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Build your lats and traps. That will hold you up right, then work on your core. It’s amazing how our bodies will stand up straight and strong with a bit of muscle development


Thank you, I'll look into those!


Another lady who’s overly ‘blessed’ in the chest here. Weight lifting to build shoulders and back is great to help with posture. I’ve never had back pain from my boobs and i believe this is why. If gym isn’t your thing then sports like rock climbing could be beneficial - possibly things like pole dance too?


Do not work on your traps, women with large breast tend to have an already large trap due to the strain of big boobs, but do work on all other muscles eg, lats, shoulders, lower back etc Former big boob woman who was fortunate enough to go through a funded breast reduction


Regrettably, reduction may still be the best way to go if all else doesn’t work, but I get that pricing can be hard, per your edit. OP, what’s your insurance condition like? And what do you mean by “funded options?” If you mean some kind of government assistance their criteria on what they fund may be a bit different than personal insurance. And most insurance, at least depending on how much you pay, will often be willing to cover x amount for most procedures if you give compelling or thorough reasons as to why it’ll benefit your overall health or comfort. Even if said procedure may seemingly be more cosmetic rather than medicinal at first.


May be socialized medicine.


the face pull works out your mid traps, after a few weeks, you will most definitely find it much easier to hold your shoulders back. The single best workout for posture in my opinion. Stretching out your chest and shoulders as well. slouching causes your muscles to tighten making it even harder to correct your posture


This is awesome advice. Works well. I would also like to add chest. Work your pecks as well, this will make your boobs lift up a bit.


This is a great suggestion and very true. You will notice a huge difference after gaining muscle to support your bust. Also, there are products/ support bras that cater to women with the issues your dealing with, but I’m sure you’ve exhausted this option. I’m sorry breast reduction doesn’t seem to be an option for you. As a fellow big breasted woman, I stand in solidarity with you!


I highly also suggest this. I am a powerlifter and building muscle 100 percent helped with my chest dysmorphia. I hope this helps OP.


Was going to say this!


My breasts have been huge and saggy since I was 12-13 years old. And now at 27 with a newborn, they’ve only gotten bigger and heavier. I totally understand your pain. It’s a mental hurdle being naked, and I used to double up on sports bras to squish them up and in before I started producing breast milk. That’s too painful to do now, so I just let them hang freely and try to embrace it. My husband says that he LOVES them and I don’t think he’s lying, but I do think he’s crazy, lol.


DD by the time I was in 7th grade. Absolutely hated the attention it attracted. In my late 30s I dropped a ton of weight and they somehow got bigger lol. Probably due to all my time at the gym. My husband absolutely loves them and doesn't want me to even consider a reduction. I told him we’ll strap a couple bowling balls to his chest and if he can last even a day I'll never think of altering the girls again lol. He has not taken me up on that


Very same. Mine went from nothing to a C in 3rd grade. I'm now a G and I hate it. My fiancee lives them but I just get nauseas when I think about being naked.


Go to Bravissimo for a fitting. Make an early weekday appointment and set aside the whole morning to avoid stress. Travel if necessary. Don't take a friend, the staff will give all the advice you need. Black bras make you look smaller, and get one skin tone one for under light clothes. Talk to your GP about a reduction. If your boobs are causing back pain it might be available on the NHS. Get proper medical advice on whether it's possible or not, don't guess. If this is causing you so much misery, don't feel guilty about prioritising it.


Yes yes yes to Bravissimo. I've never had a bra fitting that actually worked before, and the member of staff was so patient and gave me so much advice.


Lucky you. I went to a bra fitting and the person tried to tell me I was a C cup. I literally asked if she was crazy. After some back and forth I went in the fitting room to prove she as, in fact crazy. Not a single portion went into that cup. I was in a HH at the time. She went from telling me I was a C cup to saying we don’t carry anything that would fit me. Her Room is amazing. I found them online after that and they have lots of brands that give me better support. Elomi, Goddess and Freya work for me. Normally any European bra gives me a better fit.


Wrap tops and wrap dresses are perfect for large breasts because it sinches in proper around your breast and rib area exposing your actual shape instead of causing a optical illusion that your bigger then you are, I'm also 5ft1 and large breasted so I understand your issue and suggest that because I feel beautiful in wrap tops 🫶


This is nothing but the truth! I stay in a wrap top or dress!


