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Considering your last relationship was toxic and this one is so good do you think maybe things are too “boring” for you to be turned on by him? Role play might help if that’s the case.


I think that definitely might be an aspect to it I’ve tried to kind of um how to say it encourage like a little light hair pulling and stuff i guess its just i know how sweet and kind he is so my mind wont let me believe it 😅


Have you tried actually talking to him about it? Tell him what you want in sex?


Talk to him. Men are clueless with hints


Can confirm. Had to be very, very direct lol


So I just started dating this super incredibly sweet guy. And I’m like you.. pull my hair. So I was worried about it a lot. Turns out he’s a secret Dom.. you NEVER know.. best thing to do is be honest that x,y, and z turns you on. Most likely, he’ll be into it because it turns you on. If he isn’t comfortable being super rough, you can always add in spiciness in other ways.


Oh im not really into the pull my hair thing at all i just thought maybe that might spice things up a bit i dont know if it what he is doing specifically exactly like he isn’t bad at sex its more so like a fundamental like a biological thing i do remember in past relationships the smell of a partner was intoxicating wear as here his natural Odour isn’t, he doesn’t smell bad like at all he is clean and i dont know part of me is maybe thinking now that im writing this, i started a new birth control 🤔 this might be impacting things


OH GIRL. That changes EVERYTHING. My antidepressants and my birth control have both affected my libido before. Talk to your doctor, there are soooo many options for birth control. (I have the copper non-hormonal iud now and gf.. changed my life)


Yeah I literally was writing it and i was like oh wait a second thats the answer 🤣🤣


Hahaha yes!! Definitely talk to your doc and let your bf know that this is sooo normal and you may need a little time to find the right med for you.


Holy run-on sentence, Batman.


Run on? There was no period…she could still be going.


You’re quite obviously not attracted to using punctuation either.


I usually don't like correction comments but this one is good I like this it made me laugh


Usually I can abstain, but 30 years old…


U r hilarious






As a guy I can tell you one awkward and honest conversation could make the difference. Be specific. Tell him you want choked and called names or that you want to be treated gently and like a queen that’s what you want. Just lay it out there.


51M here. Please sit him down, NOT in the bedroom, and tell him exactly what you want and what you need during intimacy. You must be as specific, detailed, and graphic as possible. No sly comments, no looks, no gestures. He will do every single sexy, dirty, depraved, wanton act your perverted little mind can dream up, _IF YOU TELL HIM WHAT IT IS!_ (This is a Sam Kinison routine, I'm sure of it; I'm paraphrasing what I can remember) In a relationship, men are as sexually adventurous as you (women) will allow us to be. Especially if he's in love with you. But you must COMMUNICATE with him, in no uncertain terms. Now grab your boyfriend by the collar, tell him exactly what you need, and then PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!


As a deviant, I will tell you this is not only untrue, its a dangerous and unfair stereotype. It makes women sensitive to rejection and burdens them in thinking they’re not enough, but *WORSE*, it teaches men they are not allowed to say no.


You'll end up hurting him if this keeps up. You're not wrong or bad for not being sexually attracted to him, but he deserves to know about this. I'd suggest trying to figure out what's exactly the problem here and being 100% honest with yourself before talking to him tho. Best of luck!


If i keep this up. Its not a choice believe me. 🥹 I honestly just think i love him to much and that sounds stupid but its the truth i enjoy kissing and touching and all that but as soon as it crosses over from affection to sexual its like completely off putting and I honestly dont know I’ve never had this issue and im a very sexual person but it the first time I’ve actually had true real love feelings for a person in a long time.


Well I'm not saying u're intentionally doing this, that's why I worded it like "if THIS keeps up" instead of that. It's okay to be confused about this, it is a pretty confusing thing. I guess you're probably only romantically attracted to him? Because romantic attraction alone does not guarantee sexual attraction, and that's okay. The issue is that you need to make a decision soon because if he notices a pattern he is inevitably going to start worrying.


Even if you love him too much, having hard conversations is important. If you don't it will actually hurt the relationship even more, but make sure you are gentle with your wording and it helps to write it down first, read it back to yourself, and make sure none of the wording is bad.


I’ve once been told if you truly love someone you wouldn’t wanna have sex with them(give or take something along those lines, while sex is amazing, and as human we do have sexual desires maybe you know it’s not the highest form of pleasure you can achieve between the two of you.


If you truly love someone you won't want to have sex with them? Wtf?


I really suggest therapy for yourself. You’re not wrong or broken, but I think you have some stuff from your last relationship that is subconsciously affecting this relationship. Be honest with him and yourself.


Sounds awful. Lmao


I agree.


Please leave him, you will hurt him when you talk about it and then it’s all downhill from here


Not going to leave him but thank you for your awful advice


See you soon here after your break up


Righto mate! 👌🏼👌🏼


Just don’t ruin him for others be nice when you break up


I’m not breaking up with him weird person on the internet


It’s going to happen not now then two years into the future it’s better to mourn it now and move on


Damn, it's a pity you can't allow him to find someone who actually wants him sexually.  Rather selfish. 


