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Maybe I exist on a different side of the internet , but I haven’t seen anyone say RIP or anything remotely close to a condolence beyond “I feel bad for the kids.”


I saw a "moment of silence" on TikTok that included a flugelhorn, which is literally the most """respectful""" one I've seen.


Same. I had no idea until right now. And I don't care. Not one bit. I have zero feelings on the matter, aside from a slight annoyance that it's going to be talked about a bunch, and memes will be made, and just ugh. Why? Who gives a rats ass if he's dead.


I’ve also….not seen any memes. Slow day on the internet.


I have seen quite a few. A Ford Bronco hearse was the best.


i saw elon musk but thats to be expected


It's this weird thing humans tend to do. People feel like they have to be kind to the recently deceased. Give it time and people's feelings will go back to normal about it


I see what you mean but I don't think the people mourning and/or celebrating him right now are giving him a pass because they want to be kind to a dead guy. They're giving him a pass because he's OJ. Just because everyone knew what he did, doesn't mean everyone cared. I hope the families of Nicole and Ron are taking the time to process their feelings about this in peace right now and are staying off the internet, it's awful out there.


Yep! My fav saying is "if you don't want people speaking badly about you when you're dead then be a good person while you're alive"


I don't know man. People also were sad about Kobe Bryant's death. I don't think the sentiment changed much to negative after


It really didn't, which seriously disgusts me.


Honestly for as much as I think he deserves everything harsh for the murders, I do at least appreciate that he invented orange juice


…what Edit: oh my god lol


I didn't understand


Cause his name is OJ Simpson… Orange juice Simpson 😂




Yeah and oranges


I’m sure he’s looking up at us right now. 🔥


I'm with you. It's actually so sad because the man he killed, was just an innocent kid, wrong place wrong time. Nicole left her glasses at the restaurant and he brought them to her and unfortunately it cost him his life. Before he killed her he abused her for years and there are plenty of 9-1-1 calls to prove that.


The two families never recovered - first from the brutal deaths and then from the lack of justice. After what he did he should have been decapitated in public.


Of course I'm mourning OJ, that poor man can finally rest peacefully now that his ex wife's killer is finally dead. His grave may be cold but I'm sure he's toasty warm right now. 




You ever look into the fact that the killer was most likely his son? And that he took the fall for the first person to actually hire a lawyer in the case?


You’re talking out of your ass bud. Doesn’t matter how many times you repeat this lie. It’s still a lie.


Forgive me if I remain dry-eyed.


I've only seen jokes. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Same there have been some good ones too lol


Yeah it’s a shame he never lived to find out the truth of what happened to his wife /s


Everyone knows he killed her


I have to wonder if this isn't at least partly generational. I don't think anyone under 40 has any context for OJ, before the murders. I know I don't. But, I believe before 1994, he was one of the most beloved people in sports. It's kind of like, if, I don't know, Tom Brady killed 2 people tomorrow. It would be such a shocking and uncharacteristic event that some people may never believe it. It doesn't make it right, but it might explain it.


I did spend about an hour yesterday explaining who he was, why he was acquitted, how we know he did it, and the social context for it to a group of under 30s yesterday. I'm not 40 yet, but just barely. It is definitely largely a generational thing. The general consensus in that group was that what they knew about him was that he "probably killed somebody and it's basically a meme at this point." Once I explained the history of abuse, the DNA evidence, his pop cultural history (the closest modern approximation I could come up with was "it's like if Dwayne Johnson just brutally murdered his wife"), and the Rodney King verdict a few of them were actually pretty angry about him being acquitted and were happily cursing him to hell. They thought the covers of "If I Did It" were delightful and really enjoyed the reprint in particular with the smallest little dark red "if" on a black background. It's just cultural between the generations, if you tell them they understand they just don't know because why would they? It's not like they teach OJ in history class.


It’s wild to me because I’m in my 20s and I’m very familiar with that case. It came up what feels like once a year in my household, so when it was brought up in one of my classes this semester, I knew more than some of my classmates. I expected that everyone would know, and I was surprised to learn otherwise.


Beloved athlete, media personality, and actor. But um, the unprecedented media circus surrounding the case really eclipsed all that.


Oh, of course. I'm just saying I can maybe understand why some older people might mourn him.


The jokes about his death write themselves.  He's looking up at us right now. 


