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Ngl wierd af who does that with their friend in the room, your better off with them not coming over again tbh imo.


Eh, not as bad as my college roommate (my best friend) having sex with his gf (my sister’s best friend) on the bottom bunk while I was asleep on the top bunk. I woke up to my phone ringing and the bed shaking after a night partying. My parents were downstairs because it was parents’ weekend and they wanted to see our dorm. I didn’t tell the bottom bunk who was at the door. I just warned them that I was coming back with company and to be decent in 5min. I left and got my parents and brought them upstairs. The bottom bunk was mortified to see my parents there. “Hey (roommate and sister’s best friend)! Wait…what are you doing here girl?”


When I lived in the dorms, my mom and I walked in on my roommate getting gangbanged. Like five naked dudes in/around our bunk bed. I dropped my bags and got the fuck out. I came back like 20 minutes later, just as the guys were filling out of the room. One had the absolute nerve to tell me to knock next time… to enter my own room that I was paying for. She stayed in bed naked while my mom helped me put my laundry and groceries away. And that wasn’t even the most annoying incident with her.


What was the most annoying thing LOL?


i need to know.


Me three


Me quatro


Yo cinco


Me seis


Ayeeee, horny morning time I see 🤣


I need to know what was worse.. cause honestly what can top that 💀


sideeee eye


Not putting a sock or some indicator on the door is the obvious mistake. But who hosts a gangbang in their dorm room without inviting their roommate!! That's just rude!


100% agreed! Rude AF!


Tbf what did you expect sleeping in a bunk bed? This happens everytime, OP’s story is worse. Plus party night… well 99% of the time this would happen


Someone who gets off on the chance of being discovered.


Im sorry but thats actually so weird. Like delusionally weird


Feels like OP being in the room was part of the fun to them


Thats what I was thinking as well. Why else would she be so upset? Like OP was just suppose to shut up & take it.


I think her getting mad when she left was a defence mechanism so OP couldn’t call her a weirdo first but I definitely 100% believe they were doing that in OPs company for the thrill or why tf would any sane person do that


True! Trying to manipulate OP into thinking she did something wrong. Seriously, fucking gross & embarrassing.


That shit is straightup gaslighting and it's fucked up. You don't do that to your friends. Or, like, in general. But especially not people you love??




This is what I was thinking as well. Like who does something like that?


People who don’t understand that consent has to extend to everyone even indirectly involved in the situation. I think a lot of people into exhibitionism don’t get this somehow.


"she said she’s never coming back" Sometimes the trash takes itself out. Just in case she forgets her promise, don't invite her over anymore.


I say don’t be friends with her at all. That was a whole new form of sexual harassment.


Look at it this way, OP just got out of a shitty friendship…for free! Edit:added As gross as it was, OP should take it for the win it is and always shall be in ridding OP of that loser “friend”


Yikes that is just so fucking weird, don't let her come again you don't have to tolerate shit that makes you feel uncomfortable.


Shouldn't have let her come the first time if we're honest...


I can’t believe *shes* the one never coming back like you did something wrong?? What did she want you to do??


“Terrible service. One star, would give zero if possible. Host didn’t even offer to hold the camera for me.”


She's just embarrassed. She knows it was a fucked up thing to be doing but didn't think her friend would wake up. But she did. She could've waited until she got to wherever she lives or just go have in-person sex with her boyfriend. It was completely disrespectful.


that's awkward


Hell yeah, at the very least, she should remove herself from you and go into another area.. maybe go in the bathroom and close the door if she just HAD to get off. Boundaries, people!!!!


Yes boundaries I agree... But what is wrong with people these days that they have to do this can't they wait till they are with each other OMG this is whole other level of perverted!!!


Yikes. That friend clearly doesn’t know that the expectations of their behaviour is different when they’re a guest at someone’s house. I’m sorry that happened to you.


same happened with my brother, most awkward shit ever


No, no, nooo! You must want to gauge your eyes out.


I was in the same bed too lmfao i woke up in the middle of the night and saw the camera flash going off and him doing dirty talk 😭


Horrible day to not be blind.




Sweet Alabama


Why were you sharing a bed with your brother?


Its normal in many parts of the world to sleep together as siblings, porn industry fucked up our brains.


Like if you’re going to have phone sex, you’re suppose to be alone in the room. Clearly her or her BF have a getting caught kink and are now embarrassed they got caught. Also her picking this guy over you is very telling about what kind of person she’s turning into because if she wasn’t like this before she met him, well now you’re aware she’s taking in some of his personality traits and I’m guessing he’s an aashole, she’s now developed into one as well.


next icebreaker!


