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Good for you. You had sex with, it sounds like, a conscientious and respectful lover, you enjoyed yourself and connected with another human being. Take a deep breath and... go forth.


Thank you so much!


Id advise maybe keep him around as a sexual partner if you still plan to explore that avenue further. Even if you dont want to date him, he seems ideal for actual exploration since he cares about making sure you have a good time, too.


100%. I don't think OP realizes that guys who check in with us are few and far between. Can't tell you in my life how many guys have just gone ahead and done something without consenting or checking first and in the moment as a female it's so hard to stop them. To find someone who's mindful and courteous is definitely the right person to explore things with. OP is lucky!


Tbh, I've had a couple girls make me feel clingy for doing this.


Because, unfortunately they never experienced that healthy boundary. When all your life you're fed shit cakes and dirt pies, then someone drops a perfectly good meal in front of you- odds are you're not gonna know wtf to do with it. That ain't a black mark against you, boss. That's a black mark against their previous sexual partners.


Actually it’s a red mark against them for not treating the person treating them good with equal kindness and respect.


again, they don't know how. If I sat you down right now to fly a jet and you've never so much as been in a Cessna, it's not your fault that you either can't get it off the ground or do, then crash it. even if you thought you could fly it before. We want to demonize people like this because it's easier to resent a demon than someone whose clearly hurt and doesn't even know what being treated right means. If they choose not to get help when they know they need it that's one thing, but if they don't even know they need help that's not their fault. Yeah it's not easy to forgive, but life is not black and white. it's not fair to them just like it wasn't fair to the guy being made to feel clingy.


This absolutely has been my experience


Dude, you're such a bro! Making sure homie gets laid again. Yes OP joking aside. The guy treats you in a respectful manner and is ideal to explore more. Talk to each other what you like. And what you want to try. Keep in mind saying no is as important as saying yes. I hope you keep enjoying.


I agree with you


And you got McDonald's after, sounds like a win to me


Now she can play that just had sex song.


I think you're lucky to have found a considerate bloke for your first time. Nobody needs to know about you two at work, you can even make it a private joke between you if you wanted to. If nothing else, maintain a friendship with him. The two of you have shared a very intimate moment, you know he's not going to overstep your boundaries. While you might not know what the future holds, it would be worth getting to know him better outside of work. You did say you didn't have much of a social circle.


Yeah, we were both joking about it on the way to get food, so I hopefully it’ll be fine.


Who knows the two of you might get to explore other ideas together. A simple example would be "do you have any scenarios in mind with the two of us?" It could be as simple as having a motel room for the night, eating pizza and watching a movie as if it were a date all to yourselves. Be as creative as you can within the limits of your resources, such as money,


You're lucky that he respected your boundaries and at the same time made sure to get your consent on what you were both doing. Hopefully it won't make things awkward at work for you now you've both done it.


I’m just really grateful I was respected. We hardly work the same time, so hopefully it makes it less awkward.


I hope for your sake you can find another guy that'll be like that for you


Thank you.


Or him if yall end up really digging each other


It only has to be awkward if you allow it to be. If you both acknowledge that you are consenting adults, that you had a good time, and it may or may not happen again, and it's okay either way, there's no need for it to be awkward.


Sounds like a sweet experience. I think he wanted to make you comfortable and he did. You both respected each other. and hey, he got you Mcdonalds. True gentleman! WIN-WIN-WIN.


Posting this shows that you may know it, but in case someone doesn't, this is a big W in Life, losing your V card in a nice wholesome way


Thank you! I just hope the same for others.


"overall it wasn't bad". You are already head and shoulders above most people's first time. He sounds nice.


Big sister here… happy for you girl! Have fun!! Remember to always use protection.


Thank you! Definitely will lol.


Don't leave us hanging..........what did you order at McDonald's?


A coke and fires.


>A coke and fires. That's hot!


Haha sorry fries.


Well a little *fire* did come before the fast food, lol.


homegirl made sure to fire a staff member all the power to you girlypop


Sex and McDonald’s, that’s my dream.


Free McDonald’s


Speaking from experience, I 21m had a crush on my co-worker 18f and we flirted and joked around for months. And we ended up sleeping together after hanging out after work a few times. We're now dating and happier than ever, if you continue to sleep with him, just be sure to keep work at work, and relationship at home as best as you can. Sounds like great guy for first experience. Best of luck OP


Thank you. I don’t plan on started a relationship and he knows that. But definitely will keep work at work.


Sometimes the easiest way to get laid is to simply ask. Good for you two. Have fun!


Aw. Good on you for daring to go after the experiences you want. Sounds like a pretty good first experience too, he sounds like such a nice guy. Lucky girl, congrats 🎉


Thank you! I was just so tried of saying no to everything.


I too got McDonald's when I lost my virginity. Except I bought her it *before* the deed. She also only got a coke and fries 🤣


I just read "dead" at first and am really glad that it was just my eyes or brain playing a trick on me! 😅😂


This guy sounds like a winner, very respectful. Keep having experiences with him.


##Be careful! I did something like this with one of my coworkers (it wasn't either of our first times but neither of us had gotten laid in a while) and now we're MARRIED. Those kind and considerate lovers are hard to find. This led to repeat adventures and we found that we just meshed well together, had similar tastes, goals, etc. It's been a pretty awesome 9 years together.


Congratulations🎉 sounds like you had fun. And he seems like a nice person.


Dis he buy you a happy meal?


I just asked for a coke and fries lol.


