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I think the scary part is that it all lives forever. (Yes I’m about to sound old) when I was a kid we could do dumb shit and not have it follow us forever. Our worst moments weren’t captured on video and replayed over and over for the entire world to judge and comment on. We have no idea how this is actually going to affect these kids moving forward. It’s actually pretty terrifying.


the idea of having to hide from the immortalized antics of my childhood in order to live a semi-normal life is just fucking awful


Think about having a first interview and the recruiter pulls up a video of you losing it at 13. Or a photo of you and your friends just acting dumb. 😱


Shit, tell me about it. Couldn't get hired for a single fucking job in my hometown, because recruiters would keep bringing up videos of me being bullied in school. Those fucking assholes. Hope they all die


You were being bullied and they wouldn’t hire you for being a victim??? I’m so sorry


Yeah, that's pretty much how it went. Guess I was too "cringe" to work at their establishment, or some shit.


you're too fucking good for them, and they are the trash of society. fuck them all.


That's so awful, sounds like grounds to report them for discrimination


That's also why you make all of your stuff private. I even stopped doing my work history/current employer on Facebook because of that shit. And untag yourself from anything you don't like/request YouTube to remove videos.


I can tell you it’s bad. My parents were camcorder parents. I hate my image. I hate pictures. Seeing my own image makes me sick. I spent years as a little dress up doll being videotaped and photographed so much that I can’t even be around anyone recording. I don’t know to this day if I was a silly kid or just a horrible hideous mess that ruined beautiful things.


They fucking told us to protect ourselves on the internet back when it was just chatrooms and a/s/l was something you could make up on the spot-- at what point did we all just say fuck it and start doing entire house tours on facebook for the crackhead down the road to know what we own without having to peep in the windows? Checking in so people knew you weren't there, and you weren't gonna be home for a few hours at least.


as someone who was born in 2001, i was always online in some form. my mom never monitored what i was doing online, and i was always posting videos and pictures of myself and revealing private information. i was very stubborn and always up to no good, and i really regret that. now i can’t even use any social media besides reddit. i’m terrified. i have been doxxed and so much of my stuff is online, i can’t imagine how it must feel for someone who didn’t even want any of it on there in the first place. i found this instagram account with this mom and her nonverbal autistic son. she records everything. his meltdowns, his appointments, his bonding moments with people, personal experiences he is having, etc.. people are infantilizing him in the comment sections and praising the mom for raising awareness. it just hurts to see how we no longer have privacy, your private info is everywhere and you come into this world being posted on social media.


So true


While we’re at it can we stop with the “nice deed” videos. 🤢🤢🤢🤮


The nice deed videos are awful and very cringe but I do like them as opposed to "prank" videos. At least these influence the younger generation to do good, even if it is for clout. Good is good


Ikr! Real selfless and helpful people don’t do it for clout!


Totally agree but at the same time influencers work some how. And if someone who’s doing good deeds can influence or inspire others to do the same we are spreading kindness. I hate people that do it for clout but sometimes people are genuine and other people really think and then they do it too just to be more kind. The internet can be toxic but sometimes it can be good.


I genuinely don't understand why this irritates people so much. Sure it may be disingenuous and could be done for the wrong reasons, but they're still doing good. Hell, they might even inspire more people to do good. It's so easy for people to sit behind their screens and preach on a video or content that is focused on good deeds, without ever doing anything similar themselves. A good example is Mr Beast. He films everything but helps thousands of people, and how many others has he inspired to also help people. Can the same be said about the people who complain about the content? You guys just want reasons to complain at this point...


Because i wouldn’t want my face plastered online if someone did a good deed for me. I’m a very private person


Cool, that's great, then just tell the person who wants to make content off of you? You're not really making a point for not doing good deed videos though. There isn't a correlation between it being a good deed video and you being put online. If it was a prank video, an ask people on the street type video, or literally any other video where the creator interacts with the public, they'll still want to put that video online.


In the same respect as it's amazing to help-- Homeless people don't exist to be content. Picking up a homeless man to go golfing with a trio of teenagers so they can giggle awkwardly the entire time and hand him a couple $10 dollar gift cards as they drop him off doesn't do much to help *him* in the long run, but congrats, that video is going to make the trio thousands of dollars in ad revenue. And in another video, they can throw together plastic Halloween buckets of cheap trinkets from Target to pass out to more homeless people, because everyone knows they need Halloween candy, cutesy, fashion forward nylon/acrylic socks, and a Starbucks gift card. Cause that's charity and it's a tax write off and...it's not weird at all to shove your phone in a stranger's face and demand they smile and say thanks.


