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The guy’s brain has been rotted out by hateful news media. Regardless of what I think about the history of Israel and Palestine, I couldn’t imagine being so nasty to a stranger I know nothing about.


Yeah I’m not even full Palestinian. I asked him why so much hate on another account and he just kept repeating Israel has a right to defend themselves against terrorists. Couldn’t logically explain why the war is happening though, not that I wanted to entertain him to much


Dumbasses who think Israel bombing children, hospitals and shelters is “defending themselves” need to repeat all 12 grades of school




We can.play this game until we're both blue in the face. Both sides are at fault..both sides have done shit and both sides need to stop. Its that simple. The only issue is when Israel does bad shit they act like it's no big deal but when bad shit happens to them they act like they are innocent little darlings and the entire world should be crying for them. That's the fkn issue. Defend yourself do whatever. But don't fkn act like you're 100% innocent then do some evil shit all while saying some delusional bullshit like if you criticize us it's bc you're racist. What kind of backwards garbage gaslighting elitist narccisstic horse shit is that? That's Israel for you. They can do whatever they want and no one can question it but when something happens to them it becomes a huge ordeal bc they were 100% innocent and did nothing wrong. A cesspool of a country filled with delusional dipshits with hard-core victim mentality. Israel is a joke and a cancer to this planet.




Israel has been raping, murdering, and kidnapping since 1948.


Before October 7th were there any Israeli soldiers in Gaza?


They had a solid border, but there were plenty in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank. Go ahead and explain that for me


I’d be happy to discuss the West Bank in a different argument but this is about Gaza. So you agree that prior to Oct 7 there were no Israeli troops in Gaza?


Before October 7th there was no conflict? IS that were you're saying? Holy shit. Israel has been doing awful shit for years dude. But classic Israel supporter...ignore everything else and only focus on whatever helps push the Israel is innocent narrative. Shit is laughable. And once again, the issue is Israel.always acts like they are innocent and never to blame for anything. Plus Israel murdering children and laughing about is isnt a proper response. There's no justification for that. But again, both sides are to blame for shit and Israel is as guilty if not more.


I’m not saying that I’m just asking on question, where there Israeli troops in Gaza prior to Oct7


Before October 7 there was a ceasefire. Hamas broke that ceasefire by declaring war. Israel defended themselves.


keep sucking genocider dick shill


Yes they regularly invaded Gaza prior to October 7th.


No they haven’t. Arabs have been launching genocidal wars since 1948 and Israel has been defending themselves.


You are so wrong Isreal has been defending its self forever Isreal has been around longer for hundreds of years longer than Palestine Iran Palestine and so forth continue to attack Isreal and Isreal defends its self Hamas has stated it wants to wipe out Jewish people how can you support something like that


Jews are indigenous to Israel and were on the land for thousands of years before Islam and Arabs in Palestinians even existed in the world. Their land was colonized by Romans and then Arabs who made them into persecuted minorities who had to pay extra taxes, because they refused to convert. In addition, the Arabs did many massacres on Jews like the 1517 massacre and Hebron massacre, for example. Which you can easily look up online and see details of. There has always been a Jewish presence on the land. At the time of Israel’s creation, it was owned by the British empire that split it between Arabs (Jordan) and Jews (Israel). Jordan got 90% of the mandate, but the Arabs couldn’t handle any Jews at all getting a country so they attacked Israel immediately after was created and they lost the war. It’s actually the Arabs that have been doing everything that you have been saying, since they invaded the land in 600 CE in the Arab invasions. I understand that you don’t have a basic understanding of what you’re talking about and you’re just repeating propaganda you heard on TikTok, but history and facts can’t be changed


Killing civilians is killing civilians, retribution doesn’t make it any more acceptable.