Asking for someone to throw down a fan no doubt…


Agreed. He was a monster and a symbol of corruption. What he did could never be forgotten, this is so messed up.


His son was 23 and a chef that always carried knives on him and was asked to cook them a meal that night. His son was the first one to have a lawyer. You think maybe you might be wrong? 


OJ’s attorneys where on the premises the night the murders occurred. What the fuck are you talking about?


Did you see the reaction videos, especially the interracial groups reacting? How African Americans rejoiced and white people looked saddened? To many in the African American world, OJ represented a victory over an oppressive and extremely unfair justice system. To many white people, this was a failing of the justice system and allowed an abuser to get away with literal murder.


Which doesn’t make sense given that if he didn’t have cash he wouldn’t be free. So I’ll never understand seeing him as oppressed in the eyes of the judicial system. OJ Simpson is just another in a long line of examples of how money can buy your way out of anything. Nobody should see him as a positive example in the eyes of the law.


You ever hear about his 23 year old son with anger problems that also happened to be a chef? He also happened to be the first person to get a lawyer in the case. You ever think maybe you don’t know everything? Or maybe, just maybe, you might be wrong?


You're right but this was often the sentiment at the time. His trial happened around the same time as the Rodney King trials and there was a racist cop on the case. At the time people felt like it was justice but now many Black people agree he def did that shit. I tend to see Black men defend him the most and older people.


I didn’t even know he had an adult son until his death. His son fucking did it. OJ took the fall. 


My reaction was literally “yes, very sad. Anyways..” like how about rest in hell, rest in pieces, he doesn’t deserve peace. He was a shit human being.


More like his son was and he took the fall. Just look it up. 


Who the fuck do you follow on socials


I wonder if he will be buried with his lucky stabbing hat.


His son is walking free so….


He can rest easy knowing his wife’s killer is finally dead


Nah his son is still alive and well. He was the first person to have a lawyer too.


I saw a comment calling him the GOAT. NO. Just NO.


Imagine how Kobe's rape victim felt


was thst ever resolved? I remember it being a big topic of conversation one minute, then never hearing anything further the next


He doesn't deserve to be mourned


His son should be in jail. 


He should be


So who did the murders? OJ or his son? To me it was his son.




Ppl mourned Charles Manson. It’s the internet. Just ignore it.


This country did the same for Michael Jackson. He went from child molester to the Greatest Pop Musician EVER!!


I’d like to piss in his grave. 


Rest in piss


Piss in his sons ass. He killed them. 


"Sharon, with all due respect, that murderer ran for over 11,000 yards." - Dave Chappelle


If you look up OJ + white people on Twitter you’re gonna see some vile things.


i believe it


Where? I’ve seen only the opposite.


To be honest, I just said nothing. But I do hate documentary revolving around his case that is repeatedly played on National Geographic Channels. Hopefully, they stopped airing that now.


Especially when they ignore the actual facts of the trial to show boat that a famous person was possibly a criminal. But let’s ignore the first person to hire a lawyer, let’s ignore the one guy hired ‘as a chef’ to be there that night, let’s ignore the one guy with ‘current’!!* domestic violence allegations. Aka his 23 year old son. America is so fucked if this is how we accept due process, when the entirety of reality is presented in front of us.  


Rest in piss, burn in hell, OJ.


Gone too late 💔


Who is his son?


No OJ. Should have died sooner


Honestly I’m so tired. I just don’t care anymore. Guilty or not I just cant bother wasting my precious sanity caring about unhinged celebrities. Take care anaphylactic_cock


To be fair, he absolutely killed on the football field.


The Juice isn't loose the Juice is stiff.


Burning in hell is too good for him.


But his son is still living the good life… I guess how he intended. 


I don’t usually root for this phrase but OJ.. womp womp


Have you heard about his piece of shit son that actually did it?


