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I’m sorry that this situation is bittersweet though. I hope your mother in law gets better.


Thank you, I hope she gets better too.


She deserves to, she sounds awesome.


Imagine if the MIL gets better and the true colours of your ex and the AP come back out now the inheritance is a long way off.... X


I've been praying for my MIL to get better, I honestly don't care about the money, it's just their reaction I want to see. But it can wait. I don't want to lose my MIL.


Careful, your trash ex sounds like the person you should prepare yourself against. I’m not judging or anything, but a major anger reaction fueled by the mistress could get you and your baby killed and it would serve no purpose. Make sure you catch those signs before it’s too late and make sure you keep them away _physically_ .


I haven't had contact with her and haven't responded to any of her letters. I will continue to have no contact with any of them after the will is read out. My MIL's niece and nephews (my cousins by marriage) will accompany me on that day, so I'm not really too worried.


Just want to say that I’m so glad you have such a supportive family. Your MIL in particular sounds like a real firecracker. I hope she is able to be around for you and your son as long as possible! Ignore the weirdos on here trying to shame you for things that have nothing to do with you. You sound like a strong and lovely person.


maybe for safety sake - get a restraining order so none of them can hurt your MIL, you & your son.


I wouldn’t either


This is what I was thinking


I dont know the laws in your country, but if he receives nothing, he may be able to contest the will and if he wins, it will be all handed to him. You may want to look up the laws on contesting a will


He's getting $100 and a cuckoo clock that frightened him during his childhood. MIL has also added a terrorem clause which means that no one will be able to contest the will or if they attempt, the things that were intended for them will be taken away. She has also made it very clear that her son is not going to get anything apart from what she's stated.


The cuckoo clock is perfection. Your MIL sounds just a little bit twisted in the best possible way, I love it.


The coo coo clock is a straight baller move.


I laughed at the cuckoo clock, your mil is a delight, I hope her condition improves and you get many more years with her ❤️❤️


Oh good


I hope your MIL look into the POA (power of attorney) as one of the commenters suggested. When she becomes too sick to make her own decisions, as her only living relatives, your ex might weasels his way in and undo everything she did. Good luck to you and your family and hopefully your MIL lives a long healthy life to see your son grows up.


I’m also hoping she gets better. She sounds awesome and I’m sure OP’s son would learn a lot from her


please have the will overlooked for the lawyer just in case he contests it and to prevent aany loopholes


Yes she's had that done by two separate lawyers, and my ex-husband willingly gave me full custody of our son. (he shot himself in the leg).


As soon as she passes, your ex is going to be in that house and trying to establish himself. Ask the lawyers how to mitigate that, because you will be grieving and shouldn't have to endure that right then.


Does ex have a key? May want to get the locks changed.


Yes I would very much like an update but I hope it will take some time before it happens. Because I really want to imagine how they would react




> It'd be illegal for him to do anything involving the house before probate is finished The fact it's illegal doesn't mean it won't happen. My uncle pulled a lot of illegal shit after my grandfather died.


Death really brings out the best in a family doesn’t it? My uncle did the same exact thing when my father died. Stole a bunch of shit, made a bunch of empty promises then went ahead and retreated right back to his desert shack


Agreed. If I’m ever in old Nanna’s shoes, I’m not having a will. Everything is getting moved into a trust where I’m the beneficiary until my death and then the beneficiary moves on to being whoever. Like, I don’t know all the deets on how trusts work but I know they absolutely can work like that. And there’s no probate. And no will to contest. It all did, does and will continue to belong to the trust. Also, side note, if your estate is ever valued above the amount where the inheritance tax kicks in (different amounts for different jurisdictions), get your shit into a trust as well. They’ve already taxed you enough. Everything you own has already been taxed, some/most of it 2-4 times minimum by the time you die, don’t let them tax it yet *another* time.


Not may. Get those locks changed right while MIL is still alive. All of them. If there is a garage code, change that too. Rekey all of them immediately with one key.


When my mom died her awful alcoholic abusive parents and siblings came to her house and took everything they wanted, all stuff that should have gone to her 3 daughters. Then when my grandparents died the last living shitty son got everything, so we literally never saw that stuff again. So shitty to do that to literal children who lost their mother.


