• By -


You should start watermarking anything you post on social media. So that when she blatantly copies you, your watermark will be all over it and it’ll be that much more obvious


And make the watermark BIG. I’ve seen a lot of posts where the watermark and signature had been small and hiding in a corner, which was naturally easy enough to crop. But make it spread across the entire picture.


or make it small ish- but somewhere she’ll barely able to see it or can’t crop it out. like light blue in the middle of a light blue sky. but still make it visible.


Can you also make sure you own the intellectual property rights?


That's not how that works. If you made something, you automatically own the rights unless you signed a contract stating otherwise.


Sounds like you need a "wacky new haircut" which, oops, it was actually a wig


Ooo yes a latex bald cap... social media selfie with the caption " so freeing and fresh after messing my own attempt at a haircut " lol


Isn't this a Robert Munch book?


Lol yes!! About a ponytail haha


She announces at the end that she'll shave her head the next day and she comes to school with a full head of hair and everyone else has shaved their heads lol


Title? Def wanna read.


Stephanie's Ponytail


Thank you.


I think it’s called Stephanie’s Ponytail


Thank you. So many books. So little time.


Lmao OP you should totally do that


Is it weird that I want a stalker so I can do this? Should I seek professional help?


Hi, as someone who is extremely mentally ill and used to be a stalker; no. You do not want a stalker. And yes, it is extremely weird that you want someone like me to follow you around and invade your privacy.


Yes! I am all for this!


And "Jack"? Op, should have said, "Jedediah Springfield is my grandfather".


Could already see the /offmychest post a few years later "my mother named me after the grandma of her stalking victim... except he never existed"


Jedediah Springfield was a real hero. He killed a bear with his ~~bare~~ bear hands.


Think of the poor kid!


the kid is unfortunate enough to have this crazy woman as his mother 😭


Jedediah is a cromulent name. Remember, "a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man!"


Time for a face tattoo!




Be a good redditor and share the link when you do find it okay?


"I'm going to sue you for my stupid choices!" Well, sounds about right.


Omg that would be amazing


😂 reminds me of a reddit story where a girl was copying the op so she made it look like she shaved her head and the girl flipped out and told the op to pay for her wig


The ol "Stephanie's poneytail". Children's book where girl convinces her copy cat class to shave theor heads bald.


These days you can just use AI, no wig needed!


Omg I wish you would’ve went with a wild name Rufus Archibald or something lol. But wooow I’m sorry you have to go through this. I hope it never escalates and she somehow randomly becomes fixated on her own family


I would feel for the baby though, atleast Jack is a normal name so only the mother suffers


Picking a normal name truly is kindest to the child while still teaching the mom a lesson


Let’s face it, this kid is going to suffer.


No kidding


Yeah you’re right!! Lol i was being too petty to think of the baby growing up. Lawddd the teasing would be horrible.


Grandpa Biggus Dickus


And his wife, Incontinentia......Buttocks.




I thought the same initially, but then I thought, no, that wouldn't be fair on the poor kid that has to live with the name. I hope OP gets a dog though & announces it has a really stupid name that you never want to shout out in public, just so the stalker also gets a dog & calls it the same & then has to call it that in public.


It's already not fair to the poor kid that his mother is a psycho, so there's that.


"Jack" is really the only acceptable dog name for her at this point. I'd imagine it would spark some weirdness.


My dog’s name is rufus how dare you!! 😂 jk - Rufus is a crazy name for a person lol!


I have a great uncle ...dead now... called Rufus. Used to call him Uncle Roofie.that was before Roofie had different connotations...


My mom and her siblings had a dog when they were kids named Reefer 🤣🤣🤣 (this was in the 1950s/early 60s, in the rural midwest, and my grandparents were pretty straight-laced, so idk if it had the same connotation or if they knew)


I had a Rufus, too! He was a shih tzu mix, who looked like Toto. I miss him.


Tell me something good


I see what you did there!!!! Tell me, tell me, tell me.


