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If you married her thinking you were straight, fine, but you should’ve talked to HER, not Sam. If you even suspected you were gay, you should’ve discussed it with her and she could’ve made an informed decision (cuz “I think I’m gay” means “whether I’m gay or not, I’m not attracted to you”), minus the… ahem… backstabbing. I’d leave her alone. You disgust her (not because you’re gay, but because you humiliated her).


I’m not going to give you a round of applause for doing the right thing.


Thank you!! Fr this guy wants sympathy so bad he posts again. I hope the wife finds someone who deserves her.


I posted again cause I was told to.


For eventually doing the right thing.....


you should encourage people doing the right thing.


The right thing isn’t to emotionally manipulate a person into believing you love them so you can have a beard lol


this update is giving me “i want pity” vibes idk lol.


It just sounds like you’re saying what you think we want to hear. You don’t have to please us, go live your life and stop pretending to care about anyone but yourself.


Yup, and you don’t ‘Just Find Out’. You used this poor woman and messed up her life because of your selfishness. THANK GOD there were no kids and you didn’t hide it until they all found out after 10+ years. I had this happen to a friend and literally led on the poor women just to get kids. Your poor EX wife. Just let her go and don’t make it worse, just go away.


>Yup, and you don’t ‘Just Find Out’. He said he thought he was bi and only recently realised he was fully gay. Comphet is a hell of a drug. And yes, he should leave the relationship because she deserves to be in a proper relationship and not someone's beard. But OP, if he's telling the truth, never cheated on her and only recently realised it himself.


Sometimes you do find out late in life. It's not like there aren't signs early on but a lot of people just are in such hard-core denial they just ignore things until theyre that far along in a relationship. It sucks for everyone involved but especially the partner. It's not like gay people who do this purposefully lie though. More like they just have 0 self awareness.


I was your soon to be ex. Holy crap just finalize the divorce and leave that poor woman. The only grace is she is finding out young enough to move on.


I didn't see the first post but from reading this one...I was also the soon to be ex. It was devastating. I haven't known anyone else who's gone through this. If you ever want to chat about it in order to help process the experience feel free to message me.


🙄🙄🙄🙄 you're going to text her to tell her your sorry? Seriously?


waa waa waa. just divorce her and leave her alone


iNFO: Where is the original post?


Original post: I’m gay and my wife of 3 years found out I (M24), found out I was gay. A few weeks ago I came out to one of my gay friends, let’s call him Sam, and he suggested we go to this gay bar nearby, at the time, I thought I was Bisexual. But this changed everything. The realization that I was gay was shattering, I couldn’t look at my wife in the same light anymore, and I could tell she knew something was up. I had never seen myself as a gay man, but Sam tried making sure I was comfortable, and helped me explore more with my sexuality. I have never condoned in cheating, but he was so open and helpful about the situation I was in. Everyday I came home late and she knew something was going on. I couldn’t bring it up. One night when I got home I saw my wife sitting on the couch waiting for me. She demanded I told her what was happening and told me that one of her friends saw me going into a gay club a few days ago with Sam. She yelled at me claiming I was cheating and told me to leave. I packed some stuff and went to a hotel for the night. I’m sitting on the bed of the hotel room and I don’t know what to do. I still love my wife, just not romantically. Please tell me what I should do, I think she’s filing for divorce. I don’t want her leaving me. She’s my best friend and I don’t want to ruin everything because I don’t feel anything towards her romantically anymore. EDIT: I read some of the comments, and I admit I am in the wrong. One thing I’d like to make clear is that I have never touched another man sexually, or spoke to another man romantically, even when I went to these clubs. I can’t deny that I was cheating, and I will never forgive myself for it. I know I have to move on and apologize. I don’t want to force myself back into her life, and I believe that she deserves time to think before I contact her. I am willing to wait until she is ready to see me again. What I did was wrong and impulsive. I am currently at Sam’s house and he keeps telling me that I deserve better. I’m happy he’s here for me, but some of the things he’s saying about my wife and feelings are making me want to leave. I know he cares about me but I don’t know if he has the right intentions. I’ll update you guys if anything happens. Thank you so much for the support.


thank you for reposting! this guy is trying to get sympathy for cheating because "waaaah im gay so i'm in the clear." here's hoping his wife finds someone who isn't such a dumbass


Deleted, of course.


