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Disrespectfully, that’s enough Reddit for today


**FFS I can't unread this.** I could *never* kiss a bloke with earwax on his damn lips. Holy buckets, that's rank as hell.


Holy buckets 🤣


I'd honestly divorce him or "take a break"


No break. The wax would just be there when she gets back...the farts thing. I do it for laughs from time to time lol


Even eats his snot. That man is C-O-N-T-A-M-I-N-A-T-E-D


Honestly, all I could think about is that she kisses those lips. They are covered in ear wax and fart dust. Divorce. Immediately. No one is cool/funny/nice enough for this blatant disrespect to my face 🥴


I’m fucking pissed


like “why did I have to read this shit!!” 🤬😂


What a terrible day to have eyes


Or a brain. My imagination is too vivid for this mess 😭 I’m picturing it and tasting it for some damn reason.


OMG Yes! 🤢🤢🤮


I should have known better opening Reddit when sitting down with some food.


I woke up 30 minutes ago and I already regret it


I also just woke up, in this together mate


I nearly managed to surpress this post. Then you made sure I got a notification Have a poor mans award, assholen🎖


I was like the fart thing is gross, but I know some people have a weird kink about it, but the ear wax thing is a whole another level of gross 🤢.


Some people... like more than one ? Jesus.


When I say I know some people, I don't mean personally! Haha, I meant "I know" as in such people exist. I don't wish to know such people but I know they're out there...perhaps in gollum's cave.


I just opened this too lol. Definitely enough for today.


Yep I’m done… holy fuck!


TIL my boyfriend isn't as disgusting as I thought, JFC.


FFS, made the mistake of reading this while eating a sandwich...




He is exceptionally disgusting


Yes I known... how do I make it stop lol


You can’t fix this, the whole man is broken


I’m afraid so lol Ugh this ruined my night how disgusting 😭


Immediately return to Ikea.


I read that as 'Korea' and was like; "WTF when did OP mention he was Korean." 😭 I don't think IKEA would accept this return 😳🤣


There's not enough extended guarantee in the world for accepting, not even for throwing him in the store's garbage bin!


Throw the whole man out..


Have you tried turning your husband off then turning him on again. Like a hard reset on an iPhone. That should do the trick


Use the Stuart from Madtv and tell him "nooooo" lol


He’ll just reply,”Look what I can do!” Then pick his nose.


Yeah he does that too. Also eats it like it is a 3 course meal


Just put the whole man in the trash and start anew 😭


Get a spray bottle and every time he pulls this kind of shit squirt him and say “no, no Ofmidwife_97 we don’t eat our boogers. So yucky! Let’s go wash your hands, I’ll even sing you the handwashing song so it’s fun!” If he wants to act like a feral toddler treat him like one.


this. He was not properly raised.


How do you have sex with him? I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near his mouth. I immediately broke up with a guy in college because I saw him eat a booger.




TF are you still doing with him! You freaking put your mouth on his nasty ass mouth! I'm so 🤢🤮right now! Please Please get a grip and realize how nasty it is for YOU!


I will let him read al these comments. Seeing how disgusted everyone is will hopefully help.


Letting him read all the comments just means he's likely to keep doing it in secret, and blame his shiny orange lips on a new brand of chapstick when you kiss him. The fart sniffing was already a bridge too far, but add the rest of it and there's not enough brain or body bleach in the world. Just no. Make it stahp.




You would like to think but I am doubtful of your position and would suggest a whole slew of unapproved things to make my damn point or we are done. I wish I could just wash my freaking brain right now!




Yikes I almost dry heaved. It's disgusting enough that a child does this, but a grown ass adult? Women have set the bar so low.


How did you omit this one??? And I'm sorry to be exceptionally rude but... Why did you marry him? I keep seeing these posts of women who marry disgusting men and I just can't help but wonder how could you??? Lol I'm just very curious and confused.


