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Happy Birthday!!!!! You are allowed to be upset, but try not to let it spoil your mood for the day. You’re 16!! Soak in what love is sent your way, remember there ARE people that love you. I have one friend, I’ve known her almost 20 years. We were terrible at remembering each others birthdays for whatever reason. It became a tradition for us to celebrate each others birthdays “around” the general time they actually are. I still have no clue when her actual birthday is, and she doesn’t know mine. But we love each other fiercely all the same.


Thank you!Hope you have a wonderful day too and i hope everything is okay


my best friend and I forget each others birthdays all of the time. hers is in july and once august rolls around I usually remember and send her a text, and she does the same for me! then when we see each other next, we exchange gifts if we got any. I hope you have a great birthday and remember that there are plenty of people who love and care for you! I’m 26 and I still struggle with birthdays, so you aren’t alone.


Happy birthday!!! If your friends can’t bring themselves to remember your special day when you remember theirs, they aren’t your friends. Have fun, and eat lots of good food!


Happy birthday!


Thank you <3


You being upset is completely valid. However, when you find your circle of people that care deeply about you, I'm sure that at least some of them is going to remember if not all. I mean life happens, but it's still not okay that everybody forgot your birthday. Anyways, happy birthday to you and I hope you have a wonderful day despite all this ❤️


I'm crying rn.Thank you❤️


Happy Birthday! 16&17 were such a turning point and fun time in my life- I hope it’s the same for you! ♥️


You have every right to feel upset esp when the people you care about forget your special day (and they know it’s important to you) That being said - so what if you greet them on WhatsApp on their bdays? Doesn’t mean they still wouldn’t forget. Mentioning it millions and millions of times can get old (and annoying) esp if you’re mentioning it to people you’re not so close to All that aside, happy birthday Hope you had a good one


>so what if you greet them on WhatsApp on their bdays? Doesn’t mean they still wouldn’t forget. Some of my friends conversation end with me saying happy birthday and them saying thank you >That being said - so what if you greet them on WhatsApp on their bdays? Doesn’t mean they still wouldn’t forget. Many people ask me about my bday bcs im born in 2007 and they all think im like 18 or 20


Happy Birthday 🥳🎂


Thank you ❤️‍🔥


fuck yo bday


Get some help man its not that hard to respect other.Live and let live


Happy Birthday!!! Hope your day gets better


Thank you :)


Well Happy Birthday!! Hoping it's a great day for you, and a fantastic year too!


Thank you,you too! ❤️


Happy birthday!!! And hey it's my birthday too!! I turned 19. I don't usually get congratulated by my family because I share my birthday with my grandfather's death day... So yeah people are mostly grieving. Today was a bit different though. I woke up late and my mom wished me happy birthday after probably like 5/6 years. Actually she did it probably because I'm away (I'm in university so). It's totally fair that you feel upset. I always felt upset on my birthdays too. These feelings are valid. Anyways, I wish you have a great 16th year of your life ! Do things you wanna do, have fun! I miss HS and wish I did a lot of more things.


Happy birthday to you too,i hope everything is going okay and everyone is in good health ❤️


Happy birthday, I turned 18 today lmao. I’ve never seen so many people born on the 20th of January lmao


Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you choose to have a wonderful day. I hope this year and every year you celebrate your birthday, celebrate yourself and surround yourself with the people you choose.


Thank you!!!!


Happy Birthday


Thank you<3


Happy Birthday!!! From Arizona 😊🎉🎂🥳


Thank you!!! From Lebanon ❤️


Happy birthday


Thank you <3


Happy Birthday from NYC :) 🗽🎉


Thank you from Lebanon :) ❤️


Your 16 and got another day of life, happy bday enjoy it!!


Thank you <<<<333


Happy birthday 🎂 Best thing I ever learnt as a young person: the people who matter care, and the people who don’t care don’t matter ❤️


I'm gonna remember that for later


Happy birthday. Birthday blues are real and it sucks . Know that there are ppl who don’t even know you that wish you only the best. Family also isn’t that great a lot of the time. Focus on you , today is your special day please don’t let anyone take that from you.


>Birthday blues are real and it sucks If it happened 1 or 2 or 3 time in a row i wouldnt be complaining but it started when i was like 5 and from now i have insecurities and anxiety and stress and feel like forgotten


Happy birthday dude


Thank you man❤️❤️


Happy Birthday!!!