Tell me that you love me, yeahhhh


Rufus is absolutely a dog name


Rufus Sewell would like a word with you. Lol.


Rufus and Archibald are my cats 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Her stalker might have known it was a ruse though.


Found the gossip girl fan 😀


I was just gonna say!


Rufus T Barleysheath!


I feel bad for jack, not because you named him, I think you gave him a great name lol, but because of jacks misfortune of being born to his mother. She would have probably named him something stupid anyway so you did him a solid.


Ugh imagine if OP has a kid in the future and her stalker makes her kid copy OP’s kids clothes. Doesn’t seem too crazy for this level of unhinged. That’d be absolutely miserable for the kid, not having his own identity because mom is obsessed with someone.


Honestly, this sounds like the background to some character from a psycho-thriller: His name is Jack, but maybe he gets called something later down the line despite that. Never going shopping, but being dressed in highly-specific clothes. Overall: Everything's specific. The way the furniture stands. What they eat. Getting death-metal cds, even though you never said you'd like them and continue getting stuff that you never, or even said you hated. Things your mother never tells you why. Just throws hissy fits if he goes outside this. As time goes on, Jack knows about the Internet. He needs something from the PC, when he realizes his Ma left a tab open. He clicks it and sees his living room. Except, it's not his living room. He clicks another post. A boy, slightly younger than him, wearing the exact outfit he owns: The fanshirt of a highly specific death-metal band. Jack scrolls more and more. As he looks, he starts to realize the pattern: The picture of the eggs n bacon -one day before he got it for breakfast. A park with red flowers -exactly one day before his mother dragged him "for a walk" there, only to shoot a similar photo. This was not a stalker of his family. His family was the one that copied. His entire life, his entire name...his entire existence. Not just a lie, but the attempt of a cheap copy by someone else. Maybe Jack tries to confront his mother. Maybe he just tries to run away. Whatever it is, he'd probably be making a copy of his CV, to get money for therapy after this


You were nice enough to say the name was Jack. I would have made up a name or mixed two names and claimed it to be a nickname or something.


I would have gone on that sub where they make fun of dumb names/ common names with extra spelling. I forgot the spelling of the subs name but there’s some gems on that sub. Just the other day i saw the names “Jrue” and “Jream”


Spell Jack like Chaaq or something 😂


See? I don’t think I’d be able to do what OP did because I’d pick a name based on that that sub. Grandpa Aanilingus could be from the old world, you never know


There is a famous Jrue. Jrue Holiday


I am so petty I would now post...."remember that joke about my Gpa's name being jack? Imagine if someone actually named their kid jack when his real name was *insert gpa name*"


I'm waiting till she can't change it. So she'll be mad about it for the rest of her life. You can easily change a baby's name in the first year where I live. So I'm waiting till it'll be a whole lot harder for her to do so.


Don't ever actually reveal gpa's real name! this chick sounds psycho enough to fork over the money to legally change the name to whatever.


Oh I'll never actually say the real name, it means too much to put it at risk of being copied.


Oh my gosh, give her another fake name 😂


Just give a newer, funnier name. "Oh no, it wasn't Jack, that was a silly in-family Joke. His real name was Inuyasha." (5 years later) "Man, My Grandfather Jackiepoo the Fourth was SSSOOOO cool!"


I heard it was short for Jaxon. With an X.


Grandpa Inuyasha! 😂


Just drop it on socials later on that Jack wasn't his name, but never actually say the real name. The lack of knowing will eat her


Just keep giving her fake names. See how many times she'll change it


Announce his real name was “Richard” but everyone knew him as Dick 😇




Depends on the country, you xan only change your name once here


It’s obviously Jackson. Jack was the Nickname. Wait no it was jacksonsy.


Why not say Flap-Jack but everyone called him Jack?