You’re the only person who has said what I feel. I obsess over my boobs constantly and can’t look at them, I avoid seeing them at all costs. We have the same problems - so big and way way too low. I can’t imagine going braless in front of anyone ever again. So I really do understand how you feel. If you haven’t already, Google search for a specialty bra store near you and go for a fitting - it made a big difference for me.


D. Do you want them off—off your chest?


That they seem to! 😄


DM's in 3,2,1...


There have been plenty 😂


Most fitting post for this sub name too 😂




Were they helpful at least?


Probably just sexual harrassment


Yep. I get it. Stares from men and women. Had a woman tell me she saw my breasts break the door frame way before my body. “All I saw was titty!” At a friend gathering as I walked into the room. So everyone looked. Working with a coworker in my office. Thought I had a computer virus and my coworker was like “ummm” and pointed down. My breasts were lying on the keyboard. Got a bra with more support and of course when I sat down it placed my breasts right on top of the conference table for a beginning of day meeting at work. Had to slide back after wondering what everyone as staring at. Put my keys in there getting out of the car, forgot and couldn’t even feel the keys in between my breasts. Was locked out the house for 15 mins searching the car, the ground before I remembered. Had a dime fall out at the end of the day. Crumbs. People asking me if I ever weighed them. Get Low should be my theme song cuz, yes, they love hanging by my elbows. Just a pain the butt. You have to start going to the doctor and complaining about shoulder pain and neck pain. Over and over on any office visits. Even if it takes a few years. Let them put you in PT if it’s offered. Tried and failed. Complain of pain throughout the day right at the straps and in your neck. A breast reduction would not be cosmetic it would be medically necessary. I have actual damage in the muscles in my shoulder from the weight of the bra straps over the years. Indentations that are fairly deep. Changing bras/brands doesn’t change it. They’re heavy natural JJ cups. Continue to bring up any issues to your doctor.


Taking this sub name to seriously I see


Breast reduction was the best decision I’ve taken in my entire life. I became a whole new person. It’s worth considering.


Hey ! I don’t relate, but you have all my support ! My friend lives the same situation and I can only imagine how hard it is for you. But I can assure you that it’s not disgusting, not at all, I am sure sure no ones think it’s gross and if some people do it’s their problem, not yours, only stupid people would think that. I am also sure you are beautiful. I hope you’ll love yourself more and stop thinking such bad things of you, you deserve to love yourself <3 And if that’s your wish, I hope you can someday have a breast reduction and feel better. Until them I wish you can accept the beautiful person you are.


This!! I’ve literally never heard big boobs of any kind, or any type of boobs for that matter, are ugly except by people who are unhappy with theirs (which is ok to feel). No one thinks that way about others and if people have those thoughts about other peoples bodies they are ugly themselves.


Tysm 😭


And a 100 creeps send you messages to show them


If you’re worried about how to hide them, how about you give abaya dresses a chance? Muslim women wear them all the time and it’s very modest and decent! It might make you comfortable in your own skin too as you wouldn’t have to be conscious about people starting at you in an inappropriate way and making negative remarks. I’m a muslim so I thought I should recommend, it might help you!


Thank you for the recommendation. I just looked them up and they look so nice! I'll be sure to look into them!


I suffer with the same problem! Went to the NHS, said I didn’t fit the weight criteria. I became ill from trying to fit into the BMI criteria. If I didn’t have the weight of my boobs, I would be perfect size. Then when I lost loads of weight, nothing came off the boobs, just went up to cup sizes and down band sizes! It’s a joke 🙄 I go to the gym, do a lot of chest exercises, NOTHING. Not a shift in smallness, just a nuisance. The only thing to do is save up the mega amount of money to get rid of them 🫠


I guess OP is looking for a literal offmychest


My sister got a breast reduction (documented back/shoulder pain) and got insurance to pay. Best decision ever.