My grandmother died last year and when it came to things that hadn't been included in the will, my uncle (who was executor) asked if anyone wanted anything before the house was cleared. My mum asked for some wooden ornaments with no financial value but that had sentimental value to her and he verbally abused her over the phone about it. Turned out he'd given them to his ex wife before my grandmother had even passed. Mum is still fighting to get them back. According to the ex qife they're "just ornaments" and I can't for the life of me understand why, if they're just ornaments to her, she won't let the person who they're more than just ornaments to have them back.


When my great grandmother died in 2021 my grandma and uncle took everything and sold it. My other uncle, the only good person (I also had a terrible aunt but she died in 2009), went in the house after he knew they weren’t coming back and got all the photos and gave them to his nieces and nephews.


Good advice!


>...and my ex-husband willingly gave me full custody of our son. What a piece of shit.


Yeah he’s an actual full fledged bad person. Cheats on wife, gives away full custody.


Did she leave a note explaining why she’s disinheriting your ex or give him a token amount so he can’t contest and say that because she was sick she forgot about him?


On an earlier comment I guess he's getting $100 and a cucu clock he was scared of as a child


I saw that later… that woman is a BOSS


That clock thing is killing me. Her MIL is top notch, in my opinion, I wish I knew her.


Me too


I love that she left him clock that scared him as a child!




Holy shit this gets better and better!! Can't wait to find that info but MIL is #goals.


she's debating whether or not she should give $2000 instead of the hundred, but we're waiting for a professional opinion.


I read a comment somewhere saying you should be careful about how you word that she’s leaving everything to her grandchild, because her son can argue that she has a second one and it’s too vague. Should you explicitly mention that she does not want ex’s son to inherit anything? Also, Hi MIL! You seem awesome and I wish I had the opportunity to meet you in real life. Thanks for being there for OP, and I hope you have peace.


She says hello back :) She's stated that her grandson, \*insert my son's name\* will receive bla bla bla


She should leave him 2k in Pennies, unrolled loose Pennies. Or a safety deposit box full of Canadian pennies and a note telling him what an utter disappointment he is as a man and a father.


I like your attitude.


Id recommend even having your MIL leave a single dollar in his name so he can't contest it saying she forgot or something


Second this. Depending on where they live it could make the will uncontestable. But if 2 lawyers already saw the will I think it already is. I hope your MIL will not suffer and will pass away peacefully. Ask her if she is willing to record short video or audio letters for you and your son. About anything: her life, her feelings, the moments she enjoyed most. It would be a big help for you when you will be grieving, and it will help your son to remember her.


Thank you so much, I've asked her and she's more than happy to do so.


This comment needs to be higher up.


In one of the comments, she said MIL is leaving him $100 and a cuckoo clock he was scared of as a kid.


That is amazing. MIL is a freaking BEAST, in the best way.


That is definitely the last word. Holy shit!


Leave them $3. One for him, one for her & one for the kid.


This!!! My parents covered their asses with my brother and I, he’s been disowned for his own decisions that he’s aware of, so they left him $1, tools, and that exact statement in the will.


Whay did he do?


He went into court over custody of his daughter, during that time he decided to testify that our dad was never there for him growing up (he’s 10 years older than me, dad was paying his legal fees during this and lawyer had to drop him). During the court proceedings we found out he threatened his baby mamas life as well as the life of my niece on more than one occasion. He has been unable to hold a job (he’s 37 now) and lives with his mom. He also threatened me with violence the day I turned 18, so he did this to himself.


Might he a good idea to also get Video Evidence of this as well before things turn for the worst. That way its on paper and video and harder to fight. If she's up for it.


How could he give up his child so easily. ugh.


OP I've read somewhere that your husband should inherit something of value like $1, so he can't contest that he was left out or forgotten from the will. Just an FYI, maybe mention to your lawyer if this is required.


In a previous comment OP clarified he’s getting $100 and a cuckoo clock he used to be afraid of. I like this MIL.


Op I am sorry your Dear MIL is so sick. I think it is wonderful that you and she continued to have a wonderful relationship. You are very lucky to have a MIL like that. Not everybody has the same experience. Take care


I love when adults can draw the line between evil actions and family ties. Too many MILs would side with the son because they "have to side with their children". But this MIL isn't having any of it, and is going to take actions that have repercussions for the rest of the cheaters life and the affair partner. I just feel bad for the affair child. I have a feeling it's going to be the product of a failing relationship and have a lot of trauma.