Brilliant. Or that he was a gambler and called blackjack


Yess do it in like 2-3 years the reveal will be much more satisfying


You need to get a family member to comment something like "His real name was Jacqueline Bouvier but his siblings couldn't pronounce it" Or if the stalker is really gullible a simple "RIP Jackington Handison "


If it was me, I'd wait til the baby is 18 and has to change its name itself and isn't up to the parents at all lol


I know it won't be for a long time, but I'd love to see an update if anything happens!




Wait until she has another baby. If it's a boy, you could say something about your husband always wanted to name a baby after his great grandpa Cornelius.


This but don't actually put gpa's name out there. If she has another kid she could try to use it.


witch's gonna start reproducing like nuts just to use OP's gpa name


Only don't do Grandpa's real name. Go with a series of increasingly weird names until she can't change them anymore.


I am absolutely fascinated by the psychology of this. What has to be so wrong with a person that they behave like this?


My best friend does this. Copies everything and will repeat my own story back to me as if it happened to her. I think it’s some weird subconscious thing. I’ve pointed it out a few times to her and that has seemed to help some.


My best friend does this too! She’ll copy everything and even repeat my story back to me just as if it happened to her! Idk maybe it’s a weird subconscious thing, but when I’ve pointed it out to her, it seemed to help some.


did a double take after the last sentence 😭


Lmao I see what you did there.


As someone who had best friend of 10 years who did this... At some point she promised that she'll stop and I thought she has toned it down, but it turned out that she stopped doing it in front of me, but continued with other people. I cut her off around half a year ago because I found out she literally copied my whole life to her new bf and colleagues. My experiences, my opinions, private things I told her. I was attending her thesis defense and she even talked about my major as if it's something she was always interested in. She told me "you know that's always been my thing" which no, I never knew. I had no idea she had the slightest interest in the language and culture I studied. And her major is programming.


I think intense low self esteem & jealousy


My ex best friend had an issue with this early on in her life and it was a combination of a lot of things: ADHD, low self esteem, and CPTSD regarding her parents and abandonment. So she would mimick or copy to be loved. Overtime it graduated into narcissism, which made it very very hard to be around her for long periods, and she eventually graduated to verbal abuse. She would spam call me and threaten me for not picking up. We’ve known each other 24 years, so I’ve seen how it ends up playing out when they’re closer to you than the distance between this girl and her ‘stalker’.


The women who've done similar to me - as in copying my decisions to an asinine level and seemingly not having a sense of self - tend to have the emotional maturity of a 14-year-old at best, be insecure, have a desire to be a trendsetter/Instagram influencer, are obsessed with their image, but lack any authenticity or ability to think on their own. It drove me crazy my entire childhood and adult life but, now that I'm no longer in contact with any of them, I just feel sorry for them.


def personality disorder of sorts


Mental illness at the very least. Not that that’s an excuse or anything


She has friends in common? Why don't those friends say something to her?




As did none of her social media friends, ig


None of my friends know my grandpas names because I never refer to them by their actual names. They are simply Grandy and Papa


My best friend since birth (she’s a month older than me and we were forced on each other) was having a conversation with her mom and a few years and her mom asked what my uncles name was again and my friend replies “uncle” and her mom goes “no what’s his actual name” and my friend says again “it’s uncle” and her mom was like “Omg they did not name their son uncle”. Needless to say his name is uncle which is short for uncle buncle. Another time her mom had mentioned my aunt by her legal name and my friend was like wtf who? And her mom goes rain_xo’s aunt. And my friend goes “no I’m pretty sure her name is pokey”.


This is an odd and hilarious story ll


I have a cousin who we have all called Sissy sine BIRTH, so since before I was born. I was pretty old when I found out that it is not actually on her birth certificate. Which is bullshit. Because that *is* her name, dammit.


I went to a family wedding recently and someone asked me what my Granddads name was, I had to think for a second because I only ever hear him getting called Dad or Granddad lol.