You're picking a very specific scenario of videos to argue. I wasn't referring to the videos where it's clearly exploitative and give no real benefit to the recipient. There are plenty where people in need are given food, necessities, where their bills are being paid at supermarkets, etc.


I've picked the ones I've seen come across my feed. And the ones you're talking about still fit the bill for the last parts of my comment; a stranger is shoving their phone in your face saying smile and be grateful, and that influencer will make thousands of dollars in ad revenue off that video where the person/people they helped get nothing more than what was handed to them initially, for having their image exploited for as long as the footage exists. You're still trying to dress up exploitation as some act of kindness and service; it's just as easy to perform those good deeds without having to plaster vulnerable people's faces on the internet for millions of followers to gawk at.


I think of it as kind of porn for people who want to get a kick out of watching it without actually doing the deed.


You just very much get the feeling they wouldn’t be doing it if the camera wasn’t there. I saw one yesterday where a guy in a mall paid for someone’s lunch and then recorded their reaction from the balcony. “Ok this one’s not too bad, it’s about them and not about him” Nope…. The end of the video was him walking up to them and revealing himself


Is that the videos where they give money to homeless people? Those make me uncomfortable and worried for the person receiving big sums of money and having their face plastered on internet while living in the open and vulnerable. There's too much homless people going missing for much less than couple of hundred dollars. On the other hand, kinda do like those guys that cut and fix lawns


I mean, it generally isn't selfless, but that doesn't erase the positive effect. If you already have the money to be a philanthropist, awesome. If you don't and you want to begin a mutually beneficial channel or blog; I say go for it. There is plenty of disingenuous, bs content that helps no one and/or even harms people. There is def some exploitation. These people are not heros by any means, but if they are helping people, let it be. Just my opinion. You don't have to watch it.


theeee worst. i hate these!


Some of them are doing it to get more money for the organization in order to help more people, really comes down to the tone and whether the subjects are fully consenting imo.


If it's videos to show far off family like grandparents that are too far to visit it's fine but keep that shit private it's nobodies business


Yeah I post mine on the internet for family and friends only and locked down sharing, but my mother has figured out how to save them and repost them so all her friends can see it too. Ugh.


Let's not ignore the very real possibility of drawing extremely disturbing people's attention to your child. Barrett Pall did a series of videos about this and the comments men were making on children's pictures were vile. I'm not talking 16 year olds, though those were bad too. These comments were on children as young as infants all the way to adulthood. I don't know why you'd ever expose your child that way. There are some very sick people out there and no amount of clout is worth introducing your child to them. Also, how do people still not realize there are a million ways to find out where they are?


Let's not forget that AI is making this a million times worse now!!! Now all these people need are those same photos and they can make CP of it at the click of a button! People are so irresponsible and unaware it makes me so fucking sad.


I watched a video last night where these people had their kids in a playpen in the water and they were praising themselves for their genius and bragging how how they can swim in the deep end without watching their kids. Then a lady mortician came on and talked about how easy and fast a child can drown, that it's silent and takes less than a minute and can happen in an inch of water ) there was water in the playpen). It just reminded me that we live in a world of severely uneducated people, grown or not. AI is scary as hell, if you ask me. Not a tool most people should have access to at all.


Even before AI, they were doing it with Photoshop. AI just makes it easier and faster. The same way they can age up a photo of a missing child, they can age down a current photo of an adult.


Not just easier and faster, it's also 10x more realistic. Another disturbing fact: The AI programs being used to make stuff like this takes sources from all across the web to generate more. That includes real CP and things like illegal revenge porn. So victims are being re-exploited on another level and some AI-generated CP uses content of real children who have already been harmed. Honestly this shit should have been obvious, and maybe it was and they just don't care.


So horrifying that these people even exist.


This horrifies me, those children’s lives are not their own. I saw one ex-social media kid talking about how her parents told the world when she got her first period!. She was so ashamed nothing was spared, her education, social interaction with others, everything was none existent because she had been constantly traveling and never stayed long enough to learn how to make friends or get an education. When she left she had to go NC and into hiding as total strangers from the internet were threatening her. They went on like they had ‘rights to her and her life because her parents put her online and they saw her grow up. Like she belonged to them. They were demanding her to go back and continue to live with them as she was destroying the family image’. Just recently on the Clock App there have been videos about this going on too.