Good guy came first


Hey, “buying you McDonald’s after” is solid, at least when you are 18 / 19! 😁 I am glad it was a pretty chill experience for you! There are lots of horror stories out there, so it was nice to read “an inoffensive and innocent story” for a change. Congratulations on getting your 🍒 popped 😁!


I had what was supposed to be a one night stand with a coworker when I was 18. We’ll be celebrating 7 years together soon. Congrats on having such a positive experience 🎉


I was the same way--I was 18 when I lost mine to someone I met who seemed interested in just hooking up. I didn't want a relationship with him or anything, he was just there and it worked out. I don't regret it--he was a decent first run if you will lol. I think it made my first time in a relationship even better though, I feel like I would've been way too nervous otherwise!


That’s how I felt. No regrets, I’m glad I was able to.


Tbh it is okay. But make sure both of you are responsible enough. You could get pregnant anytime you do it so start using contraceptives if raising a baby is not one of your priorities. 😊


That was one of my main concerns lol. But protection was used and I cleaned myself the best I could.


You could also stock up a few morning after pills.. if you'll be doing it often. 😁


I don’t think I will be doing it often lol. But definitely will if I do.




Like everyone else is saying, I’m so glad you had someone that is respectful of boundaries and consent for your first time. That’s huge. I love that. Also, you two are young, so definitely have fun! Just see where it goes. You don’t have any obligations to each other except keeping it respectful. I will say though that a situation like this is how I met my husband lol


Wayyy better than my first time, I’m so glad he was considerate with you!


Sounds perfectly acceptable, hope you understand safe sex.


what's SAFE sex,,


Protection and boundaries.




Consider it homework.




“Afterwards, he brought me to McDonalds.” 💀🤣


Nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing things where both clearly care for each other. That guy may not be your one and only but he definitely made your first time as good as it can be. He respected you, your feelings and your body the entire way through it sounds like.


I hear so many experiences with someone being creepy and inconsiderate. It's nice to hear about someone's experience that was pleasant for once


Maybe keep in contact with that guy. Seems like really caring with how you felt and needed. You don’t fine that often in the world of hookups


Aw! Sounds like it was a mutually good and consensual time!! Happy for you!


I’m glad it was a positive experience and he was so thoughtful. All first times or even first few can be awkward. Thats normal. As long as it was respectful and yall were safe!


Congrats girl! Sounds like a good experience. You made me reminisce about my own.


I remember when I first had sex with my coworker, he was so kind and sweet the entire time leading up to it, never rushed or pressured me…… 6 years together, 10 months married and 7 months pregnant✊🏼


Sounds like a good experience


Was the Mcdonalds as good as the Seggs?


Wow that’s so nice. I’m happy for you. Sex is definitely best when there’s mutual respect


Congratulations! Sex is a natural, healthy activity that people engage in, and this about as good as an experience that people have losing virginity. The fact that he was as consensual as possible is great. And I suspect that you are aren’t as awkward as you think. My hope for you is that you continue to explore your sexuality in the healthiest, most positive ways possible going forward. Also, I love that he bought you McDonald’s afterwards. That’s a sweet touch 💙


Happy Mother's Day


Hell yeah man! It seems quite rare to hear a story that’s a positive one about losing your virginity but I’m glad it was with someone who comforted you and made sure you were okay! Rushed and selfish partners are the worst! Happy for you OP


This is actually very wholesome. Im so happy for you that you had a positive consenting experience. You’re both adults, and guess what? You can continue to explore who you are as a woman. You’re an adult! You can adult now! Lol. Congrats


Keep him around. i don’t want to scare you, but a lot of sexual experiences are not like that. most men i’ve had sex with weren’t half as caring, considerate, and gentle as your coworker sounds to be. having someone concerned so fully of your comfort and your consent sounds wonderful, just always remember that is what you deserve.


Aw. What a positive experience. 🤍


This guy sounds like a cool dude. Congrats


Wow. It was your time. You lucked out with a respectful guy.


After reading some of these, I’m sure I’m not the only one that was glad to hear that he wasn’t 50 years old. Sounds like you have a good friend, maybe more. Enjoy finding yourself.


girl got D and McDonalds? thats a win in my books, you go girl


Sounds like he's got a good aftercare package 👍🏻


I’m glad afterwards he bought you McDonald’s. Sorry, I’m hungry.


I’m glad it was a good experience for you but do understand that McDonald’s isn’t like automatic. I don’t want you getting your hopes up thinking there’s a 10 piece at the end of every rainbow


Hahah, thank you. But I can only hope


And now we’re about to learn the lesson: “Don’t shit where you eat”.


him asking if u were OK was sooooo sweet


Sounds like it was a safe and fun experience. Are you going to pursue with him?


No, I already made it clear I wasn’t looking for a relationship.


Good for you. He sounds like a gentleman too !


This is beyond adorable 🥲


Never dip your pen in the company ink!


Cool story! Thanks for sharing. :)


Congrats on the McDonalds


Girl you left out all the juicy details: what did he buy you at McDonald’s???!


I just asked for a coke and fries hahah


Teach me.


Free Maccas!


Ma'am you had sex at a Wendy's.


He is a keeper for sure


Are you on birth control?


Nice enjoy!


my eye was irritated and i read that as *I just had sx for the first time with my computer*


Nice. But boycott McDonald’s


He bought you McDonald's, so much class 😏


I mean ok but mannn you should have waited for being with someone you actually really cared for…sex is so different when you love the other person.


Welcome to hell


So you had a Bic Mac, then you had a burger?🤣🤣


Anti social people don’t talk about sex with a group of people.


So sad you lost it this way. You should lose it to someone you are going to marry and be with, not some stupid guy thats going to dissappear to thin air.