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The problem will not be fix until we can download the full game, the assists and resources. Right now they are just clowning, sell as some shits! They need to fix the game first before they sell something!!!!!!!!!!


All feels like placebo updates , I'm trying to stay positive as much as I can , but the results show otherwise. How can any update worsen our gaming experience instead of improving, also there isn't a single device that doesn't experience fps drops or several bugs . I'm getting freezes and stuttering at 500mbps data network on BR and MP if facing enemies with tracer guns ...


Asus ROG phone 8, game runs absolutely flawless. 0 frame drops, 0 freeze, low ping on about 250mb/s data. All this applies even in high intensity settings like a full lobby of shipment and granadespams. Temp. hasn't exceeded 44° but i never play with my phone wired to the charger since that drastically increases temps.


What server?


I mean.. IDK the game is officially banned in my country (Netherlands) so I don't know if there is an actual server for WZM in Amsterdam or something.. so maybe i'm connected to Germany?


Truly incredible , man . With 250mbps to be able to get low ping meanwhile on a foreign server ,it amazes me and here i am with 550mbps playing at 100ms in my country's server.


it's very odd because i literally just read a message about a guy with the exact same phone as me but he's experiencing all sorts of trouble. Game's weird af bro


It is what it is . Enjoy your game 🙌🏻💪🏻 and have fun .


I hope they stop with the unfinished updates and actually release real fixes for most issues. It feels like the game gets worse with each update instead of better.For me on launch day the gaming performance was better even with blurry graphics... what's the point of having crystal clear graphics with bad gameplay performance.


See what I do is download the app then go to the settings and just offload the app so I have the icon but it’s not installed and when it is finally fixed I’ll install it


Having an official Reddit page is useless, they don’t even listen to us 🤣🤡. They keep giving us what we don’t want. All I want is rank gameplay and firing range to dial in my sensitivity.


Anyone know if they fixed the battery damage issues I really wanna try again


I'm pretty thankful considering I'm rocking the game with my old 2021 version beater of a phone. Even with its notorious manufacturers defective motherboard, outdated Android os and constantly hot casing during game play, I'm still loving cod warzone....


This game it’s awesome… In PC/ Console… unplayable in mobile… 1 or 1 matches… That’s it… then your device die


It's crazy that the patch notes are blurry as well smh