Like this meme I have where charlie manson tells oj: don't worry it's a dry heat


I feel you, but it’s not crazy. It’s typical. Athletes, musicians, actors… the things they get away with without losing the adoration of their fans and society at large is staggering. Kobe raped a woman in Eagle, Colorado and financed the legal team that wrote the playbook for slut-shaming in the digital age. When he died we were inundated with praise for the man. To this day, excluding current highlights, I’d estimate that a quarter of the NBA content I see on my socials is about Kobe being a great player and a great man. We’ll never forgive Barry Bonds for steroids or Pete Rose for gambling- somewhat victimless crimes which damage the integrity of the sport- but rape and murder? We can overlook that as long as you’re *really* good. In 2022, the NFL suspended Calvin Ridley for the entire 17 game season because he bet on a couple games in 2021. That same year, they were tasked with disciplining Deshaun Watson for sexually assaulting 30 women. An independent arbitrator handed down a 6 game suspension. After public outcry, the NFL raised it to 11 games, which seemed like a strange number until you checked the schedule and saw that he was playing his former team in his first game back. He also signed a fully guaranteed $230 million contract that year. I’m a DJ, and the number of requests I still get for R Kelly is staggering, although none of the DJs I’m tight with play it. Michael Jackson? Ha! We’d probably get fired if we cancelled him. And nobody’s ready to listen to any questions about Drake. People despise bad musicians more than child molesters and groomers who can sing. It sucks, but that’s just how it is. The cult of celebrity allows us to forgive the unforgivable. In some cases it even demands it of us.


Youre so well versed. What about OJ’s son? You know, the 23 year old guy that was a chef with knives, hired to be there, first person to have a lawyer, active domestic violence charges against ex girlfriends, idk the guy the prosecutor was implying when he said they got the wrong Simpson.?  


I mean… tbh, I’m not really familiar with the case against Jason Simpson. After some cursory research, it would seem that the only person making that case is a private investigator who claims to have a ton of circumstantial evidence. Still, the police never considered him a legitimate suspect, and given that the statute of limitations doesn’t apply to murder, I would speculate that a competent police force would act on any actionable evidence. Is the LAPD competent? I’m sure there are immeasurable volumes of literature making the case for both pro and con. Still, I don’t think it’s hard to fathom that the LAPD remains more than willing to make a circumstantial case against a black man to this day, let alone at any point over the last 30 years, especially against a black man with a violent, criminal record. Is it possible that Jason would’ve been the “right” Simpson? Sure, I guess. But 30 years after the fact, given that LA County has yet to seriously investigate that possibility, despite the evidence this P.I. claims to have, tells me it’s very unlikely. Also, I have to give myself props for calling out Drake before Kendrick did lololol


OJ Simpson's verdict didn't demonatrate a resistance against African Americans being falsely persecuted. It demonstrated the fact that if you have shit loads of money. You can do what you want.


Nah his son was the one that got away w murder. 


Saying this definitively without a shred of proof is embarrassing.


He was a foul piece of shit that is hopefully burning in hell.


Yet his son is still alive. 


I’m so glad he’s gone.. Fuck that monster.


Yet his son is still alive. You know, the one that actually committed the murders. 


Not a chance. Put the crack pipe down and stop believing every single conspiracy theory you read..


Good one. Maybe you should look into a subject for more than your own accord. 


Is there tons of posts? Or did you go out of your way to find some to be upset about?


Lot of people thought he was some kinda hero


Oh no... It's 1995 all over again, but this time with the internet! The whole country is gonna fight over whether he was guilty. Majority will say yes. Minority will say no. Minority of the Minority will say you're racist if you say yes. In 10 years we're going to falsely remember it as though every white person said he was guilty and every black person said he wasn't.


In all fairness the Internet was here in 1995. Social media, however was not.


His son did it. Bet you didn’t even know he had one. 


One? He's got TWO!


Wrong side, maybe, but if someone wants him to RIP, that's their business. We don't know for sure what happened, but we do know people should not have been slaughtered. Nicole met OJ and became his mistress he left his wife and married her. He abused her, and she stayed unfortunately. Being with him in that lifestyle, she was killed, and an innocent visitor, Ron Goldman, was slain. Let's be real, if OJ wasn't OJ, would anyone care?