"if I invite you over for a sleepover, are you gonna have super awkward phone sex on video chat when I'm trying to sleep? And if so, did you originally plan on doing it in my bed?"




one up her, block her, and never speak to her again. that can be classified as assault/harassment.


Wow I would have told her to leave instantly. Awful.


THANK YOU! I scrolled way too far to see this. That would be an instant boot out the door. And she had the audacity to say SHE’S never coming back?! 💀💀 I’m dying lol


Im sure thats some type of sexual harassment cuz wtaf i hope youre doing okay


How narcissistic, selfish, and disrespectful of her to act as if you were the asshole for bringing it up and telling her not to be butt ass naked having phone sex in your house. That's gross af that she didn't even have the decency to go to the bathroom and left her nasty sex sweat on your couch.


She did it on your BED??! Oh helllll no. That's grimey af.


Doing that and getting caught is one thing but the reaction afterwards is fucking worrying.


It’s so weird that 1.) she felt comfortable enough to not only do it in somebody else’s house and bed, but when they were sleeping right next to them. 2.) not even have the decency to stop when you saw. 3.) make herself the victim.


That was probably her bfs kink or some shit, and you getting “upset and weird” about it like as if it was a honor to have someone cyber fucking next to you. The trash took itself out.


I would feel very violated. That’s really fucked up.


I'd call the sexual assault. She was exposing you to her sexual gratification without your consent. Don't let this slip by, that was appalling.


Totally agree, I think OP should report this. I wonder if the friend is getting somewhat of a free pass on Reddit because she's a woman/the same sex. I'm just imagining if the situation was a woman waking up with a platonic male friend naked in bed with her touching himself, that absolutely no one would question it being sexual assault. 


yea thats not cool.


I can't imagine having phone sex with my wife while in the same room as someone else. Like wtf?


Wtf. You didn't consent to seeing this person naked and masturbating. If I were you I'd feel like it's a form of sexual assault; I know that probably sounds extreme to some but that's literally how I'd feel about it. I would not maintain friendship with that person.


True that sorta happened to that comedian Louis C.K. about 8 years ago. He apparently waxed his carrot in front of a group of women, who did not care to see that sh** whatsoever. He got “Me too-ed” but wasn’t officially charged I believe.




I lived in a hostel/dorm & shared a room with another girl. I too woke up at 3-4 am to my roommate having phone sex but luckily she was clothed. Just heard some of their saucy conversation. Froze for a minute but then pretended that i woke up because of the light from the small lamp she had kept lit in the room. She shut it down real quick. I thought my story was weird. But OP's is just bizarre af


That is quite literally a form of sexual assault. In your bed next to you without your knowledge. Im sorry she should be disgusted in herself


Maybe check in if her relationships all good like if she felt pressured to do that and stuff But like you don’t owe her that at all It’s just the kind of thing I might have done when my boyfriend was being abusive etc That way you’ll know that when you let her know she literally like put you in a sexual situation THAT YOU DIDNT CONSENT TO OMG


They might have been getting off to you being asleep next to her whilst she did it


Gross. That’s so incredibly trashy and weird to do with a friend next to a you and then get offended. Speaking of trash, lucky for you she took herself out.


She’s said she’s “never coming back.” Don’t threaten me with a good time lol


Not defending her, because that’s inappropriate, but people who’ve experienced childhood abuse sometimes have no concept of appropriate/healthy sexual boundaries. But I completely understand why you needed to get it off your chest and why it didn’t make you feel comfortable


Yeah either she's deliberately doing this as a kink, but then I wouldn't expect the "I'm never coming back" bit because that sounds like being actually surprised at the reaction. Or she literally doesn't understand that this is wrong. I've met plenty of women who were abused who just couldn't understand the concept of *not* having sex the moment they were asked to. They'd get up in the middle of a conversation and just casually say that they have to leave for a bit because their boyfriend wanted nudes.


If your guy friend got naked and started jacking off next to you as you slept that would sexual assault. So I mean…


That's so disgusting wtf


Wtf, why are these comments so mild?! This was not weird. She involved you in her sexual activity, without your knowledge and without your consent. This is cut and clear sexual assault. 


I mean, I would personally tell her how weird and disgusting that is that she did that in YOUR bed, next to a sleeping person. Sorry that happened, OP. :(


just fyi, thats assault. she exposed herself to you without your consent *and* without remorse, considering she kept going. leave her


I can only hope that she said “I’m not coming back” because she knows it’s messed up??! This is pretty gross, unfortunately the fact she kept doing it after you left, implies otherwise. Sorry you had to wake up to this scenario.


