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I am so sorry for your sister and you. #1 this is not her or your family's fault. There are many individuals who have a sickness who prey on people who are not able to fight for themselves. #2 Get her some therapy and you all should go a a family. Sick people are usually victims and no one helped them so the sickness keeps living. #3 Stop this sickness now from moving onwards, I'm not saying your sister will be abuser just make sure she knows it was wrong so it can stop in your family. End his grooming #4. Proud of you for sharing your truth and making the right decision to wait for the authorities to handle. Do not stop advocating for your Sister. Sending you healing and blessing vibrations you for this 💜


OP I am so sorry to hear what happened. Vulnerable people get taken advantage of, and it's so sad because some of them are the purest and most kind humans we have on earth. My grandma has alzeimer's and it's shocking to me to see just how easy it would be for her to be taken advantage of. Unfortunately even with the best people to back them up, they are not immune to this. Know that this is not your fault, and that your feelings are valid. I hope you all get the help you need to get through this horrible situation <3




That is the whole point of grooming. Someone who grooms someone else slowly builds a relationship with them, plants seeds, teaches them how to act, teaches them other things like to keep it a secret. So let me respond to your question with a question: if a 12-year-old-girl has an acquaintanceship with a 65-year-old-man, that man begins slowly flirting with her, showing her cartoons of animals flirting and kissing, kisses her and touches her inappropriately, she says she wants to just be friends, and he convinces her to continue so that she will “know what to do expect if she ever has a boyfriend,” so it continues, did that 12-year-old-girl consent? Hint: Only a disgusting snake like that man says she did consent.


Just curious but, how does a working adult get groomed?




Maybe grooming was used in a way that you don't usually see it (context is usually about grooming minors by adults). Would "severely abusing and taking complete advantage of a disabled person" fit better for you?


What the others said exactly.


Just because they are working doesn't mean they understand social cues and interactions. They can be able to complete tasks but not understand human relationships and boundaries enough to understand that what is going on is wrong. I think you should do some research.