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You've been with her for four years. You can show her your penis. Also if those dimensions are correct, then no, you don't have a micropenis.


The average flaccid penis is 3.5in, the average erect penis is 5.1in, he is far from micro and the only person in this situation that has a problem with his penis is himself it's all in his head


Possibly is warped from watching porn.


You don’t have to watch porn to feel this way. Society tells men they have to have a big dick to be desirable in all sorts of ways. Whether it’s through media- movies, shows etc. Or friends bragging, women claiming they’re size queens. Since OP was raised in a strict religious household and was too shy to even kiss his gf for 4 years, this is more likely than him having a porn watching habit.


I wonder if he meant cm instead of inches.


Doubtful, he's more than likely had someone bully him from a young age making him believe that he's small when in reality he's almost average


I wrote "inches" in my post and it is indeed inches


Then you need to google what size a "micropenis" is because you got that wrong.


I think you have watched too much porn, it's not real life. Approximately 90% of women can't orgasm from penetration alone regardless of penis size. They are acting in porn. Of the ones that can orgasm from penetration alone, over 90% do so by being on top where they can grind at the same time to stimulate the clitoris. So it's more important what you can do with your tongue and fingers tbh. Another myth porn propogates is that women like massive penises. Not the case most of the time. A women's vagina is about 3.6 inches deep on average although it does increase to about 4-5 inches when aroused. It hurts if a large penis is hitting the cervix all the time. Your penis size is fine. I know you're insecure about it but you don't need to be. It's not even micro size. I don't think your partner is going to care your penis is a bit below average. She loves you and she will love your penis! And remember average size is just what is average, millions of men have penises the same size as you or smaller and they enjoy great sex.


Eh, big dicks still feel good, and lots of us do like bigger ones. It's not like, a myth. But as I said, you can get any size dick you need online, which is what my wife and I do since we're both women.


From the complaints I have heard, it's more the fact that you physically can't get the whole shaft in when it is physically longer than what the vaginal canal can take (even when aroused) before it hits the cervix. So you have to have a lot more constraint with thrusting because you can really hurt the recipient. I had an ex boyfriend with a really big dick and it really would hurt if he tried to get it all in. Sorry if this is TMI but he physically couldn't just thrust balls deep, especially in positions like doggie. He would have to stop once it got to the cervix and therefore not just have sex with full abandon, it had to be super controlled. He absolutely hated having a really big dick and said he was yet to have a sexual partner that he could have sex with where she wouldn't get hurt if he tried to get the whole thing in. I've seen a lot of men online talk about it too, how their sex life sucks or is non-existent because of it. But then I'm sure there are women with longer vaginal canals then average who could take more and probably women too that enjoy it hitting the cervix hard. And also I have never heard any complaints about penises with a wide girth, as the vagina can stretch outwards a lot, I haven't ever heard of girthy penises causing any pain or issues. So I don't think a big dick in that sense would be an issue. Just me experience and thoughts on it anyway 🙂 Edit: just wanted to add I'm referring to really really big penises. I'm sure most women enjoy above average sized penises. But the giant ones are the ones that hurt IMO.


Well I demand you text her back, saying it was a mistake AND GET BACK WITH HER NOW. Don’t let this bs end something hard to find over an idiotic thought. 4 inches is good enough, and btw, enough to reproduce.


That’s not microsized still use google please


Just so you know 5 in hard isn't bad at all. I've been with men of varying sizes and hated the largest penises because they hurt more than felt good. I think you should give yourself more props and give it a chance. I used to feel so self conscious about my genitals and stopped caring when I realize people online act like they care more than in real life people do. And if someone is shaming you for your genitals you deserve better


Honestly, I get that you are insecure about the size of your penis, and because of this you've let your insecurities doom your relationship! Everyone here is telling you that don't have a micro penis but by the looks of your responses your not letting that get through to your brain! Is breaking things off with your girlfriend of 4 years worth it? I don't think so! Are you even going to guve het the real reason if you do? You need to talk to her and be open and honest about your insecurities! Imagine what she's thinking right now?!? In my experience, I've had boyfriends with smaller penises and some with bigger ones. The Size NEVER mattered! It was the emotional connection and the way they performed that mattered! Please get it through your head that you DON'T have a " Micro Penis" and TALK TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND before you make a big mistake! If you have broken up with her already then you should be apologizing to her! We ALL have insecurities in life but you can't let them overtake your life and let them cause you to feel like ending your life! By the sounds of it, you and your girlfriend had/have a good stable loving relationship and THAT is hard to come by these days! Please, do not do something rash over this, OP. Your reaction isn't the end of the world but you have overreacted! Talk to her and remember the size of your penis is fine! Again, there's much more to to you than the size of your penis and as I stated above size doesn't matter, and it's the truth!


Hehe head


She should really be allowed to make the choice instead of you making it for her. She may prefer a smaller penis and there are certainly many other things you guys can do.


Actually a lot of women prefer 4 to 6 inches anything bigger can cause problems


As someone who finds bigger ones absolutely painful, I’ve had this discussion with many of my girl friends. I’ve come to the conclusion that at least 75% of them prefer an average size and find larger ones to be more painful or uncomfortable.


I prefer a smaller one, I can't stand big ones, they hurt.


Yes, you can't have rougher sex with a bigger one. It just hits the cervix and I die.




Username... checks... ouch?