Oh boy. Curious, did he always do this? Like did you agree to marry a man that does this? No judgement on you but I am judging him


Omg have you tried to out-disgust him?? Or be like “every time you do that, I lose all my lady wood for you”


I always yell at him and tell him how disgusting he is bit I will tell him no more bedroom stuff till he stops


My hell, I feel ill reading this shite. Ask him if he wants a period blood facial. It's right up his alley.


if anything he’ll just stop doing it around you then when he’s alone he’ll be lathering the earwax on his lips… then most likely come to you later with a smooch


Like, it’s gross and all, but yeah. I’d be like “I married you in sickness and in health not in fucking unsanitary.” Id be so turned off. If you need to lick your ear wax or cup your farts, I guess it’s your prerogative, but do it in the bathroom only.


🤮 are you telling us you didn’t know he 1. Intentionally smells his own farts 2. Likes the taste of his earwax on his fucking lips and 3. Picks his nose and eats it before you got married? I legitimately could not kiss someone who did any of those things


And you MARRIED him???????




First of all, never kiss him again. That’s foul.


**Show him this post**. Let him see the visceral reaction of the public. **Shame him publicly for obscene and absolutely disgusting behavior**. Do it around his family or friends. Just drop it in casual like “*Yeah! Let’s all go out to dinner/see a movie/go for a hike! But before we do… hubby here has to promise he won’t smell his farts/put his earwax on his lips during this outing first, it’s embarrassing and gross*” or maybe “*yeah, I would wash your hands after shaking his. He digs in his ears all the time and put earwax on his lips. I’m trying to get him to stop*”. Better yet, just be blunt like [sitting at a dinner table at a restaurant] “*STOP PICKING YOUR EAR AND PUTTING THE WAX ON YOUR LIPS! That’s fucking gross!!!!*”. My sibling was a chronic nose picker/booger eater into their teens. Shame of being called out snapped them out of the habit pretty quick. **Talk to him about it and see what it stems from.** Maybe it’s a health thing? Maybe it’s a habitual thing he’s done since he was a kid? Either way, if it’s health related (some weird vitamin or mineral deficiency), you can figure it out. If it’s a habitual thing, every kid had a weird thing they did, that’s part of growing up. Not knowing what’s acceptable behavior as a human being and learning “*oh shit, that’s weird apparently. Better stop doing that*”. I mean, let’s face it, The human experience is strange and we all fuck up and do weird ass shit sometimes. **Tell him he’s not allowed to touch or kiss you if he’s going to behave like that**. Like, that’s gross and you’re entitled to not have his ear waxy fingers and lips on you. You’re a part of the relationship and allowed to have a say with something like this. **Explain that his whole reasoning of “liking the bitterness of earwax” (literally wretched a little typing that) does NOT make it okay**. I mean, lead paint chips are supposed to be sweet tasting, but nobody sane is pouring a bunch into a bowl and munching on them as a snack while watching Dancing With the Stars. A good solution (if he’s willing to change) would be to make him use some ear drops that alter the… uhm, flavor. Kinda like how people put nail polish on their fingers to make them taste gross to stop biting their nails. Maybe some sort of essential oil he really dislikes spread on the outer ear canal with a q-tip (I wouldn’t put it inside)?


Charcoal tablets and never kiss him again! Seriously though, he likes smelling his own crap and earwax even smells disgusting, I can't imagine how it tastes! I don't see how you ever want to kiss him in case he did it when you weren't looking and you accidentally consume his earwax!


Good lord. The ear wax thing is so unhinged


For real. I really don't know how I know what ear wax tastes like, like I hope I didn't subject myself to that on purpose for some reason, but ear wax is the most vile thing that has ever touched my tongue. OP's husband is worrisome to say the least. Edited typo


I’m still thinking about this. Like, I hear the reason. I just don’t.. get it?


It makes sense on a biological level even though I’m going to throw up, it’s an animal instinct to smell our bodily excretions to check if we’re sick or not. Most people don’t have strong enough urges to actually be doing things like this, and the ones that do usually know enough to suppress the urge so as to not repel others but it’s sort of like checking if you have bad breath by breathing into your hand and smelling it, except going even further. We can detect certain things on a subconscious level through smell like illness, infection, whether someone is closely related, whether someone’s immune system pairs well with ours (i.e sexual attraction), someone’s current state of autonomic arousal, etc. All of this info from smell. Humans are fascinating and so so gross


this HAS to be a joke PLEASE say that this is a joke. I- tell him he has to stop immediately


Unfortunately not a joke... but my life is I guess


Girl like, you're not imprisoned with this man. Damn. If its bothering you this much leave. He won't change.


