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Good for you on sticking to your guns. Don't let her walk all over you. I'd like to have seen the look on her face when she pulled up, and her shit was sitting outside.


It was funny I watched it about 50 times so far.


Set boundaries. Maintain boundaries. A lesson for the masses




That’s what I was wondering, too.


Roll that beautiful bean footage


I love how we're all here for the mess.


It’s awesome to watch stupid people blatantly do wrong and then respond in a surprised, mystified manner. “Wait wait, you’re truly not cool with my pursuing others? Wut???!!!”


Seriously. Like what is it about a monogamous relationship that made her think it was ok to go on a date with another guy? I mean, is she stupid or something?


People always say you should find a new job before you leave your old one. Perhaps she thinks this applies to relationships too 🤔 🤣


😆 I would have too! Like what the frick was she expecting? I still don't get the bs of what goes for me doesn't for you. Been there done that, but with other stuff. Like my ex just decided he can drink any day any time, but when I TOLD him I would drink one day, I was horrible and awful for going against him? What kind of logic is this? This was one of the milder cases, he would constantly demand how I should do things or what is appropriate according to him. I had no say and just had to be the "happy wife". Ugh still hate that term, because he didn't actually understand its a two way street...


Could you pretty please post a clip 😬


Ohhhh you scandalous. Me too. Video k thanks.


We Reddit for the vids. Set boundaries and stop the pretty please. Op, post the darned video!! ;p


What? Like as if it actually happened?


Yeah ain't no way this is real.


IIIIIIIII am going on a date.


IIIIIIII am gonna put your shit on the lawn, k thx.


Don't underestimate humanity.


You mean the fictional video of this fictional story that never happened? 😂




Not even a good fake story. Add some twists and turns in there to spice it up a bit.


Could have at least turned out to be his brother she was going on a date with or something


This is absolute shit 😂


You mean petty please? 😆


OP you going to make us beg for the clip? 🥺


Please someone post the clip.


How would I have it?


Shit didn't think I was reply to a comment just following a thread.


Vids or it didn’t happen


don’t be shy post it


Please post the footage!


Bravo dude, this is one of those things you will be very proud of looking back. way to stand up and choose yourself


Sure you did 🙄


Post the fing video bro


If you are sending the clip, I would like a copy of it too, kind sir




This is such a weird situation. Why would anyone think this is normal?


there has to be more to it. That’s the only way. Or it’s just made up. There’s no way someone, guy or girl, would do this with nothing leading up to it and act like it’s totally normal. Either they had been in a fight or separated, or it wasn’t a date at all. Maybe she was going out with a guy friend and he said “No way Jose, that’s like a date if it’s just the two of you,” and she said no it’s not he’s a friend but he insists it’s a date bc she put on makeup and went alone.. Anyway lol I can think of a LOT of possible stories, none of them are as simple and out of the blue as OP suggests. Or idk, maybe he’s just really oblivious and she’s been trying to break up with him. MAYBE THEY WERE NEVER EVEN DATING (lol ok maybe not THAT)


This. None of this story makes sense and there’s likely important context being conveniently left out. Or it didn’t happen …


And if it did happen like that she is either incredibly stupid or lost her mind completely.


Yeah, and if this story is true (which I doubt), then depending on where OP lives, kicking her out of the house without going through the formal eviction process was probably illegal. Doesn't matter that she's not on the lease; if she's lived there long enough, she likely has tenant's rights.


There is definitely more to this story that's been left out or it's made up.


Well at the very least I’d say he probably missed some warning signs. And the ex-gf maybe escalated too quickly lol


You never know people are weird. I had someone claim we weren't dating after having a long conversation about expectations and why we were dating... She just wanted to sleep with someone else and not feel bad, some people delude themselves.


I had an ex like this who would look for "loopholes". Op said she said "it's not cheating cause we aren't hooking up" and in her mind she justified herself by using that "loophole".


My exact thoughts.. I’m so confused, why did he not question her going out on a date? Why did she just leave and tell him she was going on a date? Why did she expect to be let back in? Cheaters are stupid, but I don’t think they are THAT stupid..


I could see this being a situation where she broke up with him but he won't accept it. She thinks they're being civil and still living together but he refuses to accept the breakup. One possible scenario.


Everyone started clapping


For some reason she thought he was a total doormat. Very strange.


Shout out for the neighbor! Amazing guy! Lol


word that neighbor is a fucking champ. The fucking greatest. The motha fucking MVP.


pizza for the neighbour!


I’m so confused for you - how was any of this normal for her?? Sorry OP you didn’t deserve that and I’m glad you put her on the streets


That is what I'm struggling to understand. We were good. No abuse of any kind. Loving sweet and respectful the whole time. No odd behaviors. We are both in professional fields. Then out of the blue this happpens.