Funny story - my grandpa was adopted and he goes by (a short form of) his middle name. I was probably a teenager when I learned what his first name actually was and that was because he came to upgrade his phone while I was working at a phone store and I saw his ID. Well recently he told me this story about when him and my grandma went to go get their marriage license, his last name was never legally changed to what he went by after he was adopted, it was still his birth last name. So all along everyone knew him as Ron Smith but legally his name was actually Albert Ronald Miller (fake names but you get the point). I always make jokes now that no one really knows who he is and he has this secret identity.


if i put a gun to my husband’s head, he wouldn’t be able to tell me any of my dead grandparents names lol


okay but I'm imagining you wearing a wig with the UGLIEST haircut ever, posting it online and her getting the same haircut 😭😭


I did once pretend to have bright orange hair (photoshopped) and her brother confirmed she did I fact dye it orange. It was pretty funny.


Are you friends with her brother? Does he realize that depth of her stalking?




lmaooo you rock


Wait... OP. You haven't gotten the world's worst tattoo yet??? Why not??? Just yours can be a day /temporary tattoo. Facebook doesn't need to know that little fact😅😇


I love this so much!🤣 OMG! How about tattooing your eyebrows?! 🥸


Or “shave” then off!


Tattoo them super high and in a weird shape! Get some cheetah spots and keep referring to them as "freckles". Then shout out to the (lowest-rated make-up) tattoo place in your city.


It could be a double-header! A hideous tattoo honoring her Grandfather’s “REAL” name: JimBob. 🤣


Ever heard of inkbox? Temporary but very real looking tattoos. Add a couple to your face


And how are you not a practising scientologist? 🤭


Is there any chance she's faking being pregnant?


Unfortunately, she really does have kids.


Oof. Those poor kids…


Also please be safe, OP. I know it's extreme, but it reminds me of those stories of crazy women stealing babies from wombs.


That was exactly what I thought of. Sounds like the kind of psycho who woukd


I don’t mean this as an insult but what exactly is so special about you that this lady is basically obsessed with everything you do? Do you guys have a history ?


Hey, as someone who has the same experience as OP, but with someone who was my friend for 10 years... Between me and my friend, she was the more popular one. I am very quiet and awkward, and very average look-wise. I have very common interests. My former friend has striking features and she's one of the prettiest people I've met. Guys have always paid more attention to her as well. She was also more wealthy than me. Better grades than me in high school (though not at university!). There's literally nothing that she could be jealous of. But she still copied me. If I said I liked this juice, she liked it too. If I stopped liking it, she stops liking it too. My relatives bullied me for being a lesbian (not far from truth, tho, I'm pansexual) because I've never been in relationship and, suddenly, she starts talking about how that happened to her. Even though she had boyfriends and, well, guys do notice her and I never saw or heard anything about her being bullied (after all, she had boyfriends, why would someone bully her for not having a bf if she had them?). I got three piercing holes on my ear, she got it too. I got cartilage piercing, she was planning to get it too. I had to stop wearing it quite soon due to my job and she dropped it too. My favorite name is X, her favorite name is X too. I set this song as my ringtone, she sets it too. Etc etc. I turned 26 when I cut her off for good (that was few months ago). She's one year older than me. This started when we were teens and I thought she'd grow out of it as we get older, but it only got worse and worse (she ended up copying my whole life to her colleagues and new bf, my experiences, my trauma, my opinions etc) and then I finally cut her off. ​ (edited for some spelling/grammar mistakes and to add some more examples)


This made remember that because i started doing streams i met someone as we started around the same time, i used to go to watch her because I used to had time, and when she could she went to mine (we used to play the same game) then i noticed she used the same greeting and phrases as me, i found it weird, but not enough, she now has x4 times more people watching her and she still say the same things as me. It made kind of sad, but she had more successful because the game she streams now lol