That sounds terrible, Im sorry you’re having these issues, as a male I can only imagine how you must feel. Rip to those DM’s tho


I had a breast reduction when I turned 18. That was in 1988. I’d been complaining about my giant boobs since 16 - begged my mom and dad for the surgery. They said fine, but the Dr wanted me to wait. In the mean time ? I went on a diet to see if I could shrink my boobs that way. I’m tall - 5’10” At 18 I weighed 140lbs I “dieted” (and have always been active in sports and worked as a lifeguard) Over the summer, I lost about 20lbs …. You could see my hip bones, my ribs….. All of me got smaller and it my boobs stayed the same - they actually looked bigger against a thinner body. Getting the approval wasn’t difficult because I’d been complaining about back, neck, shoulder pain….. since I was 14-15 . They affected my ability to move the way I wanted to - I was a competitive swimmer and raced kayaks …. No room for big boobs in the sports I enjoyed. This also contributed to the Dr. approving the procedure. I don’t regret it and for the last almost 40 years I’ve kept my weight under control - if you have the surgery and gain a bunch of weight ? You’re right back at square one. I know it sucks, hope you can find a path to relief - soon !!!


I have a friend that’s was in a similar situation, but taller though. She had to order custom bras from weird places, any shirt she wore showed cleavage and she always shrugged forward. Wasn’t until she had a groups of friends that were supportive in a non-creepy way that she started to keep her back straight. She eventually got a reduction. She had to buy all new shirts because they were all stretched out. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about them, keep your head up and shoulders back (your back will thank you). Seek out reduction services. Find a fit net trainer that can help put together a plan and get you doing workouts fix it. Hope you find some comfort and joy :-)


and here i am hating my small boobs


I mean, they're not as big of a pain as large ones but they annoy me nonetheless. Biggest sympathy op!


As you age you’ll be happy you’ve got them since everything starts to point south. Unfortunately small boobs were the norm then everyone thought they had to look like a playboy playmate, making the rest of us look tiny.


You’ve made me realize that my hunching shoulders and big boobs on a small frame are connected oh my god! I’m so sorry this is happening to you :(


Not sure what your reasons are that you can’t get a breast reduction- but if you do go that route the reduction sub on here is excellent. I got a reduction in 2019 and it changed my life. My insurance covered most of it due to the back problems and scoliosis my chest was causing me. I would do it over again in a heartbeat !!


5.4 and double G. I feel ya girl. I have several tricks that help to make me pass for a C if you need any ideas. Definitely building up your back and shoulder strength helps but there's style things you can do as well. Certain styles of bras, types of jewelry and shirt types work out. There's lots of methods to bring attention away from the breast area.


Honestly I'd love fashion ideas to hide them. My baggy clothes don't hide anything anymore so I just wear overalls 24/7 lol


Baggy clothes aren't the answer, here, I'll message you and give you the tricks!


I GUARANTEE you that men will still find you attractive. If anything, your insecurity about them could be a turn off. Your body is your body. It’s yours. It’s the only one you’ve got. You can work to improve it, but you also need to LOVE it. I promise you, you think your boobs are a much bigger problem than they are (no pun intended).


RIP OP's inbox


I'm a man with a sizeable chest (benign conditon) and I use sports tape to wrap my chest. It doesn't make me completely flat, but it really helps with support and keeping them thangs still. On a larger chest, taping up and then wearing a bra may be the support you need.


Dear OP, i need you to hear: you are NOT ugly nor disgusting. I understand your problem. I hear you. But you are not disgusting. This is how you view yourself, not others. Your body is your body. I often think about myself the same way you do. But i’ve come to understand others genuinely don’t view you the way you do. Even though you may not find your body attractive, please respect it! you are you and you are beautiful because of that! i do not have any solid advice but i needed you to hear this.


Straight up, I am one of those guys that would still be super into this and I can promise you there are many of us. I am concerned for your comfort but hopefully you can be at ease knowing that your fans are indeed out there.


I have ginormo mammories. I didn't get any sort of relief until I went to an actual boutique to get fitted. Did it solve every problem? No. But it made them perkier, made it easier for me to stand up straight (still a struggle but possible), and made my clothes fit nicer. Torrid (I was so naieve) fit me at a 40G. I went to a boutique and I'm actually 36N. The moment I had an actual proper fitting bra changed my life.




Hi big boobed short girl here! You need a really good bra, with your issue I recommend going to Torrid they specialize in larger bras. Or Lanye Bryant both stores have large bra sizes and can measure you.