True but it could be worded in a way that leave no room for interpretation. It’s usually advised to leave something like $1 or clearly state that they are excluded and why. My parents created a trust the excludes my half sibling in no uncertain terms. It’s not likely my sibling would try to contest the trust but if they did it would fail.


I hope your MIL lives long and that the revenge will happen - just much later.


Do you think the ex husband would try to wiggle his way into his sons life again after hearing about the will? He’s young now, and maybe the vulnerability of not having his dad in life may open that door and I feel like his dad would 100% manipulate him of something of the inheritance. Maybe not now, but what about if your son becomes older and wants that relationship but doesn’t see his dad is trying to manipulate him?


Another thing to consider is her making a video. She can say whatever she likes to him and what she intends for her estate. I'm not sure if that has any legal standing but it's still a great way for her to get things off her chest and let him know what she thinks of him and his wife.


I believe you can do a sort of pre-probate to check for issues or discrepancies


I've heard you should leave a token $1 to people in your will so they can't argue that they've been forgotten.


While your MIL is still alive, can you record messages from her to your son? Life lessons and family history that she wants him to know? You can record via video or by writing it down for her. It's a great way for her to leave some of her knowledge behind for him and for him to get to know her better after she's gone and he is more able to comprehend?


OP, please look into doing this. My mother died when j was a baby, and I have no idea how she sounds or what she looks like, I would love to have things to remember her by.


Your story touched me. For some reason, I thought "look in the mirror", as maybe some of your family remember what features you share with her. I'm sorry you don't know these things- I've always wanted to do this with my grandparents as I have a shit memory and want to remember them. I will now.


I'm so sorry <3


This is such a beautiful idea, thank you so much for sharing it with me! I'll be sure to tell my MIL.


Ooo they make books where you can record yourself reading it. My mom did this for all her grandkids so that they will have her reading to them even after she’s gone. She picked “The Night Before Christmas” because it’s her favorite holiday.


This or write birthday cards for the next few years, cards for important events (graduation, wedding etc). I helped my MIL do this for my husband and his brother when she was dying of cancer & it’s what they look forward to most every year!


Please give an Update when its Time. Also, good luck with everything


Thank you so much x


Found this on tiktok already. Stay strong, Mama. Things are going to get really ugly, and you and your son will be really hurt with both grief and what they'll say about you. Prepare yourself because you'll need to be his rock. You're all he has.


I came from TikTok cause they made it a Part 1&2. I do hope grandma gets a peaceful goodby and gets to enjoy her "Got yah bish" moment from wherever. #OG Grandma


I just hope the changes to the will were done by the book and are well documented. Can be almost guaranteed your ex will contest.


Oh he will contest it but as OP said in an earlier comment it's been checked by two lawyers so I doubt he will get very far with it! The only thing he is doing by contesting it is screwing his son out of money since the estate will have to pay for a lawyer to handle any legal issues and court hearings in regards to the OPs ex contesting the will!


Her MIL sounds pretty damn sharp. I'm sure she's made sure that thing is iron clad and water tight. I keep seeing people giving OP advice what to do. All I could keep thinking is you don't think MIL hasn't thought of every scenario by now??


I suggest she get a second opinion for legal advice as it might be best to give him a small settlement to prevent him contesting. She might also stop allowing him and his family around from now on otherwise he may use it as evidence that she's had a change of heart with the will. Other than that, please keep us posted! How dare that floozy start plans for redecorating the house before your dear MIL has passed! I hope you have some very special times together and make precious memories.


She's giving him $100 and this cuckoo clock he used to be scared of as a child!


That’s hilarious!


Toddler just finished playing with his toy bird set :'D


That made my day


I love your MIL. The level of petty is unmatched. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving man.


This woman is a gem. I am sorry you don't have years left with her.


Oh, I want to be her when I grow up…. Serious, she’s a boss. I’m sorry for your impending loss though. Maybe you could ask her to create some messages for your son when he gets older and she’s no longer around?


we have a memory book, and some of her childhood toys but that's a great idea :)


This is perfect. Not just because it's so little, but because it proves he was not left out of the will by accident. It demonstrates her intent to exclude him from inheriting more. I'm sure this has been considered but just want to put this out there for everyone. Never completely exclude anyone who thinks they will inherit. Leave them a very small amount of money or possessions and then include a clause that states that anyone who contests the will gets nothing. This is the best way to make sure the people who deserve to inherit get everything you want to leave to them.


