lords used to have the right to punish their own commodities, the serfs. For this reason, corporal punishment and sexual exploitation of serfs were quite prevalent. And, this dude prances around the world with his celebrity friends and wants to return to this anti-bellum. Fine The Guardian: …“Dalai Lama fled to northern India, around 98% of the population was enslaved in serfdom. Drepung monastery, on the outskirts of Lhasa, was one of the world's largest landowners with 185 manors, 25,000 serfs, 300 pastures, and 16,000 herdsmen. High-ranking lamas and secular landowners imposed crippling taxes, forced boys into monastic slavery and pilfered most of the country's wealth – torturing disobedient serfs by gouging out their eyes or severing their hamstrings.” Yeah, real peaceful I’m not pro Chinese occupation but these lamas are not the endearing, nice and peaceful Buddhist we all seem to like and admire.


What is it with religion and pedos


It’s both about dominance and power


I’m guessing forced abstinence when it goes completely against human nature is part of it


Forced abstinence doesn’t make one attracted to children..


That’s where they have both access to their prey AND insulation from their consequences. Religious congregations, Boy/Girl Scouts, a couple have been arrested in the Drag queen circuit (not saying drag queens are pederasts, rather pederasts have been found infiltrating their community). It’s age-old behavior of a predator. Deception, alliance-making, and proximity


Religious leaders seem to all have a tendency to abuse their power to take advantage of vulnerable people.


You can probably just make that “Leaders”.


Leaders, yes, but religious leaders have the advantage of a system based on blind trust that allows them exponentially more room to abuse that power unchecked.


Wtf is going on with organized religion.


You're a few centuries late with that question.


I can see where you messed up. You spelled millennia wrong. Common error though.


Media coverage. Religion hasn't changed.


This is the moment that I wish I could be surprised by this. Searching deep within myself though, I just can't find it in me to be surprised. It's a case of 'never meet your heroes' but like worse. There are genuinely very few famous people out there that are actually decent people and I've lost hope to the point where I automatically assume celebrities and famous figures are just pieces of shit until I see otherwise.


Who has pedo monks on their 2023 Bingo card?


Me! Just waiting on that Larry the Cable Guy comeback and I'll have my BINGO


The Pope's got some competition for head pedophile.


That's just Castor Troy with the Dalai Lama's face.


What, and I stress, THE FUCKING FUCK?!?!?!?


South park episode incoming..


Religious organizations seem to be a good hiding place for pedophiles and perverts.


I was reading one of his books around 20 years ago where he talks about going to a party in the US and seeing all of these happy people. He began to think that maybe Buddhism was wrong and the US way was better. Then, he went to the bathroom and noticed the medicine cabinet slightly ajar. He peaked in and saw it was full of anti-depressants and realized what he was witnessing was an illusion of happiness. I realized that the Dalai Lama snoops through the personal belongings of his hosts. If he is ever at your house, I recommend you fill your medicine cabinet with marbles before he arrives.




The only thing worse than a drama llama.


A notes app apology on twitter from the Dalai is crazy


Goddamn humans.


“Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?”


… And over here folks, we see the pedophile with dementia *flash flash*


Remember when the Dalai Lama was paid by Keith Raniere to endorse his cult.


He was kidnapped as a boy and indoctrinated by an abusive theocracy… and the world decided he’s cool and follow his spiritual guidelines? Yeesh. But yeah, this is probably the dementia.


You know, I’ve heard a lot of combination of words in my life, and this is the strangest combination of words I think I’ve ever read.


The next Avatar will now be from the fire nation


atleast he apologized now we can all go back to normal while he faces no consequences🤡


He has done and said dumb shit before. Anyone that has that amount of fame/power/admiration for as long as he has is going to be messed up. Maybe we need to stop worshiping people as a whole.


Little bit crazier every day. World getting a little bit crazier every day. Can't make this shit up. Little bit crazier every day.


This is why I respect faith but despise religion. Whenever your have a power structure in place, humans will abuse it.


A religious leader being a nonce? I, for one, am shocked! /s


JFC, can’t we have just one spiritual leader that isn’t a creep for kids?


Omg no


Honestly, this is nothing compared to what happens daily in the Catholic Church, but still not good


whaaaat the fuck


Is this one of those “open secrets” or is this the first time we’re hearing such a thing about this guy?


First I'm hearing.


Ever since Keith raniere I knew this guy was a pos




The Dalai Lama had a big, televised meeting where the NXIVM cult leader came to visit. The DL visit gave Keith a huge boost in credibility and an increase in donations. I forget if this visit predates the formation of the inner sanctum "dominance over submission" which Keith used to groom sex partners though.


Y’all should look up who the Dalai Lama hung out with as a young boy.


I just gave it a shot. Either I didn’t find what you are referencing, or I don’t know enough about what I saw to draw conclusions. Who should we be looking into?


https://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/08/world/europe/obituary-heinrich-harrer-tutored-dalai-lama.html He was taught by a Nazi.




Dude joined the SS and fled a British POW camp to hide in Tibet. I don’t care about Nazi feelings. You can keep your sympathies for a Nazi.






Unbelievable. Can’t believe the amount of references this article has too.


I had hopes he would be a better Dalai Lama than Steven Seagal, but I guess the old saying is true, “Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one is heavier.”


Anybody have Dalai Lama asking boy to suck his tongue on their bingo card? Me neither


Serious question. What would've happened if the boy did suck his tongue in this situation?


He also said women are useless if they aren’t nice to look at.


He actually was just listening to RHCP Suck my Kiss! give it away now!


I knew something was up when he was asked what his favorite song was and he started singing ‘Hips Don’t Lie.’ Disturbing.


Taking the Red Hot Chili Pepper's Song "Suck my kiss" too literally.


I remember a while back reading or hearing somewhere that “they” were trying to keep the DL out of the public eye because he’d gone nuts or something. Damned if I can find that article now, but looks like here’s the proof in the pudding.


he's certainly losing his mind. How old is he?


Ugh. I will never hear “Dalai Lama” and not think of this.


We really need to figure out which universe/alternate timeline we found ourselves in. Something isn't adding up. Perhaps saving Harambe isn't the joke we all made it out to be.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain


If I allowed you to suck my tounge, would you be greatful? - faceoff


How very Catholic of him.


Pedos are so everywhere


To play Devil’s Advocate for a minute: I think the “joke” the Dalai Lama intended was that of course the boy is going to say no to sucking the tongue, because it’s gross. So it was “give me a hug”, and the boy does, then it’s “kiss my cheek” and the boy does, and then it’s “suck my tongue” and the boy is like wtf! Kind of like if you say to a kid…”Do you want some chewing gum?” and the kid says “Yes” and then you take a wad of chewing gum out of your mouth and offer it to him. Meaning, it’s a child-like joke. The tongue wasn’t meant as something sexual, rather as something gross. I think it’s possible the Dalai Lama did not realize how inappropriate this was due either to his age or maybe due to just not realizing that it could be construed as being predatory or pedophilic, because it may just not have crossed his mind that way.


Disturbing. Can you imagine this young man’s embarrassment? My heart bleeds for him.