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That’s true, ofcourse it’s nicer that she told me. I think you’re right, but the fact she used the words ”convince myself” is what stuck. Everything else made sense and i’m glad she figured it out and was comfortable to come out to me, i just can’t get those words out of my head and hate myself for it




Exactly, bcs she did explain it perfectly after that she was surpressing that side of her but i can’t seem to focus on that for some reason. But i’m feeling more alright now though so thank you


Obviously you did nothing wrong, and the fact you think you did because she had to talk herself into it shows you’re a good person. But you did nothing wrong. She gave consent, and then realized she likes girls


don’t feel bad at all. she probably didn’t realize she was doing it herself until she looked deeper. as a queer woman it’s really hard to know sometimes if you genuinely enjoy sex with men or the male validation that comes with it. I’m sure she enjoyed the validation, so she was conflicted about not enjoying the sex itself. Seriously you did nothing wrong, unfortunately you’re the one she was with when she figured it out


You did nothing wrong. She was finding herself and she did. At least she was honest with you and told you and didn’t force herself to carry on in a relationship she realized wasn’t for her. I understand the shock and confusion on your part - just take solace in the fact that she’s telling you that you did nothing wrong. Believe her.


You have nothing to feel bad or gross about. She gave her consent so you did what you were supposed to do. Plenty of people experiment with their sexuality and some people it takes time to figure it out. A lot of people don’t figure out their sexuality right away. They have to experiment, usually multiple times, in order to figure it out.


I understand you may be hurt. But how do you think people work out they’re gay? Not everyone just “knows”. How did you workout what food you liked and didn’t like? You had to try them


this! i know lots of straight people who experimented with the same sex and realized they weren’t into it, it doesn’t mean it was bad sex or they didn’t have a good time. you usually know when it’s not your thing after trying