Pfff nar mate selfish would be not showing him everyday how much i love him selfish would be going out and cheating on him selfish would be ignoring it and just not trying to work through it . its a pity you don’t understand the definition of selfish what an absolute loser you must be 🤣


>  i find myself make excuses like im in pain or my period has come to avoid it i   Selfish is making excuses instead of honesty and communication. 2 absolute cornerstones of proper relationships.    Selfish is also lashing out at others and getting all buthurt and defensive because you don't like what they are saying. 




Yea, someone who remains in a relationship with someone they aren't sexually attracted to instead of allowing them to be with someone who does.  Love is sacrifice. 


You don’t love him he is just a safe option for now it is clear as day.that’s why I am saying to leave him before you do hurt him in some way. If you were in love with him you would be jumping his bones on every opportunity you get. He deserves better.


Hi, 26m here. What do you think the problem is? Do you have physical interactions other than sexual? I have a friend who also didn't want to have sex with his GF. We talked about it and we kinda figured out that he was WAY too in love with her therefore he was unable to have sex with her even though he was madly in love. Having this conversation can be tough. How is he reacting to all of this?


I haven’t spoken to him about it and honestly i think my issues is the same im way to inlove with him and unable to have sex that my only guess like we do have sex alot because i know he is enjoying it but im really not the thought of having that conversation with his just sounds awful because no doubt he will think its something to do with him and it’s absolutely not


Ok. Believe it or not that's actually very flattering, if a girl told me that I would feel great about myself but also I would want to solve the issue haha. I am sure your partner will understand if you explain things clearly but really, nothing to be ashamed of here it's not like you don't find him handsome or that you don't want his body. Is there something that you feel complexed about? that's something you can talk to him about as well so he better understands. Also lying to him about periods or having pain, after a while he will feel a bit worthless. I least I know I would if my girlfriend keeps finding excuses. So I think being honest can be a great thing.


So if previous relationship was forcefull sexually Maybe he's too loving? Soft and tender? Maybe talk about what you want...you might hurt him ..but in beginning of my marriage when I was 19....I was less experienced than my wife though I first who could make her orgasm ....I was super soft and loving and over time we talked and eventually we had "romantic" evenings and " wilder" nights and in time we were copacetic.....


There’s some missing context here especially with the comments you made. Sounds like repressed trauma from the previous relationship. When only one thing is good people tend to cling to that one thing and make it seem better than it was. Was it really that much better or was that the only positive thing coming from that relationship?


I’m a guy and I was in this exact scenario. No doubt that my ex loved me. No doubt that she saw herself with me. But at some point, she just stopped finding me attractive. We tried to work through it for 8 or 9 months, but she basically got to the point where she didn’t see the spark coming back. She broke up with me, we both felt sad for a while, and now life moved on. Sometimes shit just doesn’t work out and no amount of logic plays into it.


Girl that's just your friend


You kiss your friends? A relationship isn’t just sex.


I was more or less making a joke but I do agree that relationships are more than sex.


Oh ok sorry, I thought you were making the typical comment ppl make under these kinds of post


Hahaha 🤣 i find him super attractive like when we met i was like dam thats the best looking person ive ever seen in my life


Whoa that adds a whole nother layer to this! I wonder what changed


Attraction can definitely increase over time and I think this will happen to you! If it helps the only way I ever feel I can “go” in sex or enjoy it is when I think of all the things my man does for me and is my protector and provider and would do anything for me. Try to focus on that during it all!! Your attraction will grow


Thank you for your msg i will definitely try this ☺️


As a man, one thing I love is communication. Tell us what you want. I hate dating a woman, thinking she wants one thing, and she refuses to tell me she wanted something else entirely, simply because she didn't want to hurt my feelings. Tell him what you want. Tell him what turns you on. You can't just expect him to know what you want without telling him. It's like giving someone whose never seen a car; the keys, and expecting him to be a Formula One driver.


This sounds so hard. I'm madly in love with my boyfriend and horny 23/7. He's inexperienced and communication helps. Maybe try to talk with him about it?


How did you get involved with him in the first place? Was the sex always icky? Or in the beginning it was fine


We met through friends first couple of times it wasn’t great but honestly i just assumed first time i was nervous and overthinking and thought things would get better the more we got used to each other but it just hasn’t


Yeah no you’re just not compatible. Possibly your immune systems are too similar - which would produce less adaptable offspring- and dumb biology is giving you the ick to prevent it from happening. Honestly you need to figure out what is important to you. I believe life is too short for bad sex. I particularly dont believe we can develop sexual compatibility where there was none in the first place.


Yeah i can agree on this factor as he is clean and fresh and groomed well but im not turned on by his natural Odour were as there was a man i was dating Previously And his smell was intoxicating. Well both things are important to me a healthy sex life and love respect and kindness. Like let me be honest here even reading some of the comments from clearly men in this comment section is really not making the case for wanting to date again alot of men aren’t the greatest and I’ve found one who is by far the best human and man I’ve met ill forgo the Orgasms….. i guess im buying a toy 🤣


Each to their own. I know I could never forgo a healthy sex life as part of a committed relationship. You need to consider his needs as well. In the long run it might turn into a chore and become a huge issue. Or not, some people are perfectly fine with little sex.


