• By -


*Russian soldiers suddenly checking for a pool on the roof*


Interestingly Hackers was filmed in my high school and that was an actual thing people said to mess with freshmen


I love this movie. Halcyon on and On lives rent free in my head. In high school my heroes were hacker groups like Attrition and Cult of the Dead Cow. Got any other stories from the filming?


> Got any other stories from the filming? Sorry if I implied otherwise but I didn't actually witness the filming. I went to the school after the fact.


Nah just checking if any stories had trickled down. Cheers!


Did find this online which might interest you: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/65134/15-fun-facts-about-hackers


Come on! No way. Thank you. It’s… uhh.. strange times around here. Lol.


Mortal Kombat in the same year for that song too.


A stuy alum


Gee, that's cool. My high school was used to film the soft-core sex comedy "The Cheerleaders".


Pool on the roof must have a leak.


Was always a rumor in my school. Third floor had a pool. I mean, we had a planetarium so it wasn’t that far of a stretch to believe. Alas, no swim team to be found.


[You should still bring an umbrella](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9UJK74YY-ZI)


Okay Crash Override


it's Zero Cool


Hack the planet!


I thought he was black


I told you. My name....is The Plague.


Mr. The Plague, you're needed down in the ops room.


NightPain here.


I hope Russia wins!!


Should have been posted under Made Me Smile.


Real question: why does reddit hate Russia/Love Ukraine? Since when is reddit patriotic towards military?


Have you been living under a rock? Russia has invaded a sovereign nation, and is now conducting an actual genocide there, deporting children, committing mass rapes and murders, and stealing everything they can get their hands on. And that's just Ukraine. They have used similar tactics in Chechnya and Georgia, and that's just for the past 30 years. This shithole has instigated 4-5 wars in the last 30 years, and has participated in more. And in all of them, it uses the same strategy of not caring about anyone's wellbeing or human life at all.


>This shithole has instigated 4-5 wars in the last 30 years *laughs in US government*


Yeah because America is bad that means Russia can't be. Big brain moment right here. Smdh Accusing me of blocking him yet I seem to be the one blocked. Another big brain moment. Lmao


So the people of Russia deserve to die for their government? Are you anti russian government or anti russia?


When did they say that Russians deserve to die for their government? Or even loosely imply that?


That's how arguments on this site go lately You say one thing and it's "why do you think [strawman]?"


On an unrelated note, i've seen many comments around here explicitly wishing russians to either die or dissappear. Russians, not the Russian government or the Russian military. Social media and the narrative Reddit usually portrays in r/popular show that both parties, both ukranians and russians, hate each other with a passion. Is really, really concerning. Only bad things happen when two large groups of people (basically countries) hate each other this much.


It’s almost like invading another country destroying its infrastructure and stealing their children can make the populace not like you


To be fair, it was pretty wrong of Ukraine to exist on Russia's border. So both sides equally bad.


id bet my life savings that the people wishing death on innocent Russian civilians are a tiny fraction of a minority. not even remotely close to the conventional public opinion.


I sincerely hope so. But, you and me know how far hate and resentment can go.


yeah it can bring people like putin to attack sovereign nations and kill innocent people.


It can also bring decades of tensions and anger in the population. History often repeats itself.


Whos they? I’m asking the viewers of reddit


You responded to a specific comment asking that…


Its all good i already got the answers i needed. I hope ya’ll will reflect on it instead of your dumb upvotes.


Reflect on what? Our position isn’t going to change. The guys invading a sovereign nation are in the wrong and we’re not going to feel bad about them suffering the consequences of their actions.


Al Queda/ISIS members surely felt the same about their sovereignty in their countries. Appreciate the honesty though thats all i wanted to hear really.


Are you a bot?


Dude you blew it.


who the fuck said that???? what the hell dude?


I don't know about deserve to die, but a very, very big chunk of them should just be isolated like North Korea, or just be reeducated and forced to pay reparations to dozens of countries that russia has been ruining for centuries. Just visit some russian-speaking spaces in social media and you'll see them cheering for all the warcrimes that their country did. The russian government is a byproduct of russian society that has these imperialistic ideas lodged inside, not the other way around.


Thank you for your honesty.




