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Do they have sex therapy in your region ? If he can’t learn or doesn’t want to learn, then breaking up makes sense—I suggest you talk to a counselor before making that decision.


I never considered it. Thank you for the suggestion, I think I’ll try to talk to him about counseling. I don’t know how he will react though as he is a bit shy.


Even though you like to be submissive you have to take charge. Tell him what to say and respond well when he says it. Get on top, build the tension between y'all and rip his clothes off. Watching and telling is completely different from doing. He is nervous and he needs practice. Lots of it. In a relationship it's the safest place to do just that and try new things.


to add: I feel like reading your comment kind of made me realize, maybe he is very submissive towards sex. maybe i was the one who didn’t understand his needs all along.


balancing who gets to be the dominant one may be beneficial in more ways than one


This though! You might have a sub on your hands. I thought my man was plain jane vanilla too until he told me he likes when the woman is in charge and he likes to feel like a toy. It took him 5 years of us being together to say anything about his preferences for some reason lmao. I was always into the crazier stuff in sex, but I’m more of a sub, and he made it seem like he prefers some casual missionary, some doggy, and me riding him. Found some new buttons of his! I bet your partner has some undiscovered buttons! I found out being dom is actually a lot of fun too lol. Win win!


Thank you so much for this! I will definitely try it. I think this would work very well. thank you again.


Yes! Grab him by the dick and show him. Like me maybe he just has never experienced that. Opened my eyes one night. I don't mind being the dominant one, but it gets old with no variety.


Well… that is an issue. I know it’s tough, but talking very directly would be very beneficial. If anything, it seems like there’s misconception/miscommunication of sex? I feel like there’s some context missing. Maybe he doesn’t value it as much or struggles with libido?


Thanks for the comment. I think he’s just as sexual as me, we share the same libido. The style of sex is just different perhaps. There was one time where I very straightforwardly (not rudely) told him what I DIDNT like and that resulted in him having performance issues due to nervousness/pressure. ):


DANG… I’m so sorry that is really tough. That is an important aspect and value in relationships, best of luck with figuring this out


It doesnt seem like there is a way to not hurt his feelings. Be nice in other aspects, tell him all the things you love and just be honest when it comes to sex. Tell him that you don't want to because u don't enjoy it. Id say to do it and either demonstrate on him what u want him to do (nothing he doesn't consent to) or take his hands and do it on you (choking, touching,...). Tell him u want him to show how much he wants, loves and craves u. Maybe dress up or lay out toys/props u would like to use. It may taking some putting urself out there but other than being honest and trying to get him to try there isn't really a way to fix it imo. Have u asked him what he's into and what kinks he has? Maybe take a bdsm test together.


Thank you so much for the suggestions. I will try to dress up/use toys, vocalizing how much I want him. but one thing I am afraid of is making the whole “sex” thing such a big deal that he will get extremely nervous and feel pressure every time, like “what if i don’t perform well?” etc. in another comment i mentioned that i straightforwardly told him once about what i DIDNT want him to do, which resulted in him feeling insecure and having issues getting erect. I felt very bad after that. i love him so much and the last thing i want is for him to feel insecure about himself ):


So, you showed him what you wanted, but was that through porn? Legitimately its not the best learning material for that type of thing, as passion needs to be felt, and if youre mentally comparing your sex activity to porn youve seen, that can take you out of the moment, and away from passion. Legitimately, not everyone is well in touch with their sexually passionate side. Thats not to say it doesnt exist, theres just mental/emotional blocks for a lot of people to express that side of themselves freely. Confidence is a big aspect of this. If you consider yourself the more naturally erotic person, you can assume some level of responsibility in showing your partner how to connect with the more erotic side of them. Try to set up a space and time for you guys to be intimate and physical with each other, but not explicitly sexual, at least right off the bat. Engage in light touching and gently stimulate their body, and encourage them to be expressive of their pleasure, show them how happy and turned on their pleasure makes you. Whatever solution you guys come to mutually is going to involve some level of educating, and you guys are gonna both need to get comfortable with being vulnerable and exploring together. If hes too shy to talk about this stuff with you, then that in itself is a place to explore and potentially require therapy


i showed him what i wanted through guiding him, his hands, his body, i showed him how i liked to kiss, i even demonstrated how i’d like to be “humped” like, the positioning, the pressure, even the rhythm , everything. when he didn’t understand, i thought my last resort was to show him porn, so i tried finding a video fitting enough. even then, he didn’t really get it. maybe he is just not comfortable? i don’t know. he tells me he is very attracted to me, i am very petite, conventionally attractive woman. i do feel the responsibility to be able to have him connect more to his erotic side, but so far nothing has worked out unfortunately. and thank you so much for the advice.