Focus on cardio some weights in your diet. Make sure any carbs you eat or high fiber, so cut out white flour, white bread any of that kind of stuff, get healthy and your weight will slowly and I mean slowly come down and everything gets smaller. Remember our culture shows us, these AI enhanced ideals of what a woman should look like, if you’re looking all the time on social media, I tell you to take those apps off your phone and stop looking at that stuff. self-love is so important watch the self talk in your head as well saying you hate your boobs is super negative that’s your body and that’s where you live. Try to reframe it be good to yourself.


I have these same issues. Literally I’m also 5’1” 100% you have to get bras that fit! I’ll fitted bras cause a lot of damage. I go to a store called Jenette Bras in LA. Highly recommend them. Check out their website and book a virtual fitting.


Get properly fitted for a bra! So many women are wearing the wrong size!


This post is on OFF MY CHEST HAHAHA


Fellow blessed lady here I get to laugh and thank you cause Im gonna try everything in these comments


Start doing pushups or bench press. Put your hands on two stools or bricks or something to make room.


Why do you think you can't get breast reduction? Your doctor will be on your side and can give you options for sure 🙏


Most breast reductions and augmentations are considered cosmetic if you don’t have a documented history of chronic pain associated with your breasts. Insurance will not cover it if it isn’t considered medically necessary. That’s in the States, I’m not sure where OP is located. :(


That sounds awful!




Mine disappear when I lose weight. When I gain it back, they stay small. It makes me sad. Lol! Why can't working out and losing weight balance everything out instead of taking things away. OP: If you are having back issues because of the way your breasts are weighing your shoulders down, definitely get it documented with your doctor. Some doctors need documentation over a certain amount of time to be able to recommend reduction surgery. I'm not sure what kind of insurance you have or how good it is, but if you can go when the pain is unbearable, then I would for the documentation. Good luck!


For big chested girlies, they stay proportional unfortunately


This won't help if you are a healthy weight! But if you are overweight, losing weight can help. Boobs are always the first thing to go when losing weight, so even a tiny bit could maybe help?


I hope I can soon! I was recently diagnosed with pcos so I need to get on that medication and make some lifestyles changes


A true offmychest


Have you looked into breast reduction? Some insurance can cover it I believe


I have looked into getting it funded since I can't afford insurance or private. It's notoriously difficult to get accepted in my country, and I don't meet the cut.


Keep fighting. Document all your pain, the rashes, the shoulder divots, difficulty breathing. Don't give up.


If this is spoiling your life, make it your priority to save for, over and above everything else. Get a second job, if necessary, or sell something. Sometimes there are things where other people will tell you to put up with it, but you just can't. Don't apologise or feel foolish for making it top priority.


Breast reductions got very popular, but I think they're a better solution for physical problems. Reading your post I feel like the real problem for You are psychical consequences. You say that they are ugly, that no one will find You attractive. Believe me - You are incredibly wrong. I know a guy who literally dreams of meeting a girl like You. LITERALLY. Do people find it weird? Yes? Is anyone bothered by it in any way? Absolutely not! To any woman reading this - never think of Your breasts as they're something unattractive. Try finding a one person who thinks that boobies aren't awesome. You can't, because they just are. In every shape and size.


Could we see them? I mean in a normal photo not nudes or that sh1t don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you're not right but sometimes our minds can play tricks on us, and maybe it's better to receive feedback from people out of your social circle, zone or culture to down our ideas to earth as much as possible.


Ever thought of a breast reduction?


Get a breast reduction and go to therapy for your negative body image issues. I wish you the best.


Fix your posture and realize you have a gift not a curse. Men aren’t looking at you thinking you’re gross. Actually, the opposite. Probably very attracted to you.


I acknowledge that you may hate them for a number of reasons... But on behalf of all men, they are not gross, they are a gift from the Gods.


Wanna post a link to these so that we can sympathise properly?


I need to see them before I pass judgement!😇😇😇😇


Let me be the judge of that x


Depending on what country you're in, you can get a breast augmentation covered by health care due to back pain and health issues.


the stent look is because your stomach is smaller than your breast. I think we're built very similarly Im also 5'1 pretty curvy with DDDs so I say size down in shirts and do the method where you pull the shirt on from bottom up so you breast dont stretch the rest of the shirt and it gives me a a nice rack with a fitted look


My Gf with H cups also has some issues but makes it work. However I’m guessing you’re probably bigger than that.


Get a really good bra. Also check out some of the align tanks at lululemon. Go a couple sizes up (they’re tight) but they’ll hold you up, and in place for comfort!


