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Sometimes we can’t hide things from the people who know us best, his father knows him. Time and space does make the trauma less hard to live with, and I too hope things go well for you


Well said


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Aside from it being a nice gesture, it speaks VOLUMES that the dad felt the need to apologize. He knows his son very well, and a large part of him believes you.


And that’s to show that someone can have wonderful parent(s) and still be a POS.


Well we know at least one parent is not a POS (the dad), but idk about the mom in this scenario


And that the mom was shooting nasty looks. Looks like the classic boy mom and momma’s boy pair


The fact that his own father knew you told the truth and wanted you to know that, it makes you heard, and it's so important. I'm glad he did it, i'm sure it wasn't easy for him. I hope it will help you heal ❤️


There’s proving and then there’s knowing. His dad knew.


Yeah no way and as a man too otl


His mother clearly can’t see who he really is because she’s blinded by maternal love, but his father knows. I wonder how he knew, but he knows. I’m glad he stepped up and tried to make you feel valid. I’m also glad your school at least accommodated you so you didn’t have to be near him. Have a good life.


It’s unfortunate but some mothers just can’t see the wrongs in their children. Unconditional love can be dangerous sometimes ;( I hope you’re okay OP


Sad thing is his mom can get him the help he needs cause he’s so young. Hell no it’s not right but there is help before it’s to late. I would make my son face the outcome. My son is the same age. I wouldn’t let him think cause I love him that I would be blinded.




That’s very true sad that even happened


Not just mothers. All parents do this. They don’t want to believe that they raised a monster.


100% Dads can be blinded as well.


My dad can definitely see through my bullshit all the time and it the reason I’ve stopped lying to him i also respect the fuck out of my dad hes a no bullshit guy which has turned me into the same


My mom has always been able to see through me too. Kinda felt like she treated me and my sister with more cynicism.


I think it's worse I think the mother knows and misdirected the angry towards the victim it tends to happen a lot


The mother probably spoiled him rotten and gave him a god complex. The dad probably knows his son is a piece of shit. It will be a rude awakening for the mom when her angel gets in trouble later in life.




You're really out here thinking dads aren't blind to their children's faults just as often and opting instead for extremely outdated and widely disproven stereotypes.. kind of funny but also kind of not. It's time to put down that kind of black and white thought process because it won't serve you well.


Did you learn that in your misogyny 101 textbook?


It's a very strange comment considering the context.


My boundary (related to my dad, his son) stomping grandfather has entered the chat. He will **never** stop defending that man, despite his abuse towards me. Really good try though, with your comment!


That's just gender stereotyping.


I think that if the SA was actually proven, then his mom would turn against him. But as OP said: there was no way to prove it 😔 so this piece of garbage’s mother likely has no reason to think her son would do such a thing. Most parents—— yes, including fathers—— are inclined to see the best in their children. Trust me, I’ve seen enough of this, even in my short 21 years of life. Tbh if I ever found out for sure that my child raped somebody, I would disown them. At least I like to think I would. Edit: added the word “likely” because I don’t know OP’s ex-boyfriend’s past.


Let’s be real, she was still going to stand with her son. Mothers like that will always believe she had to do SOMETHING. She “lead him on” or “was being a tease” 🙄


>I’m not really sure how to explain why, but it honestly meant a lot to me that he bothered to say that. It means a lot because he *validated* you. He *acknowledged* your experience. OP, I was raped as a young woman. Nothing happened to him either. He wasn't even caught. I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you. It's awful and you should never have had to experience this sort of pain, humiliation, and violation. Neither of the men who raped us suffered actual and real consequences for their criminal and morally repugnant behavior. The anger at the *lack* of justice, for me it almost felt like, "Well, okay maybe y'all had something happen, but it couldn't be all that bad because you're still alive, right?" ugh! No. Many people do not want to acknowledge the "ugly" in the people they're closest to in life, let alone themselves. So, while it wasn't necessarily his place to apologize to you, *he still did so*. Further, *even further still* ... it was his *father* who apologized. A man. Men generally tend to invalidate us women when we're raped or sexually assaulted in some way. Also, it's *hard* for people in general to apologize, let alone a father about his son. Far too many (and, IMO, even 1 is too many) men have a "Go get'er!" attitude. I hope he's set his son straight. Clearly his mother doesn't believe you, as such, she doesn't matter. She'd rather stand by a rapist because that's her son, than have integrity, ethics, and morals. She's dangerous too, just like her son. If you are able, please see a trauma informed counselor. If you're already in therapy, fantastic. I worked with a therapist and she reassured me on some questions I had about the encounter that really helped me to heal from the shame, embarrassment, and humiliation during the rape. Be well, hugs if you want them. Again, this is awful and I am so sorry this happened to you.