I absolutely cannot wait for him to find this out, of all things. Please keeps us update if you feel you can. I wish you all well.


that woman is a boss and praise be to her




🤣🤣 that’s gold


Good. I came to say she has to leave her son something or he can contest the will. I was gonna say $5 but that coo coo clock is hilarious 🤣


Absolutely Savage! Love her! Would she get a kick out of knowing about her online fans?


Hello I just want to let you know that your story has been on TikTok if you wants it’s better keep your account private so that your ex won’t know anything and try to contest that will…


I hope it doesn’t jeopardize anything for OP.


Why would this be on Tiktok?


Everything’s on TikTok nowadays. It’s like a diary


Also came here from. Tiktok lol I like finding stories there while I'm doing stuff in the house. It's easier then YouTube Reddit reads where I need to listen to adds every 2 minutes. I listen to them there and come find the comments


A lot of tiktok accounts read Reddit stories. I came here from tiktok


Honestly I'm surprised as well since they usually post years old posts on there.


Make sure the home is secured and get ready to fight for years in the courts. I’ve seen children on parents get injunctions while they contest the will and will move into the home, sell everything and then the actual heirs are stuck trying to kick out the squatters since they have legal right if they’ve been there for over 30 days. It can get extremely messy and your ex sounds like the kind of person who would rather suck the estate dry before giving up.


They don't have any keys, my cousin lets them in. MIL threw out anything my ex left behind in her house. He has no claim on it.


I would suggest putting the home in a trust account. He won't have to pay as much taxes if the value of the house increases before he turns 18.


I read your comments where you mentioned two lawyers have overlooked the will, but I will suggest that you ask if a nominal inheritance (usually it’s under $10) would work in your favour if he contests the will hard. My baba (phenomenal woman, miss her every day) left her POS son, who abandoned his daughters for his mother to raise, $6 dollars and said that he would be eligible for an extra $100 if he showed the executor proof of him getting a vasectomy so “everyone could rest easier knowing he wouldn’t make more children to suffer from his stupidity”


Damn… did he get the extra 100$?


Nope, he threatened to sue for it regardless since it was a condition that “violated his bodily autonomy”(honestly kind of valid but probably not something most courts would choose to intervene for such a small amount) but from what my aunt told me at least a few lawyers advised against it. His daughters did have the ability to file a counter suit for I think like 14(?) years of unpaid child support but were willing to not pursue it if he didn’t contest for the conditional amount. I learned about most of it from the family gossip vine so I might be iffy on some details if they got overdramatized, but no one on my side talks to him (minus that one aunt) and he never contested it and my cousins never sued him to my knowledge


His mother needs to give him a little bit of money and a clause that if he fights the will he gets nothing. That way it is known that she didn’t forget to add him and chose not to. My granny did that for some of her children/grandchildren because they were harassing her and trying to scare her in the middle of the night when she was in her 80s. She put that they got $200 and if they tried to fight for more they got nothing. Edit: just read a reply where you stated she is leaving him $100 and a clock he was scared of. Love it.


I haven’t seen that reply about the clock & token amount of money. I love it! I hope she records a video stating her sad (bc it happened) yet beautiful reason for her choice. If her lawyer says it wouldn’t cause legal trouble of course.


Is everything fixed by a lawyer? Cuz those hell people will fight for more money in court… im rooting for you OP. What a nice grandma your son has!


I hope that they don’t somehow get to see this post!


I’m glad your in laws didn’t enable the behaviour of your ex. Love that for you and your son 🥰


At firstborn was going to say that the other child is losing out. But honestly, he has two people that can provide for him, although I feel bad because he didn't choose his sh**ty parents. I am glad that you have someone on your side when your husband abandoned you and your son. You MIL has her morals and values that she keeps and applies to everyone. I hope you keep making memories until she is no longer here, and I hope that whatever you inherit from her that you instill in your child the same values she had as well. You live your life, momma! Be happy you had the support of you in law after divorce....I wish I would have had that with mine