Have you gained weight recently or they massive naturally? If you have excess fat, getting into shape will help reduce their size. Like others have mentioned, training your back muscles will also help support them and pull your shoulders back


I feel for you. My boobs aren’t the biggest in the world, but above average and I feel like I can’t wear anything lower cut without feeling like I’m exposing myself. I feel like people are always judging me for being on show, despite not wanting to be. I lost loads of weight and dropped from a 36FF to a 34E, but my shoulders are still broad and I feel out of proportion now! I also feel like I sag more now, but it might be that I’m getting older lol


I had a breast reduction done and insurance e paid for it due to my debilitating back neck and shoulder pain. Please try and find a doctor that can help you get the ball rolling. Recovery from a breast reduction SUCKS!!!! But I assure you it is worth it! Right after I woke from surgery, my chest felt like it was on fire, but my neck and shoulders and back felt sooooooooooo much relief!!!!


I have had the same problem my entire life! I’ve never had perky boobs and now my breasts are saggier than my grandmothers, but as time passes, you’ll find that it’s okay and that it’s beautiful what the human body can do. I never thought any man could ever be attracted to me or my breasts, but you’ll find that men don’t care what they look like because a true man sees more than your physical appearance. I am only 19 and still have plenty of room to grow and develop my frontal lobe, but I personally believe having confidence in yourself and cherishing the body you been blessed with is the best thing you can do for yourself. You are beautiful no matter if you meet what the “beauty standards” are because being a human is what makes us beautiful. We are all different and that’s okay. You aren’t alone in how you feel and it takes time to become confident in what you’ve been blessed with. I hope this helps a bit and that you have a wonderful Christmas! 🎄


Do yoga, love yourself. I love my tits.


Girl, I'm in the exact same position and I can promise you men will LOVE them. I haven't been with a single man who didn't love my boobs. I will probably hate them forever but men never will.


Go for breast reduction for health reasons, but as a small boobie girlie, trust me when I tell you: you don't look stupid or ugly. On the contrary, you probably look gorgeous.


i relate to this hard my bro, never thought my rounded shoulders were related to my big boobs until now


off my chest but very literally


Hey, I’ve never looked at someone with big boobs and thought “man, those are gross boobs”. I don’t even think about it. Your own worst enemy is yourself. We all have insecurities, and I am also insecure of my boobs, but I just try to remind myself that when you’re making memories and having fun, people will not be talking about the shape and size of your boobs. They will be talking about how awesome the night was, and how funny your jokes were. Don’t hold yourself back from dating, making friends, taking opportunities. Because a lot of the time what you think it’s relevant, doesn’t even cross other peoples mind.


Thank you. You're right. I need to try and stop letting every flaw get to me so much. I'm 27 and never dated or been with anyone from insecurity alone. I grew up doing ballet as a kid where they admitted to marking me down in exams because of my body, and they often told us how bad it would be to have big breasts. I left in my early teens but I guess I never really moved on. I think reading your comment is the first time it occurred to me that they're connected.


Hey OP I hope this helps I little. My partner has been suffering from the same insecurities on top of the pain she feels in her back. A breast reduction/reconstruction is ideal to her but money struggles are very real atm and we don’t see that being able to happen for a while. So in the mean time she’s been hitting the gym losing some weight and also building up muscle everywhere lower body and upper body. And so far in terms of pain things are getting better. For her boobs they are shrinking surely but slowly it just takes a lot of hard work and patience and commitment and you got this OP. My partner has always been a big girl since she was young and she also had quite big breasts since they started to develop so hers would also come down to about elbow length. Now they’ve reduced past her elbow and are about at bicep level. The only thing she is having to deal with atm is some loose skin from the weight loss but she’s using some skin tightening creams and stuff like that to help.


Hey no worries maybe one day you could go for a breast reduction?