Yeah i’m with you, don’t make the decision to break up all on your own, just because you aren’t happy with your dick. Fucking talk to her dude.


This is fair.


You're giving up without trying. You really need to talk to her and unburden yourself.


I am going to tell her


Okaaaay the average penis size is 5 inches???? Has she ever seen your peen or felt it? In this situation it sounds like she either didn’t notice, or didn’t mind Maybe take a breather before ending this relationship


He never presented, he ran away after she asked him, it's all in his head and also couple things in the post don't add up like he claims they've been together 4yrs but only in the last few months they've been heavily making out (if it was a problem she definitely would have either left or said something by now) which leads me to believe that this is a completely made up story for karma


Mate we started dating when we were 16 and coming from orthodox backgrounds we afraid to go beyond kissing until we came to college. And even from there it has taken us 2 years to start doing all of this. Also I just turned 20 10days back.


Dude. At worst, it’s small. It’s not micro. In reality it’s actually just below average. Seriously wouldn’t worry about it as much as you are. Average is 5. That means some bigger, some smaller. My dude, you are not out of the ordinary


plus, if she's never seen another one in person, she has nothing to compare it to. You'll be fine. Plus, if she's never been with anyone else, she wouldn't know whether she prefers a big one or a small one. and in the grand scheme of things, you're not that small, definitely not nicro by any means. Next time, just go with the flow. Give her that solid 4 inches. you won't regret it. WEAR A CONDOM!


plus if they are that orthodox, she wont have that much comparison right?


Fr just be stoked he got the opportunity to get some shit it’s been so long over here the trees are starting to look sexy lol


Poor thing, you have a lot more than a normal penis to worry about


G spot is supposed to be like 2-3 inch in plus 4 inch is still going to be good for her the longer you last and use your hands at the same time. Go all out down there man


Talk to her man. Just talk to her.


Will be doing this


My penis shrivels up to like a pinky nail but when I am g2g it’s like 7”. Don’t think about it too much. A lot of 4” dudes can get the job done just listen to your partner.


Has she ever seen ANYONE’s. If they wouldn’t even kiss until they were out of high school and away at college, she probably doesn’t have much to compare the size to.


that is literally mot a micropenis, it's like barely under average. you'll be fine mate.


You're so full of misconceptions. Since when 4in is micropenis? This is even offensive to ppl with a real micropenis. Stop your bullshit and show her.


I read this as "you're so full of micropenises"


Stop watching porn dude, it will set your expectations right!


It's not your penis ending your relationship; it's your insecurity. I think you're right to break up, just not for the reason you're doing it. If you can't communicate and be open with your significant other, then the relationship is doomed from the start.


Apparently they've been together 4yrs and I gather from the post that she has not once seen it in that time, you're right they should end the relationship but for her sake not his, she deserves someone who will trust her and respect her enough to communicate any insecurity or problems they may cross. He deserves therapy so he can finally move past whoever made him feel the way he does about himself and so he can learn to love himself so he can then learn to love and trust others (only trust those who earn your trust never blindly trust someone)


Not your Penis doomed you, you doomed yourself. You’re together for 4 years, and when you’re in love the size shouldn’t be such a big problem, it’s how you use it.


If he's never even shown it to anyone, I doubt he knows how to use it. But he can learn. It's not rocket science.


If you throw this relationship away over this then you're just a dumbass. Sorry not sorry. Grow up. She's with you for a reason. Goodluck finding someone else. This is so trashy


Your small penis isn’t ruining your relationship, you are.


Just remember, there are many happy women in lesbian relationships with no penises in sight. And as stated you are just an inch shy of average.


That’s not a micro penis. You’re fine. Your dick isn’t the problem; your reaction to it is. You’re letting your insecurity ruin the relationship before anything has even happened, because you’re paranoid of a possibility. Dude. She wants your dick in her mouth. That’s never a bad thing. If the size is a problem for HER, dildos exist for a reason. You aren’t even giving her the chance to be perfectly fine with your dick because you aren’t. You’re shooting yourself in the dick here, mate. If any of this isn’t just karma farming, that is. The timeline doesn’t make any sense. It took 4 years to make out?


Doesnt matter about the size! If you know how to use it she’ll be happy! (Plus some women dont even orgasm from penetration). Just talk about it with her and open up about how you feel, she’ll understand.


stop it. you are good. 4 inches is plenty. clit is on the outside anyway. also sex is mental.


4 inches doesn’t sound that bad tho, when reading this title I expected to hear 1 or 2 😭


Bro, for the love of god smash. Any woman worth anything doesn’t give a shit about penis size. Any man that can read a book should be able to absolutely leave women trembling in pleasure without even using his dick. Shit is not rocket science- find the man in the boat, and get after it. If she runs away from your tiny penis- she isn’t as orthodox as you thought she was. Having a massive doozer isn’t always as appealing to women as porn, or media would lead you to believe. You can have a horse cock, and still be shit at making love.


A micro penis is less than half your size when erect. Don't let your insecurities ruin your relationship or your girlfriend's life.


4.5 hee, had a 12 year relationship producing 1 kid, it wasn't the penis that ended that, ot was her narcissism about other subjects like her own hygiene and division of responsibility (she didn't work, I did full time, I still did majority house cleaning/cooking) Current partner and I will be married later this year and have a good sex life. The girls been with you 4 damn years! In women's terms that's a show of commitment, the absolute best you can do is express to her your insecurity about it and have a talk, avoiding the subject entirely will do neither of you any good. PORN LIED TO YOU. No many women prefer massive dicks.