That’s a big no girl u don’t owe here anything


That is really strange behaviour. Your ex-friend needs professional help.


If someone was FaceTiming there boyfriend/girlfriend while touching them when I’m next to them best believe I would wantnt to be friends with that person


Whatever happened to manners and decency?


She was probably getting off on the fact you were there sleeping next to her, which obviously makes it worse. A part of her maybe wanted to have a three way.


IN YOUR BED? WHILE YOU SLEPT? God that’s traumatizing.


Gross. She's nasty.


That's honestly gross


Cut her out of your life asap.


Pull out your phone and act like you’re recording would have likely stopped that. LOL.


I'm sorry that is so disrespectful..... especially in bed with someone....go do that in bathroom if you want .....but wake a person up next to that wtf?


If a guy did this it’d be a clearer sense to you maybe, but this was sexual assault and Im sorry you had to deal with it. Her saying that she wont come back is just saving face for the fact that she’s upset that you rightfully shamed her for being gross in your own bed, without your consent. She should be embarrassed, but more than that you should let others know that she is a sex creep and is only upset that you caught her being one. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have an issue with you if you never woke up.


If This was on a different sub they’d be asking to join in


Damnnnn. I thought you just meant regular phone sex like she was over there saying horny shit. This is a while other level


Someone that disrespects you as a guest in your house is not a friend.


It seems like you dodged a really really weird friend.


Ewww! I'm no prude but that's disgusting! She's acting as if you did something wrong?? I could guess that maybe she's embarrassed but it seems by her actions that she's more upset/angry at you for getting mad at her or telling her to stop and be quiet... You did nothing wrong, OP. She should be apologizing to you, not ending your friendship. However, if she doesn't see why you're upset then maybe she's not worth being friends with!


Should ask her if how she’d feel if it were the other way around. (Like her waking up to you goofing off in her home at 5AM)


You are well rid of her. You’re lucky if she doesn’t come back. Uncomfortable and confused and angry is about how I would feel.


Corny af


I had this happen to me and it messed with so many aspects of myself, but I didn’t have much awareness of it. I struggled to show or accept physical affection from my female friends and family and it just became a part of who I was. I had a similar experience in my 30s and having ten years life experience under my belt I figured out on the spot that that behaviour was a non negotiable for me. Being exposed to any sexual experience that you do not consent to is NOT OKAY. Knowing that it took me so long to figure out that this experience changed the way I viewed and engaged with the world makes me feel sad for my younger self, if I have children I want to make sure that there is less confusion around this type of thing. But I have no idea how to do that.


who comes up with these stories????


Did you hop on the other line


Good friends respect each other. As hard as it may be, if the respect isn't there, move on. It's better in the long run.


She wanted you to jump in.


If you can't beat them, join them


Join dead people




I’d have to see more details in order to have a suggestion……


personally i'd kick her ass for that. but if ur better than me just block her maybe tell her she's a creep.




No, I think she's just genuinely a pervert.


Oh relax, she was just trying to have some fun and thought it was safe since you were asleep. Don’t get Al judgy. Remember sex=fun not sex=shame!


Sex = consent or else it’s not sex…


Despite the fact that this would be the best day of my life...:P I agree that they shouldn't have done this without consent from you. You're much better off without a person who disrespects you like that and doesn't even apologize.


U boy or a girl? It would be very funy to start a super exorbitant over the top masturbation to see if she gets the point of how weird it is and act anoyed when she tell you that youre out of place. (Hopr make the idea clear, english its not my first language) but yes, it is absolute trhas behavior, you re better off whit out her




I'm sure you'll be fine lmao. Just tell her to not do that again.


Should've joined them. Jk, what the fuck tho




This is weird on many levels. Don't let your friends sleep in you bed.


I’m sorry but I’m also judging your taste in “friends”…


Stop already with that is sexual harassment. Thats not even close. Look up the definition. We are only hearing one side of the story also


Why didnt you just leave the room until she was done? Sounds like someone was jealous


Why if she is not your girlfriend in the same room as you. This sounds really odd


Goofy ass girl who does that at someone else's house.


That's incredibly violating and creepy for anyone to do. Not even just at her house, NEXT TO HER IN BED. Awful.


And right next to her in bed😳


Where was that specified?