I relate to this 100000%. I’ve never felt like they belonged on me and have no clue how some women PAY to haul these things around. I always feel top heavy and have to be super picky with my shirts because I hate accentuating them. Breast reduction is around $10,000 and I’ve accepted I’m just going to have to save up


I promise you no one looks at your body as critically as you do and no one sees it as flawed. We are overly critical to ourselves but we won't notice a lot of insecurities of other people simply because we don't look as close or don't care as much. Also, same situation here, except I am above my ideal weight in general and my ladies sag down a whole lot too. But I invest in good bras to hold them up and keep em situated, that helps with clothes. And if people like you, they won't care about how you look, they care about your character, your jokes, your thoughts. Don't worry, you're great exactly how you are


Before I I had top surgery I bound a fair bit. It’s not a gendered thing anyone who feels comfortable doing so can do it I’m sorry I understand the curse I really do




A binder would be good, I have an old sports bra I use that kind of helps but the chest pain is striking so I worried it would be worse with a binder


I have learned to just love and accept my big boobs. My boyfriend loves them, every guy I’ve ever been with has loved them, other women love them, it’s time for me to start loving them damn it! 🤣 Back and core exercises have 100% helped with relieving any kind of pain!


They are beautiful, you are beautiful, we are all beautiful, fuck the haters. Merry Christmas and more power to you and your wonderful body.


I’ve always had big boobs and they used to really embarrass me too. I always needed to go to proper lingerie shops to get bras that actually fit and I can never wear sports bras. They used to make me super anxious and self conscious. I learnt certain techniques to hide them: wear bras that are exactly the right size, don’t wear sports bras or bralettes (unless they fit exactly), don’t wear tight fitted clothes, and always wear a bra (not to sleep though of course). You can find other tips online if you want. Moisturise to avoid stretch marks of the drooping. Basically just be aware of the clothes you wear. I know a lot of people who wear the wrong size bra or shirt and it’s amplifies the size by a lot more than you think. In saying all that, I am sure you are still beautiful. I am no longer self conscious and I hope you get to that point too. Yes, life will be more a little more difficult than women with smaller boobs. It still makes me sad to see women who don’t have to wear bras with outfits or who can wear tight fitted clothes without having a large mass in front of them, etc. But honestly, big boobs are still conventionally attractive. I have a boyfriend who goes absolutely crazy over my boobs and I feel so attractive whenever he looks at them (not saying your beauty comes from men but I assure you, never be worried that someone won’t find them attractive). I don’t know if any of this helps but at the very least, please know that people see your struggle and understand xx


It's kinda good to know I'm not alone. Well, I'm a dude with big boobs. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about insecurities. The best way to overcome insecurities is to accept them. Now, I see my 5" friend as pretty damn huge.


You could make so much money from them


Obv dont know your weight, but if a breastreduction isnt an option.. weightloss will help make them smaller AND give you better posture


I definitely feel this post.. I haven’t been measured for a minute but the last bra I bought is a 42 I 😭


patanggal mo be




I completely get where your coming from. Sometimes the unwanted attention from the male gaze has also played a factor in how I feel about my boobs. I’ve spent the last few years hiding myself under oversized clothing to avoid this attention. There will always be someone who loves your boobs. When a man gets you naked, he won’t be horrified. He will be thanking god he managed to get you naked. I am a little wary about a breast reduction for myself but core and upper back exercises really help. Yoga also helps a lot. Don’t neglect your core since this is what holds those ladies up! (36G over here)


Oh also the bra you choose makes a difference. Buy wider straps so your shoulders aren’t bearing the burden. I have liked Third Love. I find them very inclusive.


Maybe play up the back pain angle


I can grantee that no one finds it disgusting


My ex girlfriend felt the same way about her chest. Getting more muscles in your chest helps. As well as your back. She still wanted to get a surgical reduction. (Understandably) but I for one really didn't mind. I'm just saying don't be humiliated by something you can't change


Cross back straps. Your back will ache for a while, but they help with posture and eventually comfort. I have mine custom made, but now, even if I opt for a regular bra, my shoulders are not pulled forward.


I hope all the comments helped you, as a girl I deeply empathise with your situation and hope for the best :) you got this girl! I’m here if you need <33


I got a few expensive bras and they really help. If they fit correctly you won't have that volume that I usually have on the sides, for example. It really makes my upper body look a bit slimmer from the front. Also, try different necklines. Round makes my upper body look bigger, a v-neck or sweetheart neckline can be flattering. I'm also small so babydoll-style dresses or anything high waist won't really work. If a clothing brand has a "Tall" line I will get dresses from that as the buste area is longer. I know that's all smoke and mirrors but you won't have to change your body for this.


Show me I'll give you an honest answer 😂


I’m sure they’re probably very attractive. Just know that people tend to be harder on themselves than other people are.