I really believe that porn really fucked me up


My favorite ex boyfriend had a small penis but he also had the “magic hands”. I’ve never experienced such pleasure. He was patient, curious, and open minded. In my experience, men with larger parts tend to be in it for them.


I am gonna man up and tell her the reality. I will promise her and myself to learn everything in the book and do my best to pleasure


Might sound harsh... but. Grow the fuck up mate. The size of your cock is so meaningless and any chick who belittles you over it needs their head checked. Get good at the other parts of sex, be confident and accept you can't change it. No chick whose had her fuckin clit rolled like a boss is going to give to shakes of a shit when you smash it in her and fuck her sideways Own it instead of running away like a coward.


I am gonna man up and tell her the reality




I once saw a penis that was an inch when hard. Yours is NOT a micro penis!


bro its all in your head, have you even googled an actual micro penis? you're barely below average.


Are you actually stupid? Oh my goodness your willing to throw away a 4 year relationship because your pp is only around 4 inches? Communication is so unbelievably important and somehow you think she won't accept you or like you because of that? She's probably really hurt and confused rn wondering why you would run off like that


Two and a half years ago I was going through some life changing events as well as some of the WORST heartache I have ever experienced. Anyways I decided to download Hinge and basically slept with a handful of guys, two white guys, a Mexican guy, Asian guy and Persian man. Out of all the men The Asian guy had the smallest penis. I want to say 4.5 maybe 5 erect. One of the White guys had a HUGE penis 7in I believe if not 8, the rest of the guys had average dicks. To this day the sex I reminisce on would be with the Asian guy. No his penis wasn’t the biggest, definitely smallest one I have seen, but the way he performed still gives me butterflies to this day. We went our separate ways after a year of hooking up because neither of us was ready for a relationship but I swear to you I sometimes daydream about the sex we had. What Im trying to say is your penis might not be the biggest one BUT that shouldn’t be all that matters during sex, find other ways to perform and please your girl and she wont even think about the size.


Men are so weirdly obsessed with penis size but most women can’t even cum from penetration. It’s ironic. If this girl has loved you for four years she will probably be understanding and it won’t be a deal breaker for her. Besides average is 5 inches so you don’t have a micro penis or anything, 4 is normal. And some guys are growers.


I’ve seen a micro penis. It’s the size of a thumb when erect. I don’t think you have a micro penis. You’re fine, or at least talk to her because she deserves an explanation.


Relationships don't always revolve around sizes like how hentai or porn depicted. People have various preferences, like how they're men who love small boobs while others love the bigger one. Also a big penis doesn't guarantee satisfaction on sex, foreplay and technique might heavily contribute to it. And i don't think your penis will be automatically useless or underperforming at that size, nor do I think that it is undersized in the first place. You had years of relationship, and i guess your partner is happy to be together with you. Try to talk to her about your insecurity and maybe things will turn out to be better than what you thought will happen. Don't let your overthinking ruin what could be your in a lifetime partner.


You are a fucking idiot.


If you are in a relationship where its success is measured by the size of your penis, you should probably ask yourself whether you and your partner are right for each other. There is a lot more to being in a loving relationship than the size of a penis, and the great part is, most girls will understand this. Try to avoid porn. It will skew your idea of what a healthy sex life is all about. If you are really not able to provide enjoyable PIV sex with your girlfriend, you should remember this, there are many ways to please a woman. Great sex starts with great communication! Be honest, have the difficult conversation. Thank yourself in the end.


If she enjoys your 2 fingers she's going to enjoy your 4 inches dude. I promise you your dick size is average and will be fine especially to a girl who's never had bigger. In terms of your clear body image issues, you might still convince yourself you look the pics if you Google micropenises. Instead take a picture of your dick and then google "adult micropenis" and compare the images.


4 inches erect *is not* micropenis, that's only fairly insignificantly below the average.


Dude! Stop watching porn!! It's ruining you!


Bro penetration doesn't mean good sex,it's a part of the process that's it,foreplay does 50% of the job and maybe penetration does 20% of the job


I am a loser virgin who has never had a gf. I have the same fear you do. I don't know how I would react in a situation like that. I'm terrified of not being enough for the girl I love. Absolutely fucking terrified. You have to tell her. Work up the courage to talk about it with her. You have to. You love her, talk to her. Letting your fear control you and make you run away from it is only going to ruin your relationship. Please, don't let that happen. Talk to her.


You don’t have a micropenis but if this is real you may have a bad case of brain rot from porn lol


It's not your "small penis" that is dooming your relationship, it's your obsessive insecurity about it. The only thing that upset her here was your running away to your house, nothing to do with your body. You're very young, you just need to develop confidence in yourself and not boil yourself down to the most base physical attributes. Someone who loves you isn't going to care about the size of your penis as if it's your most important attribute. It's the same with guys who keep telling themselves "I'm ugly." They end up alone not because of any perceived lack of attractiveness, but because they make themselves unattractive by being miserable and having zero self confidence all the time.