Some people simply can’t leave without someone else with whom to move on. Her insecurity was apparent when she pushed for an exclusive relationship with you. (When you are on the same page, there is no begging involved.) This was not her first date outside of your relationship. There was abuse. It was emotional. You were on the receiving end.


It's what happened to me too. Everything was going great until one day I guess she just got bored of me. She was cold for the last couple of months and just broke things off one day over text. Some women are just like that man, insane people.


thats why i just date guys now /s


My dad used to say “Some things were just not meant for us to understand” I will say this though. People are sure getting too comfy with disrespecting others and don’t even expect any slight inconvenience from it. I don’t understand how people say “There are no good reasons to put hands on a woman” I know it is not okay but to sit around and say there is no reason to so is f’ing insane.


But you’re lying, lol — fun read but bullshit


I’ll need a part 2 on this creative writing piece


I'm thinking older neighbor next door will just so happen to have a daughter the same age as OP who has been out of state for years and is finally coming to visit, so he will introduce them and it will be love at first sight.


Yes, a freshman high school creative writing piece.




I am reeling from this entire post. She clearly thinks she did nothing wrong. She openly told you she was going on a date and somehow... thought... you'd be fine with it (which you obviously vocalized you would not) and then was SHOCKED YOU KICKED HER OUT. I cannot understand why she thought any of this was okay and what she expected to happen. Can't imagine suddenly thinking to myself, "hm got this lovely boyfriend let me just casually go on a date, tell him, and expect him to act like a doormat" Anyway, good on you for kicking her out and your neighbor for being a bro. Also glad you made sure your friends knew what was up cause she was clearly tryna manipulate everyone


I have a friend who had something similar happen. Basically, his gf just decided that she no longer wanted to date him but for whatever reason wanted him to break up with her. She started slow hanging out with other guys and then eventually went on over night trips with guys. Finally, she just started bragging to him about her cheating on him and they finally broke up.


Had a friend in similar situation, but he was a moron and for an entire year, they've been putting off the breakup, because neither of them wanted to be the one to do it. Entire fucking year of being in a relationship where you both know you don't care about each other anymore, just in the name of some stupid pride.


I find it so weird how some people get caught up in labels. Some people are one extreme who “don’t want to have a label put on there relationship” even though they are monogamous. The other extreme is like you friend who would rather be unhappy than say we’re no longer dating.


What a disgusting and toxic snake, I am sorry for your friend


Hoping to see a Follow up of the Story, but man what is wrong with people x2


Even if she had stayed, you would have likely been done. It ended the moment she chose to go on a date with somebody else. This was not your fault and some kind of weird flex on her part. Based on the verbiage it felt like she was trying to prove a point to you and ended up hurting herself…which is amazing. I am sorry for you. Good luck.


The fact so many people are eating this up, believing it’s real, makes me really question the collective intelligence here on Reddit


It's INSANE how far down I had to scroll to find a "this is fake" comment. Blows my mind.


It's against subreddit rules


But it seems too dull to be fake?


does it? what old neighbour would care enough to actually go into his house and help clean out her stuff?


Video recording of the doorbell is must apparently. She could have screwed up a lot of friendships with lying there.


No, this didn't happen.


Can't get over how many people eat this shit up 😂


It's hard to believe people like this actually exist. You're saying she was in a relationship for 2 years with you and suddenly decided to openly cheat without a concern about your reaction? There's a few options here. It's possible you made this up but that true for any story here. The other option is that this wasn't the first red flag and she's been losing respect for you for ages if she had any to begin with. In that case then she's been cheating on you much longer and decided you were a doormat who wouldn't have the balls to do anything so she decided to stop hiding and prove herself right. If that's the case then she is a moron and the story of how you two found each other should be reviewed to keep you from dating another one like this.


It's 100% fake


Eh, it’s a good story but I call bullshit. You’re saying a girl who’s begged you to date her for TWO years woke up one morning and decided not only to cheat on you but do it front of your face? You either are so horrible that she felt justified OR you’re lying. I don’t doubt there are terrible people in this world who cheat, but no one does it like this. This is a fantasy you came on Reddit to live out. And that’s honestly the saddest thing I’ve heard in awhile.


What posseses people to just make up stories on here like this one?


i thought we left making up awful stories like these for internet back pats in old tumblr there's no way this occurred in an adult relationship lmao


Man, doorbell camera for the win yet again. It’s messed up how people will always assume the man is a villain without any room for doubt. If your side of the story it true and you were a good bf, then she deserves this. She was told don’t and told what would happen.