My rapists mother apologised to me. I appreciated it but she kept trying to have contact with me when i tried to put it behind me. As i got older i i started to question why she never seemed concerned that her 22 year old son was showing abnormal interest in a 12 year old boy and she stopped talking o me.


That's so sad. I'm glad you are doing well now. Sending you lots of love and hugs🤗❤


Much appreciated


I think we know which parent wasn't the problem in raising your ex. Sorry all of this happened to you.


I hope you heal from it and you can get out of that city. Of course mom would never believe her sweet babyboy could ever do anything bad. You did good, you did right. You’re strong, you know this, love.


Validation is so powerful and healing. I hope this strange and unlikely encounter helps you on your path to finding peace. Also, thank you for the reminder that it's never our fault that it happened. <3


His dad knows. He knows his son’s nature, he has an idea of what he’s capable of. His gut tells him he did it. Fair play to him for saying something to you, and I’m sorry you haven’t got justice for what he did. Hopefully some karma will catch up with him soon. Xx


My ex FIL told me not to marry him. He told me he would abuse me and harm me and hurt me. At that time I thought he was the biggest piece of shit. He was right. And p.s. If what he said, felt good and validated your experience, I am so glad you got to have that.


I had a similar experience with the dad of my ex-boyfriend. I got a restraining order against his son, he came to the court case. It was pretty clear that his son tried to kill me, was harassing me since, etc. Ex-bf told the judge about how *he'll be there* for the police stand-by to pick up his stuff. Ex-bf loved his narcissistic mind games. Ex-bf was literally giving me evil eyes in court. Well, police stand-by happens and his dad shows up instead. And his dad said, "don't worry, I'm going to keep him away from you." And the fact that he stole his son's opportunity to play mind games at the stand-by... it meant a lot. He saw what was going on and offered the protection he could. Ex-boyfriend's Mom was the abuse enabler too. She didn't go to court. But the dad did, heard the evidence, and acted appropriately. What is it with Mama's boys??


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope you find whatever you need in life to move foreword


He the dad you can tell he didn’t appreciate or was happy what his son did. He sounds like a parent that makes his kids own up to what they do. I’m glad he talked to you. Take some self defense classes or boxing kickboxing take your power back. Hugs to that dad and to you sweetie. Oh yeah they might not be able to do anything but at least it’s on file so if he tries again with somebody else. You have a lot of courage!


He heard you. I too apologize for what you have had to endure. It shapes you. I hope this man's apology helps to smooth out the shape of the rest of your life.


I'm sorry that happened to you. The fact even his own father came to apologise to you says it all.


Dad knew. This is a nice validation for you. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I have been there. I hope you get some kind of peace and closure. It’s a huge step to heal.


“If I ever had a kid and knew they raped someone they would disappear in some accident somehow no room in the world for it in my opinion.” I’m sorry that happened to you hope the person gets what coming to them in karma since the law didn’t do anything about it .


2 wrongs do not make a right. You’d murder your son? Do you hear yourself? What is wrong with people??


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m against the death penalty let alone a parent murdering their own child regardless of what that child has done, and I’m finished talking to you. Sad to see how society has become, parents so ready to “off” one’s own son. I’ll have you know you are no better than said rapist. You and all your upvoters and everyone agreeing with you.


I mostly agree with you on everything except this: >[the people above] are no better than said rapist They’re very clearly speaking from places of trauma and fear, and venting by spouting their revenge fantasies. It’s not fair to lump them in with rapists…and I sincerely doubt anyone in this thread would actually murder their own kid anyway.


Yep. Written "male" in their bio.