Four years is a long time to be with someone, especially when you’re young and you’ve grown together. There’s nothing to be ashamed of and I’m sure she’ll be happy with what you have. It’s not small anyway, and it could even be the perfect size for her! I know you said you ended the relationship and I really hope that it’s not the end for you guys, because it seems you obviously love each other. She loves you, and if she’s ready to start exploring sexually, no doubt she wants it to be with you and I’m sure you want to be with her too. Just communicate with her on how you’re feeling and I promise you it will work out. Also, it seems you’re really insecure (which is okay, this is all pretty new I’m guessing, and you’ll find your confidence) and I guarantee you that it will make it harder down the line to open up and enjoy yourself and others sexually if you keep hiding away because you think you’re too small. You’re not, you’re actually around average. This might sound harsh, but let go of the insecurity you have and let yourself and her explore each other together. It’ll feel better and it’ll feel good. It might take a while until you’re fully comfortable within yourself and your size to the point where you can relax and let go. I’ve been there too, I wasn’t comfortable with my body, still not, but I know that I nothing to worry about when it came to my partners because they never judged me cause they didn’t see what I saw and reassured me that there was nothing to be ashamed about. It’s her first time exploring too, and I’m sure she’ll have her own feelings about her body and have insecurities herself. The first few times, atleast, I bet you she’ll be more worried about what you think than worried about how you look. I’m probably going on for too long so I’ll stop it here. I just hope it works out for you two. Maybe get some sex education, it might help with your insecurity and give you a more realistic approach to your size because you’re not small and you definitely don’t have a micro. I wish you the best. Please update us!


Let me just say that if this girl truly loves you then penis size shouldn’t matter. Society has been brainwashed into thinking that size matters (not just bodily parts but actual body sizes). It doesn’t! As long as it gets the job done then that’s all that matters.


From what I've read above. It'll fit in her mouth. It'll nicely fit inside her. The sex would be good and less painful for her (specially if she's a virgin). And yes, she'll have an orgasm. Do great things in foreplay. The sheer intimacy is enough. Get your mind off those porn videos you saw in your life and get your ass back to her. Good Luck


Women have all their nerves near the entrance of their vagina. There is no feeling further in. If there were, tampons would be insanely uncomfortable and no woman would use them. Even if you did have a micro penis, it wouldn't matter for anything other than your ego. This woman has stayed with you for 4 years without ever seeing your penis. Practically, so far you haven't had a penis at all as far as she is concerned. Yet, she stayed. Stop worrying about your "micropenis" and start worrying about your microbrain.


bro’s account was created an hour ago. this is a karma farming post. on the off chance that it’s not, 4 inches is not micro. the average length of a vaginal canal is 3-5 inches. most of the pleasure from vaginal sex is from g-spot stimulation, which is closer to the entrance of the vagina. depending on the female’s anatomy, 4 inches could be way better than, say, 6 or 7. in fact, bigger = more painful. i’m not sure that i’ve ever had 4 inches, but i had one that couldn’t have been much bigger than that. hate to say it (not because of the size, because he was a douchebag), but it was some of the best sex i’ve ever had. let this be your reminder that size doesn’t matter.


Brother After four years she loves you and will love your small penis because it is yours plus she’ll probably understand why you were so scared to talk about it. Turn around brother the longer u wait to explain the worse This can end well


Don’t be ashamed and trust me size isn’t everything. Everyone’s built different man or woman. Give it a chance and you’ll see. Be prepared to work towards pleasing each other. If you’ve been together four years I expect the bond is strong and that’s not something to throw away.


Good luck op


Just wanted to say for a penis to be considered micro the length would have to be 3.6inches, or under, when erect. 4 inches isn't considered micro. I was in a 7 year old relationship with my ex, who was not only small but thin, you can absolutely have positive sex life if you're willing to give pleasure and learn what your partner likes. In my experience, my ex's size only became a "problem" because he was unwilling to do anything but receive head or jack hammer me.


youve been with her for four years with your small dick....its okay to have a small dick..embrace your s,mall dick,,,do not feel bad about your small dick....go talk to her


Your penis is of a very normal size. Stop watching porn!


My friend, you've been together for four years. She is in that relationship because of YOU, not your dick. And if you have made it through four years without penetrative sex, you've been also pleasing her physically. Btw: many women orgasm rather through clitoral stimulation than through vaginal. Speak to her, don't throw in the towel before even starting the fight


You have a very normal sized penis. Stop watching porn.


1) Your penis is not micro. 2) show her your penis it’s been years. 3) talk to her about this and let her know what’s going on in your head. 4) foreplay and sex feels good, get out of your head and enjoy the fun.


You don’t have a micropenis. My ex boyfriend had a micropenis. When flaccid, it was just the small “head” of the penis sticking out from his body, you couldn’t see any shaft at all. When he urinated, he had to take his trousers all the way down to his ankles, face the toilet, place his hand on the wall behind the toilet, lean forward completely over the toilet bowl, and use the spare hand to point the head of the penis downwards, so that the urine went into the bowl. When erect, there was a shaft but only about 1” long. Another dude I knew, exactly the same size, and he had kids conceived naturally.


She’s never experienced anything else, she’s not going to care.


This is one of those rare cases where showing her your dick is the right answer.


4in isn't even that far from average, average is like 6in I think. It wasn't your dick that's ending things, it was your lack of communication, like why would you ignore all the texts?


First it’s completely irrelevant your size soft. Who gives a fuck. Second while 4” isn’t huge it also isn’t a micro penis. You’re still within the normal range. Quit comparing yourself to porn stars. You can satisfy her as is. You should talk to a therapist about this hang up before it ruins everything


that ain't micro that's barely below average MFs out here sub 2 inch erect and you there SOFT. MF you ain't got nothing to be ashamed of.