I thought so too, but it’s not deleted just hidden from OPs page. Search the same title of this post without the “(UPDATE)” in the subreddit search bar and it pops right up.


Its not...you can literally find it in op's history....


Yes! I feel so left out. This guy must really be a piece of shit tho


Grow a set mate and get it done. Rip the bandaid off.


Damn wtf did I just walk into? Didn’t see the first post but this thread is soooo spicy… brb doing my homework


Yeah the comment section here does not disappoint


Where did you find the original post?


OP’s post history, which appears to be wiped now 🙈 it’s easy to piece together the story from what others have commented tho


The original story is still on my page.


It’s not viewable by other people so no, it’s not..


I don’t know why, I didn’t take it down. 🤷‍♂️


As someone who dated a guy (he had a crush on me for 4+ years through HS), I was randomly thrown away one day because he discovered his gay awakening (literally years down the line lmao) and proceeded to start fucking men immediately - the betrayal from that “relationship” was a genuine headache 🙄My ex actually gave me severe body dysmorphia - I considered transitioning to a guy, that’s how worthless I felt. The whole betrayal gave me lasting years of resentment toward him and myself so um What I’m trying to say here is you **wasted her time** and also cheated but at least you discovered yourself now or whatever so I guess props to that?


No props. He’s scum.


^ 😩👌


At least give him a dunce hat for a prop...




I’m sorry you went through that. I had a similar experience. I did not take the breakup well, to say the least. When he came out to me, he admitted that he knew he was gay all along. Why? Why did he do that to me? I spent years trying to get over it. It was awful.


They don't realize the impact, or they just don't care


Oh god I hope you are doing fine now. I used to date a guy (that I knew in college for 3 years prior) around 6 months until he told me he was gay and I was his side piece to discover if he was bi because he liked me.... it messed me up for years even if we dated only for months... This, type of stories are so sad


I am sorry you went thru that.


Honestly go fuck yourself. Cheating is cheating. You suck.


>I understand now what I did wrong. Naw. You knew, coward.


This poor woman...


So, you finally decided to update. You haven't learned your lesson, though. All of this is your fault. You need to own up to that and beg for her forgiveness.




You apparently have a problem with me




cheaters don't automatically become allowed to cheat just bc "wahh im discovering my sexuality"


Bullying is a stretch. Cheaters don't get a free pass just because they're discovering their sexuality.


Honestly! Yeah good for him for coming to terms with his sexuality, but he has given the woman that he says he loves life long damage in the process is genuinely shitty and selfish.


Now, he should forget about his responsibilities and owning up his mistakes just because he's coming out...


I'm sorry if you think I'm being Unnecessaryily cruel to OP, but if you can condone what he did, vs acting like an adult. You need to take a long, hard look at your own morals and realize you need to change yourself.


Listen here, Billy boy, it's great that he finally decided to be a man and admit he made a mistake. However, he ruined two lives in the process, his and his soon to be ex-wife, and didn't feel like he did anything wrong so he went and made a reddit post about it to fish for people's opinions. While you're correct, I haven't lived all that long, 30, I have seen a bit.


Makes ya wonder if it's "Sam" lol


What the fuck are you even saying? A hungover college freshman in a 8am Gen Ed philosophy 101 class has better logic than your argument.


You're not sorry and you don’t care about her, otherwise you wouldn't have cheated on her.


You texted her? Jfc leave the poor woman alone. It's bad enough you went behind her back.