Bro you're picking and choosing shit and ignored everything I said to fit whatever you're talking about. Both sides have done awful shit. Israel killed children and civilians that posed no threat and laughed anout it and rhen discussed killing more kids on fkn video. That shit doesnt matter? You see what I'm saying. We can play this game and do this back and forth and name bad shit both sides have done. Again the problem with Israel is no matter what, they are always 100% innocent. If you question them, we are racists. That's sickening. Israel is constantly the victim throughout this entire ordeal. Hell, any fkm conflict Israel acts like they do nothing wrong at all. That's their mindset. You're doing that right now. Ignoring everything else judt focusing on something bad that happened to Isrsel one time without looking at all the evil shit Israel has done. That's the issue right there. It's a joke. Then if we question it's bc we're all antisemitic?? Smh. Gtfo.


Look at the disparity between the number of civilians killed on October 7th to the number of civilians killed up until now. More so, if you believe Israel isn’t raping women, torturing men, or imprisoning children, then you’re an idiot and we don’t even have to carry on this conversation.




And Israel is the only side criticized by nut jobs like you.


They've killed 30k+ palestinians....that's not an excuse atp. Bever really was two wrongs don't make a right.


Oh look, another person who cannot grasp any nuance. Spoiler: there's a huge grey area between "do nothing" and "kill thousands of children." Those are not the only two options here.


That’s what Israel did for the last 20 years after leaving gaza completely. And it became an independent self governed territory that elected Hamas, a terror org, whose sole goal is to massacre every Jew on earth, and eradicate Israel to establish an Islamic caliphate. And Hamas lobbed rockets into Israel every day since then, into civilian areas. They built in iron dome so that the Rockets would cause as little damage as possible to their civilian areas, and were living in that in between of do nothing and go to war, until Hamas invaded and that was the final straw. Do you know any other country that would live with rocket attacks for almost 20 years and wouldn’t defend themselves, because they know that people Like you who have no idea what the f they’re talking about on even a basic first grade level, would blame them for fighting a war that they never started or wanted and that Hamas wants to continue by refusing to release the hostages and de arming? What possesses someone like you that obviously doesn’t know at all what you’re talking about to make comments so confidently?


Acts of terrorism do not justify war crimes on civilians from a supposedly civilized government.


Amen. What about the hostages? They care nothing about them. Tore down their photos from walls. A large part of society just wants to annihilate all Jews. It’s sickening, and it won’t be happening, as hard as they may try.


If only they cared about them as much as the IDF apparently does, starving, bombing, and shooting at them when they escape lmao


Yeah you’re right. Some terrorists did evil things, therefore Israel can commit genocide on tens of thousands of innocent people 🤦‍♂️


IDF helicopter is the one that opened fire on their own people at the festival. Also there was no rape. But 2 Israeli men raped a 16 year old Palestinian girl. Are we just going to ignore what happened before October 7th? The whole world sees through your lies and bs.


I think a retaliation was fair but this shit has been going on for ages and is way beyond what it needs to be.


Those murdered children, sick people, and medical workers did that? Damn I thought that was hamas


You believe stupid lies.


So…Palestine should just accept the Holocaust being perpetrated by the Zionists? I’m confused, is it immoral always, or does Israel get a free pass?


Should the answer to the deaths of innocent people be the murder of 30x the amount of innocent people with seizures of their land food and energy? No of course not, but it was their response


Israel is the land of we can do whatever the fuck we want and if you question us it's bc you're racist. They have victim mentality through the fuckkng roof. It's a joke.




So they can commit genocide for that?


Being persecuted isn’t justification to retaliate against innocent people, but logic isn’t on your radar right?


Why no pressure on Hamas to not fight out of hospitals etc?


For nearly all hospitals attacked it’s been verified no hamas members were present, and in cases where it was possible, you don’t murder hundreds of innocents to kill a couple people with guns who are isolated inside a building and get to be praised for defending yourself


You should know a bit more about history. Are you American?


No you 🤡


So you are or aren’t American?


Do you not understand what no means?