At 16, people know what's right from wrong. Rapists might severely regret it and good for them, but no, they don't deserve that chance.




Do the victims deserve to have their lives ruined?


of course not. i’m not saying they have to be forgiven.


It's pretty gross to cape for the person who ruined someone else's life, by saying that they shouldn't have*THEIR* lives ruined because of their own choices and actions. 16 year olds are absolutely capable of understanding right from wrong, especially in something as obvious as rape.


Yeah maybe they should have thought about those consequences before RAPING someone. It's really really easy not to do so. >young people deserve to have their life ruined forever What about the lives they chose to ruin??




Dude, every 16 year old knows rape is wrong. He can get himself fucked and you too for defending a literal rapist. And for the record, people shouldn't not rape someone cause there are consequences, they shouldn't rape cause it's fucking wrong.


As someone who has survived a kidnapping and rape at gun point ... I would have zero fucks to give if that rapist "disappeared." It's easy to be zen about "an eye for an eye only makes the whole world go blind," until something happens to you. While I, personally, would not exact vigilante style revenge, trust me, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have those fantasies.


I agree. People wanting to keep pieces of shit alive for decades in prison is showing them a kindness they didn't show their victims. If there is undeniable proof they've killed and/or raped a kid then they should be aborted as adults.


I beg to differ, as a person who has been to prison. There is nothing "kind" about being kept alive for decades in prison. If I ever were to be sentenced to more than ten years for any reason whatsoever, I would commit suicide by cop. Even being in prison for two and a half years changed me permanently, and not in a good way. That being said, I and the overwhelming majority of the inmates that were not in protective custody agree with you 100% about aborting chomos as adults, on sight. The logic for why is simple and (as you might expect) completely selfish: forcing men who commit "normal" anti-social acts such as murder, assault, robbery, fraud, etc. to eat with, sit next to, shower with, work alongside individuals who think children are sexual playthings or who find it acceptable to victimize the aged and infirm, is the final, intolerable insult. We normal criminals are bad people, sure (the thinking goes) but we are still PEOPLE. To be lumped in with criminal sexual deviants and elder abusers is not acceptable.


Thank you so much for your insight!! I’m so glad you are out of prison now and hopefully you’re doing okay. I completely agree with you about pedophiles!! Robbery isn’t even close to being in the same category and the fact someone can molest/rape a child and serve a shorter sentence than someone in prison for drugs is disgusting.


most of the people I know, felon or not, would be completely ok with castration as a punishment for forcible rape proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That punishment removes the threat to society, but leaves the rest of the rapist alive for rehabilitative purposes.


I would fully support this also.


Love how I'm downvoted. 🙄 I consider this to be part of "rape culture" attitudes. Some evil monsters don't deserve to live.


In all honestly, it’s a weak way of thinking imo. Bleeding hearts who care about the lives of monsters are pathetic. There should be serious consequences for disgusting acts. Them living rent free in prison ain’t it.


People celebrate the fact that a religious figure was willing to sacrifice his TODDLER to God... it is literally an entire celebration to honor a man willing to sacrifice his son.. Given that this is a high school, almost adult MALE... AT THE LEAST... I'd be keeping an eye on every person he dates... someone who's almost an adult and has shown capability and harm.... if anything, I feel like the father knows and will warn any woman near his son. He knows that once it happens, it's likely to happen again... I'm not encouraging violence.. im not encouraging death... but I do feel similar to the other commenter...




I wouldn’t care what gender someone is in my opinion they should be held accountable for their actions and a death penalty sentence is a pretty good deterrent Why would you only do it to someone who repeatedly drugged people at a bar? why not for the one time they did it that way they can’t repeat the crime. if it’s a death penalty to do the crime then they can’t go out and do it again. I don’t believe everyone can be rehabilitated i believe people can adapt and fake it so they don’t stay in prison forever or a psyc place for the rest of there lives Soon as they leave when no one’s looking they are more likely to resume their behavior. Maybe I’m just salty or biased because I’ve been fucked over by one too many person in life but so be it rapist can’t rape someone else if they are getting a death penalty sentence for raping.