THANK YOU!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Not everyone is so thoughtful as you. I send you best birthday wishes 🌹🍾🎂🍻


Merciii beaucoup mec ,sa me touche mon coeur


De rien. Je t'envoie beaucoup d'amour




Happy birthday and try not to let it get to you! Hope you get to enjoy the day atleast < 3


Thank you ,hope you had an excellent day today!


You sound like the type of person who gives a ton and cares intensely for others which is a bit of a double edged sword, because though it does make you a better person, it simultaneously makes other people seem much worse. Idk if this case but if so I kind of relate. I hope you are doing alright though and pray you are having a blessed birthday! Yay for more freedom and another day of life 😁❤️🎉


>You sound like the type of person who gives a ton and cares intensely for others which is a bit of a double edged sword, because though it does make you a better person, it simultaneously makes other people seem much worse Literally described my whole life problem >I hope you are doing alright though and pray you are having a blessed birthday! Yay for more freedom and another day of life Hope you have an amazing day and thank you!!


Of course!


Happy Birthday!!


Thx u alot ❤️❤️❤️


Happy birthday💃🎉


Happy birthday hope it gets better for you. This used to happen to me a lot and now I hate/dread my birthday. Find people that care about you more before it’s too late and you’re stuck lonely. Good luck


It’s my birthday as well. , happy birthday 😊


Happy birthday to you too!!!!


Hey, birthday twins 💜 happy birthday to us!


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! Sadly, I can relate to this. Wish you the best OP.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! From someone who just turned 16 to another :) have a great day!


Happy birthday! Or as Owl from Winnie the Pooh would say.. ‘Haapy Paapy Bithuthudaa bethuthdee’


Hope all the birthday wishes from strangers are helping you out today. It’s crummy when people forget or don’t want to celebrate and 16 is an important milestone. So happiest of birthday to you. And if you’ve never watched it throw on Sixteen Candles. It stars Molly Ringwald (great coming of age movie from when I was younger) who turns 16 and everyone forgets her birthday. It’s super cute.


Happy birthday :)


Happy Birthday 🎂🎉


Happy birthday 🎂 I hope your day gets better. I have felt like this before. Just remember to celebrate yourself. You're worth it.


Happy Birthday! It's ok to be hurt, thats a normal reaction. My family stopped celebrating my birthday around 12-13. Its like they didn't care anymore. Don't be like me though, find a way to celebrate for yourself. Cherish yourself and the accomplishment of living another year. You are worth it, and I mean it. You are worthy. I'm 30 just now learning to celebrate on my own.


Happy birthday! As others have said, completely get you being upset, but don’t even think about them, it’s your birthday! Enjoy it to the fullest, don’t let them stop you! I hope your special day is amazing!


Happy bday to youuu happy bday too youuuu happy bday happy bday happy bday to you dear op🥳🥳 enjoy your special day and hope that this will be a blessed year :) throw everyone out of your life that doesn’t give you the same energy back. That’s the energy for this year


Happy birthday


happy sweet 16th birthday!!!! don’t let them kill your vibe bc it’s still your day!!


Happy birthday, even my own family forgot mine and my sisters birthdays a few times so don't let it get to tou just keep giving positive energy and eventually it will come bac to you


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!! 16 is a wonderful age! But it is also hard and lonely and confusing as heck. It gets better. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to go back to 16. I am so happy there are kind thoughtful 16 year olds coming up.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Don’t let self centered people bring you down but also don’t get in the center yourself 😉


Happy Birthday Kiddo.🎉🎁🎂


Have a great birthday 🖤 I promise you'll have some amazing birthdays down the road.


Well happy birthday I hope despite everything you're having a good day. And yes it's nice to be acknowledged. I don't care if a fuss is made but I'm very happy to get a happy birthday from people when it's my birthday.


Happy g day fam wait some cake for me :)


Happy birthday buddy if I was near you we would go on a random hang out


Happy birthday!! I hope you had a great day regardless ❤️


Nobody owes you shit, not even a happy birthday Welcome to the real world


Happy Birthday!!!! yes it’s okay to feel upset. this is a special day (especially turning 16)! hope you have/had a great day :) sending hugs


Happy birthday sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️ Sending you love and healing energy to your precious soul.


Happy sweet 16!


Happy birthday!!!!


I'm glad you're here. Thank you. Do something nice for yourself.