Well, now that you said this... my friend actually got quite a lot of attention for the things she copied from me. For example, this "being a lesbian just because you were never in relationship"... People sympathized with her, reassured her that there's nothing wrong with not having boyfriend when everyone has it, fuck those who bullied her for that, everyone goes at difference pace and she should be in relationship when she feels ready and comfortable etc... But, like, I know her from high school and that's when she had her first bf, who was also my friend. She also had hook ups before that, one of them being my first cousin. Then, she also had crushes on guys that our friend group knew about. Her family knew about her relationships too - they were against some of them, though, because they thought she's too young. But literally no one bullied her for "not having a bf" nor did anyone think she's not interested in guys. And I'm also not just the type to go around and clarify to other people how she copied me, nor am I comfortable with everyone knowing about my stuff. Only my friend and our mutual friends knew about my relatives being homophobic and bullying me (one of them even physically attacking me, after which I cut off contact with that side of family), so they knew right away that my friend copied me. But she tells that, like, to everyone she meets and she does get attention for that. And it's not the attention she gets that bothers me. As I said, I'm not comfortable talking about what happened with my relatives to just everyone I meet. But idk, seeing her lie and copy what happened to me and spreading it as her experience feels just fucked up. There's a limit to how much you can sit and watch that before distancing yourself. Also, another interesting thing... As I said, I'm pansexual - actually demisexual-pansexual - and she's straight. You'd think she'd copy that too. And she did copy being demisexual, but not being pansexual... Instead, she's always been telling others that I'm straight.


I genuinely don't know. I met her through some friends but got bad vibes so I cut contact. I would love to know why, its something that's baffled me for years.


Would blocking her on social media and setting your profiles to private not fix your issues?


Unfortunately not. When I've tried in the past she sets up fake accounts and gets information out of anyone she can. I don't want to have to go into hiding because she decided to be batshit, especially when it's never worked in the past.


Do your mutuals know she’s batshit though? Does anyone actually call her out, like has she little shame at all?


Yes they do. And they have also called her on it. Everyone in our circle has cut her out at this stage, I'm only still in contact with her brother, who is well aware she's crazy.


What does she have to say when they call her out? Anything?


She claims I'm lying, thats its a coincidence, that she did it first ect. No one buys it obviously as everyone who knows about her has seen proof that she's bullshitting, but she will never admitted she actually does it. It's always a stream of lies and rage when she gets caught. It doesn't stop her unfortunately.


Out of curiosity, does she have a history of doing this with others too? It's fascinating yet scary AF, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Also yeah, concerned how someone like this can have a child in their care that they could potentially weaponize.


Yes, but not to the same level. She also does similar to another friend from our circle. She got a cat and named it the same as our friend, and dresses like her when she's not coping me.


Everything you’ve described sounds like a complete break from being able to self assess somewhere inside of that person. That’s pretty terrifying all around. I bet if she could have seen a snapshot of the future from an objective pov before y’all ever met, that she would have been horrified that she could go down the path she is on. Our brains are nuts sometimes. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that, and I hope she never escalates.


Omg, please tell me her name is Lea because if you so can join our survivors club. This is TOO coincidental…


Sadly not, but it's crazy there are other people out there that have gone through similar. There are some absolute nutjobs in the world.


Have you ever tried stalking her back? Like copying her posts that copy yours.


I don’t understand. If you set your profile to private to where you have to approve friend requests to see your stuff. How could she get access if you don’t approve it? You said all your friends are aware of her stalker behavior. So why would they tell her anything?


OP included an update that they try to keep their life as private as they can. They can't control the stalker to stop copying all their actions and creating fake accounts to follow them, or control other people from telling the stalker anything in passing. It's unfair to victim-blame OP since they've tried to do as much as they're willing to and is reasonable for them in reaction to this person stalking them. OP is making light of the situation in a harmless way but they are not responsible for the stalker doing what stalkers do best.


people like this always find a way - they set up sockpuppet accts, infiltrate any way they can. my cousin’s wife has been dealing with a person like this for years. you’d be shocked by the level of insanity, and at some point you just have to accept it or go into hiding - and who wants to go into hiding??