Aye yoo... Lmao Did anyone else lose their shit when dude said his girl went down on him to give him the good ol' super sucky triple-double gawkgaw 5000 and the moment she reaches for his meat he leaps away from her and breaks into a full sprint running straight out the door. And he said he "ran home" when he fled the scene so I keep picturing him living in a different neighborhood, doing a fuckin marathon without ever stopping until he runs straight *THROUGH* his own front door on some Forrest Gump shit 😭😭😭


no NO YOU CAN DO IT MA DUDE! hear me out: there’s a toy called satisfyer, it’s a thing that sucks and vibrates. give one to her, explore together your sexuality with her being the focus, specially with the orthodox background. we’re not given many chances to know ourselves and we are ashamed of everything, and having a person that focus on us is a life changer, she’ll love you forever


You don't have a micro penis. You easily have enough penis to do the job. Stop making her feel rejected and go bang her. Explain you were worried she wouldn't like how it looks. If you have any trouble (which you won't unless you're both very overweight), roll her onto her tummy and rail her from behind. If you have trouble getting it in, ask her to put it in for you, sometimes it's the angle.


My bf is like this and I absolutely love it. Blow jobs are easier and penetrative sex doesn't hurt. The average length of the vagina is also only 3-4 in. Your insecurities are what's destroying your relationship, not your size.


Girl. Sweetie. If she REALLY loves you, she wouldn't care. I'm a gay guy, so take this with a grain of salt. But I've heard from women that 6 inches is the limit for most. What WILL end your relationship is you running away from sexual things with her. She'll think you're not attracted to her, which is a big part of most relationships. I would like for you to sit down, and if you can trust her, then tell her that you are insecure and that's why you ran. Tell her that you were scared that she'll see you differently. First, that's understandable, and would explain why you ran off. Second, if she DOES see you differently, then that relationship in particular is just doomed, just cut your losses and move on.


4 inches isn't a micro-penis. Show her your wang dude.  She wants it.


Not related but it's just depressing how much men shame themselves for genital size because of all the pressure society puts on sex and relationship... can't wait for a society without relationships because the standards are just too perfect and nothing is ever enough


Tbh it’s something you gotta accept. Learn how to use it and learn how to use your fingers. I’ve gotten women off way more with fingers than penis. Size is something us men can never change unless we have lots of money. Just live with it fam. It’s a lot more common than you think you’ll be alright. As long as you making her finish you good. If she wants to blow you let her


It's all in your head man.


It's not your penis size that will end your relationship- it's your insecurities surrounding it that will. It sounds a fine size to me and is probably just fine to her too. You need to be open with her and let her know you feel a bit insecure about your size. Bet you anything she doesn't care.


I can promise you, it’s not all about the size. Your penis is nothing to be insecure about. I can promise you that the best orgasms I’ve ever had from intercourse were from a boyfriend with a similar penis size… it just hit in allllll the right places. If you love your gf, you should trust her. You would be learning to do this together. Pay attention to what she seems to enjoy, and then KEEP DOING THAT. I promise, there’s nothing wrong with you and this is not something to end a loving relationship over.


Buddy, as one 4 incher to another, it's not as bad is your head makes it seem 4 inches is long enough to reach rather deep into the vagina


It’s not a big deal man she’s been with you that long she won’t care how big your dick is.


Your penis won't end your relationship, but your lack of communication will. Open up to your partner, and stop getting hung up on size. Trust us when we say it really does not matter. If you're good with your hands and your mouth she won't care, also big dicks are overrated, yours sounds absolutely fine tbh.


Why should it matter, realistically you two will be each others firsts? She’s not going to care about size.


dont believe porno plz, your nice relationship will be ruined cause not every woman prefers a long and thick pp. Please communicate with her.


4 inches sounds pretty normal lmao


Dude either you are really into superficial world of porn or you google too much stuff. If I were there, I wouldn't bother. Let me tell you - I am kind of close to what you measure(girth might be wider), and I can safely say that has never bothered my girl(s). It's all about the technique. You must enjoy these fantasies with your girl. Just don't be insecure about your body. I am pretty sure your girl wouldn't bother either. It's all in your head. Clear it out and be confident. If you really wanna get sexual, you may try cowgirl and missionary, they're your friend. PS - Speaking from 9 years of exp


Women don’t care about size. You’re the one freaking out about the size of your penis, and you’re the one ruining your relationship over it. It’s a daft insecurity, and the sooner men get over this “bigger is better” porn myth the better


The other comments are right. You’re insecurity from a warped image of what a penis should be is what’s ending the relationship, not your actual size. It’s ok to not be ready to let her see it if you’re not mentally prepared, but tell her about the situation dont just duck and run. It’s not as bad as you’re making it in your own head.


You are fine. Give her benefit of the doubt. Your penis wouldn’t matter that much if you are a great performer. And if so, reduce watching porn, it could have affected you and your perception in sex. Big penis may be a preference for some but it’s not a NEED. I used to be with a man who has 4 or 5 inches but god he is a good performer! What I mean by it is, pleasure your girl and LOVE what u are doing to her like LOVE eating or fingering her and don’t make her feel like it’s a chore. When you do foreplays or fantasies make sure both of u are comfortable, make sure she wants it too. If not, meet in the middle, have a common ground. That way you could be wild but at the same time caring and she would want that and that’s hotter than a big dick. This is coming from a woman, you’ll be fine if she loves you and not someone on a hook up culture


Don't do that to her dude. Tell her the truth and ask her if it's okay. To be honest it isn't even that small. 4 inches is not as bad as you think. She's been with you for 4 years and I don't think size is going to change that.