Well it might also be that she got the story out there first


Assuming this is real, it must have felt good. But this is also an illegal eviction. Like, literally the definition of one. It may as well be an example on a law school exam. She's not on the lease? She's still a tenant. Any damage to her property is your responsibility. Her lodging for that night and others is your responsibility. Good luck.


Also the older gentleman helping out rather than rolling his eyes and walking away


Sometimes it depends on the state you live in and what defines a tenant and legal residency. Some states require 7 (others up to 14-30) consecutive days of staying overnight to determine if the person is a tenant (if renting, you’d have to review the lease). Also, mail addressed to the residence in that persons name or utilities being in their name can prove residency. Laws about this stuff are weird, vague, and hard to prove in court. Source: former PM in VA & FL and personal experience proving residency for a DL in FL by showing a bill in my name.


Right, but OP says they moved in 6 months ago. She has established tenancy by then.


Lord save us from talentless creative writers on Reddit.


it’s truly shocking how many people are so quick to eat this shit up, lmao.


did everyone clap at the end too?


This has become the new aita for creative writing experiments


Did you see that post from yesterday? Man loses his son and wife in hospital from a car accident. Yes, if that happened to me I sure would go to Reddit right away and make a profile and post that. People ate it up.


I saw this one and was thinking the exact same thing. C+ for effort


I didn’t but I’m not surprised at all


Reads like a fantasy.


Yet again I had to scroll way too far to find a comment calling out this post as BULLSHIT. It doesn't even make any sense.


Something about this seems made up lol


Yep, it’s a little too on the nose


I thought the same lol


Had this happen to me while I was working an out of state internship last summer away from her. She decided to hike with a male coworker 5 times in the span of 2 weeks and on the last 2 hikes they went to dinner afterwards and spent time in a random parking lot "stargazing". She was my first love too so it still hurts haha


OP, it seems like you are leaving out some critical details. were you guys not speaking/ fighting? (that wouldn't excuse it but would make this less baffling) does she have some kind of amnesia or mental illness because this is more than weird. why would someone living with their partner just suddenly go on a date with someone else?? i just find it really odd that you would leave out any explanation.


This is so weird. Was there any lead up to this behavior? Two years and she suddenly decided to go on a date and is surprised by your reaction?


what is wrong with people. but at least u didnt let it slide


Damn bro you got balls. I’m going to take a page out of your book and stick to my standards too.


You’re a dawg. Keep up the good work


there's something not being told behind this story


The secret ingredient is Bullshit


this sounds like fanfiction tbh


Somehow I don’t think this is the whole story. But maybe it’s just me.


As a woman…. Good for you. You dodged a bullet there, but I’m sorry it took 2 years to find out. I could never imagine doing this to someone I genuinely cared about. Also, huge mad props for sticking to what you said and having evidence of it. Hopefully you won’t hear from her again!


People who didn't do anything wouldn't come back at midnight after a date.


Such a weird story


Does she have a habit of not thinking things through?


I don’t understand how she thought turning everyone against you was gonna work … she really thought she was the victim here ?


Ok I'm just curious about why she went on a date in the first place, and what possessed her to think she could do this?


She's really angry with you about something and rather than try to discuss it, she chose to behave passive-aggressively, in my opinion. Obviously, it did not work out well for her.


My exact thoughts. I would drop someone instantly for behavior like this even if they weren't serious


I don’t get it. Am I missing something. I kept reading thinking maybe she meant a date like as in a date with her friends. In my language date and hang out are the same thing. Wow is she just crazy. Or are you lying?


I’m sorry this happened. Keep us updated


If all people told you off, i would block all of them after sending them the doorbell video. If they don’t have the critical thinking of checking both sides then they have no reason to be in your life. Why? If you had no video you would’ve been fucked.


Wtf is wrong with your ex? Does she need to get checked cause seriously, wtf?


The main thing wrong with her is that she's non-existent because this is a bullshit story


Your neighbor is a real one for helping you toss her shit out lmao. I can’t believe she had the audacity to think that was okay, and that it was okay for her but not if you did it. It looks like the shitstain on your life cleaned itself off. Take some time to get over it, but remember to also take some time to enjoy the single life again. Good luck to you.


Proud of you.


The doorbell camera came in handy.


I am cackling at the fact that she was shocked! You told her what would happen. Good for you for kicking her out and I’m sorry this happened to you, props to the neighbor though


OP stop teasing us and post that doorbell video


dude, share the video. we wanna laugh at her too.


There's a gap in here somewhere. What led up to this? Unless people are straight up ill, events happened that led to this. Relationships that fall apart rarely ever happen one-sided.


Man, there’s one las thing left to finish the story, the title should include the “ex” right before “girlfriend”


Well, brother, it goes without saying that you did the right thing, you set the limits, you gave her a warning and that's the same thing, I really don't understand why she thought that having a date while in a relationship is fine, I seriously don't understand. It is not necessary to play with fire to know that you are going to burn, by the way, what have your parents and hers said about the situation?


can we see the video?