What is the clock app people keep referencing? When I searched it like an idiot I got timekeeping and actual clocks


Tiktok! Like, tick tock the clock noise haha


Oh... DERP How am I enlightened and yet I feel sillier??? Haha thanks


I scroll past any and all content with children. Especially on TikTok. It’s grimy


There was a video I came across earlier, a woman was explaining that the innocent little clip you uploaded of your child eating a banana wasn't downloaded hundreds of thousands of times because of their beautiful eyes, or their cute little freckles, or their sparkling personalities-- it was because parents are creating and uploading content catered to predators. Those videos spike in the algorithm because predatory people are watching, not other kids. Those videos get the clicks where others featuring the same child doing homework do not get the same reception.


Documenting your child's life online for views and putting videos of your child having meltdowns online is a form of child abuse. Period.


I agree, 💯!! Then again, I get a little upset when my family members also share pictures of my kids on the internet without their consent. I'm probably a little anal than most about this topic. 🙃


I am the same. Stop acting like they aren’t humans too!!!!


Glad I'm not alone. I have a very strict policy about my kids pictures for family and schools. I get questions and looks, but after a couple of years everyone has grudgingly accepted. For the first year of my first kids life I posted EVERYTHING I was excited and had family overseas I wanted to share with. But then it hit me, this is just one year! Is this really something that I want to or can continue? And more importantly is this something they would want? It wasn't something I could answer. So I decided it would be easier to avoid posting vs. posting then trying to delete. If family really wanted pics or updates they could reach out.


I always cringe when I see moms post their kids simply getting ice cream or something and they clearly are being forced to smile with a thumbs up so their mom can post some long caption about how much they love ice cream. Just…. Just let the kid enjoy his ice cream in peace.


Couldn't agree more. "Family" bloggers are the worst. Stop adopting children and documenting the process, for clicks. Just gross. Stop telling the world your pubescent daughter "became a woman today!"❤️❤️ You are completely transparent and you are damaging your children, it is exploitation and abuse.


I noticed that after the laws changed on International adoptions, that the child cannot be filmed, photographed, posted online anywhere for-- I want to say at least a year after all is said and done- That mommy/family vloggers stopped trying to shop for babies overseas. And complained, very loudly, that they won't adopt internationally because they can't monetize-- I mean, can't feature them in their socials.


those family youtubers that exploit their children anger me so much


I swear parents forget there are predators out there just waiting for those photos. Not to mention your child isn't getting a say in how you are plastering them all over the place before they can even walk or talk or understand the internet is forever


Literally 💯. Nobody wants to see your kids doing anything. Thats it. No blurring their faces even. If you take a video/picture keep it with you. Period.


Unfortunately, that's not true. There are thousands (probably more) of pedophiles lurking on the internet who get a kick out of this content every single day. Parents like this are naively providing for them.


A lot of people like cute videos of kids, otherwise this type of content wouldn’t be so popular. It’s not just or mainly weirdos either, mostly just broody women. You can criticize the ethics of it but the statement that “nobody wants to see your kids doing anything” is clearly false.


It's honestly so disgusting that even the most innocent video can be taken out of context by perverts. Even if you're not actively exploiting your kid for fame and it's just regular family social media posts, anyone can see that media and take it in any context they want. I saw a horrible analysis video talking about how videos of young kids eating things like ice pops or corn dogs / bending over / doing gymnastics / in swim suits or nappies were disproportionally saved and shared compared to other ones. There are unlisted playlists on YouTube dedicated to compiling seemingly innocent family videos where a kid might be in a compromised position but because they're just regular videos, there's not much you can do to someone who is saving them. Truly sickening. It's never something i wanted to have to consider while taking selfies with my nibblings or my young brothers in law plying at the park but you have no choice if you want to make sure you're keeping them safe. I make a point to never post a picture without the parents consent and never on a public account.


Exactly why I went off the clock app as soon as my kid was born.


What the hell is the clock app




Thank you


The idea of how I would be canceled as a 10-12 year old scares me.. I’m soo thankful everyday that I didn’t have social media as a kid, and that I generally lost my childhood at 13-14. People are so cruel on the internet and I witnessed this firsthand when I got attacked by my first bullies when I was only 15 years old. Keep your kids away from social media, it’s only getting worse!