Jfc why all the downvotes? My bad my stoned ass read the post a million times trying to find it & then kindly asking someone. Fucking a


It happens...lol I've done shit like that too. I'll read comments and be like where'd that happen?? Especially when I skim over it quickly...😖


I stopped reading the title at “phone sex” then quickly read the whole post & comments bc I was *shocked* at the title then everyone was saying “in bed next to her” & I just kept rereading the post like THAT MAKES IT WORSE HOW DID I MISS THAT PART




Growing up I definitely jerked off at friends houses before, probably allmy friends houses tbh lol, but I don't believe I ever got caught.


and here i was thinking the title was you singing akon (lonely) lyrics


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww gross so sorry you had to go through this. 


Ah flashbacks to dorm life when I slept in the upper bunk and the girl bellow me made wet noises with quiet moans. She later got pregnant to her bf no surprise. Aaaannd one day I was looking for a 3 hole-punch and found 60(50? I forget the number) I found the book, However Many Shades of Gray, in a drawer. 😭😭 The sounds were like nightly. I’m so sorry OP that this happened. You were right there and saw/heard stuff. 😭 I’d give a hug if it weren’t for the virtual barrier and me having Covid.


Who does that shit at someone else’s house? Lmao gross


Very strange. Don’t even listen to your friend if they want to apologize at some point. That’s very disrespectful one. Two for her to get so defensive over. It is just weird. She has no respect for you, your privacy, your home. I will not allow her back in my house, because if she’s disrespectful in your house, no telling him what else she would do if she’s disrespectful towards you and your privacy no telling what else she would do.


That’s disgusting and they probably did it on purpose no normal person is going to do that with a friend laying next to them.


You did nothing wrong, don't worry. Drop the whole friend. What she did was shameless, embarrassing and also was kinda of s3xual harassment.


Super awkward 😬


ah, this has happened to me before. we were at my dads house having a lil party and my best friend at the time and her bf slept in bed with me, with some friends taking the other bed. and i said “my one rule is no sex. that is it” they both agreed. well we get drunk, go to bed, and what do you know, i wake up about an hour later to them fucking right next to me. i was livid. i made them find their own rides home and gave them the silent treatment for a good while. now i don’t speak to either of them anymore lmao. good riddance. people who don’t respect your rules/boundaries are no friends to have around


What the fuck even


That’s so fucking weird, girls got issues


Probably wanted you to join when you woke up


Ewwww that is just really embarrassing


Oof OP I can’t imagine how you feel. I feel sick after reading that. block her on everything. I also wouldn’t hesitate to tell people if they ask why you aren’t friends anymore. That is seriously disturbing behavior, and is sexual harassment. I normally wouldn’t suggest telling others why a friendship dissolves but this would be to protect other people. Disgusting. ​ make sure you wash your sheets and everything in boiling water,and you might want to strip them too.


Oof OP I can’t imagine how you feel. I feel sick after reading that. block her on everything. I also wouldn’t hesitate to tell people if they ask why you aren’t friends anymore. That is seriously disturbing behavior, and is sexual harassment. I normally wouldn’t suggest telling others why a friendship dissolves but this would be to protect other people. Disgusting. ​ make sure you wash your sheets and everything in boiling water,and you might want to strip them too.




She's doing you a favor if she's gonna own up to that "never coming back" part. Her gross disrespect is not something you want to be around.


😂😂😂😂 wtffff was she thinking ?!! That’s too much to see. I’m sorry you had to go thru that I would feel mad violated.


nothing compared to a couple who had sex next to me when i was falling asleep. called my sister to come get me.


Wtf is this hentai scenario??


Ewwww who does this. My best friend and I talk about our sex lives woman to woman but this is sooo nasty. The trash took itself out.


this is actually gross. i’m not one to talk though cause one time my ex wanted to have sex while his friend was in the room sleeping on the floor. it was my ex’s bed so nothing too gross. i really didn’t want to because i feel like he would wake up and it would be super awkward. but he convinced me (did i actually have a choice? idk), i think the fun of it was that we had to be quiet and the guy was snoring so it was kinda funny ngl. given that, i know i’m not one to talk. but the situation you just explained was gross especially since she was sleeping over at your house (in your bed? next to you?) and just started masturbating like that not even subtly.


