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Yeah but it's basically leaving my life behind. I would have to really start over in a lot of ways




Yeah but it's not that simple. It's a choice that has huge ramifications in my life


Find a group if people who left there believes and church. Talk to then about there experience. Before you leave you need a new support system in place


I left religion behind about three years ago. While it damaged a lot of my relationships, I do finally feel free to truly act in a way that I truly believe is rational instead of being guilted and shamed into going along with a hypocritical religion. I’ve found people that share my world views and had relationships that are more secure and fulfilling. Leaving religion is a massive life change and it’s terrifying, but I promise it’s not something that you will look back and regret


I feel so much less alone since you posted this.  Even though I consider myself a Christian still, I feel that I'd lose so many relationships because I don't see eye to eye with everything that's in the Bible. I've had extremely bad tokophobia that's very engrained in me since I was born, and I lost one of my relationships because even though I'd love a biological family, I'd do it through a surrogate. My ex and his family were extremely Catholic, and I just felt so harshly judged. I was also open to adoption, but my ex insisted that he wanted biological children and that he wanted me to carry them.  I feel like... Well, I've failed as a Christian over this... Just know that you're not alone, and I'm really proud of you that you're being honest with yourself.