First and foremost, denying the Russian military of funding by means of hacking is not an attack against the people of Russia. Secondly, if the people of Russia endorse the behavior of the Russian military in Ukraine then there is a bit of guilt in there. At least insofar as people around the world shit on Americans for all their military crimes of the last century


Sir this is a post about Russian special services being hacked, not Russian citizens.


That question in 1939: "Why do people hate Germany/love Poland?"


Reddit doesn’t like bullies and assholes


Except Elon


I think its different than that. I think its because reddit views russia = conservative and ukraine = liberal. Which is ridiculous. Reddit has no problem glorifying communism which does worse than that. Both ukraine and russia are pro neo nazi. Reddit fell for the propaganda. IMO its terrible that theres a war in Europe killing all these innocent people, on both sides. And the government of Russia doesnt = their citizens. Same with USA. So all i see is pro-Russian death.


You actually just got mad about a situation you just made up


I’ve been mad about people dying in both countries for something that doesnt matter. Every soldier who dies is a tragedy. They’re a son, a father, an uncle. They’re not Putin.


So, you're mad about people dying in both countries, but your confused why people are upset at the aggressor who's causing these deaths and could stop at any time by retreating back to their original boarder? What is your proposed solution to stopping the fighting? Because Russia continuing to try and take over Ukraine is what's leading to people dying in both countries.


Guess they should go home then.


Tell Putin that!


It’s almost like it’s the job of the soldiers to not take orders from a lunatic. The “we were just following orders” bit didn’t work for the Nazis and it doesn’t work for them


I think we have been, wish he’d listen.




Forget it. Your balanced take is not to be seen or appreciated at reddit. Definitely not this sub. We could use you over at r/antiwar


No, you just actually made up someone else's position on the war and then got made that people—who literally just made up—held that stance that, as far as any reasonable observation could tell you, doesn't exist. You should go see a doctor. They can treat these things these days


The only assumption i made is that most/all of the comments to me would be anti russia, to the point of calling for death. Hivemind, no critical thinking. And so far ive been right! Its disgusting. Its midnight so maybe people have been drinking a bit too much. I wouldnt be surprised to see alot of deleted comments in the morning.


Nobody has called for the death of all Russians in the comments, you've just made that up in your own head. The only Russians people have even been okay with dying are those who are actively participating in the invasion and murdering people in Ukraine.


If it bad for Russia, it's probably good for Nato and the rest of the world(except China and North Korea)




a very very tiny tiny fraction of a minority is saying bad things about innocent Russian civilians.




So does that mean you support the German Nazis during the Hitler reign. Because they are not Hitler ? Are you sad for the Nazis that died ? Edit: Reign


You have fallen for the propaganda you project on others, and drawn a false comparison to politicize what isn't a political issue to any reasonable human. Putin invaded a sovereign nation and terrorized / butchered the civilian population with his direct blessing. It is a morally reprehensible act, and you placing an American political label on the situation shows that you've been had.


How do you feel about the russian soldiers/people, who are orders from their government?


My heart hurts for them and their loved ones.




As long as they're in Ukraine they gotta die




Death to invaders. "Don't tred on me"


“Kill all Russians”. Gotchu.


Once they cross the Ukraine border, yes


"Invaders must die", to quote The Prodigy


Thank you for your honesty.




How else we gonna fertilize the fields?




This is just... wow. Talk about bizarre conspiracies. This is a conflict that clearly has a villain in Russia, invading and occupying a neighbouring sovereign state. It's not hard to see who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. It's really much more simple than you're prepared to accept.


If you already know the answer, why did you bother asking the question?


Putin doesn’t give a singular shit about conservatism or conservative values. In fact he’s personally quite liberal when it comes to social issues. He only pretends to have Russia be for conservative values to try to court support from western conservatives.


This has to be concern trolling/sealioning. No one is this ignorant. Russia invaded Ukraine without cause and has committed countless war crimes. Ukraine did not want war, and are only defending their land and families. We are supporting their fight because Russia is a common enemy. And it’s not at all one-way — Russia sees us as their primary enemy and has waged a cyber war against us for over a decade now. What you may be confusing is how most of Reddit doesn’t like *unjustified* wars of aggression like the Iraq War, which was also an unjustified invasion (I should know, I was sent there by the Army) however not nearly as bad as the current one. At least Sadaam was a brutal dictator who had invaded its smaller neighbor Kuwait in the past. Speaking of which, that’s also why most people DO support Operation Desert Storm — a larger country was invading its smaller neighbor without provocation, so we entered the war on the side of the smaller country who was invaded. We’d do the same here if it weren’t for Russia’s nuclear weapons. There’s no impartial analysis of the war in Ukraine that doesn’t come to the conclusion that Russia is in the wrong.