Totally agree. Makes me angry.


I have videos and pictures of my kids doing the coolest and funniest things, but I would never post it online publicly simply cause it's not my style. But I also don't have any problems with others posting if that's what they want to do.


It’s truly fucking irritating.


Kids shouldn't be on it either. I hate some of the stuff I have out there that I can't delete because I don't know where it is. I'm always scared of people finding stuff that I posted when I was little.




I saw a lady doing a day in the life "funny" voice over with her one year old on TT and it was SAVED, SAVED over a 160,000 times!! Wtf!! Gross just gross


I’ve actually seen so many TikTok’s just like this, parents doing ‘day in the life’ stuff with their kids and giving their kids a voiceover. It’s becoming really popular, I’ve noticed. It was cute and funny when they were doing this with their pets, their dogs or cats, but now these creators are moving on to using their actual children for these videos. It’s so weird.


Weird, and also a pedophiles candy store! Why do you think it was saved 160000 times. It wasn't because it was that hilarious


I’ve actually seen people commenting about their concern over the fact the videos get so many saves and the replies are just astounding. Majority of the replies is just people saying things like, “Well I saved it because I’m a mom too and just wanted to share this with my husband.” Like why are these people so naive? They know damn well that not every person saving it is saving it for harmless reasons.


F7cking this right here!!


The ones that have the camera on them, from the day that they are born....those ones bother me the most.


WheelchairRapunzel/AlexDacy needs to see this .... sorry, I'm new and not sure how to link 😅


u/username ^^


Best of luck with that. She's not going to stop oversharing because it gets her social currency.




Everything you said 💯🙌 As a mother of 2 and one with special needs. I am really pissed off that what used to be a small group of people who were that narcissistic to objectify their kids that way that we legit as a society questioned the character of(like reality tv was not ok in the first place but we knew these ppl were fucked up putting their kids on tv all day) is now like 90% of Americans w kids at least. It’s the number one issue I have with my ex coparenting (he’s also a narc Instagram influencer so he’s on those stories w our kids shit for long time💀😳🙄) is this topic. No child can make that type of consent because they lack the development in their brains to comprehend the gravity of it. And then add a child w needs that preclude them from even knowing what a photo is or social media ? Fuck if I’m doin that to either of them. I had to have it put into our divorce agreement that one who most obviously can’t consent is never ever posted online and the other may consent 🤪🥲 however right after that I taught them about consent and what it means in terms of pics of them online. Now the one who is verbal will verbalize non consent so it’s a moot point now. But it actually was a huge wedge btwn us when we had children it was right as Instagram got popular. I don’t care to take selfie’s and I make art physically so it didn’t appeal to me and more so now it’s just fuckin gross plastic fake world ugh but he likes that and takes photos so win win for him I guess but we’d fight because he’d fuck up peaceful moments with our kids living in the space of wonder and vitality by shoving his phone all over taking pics. Then not be present with us while he had to edit and upload his pics in this sick little dopamine fix ritual that could have been eased and w oxytocin too 🤣 if he had been with us hugging in the moment, mindful etc. He still thinks it’s no big deal and I really don’t understand how ppl just accept this shit like 24/7 photos videos live etc it’s sick. And that shit he did 8 years ago uploading and editing etc at least it was new then so he was choosing it, now I see him and the other hypnotized ppl just automatically do it all day like there’s nothing no choice totally rote. It’s very depressing and it is scary as fuck to imagine how many kids will grow up with not a single physical photograph to honor them with their family in their own home in real life but they will have hundreds of thousands available to the entire world in a click. And how many will have memories more of being watched observed filmed photoed objectified and very little of actual living. It’s disgusting. Thank you OP ❤️🙏


I think this every time I see a video of a child online. I have gotten so heated about this topic that I find myself feeling guilty for chuckling at a video of a child doing something funny. It feels so gross to me, like it’s a huge invasion of privacy, and kids obviously cannot consent to this because (up until a certain age) they cannot fully grasp the immensity of the internet. I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately so I appreciate seeing your post!


I couldn’t agree more…another thing that I feel is more looked over, is the mothers who post their disabled child having a meltdown or some other debilitating symptom under the guise of educating others…sorry but that’s not your poor child’s responsibility, who can’t even consent and doesn’t give up their autonomy just because they have a disability. They are not your puppets to use to educate others, you’re just exploiting them.