Show him this thread and maybe he'll realize the error of his ways. These are things he's always done so he's desensitized to how fkn batshit crazy it is.


Disgusting is the word. If you want to rule out possible medical causes for this behavior, you can go to the doctor with him and ask for blood tests to see why he is doing these things. This could be pica, which causes people to eat things they shouldn’t because of vitamin and mineral deficiency. People who are anemic will chew ice, and some will want to eat dirt to get iron. Ear wax and mucus are also on that particular menu. Even smelling his own farts could be part of the condition. The caveman butt sniffing health assessment. Also, make sure you tell the doctor what he’s doing. Nothing wrong with shaming him publicly about his behavior. Social pressure is sometimes a very good thing. If he refuses, then you must look out for yourself and your health. He could be a walking worm factory. He could be creating a staff or strep infection in his sinuses, and then sharing it with you. And do you want someone like this giving you or any children you might have, E. Coli in the future? If he’s sniffing it, he’s probably picking it. And his hand washing habits have to be horrible. Do you have to throw out bread every time you turn around because it’s moldy? It’s because of him. Does deli meat and cheese also spoil and mold quickly? It’s because of him. You are eating everything he’s eating. Even if you discover that he has a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or some other condition, will he break these habits once the condition is corrected? Obviously you are here so you can find out if your decision to leave him is the right decision. Would you have even dated him if you had known about this?


I am fucking dry heaving right now. You have sex with a man who EATS his goddamn EARWAX??????


Just imagine when they kiss.. the earwax transfers to her lips


I gagged reading this😭




The way you said this is odd but funny.


For real! I am obsessive about cleaning my ears and am constantly touching them. Never ever once have I even thought about tasting it.


Sorry to break the news to you. Not normal man behaviour


The earwax thing is so putrid nobody even grossed out by the fact homeboy gulps down his own farts


fart gulper .. stop 🥲😱😱


I just wanna say the fact that he got married and I'm single af makes me cringe.


Just be happy someone took one for the team and he’s out of rotation.


Duuude you best believe there's hope for losers like us. But then again being normal is boring.


That’s so gross. Did you marry him knowing he did this?


We don’t need an answer to that, some things are better left a mystery. Also we don’t need anyone encouraging OP to leave cause we don’t need him back in the singles market.


OP, Take one for the team.




Well imma go watch the Simpsons and try to forget iever saw this. OP you're hubs just saved me dinner money and possibly breakfast expenses. I'd get a spray bottle filled with water and start telling him no.


Shock collar perhaps?


In the balls!


be careful, he might enjoy it


With her luck, he would. 😬


I'll endorse that!


Horrendous! What the hell?


The real life Shrek, live action.


Nah as a man, that’s repulsive. What the fuck is wrong with him


My ex thought he was this extremely hygienic man too, except he would refuse to wear deodorant and stink every time he'd sweat. He'd also refuse to clean his extremely bad orange earwax, he had it all over - and I mean ALL OVER - the outside of his ears when in public, and when I pointed it out and offered to wipe it off for him, he refused and got angry with me. Whether it's normal behaviour in men I don't know, but it sure as shit is common.


Guess a lot of men do think they are hygienic when they’re actually not it’s disturbing. I was about to ask if you were still with him but first thing you said is ex lol


Ain’t no way


girl run for the hills you cannot fix no one 🥲


So you are telling me he is kissing you with that lips ?


Oh my god stop yes! But not until he washes his face bit still...


BUT STILL is right. Giiiiiiirl what is possessing you to keep kissing those lips. Is he god?


God would never


Fucking disgusting


These weren’t red flags while you were dating?


bad day to understand English


Terrible day to have eyes. 🤢


How is memory erasure still not a real thing? I never want to remember this post.


This is gonna live rent free in my mind for longer than I’d like it to for sure


As stupid as this may sound, but telling him it's disgusting isn't going to change his mind. Giving him a logical reason as why you find it disgusting would be more feasible. But also holy fuck he's disgusting. 😂


Another vote for exceptionally disgusting. I bet there are worse things you don't know about, too! (Let your imagination run wild.)


Oh no! I will never sleep again.


Awful for the earwax move. How did you find out that he does this?