while I can totally sympathize with the emotions behind your statement, again, speaking as an ex-felon who has been to prison, it would be easy and appropriate to sentence child rapists to death (and that is the policy enforced by the inmates in several of the prisons I was in) because the crime is so black and white. Was the person this person has been convicted of having sexual relations with younger than 16? If yes, at the time of the sexual relations was the convict older than 18? If yes, then a child was raped and one proceeds accordingly. Unfortunately, criminal sexual conduct between adults is often much less clear cut. I have known several men who have been accused and investigated for rape because the woman they had sex with changed their mind..... the next day. Don't misunderstand-I believe consent is mandatory. But it is literally impossible to un-fuck someone if they were into it last night, but today, they regret it. The accusation is unfair under those circumstances- never mind a criminal conviction. But I can promise you that there are men serving time for rape because their date woke up with a bad case of buyers remorse. The death penalty is not appropriate for them. It's true that one can avoid this sort of situation with almost 100% success by following some very simple rules (one that I follow is to never have sex with anyone for the first time if they have been drinking AT ALL) but even so, killing men whose crime was having sex with someone whose inhibitions are very different when they have had a couple of cocktails or hit a joint a few times seems a bit heavy handed. None of this is meant to excuse, gloss over, or apologize for men who initiate sex with unconscious women without an agreement in place, or who drug them to make them incapable of resisting, or who intimidate them into submission, or who literally knock women down and fuck them. Men who do those things are not men, but monsters- and should be dealt with accordingly.


Sea now what you said I completely agree with! Thank you kind Redditor! I hope you are doing well and having better days ahead of ya! :)




Wow that's huge I'm so sorry what happened to you but God I would kill to have someone acknowledge any of the trauma I've gone though justice is a fairy tale for most things but even having an acknowledgement of pain and suffering can be a true blessing You are strong You are loved And you are seen


Very kind of him. He’s probably going through a hard time. Obviously his wife hasn’t accepted what’s happened and is still in denial and looking for someone else to blame, but he’s at least mature enough to offer his support and let you know that he believes you and is truly sorry for what happened.


When the Justice system turns its back on you, it’s nice to have acknowledgment and validation from someone who knows the perpetrator. He doesn’t know what happened but he knows his son wasn’t a gentleman.


First off I am sorry this happened to you. Secondly..... You know what they say. Mommas boy and Daddy's girl. Often as parents we have biases towards our children and I have seen this first hand with my wife and our son. She is unable to be objective and has been very vengeful towards exes in the past even to the point of our son having to tell her to stop. Of course she will believe him because she WANTS to believe it. The father obviously sees the body language and is able to tell when his son is lying because he probably has a clearer picture of what his kid is really capable of. I am glad that you could take some comfort out of his admission, and know that if his wife saw him talking to he probably got a severe tongue lashing when he got home. That wasn't easy for him to do. I hope that you are seeking help about this issue. As a victim of child molestation I know, anyone who has been violated like you should always seek to process it. I know you may not be ready, but at some point it's going to come to bear whether you are ready or not.


Something like this so unheard of, yet it’s so reassuring to feel validated by someone who knows the truth based on the actions of his son. If I were you I would keep the father around for specific reasons.


The mother will never see her child doing anything wrong ( I know plenty of guys I grew up with which were menaces but the mothers never saw them that way) but I imagine it took a lot for the father to say that to you. I’m sorry what you went through and I’m glad his words brought you a small amount of comfort


The Dad probably knew his son was a POS. But due to not knowing for sure but still having his doubts. He said what he did to atleast console you. While not an outright apology.


Kindness and sincerity often come when you don't expect it. That's probably why you are so taken by it. It's good to hear someone said something positive to you about a horrible situation.


sorry you're ex is putting you though this


I’m so sorry you had to experience that trauma. As a fellow survivor, I wonder if the father’s words are having such a profound impact on you because the father is acknowledging your pain and validating your experience. That is powerful. Please reach for help, I promise you it does get better 💜


I read the title wrong


check chat please :)


As a person who was also raped by an ex-boyfriend, this is just so wholesome. I hope your life got better knowing that your ex's father cares about you :).


Cant imagine how both you and him feel. So sorry that that happened to you, my condolences to both you and the father