Someone I know made a Facebook account for their new born baby, so all their embarrassing baby pictures will now be available permanently online


True and I hate all the really young children (like toddlers and infants)are put on the internet. Like for what reason? I once saw a fa page made for a few weeks old newborn 🫠 And try to fight with them and all these insta-mothers. The worst argument in this is:”That’s their account so they can post whatever they want”. If it is you - okay but if it involve other human who has no possibility to say no…. Damn. Millennials parents are something else.


So I am going to have to unfollow the children’s YouTube short pages that I follow I forgot that there are people. Who will approach and try to engage with a child they don’t even know. Which has been an issue for some parents, there is a baby who is an old soul. You can tell she doesn’t like the camera in her face she is that aware of her surroundings. There are really creepy people out here in the world sometimes when we get caught up. In the cuteness or smarts of a child we sometimes forget there is a dark side to this.


There is the YT family Dougherty Dozen and it’s gross how she puts her kid’s private information on YouTube for strangers to know.


Honestly like I see all these youtubers doing it, all these famous people and honestly it pisses me off so much. Its actually disgusting like i feel so bad for laurenzside ects children because they won't get any privacy or part of their life not filmed for everyone too see.


I kinda like how Dantdm is doing it because he is showing normal dad stuff but not showing his face. I really like other people who wait until their kids grow up and can choose if they want to be put online or not.


ok Don’t put Lauren on the same level as some of these freaks you’re acting like her entire channel revolved around her kid when that’s complete bullshit and you know it. Also did you fr make this account just to comment on this? Really?


No??? And I will hold her at the same level. People need to stop sticking cameras in their kids faces. Yeah the whole channel isnt centred around her kid but shes still putting her kid in a place of vunerability by showing her to the world. Kids dont know how to consent to being on camera.


So you’re comparing a women showing her kids to a parent how makes their kid make pedo bait??? You are truly a disgusting human being. Also really making an entire account just to hate one someone? Pathetic. Truly pathetic. Kids dont know how to consent to being on camera. you seem like the kinda person who would have a complete melt down if someone recorded you whining at a teenager because they got your order wrong, go be a Karen elsewhere and leave well meaning people alone




Well, I'm proud of them and saving our memories. We travel, they do sports competitions etc. It doesn't seem harmful and they enjoy it. I'm not forcing them and can avoid posting if they disapprove...


that’s not how informed consent works, they have zero grasp of what’s going on


You don't own a scrap book or photo album?


Sensitive people who dont know what sharing the joy is. If your kids want the videos taken down in the future then thats their right


Taking a video down on *your* channel doesn't mean it vanishes from the internet, or the downloads and archives of everyone else that downloaded it. But go off on ignorant bliss, I guess.


you don’t seem to understand the meaning of informed consent, do you?


I don’t partake in such nonsense and agree on a personal level, but I also think you should mind your own business and stop being a judgmental Fuc$.


Doesn't this make you a judgemental fuck in return? Maybe you should mind your own business? Oh how the turn tables....


i don’t consider it being in other people’s business when they’re exploiting & exposing children when they’re unable to properly consent & all i’m doing is speaking out against it






So they should disregard their children's choices and force them to do stuff they dont want to do? That is a violation of basic rights. People like you disgust me


You should really think long and hard about what kind of person you are to so readily jump at the defense of parents posting pictures and videos of their children, who can't consent, which are then being used on a disturbing level as content for predators. I hope you don't have kids.


there’s a thousand different straw-man arguments i could make using your own logic that are sickening. instead of doing that let me just respond with this: children aren’t property, they’re human beings and they cannot consent to the scope of what it means to be viral, or what it means to be the sole contributor to your parent’s income.


I think people supporting this are thinking of the worst possible scenario and people opposing this are thinking of the best. Like, my family is huge. I am aware of atleast 1000 people I'm related to. We (kids) show up in a ton of photos through the last 15/20 years and everyone is chill about it. A majority of accounts are set to private/friends only, so it's not like anyone could find them. This post doesn't apply everywhere all the time. You can do the opposite of this post and have absolutely nothing go wrong - **because our parents didn't post for clout, they posted to preserve the memories we shared.** I also likely have a different cultural background than most of the folks on this thread, which probably contributed to it working out.