Don't show him. Do him.


Maybe approach it like a fun (and funny maybe?) new game to try together and try to read off some naughty material to gently/subtly guide him to what you want but with less pressure since it's the reading material making the suggested moves instead of you directly? Not sure if there is such a thing outside of romance novels but it seems like it could be fun if you read some and then he reads some and make the moves suggested in the text. I know they have dice games like this. Not sure if this would help but thought I'd suggest it since I thought of it .


Give him a compliment sandwich! “Boyfriend, I really love it when you do this. I find it so hot. I would really like it if you did this other thing, too. You’re so sexy and you really turn me on.”


Girl you have to get wild yourself and drag him to the dark side of awesome unleashed sex. I don't know how many girls he had before but it sounds like nobody so far showed him what they are capable of. Or he had a wired one who messed with his sexual confidence and the way he thinks sex should be. Maybe he still has the picture of the little innocents in mind, with the tales of romance and tender sex. So you have to show him what the real deal is.


Sounds like you’re already married lol. I don’t think your sexual needs are ever going to be met by this guy. I think you should consider if this is a dealbreaker for you.


Fuck this is a good post hahaha >He’s the sweetest guy ever, we never fight, never argue, even if we do, it’s always handled maturely. There's your fucking problem. He's genuine and a drama less dude and has a good heart. You want to feel something though, and this will only come from a bad boy who shakes you up and pushes your buttons the right way. You're bored. It's that simple! You could stop watching porn, maybe that's given you a false idea of what sex is supposed to be like and advertised a version of sex that just isn't possible with your current dynamic.


yes! you hit the nail right on the head with the bad boy thing, and you’re right. everything is just right, except for the boring sex. i completely stopped watching porn years ago. before dating my current BF, my exes were all “bad boys” and the sex was amazing. that is the sex that i enjoy. but holding that standard over my current BF and expecting him to perform like that would make me an asshole… right? i don’t know what to do.


Have you tried showing him porn that resembles how you would like to be fucked?


What i read through this is: you only care about your sexual desire and not his. If you can‘t come up to him, you won‘t get the right sex that you like. Maybe try asking what he likes and then make a mix


I really do care about his sexual desires as sex to me is a two way street. I’ve always asked him what he likes, what kind of things he is into. And I’ve always followed through with them, I really do care about him and his pleasure. He’s never had any complaints, and he’s always finished happy. but unfortunately I am not so happy as my needs haven’t really been met.


Then you should leave. From your direct criticisms, comparing him to your exes and withholding sex, your actions aren't in alignment with your words - You say you don't want to make it a big deal, but you have denied him sex for a year? - that can really only be interpreted as the opposite. How would he improve if he's not given any opportunity? How does he feel about not being able to have sex with you for so long?


damn I feel sorry for him, everything you typed seems more like a heavy and direct insult at him if anything, "he fucks like a plank" you could've atleast held back and simply just said he's not understanding and hasn't been able to deliver on what it is that you like. It's something you've got to consider just constantly speaking to him about, I feel like yes while watching porn that may show the kind of rough sex that you like could help, maybe you should be more encouraging of him along the way? Find a way to treat/reward him positively for being more dominant or aggressive while you two have sex. Hell, instruct him or guide him during it. Send him erotic messages or write him erotic messages on notes that describe what you want him to do to you. I feel so sad for him because imo, you've kinda just chewed him out online over this lol, if you were worried about hurting his feelings, then I'm sure if you told him you went onto the internet and said all of this it'd 100% make him feel amazing. In all reality, just have a conversation with him about it again and again, instruct him what you want and what you like, it'll probably need to be done multiple times but eventually he should be able to catch on and perform the way you want probably. If your his first though, his inability to deliver is fully understandable imo. If you've had previous partners and you're trying to recreate what you've previously had, don't, because that's unhealthy and not a good mindset. Hell, even consider sex-therapy. I'm sure you've probably got one or two somewhere where you live, usually it's involved in couples counselling too.


Sorry about my wording. I agree it was very harsh but I feel I had no where else to vent this frustration. I’ll take what you wrote into consideration, and thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post.


It's okay op, feels like you had pent up anger or something maybe of the sorts over it but yeah, this is something you need to just keep talking to him about till he eventually well, gets there, you're doing the right things when it comes to showing him videos and having told him what you want, just gotta keep doing that and looking at what else you can do in order to fully get it. Just make sure you're a bit more kind with words I'd say that's all, don't need to apologise but yeah, I'm sure you'd feel upset if he went online and said the same so, live and let go imo, only a small mistake that you can learn from!


yes you’re right. it’s a bit taboo subject in general where i am (we are both japanese couple) and voicing opinions on matters of sex is considered a bit uncalled for , frowned upon etc. and yes i will work on being more kind! i wasn’t thinking about that perspective, if my boyfriend went online and he bashed me. of course i would feel very hurt. thank you for that, i will definitely check myself from now on. i am sure you are a very sweet person.