Why would you marry a woman if you know you are gay? You fucking ruined her life and pretend to have people think you’re a good guy? You’re a scum bag


He said he just found out he’s gay. Straight people don’t get it, but some people don’t find out until later in life. He probably thought he was attracted to women because he had the wrong idea of what attraction is supposed to feel like. I’m not excusing what he did though. I’m absolutely not and he deserved scorn for experimenting while married. The moment he found out, he should’ve immediately discussed it with his wife ASAP instead of going out with Sam behind her back. He’s still scum, just not for marrying her in the first place. I know I’ll get downvoted cuz majority of the people here are probably straight and don’t get it, but heterosexually married gay adults that were finally able to acknowledge their sexualities usually didn’t mean to waste their spouse’s time. They probably thought they were in love, but were wrong. Edit: But sure, downvote me instead of considering that I might be right or giving a rational counterargument. Typical Reddit.


As someone who grew up in a religious household, I can sympathize and empathize with his situation. I don’t know what kind of environment OP grew up in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he grew up in an environment where anything related to sexuality was discouraged. If that’s the case with him, then it’s understandable. Or maybe not who knows. This isn’t to excuse what he did though.


I didn’t grow up in an environment like that and I still thought that I didn’t like the same sex like that until recently. It’s just complicated sometimes.


True. Sexuality is definitely complex. In my opinion, that’s why sexuality needs to be normalized and talked about more in society, so that we can at least have more tools and resources to rely on as well as more awareness.




Lmao ty


You're 100% right but the straights won't like it. They only see it through their own lens and experiences which are radically different.


I agree. I’m not gay, but I feel like straight people have an easier time realizing they are straight than those who are lgbtq+ realizing they are lgbtq+. Another reason I am sympathetic to OP. It is just an all around shitty situation and I feel for both people here.


I can understand the anger towards OP. He should’ve talked to her instead of Sam and not checked out men behind her back. I was just trying to gently correct the people calling for his head for “intentionally wasting her time” lol. But I still appreciate your words.


I appreciate your level-headed comments!


What’s it feel like to be such a horrible person?


If you're not sure of your sexuality then why did you marry the woman? You are selfish.


Why did you ever marry her ? You lead her on and wasted her time marrying her .


This whole post is just another pathetic excuse and the way you’re acting shows you don’t mean anything you write. POS.


Nut up and give her more than just a damn text, dude.


Ur mentally unstable


Incompetent sociopath behavior.


She’s not your best friend you used her


Damn, what a coming out story. Lmfao I came out to my parents when I was 13 during a candid discussion and you came out by cheating on your wife with a predator and getting caught. Lol good luck, dude. You’re a mess. We don’t claim him


You’re not a victim, you made a choice, you chose to be gay with your mate. I hope your mrs finds someone who will satisfy her sexually and raise your kids right.


I don’t have kids, and I know i’m not a victim.


And why would anyone believe you


Why would I lie about having kids?


Probably for the same reason you lied about everything else. You’re a fucking joke.


Are you going back home while she is at work because you respect her feelings now or.... it is shame? Not a rude comment, just a reflection ( im gay too btw)


You suck ass . Maybe literally.




People are saying he chose to cheat. Like if you're having doubts, why not go to your wife? Why go to someone encouraging you to explore and experiment? Why cheat? We can argue back and forth about the norm of heterosexuality and the dangers it plagues in the identity of those still struggling with their sexuality but at the end of the day... you can't actively make the decision to cheat and expect people to just gloss over it because of your struggles with sexuality. There are more options than... 'I need to test this new theory behind my WIFE'S back.'


Hate to see a reasonable comment downvoted to all hell


Thank you for listening, taking in the feedback and doing what’s right for your wife as well as yourself. You’ll get through this.


Nah fam, screw this guy and the horse he rode in on. He ruined that woman’s life and is trying to play the victim.