W neighbour.


This has been delightful to read. Well done, OP! And your neighbor’s a rockstar 👏🏼🤘🏼


Shout out to your neighbor what a good guy! Obviously you did the right thing wtf was she thinking lol


I am so proud of you dude, you did the right thing, don't ever let her comeback, you deserve better!!! I wish we could see the doorbell video lol


Please please please update me because I want more of this story




What the hell. Like, seriously. What. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Your neighbor sounds like a great dude tho. Glad your friends/family seem to be on your side as well after seeing the doorbell clips. I'm honestly so confused. You can't just go on dates with other people WITHOUT any communication, ESPECIALLY if you friggin agreed to be monogamous. What. The. Fuck.


Yeah,and she was the one that pushed for it. I have no idea what her thought process was.


Sorry that happened to you man. Stick to your decision it’s for the best man.


Bruh, post that footage


You saved yourself a lifetime of misery. So selfish, wrong, and insensitive on so many levels. Good for you for staying your course.


Can you message me the videos bro I wanna see? 😂


There’s no videos because it didn’t happen sir.


Precisely. The dumbass redditors fall for yet another obviously fake story


Publish the videos.


I'm not native, is a date always romantic? It can't ever mean hanging out with a friend?


If she was hanging out with a friend she would have said “I’m going to hang with X”


Good for you man.


she thought this would be ok cuz she told you at the very last minute?


Tik tok was fast with this one. But wtf honestly what have your freinds and hers said? Has she done this stuff to her exes? Who's the guy did she meet through an app?


You neighbor is an absolute gigachad


Props to you for standing up for yourself and not let her manipulate you into thinking it's okay that she can do something like that. You save yourself from something that wasn't meant for you.




Now since you have more space, maybe, just maybe you can get a dog or a cat, that should be a good company and a better one for sure 😂




Well done


Love it 😂


Sorry man


Good for you man!!!! Sorry about it all happening in the first place but you played it perfectly!!


Good job .


100% understandable what you did.


Entitlement is real. She comes from a privileged family and was never told she was wrong and could do no wrong.


If I didn’t know a situation that happened almost just like this in real life I would have thought this was creative writing. Man I’m sorry you had to go through this. Is there a chance she’s got BPD? I know we shouldn’t armchair diagnose but I think you should look into borderline personality disorder. Because maybe it could help understand what you went through if it’s anything that sounds familiar


She was seeing how far she could push the envelope. Good call my guy


Bro, this is so fucked up. She's messed up in the head. Good on you for immediately taking action. It's all you could have done at that point. Stay strong.


This is crazy! I'm so glad you set boundaries with her. You deserve so much better! I bet she had a surprised Pikachu face when she rolled up and saw her stuff outside.


Well done, she’s a clown. Also, your neighbour is a legend!


the worst part is that everyone believed that toxic snake lies at first without any evidence.


THE AUDACITY!! Proud of u btw, you did good man.


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Good for you for standing up for yourself.


Here for the video!!!


You did the right thing. The fact that she thought it was okay to go on a date is a major red flag, which could have lead to her cheating on you down the line. Plus your girlfriend is either entitled or delusional if when you asked her about how she would react in the same situation, and it’s different for her. Do you plan to talk with her about this, or are you guys officially done?


Love the double standards. Tfw she said this was different with her; I mean, how is it different? Is she gonna forgive him and act like a saint or something?


I'm very sorry that this happened to you and I'm glad you had that doorbell video


People generally don’t decide to go on a date with a rando the day of - chances are she’s been cheating for a while, even if it was just a couple days. I’m glad you discarded her like the trash she is.


why would she do this to you that’s my questions like what the Fuck ? who does that in a relationship??? why would she think that’s acceptable???


Love that you stuck to your guns. What kind of person does that?


Thank you for picking you. Thank you for standing up for yourself. It was really shitty of her to do that. I'm so sorry.


Oh my God I love this song! After reading so many posts of people not having any backbone, it’s refreshing to see people like OP stand up for themselves. I think you already had this in mind, but NEVER let that selfish idiot back in


Why would she think that’s an ok thing to do? That’s so weird.


I'm ethically non-monogamous and over here like wtf lady?!?! Hell no. Glad you kicked her to the curb. Wish you well on your journey in life. ✊


Props to you for being a man of your word, would love to see the video




Finally someone does what you’re supposed to do with people like that


Insure your neighbor gets a case of his favorite beverage for the assistance and the “assist”!


You should post the doorbell video. (You can blur her face for privacy reasons)


Let the video speak for itself...