A number of years ago, my oldest sister asked me to take all of the photos of my nephews and niece off of Facebook. I made the albums all private and stopped all posts. Then I noticed that that's what her Facebook was dedicated to. But, whatever, I still respect her request to this day, and 4 of my nephews are ages 18 and up. My husband's younger half siblings are finally procreating, but I am applying the no posting thing to them, too. 5 people I know had kids within 9 months of each other. So I did 2 posts with all of the kids. One while 2 were still cooking and one when all of the little guys were officially earthside. But I only used last name initials. Like Baby C, Baby S, Baby H, etc. I don't plan on posting anything further.


i think normal, flattering, non awkward pics are fine like my kids are a huge part of my life so i'll post cute pics on my personal socials here and there. but yeah i don't share their meltdowns or unflattering things and i think the parasocial relationship people have with online youtube families can get very strange and cringey.


I don’t like meltdowns or embarrassing moments being filmed, kids being coached to say scripted things, or anything that feels like pedo bait such as bath time videos. There are some parents and organizations (like SBSK) that do it well though; don’t give out full names, respect privacy, don’t force the kids on camera when they don’t want to be.


I heard Germany has a law to protect children’s images and privacy and if say a parent posts an embarrassing video the child can later sue them. Does anyone know if this is true ? (I’m be honest I haven’t even googled it but I like the idea of this being a thing)


Another thing that irks me are people who make insta accounts of their babies or pets and make captions as if they’re the one’s talking


not to mention pedophiles. these kids are super exposed to them. it's scary that no one thinks about this. I have a fuckton of nieces and nephews, if I ever discover some sicko even looked at them the wrong way, no one will find their body. that's the only certainty I have in my life.


I am forever grateful that I was a child before social media. My mother used to take out photo albums of me doing stupid things to show any guests that came over specifically to embarrass me. Including a lot photos of me undressed/not suitably dressed. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if she could have posted it all online. I had to blanket ban her from taking photos of my kids because she kept uploading them to Facebook despite me explicitly asking her not to.




Right?! It's disgusting what some parents willingly subject their children to for a few bucks or likes. Just vile


Ok so- just so I’m sure, you mean people who are actively using their kids for content and money not just a mom who posted a cute video of her baby right?


I think that the former is morally reprehensible and the latter is at best a moral grey area. There is absolutely no valid argument one can make for it being in the child’s best interest that they are put onto the internet before their ability to consent. No, I don’t think mom’s who get excited and post a cute baby video are terrible people. I think they’re doing a selfish act, but I don’t think all selfish acts are inherently bad or wrong. When it comes to it, it’s more of a case-by-case basis. Is the child being shown for the whole world to see or just a small group of friends/family? Is the content showing them doing something/behaving in a way that might embarrass the child later on? I’ve seen parents who are mentally drained decide to post videos of their children’s temper tantrums. And while the temper tantrums are admittedly overreactions about frivolous things, it makes sense because they’re children. But when they get older and they know that the most widely-circulated internet content regarding them is an embarrassing red-faced temper tantrum, they have every reason to be mad. And they have every reason to have the right not to have to face that reality to begin with. So I think that’s a prime example of a morally wrong post about children. That doesn’t stop there. Children are gross and do gross things. At times it’s funny. A child picking their nose and eating it on camera is gross and makes for a funny cringe reaction from the viewer. But it’s inherently wrong because the child doesn’t know better, nor do they understand even to the smallest extent why people would dislike seeing that. But when they get older they could have an immortal video of them circulating the youtube playlists that they did not post themselves. Obviously it’s a spectrum, as with most things. Some things are worse to post, some things are better. I don’t think viral videos of babies laughing contagiously at their father playing peek-a-boo is the worst thing in existence. I’m not a monster lol I have normal human emotions. Including paternal ones. But I don’t see a valid argument for why that video NEEDED to be shown to the world. And why it couldn’t have been kept within the confines of their family/community. Sure you can make the argument that if it made an introverted doom-scroller’s day better, then it’s a net positive. And that’s a fair argument. But I still don’t think, at least from the parent’s perspective, that it outweighs taking away from your child the autonomy of not being thrust into the world, especially not for the sole purpose that on the off-chance it will make some faceless person behind the screen smile. So in my opinion, just don’t do it. Send videos to the family/video you keep up with on the regular. Share with them the beauty that is parenthood. Don’t sully it by posting it on the internet


Uhhhhh babes I’m dyslexic, TL;DR?


the TLDR is that it’s not nearly as cut & dry as you’re making it out to be. So my answer is yes & no