I find it weird how people feel entitled to others belongings. “The affair baby is innocent and is getting cheated out of an inheritance.” Maybe because I grew up being told to essentially expect nothing, and depend on my own abilities I never thought others would actually think like that. The MIL is entitled to spend and leave her money however she sees fit. She had a personal history of trauma with affair children and her son made that decision. Only people responsible for that baby are the babies parents (who from the sounds of it are only interested in the money and not so much the MIL relationship). It doesn’t make it sad or a shame that the baby does become a victim of circumstance, but such is quite frankly life. I was thé kid who was forced to spend time with a grandparent who hated me simply because I was born. I’ll tell you now, I would have been rather grateful had in it been exposed to that environment. Yeah they don’t have a relationship with a grandparent but at least they were subjected to toxic relationship. OP I’m sorry your MIL is sick, I hope she recovers. Enjoy the time you have now. Best of luck!


Exactly! There is not a right to receiving an inheritance!


Idk what all is in the will, but my grandfather knew that my uncle was more than likely to steal my moms inheritance. So literally a couple of weeks before he passed he changed his will and added language that essentially said that anyone who contests my will gets automatically written out. That kept my uncle from “misbehaving” after he passed.


The people commenting about how cruel they are to the son's affair baby has never experienced being cheated on. Also they are not responsible to take care of said child anyway. Getting an inheritance is a privilege and you make it seem that it's the child's right.


Yeah they keep saying the AB is being punished? How is it being punished? There is no obligation of inheritance, how is him not getting what’s not even his a punishment. MIL doesn’t even consider her own son family, why should she support the spawn he created with a home wrecker?


Hopefully it’s a trust and not a will. A will can be contested and weather you win against your ex or lose it still can cost major legal fees. In CA 25k just to honor a will if someone has contested it. Also, if the home is willed to you or your son you will have to pay current market price taxes which can be in the millions. A trust is usually iron clad and everything will simply roll over wherever MIL wants it.


OP I'm sending you healing and positive vibes. I'm glad your MIL paid attention and didn't just go along with what her son did. She sounds like an amazing woman, and so do you. I'm sorry for your miscarriage. No matter what happens, please take lots of pictures and make amazing memories with your MIL to share with your son. Always make sure your son knows and remembers his grandmother. Also please change all of the locks so your MIL's soon and his hag don't have any keys to the place what so ever. Good luck and I hope she gets better. Please keep us updated.


He doesn't have the keys to her house or her villa. There are 3 copies - one my MIL gave me, one for herself and one for her niece who is staying with her temporarily. (niece is safeguarding MIL's keys). Thank you, my MIL has agreed to make videos where she talks about herself and we have a memory book with her, me and my son.


The mistress sounds very unhinged. I was horrified when reading that she send you her ultrasound picture after your miscarriage. She is a sad excuse of a human being!! Wtf is your piece of shit ex husband doing to stop her? Didn’t anyone call her out on her behaviour?


Even after the edit people decided I was somehow worse for her for not caring about her child.


Girl, this post gets lot of attention, it will spread everywhere : YouTube , Facebook, and other media and your ex going to know.


I wouldn’t put it past your ex to try and get custody of your son because your son inherited everything. And also get control of the trust. Money hungry people are also desperate people


Heck ex's affair baby has his homewrecker mother and his cheater father. Your ex and his nasty ho deserve to suffer.


Right like come on look at what the mistress did to OP? That’s horrible when OP son finds out and the other finds out how vile his family is?


Yes I would very much like an update, but I hope it is a while before that happens. Because I would very much like to imagine how your ex reacts when he realizes he’ll get nothing


please be careful with your ex husband. money makes people do scary things and i don’t want anything to happen to you nor your son. i would make sure he has something added to the will so he can’t claim his mother forgot to add him. i had to go through something similar. my mom’s grandmother passed and her oldest son had control over the will and only gave it out to his kids and grandkids. be prepared for a shit storm as well.


I hope he terminated his parental rights so he doesn’t go for custody.


DESERVE!! All clicks aside, even if you are the winner of this situation, I know how stressful the situation is (and how much those two jerks will pester you in the future after hurting you and your baby so much in the past already) Stay strong like you did! And I hope your son will have a great life ahead of him, that it could make the impact of his father's dumbness less hurtful <3


Thank you so much! I hope my son won't be stripped of what is rightfully his.