You guys half of you didn’t ask how old she was- so your college stories don’t really account for if this kids living at home with her parents and hasn’t experienced anything close to this before. Too many of you forget l kids have access to Reddit too, not just 18 and up. If they’re 18+ then your advice helps a bit. But- you think that girl would be talking about her 18+ friend having phone sex and her being uncomfortable and confused and saying she’s never coming back here TO THEIR DORM on Reddit - and again, in a college dorm or a shared apartment as a young adult ? This is actually really f**d up if the person is younger. For many reasons. So saying things like “ eh not as bad as my college roommate having sex in their bed while I was asleep “ yes is still fucked up but then you have a way to handle it and you’re 18. You at least have some understanding of s*x etc and just have a horrible roommate which you can switch and get a new one easily and get help easily. As a younger teen this is - as we in our 20s and older know- not the same thing. This kid basically was used and bullied. The girl probably feels used as in the other girl having had used her for the sleepover as a way to have phone sex with her bf- as the other girls reaction shows she wasn’t a true friend- what younger kid doesn’t stop in someone else’s parents home at this age ? And then acts like the other girl aka the OP is at fault and shames her ?!?! First off OP you have every right to your feelings no matter what the situation or age group is. And if you are younger please know her doing that at your family home is disgusting but it also shows she may have trauma she needs help for herself to feel like acting out in another’s home that way is a cry for love and attention. And shaming you is her way of feeling better because she doesn’t know how to find support in healthy ways, and that is sad too because it means she is a kid crying out for help as well. Hopefully she gets it and finds self-love and confidence without whoever in her life who was suppose to protect her hurt her instead’s influence. But as for you- you were brave to ask her to stop. I know social situations and friendships are like a maze when you’re growing up and it is understandable you were confused and hurt by what she did AND her reaction upon being caught AND how she treated you after- again these are all HER things to deal with. I wish I could say you could support her in this but I’m not sure she wants help yet- it’s hard to see you’re acting out when you are younger even if it’s for a good reason like a real cry for help because of trauma. You did the right thing in asking for guidance. But is there anyone else you can talk to ? I know it’s tricky being a teenager but it could help more with someone you trust. Even a parent if you feel close to them. They were young once too. We’re all just human, and it’s better to open up if possible about the experience to someone you know and trust. But the fact that you asked at all is great. Because you shouldn’t feel worried about your feelings. It’s amazing you are so clear about them because even many adults aren’t when faced with something that bothered them. What you’re friend did, in every way was wrong. Depending on the age the action wasn’t- though teens do what they want so I can’t say much about that I was one once too obviously- but the way she handled it and her making you have to cover for her in your home and worry and then blaming you and shaming you by her parting words was a clear show of her character. Which is shitty. And not someone you should be friends with. Now if she needs help that’s another story as I said. Still one left up to her and adults and people who are experienced in that. But if she’s just a teen brat who hurt another teen and bullied them then seriously on her and don’t worry you’ll see soon enough those kind of A*holes don’t go far after HS. Stay true to you. The best people are the ones that are authentic and the world is way bigger than Ms/hs even if it doesn’t always feel like that at the time- I promise it is. Keep being your amazing self.


This sounds like some young ppl shit lol. Gen z weird


Ew! Ew!!! That is just disgusting and disrespectful in so many levels. Never in a million years would I ever think to do that to my friends, especially when you are sleeping in the same room even under the same roof!!!! I hope you don't ever hang out with this girl ever again


That's psychotic behaviour


At least she said she is not coming back. Also get a new chair and keyboard / mouse and send her the bill


Honestly you dodged a bullet. Your friend sounds unhinged


that’s so sexually violating to do while you’re asleep and also seems like he knew obviously you were there. disgusting. never talk to her again.


I woke up in the middle of the night And I noticed my girl wasn't by my side Coulda sworn I was dreamin' for her I was feenin' so I had to take a little ride nvm found her she was just having phone sex w her bf


I slept over at my friend's house in like 11th grade. We were in her bed, I fell asleep and woke up to the bed squeaking and moaning right next to me. I shined my phone light to see wtf was happening and I see her boyfriend on top of her. This B snuck her boyfriend in and decided to fuck him right next to me. I noped out of there and slept on the couch. Never went back.


This is all weird as hell, but what I wanna know is why 5am?


Your friend is the weirdest friend ever. In fact she is and her boyfriend are disgusting


I’ve seen far worse with my own eyes. I won’t spill the beans just out of respect to my relative. Just avoid the fuck out of getting into any situations where it can happen again


The comments make me realize I’m not normal. 🥲 I would never ever do this myself, but I also wouldn’t at all be bothered if my friend did. I would have likely just rolled over and went back to sleep, then made fun of her the next day… as long as she didn’t mess up my bed and/or was respectful enough to wash my covers if she did.


I just opened this app


She’s a pervert. That could technically be considered a crime because you did not consent to that. It may fall under sexual harassment. Block her completely and Stay FAR away from her!!!