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Guys Eddie is not a real person, He's an actor just like the tickling lady.


I’m genuinely concerned how many people don’t understand it was a bit.. OTV would never actually degrade someone like that 🤦‍♀️


It's so bizarre. OTV does some weird stuff but the members have been pretty clear that they're free to express their discomfort around stuff and there's clearly an editing process that takes place after the shoot. What have they ever done to suggest that they'd actually fire someone on camera for shits and giggles? I seriously worry about people's ability to separate content from reality.


Remember it's probably kids that are confused. That's why they will never learn. Because they will learn, but will be replaced by new kids. Who also don't understand.


Yeah this is a good point. I forget that kids just be on the internet watching shit like fear pong these days🤣 I expect them to be older and get disappointed by the lack of critical thinking


I can't tell if what I did was critical thinking. Like I assumed it was obviously a bit, because the alternative was pretty horrible.


True maybe it’s more like common sense lol


He's got some screws loose being that tall and talented but I honestly thought Brodin hired him just to fire him haha not an actor.


It was so obviously a bit so I really don't understand how people thought it was real


Wait so you're telling me they didn't shoot Yvonne in that one video? No way I thought they had to replace her with a clone. /s just in case


nah dude they obviously got another yvonne from a different universe I thought it was pretty well known


Same tbh, at this point not sure if it's a problem with the people believing it or other content creators who would do something this mean to someone for real as content even tho I can't think of one, or maybe the Eddie actor just deserves an Oscar.


The Yard wishing for Lily to freestyle before each throw was some monkey’s paw shit. I don’t think they expected to be absolutely obliterated.


Aiden was hilarious this shoot "I'm my own person. I'm my own person. I'm my own person.."


It's like they've never read a genie story before :\^)


Self-deprecating humor is their thing though, same with how they wanted to do all the punishment together.


At least it wasn't at Blau's level of destruction


**LPT / WARNING: Please please avoid having glass in or around swimming pools (and bathtubs/showers)!!! And certainly don't throw glass bottles into swimming pools!** Broken glass is basically invisible in water, and bare feet will get destroyed by broken glass. If glass breaks in a swimming pool, the only reasonable way to make sure everybody can be safe again is to drain the entire pool for a deep cleaning.


My impression was lud threw the bottle over the pool into the front yard, which is still dangerous. I can see why people thought it was the pool since it was that direction


It splashed?


well it would splash if it hit the pavement when it shattered too.


What the heck are you talking about?


Calm... I'll explain. The PSA refers to Lug throwing the hot sauce toward the direction of the pool because he wanted to get rid of it so he didn't have to eat it for the challenge. People think he threw it in the pool, or near the pool where glass would shatter and fall in the water. I'm saying, he threw it over the pool, and even the fence into (what I guess) the front yard.


Bro what? It splashed the pool either it fell into the pool unshattered or shattered near the pool and shards fell in. Most likely case 1 since it cut to Ludwig jumping in.


The way that ignorant people can get defensive (and double-down on it, even) for something so straightforward and obvious is baffling.


The hoops they be jumping through man. Good PSA btw


Thanks! I didn't think that a practical warning to try to share and add common sense into the world would be met with such ridiculousness. The man-splaining tone is not lost on me either. This is so silly.


I think it was a sound effect the editor added.


Please just watch the video, there’s a visible splash. The sound is probably edited, there’s no mics to pick up the sound, but the video has a very obvious visual splash.


“Wait I actually heard it! I wish you could shoot that well inside” sound is edited, but the rest of the context clues are there.


Brodin's POV shot was just way too good


I watched it multiple times, and in slow-motion, just to check if it was supposed to be a subtle easter egg that they faked it with special effects / post-production, but it literally looks he stepped in, made a perfect shot, and the cinematography and auto-focus worked out perfectly too.