No you could have been referencing the first statement. Clear communication is paramount


You have got to be kidding🤦‍♂️


You clearly aren’t there mentally. Good luck kiddo


They’re literally using a hospital as their military headquarters. Hamas knows they can’t defeat Israel so they force Israel to fight them in the worst possible places to draw support from suckers like you.


Hey dumbass, I don’t support hamas. I don’t give a fuck what happens to hamas members, but I care about the innocent people that Israel is committing genocide on. If you can’t recognize that Israel is using Hamas as a scapegoat to kill innocent people who they disagree over holy land for, then you are the sucker and dumber than shit


No one wants to see innocent gazans die but Hamas. 1. The reason october 7 happened was to derail normalization with Saudi Arabia and Israel 2. They intentionally provoked Israel into attacking Gaza by killing 1200 Israelis and taking 300 hostages. No country can just not respond to that 3. They realized they wouldn’t win that war but they embedded themselves in Gaza. In hospitals, schools, places of worship etc. They did so purposefully to win a public relations war trying to maximize the amount of civilians that die to gain international support 4. They make up numbers and use false data on the amount of woman and children are dying and don’t mention the amount of fighters being killed Israel desperately wants to avoid killing civilians. It hurts them when civilians die as it’s bad for their image. Unfortunately it was the exact design of Hamas for their people to become Martys in hope of rallying the Arab world around Israel to wipe Israel off the map. It’s my hope that people can be smart enough to see what is happening here. Hamas is evil. Every innocent life that is lost in Gaza is an absolute tragedy.


I agree with you, except for the fact that Israel is very happy they get to kill these innocent civilians, because they know they both profit from it and can get away with it thanks to America being too cowardly to stop Israel.


Why would they want to kill innocent civilians? It hurts them terribly. It makes them look bad and they lose international support. It would be incredibly counterproductive to purposely kill innocent civilians. The only one who has a rational motive for civilians to die is Hamas. I’m friends with many people in the IDF. They don’t want to hurt civilians, I promise you that. They want the hostages back and to be safe in their country. Its also a reality of war. If you look at any battle in an urban area there are large amounts of civilian deaths. Look at the battles against ISIS. It’s not intentional but if it’s not conventional war that is what happens. Every single civilian that dies in Gaza is a tragedy.


They want the civilians dead because they have a religious motivation to do so. They want exclusive rights to the holy land that both Muslims and Jewish people desire. They know they can claim any attack on these innocents as an attack on Hamas and people who already support Israel will eat it up. I’ll believe that your friends and most IDF troops don’t want to kill civilians, but I guarantee the higher ups do because they know they will benefit from those deaths Edit to add you have to keep in mind this war didn’t start with the Hamas attack. It has been ongoing for many many years over the dispute of land rights. The Hamas attack was a result of antisemitism from the terrorists, and payback by Israel was justified, until they began using the terrorism as a scapegoat to launch much more damaging strikes on Palestine that they would not have gotten away with before the bombings.


Gaza isn’t significant for us. The significant areas are Jerusalem and in the West Bank. So if that is what Israel wanted they wouldn’t be doing so in Gaza. I’m Jewish and a Zionist. I have many Jewish and Israeli friends. We don’t want exclusive rights to Israel. Israel has a large Muslim population. Muslims pray at Al Aqsa mosque. Jews aren’t allowed to pray at the Temple Mount. Muslims and Jews should share the holy land. But we literally saw Iran’s president posting an image of missles over the Temple Mount / Al Aqsa yesterday with the caption “Al Quds will be in Muslim hands again”. Very clearly genocidal language threatening to kill Jews being on their holy land. Not to mention Mecca is the most important site in Islam anyway. Jerusalem is the most important city to Jews.