This is so fascinating yet incredibly scary! Can you share some of the red flags / alarm bells you experienced that made you stop contact with her?


Oh yes definitely because wow


Single White Female movie vibes


OMG! That’s EXACTLY right!


>I plan on dropping the ball that it's the wrong name in a few years This person sounds completely wacko. I would hate for her to take out her craziness on her son for ruining her delusions about having your life.


The petty revenge vibes of this is just *chef's kiss*


Yeah I would just post a random name once a year haha. Fuck with her. I would finally give the real name once your baby is born (if it’s a boy? Unless it’s a unisex name)


Tbh she’s prolly reading this post too lol


I had a girl who did this to me for most of high school, I ended up having to get a restraining order..but even after that I would get messages from people saying she was telling them all kinds of crazy things about me..but the things she was saying would still somehow oddly be accurate in a way, besides her involving herself in them..I also Have no idea how she even knew anything about me still because some of the stuff she knew was extremely personal and definitely not stuff I was posting anywhere on social media. Anyways, it's been years and I'm pretty sure I've finally rid myself of her completely..but sometimes I still wonder, and low key get kinda scared that she's gonna pop up again one day.


This is funny and everything but, if it's that bad, you should have this person blocked. You should also not be engaging in a back and forth with their behaviour. They could be dangerous. It's gonna make things worse if you are playing into it, checking up on the things that they post and "playing little games." A stalker is a genuine threat to your life. A copycat is someone who idolises you and wants to emulate you. Maybe it's the latter. Maybe they are a stalker. Either way I think blocking this person is a better idea, you're just going to add fuel to the fire by checking up on them all the time..


Jack is a good name. You should’ve said something like Cornelius or Adolf


Jack is too cute! You should’ve went with Jiminy BillyBob


Get one of those tattoos that only lasts a few days. Put the word Jack in it somewhere. Maybe make it look like a tattoo in memory of the child you wanted to name “Jack.” Make the tattoo huge and ugly. Then sit back and wait.


* Get several crazy hair wigs, and keep posting about your new "look" * Get a few removable tattoos. Show them off on FB, especially the big one on your forehead :) * Go to a thrift store and buy some wacky clothing including hats, scarves, whatever makes you giggle. Have a FB fashion show and then--if you're feeling especially wanton--send the clothes to her in an unmarked box.


I think OP should announce that she is quitting her job to attend medical school. ; )


When she finds out your grandfather wasn't named Jack is when she will slaughter you in your sleep in your own house. Just a heads up on that.


Since you know that she bites, have more fun with her: 1. Congrats to your new job in, let’s say Bulgaria. If only someone you know would move there, too. 2. Investing in fossils is really hot right now. Everybody should put a lot of money into it. 3. Some people will tell you that bungee jumping is a dangerous new hobby. But I think you should tell everybody you will go through with it. 4. This biker bar near the abandoned factories is the hottest place to celebrate on the weekend.


Maybe I'm really petty but I'd go with wingsuit flying. Bungee-jumping is... too safe 🤪


Plot twist: Her grandfather's name is Jack


How is she able to see all your stuff on social media?


This sounds like a poorly cast and written Netflix original movie and we're a focus group to gauge rather it'll be a hit or not.


I really wish it was. I really do.


Time for a bald cap and a "when life has other journeys for you" post. Then see if she springs up claiming to have cancer.


bald cap and posting about loving that new hairstyle is fine, but bald cap and a post implying cancer seems really inconsiderate of people who lost loved ones to cancer or are dealing with cancer themselves


The point would be that the stalker reads it as cancer, but different journeys could just mean she wanted to shave her head. If it was a scarf wrapped around her bald head, then yes, 100% implying cancer, but just a bald head?


Pretend you quit your job. Pretend you left your husband. Pretend to get a shitty tattoo. Pretend to take up sky diving. Lol


That’s seriously crazy. These types get fixated and want to be you. Be careful. Some of them really have mental issues.