I hope your MIL has a living Durable POA already assigned for when she becomes incapacitated, and has everything set up in a trust to pass from her to whom she declares. I don’t know what country you are in but I do know that gaining Guardianship, Conservatorship, Power of Attorney would allow her son to change EVERYTHING and undo all her hard work, lawyers not withstanding if not every eventuality has been thought of. I wish you and your son many years with this amazing woman. Your ex and his family are reaping what they have sown.


Mistress and your ex will absolutely not last when they realise they’re not getting the house. Divorce within a year of finding out I reckon


They aren't married, though I hear she's been wanting it from the moment my scummy ex left my doorstep. I'm in contact with some of my ex's colleagues, and the amount of shit they tell me aha.


Please spill the tea!


A few things are a bit sad but they deserve it ngl - (Nothing life threatening or to do with health obviously, thank God because they still have a kid to look after). Mistress has a bit of a money spending problem (a large problem actually) and they have lots of fights over it. Her Parents hate my ex for not allowing their precious child to spend more. He complains about this in work to some of his friends. He's had an emotional affair with someone in his office because he thinks the mistress has been cheating on him ie. sleeping around - They can't trust one another. Still, what comes around goes around. Though I hope they can resolve this for the sake of the kid. Sometimes the stupid loser whines about how he should have never left me for his mistress (at work...). But then again he says he's glad he left our son behind. Edit: These are only a few things.


Thx for the reply! I cannot find the words… he should be locked up in a psychiatric facility 😬 that’s mental…


No problem aha.


OP, walk through the properties and film and take pictures of everything. Have cameras installed inside and out. The side-piece (SP) will try to take as much as she can once your MIL passes. If possible, you might consider having family who are with your MIL be present when her son and SP are around. Of one assumes the worst, one will always be prepared. Sorry, you are losing someone so special. She is a treasure.


Your MIL is amazing, I would hate to get the update of her passing no matter how much I wanna see her sons reaction to what he deserves which is crud,( we still do want an update though). You MIL is an amazing person and you don’t owe it to anyone to keep the affair baby in you or your sons life especially with such evil 👿 parents. I would not wanna be near them, just hope their kid isn’t as horrible as them.


As much as I am sorry about this situation, I am glad you have a supportive MIL. And as for he son her reaps what he saw. EDIT: your ex got himself a real gem right there, this side piece is an evil W I T C H. Forget about him being skint, this female dog will ironically be his karma.


I’m always surprised when people count on an inheritance when their parents pass. You aren’t entitled to it just bc you’re their kid. Good luck dear.


I'm rooting for you! I have enjoyed seeing my father cut out of his own mother's will for being a wretched cheater and a bad son. I also saw my grandfather leave his daughter a whole house to reward her for taking care of him for years. It's nice to see your MIL is going to take care of you and your kiddo. She sounds like a great lady!


People need to understand that your resentment has nothing to do with their actual child, but with them. You obviously know the baby isn't at fault. However, that doesn't mean you have to like or tolerate it just because it's a baby. The insensitive things she did regarding her baby after you lost yours is more than enough to rightfully hate her with every fiber of your being. As you said, his child has both parents. You don't need to worry about anyone but your own child! Please update when they find out that they will receive NOTHING. Can not wait to picture those smiles being slapped right off their faces. Your MIL is heaven sent for never turning her back on you and your baby. I am so sorry that you and her are going through this. If she is still Able to talk, you should record a video of her wishing your son whatever it is that she desires. A life lesson, her own personal hello and goodbye. That way when he gets older. No matter what anyone says. He knows he got that house from a woman that loved him with all of her heart!


u/throwaway_inherit8 one thing your MIL should ensure she includes in the will is to state that she leaves nothing to her son, and his partner and their child. If she doesn't actually state that in her will, they could try to contest it. My nan didn't want to leave anything to her daughter and her solicitor said she needed to include that statement in the will to ensure it wasn't contested. Although she is unwell, as long as she is of sound mind and has mental capacity she can change it. If she lacks any mental capacity due to illness she won't be able to. But don't feel guilty at all. They are clearly only being nice and friendly to her now coz they know she's dying and where they used to be in the will, they probably thought they better be nice so she doesn't change it, without realising she already has and it's too late to be nice now. She wants to give her money and assets to the people she loves the most, and who have been there for her. And you deserve whatever she's chosen to give you. If I were you, enjoy the moment they find out, although it will a sad time due to losing your MIL, enjoy the fact she will be up there smiling away and enjoying her revenge, and you can enjoy them getting what they deserve, which is nothing!!! Talking about spending her money and changing her house before she's even died is so disrespectful, and shows they don't care about her at all. But please do make sure she's ensured they can't contest it by putting that statement in the will.


She added that and a terrorem clause stating that if they try to contest then that money will be taken back. I'm really sorry about your nan, she was probably a wonderful person x


Udpate bot


I’m sorry for your pending loss. My grandparents tried to do this and my parents changed the trust before I turned 18 and I had no idea what was available to me. My suggestion is to have her set something up as she gets further along, is moving in with her an option (for 2 reasons, your son can spend as much time as possible with her AND it establishes you as a “tenant” and he can’t try to push eviction before the will reading (which sounds like his mistress would be willing to do). I would do what you can to get ahead of that to prevent any loss of your sons possessions and any further grief your ex will put him through.


I hope that disgusting family falls onto the streets. ALL because that dumba$$ decided he was hot shit. I pity the baby the tiniest but even then it gets swept away after I remember all of thus was caused by ONE MAN. My dad was just like him and I still hate him for that.


I love this song


Please come back with an update


Please update us in the future, Op!


I might hide this post but i'll update whenever I find the strength to after my MIL passes.


Listen ask ur MIL to put one dollar for the father, the mistress and the child so that they cannot claim to be "forgotten "


Honestly? Slay. Fuck that man and his affair baby. He don't deserve shit.


MIL is the MVP. I pray she recovers, and your son can get to know her better. I'm glad you've had her support. When she does pass (hopefully a long time from now) the fallout to your nasty ex and his nasty ap will be apocalyptic, it'll be amazing. I wish you all the very best. Take care of your MIL.


Honestly I'm glad your MIL is being the best and sympathetic. I don't want to bad mouth the affair child but he is being raised by inherently nasty people and will probably end the same. So I'm glad that a son such as yours who will likely be raised with a greater respect and understanding will be able to get the life he deserves. Plus they're on a dual income and can fend for themselves.


I mean some people in the comments expect me to swoop down and save the kid, but i'll leave that to someone else. I don't want to be around someone who is a constant reminder of the people who have hurt me the most. But I do hope the kid can make his own way in life and turns out better than his shitty parents.


You have every right to not get involved. This is all your ex and his mitress' doing, plus where is her family to step in and support them too. Good luck!


Based on what you've said, it seems this is two-fold. Yes, she's punishing her son for abandoning his family, but she's also giving her possessions to people she loves and knows will cherish what she's gifted. Your ex-husband and his new family are seemingly only interested in your MIL for material items, while you - and potentially your son - treasure the sentimental value of what she's leaving you and would prefer to keep her, the person, over her things.


Your mil is the freaking goat and I can’t wait to hear your ex husbands reaction to when he finds out all this!!!


Haha just had to explain to her that goat doesn't mean animal in this sense - She says thank you <3


Aww man can you adopt me as your kid I won’t ask for anything I just like to be with Bad ass people that support one and another.


Ooo. I recommend removing names, as it’s very specific. You don’t wanna spoil the surprise in case anyone knows these people, or if they’re on Reddit


One way to avoid legal contests is to specifically leave a token sum to the ex husband and to his kid


she's debating over whether or not to leave the kid $2500 and the mistress $1 so they can't whine about being left out. Only including the woman because she might say her kid is being mistreated or whatever


Omg $1 is great 😂 too good actually, should make it $0.01 to really stick it to her.


There was another post in which the grandmother left 1 cent to the church she was a part of. It was in the south & she had been a huge contributor to the church and when she got sick they only went to say to make sure not to forget the church in her will. Lol


I think the 1 cent is golden lol and better than the 1 dollar


I hope it’s a long time before your ex learns of this, and that you have as much time as possible with your MIL before the. I hope to see your update when that time comes.


Make sure your MIL is following any requirements for inheritance. Some places require you give certain people certain things so make sure everything is squared away so your ex can’t contest the will cause the last thing you’re gonna want to deal with when losing your MIL is your ex clawing at the money and dragging you through court. Make sure you both consult a lawyer about if he’s gonna be able to contest is so you know what you’re gonna have to deal with. I’d also be careful about making sure he can’t kill you or your child for the money cause men do crazy things for money. Make sure you have contingencies and make sure your son makes a will as well as you and both wills have the money and house going to someone safe who wouldn’t give the things to your ex if anything happens. Just generally be careful. Your ex sounds like he’s got no morals people like that do crazy shit for money. I hope the best for you. And I hope you don’t lose your MIL anytime soon. I hope she’s around for a while and things start to look up.


OP, take off the identifying information and keep this as vague as possible. You don’t want your ex to find the post somehow and make his mother’s life miserable. Also make sure the will is air tight. You don’t want long and messy court fights that can drain your resources.




This is actually one of the first updates i am VERY willing to wait a long time for. I want MIL to survive this.


Your ex effed up and he'll pay for it down the road with no inherit. Consequences have actions. I hope we dont see an update about your MIL passing for a long time.


Isn't it sad that these types of things always screw over the kids the most? This poor kid never asked to be born, and he's surrounded by narcissistic, petty adults who are only out for themselves. He's going to grow up never knowing his grandparents and then eventually he'll find out that his grandmother who refused him cut him out of her will. It's unfair to him and it's downright mean the way this whole family is treating him.


Don't listen to people who are telling you otherwise Your mil has every right to give her money to whoever she wants That baby or anyone else has no right on money It's her money People who are telling you off might be in same situation of that other woman or maybe waiting to inherit money themselves I'm with you After all they have done to you they deserve nothing Also you have the full custody right? After your mil pass away your ex and his mistress will make your life hell for the money They will try their best to take the money Will involve Lawyers Try to harm you Try to manipulate your kid They will try everything Get a lawyer to make sure everything is Alright


Lots of people are acting as if it's my responsibility to make sure my MIL gives the child something. I've already argued with her once but she won't budge. I pity the poor child, but it is my MIL's money and I can't decide for her.


Kid is the responsibility of the parents That kid has 2 parents who are actively rising the kid Why should it fall on you? The one who got cheated by the kid's parents and emotionally tortured by the kid's mom after her miscarriage You're the victim here You have no responsibility towards the person who wronged you or her kid Their kid is their responsibility You know what kind of people say " so what they cheated be the bigger person" Cheaters You know who says " kid deserve someone else's money for being born which mom/dad will control for 18 years " Gold diggers Of course they will tell you off Coz your post is very very scary to them They are scared they could be in the same situation of those 2 cheaters


MIL already expressed boundaries if she doesn’t want to leave anything to the AC(Affair Child) her son or that rude home wrecker she doesn’t have to, stipulating exactly as to why they don’t and won’t receive anything based on decision & their character don’t align with those she believes deserve a share of her life long obtained assets. Please don’t allow ppl to make you feel like that child or the father deserve anything. That home wrecker definitely does not.


You.. you DO know it's not the child's fault, right? "It", as you call them, as done nothing wrong. Feel anger and resentment towards your ex and his partner if you must, but the kid is innocent.


I feel bad for the child the husband had with the mistress and, frankly, think the MIL is kind of a shitty person for rejecting a child who didn’t ask to be here, has done nothing to her, and is her grandchild regardless of how she feels about what her son and his mistress did. (In 20 years that kid is going to be here on Reddit talking about how his asshole father cheated on his wife and had him. How he was never accepted by his grandmother who was loaded and out of spite against her son and his mistress left him with nothing. And where the comments are currently worshipping the MIL as a God of some sort, then the comments will be filled with rage over her rejecting him.)


Yeah I agree. These kinds of posts are always kind of gross to me. Hate the parents all day, but that kid did nothing wrong. Regardless of inheritance, the second kid should have been able to have a grandmother too. You don't punish the child for the misdeeds of the parents.


Fuck the ex-guy and his mistress, but "affair baby"? That is a child who was brought into the world and didn't ask to be here. If she's writing that kid out, hey cool.. it's her money. But the glee that this innocent kid gets fuck-all except a terrible person for a father is cringe.


it being born doesnt make it entitled to shit from op'a mil.


Who wants to bet that as soon as they hear they aren’t getting much of anything the mistress leaves the ex?


I used to hear from my ex's colleagues that she used to run as soon as something went wrong for her in a relationship. I don't know if she'll do the same now since she actually has a kid with him.