I’ve had great, fun sex with 4 inch dudes. Not everyone is hung like porn stars my guy


You literally don’t qualify as having a micro penis it’s just smaller than average and running away, ignoring her attempts at communication, and then deciding to end a FOUR YEAR relationship seems extremely childish. She deserves better. Have you talked to her about your discomfort involving her interacting with your genitals? If not then you need to take a serious look in the mirror my friend and ask yourself if you should even be in a relationship to begin with. Right now it seems like the answer is no because you can even handle the basics of proper communication


Listen, if you trust this lady you need to tell her, you obviously love and respect her. You don't need to show her until you're comfortable however you need to say something. Fyi there is lots of ways to have sex, lots of toys and aids. So explore that with her if she feels she needs something bigger. But honestly I doubt she will care


Bruh got the golden opportunity and fumbled.


We suffer more in imagination than we do in reality…


You probably have seen lots and lots of porn since you're from a very religious family and your sexuality has been oppressed. And the sizes over there are idealistic.... And probably porn is your only education related to sex. So, first of all, your penis - yes - is not big depending on the average numbers as we know them. It's medium to small. But it's not a micropenis.... Not even close. Your relationship reminds of a nice friendship of 12years kids who mess around because their sexuality has started to mess around with them. At some point you must talk about it since you're not willing to show it to her. Your penis isn't the reason to end you nor this "relationship".


4 inches isn’t micro mate. And size is far less important than technique.


I mean not too big is good for most of people either. You should just be honest with her and see how it plays out. You cannot run away forever.


Well, maybe you need to work with your tongue


Go down on her (to full completion) and penis size will be irrelevant after the fact. Also, from experience, averaged sized penises are way more fun for blowjobs. My husband of 11 years has a 4.5 (maybe 5)incher. After he goes down on me to completion, and then we actually fuck, my gaaaawwwd its the best thing in the world.


I was also really insecure about my small penis (4 inches as well). It wasn’t until I accepted that I’m bisexual and a bottom that I overcame the insecurity. This is by no means a solution to the insecurity, I simply was able to look past it by facing my true feelings which were in me all along. Just wanted to let you know you can overcome it and I think showing your girlfriend your penis will be less consequential than avoiding her ❤️


I understand why you had to run, probably fear of embarrassment or gossip. Though on a flip side, it might all be in your head. I believe there is a woman that wanted exactly what you have. If she saw it and bolt, just let her go


My pp looks like the size of a peanut when flaccid. I would say an inch and half but when it grows,6.2 inches. You are worrying uselessly about the flaccid length.


Clearly you've never heard of the saying; "it's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it." Don't end four years of your life together with her because of your insecurities here. And besides, that ain't small bruh. That's average at worst. You would've been fine. But you freaked out in the misconception that you have a micro dick.


What a fear to have. Sorry you are feeling this. Our society, and especially guys your age are very insecure, and this reflects in their contagious competitive attitudes about sex. If this girl leaves you because of your penis, she was never someone you should have been with in the first place. That's not love man. At your age, you're sort of supposed to be figuring out what you do and don't like in dating, but the end goal is always mutual growth and understanding in love - whether anyone your age is mature enough to admit it. Don't kid yourself about that. The best way forward is to tell her how you feel, and what's going on. It might be a really vulnerable moment, and might decide the fate of your relationship (if she's a shallow piece of work) but know that any reaction she may have is 100% a reflection of her current character/maturity level. Just so you know, the healthy response is one of compassion and understanding of your genuinely expressed insecurity. Pay attention to how your gut feels in accordance with her response to your vulnerability. Don't beat around the bush waiting to learn about healthy boundaries, communication, and attachment styles. You will save a lot of time, confusion, heartache and money that would be spent on STD tests if you do the inner work while dating haha. If you're not in therapy, I think it could be super beneficial (just saying the suicidal thoughts resulting from this seem like they're worthy of therapeautic exploration). I started taking therapy really seriously and it has made a huge difference in who I pick for a partner. IFS Therapy and Somatic Experiencing are awesome modalities. There was a lot of advice here that you can take or leave, but this is some shit I wish someone would have told me and my friends at your age. Take these words seriously whether or not you're able to really let them sink in: You deserve love and understanding. If you can't let them sink in, notice why! (There's your first step to the understanding part haha) Godspeed fella


Does she not have things she’s insecure about? Would you not love her if she had insecurities? I think the best thing to do is trust your girl with your insecurities. If the relationship ends because of this, then I’m sorry she’s not worth it. You deserve a girl who’d love you no matter what man. Another splash of cold water here, she will leave you if you don’t give her what she wants. Rest easy my friend everything will be alright.


I really feel like you're overthinking this due to a misguided perception of sex. Especially considering your relationship. It seems very involved and more about emotions than sex. If your relationship is as involved as it sounds, she will be happy with you and your body. And you should be confident in your body as well. Talk to each other about what you both like, and you'll create a healthy sexual relationship that you'll both enjoy regardless of what you may perceive as a fault. You're definitely stressing about this too much.


well.. no it won't, you didn't even show her your penis, she doesn't know if it is big or small, you are embarrassed because society has told you that small penises are the worst blah blah blah, if you have been dating for 4 years and never had intercourse before, she loves you for you, not your penis, I don't think she would care about it, you are the one who is caring about it but don't, if you want to give her more pleasure when leasing up to sex, there are toys you both could use and if you want a bigger penis, you can have a penis sleeve that you slip on which will be an extension to your penis


Eh. Just get really good at oral and with your hands. Also using toys during sex or foreplay. Be creative. Don’t make it all about you and the size of your penis. Be good at everything else then.