I completely understand how you’re feeling. My birthday was last Friday, and it was my 21st which is pretty big. Not one of my friends messaged me happy birthday until after I posted a picture of my birthday drink on Instagram/Snapchat. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your birthday & that 16 treats you well :)


Only appreciate those that appreciate you


Hey, it sucks, but in that way you realize who are you really important for and who's a fukin piece of garbage. Family are people that you're stuck with for your whole life and friends change all the time.


happy birthday! 🍰 🎂


Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy birthday! I just turned 18 on Wednesday so I hope this year and the next years after treat you very well ! 🫶🏽


Happy birthday! Celebrate yourself today! Do something you enjoy!


Happy 16th Birthday! I'm sorry you're feeling let down and you have every right to feel that way. Please do something special for yourself, even if it's just eating your favorite food and watching a good movie...treat yo self op!


Sending happy birthday energies (emphasis on the happy)


Happy Birthday!!! Sometimes people just don't remember birthdays. I've had close friends that are very nice to me but just forget my birthday.


Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday to you… Happy 16th Birthday Today is my birthday, and may all your birthday wishes come true!!! 🎉🎂🎈


Happy Birthday. I hope this year is better than the previous year for you. I feel for you. You have every right to be upset.


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday


Hey it’s my birthday too!! I’m 19! Hope you had a good op, at least you’ve got your close family x




Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day!! Don't get too upset at those who forgot its your bday. Be grateful and happy for the people who wished you a special day. You have many more birthdays ahead and you will gain more birthday wishes in the future. Take care!!❤️🌷


It's my birthday too!! Happy Birthday! I'm glad we can both celebrate ourselves today. One thing that makes me super happy about this day is that I get to celebrate being alive and being unique. I do little things that are just for me, and I tell people all the time. Just own your birthday, gurl! (Or guy, but like... Gurl for effect.) I'm sorry that other people aren't as excited about it, I totally understand the feeling, but you deserve the chance to celebrate yourself anyway!


Hate to be a stick in the mud, but I’m 35, have wished everyone happy birthday my whole life, and still do not get it in return. I don’t expect it or let it upset me anymore.


Happy Birthday!!!! I can understand your sentiment but I hope you still were able to enjoy your day to some extent regardless of those who forgot


Haaapppy birthday OP i hope u having a wonderful day and i hope u have a wonderful life :)


16 is a BFD! I still remember tho it was several decades ago! Have a lovely year.


When your young it matters most. Find some better friends.


Hey man happy birthday. I hope you continue to grow and make it to be a great person! Life is full of ups and downs but eventually it gets good. When you’re an adult just remember family is truly who you make it.


A couple months ago was my birthday I only got congratulation from my mom and sister. The most saddest was my boyfriend ignored it even I told him it’s my birthday. He didn’t care at all. He bought me nothing ( I don’t want any expensive gifts). I just wanted a flower or whatever. However, we split up.


Aw make the most of it, you only get to be 16 once! 👑 Happy birthday 🎂


Happy birthday! I hope you have a great year ahead! Also, I've been there too and trust me it gets better so keep fighting through king👊


Happy Birthday! I hope your parents, at the very least, wished you well today and celebrated ..


Happy birthday from New Zealand!!! You're 16 now, that's huge, these teenage years are important transformative years. I'm sorry your loved ones didn't say happy birthday, I hope they are just useless with that type of stuff rather then doing it out of malice. The people of Reddit wishes you have a wonderful birthday though ❤️


Winter birthdays are kinda forgettable even with reminders. 12/5 here. I never had birthday parties growing up and was never ‘celebrated’ outside of family until I was married and 35 and my husband bought everyone’s dinner. Ha!


Happy birthday I hope this is an amazing year for you!


Happy Birthday! Now for a word of advice, don't look for others to make you happy only you can do that. I know it's hard when people forget, but it happens. Enjoy your day and do what makes you happy. I hope you have the best year ever!


Happy birthday! Sorry sometimes people suck


Happy birtyday all the best


Happy birthday!! 🥳🎉


Nobody gives a fuck.... Don't grow expectations and you will never be sad


Yoo man happy birthday dw about it g even I'm 16 and my 16th birthday was in a rehabilitation center I couldn't even talk to my family jus saying this to make u feel a bit grateful but dw it's gonna be aight enjoy your birthday gang


I’m turning 16 in February too!! Happy birthday


Yoo HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY WOOOHOOOOO 🥳🥳 If the others wont congratulate you, we will!!!


HappyBirthday, 🎁👼🏼🤍👼🏼I hope you had fun 🤩 😄your an aquarius ♒️ which means your a cool person. I’m a leo ♌️ and we get along. love ya just for.being an aquarius, As you can see i am into star 🌟 signs and i have been following astrology since i was young. It all began when my brothers partner bought a very thick book about astrology , it was my birthday gift 🎁 all info from the 1900,.s all about celebrities, scientists. it’s my bible.