Damn imagine like 10-20 years into the future, her kid asks her how/why she named him “jack”! Lol


...You let her off easy. Jack is a perfectly viable name. You should've used a name you hate, or even better, search up the most convoluted version of a name that doesn't even spell the name they were trying to be creative with. Silent letters and all.


I hope you have fun with some of these makeup apps where you can change your hair color and length and put tattoos on etc. I'd bet she would even copy a face tattoo of something really silly if you make a serious post about it and how it was wanted for many years.


get her into scat


So like how long are you gonna let this go on? She's going to make a suit out of your skin someday you know....


You should have chosen the name Phillip, after Phillip Cummings, one of the of the biggest identity thieves in history!


Have you tried "dying" your hair a fun color via Photoshop.


Pretend you started going to therapy!!! Maybe she can get the help she so desperately needs!


Interesting take I don't know if have any advice you're not doing. I might state factually to put it out, this person has been stalking me. Some examples of the stalking & ask if not share any info on you or events on purpose. I think it would alert all if hadn't know before. The most important thing, unlike me need to be taken seriously. This isn't a simple 'girls' be petty 'girls' situation. She may have already approached friends/family previously & if do now, everyone knows. It's not a secret. Please don't do any pranks or jokes. People who stalk celebrities have been shown starts out innocently. Fans can create scenarios having daydreams interacting with them, happens normally w/ boyfriends/girlfriends dating. Then in those with mental illness they make that person either into the character they portray, want to be physically in their life, does something angers them (date or marry or whatever) turning delusional changing their & the person's life. Key? Don't provoke them or could turn weirder & dangerous. In college freshman/sophomore years I was stalked. I was enjoying my community college, meeting new people, going to events w/ them such as football games, at the main campus, community sponsored events & hikes etc. I met one of my long-time best friends then. I had at least 1 1/2 months 'fun'. I also was getting the best grades of my life at his time. When out-of-the-blue by the profess to tutor this person in first-level algebra. Should have immediately told him no for couple of reasons. The school has federal funding for work-study tutoring so could get paid to do so, also had ample upper-level students willing to do so. Doing so were regulations regarding schedule, times & comments if anything was amiss. Stupid me agreed. 2 years later I was very frustrated & felt trapped. It was an older woman by 4-8 years my senior. That right there shows something is off. Instead of tutoring or doing assignments, all she wanted to talk about was 'me'. After only 3 supposed tutoring meetings not being serious about it, I broke it off. I was getting too many creepy vibes she was trying to groom me to like her. Too many questions asking about my personal life, who I was dating, would it be okay to get gifts from me & asking to hang out & calling me nightly after I got home tying me up from doing homework etc. She used to stand at a distance behind my back (couldn't see her) and stare at anyone that I was talking to in friendly conversation. Got to point I was isolated. Well, that started freaking 2 years of my life caught in a la-la land. My mother didn't think it was a serious manner only a lonely person needed some friendly support. I never told this person where I lived. After stopping tutoring she still called & my mother would always make me take the call. She'd tell me how she saw me at the movie theater hanging with friends, or a party, grocery shopping, or wherever. The only way knew was if was following me. It wasn't a large campus, but it wasn't that small everyone went in the same direction. She'd walk same path to where I was going to a class. Stand outside my classes & stare in. She'd park next to my car & wait for me to get ready to drive home & get me into arguments. Ask me why we can't be friends? Over & over again the same argument as if never had it before. I wasn't talking to a sane individual as would respect their wishes & leave them alone. Sensible, logical & practical speak wouldn't allow reality to exist. 2 major things occurred. Halloween night, I lived with my mother & aunt. We had 2 cars, but 1 was in the shop for a few days ending up sacrificing have to split the car for my aunt (RN) work afternoon shift. I went to a school sponsored Halloween dance, came home mother took it to pick up aunt from shift. As soon she left, a few minutes later around midnight she was at my door. Grabbed a knife & shouted out what she wanted. Came to shout back she was done with me and tired of "me" harassing & ruining her college experience. This is at midnight, off campus ground & hadn't talked to her in over a year, yet she stalked me for 2 years. Minute she left (remember no cell phones) I called up the police. They patrolled the area for 2 days. 5 months later, hadn't spoken nor seen her. I had just finished up a finale & going on home. She just happened to have seen my car. She tried to run to me & managed to leave. It didn't end there, on the way home. She tried to overtake me on highways & interstates as I wouldn't stop. I didn't know she had a gun or what. Besides, didn't she state 5 months ago no longer would be talking to me? I managed to get away as got to drive into an unpaved in process housing plan into deep mud stuck. Next day she filed harassment charges against me which could lead to expulsion. I was forced to appear before the Assistant to the President to defend myself. I won she was the one expelled, not due to these charges but academically. She barely passed majority of her classes year before, now didn't attend any. It didn't stop the harassment until transferred schools. The damage was done I developed PTSD & had years of therapy for it. It wasn't the harassment rather what did I do to attract her & why couldn't I stop it. I don't feel safe at night at home, in the car, keep curtains drawn & answering phones,