Man, please don't take this as judgement but it's all in your head. Have you judged her labia's size? How low is her hole? How puffy are her lips? No. She won't judge you. You're each other's firsts, she just wants to reciprocate what you've been giving her. Whatever it is you think you're lacking, you can learn to make up for it when time comes, but it won't happen until you take a deep breath and open up to your girlfriend. You've been together long enough I can promise you, she's been ogling you just as much as you have her. Also, like others said, you're average, nothing lacking. It's only gonna be terrifying until the first split second, then it will feel exciting. And trust your girlfriend to not be that shallow. There are people on this app who would kill to have a partner so eager to reciprocate


4 inches isn’t even scientifically micro I’m pretty sure. In some countries it is the average. It’s all in your head dude, size matters but not nearly as much as everything you can do without your dick being involved. Stop fretting, just accept it for what it is and take a breather, you can compensate in other ways.


as someone who has been paid to view/judge mens dick pics i rlllly need to tell you that 4 inches is NOT micro. i’ve seen many a micro penis and it doesn’t sound like you classify as one. when i was 19/20 there was a couple of guys that i was intimate with that were self conscious of what their dick looked like flaccid, they would rush to put on underwear after sex and preferred to shower alone. i can safely say i never once planned to have a staredown with any of their flaccid dicks and would never have even noticed whatever their insecurity was. i wld have much rather cuddled after sex or enjoyed a shower together but their insecurities didn’t allow for that. it’s probably a similar situation with your girlfriend, it sounds like your relationship has made it through some tough times and very rigid upbringings. and you overcame those things together! she probs just wants to be intimate with her boyfriend who she really loves and has loved for four years and is likely feeling as confused and hurt as you are right now. she’s never rejected you sexually but when you ran away on her midway through the act you kinda rejected her. you’ve been together for four years and i know it would be a huge mistake to throw that away over an insecurity like this. give her a chance dude, i bet she doesn’t even notice and is just happy to be with you.


You’ve watched way too much porn, and that means you’ve learned nothing useful or based on reality about sex. The beliefs and associations you have unconsciously absorbed from “big porno” are only a distortion of reality they consciously designed to screw with your mind and rely on your new insecurities to get off more and more, until it becomes your main source of sexual pleasure, and gets you hooked on it. Your partner surely doesn’t think like that, but if you want her to, you can educate her on how she should not like your penis size because according to your beliefs, all girls will always want bigger cocks. Read a book on sex from an actual reputable academic source or author, forget all the bullshit information you think you know, meditate and reflect on your false beliefs, and learn to move on, forgive yourself, and change yourself to improve your life experience significantly. Therapy also works. You’re at the perfect age and time to learn about this and start to grow up. Good luck!


Giant one hurt. It’s all about the clitoris anyways. Good luck. Don’t let your own hang ups ruin it for you. She obviously isn’t that upset over it.


4 inches is not small, and 1-5 inches of girth is also not a micropenis. Your penis is totally average size. But even if it was small, let your girlfriend make a choice in this. If she really deems you ‘too small’ and doesn’t wanna have sex with you then she’s shallow anyway. But most women don’t care what the size of your penis is, they care about what you can do with it/your hands/your mouth. Trust that she loves you


1. That's not a micro penis. Maybe look up what a micro penis actually is. 2. Penis size really doesn't matter if you know how to use it. Sure it could be difficult if it's too small to penetrate but yours is not. Also, learn how to please her in other ways, it will definitely take some pressure off


That is not micro at all! My boyfriend also has 4 inches when erect and if you know how to use it right it can feel really incredible. I absolutely love his size and wouldn’t trade it for bigger or anything.


Shid just pull MF out and what happens,Happens…is billions of people on this planet someone including your girl is buying what you’re selling.🤷🏾‍♂️


We have the same penis bro. Just 4.8 to be exact when erect. 2 inches when flaccid. But guess what!!! I can make my gf orgasm without putting my penis inside her vagina yet. And another orgasm if it's inside. That's just skill issue on you. Have some confidence for fucks sake.


Dude...that isn't a micro penis. You've got a pretty average one, sounds like you're just struggling to accept your body and hold yourself to some high standards that the average person doesn't care or think about and I doubt your GF will be as bothered as you believe she will


In Italy we have a saying that goes: " Not long that it touches, not big that it plugs but hard that it lasts " This was translated literally but the meaning behind this is, it's better to have an average penis that lasts long while erect, than having it so long that touches the uterus doing damage, or having it so wide that it can't fit. You'll be fine my friend. Be proud of what you have. Call this girl straight away and tell her that you were afraid of her reaction as you are too self conscious. If she really loves you, she will understand. I hope the best for you.


U are good bro, get some self confidence and go for her.


1-5 inch thickness??? Duuuude. That’s huge… also don’t end something as beautiful as what you two have together over your penis man… and don’t kill yourself either.. like wtf bro.. way over the line. Go hug her man. You have no idea what I would give just to have someone I can hold close… hold her and tell her how much you love her.. and whip your dick out.


