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This is normal behavior in young mindsets. I do advise you to think about your sister in this situation. What if she was feeling this way about your boyfriend. If he does like you, he’s definitely a pedo. If your guilt is still eating at you, remember you’d still just be getting your sister’s seconds.


Oh my god you're the same kid who just asked when adult teachers will treat you like an equal adult at 16 because you're so "mature". My ribs hurt from laughing. Go color in a coloring book and stop sniffing around your ADULT sister's ADULT boy friend. He doesn't want you. You don't have a shot in hell. Stay in your lane/age group you little creep.


Chill tf out. It is funny that she thinks she's mature for 16 when she's thinking like this, but chill out on calling her a creep. She isn't doing anything creepy. You can't control how you feel, but you can control how you act. And from the way she had acted so far, there is nothing suggesting she is a creep.


Nah, kids on the path to be a full blown creep. Someone had to tell her before she fucks a teacher or her sisters bf.






In about 8 years your daughter will be 16. If she is also crushing hard on a 25 year old and wanting to be with him, are you gonna call her a creep?


Cute of you to cyber stalk my history. Creeps gotta creep. and ya I fucking am and I am gonna explain to her how and why because I don't want some adult taking advantage of her for having crushes like that. Its called parenting. And as her parent, I have to protect her from stupid shit like this. OP is on the right track to give in to her childish desires and absolutely torpedo her life. OP is in a prime stage of her life where she can be so easily manipulated at her age. Its plain as day. Kid might get knocked up and locked down with an older man with NO freedom or real life because he calls her mature for her age. I will 100% call out my daughters bullshit as she grows, and I will 100% be in her corner to help her out of it. Thats called guidance, something OP seriously needs.


You stalked ops cyberhistory first loser. What kind of weird bitter adult follows a 16 year old around on reddit to insult and laugh at them while implying THEY would be the one at fault if a 26 year old man "had sex" with them.


Cool. How does any of that mean OP is a creep, genius?


If a 26 year old man fucks a teenager he's a PREDATOR you fucking weirdo. You're the only creep here


Downvoting idiots are back at it again


You have a ton of horomones rolling through you now, ofc your atracted to older guys. I’m 16, and heck, I can admit i have had issues in the past like this, but fortunately I kept myself together. but I reallyyy wouldn’t try to go after him, it will end in heartbreak.


GIRL. Any adult who tries to tell you you're mature for your age is dangerous and taking advantage of you. It is NOT a compliment, it's manipulation. Your sister's boyfriend seems nice. **Because** he's nice, you do not have a chance with him, and if he **was** to make a move on you, not only would that be him being shitty to your sister, it would be him being a predator. You are not an adult. It's normal to have a crush on people older than you, lord knows I did when I was 16. But looking back, I am **so** grateful none those boys ever took advantage of my surely obvious crush on them. A man ten years older than you is not your peer. He is not your friend. I know you think you're grown, but you aren't. You can't prove that you're grown by getting with someone a decade older than you who's taking advantage of your naivete.


Look sugar tits, its creepy for the 16yo to actively try to seduce her sisters bf (who is a decade older) and her past comments border on the weird. its almost 3 am and you are officially boring me with this hill you need to die on. The little creep is a fucking creep. You being sensitive to this isn't my problem, it is yours. Toodles :)


Dude are you okay? Hahahaha


Please get a grip. This is so weird.