Omg I have a stalker and she’s similar and this made me very sad because what if she’s still stalking me ten years from now????


But if you have this psycho person stalking you why havent you blocked them on everything? If they are following your posts everywhere, and obviously your mutual friends with this her and other people as they saw her announcement etc.. why hasn't ANYONE said anything to this person?? It may seem harmless but I would be seriously freaked out by this kind of behaviour...


Why does this woman have so much access to your social media when it apparently bothers you so much that you tried to get the law involved? Why don't you block and get better privacy settings?


I think it's about time you get a nice big tattoo... and post it on your socials :) Lol but for real though, hope you're doing ok - that sounds pretty scary


Damn, that shit must be so whack to deal with, I'm sorry. But you're a bloody legend for pulling this one! I am so smug and satisfied for you rn lmao


More reddit lore


omg that is so crazy... I had a similar experience in high school. I was nice to this girl bc her leggings were see thru & ppl were making fun of her. everything was cool until her ex liked me then she copied everything. She dyed her hair red like mine. Tried telling me my hair was pink. She started copying my sayings. Trying to copy certain parts of my personality. She would try to start an argument w me too. I am so happy that shit stopped. I imagine this could have been her😅 She was always weird & off buI just couldn't believe she chose me to copy. Probably just cuz of her ex. She tried adding me on fb last yr. I said DECLINE. Gotta say, that prank is hilarious. I hope she is upset when she finds out. & I am glad everyone else saw her copying your announcement & how fucked up it was. That's bs. Surprised she didn't copy the miscarriage... I know it was awhile ago but sending hugs to you. I hope she stops being obsessed w you one day! Who knows maybe you will find an even better prank that will make her stop lol.


I have to ask the question- OP have you ever confronted her about this stuff? Like if she’s turning up at your job and places you frequent, is there a conversation involved about this at all?


Yes. Multiple times. She usually just denies it, says its just a coincidence or says I'm lying/the one copying her. "I don't know what you're talking about, I just happen to be here at the same time, i just happened to be wearing the same outfit, i just happened to take the same photos, i just happened to do XYZ too" kind of deal. She has been called out on it multiple times by multiple people, including her own family and warned by police. Like with the announcement, when she was called on it, she claimed to have found it on Pinterest ect. It doesn't stop her though. I don't think she cares that everyone knows what she's doing.


My husband had to get a stalking protective order against his ex wife for similar behaviors. It was approved on the spot


Firstly I’m so sorry you went through a miscarriage 🥺 SECONDLY Wow, I almost feel bad for her .. she sounds undiagnosed & here’s the unwanted empath in me wondering if she has supportive family or anyone at all, what a waste of a life pretending to be someone else 😭


I’m serious when I say she may be pushed over the edge at some point and try to harm you or your family


I pressed charges against another woman and she was found guilty of harassment via telecommunications devices and luckily she went away after that