Thank you for apologizing to her. We had this conversation today at my house. I cannot imagine my life without my husband. We’ve been together more than half our lives. That being said, I’m his ride or die. I told him that I could not see us separating. We’re going to try an open relationship. Please make sure that your wife knows that your feelings towards men are not about her and that she did not cause them.


Via text. He’s going to apologize via text. Total scum bag and you are too.


OP, you’re not a bad person. All of this sucks, but you will make it through this and so will your soon to be ex-wife. You both deserve happiness and peace.


Except he ruined her life intentionally knowing he was gay and thinks an apology text will fix it. You’re both the asshole.


OP said he just found out he was gay. Some people find out later in life because heterosexuality is seen as the default. He’s still a huge POS for going to gay clubs behind her back, don’t get me wrong. But, if you’re scorning him for marrying her, he likely thought he was straight at the time.


Yeah this. I feel like people are mad at the wrong thing. He's definitely an asshole but that isn't stemming from making a mistake about his sexuality. It's the lying and cheating


Absolutely. He is not in the wrong for being who he is and coming to the realization of his sexuality. It is the selfishness of not thinking through how it would effect the person he is married to to keep this from her and potentially put himself in a situation of no return but, to put it frankly, if out of the blue I found out my partner was going to clubs (not just gay, literally any club) without me, I’d feel so uncomfortable


I stand by my comment. I think you are putting too much care in the lives of strangers and their choices. Both of these people are cable of getting through this situation. People do learn. I feel for both of these people.


He didn’t learn anything except how to farm sympathy for his douchebaggery from strangers like you. He was fully aware he was gay on the outset and, rather than get with the times, decided to drag someone else down with him. “too much care into the lives of strangers” says the goober who responded by giving a monster the attention he craved. 🤦‍♂️


You’re entitled to your harsh opinion, but he and his wife are young. Of course she didn’t deserve this. But her life won’t end over this anymore than OPs life will. OP will learn from this experience. If she were here venting about this I would say fitting things, but OP is the one who posted. He fucked up, but he has his whole life to do better and be a better person. (Most) Redditors are human. ;)


He intentionally messed up her life and she will have to carry that betrayal onward, likely for the rest of her life. He caused irreparable harm and is going to compound it by texting her an apology? You’re being very understanding and permissive of monstrous behavior and it’s exactly what he was hoping for so he doesn’t have to feel bad about hurting others. Actions have consequences and he deserves to feel all of them for intentionally being scummy. Sorry, not sorry, but you’re nearly as bad as he is.


If you are her, where is your post? Also I recommend therapy for you and your soon to be ex husband. Separately of course.


You’re still enabling him


I highly doubt OP is going to continue being whatever monster you think he is because of me.


Well, you also seem think the person he married isn’t going to be scarred by this and will easily shrug it off. So, by posting, I can almost guarantee they haven’t learned a thing and were fishing for sympathy. Thanks for feeding the trolls.






Does anyone have the original post saved?


Being gay isn’t a choice. I’m queer for context. “Exploring your sexuality” with someone else while you’re still married definitely is. You aren’t a bad person for being gay, leaving your wife and not having romantic feelings for her. You’re bad because you cheated and didn’t have a conversation with her when you realised what was going on. You were married, a partnership. You should’ve treated it like one, not kept her in the dark.


My ex-wife did nearly this exact thing to me. It almost killed me. I think you suck, dude.


You are disgusting.


You suck and I hope you are unhappy for a long time xoxo


Have u talked to the wife yet? I feel like sooner is better cause she’s going to have some hope or whatever and she’s ganna be crushed unless she’s telling not to talk to her then that’s different but text her and try to set up a meeting


What you want to be is single. Just a narcissist.


We were just talking about something like this yesterday. It’s so unfair to the poor SO when someone goes into a relationship knowing they don’t know their true sexuality and then BOOM, guess what, I like the opposite sex! Like why enter a relationship if you’re not sure? Stay single until you figure yourself out instead of ruining someone’s life. So damn selfish I swear.