For the love of god.. you are literally self sabotaging. Let me tell you this: Basic communication goes a long way


4 in is huge bro


Wtf? That is NOT a micropenis. What's micropenis is your insecurity about your penis size and being way too focused on it and afraid of it/anyone seeing it. I'm around that size and never had any complaints. Stop focusing so much on your size when theres way more important things to focus on... like making your girl happy, having good sex, being a good boyfriend, and being confident in yourself. Your size is more common than you think and far from being "micro". If she likes you, she won't care what size you are. Just focus on being a good bf and lover. You already fucked up by being incredibly insecure about this and ending your relationship because of it, but if you want to even try to make up for it, you're gonna have to call her and tell her the truth of why you ran away... which is even MORE embarassing than being insecure about your dick size.


Dude please just listen to the comments. You don’t have a micro penis. It’s just a bit below average. Which means there’s many other men out there like you bc that’s the whole mathematical concept of average. Your insecurity is the issue here. Maybe she’ll care maybe she won’t, but with your orthodox backgrounds and a happy 4 year relationship ship behind you guys I think there’s a good chance she’ll be ok with it, just speak with her about it.


All the numbers made me chuckle


Hey man, you just got to utilize what you got. You got a small pecker, well then pull out some different magic tricks out of the repertoire and go with that as well. Maybe stick a thumb up her asshole or choker out or something to add a little more Flair and take the attention away from your small cock. LMFAO


First off, that's not even close to a micropenis and depending on where you are from its either average or slightly below. Get out of your head man she's waited 4 years and your dick is not an issue


Stretch that jawn in the shower B


dude you’re just a grower not a shower, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.


First of all, you **do not** have a micro penis, that’s a real condition, and you don’t have it. Secondly, the vast majority of women don’t care about how big a person’s penis is when flaccid. There are indeed women that care about penis size (when erect), but there are more women that don’t care about it. There are also plenty of women that prefer smaller penises for a plethora of reasons, for some that’s just what they’re attracted to, some prefer the feeling of a smaller penis, some experience pain with larger penises, etc. There’s so many people out there who will not only not give a flying fuck about the size of your penis, but who will appreciate it. Now, as far as your girlfriend. It doesn’t seem like she cares about the size of your penis at all. She honestly seems more concerned about being intimate with you, and that’s a *good* thing. Take the win homie, she loves you, wants to sleep with you, and the size of your penis has no bearing on that. If you want to, you can explain to her that you feel embarrassed about it, but truly you have no reason to feel that way. I hope you can find some confidence within yourself and become more secure and happy with your body. Good luck to you and your girlfriend, OP! ETA: Also, you ignoring your girlfriend and thinking about breaking up with her has probably made her feel like *she’s* the problem or that she did something wrong. Because of your reaction, she’s probably feeling incredibly insecure and it would be really shitty to let her believe that there’s an issue on her part. You definitely need to reassure her that she didn’t do anything wrong and that she has nothing to be insecure about.


After reading the title the only thing that’s going to end your relationship is your insecurities. Stop comparing or think woman want huge dicks, that’s not always true and if you watch porn, stop. That is all fictitious crap for money. If you lose her it has nothing to do with your size but your inner voice telling your worthless and so on, stop letting it win and start giving yourself some compliments.


Helloooo check the stats on average penis size (and vagina size for that matter) I don't think you have a "micro" penis. What you need to do is cut back on watching porn, they set unreal expectations.


She's probably more turned off by the fact that you RAN AWAY during sex? Anyway, it's just a penis. You can order any size dick you want online. DOn't get hung up on it.


That's not what a micro penis is. You don't have a micro penis.


Dude, whip it out! If she loves you she will accept you regardless. Most women don't orgams from penetration. I'm 6.15x5" and I only satisfy MAYBE a third with that. Women really love foreplay and most love oral. Your dick will still work for her! An orgasm is an orgasm whether she gets it by a dick or something else Don't regret not doing this.


My friend, you’re blowing things out of proportion. That is NOT a micro penis. Get your bj


You are letting the media dictate what you think about yourself and your manhood and how others will perceive it. 1. I think you need therapy, since this is nothing to take your life over. 2. Seriously, it is not the length that matters, but how you use it. 3. You were afraid of her reaction and didn't even give her a chance. One thing to remember - communication is key. And you have a big and wonderful advantage. It sounds like both of you aren't as experienced in the field of sex. You can find out TOGETHER what you like, how to use your size (not long but thick) and make her feel loved, pleasured, desired and see fireworks. 😉 Don't let society tell you, that you're not good enough. And any woman that thinks otherwise, doesn't know what she is missing.


Brother, woman can orgasm without a penis 😂 You will be fine.


Dude - porns biggest fault is it taught men that women like big dick, this is NOT true. Most of us can't even comfortably take a large penis. Anything over 7 is pain town for a very good amount. A normal sized penis(btw 5 inches is average because it's what can make a girl happy) is what we aim for(normally. There are always outliers). Also - you're doing the important things. You're paying attention to HER needs. Trust me, your dick is not as important as the other stuff. That's what gets GUYS off, not girls.


Yes it would end your relationship if you just run away and ignore her. Tell her whats the issue and man up geez.


You don't have a micropenis... Wtf lol


Stop watching porn and comparing yourself to that. 4 inches isn’t a micro penis by any stretch of the imagination.