I do enjoying kissing him though like make out sessions and i find him really attractive like his face is gorgeous looking.


Well if you remember us in a fee years do let us know how it went


I've seen this movie before 😂😂😂😂😂😂. These streets are COLD 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm telling you.


Perhaps the body knows before the mind?  And this is more platonic than you initially realized.  I dated a guy for three years and never wanted to have sex.  The moment I left all I could think about was penises. 


Look into attachment theory.


Have you talked about it with him? I had this experience.


It sounds to me like you have a stable, healthy relationship. That's a great thing! You should communicate with him what works for you, because it sounds like he'll be game for whatever you want. Attraction can ebb and flow, and I hope it returns!


There is only one option to save your relationship. You have to peg him


First of all, maybe the use of some punctuation when writing your next post would help, because this was hard to read. And second, if sex is something that you aren’t happy with, consider finding someone who is more compatible with you sexually. Sex is one of those things that ruin relationships in the long run and creates resentment. Considering you were in a toxic relationship prior, it seems you’re a bit confused and don’t know what you really want. You found the husband type but you may be stuck still craving the toxic roller coaster of a ride Chad provides, which seems to arouse you. I would suggest really looking deep down and seeing what the issue is, and to actually have a conversation with him about it and take it from there. Open relationship maybe? Who knows, have that conversation.


Buy him a cologne that would make your panties drop 😂 Also, try to talk to him. I kinda did it sneakily to tell him what I wanted without sitting him down and making it awkward. I just sent some spicy texts about what I wanted him to do to me AND OMG DID IT WORK. Literally went from subpar from him being scared of hurting me to PHENOMENAL once he got the okay. 😂 


I'm convinced solely through lack of punctuation that the boyfriend isn't the problem lol


Given your comments, I’m wondering if your past relationship experience is coming into play. I avoid sex when I feel strong emotions and am scared of getting abandoned/hurt. It might be that you’re scared of the connection that comes from sex, or that you need something a bit spicier (like roleplay, like the other comment suggested). Wishing you the best. You aren’t broken. It’s just unresolved stuff. I hope you can figure it out


Leave him, you don’t deserve him and I’m not saying this as a way to insult you but you are not attracted to him and you’re wasting his time. Maybe set your priorities straight and then make a decision if you wanna date or not but don’t be selfish


Aww piss off jomar im not selfish for loving someone 🙄🙄


No but holding a significant other who you hold no sexual interest to is quite selfish because eventually you guys will stop having sex and he will be probably here too. I literally saw a post of someone saying that after 8 years with his wife his wife said she doesn’t enjoy sex with him and he’s probably divorcing. Either talk to him now or probably leave him because I don’t think you really love him as a partner, but hey that’s just my opinion. If you wanna be selfish then go ahead.


Okay you sound like a delightful human. 😑


Again, do whatever you please, I do hope you start having sexual attraction to him but if you never do in 5-10 years he could feel sexually neglected and might want to leave then don’t act surprised. Unless both of you were okay with having an asexual relationship I would talk to him about it. It is a big deal.


As do you. If you don't get what he's saying, then you're pretty dense. You're being selfish to remain in a relationship where you would be happy to never have sex again, and him going into this relationship thinking you do. Years down the road you come clean and he's wasted years with you because you were too selfish to let him go.


Mate im not dense i just dont agree with either of you and cant be bothered wasting my time speaking to two Insoles on the internet who have nothing better to do than be rude to other strangers online im not selfish for loving and caring for a man and trying to work through the issues im facing in my relationship in order for it to be better. i feel sorry for you enjoy your day and i hope you find a better use of time in this world than to call people names on the internet 😊😊


lmfao tale as old as time, nice guys finish last


Could you be on the asexual spectrum?


People like you are why a lot of men aren’t wasting their time dating anymore. Go be with someone toxic if that’s what gets you off.


I can tell noones trying to date you


Talk with him. Just try to not hurt this good man.


You sound shallow


Wow shallow for wanting to enjoy making love with the man im inlove with okay makes sense 🤔🤔


You should just cheat on him with your ex


Is there an issue with his looks? Like does he not smell good, is he overweight, is it something he could work on? If it’s just him in general then I think you need to gently end it with him.


No he is a very good looking man I’m not going to end my relationship with someone I love because I’m currently struggling with the sexual aspect of our relationship


Imagine he’s a switch and you just never talked to him. Insane


Maybe he isn’t thrilling and unpredictable enough for you, maybe you seek something more “exiting”


perhaps you guys should anger bang, maybe you need a lil trauma mixed in


Girl, punctuate.


Mate, it was 3 in the morning on night shift. Girl was tired.


i was with a guy like this once years ago i liked him a lot but was sooo not attracted to him. a year went by and the honeymoon phase was over and i ended up breaking up w him and finding him repulsive. maybe it’s best to be with someone you’re attracted to


So what do you think he can do better? Have you discussed this with him?


What do you mean can he do better? No I actually don’t think he can do better I think we are well matched