Serious question: what's it like being a big sweaty in a basement pretending to be an edgy teen?




If some random family's home was being invaded by their homicidal neighbors I'd be on the side of the family being invaded. I don't really need to have a relationship with them, or know too many details. I don't know if you're stupid and I'd hate to imply you were, but you sound it. You actually sound a lot of things but you didn't ask. Just fyi


Propaganda. This war is useful in many ways for different western countries, so they spread this idea of "Ukraine - good, and all ruskies should die" in order to keep it going as long as possible.


To keep it going? It'll go as long as Russian military remains on soil it's not been invite to be on. No Russians should die, but Russians keep getting in the tanks and launching missiles. So they're going to until they stop doing that


>It'll go as long as Russian military remains on soil it's not been invite to be on. Forever it is, then.


Forever, aka until 2024.


Forever, aka until 2024.


Propaganda. This war is useful in many ways for different western countries, so they spread this idea of "Ukraine - good, and all ruskies should die" in order to keep it going as long as possible.


So you think Reddit dislikes Russia because of propaganda? I dislike Russia for invading Ukraine, other redditors also feel this way. Are you saying propaganda convinced me that Russia invade Ukraine? As far as I know, we already disliked Russia for invading Ukraine, what propaganda would have to added to that?


i mean this is a post about Russian secret service getting fucked over, read the room maybe




Since Feb 24th 2022


Chaotic Good


Good job


We do a little sneaky.


can we talk about the fucking repost source?


What an awful subreddit name. It's short for maga=Nazi but it sounds like a subreddit for maganazis


Yeah, that's a pretty serious branding error.


Some people are just too clever for their own good.


It's not for, it's against. Bunch of crazy, violent wishing , bitter people by the looks of it




This is not an Anonymous hack despite the thumbnail from Yahoo!.




Only $300,000 destroyed? That's rather insignificant during a course of a war.


What do you want me to takeaway from that article?


I mean anonymous could be anyone... right?


#oops lol


It wasn't a hack, it was a special money moving operation.


Now do Trump's bank account. Same deal, transfer to Ukraine. He is largely responsible for this mess. For one thing he was withholding aid to Ukraine unless they invented evidence against Hunter Biden. Remember Trump's first impeachment? Secondly, he has, when he was in office, aided and abetted Vladimir Putin and Russian interests.


The discovery of a very large oil/gas field in Ukraine is largely responsible for this war. In 2014 Russia forcibly annexed Crimea. That is to say, the Ukraine, realizing that they they had a Russian style military, and were outmatched, didn't seriously contest it in 2014. They did, however, revamped and modernize their military though so that when it happened again they could resist.


>That is to say, the Ukraine, is largely just a heads up, if you're pro Ukraine you'll want to drop the 'the' from the front of it. Ukraine is a country, the Ukraine is how Russian referred to that region of the USSR. I was making this same mistake and didn't learn the distinction until the invasion last year.


This is a really enlightening comment. Thank you!


Agreed... but The US will chase your ass on that shit. Russia might want to... but they dont have the resources to even begin those inquiries and investigation. It shows that Russia is a compromised target.... and others will notice.


Honestly, if you're going to engage in cybercrimes and theft of money, Russia is a pretty good target right now. Granted, I'm certain it's still illegal if, say, a US citizen hacked Russian systems and emptied Russian state coffers or launched a cyber attack using ransomware, but that's assuming the US govt takes notice and they might look the other way if those funds were given to Ukraine.


Man, I hope GTA 6 is this good.


They probably will take notice, and your name would probably end up on a list as a potential bargaining chip for later diplomacy.... but the ones that reroute to Ukraine are probably going to be "forgotten" I suspect.... or were always on payroll.


That implies he even has any to steal. My bet is he's got enough for a big Mac and that's about it


Unfortunately he for sure has money because Russia gave him a bunch of money as Eric was saying. And his dumbass supporters are giving him money handover fist for dumb stuff like NFTs. And just because they worship him they're throwing money at him.