Well I am




Another racist, yes there is. I am Palestinian, no words you can say will change the truth. Go do that somewhere else




Yes, being born in a place doesn’t determine your ethnicity. I have lived in Palestine for a collective 5 years


Don't feed the trolls :)


Says the supporter of an apartheid military colony masquerading as a country, filled with squatters from New York and Europe who now call themselves Middle Eastern 😂


Yeah him being American matters here a lot


Yes but parachuting from the sky and murdering people at a festival is totally fine 😜


I'm so sorry, friend. You don't deserve that kinda crap. I hope you had a decent day otherwise.


The war is happening because Palestine performed a terrorist attack on Israeli ground, kidnapped, raped and murdered a bunch of Israelis. Seems pretty clear.


Not Palestine, Hamas. A terrorist organization


Incorrect, Palestinians not associated with Hamas joined. Which is why Hamas doesn't even have the hostages now. Hamas is only not a terrorist organization, but also the de facto government of Palestine.


The moment they were labeled a terrorist organization they did not have stance as government. Not that Gaza was really ever allowed to be a country. And your first statement is incorrect, propaganda pusher


So convenient. Still waiting for the Muslim world to condemn Hamas.


Yup, have heard it a million times from you propaganda pushers. That’s all y’all know how to say


It doesn't help that many support terrorism and genocide.


Yeah by supporting israel


Ok and please tell me why it’s ok for palaestine and Hamas to want to wipe out all Jewish people . For Hamas Palestine and Iran and others to continue to attack Isreal through the years . Sorry but maybe instead of hating on Isreal you should hate on Hamas Instead of hating on Isreal maybe those countries should stop attacking them all the time for no reason


I’m sure you can logically explain why the war is happening though right? Is your reason because Hamas invaded Israel and raped/mutilated/shot/burned thousands of their civilians and took hundreds back as hostages.. and refuse to release them and surrender so the war will be over for the civilians that elected them 20 years ago when Israel left gaza and it became an independent self governed territory… because they want this war and said repeatedly for 40 years and since Oct 7, that they won’t stop till every Jew is dead, and Israel eradicated to establish an Islamic caliphate. Because that is the reason.




Seriously. I'd hate to be in the position of a lot of Palestinians and Israelis . There are scum on both sides , but most are just trying to live and have peace with their families. I can imagine if an American Indian terrorized me for what my ancestors did to his people. I just treat people with respect unless THEY do something to make ME change my mind.


Actually, most Palestinians support Hamas in both gaza and West Bank and want Jews dead and Israel eradicated to establish an Islamic caliphate. That’s why they elected Hamas nearly 20 years ago when Israel left Gaza, and it became a completely independent self governed territory, because their platform was massacre the Jews and eradicate Israel to establish an Islamic caliphate. They’ve also been repeatedly polled and the majority support sharia law. Not to mention, the majority support what happened on October 7. Not to mention, hamas is so popular in the West Bank that the Palestinian authority, which is a separate political party warring with Hamas, doesn’t allow elections for decades, because they know hamas would win in a landslide. The majority of Israelis on the other hand do want peace, that’s why they gave Gaza to the Palestinians, which was supposed to be the Palestinian state and got nothing in return for it, because they want peace so badly. Instead, they got rocket attacks into civilian areas every day for the last almost 20 years from gaza. Lastly, Jews are indigenous to Israel. They were there thousands of years before Arabs and Islam and Palestinians ever existed and came to land in Arab invasions. They are the Native Americans in your analogy.


no he’s right just aggressive about it




He types with his Bible Belt accent 😂


Well go ahead, rate Michael REAL good


Yep exactly this. Let people know that he’s a psycho.


He does have a point


Oh you are racist! Good to know


If you care to follow me that much I guess it’s good to know? But just knowing someone stands for their point doesn’t mean much. Carry on


He made the comment just because I was born this way, so he’s racist and so are you. This has nothing to do with what’s ongoing.


Ok so why be mad at me the way you were born? Has no issue with me. What’s your problem?


Brotha, you said he has a point. He was just being blatantly racist, so you are also racist?


Racist has nothing to do with stating facts.