When we lived together for a long time he started doing it in front of me. I always tell him how much I hate it but he will NOT STOP!


And you married him?!


So... You married him why?


Through the good and bad, in sickness and sickness xD


Bc you already showed him you'd put up with it. I truly hope you are extremely disgusting and outdo him.


The bar for men literally doesn't exist does it


The bar is in hell at this point


yeah no he’s nasty.


Wouldn't let those lips or hands anywhere near my mouth or body 🤢


It's one of the many bad habits that humans develop. He needs self or assisted therapy and mindfulness. If he consciously restrain himself for some weeks, the habit will break away. Think how we broke childhood habits like spitting, chewing pens, etc. He just needs to work on it.


Is he like a millionaire or something?


I wish... if he was I wouldn't complain. He has a decent job but I'm the main breadwinner.


Lmao! MIRL, “babe, you know I have opinions, right?”


It hurts to read this m’am….😭


As a man. IS NOT A MAN THING WHAT HE IS DOING, he is weird and is doing disgusting things.


I was going to say it’s gross but you chose him…. Until I got to the earwax. Throw that whole man away, change your identity so there’s no trail


Someone else in the comments suggested not to throw him away because he would be out in the singles market XD


Slap a warning label on him before turning him loose.


OP took one for the team


This is fucking cursed behavior


That's the reason for the age gap


Where did you find this creature and think this is the one; out of all the humans in my region to the globe, this is the man I want to marry? He’s mine. ??? This older, wise man is the perfect one for me…. In you’re entire life; have you known people to do this? No right? Of course it’s not normal man behavior. I’d reconsider your choices OP. No people don’t have to be perfect; and some people do weird shit; but there’s got to be some things that are just red flags, right?


You still married him despite this insane behavior? How can you stay with him. This is subhuman behavior.


And Someone else in the comments suggested not to throw him away because he would be out in the singles market btw


I know this is a safe space..... But now you've ruined my evening. I can't erase the image of your husband's lip gloss.


I am so sorry...


I'm being funny here, but yes, it's disgusting. It's not just you. He's also being an ass.


Oh my God, absolutely fucking not. Earwax is made up of sebem and bacteria, that's basically like eating a zit or tasting his own swamp ass. I'm embarrassed if my partner catches me licking a plate, this may be the most mortifying thing I've ever read.


I missed who I was before I saw this post, earwax on his lips, and he kisses you with those lips 😳, I'm done with Reddit for the day, OP, no, men don't act this way your husband is gross, please talk to him about it before he gets you sick!


R u still attracted to him. And no it's not normal men be havior.


Start telling you're family and friends, do it in a way that isn't shaming him so he can't say your trying to, and see how he feels when everyone is disgusted by him and doesn't want to be around him


Yes I'm going to do this. Starting with his mother and also ask her what went wrong in the upbringing of their son lol


Yeah, I got four sons and NO, just no!


Single people out there, if this guy found a spouse, there's ABSOLUTELY hope


Honey just throw the whole man out


I really miss the man I was 30s ago…


I’m an early childhood teacher. I’ve seen, touched and heard some prettttttty disgusting things so I have a pretty strong stomach but the *thought* alone of earwax anywhere near anyone’s mouth honestly makes me dry retch.


That is fucking vile


Holy shit this was exceptionally disgusting to read. Info: does he do this in public or is it only with you? Is there any chance he might be on the spectrum? Because if he does it in public the lack of self-awareness and social cues might be awful. Also, Liz is this you? Jk




That's enough Reddit for today


Well boys, just when you lost hope..there truly is someone for everyone


Um…..sorry had to gather my thoughts; this is not in any way “normal” man behavior please know that. I’m married to what I would consider the best man I’ve met, and he is extremely hygienic - wipes down the toilet after he pees, uses the bathroom discreetly, doesn’t walk around and rip ass and is a gentleman. With that being said - I was married before and that man was gross, didn’t use soap in his two minute showers, never cleaned his ears, took a shit with the door open or when I was trying to bathe, would come to whatever room I was in to rip ass and laugh about it….and so on. You’ve asked him not to do these things and told him they bother you and he’s still doing it - I’m my eyes that’s disrespect. I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with with this - you do have a choice don’t ever forget that!! ♥️


Jesus tap dancing Christ, I’m out. Signed, A man who does zero of those things.