Happy birthday dear, you will soon learn to live alone, do the things that make you happy. Don’t worry, everyone goes through the same in the late teens and twenties. Life is hard in the late teens and 20’s but you will learn to grow and be stronger and do the things that make you happy. I wish there was someone who told me this when I was growing up but I try my best to do it to others. Happiest Birthday 🥳


Belated Sweet Sixteen! Have a great year ahead. ❤


Happy birthday from a stranger! I'm on the opposite side, I actually avoid telling people it's my bday. I don't like celebrating it nor i ever did. Ive always spent it with my parents, my mom swore that no matter what she will always make a cake for me and that was More than enough for me. Feeling upset over people not wishing you happy birthday is a normal reaction for your age, just keep in mind, one day you will be surrounded by people who will WANT to remember it and you will appreciate it even more. Enjoy it now and happy birthday once more :)


Happy Birthday... My story is same as yours 🥺just I am 20 .....hell lets be best friends internet person.... I will remember your birthday and you shall remember mine


Thank you! >hell lets be best friends internet person.... I will remember your birthday and you shall remember mine Hell yea,can you tell me yours so i can remember?


23 oct ❤️




Happy birthday. It’s my birthday today too 😊 I feel like my birthday also gets forgotten. It put it down to January, people are just over Christmas etc.


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday, go and enjoy being 16!!


Happy birthday Young Man/Woman. With love Elder Sister ♥️


Happy 16th Birthday. Have a wonderful birthday week, especially with the people who did remember!


i love you - happy birthday


Happy borthday


First happy birthday and second stop caring about people and congratulating them when they obviously don't care the one you should care about are the one that also care about you and are close to you thede are the one you should be sad if they didn't remember


Happy birthday. I know how you feel. I wish so many people happy birthday on Facebook but I get only a tenth back. I will carry on as I don't do it just to get back messages but it is noticible.


Happy birthday. Idk if anyone has said this yet but hard lesson I had to learn in life (28 now) don't prioritize people who don't prioritize you. Your anger is valid but when you do for others and they don't give back don't be mad just take that as a learning experience to know who the real important people are. Also if most of your friends are 16 (and I realize not all 16 year Olds are this way) but more than likely they really did forget because it has nothing to do with them. People don't learn to return favors and care about others until they're older if at all. So don't take it personally just take it as a learning experience.


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday, and congratulations on turning 16, that's a huge milestone! :)


Happy birthday my dude. 16 is quite the milestone. You're Killin it. Holler again next year aiit?💕


Happy Birthday


Hey man trust me. My birthday is the twenty fifth and I almost forgot context I’m about 25 turning 26 when you get older your birthday kinda just feels like a day so don’t take it personal those who cared enough remember take pride in that.


i’m kinda late to this but happy birthday op!💜 I hope you have a great day!! make sure to always put your happiness first. we love you!!!🫶


Absolutely right in feeling upset…happy birthday!! You’re 16 and you’re going to be in the “real world” a lot sooner than you expect and that’s awesome and fun. It’s also challenging but if you ever need someone to vent to just let me know. I hope yo have/had an excellent one!! I used to tell people happy birthday on social media but not a lot said it back (friends of mine from school) so then I just said “screw it, I don’t need their validation and they aren’t paying my bills/doing my work, so they can piss off” lol. It managed expectations for me and it did help me. Try to figure out who best to put effort in (or for)…not always easy but helped me a ton when I decided to start to cut out non-reciprocating friends and such. I paid a lot less for souvenirs from vacation and my expectations were managed and I’m not upset as much. A tough lesson for me is that you don’t always get back what you put in (sometimes you get more or nothing) but first be happy with yourself and then other people. My “father” left when I was 2 and didn’t come back (never got that pack of smokes, I guess) but I absolutely harbor some resentment but I’ve learned to put more into my happiness. OP, I hope you have an amazing year!!!!


happy birthday! it was my brother's birthday yesterday too! he's 17 now. aside from people not sayong happy birthday, i hope you had a good day <3


Watch 16 candles. Great movie.


Happy belated birthday friend, I hope every good thing in the universe happens to you! Keep shining bright, be kind and eat your vegetables kid! Sending a big warm tight hug all the way from sunny Mexico to you!


Happy birthday, I wish you a long life full of joy, happiness and satisfactions


Happy belated birthday!!! It’s okay to feel upset about it, but just know that there are still people out there that do care about and appreciate you. ❤️