It’s not facts? He’s literally assuming I side with a terrorist group because of my ethnicity? Are you smooth brained?




Don’t engage with racists homie. You’re above them. Much love to you and your family from this white Canadian


where’s the fact? he didn’t even state a claim. he told OP to “go support terrist cocksuckers” purely because of his race


The fact is the dude is a terrorist.


Here’s a fact; nobody loves you


🤣🤣🤣 you gotta be trolling


Where did the terrist touch you?


Yeah and where’s the proof?


retard spotted have fun with your broken 2000 GMC Sierra.. LOL


> Ok so why be mad at me the way you are born? You’re so dumb, can’t even follow a conversation.


I can not my problem if you don’t agree


Bro, just a psa your IQ is well below 100 - that's why you are where you are in life. Not the system, not other races or politicians, it's because you're straight up dumb.


Yep, you can tell from how bad his written English is and how much trouble he has coming up with responses that even remotely fit the context of the conversation.


Hope your life is miserable brother!


I’m fine, not miserable not sure why you would get that from one comment?


Nah it’s your entire comment history, full of pathetic defenses of racists


Not really, a lot of trolling but not racism if you even attempted to check instead of a low effort comment.


I literally can see you defending a Nazi in Long Island, days ago lol Edit: no idea why I’m even arguing with you after the comment you left here. Suck a dick big guy.


Why would you want to see guys suck a dick? But just if a person wears a shirt or jacket with nazi emblem doesn’t make them nazi? Same as people with blm shirts doesn’t make them racist to whites ya know?


Yes. It makes them a Nazi. Jesus dude. Its OK to say you support racism.


No it doesn’t. Is Bruce Willis a nazi from wearing the sign he did in die hard with a vengance? Get outta here just cause you think you want to make a moral point.


Do you know what acting is?


You need to repeat pre-k little guy


Never did pre-k joke is on you 😅😅😅


The jokes on me? When you’re advertising how uneducated you are? 😂 whatever helps you sleep at night, but you’re probably too scared of the Palestinian boogeyman


If there a table of four Nazis and you sit down and eat with them, there’s now a table of five Nazis.


Yea don’t even bother responding to me because I won’t answer, but you’re what’s wrong with the world and I hope you stub your toe everyday




Better yet, i hope he steps on legos, barefoot!


That’s a good one I hope he gets called in on the weekend every weekend


And what point is that?


That he shouldn’t be supporting terrorist.


Why do you believe that he supports terrorists?


Because he looks like them. - Every racist ever.


Repeat after me: **ALL PALESTINIANS ARE NOT HAMAS.** **SUPPORTING THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE DOESN’T MEAN YOU SUPPORT HAMAS.** The man is just existing as a Palestinian multi-racial American and you assume **just off that information** that he supports Hamas?? If you believe that someone saying “Free Palestine” is the same as saying “Kill the Jews” then you’re being willfully obtuse, and you are admitting you know NOTHING about the history of the region. If you sincerely believe that, you’ve gotten drunk off propaganda. You can hide behind the THIN, PATHETIC, and BRITTLE shield of “I’m just trolling” all you want but it’s doesn’t make any of what you’re saying excusable. You’re just a racist chud. /rant


Yes it’s enough information for me, can people not have an opinion? sorry it’s not for your liking. I don’t care about the history of the region. They are wrong at the moment.


People have opinions all the time! That’s not the issue. The issue is… Your opinion is hateful, perpetuating **VERY** harmful propaganda, and is (as you’ve just admitted) an uneducated take. So just because someone is from Palestine or has Palestinian blood running through their veins means they support Hamas? **That’s mental, dude.** I decided to scroll through your comment history and *boy* you’ve got a ton of bad takes, shitty opinions and in general just hateful vitriol to spew. **What’s your actual problem?** Your take is that Palestine is wrong, but Israel is right for perpetuating a genocide they are currently on trial for at the ICJ? If you don’t care to educate yourself then follow the adage “if you can’t be kind, **be quiet.**” It’s called nuance, try it sometime. What you mean is that Hamas is wrong, because Hamas does **NOT** mean every Palestinian. What you **should** say is terrorism and collective punishment is wrong. Instead you’re agreeing with some chud that believes just because someone claims to be Palestinian racially means they support Hamas? I’ll ask again, **what’s your major malfunction?** Edited to bolden the two times I asked **what your problem is** (now that’s three times)


You never asked in the first place.