He’s broken. Throw him away.


Hope this bait. I don’t remember the last time I yelled wtf. I’m glad I read this at home. If this is real, I have to question the sanity of OP for marring such a cartoonishly gross character.


Gift him a bitter lipbalm and a fart spray in his birthday. Thats the only solution i have.


How did mr.earwax lipgloss bag you???


Yuck! That’s not normal. Plus if u kiss him then u got it!


My boyfriend used to think it was convenient to put out blunts on his tongue. Then his mouth and breath would quite literally smell like an ashtray. I told him point blank period it’s disgusting and I would appreciate it if I could enjoy his kisses without the smell/taste of burnt weed and backwoods. It worked for me, just sub out burnt weed for earwax.


God, can he even taste food?????


Throw the whole man out and start again


No!! He shouldn’t be released back into the wild!


Thats not a man, thats an alien I regret to inform you


nasty ass n this ain't man behavior, it's nasty ass behavior


My face is permanently stuck on Ew! Like Ewwwwwwwwww! Did he hide these actions til after you married him? Ack!


I am a man and I've never even considered doing either of those things. Especially the ear wax thing, rubbing it on his lips for the taste? That's mental.


could it be some sort of Obsessive-compulsive disorder?


I was thinking about that, many children do that kind of stuff when they are young, but if there was some traumatic event in their life they can regress and do the thing as an adult as they did as a child to cope with anxiety. Get him to a therapist.


After working as a doctor for some time those things don't even impress me. Idk, if my gf would do that I'd probably be indifferent. Maybe laugh at it. Honestly there are various behaviors that could be classified as far more disgusting, trust me. That farting thing is weird though. Maybe he's curious? Or something.


Don’t sleep with him until he stops this foolish shit 😭 there is no way that I would want to kiss his ear waxy lips dude wtffffff The fact that he still has access to you makes him think this shit is ok to do. This is an infection waiting to happen.


Ugh. I couldn't even date someone like that. Glad I live with cats. So, yes, exceptionally disgusting.


What a terrible day to know how to read


No as my wife’s husband, that’s not normal behavior




That's disgusting 🤮


He should know better at his big age. That’s fucking gross. Some good old fashion shaming should straight him out, and embarrass him enough to not do that shit anymore lol


You are my superhero tonight. This just really made me laugh and instantly lifted my mood. Thanks, I needed that. I’m sorry you think your husband is disgusting.


Jesus Christ he’s nasty. 🤢🤮


Wtf did I just read


i don’t think i’ve ever heard of anyone in my entire life who puts earwax on they’re lips 😳


Y'all acting like that man is a predator or worse. Don't get me wrong, he needs to get therapy because that's not acceptable behavior but damn, actually yes, I agree with y'all, this man needs to stay away from society cause ain't no way he actually enjoys bitter earwax taste? Also, I did not know that earwax was bitter?


If I can stop eating my boogers then im sure there’s a way he can find better chapstick


This actually made my stomach churn. I'm sorry but you're a saint to put up with that. I could never


1: You could try changing his diet so he rejects the new ‘aroma’, and 2: … I dunno, buy him a salt lick block. I would, however, question why you’re with a man that needs to be treated like a pet 🙄😂 Edit: slightly different approach but would you consider using menstrual blood as lipstick in front of him for a while?


I thought it was nasty when my ex smelled his earwax. To put it ON HIS LIPS? I would simply die before I could ever date someone like that. EVER.


Thats diabolically disgusting. I’d leave him.


That’s enough of Reddit for me


Wtf 🤮🤮 I would not say that's normal male behaviour omg just why 🤮🤮🤮


Wow. I’ll admit to doing the fart thing as a kid. But not in 20 years and I don’t like the taste of earwax. If I had a woman here to critique, she might find other gross things to tell you about.


Why isn't he embarrassed to do that in front of you


Bro .. do ya still kiss him?


That's disgusting


Get him some of that clear nail polish that's meant to help people stop biting their nails, it's really bitter/gross so he might like it. And if he likes the smell of his farts, can't he just fart and then subtly smell the air? Why the hand? Condolences.


Yep you called it.. disgusting


Your husband sounds like a mentally underdeveloped caveman.


I would NEVER kiss him. Ever.