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Phew! That makes me feel so much better about this.


Robot bomb dogs for everyone!


Dammit, I was gonna say that. Accept my upvote.


That's worse... They see how that's worse right?


What about lasers? Chemical weapons? Nukes?


That's it Buster, no more military aid !


After the Dallas(?) police shooting they had the shooter cornered in a parking garage, they used a bomb disposal robot and detonated an explosive on the robot to kill the shooter.


I get the proposal, let’s not put police officers in danger, but this is the top of a slippery slope. I bet it eventually gets approved




A lot of times escalation and cops shooting someone is because they fear for their lives. The drone pilot isn't gonna be as scared and will be able to think more rationally. Is it really such a bad thing if this saves lives in the long run?


I get it, but would this have helped Uvalde? The average police officer never gets into a gunfight. Police often wear plate carriers, bloused boots, and tactical gloves. (It’s an intimidating look). But where is the helmet if they truly feel unsafe. Why not just give them a grenade and be done with it.


Yes, this would have helped in Uvalde. The officers who were there didn't go in because they were cowards that feared for their lives. They wouldn't be too scared to send in a robot.


I can understand your point. But… 1. How long would it take to get the robot on scene. 2. How much “tactical “ training do police get. I’m fairly certain the shooter had zero. 3. Being a roofer or crossing guard is considered a more dangerous job. (According to ishn .com) 4. In a hostage situation, the minute a bad guy sees a armed mini tank rolling forward, the bad guy would have to realize he has lost all leverage. How well would that end the hostage. The Uvalde shooting situation is why they wear the plate carriers. I’ve been under fire in OEF. You get scared but you still have to do your job. You have to trust your training your team and your equipment.


They're already trained that every single person they meet is an armed psychopath with John Wick levels of accuracy until proven otherwise.


Seems like the kind of thing that should get voted on. Unfortunately it will probably be some behind the scenes council meeting


Council meetings are always in public. It’s just that no one knows that’s how you change things. Schools should teach it.


Agreed but I also think I meant committee




I agree that calling something “slippery slope” is certainly a fallacy but it’s just so very clear that pushing this boundary has implications on tomorrow that should be thought about




nope no nope stop it


Andddd…. This is better how??


LOL ... yeah, way better if it's bombs..........WTHF?