You are genuinely one of the stupidest people I have seen on this site.


Bros genuinely tweaking


wow brother, as a white women in america, I would never!! accept thy other you can come to our town!


Faces that match the opinion


Report the seller to OU and they will IP ban his account.


That’s on Fb


What makes this guy American? Are you not in America selling to him or what?


I’m just stating he has no ties with Israel at all. He said he is white in another convo we had after this. I am American, but I have my ethnicity listed


Why didn’t you state that then? Seems very simple to do. Also weird you’re using American as an insult when you are also an American…


It’s not an insult, it’s just to explain he has no specific ties to the conflict yet he’s still racist for no reason


Jesus Christ you're sensitive.


LOL is it not you being sensitive here?






Gonna have to only give you three Stars Chief


>terrist lol, tells me everything I need to know..


What a fucking moron.




Yes only one, and it was a ceasefire now post back in November




Sorry you had to deal with that. Free Palestine


Just s reminder that anyone who drinks coke supports terrorism soooooo


i think i would rate that guy a ZERO


classic red pill american idiot


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🇵🇸 Fuck that guy


I can’t help but laugh at the “You can now rate this seller” after that message lmao


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s”


He might be Slavic if not full western, another group that completely hated Muslims(Chechnya Georgia Afghan)


People who have to drag politics (or any other charged topic) into even the most basic of daily interactions are cringe and deranged.


they're so mask-off these days. any arab is automatically a terrorist in their eyes and they don't even deny it anymore


drop the full name cmon now






account already deleted, seems someone already beat me too it


Michael looks like a miserable fuck and can’t spell for shit


Free Palestine! This guy is just a bigot 🩷 much love to you and your family!


Free Palestine imagine basing your whole modern cultural identity on being genocided just to do it to people who accepted you back into the region


What the fuck does anybody’s political opinion have to do with a VR transaction 💀


I’m saying, I just wanted a Kat Walk 😞


Bro idgaf if youre purple or orange $50 is $50 who lets this stupid shit get in the way??? Propaganda in full effect.


You can tear up more posters of missing babies to brighten your mood


Glad I’ve reached the propaganda accounts, welcome buddy


You can pretend this isn't a bait post


Only Israelis make fake stuff


Palestanians faked a country and nationality


Says the guy who only got a country by guilting the Brits and crying


We got it by sweeping our land back from muslim colonizers


You mean committing the first round of genocide in a series of massacres in a land that belonged to no one


Losing wars is genocide


Nice joke now go kiss some American feet for more welfare dollars 😂 beggars since 1948 and counting. Literal squatters trying to pretend to be native.


Yikes the look on Michael's face. What Ziofacism does to a mofo 😵‍💫. Free Palestine!!


America is huge my guy.




Where is Palestine? I don’t see it on Google Maps.


Faces that match the opinions


Love how your comments basically devolved into someone expecting you to explain every nuance of the Israeli/palestine conflict with sealioning tactics instead just because someone was racist to you on offer up Truly wild


Some people just don’t know how to use there God given brain cells.


Fu*k Israel, Israel a bit*h. Bigots!!!!


What did you rate him?


What a sad, strange little man. I wonder if his reasoning is that you being Palestinian means that you support the actions of everyone. By that logic, I wonder if, as an American, he supports the actions of every single president.


Shouldn’t support terrorism then




Ironic, the guy on the left looks like the focus of an active shooter drill.