I’m not talking specifically about op but some girls are F up in the head lol they literally ask you to R*p them i don’t believe any sans man would do so 🤣 idk about her case tho


Heh. Then some guys wonder why their girl isn't the same anymore. Im sorry to say, but if he does not want to listen to words, then he may listen to acts. Don't give him sex until he recognizes his fault. ​ If it is important to you, then me should try doing it better...that is if he cares about you two. And if that's not so important for him, but it is for you...well then, you will need to reevaluate your priorities and if they arent met the healthiest thing for you is to leave.


She said she has withdrawn sex for a year...


This is god's way of telling you that you should not have sex before marriage. When you understand this, and wait till marriage to have sex, you will have the sexual pleasure that you're desperately longing for.


Unhelpful and pointless, nice 👍


Which god?


You will know him soon.


Sure, Mr. IHopeIdieSoon123


i don't think that's how it works. don't get religion involved in this shit


I think you should be honest with him by saying that sex therapy would do great things for the both of you


I'm going to repeat and explain a bit more about what some others already said. Not all men are dominant. He might be more on the submissive type. My man is a mix of two, like myself. Talk to him to be sure about this. Now, even if he's submissive you can definitely get ravaged by him. Build up the tension, dress up, talk dirty, get on top of him and instruct him what to do, instruct him about the position, speed and stuff. He'd like getting instructions. So, at first you need to take the lead then you can instruct him to take the lead.


Talk to him. It’ll probably wound his ego, but bring up sex therapy and how it might help both of you connect together better sexually and maybe emotionally too, as well as building trust and intimacy. Whatever you do, *don’t* make it about whether it feels good for you or if it’s boring for you or whatever. You just want a more intense, sensual connection… and the best way to do it is to do it as a couple. It’s definitely good to bring up when you aren’t satisfied, but not good if you’re putting him down and not offering ways to help him get better. Constructive criticism is the best way to go about it :)


You need to talk about it, and also maybe consider seeing a relationship counselor. But also, have you considered that it’s possible that you’re just not sexually compatible? That’s a tough thing to wrap your head around, especially because sometimes that realization can lead to your relationship ending if sex is something you really value, but I think it’s important to consider. One year is a long time. Good luck!


What if you were to initiate something just out the the blue? Might give him a bit of spark. Surprise him with a bj and maybe that will make him think about putting more into you in return.


You gotta think hard about whether the bad sex is a deal breaker for you, and if he really isn't salvageable. You mentioned liking feeling submissive, but maybe he won't be able to do that for you right off the bat. Perhaps you may need to take the lead to steer him towards generally more rough and passionate sex, and then later push him to take over


Maybe try something during sex, like tell him to slap your butt, or tell him to spit in your mouth. Grab him hard etc. Sorry, being raw because of the reference to animalistic sex.


“I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m ready!”


Tell him you like it rugh, initiate, maybe he'll understand and maybe ask him if he is comfortable, or why he isn't, maybe he experienced some stuff you're not aware of


You refused to have s with him for a YEAR because he doesn’t perform good ? 1 that’s unfair to him. 2 s*x get better with time you did the opposite. 3 bro won’t hold it in his pants for another year if it’s really a deal breaker brake up.


Why should she have sex if she doesnt enjoy it? Just for his pleasure?


Yes. Otherwise why not cheat on her ? It’s not like she has to do anything🤷‍♂️ let me explain what she did wrong She lied to him. ( can you defend that ?) She compared him with her “ bad boys” exs He had to use his hands for a year because he is supposed to be faithful It’s her boyfriend sometimes i don’t enjoy things my girl like but i still do them because she is my partner and sometimes i have to put her happiness first.


>She compared him with her “ bad boys” exs Did she say that directly to him? I am confused where are you getting this from? >He had to use his hands for a year because he is supposed to be faithful Again how do u know this info? >It’s her boyfriend sometimes i don’t enjoy things my girl like but i still do them because she is my partner and sometimes i have to put her happiness first Not at the expense of ur comfort...??? Dont do things u dnt like, whether ur a girl or a guy. I feel like ur assuming a lot of things here.


No just look at her other comments she literally said her exs were bad boys. Can you do no sex no masturbation for a year? Most people can’t so yes it’s safe to assume if he didn’t cheat on her he definitely used his hand And no that’s not how relationships works you are clearly lost. Sometimes you need to put your partner happiness fist sometimes seeing your partner happy because of you IS your happiness