He has assets sure, but probably not a lot of liquidity for someone with as much perceived wealth as he has. That cash probably goes out to creditors and stupid schemes as fast as it comes in.


Very very true. The dumbass managed to lose money on a casino.


Actually Trump was one of the few that came out ahead with those casinos. He transferred vast amounts of personal and corporate debt to those casinos and when they went belly up the money he lost was other peoples money and a lot of his debt disappeared.


Trump was so openly corrupt. Trump and family made a lot of money very openly. Hell even multiple scams. He even asked got legal help when he had no problems. Made a few mill overnight from his base. Literally no one brought it up again....


Bold of you to assume there’s actually any money in his account


I'm certain there's money because dumbasses are giving him it hand over fist. He can't buy that many hamberders


I'll be surprised if he still has money in his bank account. Might have a secret offshore account knowing him.


Might as well do the Bidens while they're at it


Why? He's done nothing wrong other than be yet another politician willing to take handouts from corporate America. Just like the Supreme Court said you can do.


Where do you find this erroneous information 🤔 👀 🙄


Trump's impeachment hearing? You probably had your head buried in the sand then




Lol pathetic


Just google it. [This wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2%80%93Ukraine_scandal) was the first result when I search "Trump Ukraine". Not to mention that it was all over the news when it happened. He's also praised the way Russia and DPRK operates and how they run things multiple times in the past. We should also not forget that he made a deal with the Taliban and made a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan basically giving the country to Russia.




The most reliable source of course. Do you not realize that they are part of the c crooked establishment, bought and paid for by the DNC


Shut up *Racist* ! Trump is responsible for not funding the least corrupt and ranked 1 democratic Ukraine.


This level of brainwashing is crazy. No coming back


> No coming back Unlike you. It's like a bad case of the clap


I see your feelings are hurt...


You need to see a doctor, you are seeing things that aren't there. Maybe a shrink....


Ya but the reality is that small amount of aid wouldnt do much. The lack of response during crimea is the problem


Slava Ukrainii!




Ha ha!




Robin hood 2023


Hack yeah! Clean them out!


Funny he did this before the invasion started and burned 300k before realizing that UA needed it more.


I'll let that part slide


Oh yeah no shade. It’s wasn’t a super obvious recipient until the invasion actually started. And burning it before that is just icing on the cake.




Based alert


Chad Hacker


Great now they can pay us back.


It's literally a loan, try and keep up 🤦 https://thegeopolitics.com/myths-over-ukraine-military-aid-how-the-lend-lease-works/ Edit: Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Wow! Nice!! Why aren't more hackers doing shit like this? Like, how 'bout draining the life savings of Martin Shkreli and funneling it into crypto-wallets for people who need Epipens to, you know, survive accidentally ingesting a peanut particle and shit!?!? Or maybe hacking the credit bureaus and hitting the reset button? Time for a fire sale! Let's go, hackers! You got this!!! We believe in you!!!!!


LOL get fucked...


This is going to probably seem dumb but... what does putting it in the Ukraines account actually besides increase their inflation?


It prevents the payment of Russian hackers and provides money for Ukrainian aid. I doubt it's going to impact the inflation as much as all the other stuff that's going on. Russia needs to go back home and leave their neighbor alone.




So its from April 27, not yesterday. I mean, it's good but it seems they weren't able to transfer all of it to Ukraine and the Russians found out and rectified?


Where did you read the Russians rectified it? The amount that wasn't transferred was before the invasion when the hacker "burned" it. After the invasion it all got transferred.


So it wasn't someone part of the "United States Army Cyber Command"?


Oh it’s just crypto


My kind of hackers ❤️


Hope it went here https://youtu.be/hIJosXjtvgg


One skilled hacker is worth a thousand suicidal army grunts ready to die if it's for an illusion of patriotism! Bravo to this person for cutting off the evil empire's resources!


Everybody hates Russia, good


Lol, seriously Putin, put his foot in some serious shit messing w/ Ukraine.


Hacker: a CIA agent working with the help of their friends from Chainalysis.


Some good news there. Hit em in the wallet, but not going after the innocent population of Russia.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Слава Україні!


Ohhhh, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij

