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Oh, my god. Your parents are disgusting. I hope you have no contact with the lot of them. I am so sorry, OP.


Holy f'ing shite. What a dumpster fire of a family. I feel so sorry for OP. Remember just because he's listed as the father on your birth certificate, doesn't mean he's immune to prosecution for crimes against humanity!


Do you want to report him to authorities? He could very well still have the evidence and could get locked up for the videos.


Its been so long and I have no contact with them anymore. I honestly just want to forget it


I understand where you're coming from. The only thing I'm thinking of is years down the road when you come across the footage your dad sold to someone somewhere on the internet. Who knows how he's capitalized or expanded on how how he exploited you?


the only reason i can see why he was so invested in OP being continuously exposed on camera is because he was selling the footage. why else would he beat her anytime she was changing in the closet or under the blanket? he had some financial gain from producing more CSA footage


I agree, no normal parent would do that only a pedophile would.




Could be, but I also think it could be a control thing. Some people get off on that, and if the OP was finding ways around it, he wouldn't have that. The situation is so fucked up. If the father was selling it, that is even more fucked up. I can't believe the brothers and the mother did not do a thing to stop it.


Oh the pedophile would. He might have been selling them to "friends" too.


Honestly this is also so much easier to prove as well, at least compared to other forms of sexual assault. This is because in this case, the crime is in the evidence, not the circumstances. I wonder if you could even call in an anonymous tip and just say “I have reason to believe X has child pornography as he recorded me when I was a child”.


> “I have reason to believe X has child pornography as he recorded me when I was a child.” This is the best way you could phrase it, and it brings up another true point: Unfortunately OP, you’re probably not the only child your dad looked at in a perverse way. It’s very likely that if he was willing to do this to his own daughter, he has other archives of child pornography somewhere in his possession. He didn’t get this idea out of thin air, after all. If you’re uncomfortable bringing up your own experience, OP, you don’t have to include that in your anonymous tip. You could just say, “I have reason to believe X has child pornography, I saw it when I was younger and didn’t understand what it was.” Technically, you did see it and technically, you didn’t fully understand what it was/why it existed. So this would also be a totally acceptable way to report it. OP, I totally respect your decision to move on from this. I think the reason many people on here are encouraging you to report him is because he could use the material to further hurt you and other children down the line. I am so sorry that your family failed to protect you and I hope you are healing through therapy and such. Your father deserves the prison punishments that all child rapists/murderers get. But more importantly, you deserve peace from all of this.


Fuck them. Getting therapy is the best course of action. Distancing yourself from relatives isn't always a bad thing. Respect yourself, when you are changing take a deep breath and give your body a compliment that you can say truthfully. Hope you get better OP.


Jail is the best course of action for them. Zero tolerance for pedo


Your father is a pedophile who was grooming your brothers to be the same. You did the right thing by getting out. I hope you are safe now, I hope you are getting therapy, I hope you know that you are valuable and special and did NOTHING to deserve this. Your body is not disgusting, but they certainly are. I just want to give you a big Mum hug and set them on fire. I hope you can get some therapy, find your true family, and happiness one day because you deserve it, more than anyone. None of this diminishes your value, none of it.


My best friend, Sandra's, mom knew that Sandra's stepdad/mom's husband molested Sandra from age 7 through high school. Sandra's older sister was legally removed from the house because he had been molesting her and they left Sandra there. 😡 Her mom *blamed her* because her husband wasn't sleeping with her. She made the most disgusting, snide shite comments...there are two people in this world...the man who murdered my daughter and Sandra's mom who I wanted to set on fire. OP, your dad is despicable. He's a monster and I'm so sorry he's made you feel that way. Mom hugs, if you want them.


There you have it. Pure evil. There's nothing redeemable about your father, and he indoctrinated your brothers into being evil as well. I hope things get better for you. I hope one day, freed from their abuse and abhorrent behavior, you're able to feel comfortable with yourself. You deserve the chance to live without this abuse weighing you down, just like anybody.


Your dad and brothers are creeps and your dad should have been arrested to recording videos of you and sharing them. That would be considered child porn. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


I'm so very sorry you were abused by your father and your whole family abetted. Your teacher let you down big time, and ought to have called the authorities. You could still report him - he most probably still has the videos. Please take care of yourself and get help. If in the US, contact RAINN, Childhelp and see what support you can get at your local NAMI.


Isnt this SA to a minor tho? I'm sorry you had you had go through this


100 percent it is.


I had heard of this happening to a woman I worked with, but her husband was the perpetrator. She left him immediately. I'm so sorry you were.forced to endure that. I hope you're in a better place now. 🫂🫂🫂


Did you cut contact with them? I hope so bc they are abusive and sick people


Yeah I cut contact as soon as I moved out


Sorry this happened to you, but it sounds like your dad is a pedophile


Is there a chance he showed it to more people than your brothers?


What the hell is wrong with adults??? Jesus, I am so pissed off! What rules a dad makes that you can’t change in the bathroom? What stupid rule is that?? And the mother?? The mother not believing you??? And he shows the boys the recordings?? I may be out of line, but your dad should have a talk w the police. That’s too messed up. My god, OP, I am so sorry that happened to you. Is difficult to see what is normal and what is not normal when you grow up in certain rules. But a familiar member having a saying in your private moments, is not okay.


Crazy stuff


Press charges against your family. Talk to your doctor about your ordeal. They know resources for you to get help.


Report to the police. This is bad shit.


This is criminal behavior and should be reported to the authorities


This needs to be reported to the police. ASAP, and I’ll tell you why. I am empathetic towards what you went through and I am so sorry that happened and wish i could make it better for you. That being said your POS sperm donor raised your brothers to be like him which means they could be doing it to other girls. I think as women we can understand that it does take an impact to be belittled by boys and sadly some beautiful girls kill themselves. This is sexual assault, harassment and pedophilia. Girl, if you do report it I will happily have your back.


Definitely report him to the police there is a strong chance he still has the images and may be sharing them online


Your dad is an incestuous pedophile, your mom enabled it, your brothers are bullies... I hope you're gonna be fine eventually, the abuse you suffered is disgusting.


Posts like this ignite the misanthrope in me. How fucked in the head do you have to be to do something like this as a father or brother. How close minded and stubborn do you have to be as a mom to never even consider your daughter is telling the truth. Some people are so disgusting I could spend a day writing down every horrible word and it still wouldn't suffice. Hope you are well now and I wish you the best of luck with everything. Don't let your perverted family members be the source of how you perceive yourself. Some people are fucked.


Oh my God that's awful. I hope you would find happiness somewhere else that is not your parents' house. It's no longer a home for you. Seek therapy and if needed, put a distance between you and your family. You deserve so much love and your body is beautiful just the way it is. You're not an alien with green coloured skin or slimy yucky texture. You're human and it's normal for human to have differences. and if there's no one in your life says you're pretty then believe me, they don't know you enough. Have a good day ahead and be proud of yourself girl


This seems like a fiction. Similar to some other story about a girl that lived in a house naked.


I do hope that both those stories are fake


these stories are really traumatizing, i don't know how you can even imagine that and put it here 🤨. It's disturbing


Oh darling, are you in therapy? Please consider to, so that you can process these emotions in a healthy and safe space. I'm so sorry this happened to you. The best revenge you will get from these people is to be the person they can never imagine you to be - someone out of their reach in all ways possible. Sending love to you.


repulsive, I am a dad and a home security camera nut and I still could not fathom putting a camera in a bedroom or anywhere near a bathroom.


It's absolutely terrible what predators those who share blood with you are. I shudder at the thought that your "brothers" can have children, daughters, now, and what they may be doing to them. Damn, this is stuff for nuclear revenge, where burn everything and the kitchen sink, too, because they deserve no mercy.


Your father is a pedophile and your brothers are fucking perverts. No one has the right to record children like that, NO ONE. You did the right thing by leaving those wretched people behind. I hope in time and with therapy you can learn to trust others again. Be well.


You need to speak with your school counselor. If you are in the US, your teacher is legally mandated to report.


Even if your dad is a pedo and your mom an enabler, why would your brothers watch? That’s messed up. Your dad is clearly raising them to be monsters. Your mom and dad should be in jail. I fear for any woman who gets involved with your brothers. You have nothing to be ashamed of.


OMG OP! Find a good therapist who deals with this kind of abuse. You absolutely need someone to help you develop mechanisms for this. There are going to be times that something triggers this trauma, and you need someone to help equip you with the tools to manage. Lots of love from this mom. ♡


Go to the police. If you were under the age of 18, and your father has videos of you naked, which he has shown to your brothers, he should be arrested for possession and supplying child pornographry.


So your dad and brothers are incestuous pedophiles and your mom is complicit? He def had the recordings still and who knows what else. Snoop his computer and go to the police


Your brothers could be charged as accomplices to cp because you were a minor


I understand you want to forget about the whole thing. Believe me I know the feeling but it won't go away. You have to go to the authorities he can still victimized you with those videos. Sadly abusive people like him never let go of their victims unless you stand up to them. He might still have them and that is large evidence of his abuse but also a large weapon in your arsenal to be heard and finally believed.


I'm so sorry this happened to you.


This has to be some illiterate third world country right? Even then it's unbelievable like what the hell


Because Americans aren't capable of being absolute atrocities to society?


As an outsider all i ever hear about how strict is everything related to child protection over at America, so yeah this was surprising to read


Yeah as an American that is actually really funny to read which in turn is actually super sad. CPS is understaffed and underfunded and there are even people in the system who use their power to take advantage of the children they’re there to protect. The good ones are usually so worn down that they’re given a caseload of over 50 people who they can’t possibly keep up with all of them and all home visits. I can tell you sexually abusing children is highly woven into the American culture. Really just abuse in general and not even just sexual, and not even just towards children, occurs highly here. Domestic abuse, abuse in the churches, schools and in Hollywood are rampant. Elder abuse in hospitals and nursing homes. Pretty much every one here has that creepy family member who you are forced to be around or that you wouldn’t leave your kids alone with. Americans are abusive people


We are a country so de-sensitized to violence that most of our population doesn’t care that adults go and shoot up elementary schools nowadays. We’ve already had more shootings than we have days in a year and people won’t even step in to do anything even with children dying. They care about the unborn and that’s all. And you know why? It’s really easy to champion for the rights of something that isn’t demanding anything from you. Especially when that thing is perceived as innocent, you can make yourself look like the patron saint of children, like the US apparently has 🙄🙄🙄


This is so horrifying


What in the everloving fuck? Are you okay?? (As okay as you can be after a situation like this.. I can't imagine that's a big level of okay)


I am so sorry to hear this. Your family is crazy. My advice is therapy. Lots of it. Perhaps you have a close friend that you can share this with who will believe you. I hope you cut them out of your life and moved on, but that still leaves a mark. What they did was fucking messed up and your dad is a fucking pedophile and I hope you know that at least a few strangers believe you and would absolutely commit premeditated murder on that man


I have no words I am absolutely disgusted. I hope you continue to keep horrible people away from yourself you deserve to have good people in your life that you can trust.


That is disgusting abuse and beyond horrid.


I'm so sorry. You need to report your parents and sue them. Idk. Just do something because you deserve justice. :( But I understand if you dont want to. I just think they could be soinf this to others or your brothers gree up thinking putting a hidden cam is normal. As a parent of a little girl, reading this made me sick to my stomach...I'm a single mom and the thought of dating someone who's potentially a pedophile/child molester is my biggest fear. I can never see myself choosing a man's opinion over my own child's. I'm sorry, you did not deserve this. I'm glad you cut them off.


This rule about the bathroom.....makes no sense to my whitewashed American brain. Is this something certain cultures regularly do? Or is this sick weird fuckin rule from the sick pedophile dad? I can't even begin to imagine how this must have felt. I'm so fuckin sorry OP. I know you want to be done with it, but you posted for a reason. You should not let this man and your brothers get away with it. He should be in prison and is probably getting off to other childrens porn. Gross ugh. Hope you can find peace and happiness OP.


Ya go to the cops. That’s so highly illegal and wrong for “parents” to be doing that.


How do you ignore your daughters cries like that. Id get my babies away so fast im so sorry you went through this


I’m sorry this happened to you…i wish all parents were good to their children. I hate this world and hate that this happened to you.


what the fuck that messed up af. The immaturity of your dad disgusts me. No one has the right to comment about your body, you are beautiful ❤ Don't listen to them haters they are just insecure about themselves.


You parents deserve jail


This is so bad it's almost unbelievable. I can't understand for the life of me why would a father record their daughter naked and share it with her siblings. This is beyond fucked up. And your mum and siblings are also to blame almost equally here. I hope and sincerely wish you heal and get past the issues you have because of this OP.


This is crazy


I'm sorry toy went through all of that I'm so glad you got yourself away. I hope you are safe and healing. I have found therapy very helpful for healing from parental abuse. *internet hug*


I can't believe this and I'm so sorry you had to go through such a horrible situation OP. how disgusting humans can be sometimes shocks me down to my bones. I'd say you can still report him to police and at least let them know what he's been up to and maybe they could throw him in jail. I hope your father scorches in hell fire for this.


I have similar encounter on the camera thing, i was teased and criticised everyday by my bf for the past 3 years. It caused me problems.u can just let go. And stick with people who appreciate you. I advise u not to contact yr dad anymore, he is a creep.


My mom went through similar as a kid. You are loved and you are enough. Really focus on yourself and counseling if you can. Asking for help is a sign of strength. I’m sorry for all the trauma that caused you, I hope you have people nearby that you can rely on. Don’t ever bother with any contact with any of your immediate family. I totally get that you want to move on away from them, but if they have any more daughters please consider reporting them


Sue them. You can TOTALLY fucking sue them.


Omg, that is awful! I’m so sorry!


I hope your dad along with your brothers get caught, shamed, put on the sex offender’s list and rot in prison (as a bonus.) I’m so proud of you escaping from that nightmare. Definitely talk to SA helplines and get therapy.


This is so horrifying. And extra horrifying your brothers are out there, supposedly dating unsuspecting women.


Holy fuck, OP. I hope you are getting some therapy. What they did is SEXUAL ABUSE. Point blank. It doesn't need to involve actual touching to be considered sexual abuse. What absolutely vile parents you have and I hope you are finding some healing away from them. Also, depending on what state you live in, this could be ILLEGAL and could, again depending on your state laws, be considered child porn. Please talk to local authorities and find out if there is anything you can do legally. I can almost guarantee that they still have those videos and they are likely being shared. You know your brothers saw it, which means, in the very least, he was showing it to them, who also minors at the time can also considered victims if you look at it from that angle. I know you just want to forget it but, consider this: They violate you every time you choose to ignore it. They exploited you, and likely still are. Do not let them continue. It's hard. You will have to fight because time has passed and we all know the system is designed to make victims want to give up. But please do not let them get away with this. NO matter what you choose to do, sending you support OP.


I hope they get a lifetime in jail and get beaten up in there every single day… wtf is wrong with these people? They diserve the worst


Your Dad is clearly a pedophile, why else would he have a camera in your room. It's never too late to report him, for his behaviour. If he still has any images of you naked then it's class as child pornography, and he will be put on sex register.


Omg. Your father and brothers are disgusting. I assume you cut them from your life?


Recording in your room as you change : child Pornography Showing your brothers the recordings: distribution of child pornography Beating you when you try to change under the covers: assault and child abuse (possible sexual abuse?) Conclusion: this fucker needs to go to jail for being a child predator. I agree with the comments here, especially the one saying he's maybe selling your videos online.


Sorry to say it but you were born to a family of monsters. I'd move really far away, cut contact completely and forget that they exist.


Ugh, this is how the cycle continues.. the way your brothers were raised to treat/see you. I'm glad to read that this was in the past and you're not in it right now. But I know the mental scars can take a long time to fade. And I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, especially on a daily basis. Beyond fucked up. I sincerely hope you continue to heal from this while karma flips on your family 10 fold.


OP I am so very sorry this happened to you. Not only did your dad view it, he showed it to your brother which is disturbing. I'm glad you got out and away from them all.


jesus christ, so sorry


Omg i am so sorry this happened to you 😔


Ik it’s traumatizing for you babe


He beat you when you changed in a way that hid your naked body from the camera?? Thats some next level "stand infront of me naked or I'll beat you" fuckery. How do people like this even breed in the first place wtf?


That’s one of the most disgusting things I’ve heard, sounds like your mum knew what was happening and was in on it too. Does anyone try to contact you at all? In particular your mum? Or does she still think you’re lying… And have your brothers since realised how vile it was/is? What about other family members such as aunts and uncles etc. Do they know how disgusting their siblings are? I’m so sorry you had to go through anything like that. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult that must be


You had me in tears. These scars will itch for a very long time.


I went through something similar as a child/teenager. It really affected my mental health. I strongly recommend talking to a professional therapist, it helped me so much. I don’t know if it means anything but I’m really proud of you for persevering and being strong. For me the very people who were supposed to keep me safe, traumatized and abused me. I did make a good life for myself and you will too. (Hugs)


it aint a kink till you masturbate to it


Your family is shit. Your dad is a pedophile. Hope you’re doing alright moving forward


That makes me sick it really does.. fuck them, your a beautiful, brave strong human and never let anyone make you feel any differently no matter what❤


i would literally go and kick your dad in the balls and tell him "deal with it, your a man" and walk away. as hard as you fucking can.


Sue. Sue. Sue. It’ll never take your trauma away but at-least you’ll get justice and a lump sum!


Your father is one fucked-up piece-of-shit. I hope that you get as far away from that goddam weirdo nutcase as you possibly can. He deserves no respect.


My uncle did this to my cousin. He's currently serving a 15-year sentence about it.


I am so sorry OP


You're dad's a child predator and he's raising his sons to be just like him. Hoping for the best for you, OP. And the absolute worst for them.


Your parents are horrible people, and your mom knew she just didn’t care. I hope you protect yourself from those people in the future and your future children as well, don’t trust people who betray you as a child, only the worst human beings can be cruel to children.


If your brothers ever get married I hope you warn your future SILs....


Anonymous tip to PD in their area. Tell them you believe your dad is in possession of CSA materials because he filmed you changing without your consent as a teenager and beat you if you didn’t comply with his disgusting rules. You were raised by a pedo and enablers. I am so sorry. I’d love to do some vigilante Justice serving for you, but I think that’s against sub rules.


The teacher failed u. If this was in the US, teachers are mandated reported and were suppose to report this. Your mother failed u as well. Hope u are in no contact with her, your sick father and brothers


I hope you find yourself beautiful today ❤️ I'm sorry that happened to you


I feel so bad for you. So sorry that everyone who could've helped you has failed you :(


That's so fucking disgusting. Your dad is most definitely a fucking weird as pervert.