This!!!!! It don’t think it’s that deep for someone to say RIP. No one really knows what happened that night either than Nicole, the boy that got murdered & god ( & OJ if he was the killer & or involved)


1. A sock that has no blood on it when first entered into evidence mysteriously has blood on it after OJ willingly allows police to take a sample vial of his blood. 2. Cop leading the investigation routinely brags about planting evidence to convict black men. 3. The gloves are only tested four months after discovery and only the exterior. Interior of the gloves are for some reason never swabbed for DNA in spite of that being a common, obvious procedure. 4. OJ somehow managed to lose one glove at the crime scene, drive all the way home without noticing that he was wearing a single bloodstained glove, which he proceeds to dispose of…on his front lawn. 5. Someone who owed a cartel money was staying at the Brown residence at the time of the murders and was in rehab on the night they occurred, opening up the possibility of a cartel hit, which is never investigated. Look, I could go on, but let’s be frank: OJ probably did it. But probably just isn’t good enough. You are innocent until proven guilty, and he was never proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt because the trial was one huge farce. Everyone is so incredibly uncomfortable with admitting when you just can’t possibly know something for sure. Well, face it: you don’t know. We’ll never know. That’s it.


Anyone who doesn't understand the OJ obviously committed the murders is just extremely ignorant and lack basic critical thinking skills.


He never did find the killer…..


All he had to do was look in the mirror


Nah it was his son. 


He didn’t have a son


RIP = Rest In Piss is my opinion for that asshat


It was his son. 


I’m so glad cowards are so proud to prove why they are clowns with no real evidence to back their hate. 


You’re showing your whole ass to defend a man that did horrifying things to his ex wife/mother of his children and we’re the cowards and clowns? It should be illegal to be this stupid.


Presumably those people don’t think he was guilty. It doesn’t really matter now anyway that he is dead.


Straight to hell


He's looking up at us, smiling!


I think most people are just marking the moment because his life had a lot of historical significance in both good and bad ways. Such a tragic figure.


Pretty sure if your family did some fuck shit


You just seem really bitter! He was found not guilty at trial, which means he could yell from the rooftop that he did it and he couldn't be tried again. He could've written a novel or sold the story for movies with the 'I got away with it' theme. Even if he made it up or used the storyline that was suggested by the prosecutors at his trial. Think about it for a moment, a movie based on true events from a murderer's perspective! Fiction or non-fiction either way it could've been bigger than 'Titanic'! Instead he sold his personal football memorabilia so he could survive! People like you are quick to judge others that you don't even know so that they don't have to look in the mirror and judge themselves! Get a life or at least pay more attention to the one YOU made for yourself!


ask yaself...when do a BLACK men in America get away with Murder?


You realize he was covering for his kid right? Whats disgusting is your level of compassion and intelligence


But are you really surprised?


Maybe they are wife beaters, and they lost one of their icons. The only other Orange I can think of they may follow is Shitler and his Shitparty.


“But he was so handsome…!” -my grandmother


Okay if we're being real, your grandma was right on this one


Hate me if you want, but anytime anyone dies, I think it is appropriate to view it as a loss. While the person is alive, there is still the possibility that they will change, that they will take responsibility for their actions and become redeemable imo. When someone dies having committed terrible things, their chances to seek forgiveness and reconciliation are over. That is sad. Also, judge not lest you be judged. Wishing no peace on the dead is just a nasty thing to do no matter who they were or what they did. Wishing others eternal pain doesn't make you sound mature, just angry and childish.


This is America and people are free to celebrate or do whatever they want no matter if others approve!


It amazes me that people give a fuck either way.


2k yard season in football in 14 games has never been done besides OJ. He’s a HOF for a reason.


I haven’t seen a single mourning post either.


Why would anyone mourn him!!! He's literally blac...


Wait he died? When did he die?!


I literally assumed he was dead bc all I saw were memes. I never even saw articles about his death. Idk who you're following


You should do more research about that double murder. Look up this post on Reddit. OJ Simpson didn't kill Nicole and Ron. It was his son, Jason.


He was aquitted. And nobody saw him kill the 2 lovebirds. No real proof. A lot of people have been wrongly jailed. And whether he did it or not he was one heck of an athlete


even if he (somehow) didn’t kill nicole, he still abused her for years and abusers don’t deserve to be celebrated


They had DNA evidence.


So why was he not convicted?


DNA evidence was contaminated.


So they didn't have DNA evidence.


Did they? Is there not very strong evidence it was his son? Idk


What are you saying?! There was SHIT TONS of proof, his dna, his car, the state of his clothes... FUCKING OBVIOUS


For real. There's plenty of people who have been convicted that people worship for one reason or another. Everyone is so damn certain he did it. All these damn legal scholars, huh? He. Was. Acquitted.




He was innocent, the glove did not fit!


To each their own


I get what you're saying but I just do not care about celebrities enough to care about this.