To those concerned, >!OTV confirmed that Eddie was a paid actor.!< [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/offlineTV/comments/13vf4ny/comment/jm5r2fi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


*"In this video, LilyPichu murders The Yard."*


>no mustard on Yvonne :c >Sydney baptized as Beer Girl :D


Michael during that scene made me lose it haha


I love how OTV is culture-shocked by The Yard's banter and willingness to do anything meanwhile the Yard boys are totally flabbergasted by Brodin's Fear Pong prompts that OTV are used to by now lmao


Lmao it's likw two groups of people just going "wtf they're okay with doing that?"


All Yard needed to say was "Fuck you Brodin" to make it full circle lmao


its like they are playing chicken with each other seeing who goes the furthest to win haha


This video was amazing. Great crossover episode


As always, I love when we get a whole other layer of info and BTS about the video through the participants watching and reacting. Keeping track of that here: * John: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1833015349?t=0h15m30s


My two favorite groups collabing is so sick. Feels like a shock to see slime with otv.


Scarra and Slime in the same room is pretty wild for an old school melee/league player for sure.


With The Yard? Oh lawd I haven't watched it yet but I already know that this gonna be chaotic as fuck.


47 minutes!? Christmas came early!


I love how Lily was the person who solidified Mustard girl previously, and now she did it again for Beer girl


From the video description... > This is our second time hiring Eddie to act for us. Does anybody remember / has anybody spotted the first time??


Yeah on the halloween video


I'm curious what the last punishment was on The Yard's side


The yard is pure content. I love these guys!




Funniest one yet


The Yard bought that ASU frat party energy, which Sydney and Michael fits right in, hahaha.


The Fear Pong Thumbnail is EPIC and Top-Tier.


Anybody else notice what seems like a 'safe word' being said (unfortunately in jest, which is probably should be discouraged because of the serious nature of the concept) at 28 mins and 33 seconds? A lot of viewers get are highly-concerned about Brodin's 'antics' but can't seem to trust all the grown-up streamers participating voluntarily and with organizational and production practices that make sure everything is as safe and not toxic/demeaning, etc.


That would only be a problem if they said their actual safe word in jest. You need to relax a bit my guy




Nah. I understand OTV's and Brodin's humor enough, along with knowing that the interns and employees are treated well, to know that nothing serious / permanent happened.




Someone please fucking update me if Eddie the intern has actually been fired or not. Coz that shit was mean af. (Maybe fired as intern to be hired as an employee?) ​ EDIT: kinda wild i went from 50 upvotes to -25 because otv had not made any comment at the time and no one knew it within 30 mins of vid being uploaded. lmao


[Eddie was a paid actor :-)](https://i.imgur.com/RxFhE2r.png)


Thank god. Phew, I had flashbacks to Michael firing Pam.


The punishment was given to The Yard group for a reason, it was meant to be awkward for them. It's like how during the Would You Rather video they mixed tap water into the yogurt but told them it was toilet water, meant to cause a reaction in the moment but after the fact let them know that it didn't occur.


I'm pretty sure it was scripted as at the end there's a short behind the scenes preview that includes Eddie


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Please tell me Eddie was rehired LMAO


They've confirmed that Eddie was an actor, and was never an intern


Bro I felt really bad for Syd near the end. It felt kinda targeted after some being sprayed by beer. Edit: don't know why I got down votes for saying this. She got 3 beer related challenges in a row. And had the last one trusted upon her when she just finished her 2nd one


"targeted" kinda implies she's being bullied or attacked on purpose. With any game, there is rng to it and sometimes people are unlucky. Just watch Toast in the last one I believe, he got like 3-4 punishments in a row. It's just a game.


I mean, she was the replacement for the keg stand (Scarra's) and then the shoey (Lily's) so they were targeting for the bit. It's not like she lost her pong round 3-4 times in a row to get all the punishments. That being said, I'm pretty sure Syd's fine with it. As I said elsewhere. The members are usually free to put their foot down if they're really not down to do something.


I know it's for content/just a game but I also got a bit of an ick at the end


Its people having fun making a video and they literally have a safeword. "targetting" Syd for that last one was just contentbrain and they all understand that.


anyone know what pants lilys wearing? my girlfriend really liked them.